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The Golem of Bushwick: The Grand Unveiling
Date of Scene: 11 July 2021
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Lydia unveils her latest project to help protect Bushwick: A real life Golem! Reactions are dubious at best, but plans are made to keep it monitored throughout the week.
Cast of Characters: Lydia Dietrich, Clarice Ferguson, Wade Wilson, Robert Marksman, Scott Summers, Raven Darkholme, Pepper Potts
Tinyplot: The Golem of Bushwick

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
It's mid afternoon and a small crowd has gathered around the Mootant Town Milkshakes. Tables have been set up with copious amounts of cake, free for all to take. There are four different types on display. Chocolate, butter cream, and raspberry. Off to the side and clearly labeled is a vegan cake for those who are of such persuasion to enjoy. In the middle of the tables is a low dias, atop wich a huge hulking figure is shrouded by a tarp. It seems to be the central attraction for the event. The tone of the crowd is that of curiosity. Most came for the cake and milkshakes, but stayed to find out what is underneath that tarp.

Lydia is there, mingling with the crowd, shaking hand and offering idle chit chat to anybody who's willing to listen. She's holding a handful of vouchers for a free small milkshake, and is handing them out generously to anybody who asks. She's secretive about what's underneath the tarp, telling those who ask, "Stick around and you'll find out." She's dress smartly, in a charcoal grey business suit with a cream colored button down blouse. Her wild curly hair has been tamed and pulled back into a bun.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice and Mystique appear near the entrance to a nearby alley - though the observant may notice the lack of familiar purple energy that usually heralds the arrival of the brightly colored mutant and her blue-skinned companion. One hand reaches across her middle, hugging onto her opposite arm as she looks around Bushwick - something cautious and uncertain on Clarice's features as her jaw tightens. She forces her grip to release, however, and her hand to drop to her side as she gives Mystique a tight smile. "Well. I guess we go find out what the surprise is?" she remarks, stepping towards Mootant Milkshakes and the rather noticeably glowing form of Lydia's ectoplasm.

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade Wilson is there for the food. Really, have you seen the spread of these things? Also good cause, really good cause. First, he supports mutant rights, win! Second, assholes hate mutants which means businesses and people to guard so $$$ win!!! Gee that's callous Deadpool, oh no this comment has become self aware, kill it with fire! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Anyway he eats food.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman has came by since he is not on duty at the clinic today. He is tempted to peek but he will not, at least not yet. He does get in line for a soda, and then finds a wall to help support watching the get together and gathering, seeing what folks are up to. When he sees Clarice, and Mystique he will offer them nods in greeting.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers is playing the diplomate today, meaning he wears the ruby-quartz glasses instead of his visor. He's dressed well, with a simple black suit and tie over a crisp white shirt, only the small ruby-quartz shards in his cufflinks adding a little spot of personality.

He finds the cake and milkshakes a little extravagant for his well-maintained diet - he allows himself a splurge now and then, of course, he's not a monster, but washing down cake with a milkshake seems like something that should be reserved for five year olds. Not that he would express that out loud, but he can't bring himself to participate in the gluttony.

So he chooses to have a small milkshake and will forgo the cake for today, mostly there to do what he almost always does at these functions: watch the fringes and try to keep anyone from blowing it up, because god forbid mutants have a nice time for ten minutes without some greasy-haired lunatic trying to throw a molotov cocktail at them.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Once the alley and Bushwick become clear, Mystique looks around to see where they came in. She was used to Clarice dropping them right in the middle of everything, the other teleporters were far more cautious, which is probably a good thing.

The cobalt mutant is dressed... normally. A pair of jeans, a light blue button front shirt that matches her natural skin tones, and a pair of combat boots. No weapons visible, no indications of anything untoward.

"I'm personally looking forward to whatever it is Lydia has been up to," she offers Clarice as her amber eyes take in who is already present that she knows, those she doesn't know are also noted with a bit of tension to her jaw line.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Stark Industries has been working in the background for Mutant Town since it was returned to its spot after having been ripped from the city physically. The Maria Stark Foundation has given tens of thousands of dollars worth of housing vouchers, of food vouchers for those affected by the devastation. But like anything that a large corporation does, it sets things into place, and those 'at the top' no longer have to track the day to day. Just the year to year.

But, when something like this is announced for Mutant Town, Ms Pepper Potts, officially the PA to Mr Tony Stark (and some say his 'significant other', however that may be interpreted) really must attend. She wants to attend.

