7598/When Emma Met Mary

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When Emma Met Mary
Date of Scene: 29 August 2021
Location: Coffee Shop in Manhattan
Synopsis: When Emma met Mary Part 1
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Mary Bromfield

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost doesn't always go to coffee shops. She has people she can hire to do that sort of work, even if she loves the particular work of some artiste behind a big corporation's stone cold logo. It is by happenstance that the blonde walked into the coffee shop that day a week ago and saw Mary Broomfield at work.

She sensed right then and there that the woman was something special. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, and she did not use her telepathy. Sometimes it is just more fun to guess, to use actual detective work. Whatever the case, Emma Frost was very much interested.

A week ago this flame sparked, and now Emma Frost walks into the coffee shop again, but it is late in Mary's shift, the former White Queen of the Hellfire Club clad in white and looking nothing like she belongs in a place like this. Emma is all designer clothes and attitude, the woman who poses a bit after walking inside so everyone gets a good look before she is moving on.

Knowing very well she causes the slow motion effect where the world around her seems to move slower in her wake, Emma puts it to the best effect, reaching the counter and smiling at Mary Broomfield.

The question of what does she want is answered simply with a bold, "You, darling. I know your turn is ending in a few, and if you so desire, I have a limo waiting for you outside. Do not be late. Destiny awaits for no one." She winks winsomely at the other woman, and turns to leave, leaving Mary, hopefully, curious enough that she will pursue.

People rarely ever resist her charm, and the promise of what may come. Emma knows her game.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     Mary works at a good pace, shifting forward and back, moving to make, retrieve or swap places. It is winding down as the rush passes, and the brown-haired young woman is looking forward completing her shift, but that doesn't mean she isn't also looking to make the last few tips before cash-out. Emma Frost is unmistakable. She would be, even if she had never been in the news. That is not the case though. A moment before Emma gets to the counter, Mary is fully a set of cups off the machines.

     She smiles as she looks to the woman, a cup in her off hand, 'EF' written on it with what ever Emma ordered last time, people usually love to have their drinks remembered. That, that was not what Mary was expecting. She is sort of left stunned a second, and then gets back to a couple more rushed minutes before giving the puppy look to her boss. Wins nine out of ten. Ditching the apron and cutting out as quick as she can with the faint bathroom mirror hair and make-up check and touch-up.

     If it was a test, Mary is out three minutes early and seeking the limo. A little nervous, but more, the young eager than anxious. She heads for the door when she picks it out and settles in as she can.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is all style. When Mary crawls into her limo the young woman is greeted into a completely new world of absolute indulgence, the furthest thing away from being a barista and living a simple life.

It starts, as all things do, with the White Queen and her long legs, folded, leaning back against the seat with a smile on her beautiful lips, the sunglasses giving her a touch of detachment and cool factor that is certainly by design. The sleeveless dress reaches just above the middle of the thighs, knee high boots completing the little number.

The limo itself is all in soft tones of ice, ivory and extremely pale lilac, all hues of the same thing to enhance Emma's own preferred color and motif. She peers at Mary, plucks her glasses down her thousand dollar nose to peer at Mary with scorching blue eyes. Lips curl into an amused and pleased smile.

"I like you. I like you a lot. You are quite the go-getter, aren't you?" Head angling so she can peer at Mary more intensely, Emma pats the spot on her side so the other woman comes closer.

"Tell me about yourself, dear. Name. Why are you working as a barista? Why did you come into this car tonight?"

Emma taps on the glass that separates them from the driver, and the limo is off, wherever it is going. The mutant gives Mary's form a once over. "You know who I am, don't you?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     Of course, everything is amazing the type of life the former foster-kid always longed for. For Mary though, something had happened, and not what she had expected at all. Now she was still coping with her powers. The limo just has her looking around for a second, few things, no matter how posh or extravagant can compete with Emma just being there. Now sitting next to her.

     Mary was so trying, and so failing at playing it cool. A tremble quelled as soon as she could, she had forgotten if she was hot or cold. She tucked her long brown hair behind one ear, it wasn't a very conscious improvement, it was a thing to do with her hand to keep it from looking more nervous. "I would suggest you never bet on someone not accepting such an invitation." The young woman offers with a bit of a faint blush.

