8639/1, 4, 5
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1, 4, 5 | |
Date of Scene: | 11 November 2021 |
Location: | The Gardens |
Synopsis: | Wade introduces his friend Domino - and the last of the fish are named. Domino does not fall into the pond, despite Clarice's efforts. |
Cast of Characters: | Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme, Neena Thurman, Wade Wilson, Lydia Dietrich
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
It looks like Clarice is taking a little time off from her work - or maybe a little time away from her worry about Ichi, Ni, San and Shi. At the moment, the magenta-hued woman is stretched out on the grass under the vast garden dome - surrounded by the walls of a metal pen. Inside the pen with her, a trio of guinea pigs run around in the grass - sniffing and nibbling at it - and on occassion climbing up onto her back to run around, before jumping back down. In her hands, she holds the last of the Lumberjanes trade paper backs. What ever will she do when she finishes it?!
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
It was that time in the evening, also known as exactly six o'clock. Mystique's arrival to the garden occurred the same time, every night, since moving to the asteroid. The fish do not feed themselves. Tonight however she is not alone, four other exit the elevator with her, each one in guard gear and armed. Without a word they move to take up positions that give them the best view of where Ritz will deliver the arriving guest... it's almost like they've done this before.
Walking along the path she offers Clarice a nod, eyes the guinea pigs, mutters something in German, and proceeds to the fake rock to open it. Inside is a large bag of pellet fish food that she takes a sizable scoop of and flings over the lake. Instantly there are koi, large koi, VERY large koi hitting the surface to grab bites and dive back into the water.
"Clarice," she finally offered, now that the fish are fed. "We have incoming."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Whatever effects accompany the teleporter from Earthside, they happen, and then there's a woman standing in the garden, dressed in a black bodysuit with a utility belt bearing multiple guns and knives. You know, normal merc stuff. She groans a little and puts a hand to her stomach. "Ugh. That's... weird."
She looks around, situational awareness an ingrained habit, and then gets caught by the view through the glass dome. It's an awe-inspiring thing, the curve of the Earth from space, and even the hardened mutant mercenary is going to be distracted by it. Distracted enough to not be aware enough to dodge things, for instance.
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Ritz appears with this new arrival, offers a mocked salute to Mystique, then just walks toward the elevator... just another Tuesday for her.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"New guests?" Clarice asks. "Anyone I should be concerned about?" She sets the book face down onto the grass - so her page is saved, looking up towards Mystique. It's a bit hard to get up, with Sarah currently perched on her back, the guinea pig's front paws on her shoulder, as she sniffs towards the blue-skinned mutant. The other two guinea pig's run around Clarice, squeaking towards one another.
Of course, before Mystique can even reply, one of Ritz's milky white portals appears, and Domino emerges, staring in awe at the view. A grin breaks Clarice features at the woman's reaction, before she looks her up and down speculatively. Yeah - she looks like the sort of person who can cause a fair amount of trouble when she wants.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade saunters into the garden. Well, saunters might be putting it lightly. He rushes into the garden. He is wearing the majority of his outfit save the boots. Instead his feet are covered by a pair of pink crocs over a pair of black and pink Hello Kitty socks (Canada chic.)
His eyes are a bit wide as he scans the area and then they widen further as they fall on the black clad woman. Then without word or warning he's rushing at her. There's a bit of warning though, crocs are not built for stealth, but maybe the expanse of space is enough to keep the pale woman occupied and Wade manages to reach her and wrap his arms around her tightly. "DOMMIE!!!!" he all but squeals as he lifts her off her feet with the hug.
Contrary to previous visits, it seems Wade might be taking better care of himself, instead of the odd bacon smell he smells like... rosewater? It's a little off putting given what she *knows* he looks like underneath the suit. "I was so worried! I thought that you had gotten atomized and spread across the solar system. I mean *I* could come back from that but... not sure that Luck is good a quantum jigsaw puzzles."
It's at that moment that he notices the two others in the garden. "Oh! Boss One and Boss Two. Or Three and Four... depends if you count Mags in the mix." He waves to the two women near the lake. "I brought a friend. If she stays on for 60 days do I get a referral bonus in my pay?" Wait, does he get paid for simply being there?
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique folds her arms lightly across her chest before sauntering over to a bench and sitting down. Wade's arrival doesn't change her expression at all, not one single bit, the mask of indifference remains in place. Settling, she crosses right leg over left as she watches the Merc with a Mouth greet his friend exuberantly, though she is sizing the woman up the whole time. Wade she already has figured out and how to deal with, money talks and his loyalty to mutants was obvious. Neema, aka, Domino... this was a newish element for her. Magneto knew her of course, but Mystique only knew /of/ her.
