799/Heart of the (Tarot) Cards

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Heart of the (Tarot) Cards
Date of Scene: 27 March 2020
Location: New York Public Library
Synopsis: Julie meets Mary at the library to go over Julie's final paper for school. They're approached by a lost French girl, and Julie ends up asked on a date by Marie-Ange's tarot deck.
Cast of Characters: Julie Power, Mary Bromfield, Marie-Ange Colbert

Julie Power has posed:
The Creative Writing club meets after school on Fridays. At least that was the flier that Julie had read on line when she was researching places to go. New to this section of New York, she wanted to get out and about and see what she could find. Arriving at the library, she has her strawbery blonde hair pulled back with a hair band of while cloth.

She wears a crop top sweater that cinches around her torso, made of bright colors, with a picture of TacoCat chasing a raindbow. A pair of blue jeans are held up with a wide-leather bejewelled belt to match her wide bottom pants and open toe boots as she looks around the library to figure out where the meeting is, her feet lightly clicking on the marble floor.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary was already there, working on a very beat-up looking laptop that seems a few years out of date. She's wearing a comfortable looking black and red zip-up hoodie with a 'N7' on the left chest, with her normal outfit underneath. She glances up and sees Julie coming over, giving her a warm smile and a wave.

Though, of course, she doesn't //say// anything until Julie gets close because, well, library. "Hey, you're here for the writing group?"

Julie Power has posed:
"I'm in the right place, then? Oh thank goodness!" Julie offers as she heads over to join Mary. Her own laptop is covered with stickers from various anime series, namely of the magical girl group variety as she sets her laptop on the table. "I was scared I was the only one, or that I had the date wrong or that it was cancelled. I didn't think to RSVP to the facebook group."

Because admittedly, Julie Power would have drawn attention she wasn't exactly keen on bringing over. Offering her hand to Mary, she smiles warmly. "I'm Julie." Then she notices the logo on the hoodie and brightens, "I love Mass Effect, though I think EA totally copped out on the ending. May I join you?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary brightens, "Yeah, my brothers all do their Minecraft thing, but I like the roleplaying games. And by the way, if you spoil last night's Critical Role I will //end// you." She grins, obviously joking as she takes the offered hand, "Mary, and it's nice to meet you Julie."

She chuckles, "I graduated last winter, actually, but I talked to the teacher and he was okay with me staying with the group to help out. But yeah, don't get me started about that ending..."

Julie Power has posed:
"Haven't had a chance to play it yet, my brother totally hogs it with Call of Duty, and my baby sister is always wanting to plug up the switch to play Animal Crossing, so it's going to be a while before I get a chance to play again." Rolling her eyes, Julie takes a seat across from Mary and opens her laptop to start to log into it. "Hopefully I'll graduate in May. But my grades were slacking and I really need to knock them dead with my final paper in English, or I'm so summer school graduation bound. And noone wants that."

She gets the laptop started to start to bring up the paper. "Do you go to college? Is it fun? I want to go, but..." she giggles. "...I'll probably be a terrible college student. What, all video games and such."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Just started, and yeah... it's fun, but it's busy busy busy. Between classes, working at the coffee shop, and then doing some investigative reporting on the side... well, I don't really have much time for any sort of... what do they call it, a life? Yeah, that." She laughs a bit, "But it's really interesting, so I wouldn't give it up, either."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Add another to the crowd of new arrivals, as a redhead walks into the library. Loose fitting yellow shirt, long black skirt and sneakers make up her look. She carries a book clutched against her chest, and wears an expression that's best described as anxiety-meets-distress.

Pacing back and forth in place for a moment, she wonders to herself, "Ou est Jennifer? Elle a dit qu'elle serait la maintenant..." before starting to take slow, careful steps around the building, head on a swivel and searching for something, or someone.

Julie Power has posed:
"Oh, cool. Investigative reporting? Anything interesting?" she asks curiously as Julie finally gets the paper up. "Alright, so this is just my first draft. But this is the paper that will hopefully get me into college." Looking it over one last time, she turns the computer around to face Mary as she hears the new arrival and smiles towards Marie. "Are you looking for someone? I don't speak... any French." But she at least recognized a couple of words.

On the screen as Mary looks at it is a title and an author...

                         My Life as a Tween Superhero                        
                                by Julie Power                                

'I was ten years old when I was first introduced to Whitey, the alien that would change my life forever by recruiting me and my siblings to rescue my parents from a different alien race that wanted to weaponize my father's latest invention...'

