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Perimiter Patrol
Date of Scene: 29 September 2021
Location: Battery Park City - NYC
Synopsis: During an event of magical mischief in Battery Park, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Leonardo's two students (Kainashi and Vorpal of the Titans) keep the people of New York City away from the dangerous and dark energies saturating the area.
Cast of Characters: Leonardo, Kainashi, Terry O'Neil
Cast of NPCs: Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael

Leonardo has posed:
It's late afternoon on Monday, September 27th, and there's a display of Egyptian artifacts in the park with a gathering of costumed vigilanties and magicians around the area. Two of the Ninja Turtles (Leonardo and Donatello) have just begun to walk away from the display - the latter looking a bit dejected that he can't examine the antiquities further - after Leo had told those gathered (a man in a trenghcoat and his apprentice(?), a Robin (the one in Red), woman who would look totally in place as a magician's assistant if it weren't for /her/ wearing the top hat and a mouse-sized humanoid mutant mouse) "We're going to pull back and keep the people of New York from interfering with you guys."

As the pair of terrapin teens head off into the streets, taking to the shadows, Leo pulls out a shell-themed phone/radio from his belt and makes the first of a two calls: this call is to his other two brothers, "Raph, we're going to set up a perimiter and keep people from heading into the park... this is more important than secrecy. Make sure Mikey returns to discuss the plan also."

He then says to his present brother, "Donnie, call Kai, I'm going to arrange for her to be brought here," after which the two turtles place calls to Leonardo's two students: Leo calling Vorpal and Donatello calling Kainashi.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi was down in the base, doing agility and fine control training on a pair of augmented rollar skates, skating backwards in the rink below the mall, the fluffy, short hair on her head recently dyed pink (along with her white ear...) when her shellphone starts playing Weird Science, and she taps the brand new shell cell earbud -- it's good to have external ears.

    "Yellow!" she greets the phone.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
~Ah say ento pi alpha mabi upendi!~
"Ah say ento pi alpha mabi upendi!"
~In Kama Coreama-~
"In Kama Corea-"

The music is interrupted by the ring of a cell phone, and Terry quicky barks: "Alexa, shut face!"

The music stops.

"Terry here!" he says, having grabbed his phone in a rush without looking at the number. He is in his underwear in the kitchen, preparing himself a sandwich (and dancing when nobody is watching... unless Leo is watching, because he likes to sneak up on him to test him), "This better be good, I'm in the middle of a Red pepper chipotle cheese steak sandwich!" he says, with a lighthearted tone to his voice. He has been drinking a lot of coffee again.

Leonardo has posed:
Taking to the shadows at the opening of an alley near the park as their calls are answered, the pair of brothers speak softly into their phones so as not to unintentionally be drowning out the other's voice.

"Kai, Leo's got us gathering in Battery Park City. Although I suspect how he's going to arrange for you to get here I'm not completely certain. Just get ready," Donatello says into his shell phone to Kainashi.

Leonardo's other student gets to start sipping his coffee only to hear his sensei say, "Terry, gear up and pick up Kai at the mall. I'm at the mouth of an alley near Battery Park. Find us with a small portal then the two of you need to meet the four of us here ASAP!"

Elsewhere in Battery Park City, Raphael's gotten his younger brother's attention and the pair of them are re-directing to find Leo and Donnie.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Coffee mug abandoned on the counter, Terry says "On it, sensei! Attach your location and I'll be right there with Kai!"

One Magical Boy Transformation Sequence later, and Vorpal is hopping out of the bedroom, zipping up his olive jumpsuit. His official uniform still had the grease stains from that car chase they stopped last night, so it was a no-go, even if his only alternative made him look like he was showing up to fix someone's car instead of saving the day.

Note to self: Do laundry after this.

A Rabbit Hole is summoned, and in a heartbeat he is stepping into the food court of the abandoned mall, letting a resonant shout ring out:

"All aboard the Vorpal Express! Next stop: Ninjatown!"

Kai should totally be able to pinpoint his location with that!

