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Space Ghost Rider: Coast-to-Coast
Date of Scene: 12 July 2021
Location: Alleyways: Brooklyn
Synopsis: The past tracks down Robbie and blows up his car and him, Mike tries to save the Ghost Rider, and ends up getting left in the dust as Red-X, Selene, and Elektra chase down the would be assassins.
Cast of Characters: Robbie Reyes, Selene Corvinus, Michael Hannigan, Elektra Natchios, Damian Wayne

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    New York is safe.

    New York is safe-r

    New York is safe-r than Home.

    New York is supposed to be safer than home.

    In the briefest moment where Robbie gets into his car after putting Gabe down to rest for the night everything feels safe. There's a race going on at the city's docks in Jersey tonight and Robbie could use the extra cash.

    His hand on the wheel, and a look up to the mirror before flipping on the lights of the Charger, Robbie allows himself a soft breath, he's making it here, things will be different, and his fingers reach to the keys behind the wheel and click.


    The front end of the charger lifts from the explosions, the doors snap open and windows all shatter and the tires burst from the pressure.

    Before the front end even lands, a trio of cars not far at the mouth of the alley turns on and they begin to shuffle into he late New York traffic, their mission of revenge complete.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The night is young.

A sleek black sport motorcycle is tearing down the side streets and wipping in and out of alleyways. Two riders upon it, one leaning over the controls and focusing on what lies ahead. Her long black hair waving behind her head in the winds as they bound up and down the pavement, splashing through some of the water left on the ground from night rains.

As they make it out on to one of the busier streets, Selene pauses and is just about to speak back to the woman behind her when the explosion turns her gaze to the south. She stares at the fire, hears car alarms and horns honking in its aftermath and then glances back to the one behind her. She shows a hint of a grin and turns the motorcycle to go southward.

The engines rev, and the riders gain speed, dancing around some of the NYC traffic to gain ground on whatever it is going on in that direction....

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's got Cabin fever! Mike's got cabin fever. Mike's got cabin FeVAH! And he is out for a walk. With the increased security around him, some things have become a bit of a headache. However now that there has been some arrangements made. Walkies is a thing now. It was supposed to be a peaceful walk. Head out. Maybe just get a burger. Just... Geez all that time indoors was just too much like-

Well. Old news. New news is the loud sound of an explosion. Head turning towards the sound. He ignores those apparently fleeing the scene and instead moves towards the source of the noise.

The pony-tailed musician's brows raise at the sight. Shit. Can anyone have survived that?

He knows he shouldn't use up his energy. That's just inviting trouble later but if there's even a possibility.-

The musician runs towards the explodey car. The scar upon his right forearm fading over towards the left as he taps into his ability.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
On the back seat of said sleek black sport motorcycle is Elektra, the woman dressed in a black and red outfit, armored in places. The mask is down from her face but those sharp dark eyes are looking about, prowling, on the hunt. Looking for trouble.

And trouble there seems to be when that explosion is heard. There is a nod given to Selene when she glances back to her. Wordless. No need for those. And they were of a like mind. It was time to move.

Leaning forward Elektra wraps one arm around Selene to keep herself from getting thrown from the bike when the vampire starts speeding up. As for her other hand? It remains loose, ready to reach for any of their handguns in case they needed it. They had an abundance of those tonight.

An eagerness rises on the assassin, heart beating faster, the thrill of the hunt rising.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red X had been walking with Mike, behind him, watching for any threats. BOOOM. Well, that's convenient.

  While Mike starts to run towards the explosion, Red X runs behind, because he's not going to let Mike just run in there without cover. "You know, this countermands the whole 'protecting you' thing." He calls out with his modulated voice, shaking his head in that helmet. "If anyone survived that...they won't be living much longer." Cause burning is not a peaceful way to die...he's seen that first hand.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    The drivers of the three cars, makes sure the windows stay closed, and the passengers don't do anything foolish like peeking out or trying to watch the show of the car burning to the ground with their own eyes. These guys are professionals and here for a job. The california plates aren't exactly suspiscious but the fact they're on three identically styled cars with matching paint schemes could be a red flag for those that know what's going on.