"A wayward member returns to the roost," she comments to Clarice, eyes still on Neema. "Nothing to really be overly concerned about."
As Wade speaks to her however, those yellow eyes shift to him. "I'm sorry Wade, Neema is already known to us and on the books, however I will give you a bonus for those fabulous crocs."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino /yelps/ as she's hugged and picked up. "Wade! Ack! Put me /down/ you big lump!" Before she has to instinctively kick him in the crotch or anything.
Once she's back on her feet, she smiles brightly at him. "Good to see you too. I've been around for a while but umm... they were under different management before." She glances over at Mystique, bright blue-eyed gaze noting Clarice as she does so. She seems outwardly unconcerned about Mystique's gaze on her. Outwardly. "Is this trip up /always/ that disorienting?"
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Got it," Clarice answers Mystique - though she lets out a quiet snicker at the way the woman gets quite enthusiastically ambushed. She keeps her eyes on the pair, nodding when Domino looks her way - and seemingly unaware when two of her guinea pigs nuzzle their ways into the crevice created by the comic book's spine. They seem happy to take shelter there - chattering and squeaking to one another excitedly.
"She a useful asset?" she asks in a quiet voice. That would be the conclusion she'd jump to from the way the woman is armed.
Either that, or she's trouble. ...or both.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Having heard from the boys that Clarice is up in the garden playing with the piggies she makes her way up there, plain brown slip of a paper bag holding a new comic for the mutant to enjoy. She's dressed in her goth schoolteacher chic that she's affected since she'd been turned to a vampire. Grey woolen skirt and a cream colored button up blouse over which a rust colored cardigan is warn. Ash black flakes of ectoplasm gently fall around her, quickly evaporating as soon as they touch anything.
She smells the small gathering of people before she can see them. Clarice and Mystique's scent are familiar to her. The piggies have a unique musky smell which isn't all that unpleasant. Wade and Nina are new to her so when she walks out of the elevator into the garden it's with caution.
Walking up to the group she gives Mystique and Clarice a warm smile. "Hey, there. I see we've got a party going on." She turns to Wade and Neena, "I'm Lydia. A pleasure to meet you."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade smiles, those who know him can tell under the mask from the subtle tugs on the leather of his mask. "It usually doesn't send you straight to the garden, so... not sure what that was about." He gives the Lucky Girl a look as if it was her fault.
He defaltes as his bonus is rejected and then brightens again as it's approved because of fashion. "Oh?" he picks up one pink croc and shakes it. "These puppies have served me well over the years."
At Lydia's approach he waves. "Nice to meet you. I'm Wade. On business trips, I'm Deadpool or DP if you want to short hand it. Or make a lewd joke at my or other's expense. Lord knows I do enough." He winks.
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
The mask remains in place, even if Mystique wants to snerk at Wade. Many, many years of practice have made it possible for her to just not react on the outside, on the inside however, she's laughing her ass off.
"The garden was chosen because it was where I would be," she states first, resting her hands in her lap. Behind her in the lake the koi are still flipping and splashing about for their good.
"As for the teleport, it all depends on who you hitch a ride with. Ritz's used to be /way/ worse than they are now. Gates' are like walking through a door way and Blink, well... she can explain that herself."
Now she stands and approached Domino, extending a slender cobalt blue hand toward the woman, "Welcome to the new head quarters for the Brotherhood, Neema, it's good to have you back."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena smiles at Mystique as she takes the hand offered and shakes it. "Good to be back. I know I've been out of touch--I had some personal stuff to deal with." Something shadowed flickers through her expression at that, but she doesn't comment further--not for now, at least.
She looks around at Clarice and Lydia, still smiling. "I'm Neena, or Domino, or Dom. And I'm the luckiest person you'll ever meet." That's partly for Clarice--it's what makes her a 'useful asset' and she knows it. Her tone is matter-of-fact, not bragging. "I never miss, and I never get hit--at least, not as long as I'm paying attention." She tosses Wade a brief glare. She has questions, about rosewater and such, but those are for later.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
When Sarah jumps down from her shoulder, Clarice pushes herself up to a sitting position, smiling brightly at Lydia in greeting. "Hey Lydia," she offers, before shifting her attention to Neena. The woman is greeted with a nod, as she offers a simple introduction. "I'm Clarice - or Blink. I can teleport - like the boss said. Most people don't feel much of anything when I do, unless I fudge the landing a bit. Then there can be a little bit of a jerk." Better to be an inch above the floor than an inch below it.
