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Latest revision as of 21:52, 25 August 2021

Waffles on the Asteroid
Date of Scene: 24 August 2021
Location: Cafeteria and Bar
Synopsis: Waffles for dinner with guests. Mortimer's back on the Asteroid, watch out for that tongue!
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Mortimer Toynbee, Talia Wagner, Henry McCoy

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Just another day on the asteroid. Mutants coming, mutants going, life going by moment by moment. Mystique had not felt like herself since rescuing the kids from the Reverend who got away. She was still working out how to find him, but the need for food was a constant, even for Mutants.

The waffle bar was in full swing, making all kinds of flavored waffles with all the toppings anyone could want. Today Mystique is opting for a banana waffle with Nutella on it, and whipped cream... always need whipped cream.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is already at one of the tables - a half eaten waffle in front of her. It's topped with strawberries, chocolate syrup, whipped cream - and even a little chocolate ice cream.
    What? The mission had been rough on her, too.
    Next the waffles is a mug of coffee with a smidge of whiskey poured in, along with the addition of a packet of hot chocolate. She nibbles and sips idly as she stares at a comic book, reading slowly and deliberately.
    God. Was Lydia's plan actually //working//?

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee has only recently returned from overseas, having been rousing the rabble in Jolly Olde England for the last few months and thus missing most of the recent ultraviolent festivities and riots and such. He did leave very encouraging gifs in the group chat about them all, though.

He's wearing a pair of bright yellow overalls and a cartoon t-shirt with Tweety bird on it, his greasy hair pulled up into a ragged topknot.

"'allo, lassies and laddies and...uh, Mystique," he says, looking down for a moment, "Didn't see you there, mum, sorry to be all informal like. I'll smack meself around later for it. Just came in to grab some quick snacksy doodles," he says, his prehensile tongue lashing out and crossing over the bar to snag a waffle and pull it back to his hand.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ was surprised we had a waffle bar and that it was in full swing. Surprised enough to come out of her room and forgo napping to see it for herself.

    Yup. Waffles.

    "Huh.. well.. okay...." she meanders over to the waffle bar and starts to make herself something decadant. Which is disturbed by the tongue snapping by her to snag a waffle.

    Only... by sheer force of will does she not stick it with a fork. "The fuck Toad!"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Liaison. One who's job it is to liaise. Whichever, Henry was happy to start bridging the rifts that had formed over the years. He'd made arrangements to visit the asteroid today - having been a part of the team who'd gone after the Preacher. He was still feeling good that people were rescued, even if the villain got away. There is always another day to nab the baddie!

The aroma of the waffle bar was enough to draw him towards the cafeteria - his stomach rumbling as he stepped in. He pauses at the door, smirking at the reaction from Talia at Toad's snatching up of a waffle from across the room. Things were never dull, either her or Xavier's.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The quick movement of Mortimer's tongue and the ensuing protests of disgust and frustration earn Clarice's attention, and she looks up to see Toad munching on the waffle - her eyes rolling in response. You have to make your waffle yourself - so he just stole //someone's// food.
    "Oh, com'on, decidedly not-cool, Bro! //Not cool!//" It's Citadel, a burly mutant with inky black eyes who continues grumbling under his breath as he has to pour more waffle batter into one of the waffle makers - tossing in another handful of blueberries and sealing it up once more.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee throws his arms up in the air, "What? I didn't cut in line. I didn't even slime anything else. I don't think. Oi, just use like a rag or summin', it'll clean up spit spot," he says.

He eats the waffle with a rather voracious series of bites, one after the other, gobbling it down and licking his lips and most of his face with that tongue before it goes back into his mouth with a noisome slurp.

He cocks his head at Beast's arrival, "Boss lady tol' me we was all on the good graces with ye X-men, but I ain't never figured to see one on Asteroid M. How you doin' there, ol' chum? Don't worry, I ain't gonna kick ye in the face or nuffin'. We're pals now!"

Talia Wagner has posed:
Talia keeps one eye on Mortimer and finishes prepping her waffle. It is a triple decker with layers of sauces in between them like a dessert sandwich really. Mission accomplished she heads over and settles in by Clarice. Still keeping one eye on Toad.