As a result? She is most decidedly there in a summer business suit, red hair up and in a pony tail with a medium build man walking beside her. He's not looking too happy to be there, and as a result, he's looking around, no doubt identifying everything as a threat. Pepper, on the other hand, doesn't look terribly fazed.

Oh! Milkshakes!!

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Eventually, Lydia steps up onto the dais and clears her throat, "Excuse me! May I have your attention please?" The crowd, one by one turns to her to listen attentively. "Thank you all for coming today. I know that the invitations were vague on what the project is and you're all probably here for the free milkshakes and ice cream." That elicits a small chuckle from the crowd. Pleased, Lydia continues, "For decades Mutants have faced voilence and racism in America, and for a while we managed some small measure of peace here in Bushwick. But violent attacks have increased and the streets are becoming more dangerous to walk. The Bushwick Neighborhood Watch co-founded by the Brotherhood and X-Men have done a great job of keeping the streets peaceful, but still, they're only human. They get tired, and make mistakes, and can't be everywhere at once. So today I'm proud to unveil my latest creation: Baruch Magen, the blessed shield!"

Lydia throws back the tarp to uncover the form of a nine foot tall clay statue of a man. The body is mostly proportioned correctly, though the legs are a little short, and the arms are a little long, and it looks like each hand has three thick fingers instead of four. If it were half it's height it would be considered stocky, but as it is it just comes off hulk like and gigantic. The wide head has very rudimentary features. A large mouth hanging open, two deep pits for eyes, some shapes that look like ears, and a bump that could be mistaken for a nose. "Ta-dah!" There's a proud, almsot mad gleam in the young woman's eyes as she scans the crowd.

She is met with confused silence.

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade Wilson cocks his head a moment, then to the other end and then claps wildly. It is an agent of mayhem waiting to happen...for JUSTICE! It is a work of art and the metaphor is also fantastic. He is super impressed and whistles and claps.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique slowly begins making her way toward the dais as Lydia heads up there, pausing as the woman starts to speak, but then once again moving toward the tarps and hidden thing that is going to be unveiled. She seems to be taking her time by staying at the edges of the larger crowd, but walking slowly all the same.

As the tarp is removed, both brows lift to her hairline as she stares at what can only be described as the third strangest thing she's ever seen. Tracing the look of the thing through her memories she finds a few other moments she's seen something like it, but there's no guarantee she's correct in her guess.

"Lydia dear," she calls out, folding her arms lightly across her chest. "You may have to explain it to the less educated present."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice nods to Robert flashing him a bright smile - but she remains near Mystique for the moment, following her towards Lydia, to take in the unveiling of the... statue? She definitely qualifies as one of the less educated people there. "You know what it's for?" she murmurs quietly to Mystique, before she turns her questioning gaze on Lydia. Does it... move? It must, right? Because if it's expected to protect Bushwick...
    But it doesn't look like a robot?

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers may not have known what to expect, but this was certainly not going to be in his first twenty thousand guesses. He's educated enough on folklore to have some idea of what the figure is meant to be and represent. He has seen enough mystical phenemona in his life to suspect that the figure is not merely a metaphorical protector but, in fact, will potentially come to life and do battle beside him at some indeterminate date against interlopers of a bigoted kind.

Maybe he should have gotten a bigger milkshake.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is wondering like many of the others. His eyes flare every so slightly behind his sunglasses as he looks through the clay creature on the stage. He expects it to be a robot with some type of clay shell, and he is an electronics guy as well as a doctor, so he checks to see what makes the shield tic.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Milkshakes are wonderful things. They're enough to make Pepper's bodyguard at least a little happy to be there. Chocolate milkshakes with a cherry lodged into it? Absolutely.

So, with cold drinks in hand, Pepper is more than happy to stand back and watch the unveiling with everyone else. As the tarp comes off and the statue is revealed, it's true.. the redhead is probably as confused as 90% of the crowd. Her brows crease, and her head tilts as she tries to make out its form.. looking for any hint of the meaning or purpose to the form and figure of the display. She's 'educated' in terms of art, but this?

This is a touch more.. 'out there'. Avant garde, perhaps?

"Ummm.. hmmm."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"This," she says, patting the hulking sculpture with her hand, "is a Golem. Over the millenia Jews have created creatures like these for a wide range of tasks, anywhere from gardening, to manual labor. Solomon ibn Gabriol created a female one for... well... 'household duties' but..." she lowers her voice suggestively, "we can only speculate what those would be." That elicits another small laugh from the audience.