"Welcome to the Asteroid. Honestly, this is my favorite room." It's ridiculous that you could even call it a 'room.'
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's smile is warm and genuine. "A pleasure to meet you both. My power is... well... this," she says, waving a hand through the ectoplasmic flakes, causing them to whorl and eddy. Keeping the hand held face up, the fat black flakes fly into her palm and form an obsidian black ball, which then changes to a raven, and finally a giant spider. She releases the form which cause it to dissipate, and slowly the flakes start reappearing around her. "So, yeah. I can do that."
The pale woman walks over to Clarice and hands her the paper bag. "I know you're getting to the end of Lumberjanes so I picked up a couple new books for you to try out. Let me know how they are, 'kay?" Inside the bag are the trades for Rat Queens and Giant Days.
Once that's handed off, she kneels down in the grass and starts scritching each of the piggies in turn. "They're so cute," she says.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Blink is a life saver in a pinch" Wade comments nodding to Clarince. "Really fun times in the Congo, minus the...well... you now. But... it got be'er" he affects a horrible East End accent for the Monty Python reference.
Lydia's display is met with a rapid blinking of his eyes. "That's... very cool! Can I...?" he reaches out a finger to touch one of the swirling black flakes, not seeming to care if the energy for it was complete entropy or living shadow. Recklessness is in his nature, especially since dying was all but impossible for him.
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Now that the business is complete, Neena has been welcomed back and mauled by Wade, that was just a bonus really, Mystique seems to relax a little.
"I'm sure you don't know, but Magneto has taken a bit of a back seat in the leadership of the Brotherhood. Don't get me wrong, he's still here and still kicking ass, he merely leaves the operations of the organization to me now."
Walking over to where Clarice, Lydia and the guinea pigs are, she settles herself in the grass beside Lydia and leans over to kiss her lightly on the cheek. "Clarice is my second, and usually speaks with my authority, unless she doesn't. It's difficult to know, so I'd suggest just listening to her anyway and if she's wrong, it's her fault, not yours." Her yellow eyes watch the guinea pigs for a moment then she looks back to Domino.
"A room will be arrange for you of course, you can decorate it how you want, but do not attempt to remove any of the inner walls. Only Magneto knows what is load bearing and what isn't. Each room is sound proof, and the security of the rooms is maintained by the mainframe, H & D control that. If you have any questions, ask. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask out of fear or thinking it's stupid."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino checks things off on her fingers. "Magneto's not in charge but he's still kicking ass because of course he is. Decorate how I like but don't mess with the inner walls--shut up Wade. Clarice is your second but if she gets people killed with bad orders it's her fault. Lydia here has really cool ashy powers. Blink can blink for real. No stupid questions."
A pause, then, "Okay here's a not-stupid question--there a /reason/ we're in the garden? Don't get me wrong, it's pretty, and the view's..." She stops to glance up again, a smile playing across her face briefly. Then back to the others, "Feels like maybe there's... something else, though?"
She's got too many guns and knives and things to really sit down easily, so she paces a little ways to look at some of the plants while she listens.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Gee, boss, your faith in my abilities warms my heart," Clarice remarks in a dry tone - before breaking into an amused smile. She watches while Lydia tries to pet the piggies - but Winifred, who abruptly stops nibbling on the edge of Clarice's comic book so she can hide beneath it, is having none of it. "Winnie! Don't chew on the books," Clarice chastizes with a sigh, before returning her attention to Domino.
"Well - when I introduce people to the Asteroid I always take them here first. It's just stunning - and I love that look of awe people always get." Her gaze shifts from Domino, to Wade, to the nearby pond before asking, "Hey... Wade. How're you at naming things?" she asks abruptly - a broad grin growing on her features, though doubtlessly he'll have no idea why she suddenly looks so mischievous.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
The ash flakes tingle a little bit when touched. Nothing unpleasant, but it's a cooling kind of feel, like rubbing mint or menthol on the skin. "Sure," she says to Wade. "It's just ectoplasm. Perfectly harmless until I turn it into a spike and ram it through your heart." She lets out a forlorn sigh, "It used to be just a glowing green aura but I had a near death experience which... broke things." Considering the pallor of the woman, her experience was probably nearer to death than most.