    The black Charger billows fire and black smoke from the cabin and from the hood and blower with some fire coming from beneath, and the flames reaching towards the back of the car. The fuel cell could be primed to blow any moment now.


    The back of the car goes off and the rear end lifts slightly and the stench of fire, gas and oil burning fills the alleyway and the sky above now.

    A window rolls down from the back car and a man leans out and takes a picture with his phone before he quickly dives back in and the window goes back up.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The motorcycle riders zoom toward the black smoke rising form the car fire and with the sounds of chaos spreading out like a shockwave across this city block, the sounds of the bike's engines rev loudly and bounce off of the facades of the buildings here-in.

With the two women riders aboard the bike, they arrive just as the second burst rocks the street!

With little-to-do they blaze past the man taking the picture out of the side of one of the suspicious vehicles still on site!

Selene roars past them on the bike, and turns the controsl to the right hard, as she applies the brakes, leaving she and Elektra in a sliding stop at the far end of the street, the Vampire's eyes are on the burning vehicle now.

"Well this looks interesting." She says in her naturally husky voice. "Not any of my people, how about yours?" She asks to the one behind her.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
If Red X's protest is meant to get the musician to stop. It doesn't quite work. "Not my first fire. Give me warning if a Ghost or Demon pops up." Mike returns, moving to the car. "I'm not letting someone just roast!"

The second blast causes for Mike to step back reflexively for a moment. Driver's side. Has to be there. Fist clenching, the phantasmed musician lunges forward into the flame to go try retrieving the driver. As he moves in, his very form seems to darken in appearance, causing for a bit of contrast against the flame.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As they zoom past both the fire and the voyeurs Elektra lets out a chuckle, specially at the one taking the pic. Yes, she knows a hit when she sees one. Standard MO, taking a picture for proof. Hell, she had done similar hits. But she was usually alone doing so. Unlike whoever was in those cars.

As Selene turns and slides, slowing the bike to a stop Elektra holds on harder to the woman's hip before relaxing once the motobike has fully come to a stop.

"No, I didn't recognize any." then a look to Selene, "But I also don't have your night vision." she points out. Is she jealous about *that*? Maybe just a little. Look, night vision has a lot of perks.

Reaching to her mask she covers the lower end of her face. "Whoever was in that car though?" she shakes her head, "No one could survive that kind of explosion." a beat, "No one normal, that is."

It's when she spots the good samaritan jumping in to try and save whoever is in there and ..., does she recognize Michael? Well, she might considering that whole Zodiac affair a few months back ...

Damian Wayne has posed:
     An audible sigh comes from Red X's helmet, as Phantasm jumps in the flaming charger.

  Then he turns, his half cape billowing back and toward the fire, seeing the ladies on the motorcycle and the three cars, right as the driver of one gets out to take a selfie. He shakes his head before starting to walk towards that same car, fists clenched. "I should be charging for this gig."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    The back passenger then gets shunted out of the car and lands in the street, rolling over many times and the car comes to a stop. The last of the three. The two other passengers get out with masks moving up to cover their noses down, bandanas used to obscure faces. They walk up to their former brother and one takes his phone before the other raises a foot to bring it down on the man's head. These guys don't mess around.

    The car is on fire fully now, and the obscured black figure of Mike finds Robbie bloodied, bruised and not moving, at least unconscious from the blasts likely damaging his organs from the pressures. Getting a hold of him is easy enough and even phasing him through the car seems to go without issue, until the last bit of his hand halts any progress like trying to push through a brick wall.

    The hand isn't clenched on anything, just the tip of the finger seems impassible, like it wont leave the car.

    There's a scream, a cry of pain and anger, visceral and primal yet, mental, only Mike can hear the wail.

    The car then seems to react to the anguished cry, the exposed engine rocking once greatly before it too roars to life and the fires grow, cooler, but the flames get larger.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's eyes are a brilliant blue-white right now, so she is indeed in full Vampire Sight mode. She looks back over her shoulder at Elektra and nods once to her. "We'll stick around, see if we can't make a difference here."

The bike revs its engiens again and pulls off of the street headed toward a small dark side alley that deadends halfway across the block, but the Vampire only parks it just a few feet in to the darkness supplied.