    "I suppose that is technically accurate.. only one X-men on the asteroid." she asides to Clarice. Not that there aren't others in both worlds, but official branded merch X-men. Only Hank right now. "If he slimes my stuff I'm hexing him." she notes to the magenta mutant.


Raven Darkholme has posed:
Coffee is the best drink to go with waffles, so Mystique gets her some and finds a table to sit herself at. The tables as more than enough chairs for anyone who wants to join her, she's not particular really, this is family after all.

"Mortimer, you don't need to stand on ceremony, no need to go smacking yourself around," she offers, setting her coffee on the table by her plate. "When were not on a mission, or doing something official, we're family, and family isn't formal."

She does not cover how that makes her the mother figure, the one responsible for punishments and yelling at people who do shit wrong, nope, she'd much rather just enough her waffle and pretend that was not the case, at all.

"If you're fast enough, you can catch that tongue. I've seen it done," she then comments, eyeing Mortimer. "I'm fast enough.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's no comment from Henry about catching a tongue, or being fast enough. He simply shakes his head, amused. "I appreciate the affirmations of civility, Mortimer." He nods, offering a friendly grin. "There are some gaps to fill, and wounds to mend - but we're moving forward, yes?" He steps into line at the waffle bar. A large stack of waffles, buttered and then given a liberal pour of maple syrup. The classic!

Once he's got his plate, he grabs two glasses of milk, and two glasses of OJ, before heading to the table where Mystique is seated. "Mind if I join you, Raven?" He asks, politely.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I won't say nothing," Clarice agrees, giving Talia a friendly nudge as she looks up from her comic with a grin of greeting. There's a moment of hesitation before the book gets closed - and pushed aside. She's towards the end of her the first Lumberjack trade paperback. It's been taking her a while - but she's getting there.
    She glances over towards Mystique - lifting her mug towards the woman, and taking a sip. There is for a moment a subtly appraising look in her eyes, before she her gaze transfers to Henry. "Hank - hey," she says simply. Mortimer earns a nod as well.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Using her food, Mystique pushes the chair out for Henry while offering a smile.

"Please do. Hate to eat alone after all," she glances toward Mortimer for a moment, then back to Henry. Maybe she's just making sure Toad is behaving, or maybe she's just checking to see what his tongue will do next... you never know after all.

The look from Clarice isn't missed, but she chooses to ignore it. She was getting used to her real name being used, no more kick in the gut upon hearing it. "Hey Clarice, you could join as well, you all can, I don't bite... right now."

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee flicks his tongue again, carefully making sure to keep it wide and clear of Talia especially, snagging the blueberry syrup and pulling it over to catch nimbly in his hand. "Catchin' it is one thing, but holdin' on, that's a whole other kettle o' fish." he says.

He tilts the pot of warm blueberry syrup and lifts it over his head, opening wide and pouring about half of the pot straight down his throat in a long stream, gargling a little bit before swallowing heavily, "Woo, got meself a bit of a sugar buzz there. Gonna get me through tryin' to recalibrate the onboard stabilizers on one o' the shuttles. She's leanin' a little bit over the side, just like me mum's left tit."

Talia Wagner has posed:

    Which suits TJ just fine. She doesn't seem to have an issue with him fucking about with other people it sems. Just when it whips too close or threatens to toad slime her stuff. No one has anytime for that shit.

    She takes a forkful of her masterpiece of waffle dessert goodness. Something Toad says though makes her pause "You're an engineer Mortimer?" okay she can't keep the surprise out of her voice and deadpan it.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The offered seat is taken - carefully. No need to flatten any furniture! Henry settles in, grinning over to Clarice when greeted. "Hey there, Clarice. How goes? Good book?" The man asks, before placing a napkin in his lap. Once in place, he scoots in closer to the table.

"How is everyone today? Rested?" He glances to the others sharing a meal.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee shakes his head at Talia, "Oh, not in the least, I barely scraped past me A-levels and didn't get a whiff of university except when I got hired to sweep up the toilet. 'course, then I ended up blowin' it up in the name o' mutant rights and gigglin' on the roof o' the bursar's office while I watched the little human shits burn and..."