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins at Julie, "Well, got a tip the other day about some 1% kids starting a drug lab. Checked it out, and... well, the photographer that was with me got a call out to Spider-Man to bust it. That was really cool to write about." She smiles, and adds, "And well, the photographer was pretty cute too."

Then, when Julie talks to Marie, she smiles over at the new arrival, waving at her, "Allo, parlez-vous Anglais?" Her accent is very Queens, but at least she's trying!

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
There's a jolt from Marie as she finds herself approached, and one hand immediately dips into a pocket sewn into her skirt to withdraw... a playing card? No, it's a little taller than the average Hoyle offering. There's a quick glance at it, a nod to herself, and then green eyes turn fully to Julie. Which is now Julie /AND/ Mary! Oh no. OH NO. More people.

...but the deck said it was safe.

So she steels herself for a moment or two, swallows, and nods again. "Oui, I do. Not... very good, but I do." Her voice is heavily accented, but she's better than she gives herself credit for. "I was... meant to meet my friend here. She is tall, young, blonde, very pretty," Jenny would say so herself! "...have either of you seen her?" There's just a faint amount of hope in her voice.

Julie Power has posed:
"Oh, is that a tarot card? That's neat. I had a friend of mine try to read my fortune with that once. She got it totally wrong." she admits as Julie gives a warm smile, rising up for a moment to greet Marie. "We haven't seen anyone else pass by, but you're welcome to join us until she arrives? If two people are looking for each other, it's usually way better if one of them waits on the other." she points out with a little smile.

"So tell me about this photographer!" she says to Mary, giving her a swift smile. "You said he was cute. Did he ask you out?" she asks curiously as she folds her hands over each other after retaking her seat to wait for Mary to read over the paper some more.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blushes a little, "He didn't, but... well, I borrowed his laser mic, so he //has// to give me a call back, right? But he was pretty cute, definitely. And nice, which is a serious plus."

She then looks over at Marie, "Oh, that's fine, you're doing great with it, but I think the only pretty blonde I've seen was Julie here..." She then blinks, as what Julie wrote on the first draft of her paper sinks in, and she grins at Julie, "Wait, Julie //Power//? I just caught that! You're awesome!"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
A nod towards Julie, "Oui, it is. I... have some experience with doing readings, so perhaps I could do one for you sometime, if you would like." Another slow nod from Marie. As far as the offer? Well, it makes sense... but she has to check. Hand into pocket, card comes out. "I will accept your gracious offer, Mademoiselle... Power?" A look is given over towards Mary on that note, since she's the one who identified Julie.

Then, she moves to take a seat at the table, setting her textbook atop it -- a U.S. history book, from the looks of it -- and looking towards the others. Letting them talk, for the most part, but adding a grateful, "Merci, Mademoiselle. I took some lessons prior to my arrival here, but... I still struggle at times."

Julie Power has posed:
"Oh, he'll definetly need it back, but sometimes they need a hint, right? I mean, not that I know." Julie demures, especially when Mary calls her a pretty blonde, and the young woman shrinks a little in her seat, fingers playing with her strawberry blonde locks. Cheeks darkening, she offers. "I'm Mary, this is Julie... I mean, I'm Julie, this is Mary." Someone may be a little off-balance at the moment.

And then Mary recognizes her name and she laughs a little in embarassment. "That's me." she manages. "But I mean, my brothers and sister did way more than me." The paper continues, talking about trying to hide her identity from her parents, the stories that they had to make up -- a humorous antedote about her parents taking her to the doctor once because they thought she might have had a bladder problem with all the needs she had to go to the bathroom in the midsts of a crisis.

Then it goes into something that few people know. The subways of New York, the hidden mutant population. Helping the X-Men -- though she doesn't name that specifically... and her accidental killing of a supervillain, and having to deal with that in her dreams.

Glancing to Marie at the offer of the tarot reading, Julie brightens. "I'd like that." she says quietly to the French girl. "How long have you been in America?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles at Marie, then looks back over towards Julie, "Wow, well, this looks pretty well done to me. Maybe there's a few things that can be tightened up a little bit, but otherwise, I really like this. It's a good read." She grins at the blonde, apparently not noticing Julie's reaction to her compliment. "I can't imagine how crazy it would be to be a family of superpowered folks... that's got to be insane sometimes."

