Oswald Loomis

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  The Prankster  
Oswald Loomis (Scenesys ID: 2476)
Name: Oswald Hubert Loomis
Superalias: The Prankster
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Distraction For Hire
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: The Simon Project Metropolis
Education: Bachelors in Acting from Juilliard
Theme: DC (VFC)
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 01 Apr 1988 Played By Robin Williams
Height: 5'0" Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Television entertainer turned criminal mastermind, The Prankster! A villain for the ages who turns harmless pranks into weapons of mass profit for his evil schemes. He's still focused on making the people of Metropolis laugh along the way.


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*Comedian from a young age, enjoys making people laugh.
*While mother slips away from cancer he entertains her and others at the ward with his light-hearted jokes and pranks.
*Joins local acting club.
*Relegated to background roles due to excessive weight.
*Father murdered after refusing to sell land, forced to pick up odd jobs, and move to 'suicide slums'.
*Joins Julliard on a grant.
*Graduates top of his class, and finds that there's almost no work available, after several years of searching lands a role on a local access channel.
*2013 "The Uncle Oswald Show" Airs its first episode, and is a wild success.
*2014 The Uncle Oswald Show is picked up by a major network and for a time Loomis becomes a household name with Children everywhere.
*2019 Loomis is accused of extracting money from children's charities using his show as a front. Overnight the show is cancelled as a massive outcry from parents echoes out far and wide. Loomis loses everything.
*2020 Loomis cleared of all charges as his accountant admits to syphoning the money. He spends much of this time living out of his car. During this time Loomis becomes The Prankster!

IC Journal

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He loves the limelight loves to interact with another person. To chatter and chitter and talk with others all around the fun of a party the joy of life surrounded by others.

He wants his work to be seen even if no one knows it was him who did it wants people to know the lengths of his great plans come to fruition even if they are foiled in the end. Wants to make others FEEL something joy, sadness something anything other than the dull neutrality that fills day to day life.

Character Sheet


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Genius Level Intellect:
Loomis is a genius able to grasp various concepts with ease. While the brunt of his education has gone into acting it remains that he is an incredibly intelligent man with the potential to be great by human standards.


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Having graduated top of his class at Juilliard Oswald is a master of the art of acting able to fit into a role with ease and grace slipping in and out of character with gusto and pride. This makes infiltration for his little projects far easier.

Highly skilled in the art of disguise Oswald is able to blend in with a crowd changing his gait, his accent, his mannerisms and more to lose himself entirely into a new character. Masks and costume changes complete the change as he almost quite literally becomes a new person as he slips into the role.

A master of the mother of invention The Prankster knows how to take the mundane and craft strange and unusual new contraptions of all shapes and sizes for psychological operations on the streets of metropolis. He's a master of improvised weapons and technologies.


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The Laugher is a sonic weapon which while perfectly harmless in small doses causes those who are exposed to its effects to bust out into fits of uncontrollable laughter. Prolonged exposure can result in a loss of consciousness, or worse.


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The Show Must Go On:
He can't help it. When there's someone truly saddened to the point of despair and he can lift those spirits Oswald Loomis feels the drive and need to act. While he can ignore it there's something engrained inside of him that just yearns to brighten that day with a bit of comedy which often gets in the way of his schemes.



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Oswald Loomis has 3 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Bank Bustin Makes Me Feel Good February 21st, 2021 Koga manages to stop a bank robery in progress by The Prankster
Prankentoys February 10th, 2021 No description
Winter Wonderland: A Way In February 6th, 2021 Winslow Schott's Dome finally comes down, but Schott escapes


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Oswald Loomis has 3 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Oswald Loomis has been credited in 0 shows.

Title Date Scene Summary
No shows submitted yet.

Oswald Loomis has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Oswald Loomis has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
No books submitted yet.


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Group Memberships

Oswald Loomis has been listed in 0 groups.