He turns his head slowly towards Beast and clears his throat, "Er, I mean, y'know, I just ended up learnin' things here an' there. Early days o' the Brotherhood, we didn't have much in the way o' expertise outside o' the Big Red M hisself an' it weren't be right fer him to get his hands dirty greasin' the wheels an' such. So I learned how to do it. Got meself an aptitude, the Master said."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The waffle on Mystique's plate is divided up with a fork, making perfect bite sized bits while ensuring each bite has a little bit of everything on it. All that work and she rewards herself with one of the bites, savoring it. Banana waffles, you just can't go wrong with those. The only thing better would be to add peanut butter, but Nutella and peanut butter, with the whipped cream, would be too much.

She looks up from her plate just in time to watch Mortimer drink the syrup. Most people might be surprised by this, but not Mystique, this isn't the first time she's watched him eat something. "Past can't be changed, we did what we did," she comments in regards to Mortimer's joy over burning down a school. A part of her is also giggling over it, because she still wants Mutants to be first, but she's really good at concealing that. "We'll do the same work in a different way, that's all."

Now her eyes shift to Henry.

"I've got feelers out for what happened to the Reverend," she comments, though that's not exactly what Henry asked. "The forced rest was enough, I need to make sure that gas doesn't get used anywhere else, ever. So I'm pissed, which means I'm good. You?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He's been one of the go-to's for fixing shit as long as I've been with the Brotherhood," Clarice remarks easily, sounding a little surprised by Talia's reaction to this news. This is just the way things //are//. ...what did Toad do in the realities she's been from? Clarice cuts off a little more waffle, giving Mystique an amused look. "I was here first!" she teases.
    Of course, that's when her phone chimes for her attention. She mutters under her breath, "You got to be kidding me..." before pushing herself to her feet. "Sorry. Some... Watch stuff I have to go deal with." She picks up her drink, and her comic book before calling to Hank, "It's not bad! Maybe I'll loan it to you, huh?" she teases - raising her mug in salute before she starts for the door.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The waffle stack is diced apart with fork and knife, letting the syrup sink in. "Well, I suppose I am good - having rescued those people." Henry starts, with a nod. "Shame about the Reverend sneaking off - but I've no doubt that we'll find him." A nod to Mystique. "And pissed isn't necessarily good, Raven." A grin. "Blood pressure and all."

Mortimer's comments are allowed to brush past - not wanting to dwell on what happened in the past. Forward, ever forward. "Just ... been happy to be able to help my friends, truth be told."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Talia shakes her head. "Well at least he isn't scamming charities right now." is all she says about Toad being useful and fixing things. "I got dibs on borrowing the book first. For the record." that was directed to Hank.

    "The Reverend?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another bites disappears and Mystique's fork is pointed at Henry while she chews, only after she swallows does she say, "Pissed means I'm alive, which means I'm good." She takes a drink of her coffee then sets the fork down on her plate.

"He's up to something Henry," she then says, shaking her head a little. "That gas was a test, to see what would happen, but you can bet he has more of it somewhere else. This was just one location, how many others does this sick whack job have? I'm hoping Ruth's mother can help us, but that's going to be a little bit, they drugged her up pretty good."

She looks toward Clarice as she departs, then looks back at Talia. "The good Reverend Franklin Jeffery Sinclair, the founder and creator of Become Human. We just rescued one group of mutant children from them, but I'm thinking there are more out there, and I intend to find them."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod to Talia at Mystique's explanation. "Indeed. I doubt he's done with his plot at all, Raven." He says, looking back to Mystique. "But we'll be there to thwart him, and stop him each time." The man says, confidently. "If your doctor's need help in treating Ruth's mother, do let me know. I am more than willing to assist."

A grin then to Talia, nodding. "Of course - you get dibs on the book first." A chuckle. "Did you know what it was? It was a bit far for me to read the title."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ takes a bite of her waffle and chews thoughtfully as she listens to Mystique and Henry talk about the problem they dealt with. A Mission that Talia wasn't on it seems.

    She pops another bit of waffle in her mouth and chews on it starting to look puzzled as she does her brow furrowing a little bit. "Reverend Franklin Jeffery Sinclair... I could have sworn his name was Reverend Craig Sinclair." she worries her lower lip for a moment with a sharp canine. "Rahne's dad founded Become Human here is is kidnapping mutant kids?" she is just assuming that he is named Franklin not Craig and all, cause where she is from he did hook up with Stryker after all.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"It is not Rahne's dad," Mystique states bluntly. "Different Sinclair, different religion, same ass-holery."

