896/What do Snarks have against Sweet and Sour Anyway

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What do Snarks have against Sweet and Sour Anyway
Date of Scene: 31 March 2020
Location: Skies over Brooklyn
Synopsis: Aliens and humans meet over a bounty misundterstanding.
Cast of Characters: Julie Power, Koriand'r, Xiomara Rojas, M'gann M'orzz

Julie Power has posed:
Two Years ago: Queen Mother Maraud of the Zn'rk clan had grown frustrated with Power Pack constantly foiling her plans of securing Earth's weapons for her own. In a fit of pique, she had reached out to her allies and bounty hunters, and put out a bounty to be negotiated for the capture of any of the Power children, with a bonus if you captured all four. To prove her seriousness in this, to the planet Tameran she had offered fresh ground mustard seed in an advanced payment to the one who broughy her any of the power children...

Today: >: Don't forget to pick up dinner on the way home!

Glancing at her text on her phone, Julie sighed. How'd she get roped into picking up dinner? Oh right, she said she was going to be near Chinatown today. After picking up the box of food platters from the restaurant, Julie looked around and slipped into an alleyway. "Nobody likes cold Chinese food." she said to herself as she checked the box, making sure that everything that was needed was in place.

Mom and Dad's beef and brocoli, check. Jack's moo goo gai pan, check. Katie's sweet and sour chicken, check. And lo mein and sushi rolls for herself. After making sure the condiments, fortune cookies and plasticware was secure, the young woman took flight, a rainbow trail behind her as Lightspeed's Delivery Service took flight!

Koriand'r has posed:
The mustard seed; it bore a great many similarities to the yunthrak plant native to Tamaran. This plant's seeds were often ground and made into a bread that is baked and made a fluffy bread similar to angel food cake that had a distinctly horseradishy taste (or so said the Lantern that tried it).

What made mustard so wonderous was that this delicious dessert could be made, with the proper processing, into a drink that could accompany dinners or drunk alone as a dessert that the terrans often sold in the grocery stores, sometimes eating it with processed meat or other foods as a topping, due to its thick texture.

But that was before, well, things got bad on Tamaran.

And before things got bad with the Titans. Koriand'r was trying to make ends meet, more or less. So when she had been contacted by an old Zn'rk friend of hers, who had managed to track her down to Earth... well, they had spun a tale of horror and woe, about how these Power Pack children were essentially intergalactic terrorists. And now they were here! On Earth!

Kori wasn't /naive/ as much as she was trusting, but the thought of the Power Pack doing something to the planet she enjoyed was something that caused her pause.

And from the description, well... rainbow light trail? Check. Blonde girl? Check.

And so it was while midair that the vaguely amazonian Tamaranean launches up, wearing her belly bearing purple dress and boots with green jeweling that she flies up before Julie's path forward, holding out her hand in the universal sign for... "Stop, villain!" she says, royal authority in her tone. "Are you of the Power Pack?!" she demands.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Seriously, Mustard is that important on Tamaran? It's just mustard..." Xio is a bit confused, but she shrugs. "I guess it's like Meg and chocolate. She loves chocolate- like more than most humans could." And then the hunt is suddenly on as Starfire flies off, "Aw.. shit. Flyers." she mumbles before she takes a few steps and LEAPs into the air to follow and keep up with the two flyers- luckily, she's strong enough that it isn't *too* difficult to leap with some speed.

    "You sure that's a terrorist, Kori? Looks like a kid to me!" she shouts at the peak of one jump before gravity takes over and starts her fall.

    "Get her on the ground, Starfire!" Xio then shouts on her way down.

Julie Power has posed:
Starfire is not the only one here that likes showing off her belly. Julie's crop top shows off her abs into a pair of low rise jeans as she holds onto the box of Chinese food as she hears the cry of 'Stop, villain!' And it's enough to bring the second oldest Power child to a halt as she floats in mid-air, standing on the rainbow she had just created.

And she's looking around. Villain? Where's the villain?? And then she realizes that the orange-hued young woman in purple and green is addressing /her/ and the teenage girl looks utterly baffled. But then comes that all-important question. "Yes, I'm Julie Power." she offers in greetings, a smile touching her face. And then she looks at the box. "Wait, I didn't take this. I have the reciept and everything, give me a second, I'll dig it out if you want me to." And then there's another woman racing by and falling towards the ground... screaming about getting her on the ground.

Julie's eyes suddenly widen in shock and horror as she realizes that she's being called a villain. "Wait, what?!" she cries out, suddenly jetting higher as she she pulls he rainbow around her attempting to shield herself.

