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Latest revision as of 21:32, 24 September 2021

Living in N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
Date of Scene: 14 September 2021
Location: Metropolis outskirts, then the Hall of Justice
Synopsis: In the aftermath of the battle at NOWHERE's Colony 2, the Outsiders refocus and have a brief talk with David Umber, a renegade member of the organization.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Bart Allen, Lonnie Machin, Phoebe Beacon, Tim Drake

Conner Kent has posed:
The last moments in Colony 2 are chaotic to say the least. A couple surviving cyborgs do their best to delay the Outsiders while the technicians escape deeper into the base, Lightning dragging Thunder too, and Keeper tossing psychic blasts to those trying to follow, likely giving everybody a headache. Maybe even knocking out some of the heroes for a few seconds.

Blackouts and explosion make everything even more confusing, as N.O.W.H.E.R.E. attempts to cover their trail destroying their technology. By the time the Outsiders take out the cyborgs and force the sealed blast doors of the base to open, the place is a mess, and somehow the technicians have escaped.

But not all of them, as Bart knocked out and carried one of them out of the base first. 'David', one of the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. technicians, sits outside in his underwear, just recovering from Bart's punching.

Bart Allen has posed:
Impulse looks over to Robin, and says "This fellow found me in the lab, I somehow ended up in the middle of it. He did offer to help me right as I was making sure he did not alert anyone." He looks to the guy and says "If your still willing to help us, sorry I knocked ya out." He offers to Dave.

Lonnie Machin has posed:
Lonnie is currently on his phone, busily getting his bearings. Where they are, what's going on around them, if this has set the city on fire, and so on, and so forth. "Give me just a second." He says.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm is doing her thing, making sure David is not too injured, making sure poor Bart hasn't just knocked him out cold.

    "He'll be fine, Impulse. Also getting an absess. When's the last time you've been to a dentist, my man?" she asks of David with a sound of amusement.

Tim Drake has posed:
    By the end of it, there is a pounding behind Tim's left eyeball so strong that he's completely lost his vision in that eye. His cape is singed by laser fire, he's got his hand tucked against his side, and in the brawl he must have gotten punched in the face because he has a pretty large bruise forming on his jaw and a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth. All in a day's work! Red Robin nods once to Anarky on his way past and then comes to a stop next to Impulse, and David, the half-naked tech.

    "I'm really not in the mood to deal with this right now," he says, voice dropped low as he narrows his eyes behind his domino mask--one lens cracked--to stare at the (kidnapped? rescued?) N.O.W.H.E.R.E. technician. And somehow doing a passable job of sounding less like Tim and more like a very annoyed Batman. Well, he certainly *looks* annoyed. He glances at Balm briefly when she gives David a clean bill of health, then his focus returns to the tech. "Do yourself a favor and start talking."

Conner Kent has posed:
'Dave' looks at Bart reproachful and rubs his jaw. "I would complain, but a few bruises are a good trade-off from escaping that place." He sighs, "I am David Umber, by the way. I have been with N.O.W.H.E.R.E... what months is now? August? Then eight months."

He raises his hands defensively at Robin. "Look, I have been trying to leave since I realized what they are actually about. But it is almost impossible. Even contacting with people outside is difficult, they monitor all communications. But as I said to your friend, I want to help."

Anarky GPS puts them about eight miles from the centre of Metropolis. That is nearly a thousand miles from where they were ten minutes ago!

Bart Allen has posed:
Impulse will smile just briefly seems he got a good one. "Are there other people who don't want to be there as well?" He will ask, and then looks over to Robin and decides to let him ask the questions.

Lonnie Machin has posed:
Lonnie looks up, and says "We're just outside of Metropolis." He holds up his phone to demonstrate. "So we've traveled a little bit less than a thousand miles in about ten minutes. NOWHERE has some high-end translocation technology, which is interesting, because the amount of energy required to do that is enormous, even for an instantaneous teleport."

He glances over at Tim, and then he takes a first-aid kit off his toolbelt. First he starts rubbing ointment into Tim's burns. Stingy ointment because that's the best kind.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm turns to Tim and gives him a wary look behind her own domino as Lonnie begins with the ointment, and she raises her eyebrows a moment, and wiggles her fingers low in Red's vision with an amused expression.

    "If there are other injuries; I could take care of them for you." she states to David with a less amused expression, but claps him gently on the shoulder. "But you should be set from Impulse's punch."

Tim Drake has posed:
    The whole 'big strong scary Batman protege' thing somewhat evaporates when Red Robin stops glaring to grimace and slap his hand ineffectually at Anarky, wincing at the stinging. "I'm fine!" he says, and then he heaves a huge sigh as he presses the heel of his palm over his left eye. Which was not the best choice, because the lens cracks further, and Tim drops his arm to let it hand limply at his side. He blows out a breath and then shrugs at Phoebe, which communicates the same 'I'm fine' sort of thing but without the faint whining.

    "The implications of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. having that level of technology is... concerning," he says, understating the problem to a significant degree. Tim frowns down at David. "We can help you--keep you safe--if you're willing to help us, like you say. First things first, though." He points to where they've just retreated from. "What just happened?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Actually the Colony was always here," Umber points at the metal gate, dark smoke is rising from the ruined base. The firemen will be here soon. Then the DEO. And their plane is a thousand miles away.

"The technology NOWHERE uses. I don't quite understand it myself," admits the technician, "but it kept the whole complex in dimensional fold. A tesseract. Its anchor to reality was moved around through a portal-gate. So the Colony could appear in pre-established coordinates. Pretty much it could cover most of the US and Canada from this point, although I know anchor points in only six cities. When we lost power for a few seconds, the Colony was violently forced back to Metropolis. Which caused even more damage."

