8612/Logan's Making Sandwiches for dinner!

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Logan's Making Sandwiches for dinner!
Date of Scene: 09 November 2021
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Logan's night to make dinner leads to much devouring and many conversations, the night ends with he and Laxmi talking... she's going to learn Japanese, and he's going to learn about King Rama.
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Kurt Wagner, Henry McCoy, Gabby Kinney, Laxmi Mallick

Logan Howlett has posed:
The kitchen is not pristine and clean right now. Logan has taken over the counters with varies types of breads, from white to dark rye. Numerous types of cold cuts are laid out on plates, along with roman lettuce, thin sliced onion, tomato and avocado. The condiments range from Miracle whip to Best Foods Mayo, mustards of three kinds, and of course salt and pepper. The cheese choices are impressive as well, in fact one part of the counter is devoted entirely to cheese.

Presently the man is cooking up some burgers as well in a large skillet on the stove, because sometimes what a person needs is a burger and not a sandwich, but it's all there. In the ovens are tater tots and french fries, getting hot and crunchy, and by the plates are several choices of chips. This is what happens when it's Logan's night to do dinner.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
As some of the residents come and go, Kurt turns up quietly, dressed in a dark t-shirt against a pair of red shorts. His tail curls slightly behind him upon passing through the doorway, having walked in as a more traditional mode of transportation. "Ah, Herr Logan, I had forgotten you were handling mealtime today." He puts on a smile, but it doesn't linger nor does it make it to his eyes, suggesting a forced expression. It's been that way with him for a bit, now. "Let us see what we have here."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Food. The aroma goes through the mansion, for those who have keen senses. Henry, being one of those, follows his nose to the kitchen and the sizzling burgers. As he steps in, the man grins. "Evening, folks." He offers with a wave, his stomach grumbling in anticipation of foods.

"How is everyone? Logan, need a hand tonight?" He wonder, looking over at the other man with a chuckle. "Or do I get to enjoy a night of someone else preparing food?" A nod is offered to Kurt as well.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The smell of cooking meat was hard to ignore even if you didn't have a special nose! Like Gabby. Gabby did not have a special nose. She did however have the usual stomach of a teen which was in need of being filled so the smells of food lure her to the kitchen: The best place to find food. Seeing Logan here along with the ever-elusive Kurt whom she's only run across a few times before, she flashes a grin. "Ooh you're cooking dad?" It's a cheery greeting as she makes a beeline for the cheese to snag a bit which is immediately popped into her mouth. "Hey Kurt. Hey Hank," she offers over before pausing to look between Hank. And Kurt. And Hank. ... Then shaking her head. Naaaah. As for her? She smells like a tiger. Literally.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi enters a moment after Kurt. She's had a long dance practice - followed by a hot shower, and her hair still hangs damply over her shoulders. For once, she's dressed in a T-Shirt (a Dazzler T-Shirt, actually) - with a light pair of sweat pants, mostly because she didn't want her damp hair getting her lehenga wet. She looks over the foods on offer with a critical eye before she remarks, "Really, Logan? No salads, no vegetables?" She rolls her eyes, starting towards the fridge and peering into it. AFter a few moments, she comes out with tomatoes, mini mozarella balls, and some basil - and starts tossing together a quick salad, adding some olive oil, salt, and pepper to the mix.
    "Hello Kurt, hello Hank!" she greets the other teachers in a cheerful voice. "And Gabby, hello."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan seems to have everything under control, and as more people appear, he adds a couple more hamburgers to the pan start cooking.

"Thanks Hank, but I got it," he offers, though his eyes shift to Kurt. He was worried about the man, but not sure what brought on the darker mood, so he let's it go for now.

"Laxmi, got a whole slew of vegetables in the fridge, any you want headed up or grilled, I can do. Also got some tofu in there as well, if you're into that."

Another shift of his eyes follows Gabby into the room, "Hey kid, how you want your burger cooked?"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
"Hallo," Kurt offers to those who have turned up, as he takes a moment to fetch a beer for himself from the fridge, carrying it the conventional way over to a place to sit at. When one has a prehensile tail, one has an extra option. "I will have to make rouladen sometime, when it is my turn," he offers, before growing quiet again as he seems content to watch and listen, and sip.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Veggies are easy, you don't need to cook them. Well, not usually," Gabby reasons as Laxmi beelines toward the fridge. Another bit of cheese is taken to fold into a little square that she pops into her mouth. Tipping her head thoughtfully at the question of how she likes her burger done, she takes it quite seriously. "... I don't like it raw and red inside. That's good for steak but it's just kind of gross on a burger." Quite pleased with having made a decision on what SHE likes, she turns her attention toward Kurt watching him grab his beer. "What's rouladen? I love trying new foods." And she sneaks a hand out to snag a tater tot which may still be too hot to safely handle.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry is not oblivious to Kurt's more reserved behavior. His eyes study the other man, canting his head to the side for a moment. A look to Logan, then back to Kurt. "How are you doing, Kurt?" He'll address the elephant in the room! Not Kurt, he's an Elf. But his mood!