Yeah, she has NO idea how that would work. Yup. No idea at //all//.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
One hand goes to her mouth to cover her giggling as Julie fumbles the introduction. /This/ part is easy, at least. It's just a matter of remembering her lessons from boarding school. After collecting herself, she extends a hand towards the pair, palm down. "Je m'appelle Marie-Ange Colbert," A pause, and she translates quickly. "My name is Marie-Ange." Leaving off the last name, because they did.

"I have been in America for... a couple of months, now? There is still a lot here that confuses." Of course, she led a pretty sheltered life before that, so. Of course, the conversation between the pair is something she's been paying attention to, so her eyes go wide and Julie gets a look of... amazement? Someting like that. "You... have powers?"

Is everyone in America a superpowered person? She never saw so many in France!

Julie Power has posed:
"I left out the part where we all managed to switch our powers once, and I became Molecula." Julie admits with a laugh, waiting for Mary to finish reading - the part about Loki's attack. About the public outing of the team. The reactions of horror from her parents, the news stroies on how young too young is to be a superhero. The promise not to be a superhero anymore. And a last line...

                      ...but sometimes. I still do fly.                        

"You liked it?" Julie asks Mary, making sure she didn't mishear the woman as she listens to Marie and giggles. "I do. It's nothing special." she admits quietly. "There are people out there way more powerful than me."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "I do, I mean, it reads very well, and it has a lot of heart, Julie. I definitely can relate to it." She smiles warmly, "It feels like this can reach a lot of people, especially young people with superpowers." She hmms, "Actually, once you get this finished up... I'd love to have a copy to share with people. If that's okay?"

Marie, then, gets a cheerful smile, "Your English is probably a lot better than my French, mademoiselle, but if it makes you feel any better... I've lived here my whole life and I find it weird still. Though I blame my little brothers for that." Her lips quirk a bit, "Though don't worry, I'm just a normal person, no powers at all." Honest!

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I see..." Marie trails off at the mention of it not being anything special. Maybe her initial thought was right, and everyone in America has powers? If that's the case, it'd be easy to come out and admit that she...

...until Mary mentions that she's powerless. Maybe she sould keep the secret a little while longer, then. So instead, she focuses on the things she /can/ talk freely about. "French is not a hard language to learn, with some practice." Easy for a native speaker to say! "...but I thank you for your kind words nonetheless, Mademoiselle."

Julie Power has posed:
"My parents made me take Spanish, I wanted to take French." Julie sighs. "It's such a romantic place and language..." she admits. "I want to go there someday, see all the things. Lourve, Arc de Triumph, the Eiffel Tower, the bridge where all the lovers put their locks." A dreamy little sigh at that as Julie flashes Mary a smile. "I hope you and your reporter friend hit it off!"

She turns the computer around to make some notes where Mary had indicated on the paper. "Maybe you can do one of those tour things? They're always pretty cool to learn about the city. I did one when I first moved here. Should probably do it again someday."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Took French for two years, but I never really practiced it after it..." She chuckles at Marie, "Yeah, English mugs other languages in dark alleys and rifles through their pockets."

She then looks over at Julie, "Wow, you know, a tour of New York would be fun to do sometime. I don't think I've even done anything like that, and I'm just from Queens."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie can't help but look away slightly, her cheeks turning pink at the concept of France being a romantic place and home to a romantic language. "It... oui, it is a beautiful country." A slight smile, "Perhaps some day, you can visit and see these places for yourself, non?"

...then comes the mention of tours, and it's considered for a few moments. Then the cards are conferred with. Just a single draw is enough to answer the most minor questions! "Perhaps I should do a tour, as well. Become more... familiar with the city, oui?" she asks, inclining her head. "You would both be welcome to join me, if you wish."

Julie Power has posed:
"I would hope to visit someday, Marie. Maybe find a proper tour guide." Julie glances down, fidgeting with the cuff of her sweater. When the tour is mentioned, Julie glances up when Marie plays and deals the cards before making her decision. And she gets a wry smile, if but for a moment. "I ask you, Mademosille, what do your cards say I should respond with?" she asks her. "Yes or no?"