She steps off of the bike and is stepping back out of the shadows in time to see the man pulled from the burning wreckage. Her hands go in to the pockets of her long coat and she grimaces some at the smells coming from the vehicle.

When the fire seems to 'change' Selene just stares, watches. "Something is a little off here..." She utters quietly, having been around long enough to nkow when she sees a magic of some kind brewing.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Only a little?" Elektra exchanges a look with Selene, also getting out of the motorbike and rolling her neck, walking out of the alleyway and more to the street, keeping herself next to the vampire, long hair free and waving in the wind. "So much for professionalism in this world ..." this when she notes the man that took the pic being taken out and kicked by the others. Ah well. She doesn't help stupidity so that one is on their own...

And besides, her attention is on that fire. That roar of the engine. That *shouldn't* be happening. It makes her frown, eyes alight as they focus on those flames, then on the other two figures nearby.

Now where does she know those from? Mmmmm. "I think this is going to get real hot real soon..." there's just that scent of danger in the air. Death.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Emerging from the frame of the car, Michael's form is more of a dark, smokey silhouette of his form. Ok it seems like it's working, pulling the guy out. Getting him out of the seat was indeed simple enough but the tug of the finger was a bit different. Did the guy come awake and he's subconciously clinging on?

The phantasm turns his head to look to where the hand is. Seeing nothing for the guy to subcionciously cling to, he glances to the man's face. Still seems uncon-

Hearing the wail, Mike's head tilts back at the mental cry. Well, it can't be physical pain, that sense went out the window so... Mike's grasp upon he man shifts, continuing to support the figure as he brings hs mouth closer to Robbie's ear. "Hey man, we got you. Just... Let go and we can get you to the hospital. Okay?"

Sometimes, the lack of a sense of touch is a blessing. But... When it comes time to where knowing a fire has unusualy changed temperature, well. More of a flaw.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red X turns sharply at the sound of the wail...checking to see if Mike was hurt, before he continues to walk towards the cars that just now stomped a mud hole into one of their own. Clearly, this has to be a gang incident. Only a gang would go through this kind of trouble and punishment.

  Red X takes a...red x from his belt, throwing it at one of the tires on the car the selfie taker was in, one of the drive tires. Someone needed to answer for this, and he wasn't going to let them get away.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    The tire pops almost readily, having been stretched over the rim as is the current fashion, and the driver's wheel snaps sharply though he does keep it from driving into the oncoming traffic. Just.

    There is an emotion of panic washing over the getaway car though the other two don't seem to notice, the one damaged car doesn't slow down, and even struggles to try and get away with the damaged tire.

    The unconscious, singed and smelly man doesn't react to Mike's words in his ear though the 'V' shaped scar on his forehead starts to glow orange. The car's engine grumbles louder before the fuel content rises and the car barks to full life and the black smoke is swallowed into the interior and then burps out of the back end as the fires burn, but the damages seem to repair themselves instantly and the fires of hell breath new life into the car.

    A voice in Mike's head demands, (BACK UP KID), the second soul within the body of Robbie demands as the man's head errupts into fire and a metalic skinless skull breathes up into Mike's eyes and an actual roar and scream of horror cries into the alley. "WHERE ARE THEY!?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene sees the unusual flames rolling over the vehicle and steps tot he side a bit to walk in a wider berth around the car until she can get a look at the driver that tht guy pulled out of the wreck. She can't see his face, she just catches the sudden burst of fire around his skull that has her grimacing.

"Dark magic." She mutters, her gaze going back to Elektra and then toward the ones in the cars that seemed to have put this situation in to motion.

Selene's right hand goes under her jacket and she walks toward some civilians who are standing by recording on their phones. She shoves one of them back and motions toward the building. "Go inside." She tells the teenagers, one of whom looks her over and makes a joke to the effect of 'Anything you say, Lady' before turning to take his friends in to a Gaming Store.

Is she expecting a fight? Yes.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
While Mike may not notice the change in temperature, the sense of hearing is still VERY much working. The sound of the car causes for the musician to actually LOOK at it.

...Well - dammit.

