9937/Streaming Content

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Streaming Content
Date of Scene: 01 February 2022
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Survining horde mode danger room sims. It can be very exhausting!
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Yukio

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The danger room isn't always a good place foir training powers specifically. However sometimes it offers options one can't get training out in the yard solo. Like having someone to lob rocks or create moving targets. People get busy. So that's how Tabitha has ended up in the room on her solo. having snagged the time after someone else cancelled.

Dressed in New Mutants Bumblebee black and yellow, Tabby is running what looks like more of a hordemode type simulation against some pretty generic looking bipedal robots. a half dozen at a time rushing and trying to circle around her while she seems to be trying to throw bombs around as fast as she can on short timers. BOOM BOOM BOOM!

The sounds of the explosions easily audible from within the hallway outside and the door isn't exactly locked. Never know if someone is hurt and someone needs to rush in.

Yukio has posed:
The Danger Room is actually one of the areas in the Mansion that Yukio wasn't very familiar with, she was told about it, but she mostly invested most of her time on improving her English to better communicate with the other students. Today, however, was a day for exploration and she made her way down to the basement, eagerly approaching the famed Danger Room.

From what she heard from other students, it could do just about anything, and that was pretty exciting. With the room already in use, drawn in by the sound of explosion, she just kinda waltzed into Boom Boom's program, staring in awe at the explosion, "wow!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Bomb after bomb, the blonde woman in her early twenties doesn't have that much power behind the blasts when a robot is hit it's enough to knock them down but the goal seems to be quantity of explosions.

"So close, so close!" she mutters as one robot starts actually closing the gap. A hand is held out and one after another, blasts of plasma go off in Tabitha's palm before one more robot places hands on Boom-Boom and there's a big loud failure BEEEP and the sim pauses,

"God fucking dammit!" she swears and shakes her head. She doesn't actually seem pissed off. Just frustrated.

Yukio has posed:
Hearing the frustration as the failure, Yukio chips in apologetically, "...I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb, but you...erm...want me to herp you?" She makes the offer with a bright smile.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a voice and Taby's turns her head to spy pink hair on a Japanese girl. "Uhh. Hi. Well give me a moment to catch my breath and sure." The sim stays frozen for now.

"Just a warning the sim isn't about defeating foes. I'm going for endurance. Been feeling things with my powers I want to test and push, so experimentation as much as a brain like mine can manage! Don't mean others can't smack robots around as well and I can increase the number. I suppose the sim is good for zoning and maintaining distance too!"

Yukio has posed:
Yukio grins, quite pleased at being allowed to join in, "I am Yukio, prease be nice to me." She introduces herself pleadingly, offering Tabby a respectful bow.

Listening for the parameters, Yukio nods, "so...this a work out training? Cardio?" She asks, mimicing the gesture of running in pantomime.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Something like that. I'm Tabby! Boom-Boom in the field. And if anyone is pissed at me probably Baishunfu." Not thatr she knows more than a word or two of japanese but Tabby knows hooker when she hears it.

"I'm trying to bring the time between the bombs I can make closer together. Like I can feel close to the plasma I make just flowing and powering out. Likeif I detonate it right and close I can be alll." and Tabitha cups her hands at her sides and then pushesout in front of her like a Tabbydoken.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio can't help but giggle at the codename provided, "Boom! Boom!" She enthusiastically calls it out, "I rike it!" But the unexpected forbidden profession had Yukio blinking at Tabitha, "...n-nobody really call you that, right?" She just has to make sure, having not at all expected to hear that word anywhere near the school. Or, to be honest, in that country at all. "Go Boom Boom, you can do it!" Yukio cheers Tabitha on, "I guess, you can call me Kunoichi," she gives the least thoughtful codename ever, because she honestly didn't anticipate needing one. But hearing Tabitha, it almost seem a must!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby knows what her code name actually means and it does amuse her when Yukio questions about the other more perjoritive gets a chuckle. "There's a big list of stuff I get called. I don't let it bother me. I've been hurt by worse than just names. "I just offer expediant insults ahead of time. If I can control that, then it's start on dealing with the person.: she states and chuckes. "Computer reset, two player mode."

"Okay, you ready Ninja girl. And yeah I know a Kunoichi is totally a different skill set. You won't need most of them here!" she assures the yonger looking girl.

Yukio has posed:
"That is very smart, grandfather say, just because you are given poison, don't mean you have to drink." Yukio looks rather proud at being able to recite one of her grandfather's pearls of wisdom, and that it actually relates.

"I am pretty good in fight...?" Yukio offers, before taking on a ready stance, looking quite excited for her first Danger Room drill.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"You'd probably wipe the floor with me so thank goodness it's a team excercise." Boomie states and looks around as the danger Room wipes the slate and resets more robots. This time about ten or so to match.