She takes a drink of her coffee, setting the cup back on the table. "And no, they aren't kidnapped. Their parents /give/ the kids to him to make human again through God, or some horse shit like that. These parents buy into it, believing this jackass can faith heal the Mutant out of the kids, when in fact he was drugging them up and using another mutant against them." She stabs the waffle with her fork, not because she intends to take a bite but because she's pissed. "Purifiers to the extreme."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique then adds, "Clarice is reading a comic called Lumberjanes, I think that's it anyway."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast lets Mystique explain all that - though it's clear by his expression, he's just as angry at those people as she is. He's got no poker face for his anger, anymore. He digs into his waffles, munching to let the syrupy goodness take his mind off of being irritated.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    "Ah.. well fuck. Okay everyone named Sinclair but Rahne officially sucks then. So it be written." she shakes her head and keeps eating waffles now.

    "Fuck this guy then.. and fuck those parents. We don't need therapy. What mutant was he using against the kids?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
If looks could kill, Mystique's waffles would have just burst into flames.

"Angelina Deakin," she says quietly. "Her brother was the one selling humans into slavery to try and raise the money to get her back, not that they would have given her back. The kids are all in Genosha now, the only place they'll be safe. If their parents wants to try and get them back, they'll have to go through me."

She shifts her eyes for a moment toward Henry, wondering if he would support that decision or not. "See, when Scott and I made this agreement, it was that the children would go to Genosha, we would try not to kill the humans there, but the Reverend's life is forfeit when we find him. The X-Men kept their part of the deal, the children are in Genosha, and Ace is on his way there now to be with his sister. He can effect humans with his touch, make them do whatever he wants. Angelina, she effects mutants like he does humans, and /that/ is the root of the gas they used, but that gas has something more to it. I can't explain it, but I haven't felt well since being effected by it."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's no comment from Henry on whether or not the man is due a death. He simply finishes his food. "I need... to run off some anger." He says, after a few calming breaths. "Thank you for sharing the table, it was lovely to speak to you, Raven and Talia." A nod to each. He busses his plate and then gallops out of the cafeteria, likely to the garden.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ looks after Henry when he takes a retreat and now she is alone with Mystique. There are a few more bites of her waffle. She did stack three of the suckers after all.

    "So we have to stop both of them then. Did the doctors check you or anyone else after the gassing... does she release her influence as a gas?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique offers a nod, "I was checked out, and the gas is being studied, what we could get of it and our blood of course. Lydia and I got the worst of it, wrong place, wrong time."

She takes another bite because food is needed, even if she doesn't really want to any more. "Angelina was not cooperating with them, they some how got this from her blood... she's pretty weak, going to take weeks to recover. They were draining her like fucking vampires, hooked up to machines and other crap. I don't get it... honestly, I just..."

She shoves the plate away from herself and stands up, but the standing that quickly seems to unbalance her, so she sits right the fuck back down. "Fucking son of a..." she sighs and looks over at Talia, "So how are you doing?"

Talia Wagner has posed:
    "Oh. They were using her blood to ... damn." she bites down the quip about the fact it is good they aren't actual vampires. They are the worst.

    Not the right time Talia.

    "I'm .. pretty good. Stitched up. Ready to get back out there. Good to go.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Sitting again, and staying there for the time being, Mystique nods, "Good, because when I find the Reverend, we're likely going to find more military grade guards and more mutant children being abused. It will be all hands on deck to put an end to this, once and for all."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    "You can count on me. Happy to blast some folk in the name of rescuing Children from them." they aren't as likely to get the drop on her as the clone of her ex-BF did with the space knife after all.

    She finishes her waffles "Want anything?" she asks as she gets up with her empty plate.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique shakes her head, "Nope. I'm going to sit here and plot." Yeah that was an excuse, she'll get back up eventually, just not as quickly this time.

"I'll let you know when I have the next lead on this jackass."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ nods "Good plotting." not happy plotting.

    Nothing about this is happy.

    She turns and heads to bus her dishes and grab a couple of sodas before slipping out to head to her room alone. ... Maybe she will take a teleporter down. Undecided.