New visual accounted for and hearing the warning barked in his head. Mike lets go and steps back. Arms lifting in a 'mean no harm' manner as he watches the back of the man's head light afire. The scream actually echoes against the brick of the nearby buildings this time which is a nice clue that this time around it wasn't just a mental scream.

Oh. Well. Guess he didn't need help from that fire after all.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Dark magic? That's right out of people's nightmares. Elektra takes a step back from the flaming skull one. See, this is why when you make a hit on someone you either leave or you go there and cut off the head to finish the job. Lingering like these guys are doing? Not a good move. And it seems they are about to find that out quite soon.

"And whose side should we get onto?" she then asks Sel, glancing over her shoulder at her while she busies herself with the teens. "Flaming skull or amateur assassins?"

Is she smirking under the mask? Maybe.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The assassin in the red X takes out the 'totally not Batclaw' and fires it onto the now struggling to escape car. Billowing out the cape to work like a parasail as the 'batclaw' starts reeling Red X in.

  At least, it looks pretty cool for now, Red is about to have some fun.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    Rising to his feet, the leathers no longer appearing burnt and the head still flaming with the ever present skinless smile of his teeth showing the figure glances back to Mike and hisses softly as the teeth open in a breath with steam hitting the air. The car moves suddenly on it's out, spinning the back tires loose and the cars whole rear end moving to point the car towards the mouth of the alley.

    (THEY DIE TONIGHT) Eli demands into Robbie's mind and for once, they are in agreement as the rider phases through the car door and roof to sit down at the wheel as if there wasn't a door at all. The Charger roars again as the rider races to the street to chase the gangsters that tried to kill him. The car slides wide, the back trying to outrun the front end in a mad show of power and the parasol of Red X is almost a guiding beacon for The Ghost Rider to chase.

    Leaving those in the alley to find their own ways to persue.

    The man in the street is abandoned and crawling bloodied towards the sidewalk, while the damaged car picks up speed, trying to catch up to the other two cars. A back window rolls down, and the gangster leans out with a short shotgun loaded with a ka-chunk and a BLOU of gunfire up towards the Red X as the driver continues to swerve awfully because of the damaged wheel.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"Both." Selene replies to Elektra then as she passes by her toward the alley again, hearing the vehilces starting to flee. Which is wise since the NYPD is on the way too. "Lets focus on the initial aggressors though." She looks after the flaming skull man and sees him in his car and heading to pursue...

It's only a moment later then that the bike i nthe alley comes alive again and pulls back out on to the street, stopping beside Elektra to let her get on. "Lets try to take out the drivers before this gets out of hand, more."

The engine of her bike roars to life again and she drives after one of the Mobster-cars.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Fight everyone. Sure, Elektra can get behind that. And she starts with the man that's on the ground and trying to drag himself ..., somewhere. Yes, the guy gets a kick on the face as Elektra is making way to join Selene on that bike. Just to get him unconscious to 'peacefully' await for the cops to arrive. No doubt that the neighbors have called the police already. Only a matter of time.

Elektra gets herself on the backseat of the motorbike, "Sounds good to me. Lets go." eagerness on her tone as they drive off in pursuit, hands out as she takes out an handgun and gets a silencer on the tip. Just in case ... There are a lot of ways of stopping a car. Shooting the driver is one of them.

As they start going at high speed she takes another look at the masked Robin. The suit is different, but the sword, mmm. She could recognize that blade mostly anywhere.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red X continues to reel himself in, taking some peppering of shots to the armor, which now sparks. Guess what doesn't work now? The camouflage.

  Damian tucks his cape back as he is close enough to land on the trunk of the car. Another throwing X removed, and Red X plunges it into the back glass of the car. "Pull it over, and you keep your limbs intact." He warns. The vigilante seems way too used to something like this, must be a common occurrence in Gotham.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hands still up as the skull face looks back at him. Mike gives a slight wave with one of the lifted limbs. Considering the general proximity to wtf, the scar is still situated upon the left forearm of the phantasmed performer. Well, guy's not going to burn to death So... He's good. Right? "Hi."