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi had kicked off her skates and made her way upstairs, grabbing her new tanto blade and crossing it over her back with a crowbar, pulling on a sweatshirt before she comes running out of the old Hot Topic, and almost skids to a stop when she sees Vorpal.

    "... OH. It's You!" she grins, and then she smooths her pink hair back. "So how does this go?" she asks, before being grabbed and probably taken through the rabbit hole!

    Dark magic is staining the sky as Terry comes out of the rabbit hole in Battery Park, turning it slightly purplish even at the lack of astral vision. There's a Bad Feeling hanging about.

Leonardo has posed:
The Rabbit Hole opened outside the park, near the alley that Leo and Donnie are crouched in the mouth of. As his students arrive, Leonardo's other two brothers come down from the roof top above him on a grappling line to crouch down in a semblance of a family tableau and he waves them over to join the group.

As the pair reach the shadows the turtles occupy, Leo says, "You two made good time," to compliment his disciples. With a nod towards the purplish fog over the park he says, "As I'm sure you noticed there's magic brewing in Battery Park. Our task," he looks around the circled group making eye contact with all of them in turn, "Is to keep the populace out of danger. I've decided that secrecy is less important in this situation than normal but we should minimize contact." He waits for acknowledgement and continues after nods, thumbs up, etc, from the other five ninjas. "Vorpal, Kai, you're with me as we're going to take the center around Bowling Green. Raph, I'm counting on you to cover the stretch of the park along Battery Place," (the road running along the north of the park), "Donnie and Mikey, you're going to split State Street," (the longer road defining the eastern edge of the park), "Decide on the way which of you are covering the northern and southern stretches."

The three brothers all acknowledge with a quick, "On it, Leo," and depart. Leo turns his attention to his students and gives a quick, impromtu lesson. "Blocking and diverting, those are our best options. Only confront the people directly if you absolutely must. Any questions?"

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi blinks a moment as they spill out into the park, and her scarred-up face makes a sort of irritated expression, hackles rising up after falling through the rabbit hole. She takes a deep breath, gives a shake up and flicks her ears back.

    "Okay, so we keep them outta the way? No problem. I've got just the face for scarin' people." Kainashi gives a bright, toothy grin, and she stretches her fingers out.

    "Let's go bowling!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal waves at the three brothers, but doesn't go into his usual Secret Handhsake Greeting with Mikey, because there is magic afoot. "And what /foul/ magic it is," the Cheshire comments, wrinkling his nose, "If magic could smell, this one would smell like Mikey's sock drawer. if he wore socks." Black magic. He has never had a chance to pit his own magic against actual black magic, and he is curious to see what the outcome might be... but today is not the day where he gets to find out.

"I can use illusions to /encourage/ people to move in the opposite direction." There's slight mischief in his tone. "As long as they go in the opposite direction safely, that's what matters, right?" He has a few ideas.

Leonardo has posed:
"That's right, Terry," Leo says as he stands from the crouch he's been holding. He's about to say something else when, from the west along Battery Place, Raphael's voice can be heard.

"Ooogie Boogie stuff in the park, stay back!"

Leo takes a brief moment to shake his head at his brother's antics and then asks, "Wait! How far can you cast your illusions? Can you drop ones on my brothers and me now, Terry?" He's remembering the offer made regarding a trip and whishing he'd thought of it before the split up. "Well, if you can, great if not... lets go!" and he starts to dash toward a family parking their car next to the park as he spoke.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi gives a wry little smile as she looks to Terry, before she ducks down and takes off after Leo.

    And it's kind of human nature when you see a scarred up, ugly pitbull making its way towards you, you probably aren't going to want to leave the safety of your car.

    "Go, go go! Bad stuff's happening at the park! Take cover!" she calls out, running up, leaping onto the hood of their car, and then running over the roof as she calls out warnings.