As he waits on a response, he moves over and collects up a glass to pour himself some milk.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Gabby, many vegetables benefit from thoughtful cooking techniques," Laxmi replies with some amusement. "In fact - great care must be taken with some of them. I, however... I'm terrible at cooking. But I do know how to put together a-" She takes a sample of her salad, then makes a face, and sighs. "...I used too much salt." She switches to Hindi for the moment to add, 'For the love of-'
    "I really should know better than to help out."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan adjusts the burger in the pan, tapping the top of a couple to check their doneness.

"Gabby, got one right here that's ready, get your bun ready and it's all yours," he states, then shifts his eyes to Kurt for a moment, but only a moment. Hank's got it, but he'll listen.

"Any other doneness requests on burgers?" He then offers, stepping over to the fridge to pull out the ingredients for more salad. Speaking in Hindi he says, "God... For the love of God... we'll just add more, no sweat." Then back to English, "Anything else you want in the salad, Laxmi? Got all kinds of vegies while I was shopping, got some funny looks too." He grins, nothing like a grumpy man in a grocery store.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
Kurt Wagner explains, for Gabby, "It is thin meat, usually beef, wrapped around a filling traditionally of bacon, onions, mustard, und pickles. Then it is all cooked. There is a gravy that includes red wine in the making of it, und it is served with potato dumplings or mashed potatoes und pickled red cabbage, sometimes roasted winter vegetables. You cannot have a proper rouladen without the gravy to pour over it."

With that said, he leans over the tabletop and nurses the bottle. "Medium for mein burger, danke." Hank's question leads to brooding eyes. "I am having family problems I do not wish to discuss at this time, bitte."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod from blue furry man to blue furry elf. "Of course, Kurt. I'm around if you ever need to get things off your mind." He offers to the other man with a smile, not noticing that he's given himself a milk moustache at present. He might have an inkling of what might be troubling his friend, but he's not going to pry!

"Medium rare please, Logan." He offers to the fiercest fry cook around. A nod to Laxmi and Gabby. "Indeed, grilling some vegetables offers a most interesting flavor profile change, and texture." He nods.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well - I was just trying to make a caprese salad..." Laxmi replies, letting out a sigh. It's a simple enough salad, but she really is an awful cook. It drove her mother mad. 'How will you ever find a husband?' she'd asked more than once. "I'm sorry, I was trying to help and I made more work for you," she apologizes, making no comment on his Hindi interjection.
    "If we could grill up some summer squashes, those go well enough in sandwiches. If not, I think I still have some spicy eggplant spread I can put in a sandwich..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney snags a plate to head over for the burger that was done. It's accepted and she starts to pile cheese and other things on it, like steak sauce. Because she felt like being fancy tonight. "So just add more tomatoes to it. The cheese is already salty innit? Tomatoes," she intones with a nod as she agrees with Logan about adding more in. "And honestly as long as it's not so salty you can't eat it, it'll probably get eaten. We like salty stuff. Everyone says my family is 'salty'." Right? Right. "As for gravy I'll try anything with gravy. That sounds good!"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Another few burgers are tapped to check their state of doneness, no need to go smashing or stabbing, that let's all the juices out. Two more mediums being ready, he sets each onto a plate as he says, "Got two right here, one for Kurt, another for Hank... nice and medium." And then Logan is back to working on the salad without a single complaint. He's not the best cook, there are some things he's really good at and others he just gets by with. A salad however, that he can do.

"It's not more work at all, so don't worry about that. There's no such thing as too much salad around here, even I eat salad."

Pausing long enough to get the tater tots and fries out of the oven, yes he forgot the oven mitt but oh well, he sets the pans on the silicon holders he'd laid out. "I'll let people salt these to their liking, except Laxmi," he grins over at her. "I'll salt hers." And then he back to the salad, adding a little bit more of everything to spread out the salt.