He remains still as Robbie turns to get into the car with very little concern for physical barriers. Apparently he didn't need to be phantasmed either.l

Whelp. That's a lot of burnt up energy. Better go buy some more salt.

The departures go by in a blurr. Ghost rider heads out, then the bikes head out, leaving just him and Re-

Mike looks around.


Well shit.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    Red-X lands on the back of the car, causing it to squat and the front end to be that much harder to control, the car swerves left and right again before getting back under some semblance of control. The shot gunner out of the side window is pulling back in and getting ready to fire another shot when the rear glass is broken out. The passenger in the front pulls out a gun and fires out the back window, causing the driver to put a hand over his ear and the car swerves again this time finding a parked car and lifting the back end and rolling onto the driver side door as it crashes violently.

    The two other cars continue down the road at a rapid pace, weaving through traffic, getting distance between them and the alley.

    The flaming charger leaves flaming trails on the road as it tears down the street, catching up quickly to the Red-X and the smashed cars, coming to a sharp stop, the road crunching beneath the tires as it comes to stop and looks to the Red X, "They dead?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's motorcycle speeds past the Red X on the car, allowing Ele to get a close look at that sword to be sure!

The Vampire drives her vehicle onward to the other two cars that are uncontested up ahead, she pulls her own gun out from a spot on her thigh and aims it at the back window of the car in front of her.

A shot is taken, aiming toward one of the back tires of the car, as she's not really trying to kill these people... Yet.

She spares a look back over her shoulder to see what the Ghost Rider is doing, and if he's going to be an issue all of his own or not... that Dark Magic is unsettling to the Vampire, the fire he's engulfed in is quite... dangerous to her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As the duo speeds past both Red X And Ghost Rider Elektra still glances over her shoulder at them, watching, maybe also trying to figure out if they will be a danger to the two of them. But quickly enough they are reaching closer to one of the cars. She pops a few shots to aim on those tires too to help Selene with that job, shooting over the other woman's shoulder towards those poor assassins.

Really, can they have more bad luck than this?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike grumbles as the realization he got ditched filters through. Well. He could use the newfound freedom to just go get a burger himself. Buuuuut he'd rather not get pulled through another phone just to get another lecture with some awkward talk about hot sauces later on. One should never have to hide cab fare in their sleep pants JUST IN CASE.

Ah well. What's a bit more energy? Shaking his head, he turns and starts running down the alley. Midway through he hops, shape and form condensing down to the feathery likeness of a purplish black raven. Beak uptilting, the now flying corvid moves upwards, form shooting out from between the buildings. A half loop and roll later, the bird flies in the direction the sounds of madness are coming from.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red X manages a slight wave to Elektra and Selene as they whip by.

  The crash violently gets the car to stop, luckily Red X jumped into the air, spreading that cape to make a soft landing.

  The skull-helmet glances to the Ghost Rider as he looks, well, badass in that Charger. "Probably." He didn't check for life signs. Nor did he really care to. "Why don't you make sure." He comments, not even knowing what it is driving that Charger.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    Stopped next to Red-X, the Rider's car burbles in idle as he climbs out of the car, and the hell powered spirit of vengance steps up to the twisted metal and climbs out of his own ride.

    The demon steps to the roof of the car and places a hand where the door and roof meets and cruches it with a fist and then rips the top away like a can of sardines but with a much more worrying sound. He stands there a moment looking into the car before he turns and walks back to his own car.

    "Stay out of the way." Recommends the Ghost Rider, fire flickering past his teeth before his hand falls on the shifter, slams the car into gear and he's off after the assassin, the vampire and the gangsters.

    The car Selene has targetted veers left, trying to cut through a red light to get away from the women on the motorcycle, but their tires are blasted by impossibly accurate shots from the femme fatales. The sudden burst causes the car to spin out of control, and the back of the car carries the momentum into the lightpost and the hit is hard enough the light above bends and slams into the ground of the intersection.

    Smoke rises from the car in gentle wafts, from the back, the tires and the engine bay, as the car remains motionless and everything is awkwardly calm for a moment before the front window bursts open with automatic gun fire. Small calibur bullets tear through the window and air towards Selene and Elektra, retaliation it seems.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene isn't a fool about tailing a couple cars. She knows to keep her distance from them, because they'll always win if they decide to try and collide with them... So she's keeping her bike behind and to the left of the vehilce that she and Elektra were shooting at, Ele able to get better shots off due to Sel's free hand controlling the bike.