Lydia laughs lightly at Clarice. "I was wondering when you were going to get to that," she says cryptically. Mystique's kiss gets one in return. "Whenever I bring somebody new up here this is one of the first places I take them. Well, this and the waffle bar. Up here it really hammers home that you're /out in space/. Looking down at the Earth is just... breathtaking." She shakes her head. "It still blows me away whenever I see it."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade jerks a little and rubs his index finger and thumb together. "Ooh... tingly..." he says with a grin under the mask. "I will want to see a more... savage use of the powers another time though. You can even use me as a target" he says, the glee in his tone coming out as sincere as can be.
He looks at Clarice, "I mean... Wade is an anagram of Adam" No it isn't, not really. "So... good enough for God's work. What's on your mind?" he asks, not suspecting anything out of sorts from the woman's demeanor.
While most times, he's a fan of the view of space, his dorm has a lovely window view and he's marvelled at the vista enough for the time. The last day or so was spent reorganizing his action figure collection--which was set before a window--so that the new Blink figure he procured (don't ask how) could be featured well in the midst of the action.
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Settling onto her butt by Lydia, Mystique gestures toward the lake. "Every night at six o'clock, I feed my koi. Ritz knows that, so she dropped you here where I am, really that's it." She looks up at the earth above. "That and who wouldn't want to see that view at least once?"
Honestly, that was the reason. It's all a matter of timing really, when Mystique will be in a place that is easiest for people to access her without having to drag her out of her room or away from a meal. H & D over watch is key to how this place runs /without/ pissing the boss off. Not pissing Mystique off is very important to them, what with the going on three weeks of being forced to watch and report everything Wade does, including sleeping. Do you know how boring it is to watch someone sleep? They do.
"If you want there to be something else, I could arrange for there to be something else," she then teases with a slight smirk. "Perhaps have Clarice send you clear across the garden and every time you almost make it back to us, send you back again?"
Instantly she shoots Clarice a glare now as she warns, "Stop it. Leave my fish alone."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino peers at Mystique. "Uhh... no, thanks, I'm cool. 'Feeding my fish' is a good enough reason. I've never been good with pets. I get busy and forget to feed them." But now she paces over toward the koi pond, to crouch down and peer at the fish.
She is /not/ touching the fish. Look, there's danger that she can only avoid by luck, and then there's danger she can avoid very, very easily. Not touching the boss' fish is one of the latter dangers. No need to put herself at risk.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"The last three need names - numbers are not names." That last bit has the ring of something that's been said many, many times before. Rather than climbing to her feet, and clambering over the pen she'd errected to contain her guinea pigs - Clarice simply blinks out, reappearing still in a seated-position near the pond, and a few feet above the ground. She begins to fall immediately, but her legs and one hand come out so she lands in a crouch, and then stands - studying the fish with a critical eye.
"Hrm..." she muses thoughtfully. "That one, that one, aaaaand..." where's four? "OH! That one. They still aren't named."
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Wade gets an odd look from Lydia. "Why would I want to use you as a pincushion?" she asks, puzzled. Clearly she's unfamiliar with the mercs reputation. She looks at Mystique for help on this one.
She just shakes her head, scootches a little closer to Mystique and leans into her. "Your fish need names," she chides affectionately. "Numbers are not names."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade movs forward and peers over the edge of the lake at the fish. "Oh... naming fish. I can do that." He looks at Mystique, takes in her glower, and shrugs. "What are the ones that have names. I mean, are we looking for a theme or... just grabbing at the air. And... how many can I name?" he asks, examinging the creatures.
He is very intent in his studies of the ones Clarice pointed out--or the ones he assumes she pointed out koi are very similar in look and one can often be mistaken for another. The wheels in his head are already turning it would seem as he considers the fish.
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique wraps her arm around Lydia's shoulder and leans into her a little.
"Deadpool here is known for being the one to get stabbed, shot, poisoned, lanced, baseball bat upside the head, shot in the junk, limbs severed, ice pick to the head," she stops there, thinking Lydia gets it. Clearly Mystique has heard a lot of reports about Wade at this point, and not just from H & D. "There's a lot of people out there who want a piece of him, and he doesn't feel the pain like most people do. Afterwards, he just regenerates, on par with Sabertooth and Logan, then comes back for more."
Now she looks over to Clarice and Wade, still glowering, still hating Clarice (not really) then sighs, "Fine... One, Four and Five needs names that other people will call them." Eyes are rolled and she looks back just as a guinea pig climbs into her lap.
"Damn it, why are they so cute..." she mutters then starts petting it.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Sometimes," Domino comments idly as she examines the fish, "he gets exploded. One time on a job, I was so annoyed with him that I shot him and the recoil sent him stumbling into a trip wire so /he/ got exploded instead of /me/." She makes a face. "I had to finish the job on my own, pick up all the pieces and cart them out in a bag, and he /still/ insisted on getting his full share. Jerk." It's said fondly.