"Probably the most famous one is that of Rabbi Bezalel's Golem of Prague. At thie time, the Jews of Prague were faced with anti-Semitic attacks, much like the Mutants of Bushwick have today. It would tirelessly patrol the streets of the ghetto, protecting the Jews within it. Strong and nigh indestructable, the Golem made a tangilbe difference in their lives, leaving the streets safer for all, it served long and hard until it was finally decomissioned." Okay, it's a little lie. The Golem went mad and went on a murderous rampage and had to be stopped, but she didn't want to scare the crowd.

She pats the Golem again, "It's been over five hundred years since the Golem of Prague, and our understanding of Kabblistic magic has increased a thousandfold. I've made some improvements of the design. Gave it some regenerative capabilities, to handle gunfire, and a little precognition to know where trouble is going to happen so it can be there to stop it, and a little boost in speed so it can get there in time." She also hopefully edited out that murderous rampage part of the Golem, she notes to herself. "With Magen here patrolling the streets it should cover the gaps where the Bushwick Neighborhood Watch can't cover, leading to even safer streets, allowing mutants to grow and prosper."

"Now," she says with a wide, almost manic grin, "Let's turn this bad boy on." She pulls out a sheet of notebook paper, on which is scrawled 42 Hebrew letters. She shows this to the crowd and dramatically folds the paper once, twice, three times and then a fourth. Her ever present glowing green aura of ectoplasmic mists roil underneath her and lifts her into the air so she can reach the hed of the golem. She takes a deep breath and murmurs, "Okay, big guy. It's showtime." She pops the folded piece of paper into the open mouth and then floats back down and takes a step back. At first, nothing happens, and Lydia glances at the crowd worriedly. Then the mouth snaps shut, and the pits of the eyes become flare to life with a color that's outside of human existence, the color of creation. It quickly dulls into a burning amber light.

The crowd gasps in shock and surprise, and then a few people start clapping. Then a few more join in and soon the entire crowd start joining in. Lydia lets out a relieved breath she didn't know she was holding and turns back to the crowd. "Thank you," she says solemnly. She turns back to the golem and takes an oversized Bushwick Neighborhood Watch armband and slips it over it's right arm. She rests a hand on her creation and commands, "Go now. Protect our people."

Amber eyes turn to meet hers, and the Golem nods slowly, and takes its first stuttering steps, as if it's unused to such movments. Quickly, however it seems to catch on to the idea, and starts making its way through the crowd to start its long patrol. It's careful in its movments, always watching where it puts its feet and swings its arms so it doesn't accidentally hurt anybody, and the crowd quickly parts for it. Everybody's eyes are glued on it as, once it makes it out of the crowd, the pace of the Golem picks up and is off, much faster than anybody would suspect a being that size would make.

Lydia, beaming takes her place back on the dias. "Okay. So. Any questions?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "...huh," is Clarice's first response as she watches the lumbering form come to life - and move off through the crowd. She tracks it's movements in silence for a long while, before turning a questioning look to Mystique, and then Lydia. "So it's... magic, not a robot? How does a... 'creature' like that know who to protect, and who to attack?" she asks uncertainly. "I'd hate if it interpreted things wrong and started in on the wrong side of a fight..." Was that a possibility? She wasn't certain.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique actually takes a step back from the thing as it moves, not that she was that close but who the hell knows if step one equal step one or fall on the face. "Yeah, I knew what it was," she answers to Clarice with a smirk.

Moving back a little more, so the thing doesn't have to get too close to her and so other people aren't too close to her, except Clarice, she's welcome in the bubble of personal space that the cobalt mutant keeps around herself.

"Good questions, go over and ask then."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman does frown a bit as this is something he does not understand, and he is not a big fan of those type things. He pulls out his phone to make a note, and will watch the Golem as it heads on it's patrol for not.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers watches with a mixture of wonder and that crawling, ill-inspired dread that comes from knowing that, if something somehow goes wrong with the massive supernatural behemoth in front of you, you and everyone you know and love will probably have to try to fight it.

"Please, please, nobody call it a sentinel. Under no circumstance,s let anyone call it a sentinel," he mutters under his breath. He absolutely appreciates Lydia's line of thinking and wanting to do the right thing and protect her community. There are nothing but good intentions here and he's not about to try and spoil her moment and her event by stomping on her dreams in public.