Koriand'r has posed:
Starfire pauses there a moment, floating in place. There were things that weren't... adding up so much about this, and Kori spares just a glance towards Xiomara then, where she was floating. But if Julie were /actually/ a terrorist, well. Of /course/ she would play innocent as well.

So the mean look on Starfire's face draws into a deeper frown. "It is not the delicious smelling Chinese food that I speak of," says Starfire. "It is the acts of crime and terror that you have set upon the people of Zn'rx!" she says, able to pronounce the alien world correctly. Unlike certain snarky pronounciations.

There was a twinge of pain in the back of Starfire's belly when she realized what she had to do.

Tackle her, and ruin the Chinese food. But some things were more important than eating.

Turning around, Kori aims herself, Superman style, towards Julie, at a downward angle. Hoping to contact the rainbow energy of the Julie and push her down towards the ground. Somewhat near her waiting partner in bounty hunting.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xiomara is running along the ground- eyes to the sky as she watches Julie and Kori do their thing- waiting for them to get to the ground. "Friggin' flyers." she grumbles to herself, "Too busy in the city to throw shit.." she continues, just complaining as she keeps her eyes on the rainbow colored prize.

    "Yeah! That's it!" she shouts up, grabbing a newspaper vending machine and crushing it up as she hurries along- something to throw, hard, above Julie so she'd have fewer options for escape.

Julie Power has posed:
Protect the food. She can't afford to buy a whole other meal for the family, she used what cash she had on this feast. And then Starfire says the magic word. "The Snarks sent you?!" Julie's blue eyes flash dangerously at that one word. As Starfire angles her attack, Julie is slammed into and pinballs towards the ground, rolling herself around the box of food to protect herself.

"The Snarks kidnapped my parents!" she yells, angry, defiant suddenly at the purple suited alien as she attempts to recover and rises from the ground to shove herself, rainbow and all at Starfire at nearly five hundred miles per hour. "The Snarks tried to kill my brother. The Snarks are the reason I have this stupid power! The Snarks have been giving me trouble since I was ten years old, and I'M TIRED OF IT!"

When Xiomara throws the vending machine, she twists out of the way, but as she sees the machine falling back towards the crowded street, she gasps and suddenly thrusts, slamming into the device to push it into an empty lot where she, the machine and the box all crash down. She slides to a halt in the dirt, the rainbow trail protecting her and the food as she pushes to her feet. "I don't want to fight you, but I will." she warns lowly. She can't heave stuff like the two powerhouses can. So she waits, and uses the only weapon she can find as Starfire closes in on her.

Reahing into the box, she grabs two packets of super hot spicy Chinese mustard -- Jack loves it -- and tries to squirt the packets into Starfire's face!

Koriand'r has posed:
There was a twinge from Starfire's motion too - they had been careful to try to keep this sort of thing from too crowded of an area, but the tipping of the machine towards the crowd had Starfire diverting herself that way too - so she could do much the same as Julie attempted to.

"I do not wish to fight either," says Starfire, even as she ends up at the ground - trying to manuever so that Julie's back was to Xiomara.

The alien princess glances across to Xio, her features twisted in disbelief. "But is that why you are hurting the innocent Zn'rks?" she says to Julie.

"I am certain this is a misunderstand..." she says.

When her face was squirted with the mustard. Starfire did react, bringing up her hand in a whirlwind to prevent most of the mustard from making it through, but... she pauses, a bit of the spicey mustard at the edge of one of her eyes, as she closes it.

"...you are a Terran child?" she says to Julie, looking to Xiomara for confirmation again.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xiomara arrives quickly enough- she's faster than a human, albeit not a speedster by any means. She skids to a stop, frowning deeply as she looks over towards Starfire and then towards Julie.

    The punkish young woman raises an eyebrow as Julie sprays Starfire with mustard. "I dun think this is a terrorist." she states simply when Starfire looks at her, crossing her arms. "But, if that don't matter to you it don't matter to me. Take her in, don't take her in. I dun care." she says, rolling her red eyes.

Julie Power has posed:
"Yes. I'm a human teenager. Not a Snark. Definetly not a Skrull!" Julie's mad, the young woman fuming as she's ready to defend herself with yet more Chinese mustard, not that it did much to Starfire. "I have more of where that came from." It's a hollow threat, but a trheat nonthless. "But if you're friends with the Snarks, you're not a friend of mine..."