Mary gets a nod from the strawberry-blonde and a flash of blue eyes in amusement. "It does sound like great fun, though." she adds before going back to typing. "How many siblings do you have, Mary?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Oh, I've got five... there's Billy, Freddy, Eugene, Pedro, and Darla." She ahs, "I should mention, I guess... I live in a foster home. But I am the oldest." A wry grin, "It's actually a really great place to live, and I love them all to death. Even when my little brothers are being serious pains."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Many of the people of France are quite willing to show the sights... especially in Paris." You know, where most of the sights to be seen in France are! Of course, Julie entrusting her own fate to Marie's cards gets a raise of one eyebrow towards the blonde girl, "You wish a quick reading? Very well." she replies, withdrawing the entire deck from her pocket, now, and spreading them out face down along the table in front of herself. "A answer of yes or no is a most simple question to foretell, but you, Mademoiselle, must pick the card. Else, it does not count."

Julie Power has posed:
"Wow, that's a lot of siblings. I thought three was bad!" Julie admits with a laugh. Mary mentions that she's in a foster home, that doesn't even bother Julie. "I think it's amazing you found a family, Mary." she says to the older woman, a sincere smile touching her lips.

And then as Marie presents her with the cards, the strawberry-blonde sits up in her seat to look at the cards. Worrying on her bottom lip, and finally after considering and hovering her hand over the cards, she sets her finger upon one. "This one." she offers. "I get a good vibe from it."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "Yeah, I bounced into a few, but I settled with them a few years ago, and... well, I love them. They're the best. Even Billy." She teases a bit, then looks curiously at the card reading. "Wow, I've never seen tarot cards before..." She grins at Julie, then, "I don't think I can help pick, because then it's not your pick."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Mademoiselle Mary is correct, if she were to pick, the reading would be hers -- which I would be happy to do sometime, should she wish. But this is why the choice must be yours." Marie replies, reaching to take the edge of the card and lift it up, turning it over to face the pair -- and her face goes instantly red. The card displayed? Depicts an angel standing above the forms of Adam and Eve in Eden. The card? VI: The Lovers.

"You spoke of Mademoiselle Mary being asked out by her... 'cute reporter friend', but it seems that the forces of romance may have turned their eyes upon you, Mademoiselle Julie. Should you attend this tour, you may encounter one who you are meant to be with -- for some time, at least." A slight shrug of her shoulders, and a lowering of her gaze. "The ultimate decision, however, rests upon your shoulders."

Julie Power has posed:
After picking the card, Julie waits for Marie to flipping over the card to explain it to her but looks to Mary with a laugh. "Oh, I love my siblings. They can be total pests, though! But I make sure they're taken care of..." she explains, before Marie lays some knowledge on her. And Julie sinks into the chair with a nervous laugh. "Me? Someone meant to be with me? You sure that's not Mary's card??" she asks, cheeks blooming like roses in summertime at the insinuation.

"I guess I should dress up if I am going on this tour with you, then, if I'm meeting my future partner. I mean, I've never had a girlfriend... much less a date. I had one date, but it totally failed because I was going to meet her and had one of those bathroom emergencies and she never wrote or call me back. And I'm not yet old enough to try a dating app, my parents would kill me..." she frets, fidgetting on the sleeves of her dress, before looking up at Marie. "I want to go." she finally decides, nerves washed away for a moment. "With you, that is."

Take that. Yugi Moto. Heart of the cards, indded.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Not //my// card, my photographer isn't here. Though I don't know if he'd be interested in me... I'm probably not his type." Since his type is apparently tall blondes that can juggle locomotives, but she leaves that unsaid.

She does, however, smile a bit as Julie asks Marie out, staying quiet since she doesn't want to ruin the moment.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Mademoiselle Mary did not choose the card," Marie points out, shaking her head slowly. Her speech slows to better explain things a bit. "Although, had she, the object of her affection need not necessarily be present -- while the power of a reading between partners is stronger if both are present, the cards can tell you of meetings yet to come, even with those you do not know." she points out.

Of course, as Julie seems to decide that the reading was more intended between the pair of /them/, Marie gulps quietly, bowing her head so that her hair falls over one eye. Trying to encourage more of her face to be hidden, but unsuccessful in that effort. "I... oui, then. I cannot deny the wisdom of the tarot." ...is it a date? Marie's not sure. Oh, she's going to have to talk to Jenny ASAP, now.