"Gabby, we are salty, and grumpy, and just a little bit insane, and don't ever forget that," he offers to his kid with another broad grin. "But it's all those things that make us so darn lovable."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
"Danke, mein freund," Kurt says to Logan, rising again so he can prepare the bun and toppings the way he likes. This keeps him off to the side for a spell, making room for the rest to begin to deal with their own. Notably, he remains short on idle chit-chat, having given Gabby an acknowledging nod of agreement over her reaction to the rouladen gravy talk.

Once he's finished this and selected some of the oven-baked fries and such, he takes in the rest, Laxmi receiving a slight bow, Hank a longer look. "When I am ready. There is still much on mein mind. I will leave the rest of you to enjoy your food in peace. I wish to eat by myself." With this, he starts for the exit.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney hoists her plate up after loading it with some hot tots. A few quick licks to her fingers occur and she grins at the rest. "Well I dunno about family problems, but I just found out that Deadpool is kinda sorta my brother and no one told me." A look is shot to Logan. "Better explain that at some point. For now though--I need to get back to my stream. Puddles was hogging the feeder again when I left but they just let the fancy chickens out so there might be a chicken versus duck turf war going on. Can't miss that!"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Another nod to Kurt and a smile. "Of course, of course. When you untangle it, we are here to help share the burdens." A wave as the elf makes his exit. He dresses up his burger, all the fixings, then gets a liberal amount of tots and fries. "Thank you again, Logan. This looks like it will hit the spot just perfectly."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi helps herself to some of the fries and the fixed salad for now - tossing Logan a broad, grateful smile for fixing her error. Her gaze flicks after Kurt as the man leaves, concern registering on her own features. Gabby simply gets a puzzled look. "She's watching chicken videos...?" she asks in bafflement, before taking her food over to the table, and sitting down.
    "I suppose it isn't gossip to ask if Kurt is alright? He has seemed rather changed - I've been a bit concerned."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods to Kurt, accepting he doesn't want to talk right now. He understands and gets that, maybe more than most.

"We're here when your ready man," is offered as the blue mutant departs, then Logan is staring stares after Gabby.

Muttering something in Japanese because that might be the only safe language he can mutter in at this point, he then says in English, "I'll tell ya all about it kid, another time, go watch your chicken coops."

The rest of the burgers are removed from the pan now and set on a plate so other students can come through and grab one if they want, then Logan sets to making himself a sandwich. Beef and ham together, with swiss cheese, real mayo and some mustard, then a layer of roman lettuce, tomatoes and a couple of onions, all on dark rye. Adding some tots to his plate, he walks over to the table and sets it down. Back to the fridge he pulls out a pitcher of iced tea, not sweet tea, a container of orange juice, and a few bottles of water and they all go to the table. Last trip, glasses and finally he sits down.

"He's not himself, that much I can tell," he comments regarding Kurt. "But beyond that, I don't know."

Henry McCoy has posed:
As Henry sits down at the table with his meal, he shakes his head. "I think I have an idea as to what might be troubling him, but it's not my tale to tell. Kurt will speak on it, when he is ready." He nods to the others. "The best thing we can do is be there for him through out this situation."

"He'll get through it, I know he's a strong man. A heart of gold, and a spirit that is unbreakable."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Of course," Laxmi agrees with Hank. "You both know him better than I do, but if there's anyway in particular you think I could help... He has certainly struck me as a kind man, and I'd be happy to lend any help or assistance that I can," she offeres warmly.
    "I know he'd offered to cook that odd-sounding dish himself - but perhaps it would lift his spirits if someone made it for //him//?" she suggests. "...not that I could help with that," she adds wryly.

Logan Howlett has posed:
For a moment Logan sits there just looking at his plate.

"He's one of the best," he comments quietly, pushing a tot into the ketchup on the plate. "People all over should aspire to be the kind of man he is, honest and true, much like Hank here."

Picking up the tot he pops it into his mouth, then pours himself some of the iced tea. "If I can help in some way, I will."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods in agreement with Logan. "He is." A chuckle and a shake of his head. "Logan, I am just a man on the edge of instinct, trying to claw his way back to logic." A wink to the other man, who likely has every idea of what that is like.

A smile to Laxmi. "That would be a wonderful thing - we could prepare that meal for him. Perhaps it will bring back pleasant memories and make him feel comforted."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "But there won't be much comfort if I'm the one making it," Laxmi says in a wry tone. "Who's the best cook?" Finishing off her fries, she moves to the fridge to get some of her spicy eggplant dip, heating it in the microwave as the trio continue to talk about their troubled colleague. She turns, leaning back against the counter, her gaze on Hank and Logan.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan immediately points to Hank and says, "He is." Then takes a bite of his sandwich. Chewing it up he half smiles, having just thrown Hank to the wolves. Swallowing he adds, "But I'll do the shopping for you, and maybe... wait, did Kurt take a beer?"