Aside to Clarice, "Be careful, his names are likely to be... ridiculous."
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"You only get to name one," Clarice says firmly. "We've got, uh... Lets see. That's Lord Scaley-Bottom, that's Herald Luke, that one over there," she points to each fixh as she talks, "is Miss Bubbles. That one is..." She puts on a look of concentration, "Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01. And of course there's Darth Splish-Splash, Wiggle-Waggle, Flukes 'n Fins the Eighth, Lord of the Pond, and finally Lady Squiggles. All very distinguished and perfectly normal names, of course."
Beaming brightly at Domino she adds, "I'm sure that Deadpool here will treat naming the boss's fish with the appropriate amount of reverence."
God. If she's not careful - Mystique //will// find a way to get back at her...
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I know, right?" Lydia says with a grin, reaching over to give the piggie some scritches. "I kind of want a pet of my own know. Clarice and the boys have the piggies and you have your fish. Maybe I can get... I don't know. A snake. I tend to freak out cats and dogs and other animals. Don't know why the piggies aren't bothered by me. Maybe they're mutants just like us." She gets a rather distant look at the thought of taking care of something. She had, at one point, entertained the notion of having a child of her own, sooner or later, but becoming a vampire dashed that all to hell.
Wade gets a look of renewed interest. "Well. Just because he /can/ survive being pincushioned why would he /wan't/ to? Unless he's some sort of masochist?" Her eyes narrow, "Also, why does he smell of rosewater and pickles?"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade has been observing the fish for a time as the others talk. "That one!" he points at smallish sized fish and and tracks it with his pointed index finger. "He shall be known as... *SHARKBAIT! OOH-AH-AH!*" He adds as an aside to no one in particular. "Gotta start paying the Mouse God royalties at some point."
He turns to Lydia and is about to explain his own interest in seeing what her ectoplasmic shards can do to him when she mentions the smell. "Pickles?" he blinks. "Oh god... I... I thought that was just Toad..."
He reaches into one of his hip pouches and removes a yellow wrapped hamburger. "I completely forgot about this. I was going to cram it down the server's mouth back at the burger joint a few days ago. I asked for *no pickles.* Then I got bored waiting for the guy in the lot."
He tosses it back into the pouch and them removes the *entire pouch,* looking around for an airlock or waste chute to dispose of the likely toxic pouch. "Where's it go Boss? We don't want the hazardous chemicals to fumigate the entire station." Just apparently the gathered assembly in the garden area.
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique was distracted by guinea pig and Lydia, the idea of her having a pet. "Love, you can have anything you want," she almost purrs to Lydia. "And I mean /any thing/ you want." She gives Lydia serious look before once again smiling and adding, "Snake, horse, pony, monkey, you name it, you get it."
She was trying to ignore the fish naming ceremony behind her, but the name... dear gods. She'd seen the movie and as Wade announces the new name, she facepalms. Gesturing down the path then hooking her hand like 'around the corner', she says, "Garbage can and recycling container. We protect the earth we can see above us," trying very hard to keep the fact that she wants to laugh about that name out of her tone. "And yes Lydia, Wade is a little bit of a masochist."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino glances over at Mystique and Lydia, seeming to make a mental note of the relationship. Lydia's firmly on the "do not cross" list, because that will make the boss mad. Presumably.
She returns her attention to the pond. She wraps her arms around her knees in her crouch as she considers the fish. "Can I name one?" she asks Clarice. "I'll even think about it reverently, which Wade /obviously/ didn't do. 'Sharkbait?' Really?"
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Actually, 'Sharkbait Ooo Ha Ha,'" Clarice points out, smiling with amusement as she corrects the woman. "You can name... that one, or- damnit, where did one go- OH! There. That one."
Her gaze goes Wade as he gestures with the old burger and she makes a face, and makes an underhanded tossing gesture. "Just toss it up, I'll take care of it," she offers - summoning a javelin into her hand and waiting for the throw. Who doesn't like a little target practice after all?
She flicks her gaze briefly to where Mystique and Lydia play with the guinea pigs - a smile growing on her features. There's something odd about Mystique with a guinea pig in her lap but- well. She saw her with a bamf, earlier. Her attention quickly returns to Wade, though, as she waits for the toss.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia seems somewhat surprised by Mystique's acceptance of having a pet. Why wouldn't she be, though? The woman would destroy the world for her, why not have a pet? "I'll think about it," she says. "I'll have to see what kind of animals I can be around without a problem."