    "Park's closed to the public due to black magic!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Pretty far afield. My only limitation is that I need to be conscious." He pauses, remembering the time that he was recovering from Phoebe's treatment. "... okay. Even that is negotiable..." He snaps his fingers and sends an illusion onto the brothers. They move so swiftly into action that he doesn't really have much time to add details, so all four brothers end up looking like identical quatruplets. So, for tonight, it will seem as if Lennon, Mark, Sabin and Nolan Karma are herding people out of the place full of magic and mystery. Well, Vorpal muses to himself, they're buff enough to cover the brothers' builds, so they won't have that weird effect that sometimes happens when someone's body is smaller or large rthan the illusion that covers them and people who touch them stare in horror as their hands sink into someone else's shoulder.

"I've got an idea..." he says, and quickly darts over to the oldest park in New York's history, vaulting over the bench railing and splashing into the fountain itself. Cats usually don't like water, but the Cheshire cat is an exception in many ways. Bending over to submerge his hands, he releases his chaos magic in a burst of red-purple light, and he speaks:

"Mischief's on, magic dark
Is set upon our Batt'ry park!
None shall pass, push them North
None may pass, send them forth!"

Coruscating tendrils of chaos magic cover the fountain, which suddenly begins to send pressurized streams of water at anyone moving southward, relenting only when they start moving up Broadway. That does take care of people moving southwards, but there are plenty of people coming in from other cardinal directions, such as westward from Beaver street. He needs to be /very/ careful about what wording he uses with magic, because it has a tendency for mischief. He has learnned the hard way what disaster might come from a vaguely-worded animation spell.

Their apartment still smelled of suds to this day.

Leonardo has posed:
Leo's voice comes out of the image of Lennon. "That's the idea," he says as he starts to redirect traffic with out a care of being seen due to the illusion.

To the west, "Sabin" sounding like Raphael can be heard pounding on the hood of a car as he yells, "What part of the park is dangerous don't you understand, jerk!?" at the driver.

To the east, Donnie ("Nolan") and Mikey ("Mark") decide to split State Street between them North and South; Mark clowns around and disctracts a large group of children and their chaperones with his acrobatic antics while Nolan sets off an alarm on his phone to get another group's attention that he then starts directing away from the park.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kaim neabwhile, relies on her brutish good looks in order to instill a little fear into people! She seems to take the work seriously though, until some old lady hits her with a cane!

    "Ow -- OW! HEY! I'm trying to HELP here!" she crows out in her Bronx brogue, and gives a snort as she picks up the ladi, bodily, and goes to deposit her outside the bark! ERR -- PARK

Terry O'Neil has posed:
By now, Vorpal has learned that his looks aren't exactly something that will drive people away- blame it on the fact that the internet is essentially powered, and run by, felines. He is constantly having to assert the 'Consent, dude!' rule because of people trying to pet him without asking. That's why the next trick up his sleeve is jumping over to the wrought-iron fence that encloses the park to work his next spell.

"Beaver Street must not flow
Go and tell them where to go..."

And for a moment, he is at a loss for words, but quickly recovers to wrap up the spell: "Not West, life's not peaceful there
Go East, in the open air-
Baby, you heed me-
This ain't where you want to be!"

Because the Village People are always good for a quick rhyme when you need one, right? The spell is effective, though, and the large fence detaches itself from the park to sail through the air and land across the length of Beaver Street, effectively stopping vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

"How's it going for you guys?" Vorpal calls out over his shoulder.

Leonardo has posed:
Over nearly half an hour, the efforts of the brothers and Leonardo's students bears fruit as the civilians are kept out of the park until sirens begin to be heard wailling in the distance. Cool air flows around the six heroic defenders of the people the from the park as the greens of the area begin to be covered by a mist rolling in from off the river. Even out on the streets there's a ghastly sensation in the pit of the stomach as if a spectral hand has reached into their intestines and twists.

"Ugh," Leo says as he grabs his shell phone out of "Lennon's" pocket and sends a group message to his brothers, "Back to the shadows!" and calls out, "With me uchi-deshi," (literally "inside students" in Japanese) to Terry and Kainashi, as he retreats back to the alley that the six had originally gathered in before the perimiter patrol began.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi lifts one ear at Leonardo's call, and turns tail, all this time forgetting she has a gram in one arm -- which she looks at, sets back down, and then takes off again after the human-like-turtles, her ears pulled back as she catches up.