He looks around, sniffing at the air. There had been so much going on, and so many scents that he didn't notice until now, the linger of hops in the air. "I don't think I've seen him drink before."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Yes, he did. Probably regretting it, as it wasn't German." Henry chuckles. "I can certainly work on my German cooking skills. I do a fair bit of experimentation with different cuisines. I have been working on African dishes lately." Go figure!

"Keep him aware of us, without intruding in his life, so he knows he can come to us when he's ready."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I don't know very much about German cooking," Laxmi admits. "If Logan is doing the shopping, and you're cooking - where's that leave me?" she muses. "...I mean, I suppose I could get together a playlist of German music. I don't suppose he has a fondness for German opera?" she teases with an amused grin.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan grins, dipping another tot into the ketchup. "You can help me shop you know, we can take Gabby, or Dash, or any one of the other students along to help carry the bags." The real reason was to ensure that Laxmi wasn't alone with him, since he knew that was a major no no. "You can also help cutting up and preparing things, unless you feel that's too dangerous as well."

The tot finally disappears into his mouth to be chewed, a drink if iced tea follows. "Though music ain't a bad idea. I bet he'd like German opera, or maybe just some modern German rock, since they got their own style."

His eyes shift to Hank for a moment. "We could also look into some lessons for German cooking Hank, if you want. Not saying /I'd/ taken em, but you could, I'd pay."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry had been working on his burger first, of course. Meat! After a few bites, he nods. "I think we can cover it, of course. I am not opposed to help, especially in the noble cause of helping our friend." A grin.

His grin widens. "I think he would love opera, Germanic especially. Drama is something he is a fan of, in terms of story."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I could help with a little prep, at least. And I certainly have no objection to helping with the shopping," Laxmi agrees - giving Logan a grateful smile as he suggests bringing a student along.
    "But I'll start working on a playlist as well. Might be a bit eclectice," she says with amusement. "There's also some amazing German language musicals - like Elizabeth and Rebecca," she points out in a thoughtful tone.
    When the eggplant is done heating, she starts fixing herself a sandwich - no cheese, though. Most cheeses aren't the greatest with this style of eggplant.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Water, orange juice or iced tea?" Logan asks as Laxmi gets her food, then offers Hank a nod as the man heads out of the kitchen. Most likely he's going to go do some reading on German foods, that's what Logan will be doing later himself.

"German is one of those languages that no matter how hard I try, I always sound angry when speaking it. Probably cause I learned it from an old pissed of German woman," he comments... not adding, during one of the World Wars, while supposedly a prisoner of the woman.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Tea. Always tea," Laxmi answers with some amusement as she slips back into her seat with her sandwich, tearing into it with enjoyment. She lets out an appreciative sound, before nibbling on some of the caprese salad. "I'm afraid I only know English and Hindi - but that's one more language than most American," she remarks in a wry smile. "Just how many do you know, Logan?" she asks with curiosity. "English, German, Hindi, Japanese - I presume..."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Taking the pitcher of iced tea, Logan pours a glass full and slides it toward Laxmi, again making certain not to get his hand too close to her.

"Let me think a moment," he starts, running through his brain. "English, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Cheyenne, Lakota, Hindi, and Spanish. I know but not completely, French, German, Thai, Vietnamese, Farsi, and Portuguese." Then he takes a bite of his sandwich, and another drink of tea. Once he swallows he adds, "Want to learn one of them?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "That's- wow. I mean, I know you've had a while to learn them all but- it feels like something of a record, and I definitely feel like an under-achiever," Laxmi admits in a wry voice. "I wouldn't know where to start. What do you think would be most useful with the students here?" she muses. "I mean, there's Yukio - who mostly speaks Japanese. But there's also Dashenka - who mostly speaks Russian..." She accepts the tea, taking a sip, before going back to her sandwich.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan smiles a little when she mentions Yukio, but he hides that by taking another drink of his tea. She was doing good here at Xavier's, even if her grandfather was still pressuring her to be something she was meant to be, but didn't want to be.