Their efforts pay off and the car they were after veers, and takes out that light pole which falls right in front of them!

Selene stuffs her gun in to a holster on the bike itself and puts both of her hands on the handlebars to steer the bike inward closer to the traffic light and weave between the fallen lights and the crashed vehicle!

The tires of the bike squeal as it races through the intersection! She swerves the other way then and tries to stay nimble, agile and harder to shoot at. "I'm going up beside this one!" Selene says to Ele behind her as she lays on the gas and the bike roars even louder, pulling up to the driver to give Elektra a wide selection of shooting options now!

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red X let the Spirit of Vengeance go and check out the crashed car. What the heck? But the HellCharger? Nah, that looked too good to not try to get in.

  Damian stepped up to the passenger seat, and reaches for the door handle, giving it a pull.


  The door pops open, and Red X gives the thing a once over, having an engineer's mind, he looked over the classic stylings, warped by hellfire and skull imagery. He tugged out a three inch circular golden object, placing it in the dash. There was a metallic blue T on that. Cause why not? He had the ability to recruit, and this guy's style...was right up Damian's alley. The worst the guy could say is 'fuck off'.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As they weave and cut through, nearing their prey and getting out of the way of bullets Elektra lets out a laugh, "Mmm, you are enjoying this, aren't you?"

As one hand keeps her held up and balanced on the bike by holding on to Selene the other tries to find an angle to shoot into the moving car. One shot, then another. But with the angle and the high speed chase? It mostly means what they do is hit the front shield.

"Have I told you I hate guns?" She does. Knives are a lot more personal. Crazy assassin that she is.

So the gun is holstered and instead she brings out a couple of throwing knives. Now *these* are a lot better. She throws a couple into the moving car towards the driver as they move past.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Damian's leaving a little T card for the Ghostie, a certain bird descends from the sky, landing nimbly upon Red-X's outstretched arm. There! Found the guy who is supposed to follow him around.

The raven looks to Damian. Eyes narrowing.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    The second wrecked car quickly looses sight of the assassin's and the driver slams his hand against the wheel with a curse word as he tries to start the car again only for it to groan and complain. Seems this car is done and the driver pops his door and finds a figure in black leather standing there already.

    The Rider hisses his breath and yanks the driver out of the car and slams him into the door, hand on his chin, forcing the gangster to look into the hollow spots where his eyes would be, but only the fires of hell reside, mirroring and multiplying all the pain and suffering the driver has caused back.

    Another gun shot and the bullet PINGS off the Ghost Rider's forehead, getting his attention. The rider tosses the driver over the car and onto the sidewalk where he can suffer, but the guy in the back of the car that's still barely moving gets a worse fate, as a chain slashes through the bottom of the car and severs the man's hand from his arm, gun still in the detatched fist.

    "Nearest hospital is nine minutes from here."

    The window is cracked and spider-webbed, the back window is completely shot out, and the driver of the last car is really pushing his car to it's limits, which are minimal in the city, he simply can't compete with the motorcycle and the two bad asses on it. He swerves hard, turning to get away from the assassin, but the throwing knives are more effective than the bullets, two lodging into his left arm, one in the bicep and the other just below the elbow and he screams in pain, but holds the wheel with a painfully tight grip as the slams the gas to create distance if he can.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene is focusing on the road and the driver that they are still chasing. They've no real dog in this race. This was purely for 'fun' and the fact that these two women like the excitement of the chase. There is a sense of noble righteousness though in Selene's desire to stop colatoral damage to the city... as she does her best to be as good as she can considering her circumstances.

With Elektra disabling the driver, or at least injuring him badly, Selene waits for him to draw near to them again and she whips her gun up out of the bike holster and fires it three quick times in to his front tire!


As he veers toward them then, the VAmpire pulls on the brakes and lets the bike sink backward out of the vehicle's way!

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red X looks to the raven, and leans in his head a bit to it. "Took you long enough. You need more training."