But, boy oh boy, he's feeling...very stressed. Admittedly, most of what he knows about golems came from reading Terry Pratchett novels as a teenager, but, while those books were quite whimsical and deftly written, they did not give him a great deal of comfort vis a vis the destructive potential of the stone man currently strolling through the crowd.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is watching closely, but takes that half-step closer to her bodyguard, the milkshake's straw pulled on idly. The longer the introduction, the more she forgets that the ice cream and milk concoction is in hand.

For a moment, green eyes seem to move right past it before a frown tinges her lips and she leans to whisper something at her companion. His expression goes from 'guard' to 'slightly distressed' as he looks around again before giving the now-identified golem a good, hard, studying look in.. is that mistrust?

Pepper tosses the cup away, and as it comes to life, moves in order to make sure she's not in its way. Questions, though? Oh yeah, she's got one.

"Excuse me.." and a well-manicured hand rises slightly, "Does anyone actually have control over it? In case it makes a mistake?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia shrugs at Clarice, "How do /we/ know who to protect and who to fight? Mostly it's intuition, but the people living here leave a kind of ... residual psychic and magical footprint left from having their presence be in the area. It reads that, as well, so it would be able to tell who lives in the area and who doesn't. That way it protects more than just mutants, it'll protect what humans live here too."

She nods to Pepper. "It's got some hard limits that's literally baked into it. Firstly, it can't harm anybody who actually lives in Mutant Town, due to that psychic signature. Unfortunately this means that it won't recognize violence between members of the community, so that's partially where the Bushwick Neighborhood Watch comes in. Secondly, and I can't stress this enough, it /cannot/ use lethal force. It's a shield, not a weapon." Of course, Pepper would know that a shield /can/ be used as a weapon, after spending time with Captain America. "It's purpose is to protect, not attack. Its size is more for intimidation than anything else. It'll retaliate if it has to, but only using the minimal amount of force to defuse the situation."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The word 'Sentinel' sends a shiver down Clarice's spine, that sends her gaze snapping sharply towards Scott. No... no no no. Nothing like that, surely. ...right?
    Her gaze returns to Lydia as she listens to the answers, her lips pressing together thoughtfully. "I... certainly hope it works as designed, Lydia," she remarks. And she does - even if she's loathe to trust some creature of magic. "Is there a command word that stops it? A way to force it to recognize certain individuals as friend? I mean, //I// for one... don't live here in Bushwick," she points out logically.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
This news shared so freely from Lydia causes Mystique to move rather quickly away from the thing, quicker than she should be moving right now, and some how she ends up by Scott away, far away from the golem.

"I don't live here," she states, as if that wasn't obvious. "That thing will likely try to kill me at some point, and everyone else who patrols here because they don't live here, and at times we've had to engage physically against humans and mutants who /do/ live here because they were breaking the laws of Bushwick, see also selling Kick, abusing other mutants, and that thing will then attack us."

It's then that she notices she is by Scott and takes a couple steps away from him as well. No sense getting into his personal space, he's more dangerous than the new walking death sentence.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers crosses his arms over his chest, "I don't want to be negative, but, as Mystique has pointed out, a lot of us don't live here and even some ^who do don't do so full time. I think we all appreciate your intent here, but unleashing something like this...I think it might require a bit more consideration and reflection than merely "surprise, there's a giant statue protecting you all now, trust me, it'll be fine"."

He notices Mystique stepping back and turns his head towards her, "I don't have human-loving cooties, I promise," he says with a crook at the corner of his mouth. "I even believe we're on the same page about this particular matter."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over and says "Is there some way you can add people to the hey don't pound into a puddle list? Maybe add a camera or something to it, so someone with the watch can help keep an eye on what it is up to? " He hmms and says "Also, does it have functions for alerting someone if it finds someone injured?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper presses her lips together in a fine line and nods as she's given an answer. She doesn't need to elaborate, however. She doesn't live here, she doesn't even work here (not really). She has her list of employees who do; some do one, some do both. Still, it is a little unsettling and disconcerting of an answer, given the reaction of the (possible) mutants that do stand here in the gathering.

"And what of an outside agency that comes in and helps, in case the 'home team' can't do it all?" After all, Bushwick is still part of New York City, and the Finest, while they don't patrol often perhaps, still has the duty to do so.