Julie Power has posed:
When Marie ducks down, Julie realizes. Marie might be straight, and she just. "Oh gosh." the young woman breathes. "...you don't have to." she manages, already trying to backpedal at the realization of what she did. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that, you may not even want to go out with me. I mean, Mary's going with a guy, maybe he had a friend, or a brother... I wouldn't set you up with my brothers and and..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "I'm... uh, not sure I'm going with anyone. I mean, I like him, but it was business with the reporting thing, so now I don't know." She blushes a bit, then looks between Marie and Julie, "Though, hey, I don't mind being a chaperone if that makes you feel better?" She grins, "And Julie, I'm pretty sure if Marie minded a girl asking her out she'd have just said no." With that, she gives the blonde a wink.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie shakes her head, suddenly more resolute. "The will of the cards, Mademoiselle Julie, is final. When destiny beckons, it demands our obedience... we are not given the choice to obey it, but rather instructions on how. They did not say, ask Mademoiselle Mary for a suitor, or go with one of Mademoiselle Julie's brothers. Although, if you /really/ wish a more detailed reading to be certain..." A pause, and she looks over towards Mary at the brunette's reassurance of the decision. "Non, what the cards demand, I do." she points out, quite sure of that. "...but I do not." As for the other question? Marie's hand scans the deck briefly, taking another from the splayed bunch and flipping it over. Two short of a dozen swords sticking out of a clearly murdered man; but reversed. "Hope, Mademoiselle. Recovery from times more terrible. They speak quite clearly of their intentions."

Julie Power has posed:
"Then..." Julie bites and worries on her lower lip, but it's a smile that touches her lips. "It's a date?" she asks Marie cautiously. "I guess I better dress up for you." she says witha light, but nervous laugh as she looks between the two women and realizes she may have just gotten bamboozled! But she has no real complaints about this, and scoots her seat closer to Marie, just to get used to this idea. "...that means hope? It looks painful."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, looking rather pleased at Julie and Marie getting, well, at least one date. It's almost like a fairytale, really, which she enjoys a bit too much probably. But still... it's nice! She then hmmms and works on a few minor edits for Julie's paper, just so they don't think she's staring at the two of them.

She might also be working on sending an email to a certain photographer, too...

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
A solemn nod is Marie's response, though she pales a little as Julie slides closer. The blonde isn't the only one who needs to get used to the idea -- Marie's never even been asked out before! "You-- you do..." she stammers a bit, turning her eyes back towards the cards. Focus on what makes you strong, Marie. It's easier that way! "...I do not know?" she realizes, eyes wide. /Do/ people get dressed up for dates? Her head suddenly snaps up, looking from left to right and back again. Jenny, where art thou!?

Swallowing hard and taking a few moments to collect herself, she takes the ten and turns it right-side up. "This way, it means betrayal. The swords atop the man, plunged into his back like... who is... Julius Caesar?" she explains, before turning it back upside down. "This way, the man lays atop the swords, like a cirque performer. He may not be impaled, but simply performing a trick. The hope for his safety is the hope this card represents, that something which has been bad can be good."

...which, given WHO drew THAT card? Speaks to her social life. There's a look over to Mary, too. "If you wish, I could do a reading for you and your... guy, Mademoiselle Mary? Determine what the future holds?"

Though, she understands that not everyone wants to know.

Julie Power has posed:
"Ah, I see." Julie says, leaning over to look at the card and brushes a few stray strawberry blonde locks back before sitting back up. "I mean. I don't have to dress up. I didn't know if you'd like me to?" She looks awkward all of the sudden. Poor Mary, she be realizing neither woman has been out on a date and just flailing at air at this point. But, lifeline.

"Your turn, Mary!" she offers encouragingly. "Or maybe about someone else?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Okay, sure, Marie... I'll play. I'd love to know what the fates have in store for Peter and I." She gives Julie a wry look, "Though I'm not sure he'd even ask me out. Apparently his tastes run towards blonde bombshells that can juggle tanks... which is a bit beyond me!" A bit of a self-depreciating chuckle there.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
To Julie, first, Marie responds. Not making eye contact or even eye-to-face contact. The words are almost mumbled, but just audible enough. "I... I do not know what is customary for a date, Mademoiselle." ...she's definitely going to have to ask Jenny. Jenny's the popular one, she'll have all the answers!