Once the settings appear to have been set right Tabby exhales and behind to put up a guard stance, two fist sized balls of plasma igniting in her hand. "Ready sweetie? Computer, start simulation!" And the robots come running from across the way, just enough distance they move from projected on the scrolling walls to actual hard light where they can be hit.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio reaches for the 9-section-whip in the form of a chain at her hip, letting it unfurl as she starts swinging it about, gathering momentum, bursts of wind shooting about at each spin. The closer the robots get, she starts to employ her power, shooting electricity up and down the chain as she starts to expertly flail it about, striking from one robot to the next. A fight actually seems to be a setting she is very comfortable in.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The whip is busted out and Tabby is suitably imprtessed. "You go Yukio!" she states and makes sure she has some distance so she doesn't get hit by whirling spinning chains of robot wreckage.

When Tabby has room and robots start heading her way she goes back to throwing bombs one after the other, flexing muscles and pitching bomb after bomb. The speed is pretty high as she picthes explosion after explosion but having been through the sim at least once already so she's far from fresh compared tom Yukio and the AI seems to notice it as more close into melee range.

Yukio has posed:
While Yukio keeps an eye on Tabitha, she's being a good friend and lettig her have her share of the robots, exposing her to danger, while taking care of her share. Then again, the AI notices the edge Yukio has with her choice of weapon for this specific exercise, and as more robots begin to swarm towards Tabby, she asks loud enough to be heard, "Tabitha...you want to solo, or should I help? There's a lot of robotto!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Failure is an option here. For me it's endurance, But if you wanna wipe stuff go for it! Have fun and cut loose" Tabby states with a big grin as she pushes on one close calling robot and she starts pumping bomb after bomb again. It almost starts looking like a stream, or at least a shotgun firing from Boomie's palm as she fight and the robot iis knocked back and rolls a few meters end over end into a pile for the next ones to approach and try their luck.

Yukio has posed:
As Yukio steps in to help Tabitha, trying to sync her attacks in between Tabby's bombs, the electricity from her whip dies down and she looks a bit alarmed. "Errr....Boom Boom? More bombs!" She urges, needing Tabitha to take up the slack as she struggles with a momentary lapse in her power.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Every so often Tabby remembers or is reminded by Yukio it's now a team excercise and she throws a bomb at any robots that might get inside the radius of Yukio's whips. Usually enough to stagger it so the chain can finish the job whenit spins around.

Tabby does do her best, working to keep Yukio from being swamped as much Boomie herself might be, the goal when it's not Tabby's endurance is about keeping foes at a distance, The increase in number making it more difficult as time goes on and Tabitha only has so much energy despite the hyperactivity. and burning through bombs constantly even more of a drain on her metabolism. "More bombs at once is gonna be less boom!" she states but she does try to keep up the pace and the fatigue is starting to show on the blonde woman. At least they've lasted longer that Boom-Boom's last attempt.

Yukio has posed:
Yukio takes a moment to focus, which means her own attacks stop coming, but just as Boom Boom's bombs lose a bit of their explosiveness thanks to Boom Boom picking the slack, a renewed surge of electricity travels along Yukio's whip and she gets right back into it.

It keeps them afloat, though as more robots join, it looks like the exercise was designed for failure, simply forcing the trainee to last longer than last time. Yukio isn't familiar with that sort of exercise, and she gets more frantic as more robots swarm the two, "why more keep coming? Is it broken?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Eventually fatigue draws enough energy and soon Tabby is pounced resultng in that huge loud BEEEEEP of failure and the sim frozen with the robot suspended mid air about to clothesline Tabitha like it found a top robe bah gawd!

"Craaaap, Tabby says as she turns and ducks and untangles herself from the flying arm luchabot. "Yukio honey. Simulations like these are more for teaching things other than just make robot go boom." she says and drops to sit down on one robot slumped over head down, using it's shoulders as a seat.

"There's probably a few lessons to learn from it. One, how to handle failure. One day we're gonna see a mission go south so getting that out of our systems as fast as possible is a good thing." she sates and smiles. "Still pisses you off but you can't let it stop you." she points out.

"Two, lets you practice team work and improv. You and I never did this stuff nevore but we work well. Had each others backs a lot, And we set each other up for a few good shots too!" she points out again. "I make sure sims are random and a little higherf diff these days. Repeat is boring and stagnant and gets you nowhere." she adds.

"And three, the endurance thing. How long can you hold out. Actual possibility out in the real world. set a record, break the record!"

Yukio has posed:
By the time Tabitha brings the simulation to a stop, Yukio is a bit out of breath herself, gladly putting her weapon back in place. Storing it neatly in it's holder on her belt.

"Interesting training..." Yukio notes, listening to Tabitha explains the purpose of it, which she'll no doubt need to reflect upon. "I like you, Tabitha, good attitude." Yukio gives a thumb up with a silly grin, "I should go shower now...thanks for the lesson."