There are so many little things that could go wrong; that is her job, after all. To let Tony know exactly //what// could go wrong.

The path to hell is usually paved with good intentions, right?

Pepper looks dubious at best, suspicious at worst, and she leans to whisper something in her bodyguard's ear. In response, he nods, and the pair begin to move towards the back of the gathering.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia waves a dismissive hand. "Relax. If you need to turn it off, all you need to do is pull the paper out of it's mouth. That's like... the key to the ignition switch of the golem. It'll obey commands from me, and the watch has my number so if anything /were/ to go wrong, I don't live too far away and I'll be here in a matter of minutes to disable it."

"Also, keep in mind that this is not a robot." She says, sounding a bit distressed that people are already clamoring for its deactivation. "It's not a machine. It doesn't have a program that it follows to the letter for good or ill. It has a kind of sentience, and intuition. It'll be able to discern a level of right from wrong. It is a /spiritual/ being, not a mechanical one."

She shakes her head, "Please give it a week to prove itself. If everybody still thinks it's a more of a danger than a protector then I'll deactivate it."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique snerks, almost laughing at Scott's comment as she turns her amber eyes back to look at him, keeping that thing in her peripheral vision cause holy shit that's bad. "It's not about your cooties Mr Summer," she offers with a half smile. "It's more a respect thing. Well aware I'm not very popular with those at Xavier's, even with the recent truce and working together. Didn't know how you'd take me coming up on you like that."

That golem is not out of her line of sight while it's in the area, if he leaves the area that's another matter entirely, in fact... she takes a moment to reach up and tap something in her ear, speaks quietly, then looks back up to Scott. "There was another matter I was hoping to talk to you about, but this..." she gestures toward the golem, or the direction it went, which ever. "is way more pressing."

Now she looks back to Lydia, "I've got nothing against giving it a week Lydia, but the Brotherhood will be on double watch for that week. Those on patrol, and those who will keep an eye on that thing just in case. I know your intent is to offer protection, and if it works out to be that, then fantastic, but there are real concerns behind this thing that have been voiced, and I agree with. Anyone else got a problem with giving it a week?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I also like Robert's notion of putting a camera on it," Clarice adds - adding to the nearby man. "That way we could have some very easily monitoring it and its activities - to put in a call if it runs into any trouble." Or causes any trouble. She glances between Mystique and Lydia to see what they think of the notion. "Perhaps the thing could be... taught? Instructed? to come in for regular battery changed for the camera so we can continuously monitor it."

Pepper Potts has posed:
There are so many things that could happen in the span of 'in a matter of minutes', but to be fair, she's not calling for it to be deactivated. Not immediately. And, really, it's not her call, even if Stark Industries may very well have a good bit of leverage within. She's not willing to use people as pawns and bargaining chips, however. And, Pepper is paid to work with 'what if' a lot. The business relies on it, which is why it's doing so well in the market.

The rumblings of 'maybe' and 'perhaps' and the sounds of concern are more and more at her back. She's seen and heard enough, more than enough, to cut the afternoon's foray short and go back to work.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods to the camera solution. "We could do that. Have somebody on the Watch monitor it during their shift to see that it stays true to intent." She turns to Clarice and Robert, "If you get me the camera I can easily put it on, and give it instructions to report back daily for battery changes." She sighs, "Look, I know you're all nervous, but historically speaking, golems have been gentle creatures." Save for that one.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
It's that one that always comes to mind

Mystique shifts her eyes to Clarice for a moment, because she's already got Brotherhood coming in all over Bushwick to keep an eye on that thing, camera or no camera, then looks at the man who suggested the camera in the first place, a face she doesn't know.

"Camera might not be a bad idea, but here's the clencher, we need it linked to an already existing monitoring system so that it can be used to monitor the movements, and right now there are two. The cities and the Brotherhoods. Which would you like watching every move Mutants make in Bushwick?"

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers arches an eyebrow at Mystique, "We wouldn't have accepted a truce if a baseline of trust hadn't been established. Am I wary? Always. But if you were determined to slit my throat in public, I don't think I could stop you by standing a little farther away from you. I have more respect for your skills than that," he says.

He frowns slightly, "I do share some concern about setting a precedent of turning Mutant Town into a surveillance state. No one is more security minded than me, but if we start setting up walls and building sent...guardians and behaving essentially like an entrenched camp under siege, then...that's what the place will have become. And that may represent the reality of the situation, but I've been here as this community has been established and I know that separatism is not the ambition here."