"As you wish," Marie replies, collecting her cards and taking a moment to shuffle them once again. It's her custom before back-to-back readings to insure that the person she's doing the reading for doesn't try to influence the will of fate itself. Once this is done? She spreads the cards out agai, this time in front of Mary. "Select three. Without Monsieur Peter present, the reading is tailored more towards /you,/ but perhaps fate will give us hints of what awaits you both nonetheless, non?" she offers, lips curved into a little smile. It's nice to be taken seriously, for a change!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary gives Marie a curious look, then smiles and selects three cards purely at random, "Alright, let's see what the fates hold in store for me..." She sounds a bit glib, but not too much. More that she's having fun with it, and she might still be a bit giddy that Julie had the courage to ask Marie out like this. Go Tarot cards!

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Without turning the cards over, Marie slides them into position: side by side by side. "The position of the cards represents the past, the present, and the future." Marie explains, taking it one step at a time to make sure the reading's properly understood. Her hand moves to the first card, turning it over. A figure sits upon an invisible seat, holding a blade in one hand, a scale in the other. "The Justice. This card represents what has already passed, and indicates that you have serious decisions to make regarding your love life, Mademoiselle. You're considering entry to a relationship, but you're not convinced that the person you seek is the right one. Or, perhaps, not convinced that they feel /you/ are." she points out, before moving to the second card.

This card displays the moon, shining over howling wolves. "The Moon. This card represents the present status of your love life." A light frown touches her lips, here. "It represents deception, dishonesty. There are secrets between you and your intended, and secrets are rarely wise when it comes to the affairs of the heart." How little does Marie know... OR HOW MUCH?

Finally, the third card. She takes it by the edge, and turns it over -- it's a card that's already made an appearance today: the Lovers. Seeing /that/ card always makes Marie blush. "In the future... the lovers. In this position, it tells that you will find love. You will find one whom you have a strong attraction to and connection with. This card, in this position, is always a positive omen."

Now, she's going to sit back and pay attention to the reaction.

Julie Power has posed:
Putting away her phone, Julie returns to sit with the other two women. "Parents are totally okay with me going out." she announces. And then she realizes she should explain and looks sheepishly at Marie. "I'm seventeen, but I turn eighteen next month?" she says, glancing at Marie through blonde locks in case the French girl suddenly changes her mind about going on a date with her.

Settling back in, she listens to the explanation of the cards and sits up to pay attention, a little glance aside at Marie, and light blush. She is cute.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, "Wow... that's... wow." She looks suitably impressed, since, well, the cards definitely hit close to the mark. She smiles a little, "Would be nice to have a happy ending, though. I'm all for that." She glances over at Julie, and smiles warmly, "That's great that your parents were cool with it. I'm sure I can take the time to tag along if you want, since... wait, Marie, you were looking for someone, right? I mean, someone to meet here that you already knew?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
As the subject of her reading, Mary gets Marie's attention first, and recieves a smile for her response. The cards mean... well, everything to her, so to be positively responded to is an easy way to earn pointst. "It seems one is in your future; romance at the very least, for certain!" It's happy news to report, and she's glad to do it. As for the earlier? "Oui, my... how you say... best friend? Her name is Jennifer, we were meant to study together, but... she has been delayed." A frown to that. "I... should probably see where she has gone."

When Julie gets the okay, though, it brings the smile back -- even if she's purposefully keeping it from being too big, and a light blush to her cheeks. "Age is simply a number, Mademoiselle. Destiny does not believe in such concepts, so why should I?" she asks, but pases herself. Reaching out for one of the many pieces of scratch paper and pencils at the table -- taking a moment to write her name, and phone number, in a flowing, elegant script. "You may call me when you wish, Mademoiselle Julie, I shall be ready." A slow nod, as she moves to rise. "...but I should be seeing where Jennifer has gone, before trouble finds her." Or the other way around, more likely. "It was a pleasure to meet you both!"

Julie Power has posed:
Taking the number, Julie takes a picture of it with her phone, and her fingers fly over the pad to input the information. Once that's done, she's quickly sending a message.

>: It's Julie! Looking forward to our date ::big smile emoji::

And then as Marie leaves, Julie watches the French girl leave and turns to Mary. "Oh my god, her accent is going to make me //melt//, Mary! And she's cute!" she shifts in her seat. "Out of my league, this is a bad idea..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles warmly at Marie, "Nice to meet you!" She waves over at Marie as she leaves, then looks over towards Julie after Marie leaves and laughs kindly.

"Relax, she definitely is into you, Julie, and yeah, that French accent... it's pretty amazing, not gonna lie. Trust me, I'm the master of feeling out of my league, and you're going to be fine."