  Red X also watches the Ghost Rider take his vengeance out on the last guy from the crashed car. Brutal. Damian will remember that. But that didn't make him retract that T-Com from the dash. Far from it.

  There had been some information, not much, about a hellish motorcycle rider, but there wasn't much on it. Seems Batman hadn't worked with that guy. Damian would rectify that situation.

  So, there they were, the raven and the Red X, waiting in the car for the Ghost Rider to either boot them out, or take them with him on his ride of vengeance.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The raven blinks at Red X. "Training for WHAT?" The raven asks, Mike's voice coming out of the beak. He glances around to the interior and opts to continue using the less flaming perch of Red-X's arm.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    The chain is whipped out of the car, a hot knife through butter, leaving an unusual gash in the top, bottom and through the door of the back. Another hiss and the Rider turns back to his own car and gets in without word to Damian or the bird on his arm.

    In gear, the car actually pops a wheelie as the V8 roars and hisses at the same time, a deep rumble with the promise of pain in the scream of the motor as the car launches through the streets, catching up to the Vampire in no time.

    The Vampire and the Assassin easily take out the driver with gunshots and knives, but as the car tries to swerve into the motorcycle, the rider reads the move perfectly, braking just in time for the car to fly past out of control and into on coming traffic slamming into a semi coming the other way.

    The driver of the car dies instantly in the crash, as does the rider in the front passenger street. The two in the back are severely injured and bloody as they open the back doors and climb out onto the open street. Complaining loudly about how this isn't how things were supposed to go.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The carnage from the crash in to the semi truck has Selene deciding it best to adjust course. She slows the bike down to reasonable speeds and then looks back over her shoulder past Elektra behind her. "Time to go." She announces when she sees the REds and Blues of Emergency SErvice vehicles down the NYC streetway.

Selene looks to the Ghost Rider and the others with him for a moment before she spins the bike around on its axis with a use of gas and brakes, then aims them toward an alleyway. Within moments the bike is gone, vanishing in to the darkness of the space between spaces.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Training to be faster. You can always improve, and I doubt you have had much training at all." Burn.

  That was about when Robbie came back to the car, and without a protest started the thing back up. The Charger pulling a wheelie didn't phase Damian, but he was definitely having a good time with that. "We won't need to get out until he stops." He comments, before he canters his helmet as the last car crashes into the semi truck. Yeah...oof. A small salute with his first two fingers to Elektra as they speed by the HellCharger. Now...the Ghost Rider was alone with Red X and the raven. "You find yourself in Metropolis..." He points to the T-Com in the dash. "Look us up." Mainly cause he loved what they did just now, adrenaline junkie much?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bird eyes Red X. "I have different priorities than you." He points out. "Never said I wanted to be a hero or anything like that.

When the Ghost rider gets in the car, the bird looks over to the quiet flaming wheel man. His body remains perpendicular to Red-X's arm. Moving only when the arm does. The eyes do widen at the visual of the front row seat to the wreck that occurs.


When Damian indicates to the Ghost Rider that he should look up some folks later, the bird looks back over to Red-X. Did he just-?

Whelp. Looks like Mike's going to be hanging out in this form a bit longer than planned.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
    The rider doesn't even seem to acknowledge Selene as she speeds past and away, pulling to another sharp stop at the third stop for tonight and again the Ghost Rider gets out of the car, boots heavy on the pavement. With an other worldly groan, the streets are pierced with chains up and out, circling around the two survivors of the crash as they crawl on the ground, and then chains pin them to the pavement, squeezing them against the manmade earth harder and harder, their heads turning red from the pressure.

    Before their deaths orange lights appear in the cracks and the pavement falls away into a firey abyss and the hells below swallow the victims before the street restores back to nothingness.

    The Ghost Rider turns back to his car and before stepping in he drops to his hands and knees and a flow of molten hatred and viscera errupts from his maw, before he roars his pain and fear grasping the metal door handle, needing something from the connection with the car to maintain his power or control or something.

    Finally addressing the passengers in the HellCharger, the Rider is moving down the road, away from the accidents, "Hope you're not headed anywhere kid, cause this isn't a taxi service."