"Truthfully, I think Japanese would have more useful, but Russia is easier and way more fun," he offers with a grin now. "You won't be learning it on the fly from a fellow soldier while Russian's are shooting at you, so way more fun. That's how I learned German and French as well, on the fly."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I'd honestly prefer not to learn //anything// while being shot at. I'd prefer not to be shot at!" Laxmi counters, giving a shake of her head. "And- well. Honestly, I think it makes more sense to learn the more useful language. Don't you?" she dips the last of her fries in ketchup nibbling on them, after another bit of sandwich.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods a couple of times. "If people start shooting at you, I get in the way and you remember to get behind me, deal?" That said he then goes back to the question of languages. "Japanese takes several years to learn, and a lot of work. Not saying you can't do it, just saying it so you know. It can be fun, I mean I enjoyed learning it..."

He suddenly stops there, right eye twitching a little as a memory zips through his mind, one he hadn't recalled before, so he takes a moment to focus on it, see if it leads to anything else. When it doesn't, he blinks a few times and looks back to her.

"Sorry bout that... yeah, I enjoyed learning it, you may enjoy it too."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I can definitely get behind you," Laxmi agrees. "Before I start singing to see if I can calm down the situation. But... hopefullly nothing like that ever comes up. Certainly no one's had cause to shoot at me before."
    She's silent a moment before adding quietly, "I was at gun point once. Happened to be a jewelry store when some idiots tried to rob it... It didn't end up going well for them. They plead out, so I never had to go to court over it."

Logan Howlett has posed:
This brings a frown to Logan's lips, the knowledge that someone had Laxmi at gun point. It didn't sit well with him at all, but it had been taken care of by the law, so it wasn't something he needed to dwell on. Protective nature kicking in, then shoves back into the box for now.

"Around here, ya never know what'll happen," he says calmly, now that the grrr is shoved away. "Like the Shi'ar attacking to get Jean, there's always a chance of something violent. Not often, in fact I can only think of a few times it's happened in the years I've been here, but it's still there. So, you go with the students if it happens, to keep them safe in the many locations they go to when this sort of thing happens."

He considers something muttering out loud, "Might be time for another drill..." then he looks back from his plate to her and says more clearly. "So, Japanese? I'll see if there's any students interested in learning it as well, so we aren't alone."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I will," Laxmi promises. "I'll keep them calm, and get them somewhere safe. I know I'm not a combatant - I'd just get in the way, but I hope that nothing happens," she says sincerely. "There's been enough pain."
    After a another bite of her sandwich she suggests, "Or Yukio can help teach me. Two teachers, one student."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Finishing off his tots, Logan nods again and uses a napkin to wipe his fingers on.

"Yukio's trying to learn English," he comments. "I mean sure she can help, but I think it's more important for her to stick to her studies and keep pissin' her grandfather off." There is a smirk as he says this, like some how that idea amuses him. "If she wants to help though, I won't stop her. I'm supposed to be aiming her at certain things, and discouraging others... her grandfather clearly doesn't know me as well as he thinks."

He takes another bite of his sandwich now, taking a moment to check his watch... still plenty of time, good. "Truth, he does know me, but I owe him so I try to aim her when I can, but she has a right to do and be what she wants. Eventually, she'll figure out what she really wants out of life, and her grandfather will have to accept it."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Why do you //want// her to piss her grandfather off?" Laxmi asks with some puzzlement. "What is it she wants to do - and what is it her grandfather wants her to do?"
    She picks up the last of her sandwich before adding, "I mean - I certainly don't want her to take time away from her studies, to teach me. But if she wanted to - she might enjoy helping someone learn her language."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan chuckles quietly, a deep sound from his chest. "Some of it I can't tell, but I can say that she wants to be a K-Pop star, and her grandfather wants her to uh..." he pauses thinking for a moment then nods once when he finds the safe way to say it. "... take over the family business. It's sort of her 'destiny', but I don't believe in that shit. I say she can do both if she wants to. It's a point between the old man and I really, but first she gets to gain a good education here."

Finishing off the last of his sandwich, he starts to collect the plates to begin the cleaning up process. "It's another one of those cultural things. What she's expected to do for her family versus what she wants to do."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Makes sense," Laxmi answers, sympathy in her voice. "I hope she and her family can sort it out, and find a solution that works for all of them. It's so hard when your plans don't align with your family's." She shoots Logan a smile that's almost shy - though of course they still don't know how things will turn out with her family.

Logan Howlett has posed:
With his plate in the sink, Logan starts collecting the rubber maid containers to put the extra food into. He offers her a smile, getting without words what she's thinking.