She's not moving to attack, instead, she's reaching into her pocket. "Friday, I may need some help..." she manages, not knowing how long it may take for the Smartship to arrive. "Costume on!" And with that, Julie's street clothes change into her Power Pack uniform, the Kymellian symbol for Velocity set on her chest. Or you know, a silhouette of Pink Floyd's famous Dark Side of the Moon prism.

Koriand'r has posed:
Starfire brings up an orange hand to the glob of mustard at the edge of her eye, wiping it some, her features screwing up in mild consternation. The green of that eye was a little less vibrant, and a little more, well... where a human's eyes might turn red, hers were turning black with the irritation.

Doesn't stop her from wiping off her finger afterward on her dress.

"It does matter to me," Starfire says to Xiomara.

"If I have been made to accept the trick, then I will be most accept," she says.

"Tamaran and Zn'rk have been friends for as long as I can remember," she says. The two species were... well... alien warrios, of a type.

Even if the Snarks were kinda sharpish.

A few steps backwards, and Starfire lifts up her fists in front of herself at the transformation. This whole situation was getting a little murky. "You were ten years old when you were terrorizing the Zn'rk?" she asks, her shoulders showing a watchful wariness. Humans and Tamaraneans had roughly... similar aging patterns, Star had noticed.

"I think there is mischief at play, Xiomara," she says. "But I know not if it is the Zn'rks fooling me or Julie Power."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "You really oughta call me Crush when I'm out and about." Xiomara notes over to Kori. "Some of us got highschools that get really pissy if people knows we been doin' stuff like this." she states simply.
    "I don't think she's a terrorist. Look at her, Starfire." The Czarnian girl states nodding towards Julie. "She's just a girl- can't be older than me. Probably in school. Got to worry about boys or girls or whatever, and not terrorizing some people who dun kidnapped her parents?" she says, "I mean, if she's lyin, I'll just break every bone in her body. Easy-peasy."

Julie Power has posed:
"Yes, and my little sister was six." Thumbing her phone, Julie takes a few moments and then holds up a picture. It's of her and her siblings soon after they got their powers. At Julie's 11th birthday party. Where Snarks attacked. "The Snarks want a weapon my father accidentally created. A matter to antimatter converter that can destroy galaxies in the wrong hands."

But they Xiomara is talking about breaking every bone in her body. "You could try." she manages in false bravado. "I've fought evil mutants, Skrulls, Snarks... I can handle this..." It's an empty threat, but if she can get airborne again.

Or buy time. Come on, Friday, get a hold of someone.

Koriand'r has posed:
    "Oop," says Starfire, glancing towards Xiomara. "Crush, I am most sorry," she adds. Hands were still held in fists, but they weren't glowing green at this moment. At what the Czarnian says, though, Starfire glances her way. A beat, and she bobs her head in a nod.

    "I think you are correct," she says, as Julie explains quite a bit in the few seconds of combat.

    "So I think..." she pauses. "It would be best to just leave for now, and reverify the story, yes?" she says. Starfire was already kinda floating away.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Unhuh. Is that right?" Crush asks as she again rolls her eyes, crossing both arms across her chest. "I dun think you could but, that ain't what's important here." she continues. "What's important is figuring out who's being had. Either you, or Starfire's friend is lyin'." she says, before putting to fingers into her mouth and whistling, "Yo! Obelus!" she shouts back behind her.

    Obelus snakes out from an alleyway- the length of chain then flying across the distance between herself and Xiomara. "Kinda wish Meg was here, she'd make it easy." Xiomara notes over to Starfire.

    "You sure, Starfire? I could have Obelus tie her up while we check."

    The Czarnian, it seems, is along for the ride at best.

Julie Power has posed:
"Look. Something's off here." Julie draws in a breath. "I'm not a friend of the Snarks." she admits. "You can check it out if you want to. But if the Snarks are involved... I'm going to want to fight them." When Xiomara makes her comment, she lets out a breath. "Alright, lets figure this out."

Koriand'r has posed:
    "I am most certain," says Starfire. "I would not wish to be seen as needlessly attacking a Terran child," she says, in spite of the fact that Star was not /that/ much older than the other two. Bringing up her hand to push her hair over her shoulder, green eyes flicker between Julie and Xiomara then.

    "Although I appreciate your help very much," she says. "But that is the advantage of M..mmn....ahm," Starfire pauses a moment. "Miss Martian?" she offers. That was M'gann's superhero name, right?