    "I do *not* like that feeling." she grumbles, her ears flat against her skull as her tail curls slightly. Her pink hair and ear catch the sunlight nicely, though, and offers a bit of a beacon for the Cheshire Cat to follow along.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Be one with the shadows and use misdirection- those are some things Terry has learned, and in this particular case he puts his particular gifts to the task of accomplishing that purpose by vanishing into thin air and becoming visible only when in the protective shadow of the alleyway. "Oof, I feel like I just had one of Gar's failed cooking experiments for lunch..." he says, a hand over his stomach. "Black magic. Can't live with it. Can't live with it." He glances at Sensei for directions, ready to open a Rabbit Hole back to the mall, suspecting that may be their nextlogical destination.

Leonardo has posed:
"Woah dudes, we all look alike!" Mikey's voice exclaims as he appears behind Terry.

Donnie's can be heard next saying, "I'd bet it's Vorpal's doing too."

"Saban" approaches from in front, his face twisted in an expression of anger, looking ready to complain about the unasked for disguised but Leo, in his own disguised image, forestalls him by saying, "I asked Terry to do it and he'll drop it now. It made us less likely to /cause/ trouble though, Raph," to his agitated brother. Smiling as he lets his gaze pass over his students he says, "You both did well," to them and then, addressing Terry, "Yes, back to the mall," (can all sensei read minds?!) "And drop the disguises as we get home. We don't want to startle our friends or Splinter with this."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi crouches down, her tail still curled a little before she gives a huff, as if it would clear the feeling of magic out of her nose, and she rubs the back of her head a little bit and gives a quiet, non-comittal shrug. "Did what I could." she answers back quietly. Her tail's still low.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal gives Kai a serious case of Side Eye. "Nuh uh, Nun o' that," he says, briefly appearing to wear a habit and a wimple, beofre reverting to normal(?), "You did very well. It took me several tries to get a hold of doing crowd control, don't sell yourself short." That Terry is the one saying this is very much a case of Physician, Heal Thyself, but what are you gonna do?

"Right you are, Donnie. And Leo's right, I'd better take the veil off you. If Harley sees ofur young men filing into the mall, she'll start trying to line up more dates ofr April on her eternal assumption that sooner or later one of them is going to not be a disaster." He gives a theatrical wave of his hand, and the illusions are gone. In truth, he doesn't need to do anything to cast an illusion but to think it, but he has ofund that people feel more comofrtable if he does some gestures to accompany the magic. It puts people at ease.

The Rabbit Hole opens up against the alley wall, because it's a nifty thing to do, and he gestures, "Next floor: Mutant Turtle Apparel, Golf Clubs, Tiaras and squeaky toys. All aboard!"

Leonardo has posed:
Once home and looking like themselves the brothers share congraglitory high "threes" with each other and Leo's students.

"I'm going to go back out on patrol," Raph says (likely to take on his alter ego but that's an ongoing secret from the rest of his family).

Mikey calls out, "I'm getting us pizza," and adds, "Your loss Raph!" to his grumpier brother as he departs.

Donnie says, "I'm going to check on some projects but if anyone wants to find me you know where my lab is," before heading off to his part of the lab also, adding a "Bring me a few slices please," to the group as a whole.

Standing outside his dojo, Leonardo speaks to Kainashi and Terry: "You both did extremely well. I kept you near me incase I needed to step in and assist either of you and I didn't need to." To the canine mutant he says, "You handled that woman's distrust well. Prejudice is something we're always going to risk facing and with your background I think you should meditate on how to handle such things so you can be prepared for such things." Addressing the felinesque young man (who is technically older than him) he says, "You dropped everything when I called. Naturally if you were on another mission I'd not have reached you and that would have been okay, but your response time is incredible. Keep that in mind at all times, it will serve you well in combat as well as for swift transport."

Leonardo appears ready for questions but, should none be coming he breaks the formality and gives both of his students a hug and thanks them for the assist.