Arisia Rrab

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  Arisia Rrab  
Arisia Rrab (Scenesys ID: 5268)
Name: Arisia Rrab
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Graxosian
Occupation: Model
Citizenship: Graxosian
Residence: New York City
Education: College Equivalent
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Spaaaace!
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 333
Date of Birth 01 Jan 1691 Played By Halston Sage
Height: 5'9" Weight: 112 lb
Hair Color: Golden Eye Color: Golden
Twitter: @GoldenGirlRrab
Theme Song: Girl U Want - DEVO

Character Info


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Arisia is a newly minted Green Lantern from Secotr 2815 who has been sent to Earth by the Guardians to train. She is eager and enthusiastic, and has had some level of training, but is also young and inexperienced. A budding fashionista, she is making a modest income as a model and hopes to get her 'big break' and catch the eye of a famous fashion house between her training and duties as a Green Lantern. Eventually, she will be expected to take on full duties as a Green Lantern in her sector.


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* 1691 Earth Years: Born to Fentara and Marata Rrab on Graxos IV.
* 1839 Earth Years: Fentara dies in the line of duty as a Green Lantern. Her uncle Blish Rrab takes up the mantle.
* 1932 Earth Years: Arisia turns 13 and begins her training in combat, will, and meditation, with the expectation of someday following in her family's footsteps and being chosen as a Green Lantern.
* 2024: BLish Rrab dies in a massive space battle with an unknown foe, alongside dozens of other Green Lanterns. 18 year old Arisia is chosen as the new Green Lantern for Sector 2815. She is sent to Earth for training and protection until the perpetrator of the mass slaughter can be brought to justice.

IC Journal

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Arisia has an eye for innovation, improvisation, and imagination. Part of this is from her training, but a large part of it is simply her. She's discovering a love of Earth's pop culture and fashion, picking up quickly on social media and how to promote herself as an up and coming young model.

Arisia is a genial and outgoing young woman, happy to socialize with anyone and everyone until given good reason not to. She has a smile for one and all, and does her best not to annoy people with her enthusiasm and upbeat demeanor!

Because of her long family history of being Green Lanterns, she has undergone rigorous mental training to allow her to stay focused on a task regardless of external or internal stimuli that might otherwise distract her, including pain, pleasure, and danger.

Character Sheet


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Having been around the Green Lanterns since her youth, Arisia has heard more than her fair share of adventures and stories involving the Lanterns and their more creative uses of their rings to get the job done. On top of that, being an alien gives her a broader perspective of what else is out in the universe and what she can draw from for inspiration. And to top it all off, Arisia herself simply has a high level of creativity to draw on.

Graxosian Physiology:
Graxosians have the ability to recover from injuries that might otherwise kill a human being. To do so, they enter a death-like state while their body repairs itself.

Arisia comes from a long, prestigious line of Green Lanterns. Dating all the way back one of the earlier Lanterns, Santara Rrab. Her father and uncle both held the mantle prior to her being chosen. She has the strongest will of anyone in her Sector, and has received special family training to enhance it further. While still young and untried, Arisia is extremely strong of will and has no bones about displaying it.


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With the expectation that Arisia would someday don the mantle of Green Lantern, she has been trained for years in combat. Hand to hand techniques. Bladed and blunt melee weapons. Ranged weapons. All to prepare her for the day when she would need them in the line of duty. While no master, she is very well versed in multiple techniques, including some not found on Earth.

Arisia is something of a budding fashionista. Not in creating the clothes themselves, but in having an eye for what pairs best with what, and how it suits her body best. She can get downright avant-garde when she feels like it, and is handy enough that she can usually throw together something stunning no matter whose closet she's raiding.

Part of the familial training she received included Graxosian meditation techniques that will help to clear her mind and focus her will. This means in times of great stress or trouble, so long as she can take a few minutes to center herself, Arisia can remain remarkably clear-headed and laser-focused.

Arisia has been taught more than just combat techniques, but tactics as well. Learning to see a field of combat in 3-D, to be prepared for and counter attacks coming from any direction. But also, how to work with a team, how to integrate herself into an existing battle and not hinder her allies.


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Green Power Battery:
Before being sent to Earth, Arisia was issued a Power Battery by the Guardians with which to charge her Power Ring. This is a miniature repsentation of the Central Power Battery of Oa, and allows her recharge her Ring as needed. It often sits in a pocket dimension until called forth with the Oath of the Green Lanterns, though it can be left out at the Lantern's discretion.

Green Power Ring:
Hers is truly a family heirloom, passed from Rrab to Rrab as successors to the mantle of the Green Lantern of Sector 2815. It is also one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe, when appropriately wielded. The Power Ring has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the universe, including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heath, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force. The following is a list of some of the more well-known abilities it has shown:

Energy Projection - Creation of blasts of energy, weapons, and beams of force. The strength of these projections is based on the will of the user.

Force Field - Creation of various fields of various shapes and sizes to protect the wearer and others around them. The force fields protect them from the hazardous conditions they may be exposed to, up to and including those of space; including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal. An atmosphere appropriate to the wearer's biology is created within the field that maintains body temperature and removes waste products, as well as stabilizing gravitational stresses that could cause injury. In theory, a wielder could use the ring as their sole source of life support.

