Rebecca Ryker

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  Death Locket  
Rebecca Ryker (Scenesys ID: 3844)
Name: Rebecca Ryker
Superalias: Death Locket
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American
Residence: NYC
Education: Private Schools
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Apparent Age: 16 Actual Age: 16
Date of Birth 05 Dec 2005 Played By
Height: 4'10" Weight: 80 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Rebecca is a small person in a big world. She isn't known for anything of her own, her swimming expertise hardly a standout trait. Her father is a well known doctor specializing in prosthetics, and Rebecca will one day be one of his clients.


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* 2005: Born to Harlan and Anna Ryker.
* 2007: Harlan Ryker granted Fellowship of Cybernetics for his leading technology in the field.
* 2014: Rebecca being pushed by her parents, mentally and physically.
* 2017: Began high level swimming lessons, science tutoring. Rebecca becoming less socialized and introverted.

IC Journal

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Rebecca follows her parents' orders. She does what she's told. She goes to lessons, studies hard, and doesn't speak her mind. She also has a deep, deep anger and hates every second of them. She detests her tutors, hates swimming, and wants to scream. Every single day.

For all Rebecca's life's weirdness, she does love to learn. She doesn't hide in books just to hide. They're also her friends, and she has a deep love for philosophy, art, and the sciences. She just doesn't like being made to do them. Also, paranormal romance novels. Shut up, I'm allowed.

Rebecca hasn't done anything for joy in a long time. She follows her family's instructions, doing her dutiful daughter act, but it is just an act. She hates ninety-nine percent of her hobbies, her schooling...and her family.

Character Sheet


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Cyber Body:
Rebecca's body is less than fifty percent human. Her spine is gone, replaced by hardware. Her skeleton is now metal, and her entire left half is completely inorganic. She has the ability to lift up to 100 tonnes, can leap huge distances, and can take immense impacts on her inorganic surfaces without major issue. Her organic tissues are much less resilient though.

Becca's central computer system controls a nanite swarm that live in her systems. They are tasked with two functions: repair and adapt. The nanites will repair anything that is still attached to the main central core if it takes damage, including her organic parts though on a much lesser scale - she heals fairly well compared to normal people. The nanites also can be made to adapt her current setup to give her weapon functions - see 'Weapons'.

Becca's primary weapon is her left arm. It can be made to work as a flamethrower, a plasma rifle, or as various tools which it is able to form from existing values. The arm is actually much more versatile than this, but using it takes skill and practice with nanotechnology that Rebecca lacks.


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Only when rendered artificially unconscious, Rebecca's computer will take care of her self-defense. It will use whatever settings her body is currently at, using whatever tools are at hand, and will be as brutal and terrifying as a machine programmed to win wars can be. It is a highly skilled weapon, with all the programming of previous versions of itself in its processors. Something which Rebecca lacks, and hopefully will never become aware of.

Rebecca has her schooling enhanced by living with one of the top cyberneticists in the known world. She is not herself a top scientist, but she has a solid grounding in the subject.

Rebecca's father's work focuses on prosthetics and limb replacement. Due to this, she has a solid understanding of how the medical systems work, how the body adapts to loss of a limb, and a decent understanding of the body as a whole. She has studied human anatomy and simple medicine.

Rebecca is a nearly olympic-level swimmer. She's been training for years, swims every single day rain or shine, and is in excellent physical condition. For her age group she's competitive with some of the absolute best.


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Harlan Ryker is a famous scientist specializing in cybernetics and prosthetics. He is well off, and has a company that pays the bills.


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Becca's brain is partly organic and partly technological. Her cybernetic bits are assisted-controlled by a computer which runs throughout Becca's body, and it can be hacked like any other computer. It would be difficult, but it is definitely a possibility. The computer also lacks heavy combat programming. Though all Deathloks are built for war, Rebecca isn't a war machine. Her systems will not fight for her unless she's unconscious, in which case look out.

While Becca may be a cyborg now, her organic parts are still very human. She must protect them like anyone else who has human bits, or she'll potentially die!

Rebecca has been badly damaged, to the point where the only way to save her life was to implement the Deathlok technology. This involved replacing most of her body with cybernetic prostheses, including part of her brain.



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Rebecca Ryker has 10 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
23 weeks later December 5th, 2022 Death Locket is brought out into the world to see if she's ready for integration into society. It goes kinda...well...bit from column A, bit from column B...
Trauma Event June 2nd, 2022 Subject: Rebecca Ryker. Status: online.
Drawing Conclusions May 29th, 2022 At the Daily Bugle, a bigwig arrives to speak to Jonah. But in the background his daughter and a cartoonist bond.
Hell comes to Rykertown May 6th, 2022 A kidnapping is foiled by a huge red man with a giant right hand. Nice guy, if you can get past the horns.
Waterpark Blues April 18th, 2022 A swim meet ends, and Sarah Rainmaker and Gabby meet a troubled young lady staying after for practice
Nanomachines, Son! Pt. 2 April 12th, 2022 A group of Bats come together in the Roost to rid Gabby of her nanomachine problem.
Secret of the Sisters: Return to Alchemax March 19th, 2022 The Outsiders and Deadpool move to infiltrate Alchemax only to find Gabby's missing sister already broke in. In the ensuing chaos, a new, unexpected threat is released. The dead puppeted but aware of what went on? What horrors is up with this Project Ryker they discovered?
What's Important Is The Price ft. Machina and Ryker March 11th, 2022 Harlan Ryker offers a Mad Scientist a job. How well that turns out, will remain to be seen.
System Observation March 3rd, 2022 Harlan Ryker meets with Reed Richards to talk about the dysplagia of the hyperventricular canals forming a cerebelluar antispheroid....they do some tech stuff.
Fifth book on the left March 1st, 2022 Billy Kaplan subtle, carefully, and without disturbing things...lends Rebecca a book. She also feels better, so it went well.


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Rebecca Ryker has 10 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Rebecca Ryker has been credited in 0 shows.

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Rebecca Ryker has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Rebecca Ryker has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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Group Memberships

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