"Hunh," she says about Wades penchant for pain. "Well. I mean. If he wants to, why not?" She doesn't understand this /at all/ but Wade seems to be into it. His choice of names for the fish, however, gets a shake of her head. "It was only a matter of time."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade grins at Clarice. "This is why I like you" he says and tosses the pouch holding the highly offensive burger into the air. As the pouch rises the odd smell of pickles leaves the man leaving only rosewater in it's wake. Well, rosewater, leahter, and metal (for the discerning nose of Lydia.)
Once the pouch is out of his hands he turns to Lydia, trusting in Blink's disposal abilities. "Look at it this way, I don't think I've ever been hit with an spirit projectile. I'm not sure what it can or will do to me. These are things that I need to know in order to better facilitate my duties as an effective and unstopable asset.
It might be a bit jarring to all, besides maybe Domino and Mystique, but he was actually reasonable and tactically intelligent at times. Even if his methods spoke of a more eccentric ideology.
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique sets the guinea pig down and picks up the next one that has decided to wedge itself between Lydia and her legs, and begins the petting processes all over again.
"Neena, you might as name one as well," she offers over her shoulder, giving up now that all but two have really stupid names.
"As for you Wade, don't get anything removed that takes time to recover from. I have a job for you that presented itself last night. I debated, and decided, so we'll talk later about your contract."'
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino peers at the fish in question. Ponders names, throwing each in turn out as inappropriate for a fish. Then, "Oh! Ishmael." Look, she /reads/. Sometimes. "No, wait--'Call me Ishmael.' Gotta keep in theme, right?" The theme being 'fishy names that are slightly over the top.'
That done, she straightens and turns to peer at the burger and javelin, just in time to see whatever happens. She needs to be /aware/ of it to dodge potential burger fallout, after all.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
There are no bits of burger fall-out - not in the garden, anyways. The javelin hits the burger, which blinks out of existance - though the truly observant might catch a faint speck of purple light outside the dome. Yup - Clarice spaced-it to burn up upon re-entry. No harm can be done by that, really.
"Call me Ishmael it is!" Clarice declares - not getting the reference at all. "That leaves fish number one, only. I don't think we've gotten //Pete// to name a fish yet, you know..." She really should ask him. That would take care of all the fish.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I'll be careful not to puncture any vital organs," Lydia promises, her eyes tracking the pouch's arc into the air. When it blinks away, her gaze returns to the guinea pigs. "I think it'll be just like getting pierced like just about anything else. When I make it solid it's... just solid," she says distractedly as she continues to pet a pig.
She looks up and gestures with a hand, and a ball of ebony black ectoplasm zooms out and halts right in front of Wade. "Here, feel it."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade eyes Mystique for a moment and nods before he reaches out and feels the solid mass. "It's cold and feels... tingly, like the last but solid enough" he shrugs. "I still like to test it... just in case. You never know with mutant powers. Some interact with others in strange ways." He steps back away from any possible bystanders (aside from a bush) and t-poses.
He chuckles. "Look at me asserting my dominance" he says with a grin in his tone. "Go ahead and hit my arm... right here..." He slaps his left bicep a few times. It's an easy enough target. "If it's like other projectiles, should heal up in a matter of moments. But I guess we'll see, won't we?" He rolls his neck. "Maximum effort." The words have the sound of a mantra for the man.
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique continues her attentive guinea pig petting until the she picked up squirms and leaves, so she starts caressing Lydia's back instead while leaning against her. It was odd that the three little pigs weren't reacting to Lydia, but they weren't exactly born under normal circumstances, so perhaps that had something to do with it. Whatever it was that Tara had done, they were healthy, happy, squeaky little balls of fur eating Clarice's comic book... and Mystique wasn't stopping them
"Just call One Ted instead," she finally says. "That's what his name was when he was the size of a minnow.
Turning now, she watches Lydia's ectoplasm with Wade, "Just hit him a few times, then stab his ass... Wade, move your shirt or something, we don't need another suit ruined."
A side glance is offered to Neena, "Feeling like part of the team yet?"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino grins, turning to look at Mystique. "I named a fish! Totally a part of the team. Although..." She eyes Lydia and then Clarice. "I could offer a demonstration of my abilities, too, /but/ I wouldn't want to tear up the garden or anything."
She bounces a little on her toes, precariously close to the edge of the pond but never quite tipping the wrong way to fall in. "Been a while since I saw any real action." Then what the heck has she been /doing/ all these months?