"I think the young lady deserves a chance to show that her golem can be a useful tool. But I also agree that it should be...chaperoned, in some way."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'd certainly prefer the Brotherhood to the American Government," Clarice mutters. "But my opinion might be a little bit biased on that front." Her gaze goes towards Scott as if asking him, 'Well?' Does //he// trust them enough to let them monitor the citizens of Bushwick like that without protest?
    "We already know this community is under attack. Look what happened at the fund raiser Hope House hosted?" Clarice points out, letting out a sigh. "I don't like the notion of walling ourselves up and fortifying either, but... Reasonable steps need to be taken."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over, and says "I can set up, a station, in one of the building nearby, and only talking about monitoring the Golem. Think of it as an enhanced body cam program. We keep it to a lower power level so that the edges of Bushwick are covered but not much outside of it, will also tell us if the shield wanders outside the zone. You say it has some sentience, so knowing that it is not being lured away by someone would be a good thing. Also will identify any potential blind spots it has, if it always takes the same route on it's patrols, at the same time ect. If this thing is magical?" He says the with question to it. "Camera might also be useful letting us know if someone tries to magically hack it, not sure if that is possible, but an idea."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods to Mystique. "I trust the Brotherhood over the city. Look at how slow their response time was when we were attacked at the carnival? Besides trusting /them/ with something like this can only lead to abuse, and I /know/ the Brotherhood has the best interests for Mutant Town." She shrugs, "Besides, it's only one camera on the golem. Should be simple to set up a monitoring station around here. Maybe in Hope House."

She's actually taken by surprise by Robert's suggestion. "Yes, that would be good. I doubt people like the Friends of Humanity know enough about Kabbalistic magic to really interfere with the golem, but you never know. Maybe we can, during the week, have a team of Watch members escort it as it patrols. Kind of like an evaluation period."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers nods, "It doesn't have to be an intrusive, neighborhood-spanning surveillance. Just simple oversight and caution," he says. This is the man who tried to introduce a 'Common Sense' lecture as part of the educational offerings at Xavier's, after all.

He starts to dismiss everyone to go back to their cake, then remembers he's not actually in charge.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A half smirk lands on Mystique's face, "Trust me Lydia, where ever that thing goes, someone from the Brotherhood will be watching it." She strides forward now, toward the dais, her voice getting a little louder as she walks.

"The Brotherhood isn't welcome at Hope House, Nicolai made that clear enough, so for the time being we will provide the equipment, and a van for the monitoring equipment of the camera on the golem. Anyone is welcome to sit a watch at the monitoring site, those who live in Bushwick, or like the Brotherhood and our allies," she nods toward Scott. "those who truly have the best interests of Bushwick in mind, and not some sort of twisted sense of what they think Bushwick should be."

Once she reaches the dais, she extends her hand toward Lydia, "We're all grateful for your work Lydia, and I may have my reservations, but I think this will work out for the best in the end."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman says, "Well if you need any help with the equipment, my company is an electronics company, while I maybe more into the cybernetic side of things, I can get the things we would need by this evening." He does step closer tot he Dias, so he can talk in a bit more conversational levels."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Great! We have a plan, and I am owed a milkshake," Clarice declares brightly - moving towards Lydia to claim one of the vouchers with a yoink of her fingers. She claps her hand onto Lydia's shoulder for a moment, then moves away from the dais waving her voucher in the air before asking brightly, "Did you get one yet, Robert?" //She// doesn't have to put the plan in motion. //She// is being forced to take time off. Leaving Mystique to handle the work, she moves instead towards Mootant Milkshakes, declaring brightly, "Chocolate peanut butter with brownie bits, please! Thank you," as she deposits her voucher.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia follows Mystique to the dais and takes her hand looking relieved. So far the only reaction to her project has been doubt and distrust, and it's nice to see somebody have at least a /little/ faith in her. Lydia nods. "It's not meant to be a solution, really. It's here to work in conjunction with the Watch, not to replace it. If it works out it'll give those of us who are on the Watch something of a break from time to time."

Lydia squeaks in surprise as Clarice ninjas one of the vouchers out of her hand, and then turns to her smiling. "I'm only supposed to give out one voucher per person, but I've got a second one with your name on it," she says as the mutant disappears into the milkshake shop.

She nods between Robert and Mystique. "I'll leave you two to work out the details. You've got my number when you're ready for me to install the camera."