852/Lightning Strikes... Twice!

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Lightning Strikes... Twice!
Date of Scene: 29 March 2020
Location: Liberty Island
Synopsis: Kyani 1--Shazam 0
Cast of Characters: Kyani Kohanna, Billy Batson, Beatriz da Costa

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    It's a nice hot day out at Liberty Island, for once Kyani wasn't working at all. The skies are blue, the birds are singing and the white puffy clouds lazily drifts within the skies. Kyani was sitting on one of the rails watching the boats as they sail about, there are fishermen fishing as well. Looking up into the sky, Kyani had been doing some thinking, quite a bit of thinking. Having find out about Bea and her identity and speaking with her and Thor, maybe it's time to do mroe than making money, though he needs it, still he needed to really test his powers.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam flashes by Kyani, fast though not supersonic. No booms near the statue. Shooting out over the water, he wheels around slows to come to a landing by the speedster. "We seem to be coming back here a lot. I think the rangers like us. How was that for speed, man? Pretty good, eh?" He holds out his fist.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks up as Shazam comes through the area, he smiles as he was able to easily track him, "It's a'ight." he says to him. "Though I have to admit I've not stretched my legs out a bit." he says to him. He nods his head in agreement about meeting here at the Statue. "Yeah I guess they do." he laughs. "How're you Shazam?" he asks.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam looks a little boggled. "Aiight? That was speed of Mercury, man. You want to race? Pick a place... count to three and I'm there." A few stray sparks shoot off his emblem.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He quirks a brow as he looks towards where Shazam is, "You flying or running?" he asks as he looks ot Shazam. It's a fair question and hoenstly he's never raced another person has super speed before. Rubbing his chin, "Nah, we race side by side, we will go around New York and meet back here, the first one here is the winner." he says.

Billy Batson has posed:
That gives Shazam pause, ironic before a test of speed. Then the pure of heart kicks in, "I'm faster flying I think. You want my best, right? Will that be a problem?" He cracks his knuckles. More lightning. "This is going to be awesome. I really have no idea how fast I am. Not bragging." To make it look good, he crouches in a starting pose.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani smirks, "Yes, we should always be at our best, so if flying is where yoru speed is, fly." he says to him. He taps the ground with his foot, "I will run." he grins. He hops down from where he is and lands on the balls of his feet, he walks to the entrance/exit. "Alright, you start us off. Do the whole shabang." he says to Shazam.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam nods, concentrating. "One, two, three!" Shazam leaps into the air and stays there, flying and accelerating for all he's worth. trailing lightning in his wake, his cape streaming behind him.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani gets in a runneres stance, he did like to run, and honestly this would a first for him to push his speed up. He knew the city from the ground and the buildings, he looks ot Shazam and also this is the first time he's racing a super hero. He begins to channel power from the speedforce, and as he does his eyes light with lightning and at go, Kyani takes off. He's a blur, he knows going like this through the city is bad so he takes a route around the outskirts and digs in. Shazam would see a flickering of white lightning as he runs.

Billy Batson has posed:
Superpowers, Shazam begins to realize, are like a MUSH. Some commands and some powers are simple. You learn their use the the first or second time you use them and think nothing of it. Others come with an advanced menu... like lightning blasts or detecting magic. Then some powers... you think you know them and then you try something advanced and you're in over your head. At around Mach 25, he starts to lift into orbit. It requires effort to hug the Earth's surface. Another problem, he's moving fast enough to compress the air in front of him into plasma. It feels almost like tar. The heat is enough to register to his nerves. It interferes with his vision a bit too. Kyani pulls ahead as they detour around Long Island, Shazam banking and barely keeping up. He's been going faster but those flights were short hops and straight line. Kyani seems to be all but immune to the effects of his speed.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani glances to his side and back a bit seeing Shazam. He smiles and Kyani ramps it up, pushing forward, he's not experienced his full speed and he was steadily pushing himself to move faster, the aura around him isn't seen but it's up due to the lightning sparking as he runs. The friction and heat isn't affecting him, but he knows that his clothes will start to burn if he goes too fast, though he doesn't mind. He wanted to race, he could feel something feeding him power as he runs.

Billy Batson has posed:
Floundering a bit as they round Montauk, Shazam buckles down. He never had to push himself. This? ... it's the difference between lifting and catching the medicine ball. What can he do to do better, to catch up? The Mentors whisper //Champion, you do not 'catch up' you surpass! You do not race, you win!!// Apparently the Mentors never heard of modern parenting mottos like 'everyone is a winner!' or 'Your best is always good enough.' //Your best is your best. We want THE best!// Heading into Long Island Sound and turning West Shazam is a ball of lightning. He catches up to Kyani and smiles.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani doesn't have mentors, nor does he have family. His birth parents gave him up, only to have his birth mother come back into his life while he was recovering only to leave again after he thought they were making progress. All he had was himself and only those who actually helped him during certain parts of his life. As Shazam pulls up and he smiles, Kyani only digs in more. He grits his teeth and he begins pushing harder, pushign his body to run faster and he starts creeping forward.

Billy Batson has posed:
The two turn into the East river, Past the Bornx, Indian Hill, the 59th st and Queens Boro Bridges. they blur together as they burst into the Harbor and the Statue is in sight. Shazam would be sweating if the plasma didn't evaporate it instantly. His face flushed as he now realizes, he has to slow down. His deceleration would reduce a normal human to salsa. Speed Force is no joke. He caught the Statue! He isn't going to see it damaged! Her. She's a Lady. He pulls out of his head on flight, straining and feeling the heat on his chest and legs.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    The home stretch it is, his heart is beating fast, he's never gone this fast before. He's not slowing or going faster, it's like he's in cruise control. Though as they near the statue, Kyani begins moving out in front, but not by much, Shazam is on him and it's close, though as they near the statue, he begins to slow down in spurts and as they make it to the statue, he skids to a stop! He breaths hard, "Whoa, did I just win?" he asks as Shazam comes up to him a few seconds later. His eyes go wide, "Did I just win?" he laughs as he catches his breath.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam lands on the pavement, the air shimmering around him, down on hands and knees with the suddeness of his stop. He looks up smiling. "You won fair and square. Uh don't come near me, I'm about 800 degrees. Otherwise I'd shake your hand. Hang on." He flies out to the water and dips into it with a slash of foam and steam. Then he comes flying back and extends his hand. Now the Champion is laughing too.

A park ranger says, "We're closing in a minute guys. And where's the hot green chick?" Several others are clapping.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Shaking his head, he smiles. Shaking Shazams hand after he takes a quick dip, though Kyani's left in his boxers. "Crap, did it again. I gotta go." he says and takes off, his clothes distergrated. He didn't have any nifty suit or anything.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
Beatriz da Costa says, "Short sheeting is when you make a set of sheets for a bed made of dirty shorts, right?"