    She kinda squints towards Crush at that. "Perhaps if you would be willing, Julie Power," she says. "We can have you talk to her, and she will discover the truth?" she offers.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Look. I gotta way.. just a sec, let me call my girlfriend." Crush states, as she reaches into her pocket to pull out a phone, dialing away. "Yeah, exactly Starfire." A pause, as the phone rings. "Hey, Miss Martian, it's Crush." she says, "I'm going to share my location with you- we- Uh, Starfire and me- we need your help with seein' if someone is tellin' the truth. I think it's Brooklyn, def NYC." There's a pause before Xiomara turns from the two, cupping her hand over the phone, "Love you. See you soon. Kisses."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "On my way!" Fortunately, M'gann had just been studying, so it was fairly quick work to open her window and slip out, telekinetically closing it behind her. Shimmering out of view, the teen lifts up and takes off, shifting forms as she travels. A few minutes later she's able to pick up on Crush's psychic signature, and returns to visibility before coming in for a landing. "Hi! So... I'm pretty sure Crush asked me here because I'm psychic. With your permission, I can do a brief scan of surface thoughts and hopefully help calm things down?" ...How is anyone this bubbly on a tuesday?

Julie Power has posed:
"My parents are going to be so twerked that I'm late with dinner..." Julie says, a frown touching her features as she looks between the two women. Floating off the ground, rainbow colors surrounding her as she prepares to go on the attack, the young Power Packer just frowns as yet another alien is arriving. Is she the only human in Brooklyn? That's really getting into her head before M'gann approaches and she reaches up with her free hand to push it through her strawberry locks. This is why she doesn't superhero anymore.

"Sure." she finally says, trying to force a smile to the surface.

Koriand'r has posed:
    There was a secret little smile at the edge of Starfire's lips at what she /doesn't/ overhear at the phone call the tough Crush makes, her eyes scanning forward as she tucks her arms behind her back.

    And waits. But unfortunately, not for long, bringing up her hand to wave to M'gann when she arrives.

    "Miss Martian!" she just about chirps. "Yes. That might help clear up this misunderstanding," she says to her.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Hello!" she offers over to Miss Martian when she arrives, "And yeah- I figured if she were up for it, you could see if she was lyin' or we was bein' lied to." she explains to Megan, "It's easier and faster this way, right?" she wonders of the other three women, "I mean, won't hurt none. No one gotta get their bones broke or nothin."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "We can help you get there faster, if it will help? And don't worry. It's just a surface scan. I'm not learning any deep dark secrets. ...I'm Miss Martian, by the way." Crap. She was supposed to introduce herself at the /beginning/. She reaches out one hand towards Julie, fingers spread, and her eyes glow green. On the rainbow flier's end, the scan wouldn't feel particularly intrusive. Just kind of like someone standing behind her, a closeness, which stops just as quickly as it started. "...She's not lying. And did you /really/ have to throw a vending machine at her, Crush? Someone could have gotten hurt!"

Julie Power has posed:
Julie frowns. "I'm Julie. Or Lightspeed. I don't really use my codename anymore..." she says, holding still as she waits for M'gann to finish. As much as this has been on her mind as of late with the Happy Harbor mess, she's a pretty open book. "I have some extra egg rolls. I wasn't looking for a fight..." she shrugs her shoulders.

Koriand'r has posed:
    Starfire pauses a few moments, lifting her hand up as she looks to M'gann, "It is my fault," says Starfire. "I did not verify the story as much as I should, but the story I was told was that they were the most terrible villains, capable of causing great harm to this planet," she says.

    "So it was me telling Crush this that led her to excessive force," she says.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "What, I thought she might be a terrorist!" Crush says, putting hands on her hips, "I mean, I made it smaller. It's not like anyone gives a shit about the Bugle anyways!" she continues, "No one woulda gotten hurt, it was still in the air when they both stopped it." she notes, nodding towards Kori and Julie. "Anyways, no one got hurt, so it don't matter." she crosses her arms across her chest now, face flat as she just looks to Julie, Starfire, and Miss Martian. "Right, well. Guess we gotta find out who double crossed you, Starfire. Then we gotta teach *them* a lesson." she looks over to Julie, "And it don't sound like theses Snark peoples is gunna leave you and your family alone. Maybe you oughta think twice about puttin' yerself out to pasture."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I couldn't take some of your dinner. I'm just glad I was able to help sort things out a little. I don't like fighting unless I have to either." M'gann nods slowly. ...She's going to need to discuss things with her girlfriend later, apparently. "...And yes. You should tell your family that they may be in danger."

Julie Power has posed:
"We've been fighting Zn'rks for a while... but this is the first time they've done something like this." Julie says, looking between the three. "I'm sorry for the trouble." And with that, she's lifting off the ground to head back towards home.