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Ted?" Clarice repeats. Was that a note of disappointment in her voice? "Alright. Ted it is," she agrees, before blinking out in a flash of purple energy, and reappearing inside the pen.
"Well. We do have a training room. It's safe for all sorts of displays of power," Clarice remarks. "We could always head dow- Aww, Mary, my comic!" she protests suddenly, scooping up the comic that the guinea pig had just be nibbling on. "You naughty thing. Geeze."
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Yes ma'am," Lydia says with a grin to Mystique's orders. She gestures with a finger and the ball suddenly *slams* into Wade's gut with enough force to knock the wind out of him, and while he's doubled over, another flick of a finger sends the ball shooting upwards to clock him under the chin. She keeps it gentle enough so it doesn't break anything but the man should be seeing stars by now. A wave of the hand transforms the ball into a javelin and sends it rocketing through his arm to pin him to the ground.
She looks over at Mystique and quirks an eyebrow. "That what you had in mind?"
Her attention turns to Domino, tensing as she's dangerously close to the pond. "If we really want to go all out and show off we're better off going to the training room."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
The hit to the gut was unexpected, and it does cause Wade to double over a bit. The shot to the jaw sends him in a spinning arc to the ground and then there is a grunt of discomfort as the javelin pins him by the arm.
He's laughing. "That was... very impressive!" he says not seeming to care that there is a smallpool of blood pouring from the pinning point on his bicep. "Damn... that's got to be useful!" hes says, his chest heaving with the strain of his laughter.
He lifts his head, it's not wobbly anymore. "Sorry Boss," he says looking to Mystique. "Going to have to go for a alteration run again. It's a through a through."
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
After a moment of watching Clarice, Mystique finally says, "Alright, alright. Teddy von Fishfin the Third, but Ted for short, better?" She rolls her eyes, admitting defeat. Clarice won this war, but the guinea pig eating her comic? That was a whole new battle, let retribution begin!
Turning slightly, she watches Lydia beat Wade up, well more like beat on Wade and then the suit gets a through and through. Another sigh is offered followed by a shrug, "That is exactly what I meant Lydia," is offered first followed by. "It's alright Wade, H & D have a gift for you anyway."
Caressing Lydia's back again she glances finally to Domino, "Training room is open to all members of the Brotherhood, specifically designed to take even Juggernaut having a go at it. Only two rooms in this place that you don't just walk into, the Inner Sanctum, that's where Erik spends his time... and my office, cause that will get you spaced."
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice immediately raises her hand to declare brightly, "I do the spacing."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino watches Deadpool getting beaten up with a broad grin on her face. When it's done, she actually claps. "That's great, Lydia! And you almost died recently? You look fine to me. A little pale, but..." But Domino /herself/ has no pigment to her skin at all.
She hops back and forth from one foot to another, /dangerously/ close to the edge of the pond, then hops forward to stop freaking people out. She walks over to offer Wade a hand up. "I'm up for it if you are," she says, "but I'd hate to take you away from the guinea pigs."
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Mystique rattling off 'Ted's' full name gets a broad smile of approval from Clarice, who shares a high-five with Lydia over their 'success' at naming all of the fish@ Number are not names.
It's something Clarice feels very firmly about.
At Domino's concern over the piggies she adds, "Oh, I can send them back to their pen easily enough. It isn't a tricky teleport." After all - what space does she know better than her own quarters? "Then we can all continue to take pot-shots at Wade. Since it seems to be his plan for the evening..."
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia drops her hand, and the javelin dissipates into thin air. "I went easy on you," she calls out to Wade. "Mystique didn't want anything seriously injured. Anyway, I guess this experiment was a... success?"
The smell of Wade's blood catches her attention, though. Of course since it's blood it whets her appetite, and her eyes home in on it nearly immediately. There's something slightly ... off about his blood. Something unhealthy, though she doesn't have the experience to figure out what. "Wade? Are you... sick somehow?"
She tears her attention away from the blood and leans into Mystique's comforting touch. "I'm game if we want to do a bit of practicing. I'm up to season seven of American Ninja Warrior."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade lets Domino help him to his feet. The wound on his arm is already closing before their eyes. His healing factor truly was impressive, but what more could be expected of the Weapon X program. He leans into the black clad woman in a familiar, if not particularly romantic way. The hint of rosewater again comes unimpeded to her sense of smell (this time without the pickle smell).
