Property:Log Synopsis

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Frank gains Morphic Grenades after a brief shift in Reality  +
Bruce talks family, Tony talks anything but.  +
After a fire is stopped, some heroes have a talk.  +
Starfire returns to the tower. Hugs are given. Pizzas are eaten. Starfire takes the entire jar of mustard, and nobody minds.  +
The two year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush sees Uatu the Watcher showing three of his colleagues various moments from the last two years of Earth's history.  +
Satana and M bond over coffee and tell one another they like one another for their mind. And scene 10,001 whoo!  +
Arthur captures a critter and makes a mess of it, Hope and Kate save his bacon.  +
A Barbie Girl in a Mr. Bill World.  +
Tabby reloads the X-Lounge bar with the spoils of mutant empowerment. Rogue acts the awesome teacher and life coach.  +
Hellboy and Satana team up to down something grotesque!  +
May and Dottie decide to test each other's skills on the training mats while Michael looks on. It's one of the better aggression therapy sessions May has had... if a little unsettling. But, then, that's therapy for you.  +
A succubus, a vampiress, a blonde, and a playboy walk into a bar..  +
Phoebe and Tim spend time in the Family Room of Wayne Manor, on mandated recover on orders of Batman. Light things are discussed, other things are discussed, Phoebe's fear of sitting on furnature is somewhat resolved, and Phoebe turns in her adoption papers to Bruce Wayne himself, who welcomes her to the Wayne family. Phoebe and Tim briefly discuss a Super Sentai Robin team, and then proceed to act like siblings and be obnoxious to the tune of a bunch of Audley End items with Mrs. Crocombe references being shipped to the manor.  +
The Rook and King talk politics. And movement.  +
A meeting to discuss xenolinguistics and Kree culture turns to an invitation to a Latverian Embassy.. are the Kree more dangerous than Von Doom!?  +
Jan's girlfriend returns from the dead.  +
Some stuff happens and stuff.  +
They met, they drank, they flirted. Sort of?  +
Rogue, James and Kitty accompany Colleen Wing back to Manhattan after the angel fight to see how her dojo fared.  +
Jon and Cael go to Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Jon turns himself over to Michael for the retribution of his damaged wing in exchange for the angels leaving Manhattan physically and letting the city return to normalcy.  +