"It happens all over the world, different cultures, same damn problem," he comments. He seems to have a pattern for putting the food away. Each thing into a container, container into the fridge, and then the plate it was on gets rinsed and and put in the dish washer.

"For Yukio, it will work out. He sent her here, I'm her guardian here, which means technically... she doesn't have to ever go back if she doesn't want to. I don't think that's the best choice, but I'm not gonna tell her how to live her life."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I mean - we could make a few strongly worded recommendations," Laxmi remarks a bit teasingly. "About living a moral life, and helping your fellow man, and the like. Some solid generalizations for her to build upon - but I agree. Young people need to have the space to find their own way. My family //is// trying to do that - they let me pursue my art, and not just my kathak dance. I hope she finds the same acceptance - she does have some talent."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Once the food is put away, and dish washer is loaded, the pitchers of beverages are put back in the fridge as well, and finally Logan wipes down all the counters and puts the pants he used to soak. Clearly he's done this before.

"She's a good kid," he admits. "I've never heard her sing or anything, thought that might be too encouraging, so I'll take your word that she's got talent. I just... I want her to be free to choose, whether her Grandfather likes it or not."

Now that he's done, he turns and leans against the counter to look at her. "I wish her Grandfather was more supportive, but since he can't be, I will be."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well - I'm the music teacher. I'm hardly going to turn away a student that wants to learn. I hope her grandfather can learn to accept her enthusiasm for what it is - to try to turn that off will only earn him resentment, and heartache. I was lucky that my family supported my love for music and dancing since I wave very little. Of course, they started with strictly traditional Indian art forms..." Hardly any surprise there. "They're a little less thrilled with my interest in Metal," Laxmi replies with a quirk of amusement.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan lifts a brow with a chuckle as he says, "I've meant to ask... what lead you to metal?" then he walks back over to the table to sit and sip is tea.

"Of all the types of music, what was it in metal that called to you?

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Unbridled enthusiasm," Laxmi answers with an amused smile. "I mean - honestly, there's lots of music I enjoy. I enjoy operas, and musicals, too. But... there's something magical about clubs. About music you can play, that people dance to, and //cavort// to, and- I dunno. I know we're not typical, but... I enjoy it. I also enjoy the juxtaposition of clean, bright vocals with the heavier more visceral instrumentals..." She gives a helpless shrug of her shoulder.
    "And some things are hard to put in words."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan smiles, leaning back in the chair slightly. "You seemed to explain that just fine," he replies with a chuckle. "I don't have a talent like that, nothing would move people the way you do. I could build you a house, or furniture, or something like that, but artistic talent? Nope, not a single bit."

Taking another drink from his glass, he ponders a moment then says, "The next time you perform some place, I'd like to know so I can hear you, see you live."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Wednesday night at Sion's," Laxmi replies immediately. "And don't sell yourself short. There is artistry in handicrafts. Furniture can be great works of art. People look at it as utilitarian alone - but there've been so many different styles that emphasize the beauty of a well crafted piece of furniture - the Aesthetic Movement being a prime example," she points out.
    Why does she know this stuff?

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan just stares for a moment at Laxmi in surprise. Why does she knows this stuff?

"Alright, so you just put me to shame with your knowledge," he admits with a laugh. "I don't think I have a style, I just build, and carve a little. I can also repair engines, but that's really the extend of my 'useful' skills, other than being a soldier in too many wars."

He shifts a little in the chair, "I haven't carved in a while, haven't really built anything either. Mostly repair work on the docks and around the mansion... wait, does landscaping and ground keeping count as useful?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Yes," Laxmi replies with a laugh. "That also counts as 'useful.' I'm not sure any of my skills count as 'useful' though - simply as art. So you have a leg up on me." She smiles at Logan, before pushing herself to her feet.
    "I should go - I need to finish some lesson planning for this week. I would love to see some of your carvings though, Logan - if you still have any?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Without even thinking, Logan stands when she does. It's what you do, it's what a gentlemen does anyway.

"Artistic talent is useful, not merely as entertainment but as a way to express the heart and soul, to touch someone on a level that no chair or shelf can. Never forget that, Laxmi. It's very useful."

He clears his throat a little, then collects the glasses off the table. "I have.. a couple of em, in my truck. I'll..." a pause, a moment. "... share, yeah, I think you'd like a couple of em."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I look forward to seeing them," Laxmi agrees. She starts towards the door - then pauses, looking back towards Logan. "My father's particularly fond of the story of King Rama - if you were looking for any particular subjects for future carving projects," she suggests - flashing Logan a smile before she leaves the room.