"Success indeed." He looks at his bicep, the hole completely gone leaving skin that looks scarred and burned. "Yes. Actually" he replies to Lydia. "See the experiments that supered my natural healing also supered the cancer that was in my liver, lungs, prostate, and brain." He pauses. "Actually, by now it's probably everywhere if my skin in any indicator." He shrugs. "So while the healing factor destroys the cancer at the rate it needs to keep me alive and pure as I was post torture chamber, the cancer just grows back as fast as it can. The eternal struggle, right?"
He shrugs. "And while I would love to let you four *lovely* ladies blow me," a beat, "apart, I actually have something I have to look into. You see... my girlfriend has invited me to a get together tomorrow, and if Cap isn't going to be showing up as the Star Spangled Man with a Plan, I'm not going to show up looking like I don't want the bad guys to see me bleed."
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique slides her arm around Lydia's waist as she stands up, taking her lover with her to her feet. Of course Lydia can choose to stay sitting, but Mystique knows she likely won't. Tightening her arm around the pale mutants waist, a kiss is placed soft on her neck, a distraction she has learned work rather when when she adds just a little nibble.
"I'm all for going to the training room and seeing who can kicks the ass of whom," she offers once that nibble is complete. "Barrim is in the medbay for minor wound healing, Jasmine and Tara on call for major wounds but I would prefer no major damage please."
She glances to Wade and Domino, then back to Clarice, "There will be another time for beating up Wade, if you would all like the chance. I'll even pay him to let you all beat him up, but dinner with the girlfriend's friends? Yeah, that's major important to prepared for." She glances to Lydia with that, wondering now what her lover's plans are for the impending holidays.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino stares at Wade for a minute. "Wait. You have a /girlfriend/?! And that wasn't the /first/ thing you told me?! 'Oh Neena, you're back, great, come to this asteroid, never mind that I have a /girlfriend/!" She thwaps him, hard, in the bicep that just got pierced. On purpose. Hmph.
Then, "If you don't see about introducing us I'll shoot you somewhere important. But not right now. Go, shoo," she makes the motion at him. "We can have just as much fun without you. See if anyone can hit me. Spoiler alert: they can't." She tosses a grin at the other women in the room. It's true! She's hard to hit. Wade caught her by surprise, earlier.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Ah. We're sparring later, then?" Clarice asks, settling back into place on the ground, even as Mystique and Lydia are getting to their feet. "I guess I'll finish my comic, then?" She seems perfectly relaxed - in fact, she reaches out with one hand to pet one of her piggies - and a split second later, summons and hurls a javelin with unerring accuracy. Perhaps Domino had just been beginning to relax - and that's why the javelin clips her. Either way, Clarice watches with fascination the way she's able to contort herself, snatching the branch of a tree, and getting just enough of a tug from the branch before it snaps to change her directory, and end up on the shore beside the pond - with only an inch or so to spare.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Ah," Lydia says to Wade's explanation. "So that's what cancer smells like. Good to know in case I smell it on one of our members." She follows Mystique as she gets to her feet, and then breaks out in a grin when she's nibbled. "Hey now," she says quietly, "/I'm/ the one who's supposed to be doing the biting."
"A girlfriend?" she asks with a grin. "Congrats! I hope your meeting goes well." She watches Clarice just suddenly attack Neena out of nowhere, and she blanches, but everything seems to work out okay, except for that tree branch.
Shaking her head she snakes her arm around Mystique. "If you'll excuse us, we've got some... erm... business to take care of. Later!" And with that she escorts her lover back to their premises.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade smiles at Domino, the sound more in his voice than visible. "Well, I'll talk to her about it. She's not exactly the shy type." He watches as Clarice manages to clip the woman but the resultant landing is a dry one. "Still got it" he says, aiming a finger gun at the Lucky woman. "Good shot, though Clarice."
He blows a kiss to the gathering as he skips toward the exit. "Don't be a stranger anymore Dom" he calls over his shoulder to his fellow mercenary. "Call me" he says holding up his hand with pinky and thumb extended to the side of his face. "You too, Boss once you got the contract written up. I'm excited to see what you have in mind."
- Raven Darkholme has posed:
As people begin to make their way out, a young man seems to literally materialize out of a large bush. Whether he had always been there or just arrived there is unknown, but he crosses over to the tree that was broken. There are actual tears on his face as he picks up the branch, then walks to the trunk of the tree to lay his hand against it.
"Shhhh, it's alright," he whispers very softly. "I'll take your pain away."
Even as he speaks, the end of the branch that broke begins to grow again, out from the 'wound' to create a brand new, thick branch where the old one had been. When that is complete, he hugs the tree gently then walks back to the bush he appeared from, and disappears back into it.