Energy Construct Creation - This is the primary finction of the Power Ring, and provides the ability to transform the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's will. It is limited only by the imagination and willpower of the wielder, and all constructs are formed of a bright green energy. Constructs created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as power as the will of the Green Lantern creating them. This also grants a limited form of superhuman strength in that the constructs created by the ring are capable of lifting/moving tremendous weights, far heavier than 100 tons, with little effort.

Phasing - Use of the ring to allow the wearer to pass through solid objects. While the limitations of this ability are not fully known, it is theorized to be limited by a mixture of the wearer's willpower and the molecular density of the object being passed through.

Invisibility/Light Refraction - A wielder may render themselves invisible by using the ring to bend the light waves around them. This can also apply to the ring itself, allowing a Green Lantern to keep their power ring worn but hidden.

Limited Cellular Regeneration - Allowing for the healing of injuries of either the wearer or others. The limitation seems to be determined by a mixture of the wearer's will and their knowledge.

Energy Absorption - Ability to absorb and store various types of energy for later use. This cannot and does not recharge the ring itself, only storing the absorbed energies to be released later.

Flight - Manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, allowing the bearer to fly at amazing speeds. Within atmosphere, there is the potential to go as fast as Mach 10. When towing others as well, the speed is generally limited to roughly twice the speed of sound (1440 mph). And in space, the ring can allow for faster than light travel.

Electromagnetic Scanning - Detecting abilities that are largely based on the imagination of the user. This includes radio, radar, satellite, television, infrared, ultraviolet, microwave, and high frequency band communications. It cannot scan for magical, psychic, or psionic effects.

Galactic Encyclopedia - Drawing on the vast knowledge of the Book of Oa, the ring can function as a ready reference on most anything that has been seen, heard, or experienced by other rings/bearers. A repository of all combined knowledge of every Green Lantern and their ring, as dictated by the Guardians. (This power may be limited at the discretion of staff or GM)

Universal Translator - Ability to translate virtually any language in the universe.

Arisia is able to pull in a modest income as a budding model. She has the potential for greater earnings as her career and reputation grows, but it allows her to live comfortably without having to scrabble for the basic necessities.


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Arisia is, quite literally, not from around here. Her home is located within the Milky Way, and while she has been preparing and learning everything that she can about Earth and it's denizens, she's very clearly not a native.

Green Lantern Legacy:
Coming from a long line of former Green Lanterns is both a source of pride, and a weight for her. Even on Earth, there is the expectation that Arisia will uphold the family legacy and do them proud. This can be a source of stress and concern for her as she struggles to exceed the accomplishments of her forebearers.

Arisia has only been a Green Lantern for a matter of weeks. No amount of training and preparation can take the place of actual experience, and so far she has none. Her abilities may be self-limited by her own doubts, fears, or worries.

Recharge Requirement:
While her ring can typically hold a charge for 24 hours before needing to be recharged, excessive or prolonged use of the ring can deplete the charge faster and necessitate a recharge. It will warn when running low on energy, but will leave Arisia without powers if depleted.

Yellow Impurity:
With Parallax being trapped within the Central Power Battery of Oa, Green Power Rings are currently unable to affect anything yellow. Should Parallax escape, this will change.



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Arisia Rrab has 8 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Lanterns and Lassos April 24th, 2024 Diana and Arisia hold a conversation with regard to the Atlantic Starport situation.
I'm Not Dead Yet! April 22nd, 2024 Arisia awakens to a Super welcome!
HUNGER: The New Colossus, Part II April 21st, 2024 An international military force descends upon the Atlantic Starport, deploying international super-teams and yet-unseen weaponry and equipment in evidence of rapid development and research. Diplomacy is attempted by one side, ignored by the other. Things blow up. Lorna Dane rages in defiance, and is saved by Pietro as his sister's lost treasure is turned against them. Against overwhelming numbers, Diana orders evacuation, but the enemy seems intent upon stopping the alien refugees. Arisia helps ferry them to the moon, at personal cost. Natasha sees to the safety of SHIELD personnel caught in the middle of an organizational struggle. Doom and Clea stand against a stolen arcane horror, that casts doubt to the sanity of their opponents. And J'onn J'ozz searches the minds of the attackers, sees the odd rift between these specialized forces and the US military proper, and encourages that disharmony. In the end, the refugees are saved, but a grim titan is left standing sentinel over the Atlantic Starport.
Lesson One April 19th, 2024 Training doesn't go as planned, but maybe that's not a bad thing.
A Spring Fling April 12th, 2024 Janet throws a costume party. It ... goes well?
Hydra vs UN: A Train Goes North April 6th, 2024 Hydra sends passenger trains out of control, racing towards imminent collisions. Various heroes respond to save the passengers. Only, at the end, to hear of a Hydra attack underway at the United Nations.
Rolling Thunder April 3rd, 2024 Shazam makes a new friend -Arisia!
Like an (Alien) Fish Out of Water April 2nd, 2024 Arisia arrives on Earth, learns a few lessons, and makes at least one new friend!


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Arisia Rrab has 8 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Arisia Rrab has been credited in 0 shows.

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Arisia Rrab has been credited in 0 albums.

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Arisia Rrab has authored 0 books.

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