     A glance to break eye contact down, oh why did she have to dress so plain. "Well, Ms. Frost, yes, I am aware of you. "I am a foster-kid girl that got lucky enough to be accepted to NYU. Oh, I worked really hard to do it, to get the scholarships. To make sure to make my foster family of great people proud. The barista thing, that pays for the clothes on my back and anything not on campus." A pause and she shakes her head, "I really wish there was an amazing thing I could say. But, I am just going to hope I make past the next traffic light."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     Of course, everything is amazing the type of life the former foster-kid always longed for. For Mary though, something had happened, and not what she had expected at all. Now she was still coping with her powers. The limo just has her looking around for a second, few things, no matter how posh or extravagant can compete with Emma just being there. Now sitting next to her.

     Mary was so trying, and so failing at playing it cool. A tremble quelled as soon as she could, she had forgotten if she was hot or cold. She tucked her long brown hair behind one ear, it wasn't a very conscious improvement, it was a thing to do with her hand to keep it from looking more nervous. "I would suggest you never bet on someone not accepting such an invitation." The young woman offers with a bit of a faint blush.

     A glance to break eye contact down, oh why did she have to dress so plain. "Well, Ms. Frost, yes, I am aware of you. "I am a foster-kid girl that got lucky enough to be accepted to NYU. Oh, I worked really hard to do it, to get the scholarships. To make sure to make my foster family of great people proud. The barista thing, that pays for the clothes on my back and anything not on campus." A pause and she shakes her head, "I really wish there was an amazing thing I could say. But, I am just going to hope I make past the next traffic light."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma keeps her eyes firmly on Mary while the woman speaks and tells her story, and the White Queen seems quite interested in the things she hears. Blue eyes follow that hand that wrangle a lock of hair out of place, but Emma makes no comments, she gives Mary all the rope she needs to hang herself with, so to speak, with nods and smiles.

Only when Mary stops is that Emma reaches for the woman. She does so very slowly, so that mary has ample time to flinch, and to anxiously wait, for the grace of fingertips along her cheek. Emma's look is clinical at first, as she treads fingers through Mary's hair here and there, styling her hair a little, making it a bit more wild, but not by much.

Just enough.

"I have never been denied companionship, but I seldom find someone so eager. I usually do not go for... simpering, but that is not quite you, is it, Mary? You... just happen to know what you want. You want to make your family proud, you want the finest education, you wish to make something of yourself." Emma smiles then, "And you know an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when you see it."

The blonde gives the other woman a crooked smile, entertained by the barista. "There is something powerful inside you. Something... the right pair of hands could shape into something... magnificent." Emma bites her bottom lip, "I guess my next question for you is what do you want more: to hear what I have to say and what will be our future moving forward, or if it is to grace my lips with yours?"

Emma knows she is being blunt, but everything with her is a test, to which the answers help shape her understanding of others.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     Mary Bromfield did get the wherewithal to actually check a street name at an intersection. This was certainly a thing that could be too good to be true. Still, her attention is wheeled back in quickly at the hand. If Emma is going to toy with her hair a little, there is not going to be any complaint from Mary. Still butterflies in the stomach, a just don't wake up at this second from the back of her head. Of course, the legendary White Queen does share her name and presence with a very different character too, that passed out sweets.

     The tone of the woman's words also starts to set off a few tiny echoes of concern. "I don't like to think I simper, Ms. Frost.. I apologize. I don't meet people like you." Her torso and pushes a bit forward and her shoulders slide back to improve her posture to a more solid way. "Yes, I do.. And to get in a car with you was a once in a lifetime opportunity already. No doubt silly." She is strong, Mary Blomfield was that long before Eternity Rock happened. "I think you flatter me, and to accept that, it is not the best show of character. Still, you are pretty amazing, and a little of that just does affect people like me. Not apologizing for that, just owning it. I would really love to know this opportunity, Ms. Frost. Obviously, something greater than the kiss. I believe you. So, yes, I want to talk more." A little cough. "I think I can offer some strength of character. I make a great cup of coffee, and I try hard at everything. If there is more to me, we'll save some for modesty?"