By then the protocol might have been just cut loses and flee. It makes sense since evenif they could have defeated the Outsiders the Justice League main HQ is just around the corner.

"There are other Colonies. I know only three. But I am pretty sure NOWHERE has one in each continent," he adds bleakly.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks about and says "Should I move us somewhere, a little less full of people asking questions? I can hit a roof top, or know where should be an office we can use, that I doubt anyone is in right now." He will zoom off for a moment, and then is back holding a map unfolded looking it over.

Lonnie Machin has posed:
"Well I guess I can't scold you for using technology you don't really understand." Lonnie says, as he eyeballs Tim's mask. He can't take it off, but he can - he reaches up and takes his off. "I don't really care." He says, before he puts it on Tim's head. "Go ahead. Take your mask off. The HUD only responds to my eye movements anyway."

He stands with his arms crossed, and narrows his eyes. "There's a lot I don't understand about what's going on here. But I suppose it really isn't any of my business."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm purses her lips, and then states into the subvocal: <Later then. We need you on your game, and I don't like leaving you broken. You *never* come for help.> she states quietly, and she looks back to Bart, then to Lonnie and then tilts her head back a moment as she considers David in front of her. She stretches her fingers a moment, then crosses her arms as she passes behind him as Bart opens a map. Yep. That's Impulse.

Tim Drake has posed:
    What little David knows is a lot to take in, and Tim's weight shifts from one foot to the other as he contemplates it. The noise Red Robin makes at Anarky's technology comment is a sort of affronted gurgling thing that speaks to some sort of long-running argument between the two of them, though the offer of a replacement mask is enough to prevent any snarky comments from happening. So Tim tips his head, using the white face mask he's been handed as a shield so he can peel off his broken domino, and then slot the new mask in place.

    "Huh. More comfortable than I was expecting."

    He shrugs at Balm again and replies, similarly sub-vocalized, "<<Not in front of Mr. Umber. I'll be okay until then.>>"

    That said, he nods at Impulse. "Do you mind dropping Anarky back off in Gotham first?" Lack of mask, now, and all! Then, "Think we can find a quiet place in the Hall of Justice?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"I don't think anyone understand the technology except Doctor Harvest and perhaps Doctor Centerhall," protests Umber. "As for wanting to be there, well... a few folks there are fanatics. Others are crooks, and are only in to get rich. Many come under false premises and end up brainwashed or worse. The kids that get kidnapped, they get the worst deal. I think most of them are killed."

He stands up, rubbing his arms. "Y-yes, we can't stay here. I need to talk with a lawyer and get some kind of federal protection. I hope they think I am dead right now."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will nod and grabs Anarchy and the two are off. He drops the other hero back at the roost and while there, he grabs an extra Robin mask. Then it is back to Metropolis to look at his guys "Ok, Rob, your first, then Dave, and then Balm. " And with that he carries Robin to the Hall of Justice, leaving him with the new mask, and then by a hotdog stand to get a couple hotdogs and eat them, giving Robin a moment to put on the new mask, and then Back to grab Dave "Be right back." to Balm, and he is off dropping Dave off at the hall, and then back out and Balm is brought in next.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's experiences in the Hall of Justice are limited to 'this one time I magicked Wonder Woman'.

     This was a different event, this time she's in her armor and hood, looking as Impulse picks up and transfers everyone, one by one, and they're all together again, minus Anarky.

    "I'm certain with your cooperation we will do all that can be done to make sure you are protected." she gives a gentle smile, and leans against a handy wall.

Tim Drake has posed:
    The chance to get back into his own mask is appreciated, and by the time the rest of the group are deposited nearby, Red Robin has Anarky's mask hooked on his utility belt and he has two fingers pressed to the side of his domino, already affixed to his face.

    His HUD reboots, and he nods once, apparently satisfied.

    "As you can see," he says, gesturing to their immediate surroundings. "We have powerful friends. Who, I'm sure, would have no problem helping to protect you, so long as your complete cooperation is ensured." Though Tim didn't react overtly to the news of the captured teenagers and their ultimate fates, his voice has taken on some measure of urgency. "Everything you know about N.O.W.H.E.R.E."

Conner Kent has posed:
David seems both alarmed and relieved by the quick transport to the Hall of Justice. But nods at Robin's words. "I will answer all your questions and try to get everything in writing the next few days. Uh, that uniform has trackers, I am sure," he points at Bart, who stole his clothes. "I was with them only since January, and information is fairly compartmentalized, but people talk to each other and I asked questions, so I think I know enough to help you dissemble this horror called NOWHERE."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Ok, well, I will let you guys talk, I am going to go confuse their tracking." and with that Impulse is off, and making stops around the world. at somewhat random places. making sure to stop every so often for a few moment, and then off again, after about an hour of this he will ditch the costume, in the middle of some woods with nothing around.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... he's very good at being confusing." Balm gives an amused sound, and she looks to David, and then looks to the rest of the assembly, and then gets a concerned look. Her brow furrows.

    <Red... does... Superboy know how to fly the jet...?>

Tim Drake has posed:
    "We'll see," is all Tim says to David, because he's just had a very eye-opening experience with the true breadth of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s capabilities. One poorly-informed technician certainly doesn't seem enough to take them down, at least from Red Robin's perspective. He crosses his arms over his chest. "Don't worry about it," he adds, after Balm. "They'll never catch him."

    "<<Of course he does,>>" Tim mutters. "<<...with his TTK.>>"

    Which means it might be a while, and in the meantime Tim is going to track down a representative of the League--or at least figure out how to contact one--to start the process of getting David Umber put in protective custody.