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Latest revision as of 05:45, 28 October 2021

Looking for advice on changes.
Date of Scene: 27 October 2021
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: And the Ottoman revolution begins.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Victor Stone, Terry O'Neil, Donna Troy, Caitlin Fairchild

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has come by the tower looking for a bit of advice. He has his normal costume on, but also has an Ikea box with him, sitting it down in front of the couch, he looks around a moment, to see who might be nearby,

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic is in a good mood as he comes out of the elevator and heads over toward the kitchen. He waves as he goes by. "Hey Bart!"

    Then he stops, to peer at the IKEA box. "...Dude. Ikea? Seriously?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Ah just the person I was looking for." He zooms over to towards Victor. His hands moving to the toolbelt to hold the tools in place. "Hey, I was wondering if you might be willing to help me out a bit, um, I built one of my bookshelves and it ended up crooked. Since I was planning on possible a lot more assembly I was wondering if you might be willing to give me some advice."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic... blinks at Bart slowly. "Wait. Why... why Ikea bookshelves? We can buy the best furniture in the world and... you bought /Ikea/? Wait, is this, like, an independence thing? Buying your own bookshelves, I mean."

    He looks honestly baffled. Oh, Vic. Poor sheltered Vic.

    "I mean, I can totally help! We'll get that thing built perfectly straight and level."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to the man, and says "Oh I know if I had a room here you guys would hook me up. No this is for my apartment. I just rented one yesterday, and am looking to try to make the most of the space, it is small, but a place near college and can have a study group over and have more than a P.O. Box or Jay and Joan's for an address for myself. I got the normal bookcase like mostly straight, but this one is supposed to turn into a table, and I thought furniture that turns into other furniture would make so much sense.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "You /don't/ have a room here? You could! You should. But, nah, I understand wanting to be closer to campus and all of that." Well, sort of. He didn't exactly go to college, himself.

    "Anyway!" Vic says. "You got one of those little, what do they call them, allen wrenches? Also a bookshelf that turns into a table is /cool/, let's do this."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks at all the tools on his belt, and says "I think so, I got a place at the Roost, and I figure if I need to crash here, I could always crash in Wally's room if he aint here." He will head back over tot he box, opening it and spreading all the parts out so they can be seen, and arranged. "When I started doing the whole college thing it was to have a bit of normal in my life, so figured, an apartment was a good idea. It is small and my landlord is a cranky wizard but it is an apartment.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "A cranky wizard? Like a real live actual wizard with magic and all? How's that work?" Vic goes to start looking over the pieces of the bookshelf to make sure they have everything they'll need, as Bart lays it all out.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Name's John Constantine, he is teaching a friend of mine. He might be a jerk but he does try to help people. Was at a mall the other week that had some weird spirits that were turning the customers in to crazy people screaming for managers and such." He looks over the thing and says "I wonder if we could ad a motor or something so it changed with a push of a button.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "I've known a few of those. Magic seems to make people cranky. Look at Rae... well... /normally/ look at Rae." Vic frowns, then goes on, "Ohh, that'd be cool! I think you'd need..."

    Vic pulls out the schematics for the thing and frowns at it. "Right here," he says, pointing to a joint. "Put the motor there and then run a line to the button. Though you could probably set up an IR sensor and a remote."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Hmmms, and wonders if the motor will cost a lot, I mean, I can run around and do some more recycling but I try to leave that as food money and let people who have no other way do that. My job pays ok, but I am going to need all kinds of stuff. Wonder if they have other furniture that does this.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic waves a hand. "Nah, man, we've got plenty of that stuff, I'll hook you up. Like a housewarming gift, y'know? Congratulations on getting your own place." He grins. "Titans gotta stick together even if we live apart."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles and says "Thanks." He will look over and says "So, what else do we need to put it together, I sorta raided Jay's tool box so will need to get this back to sometime, but he is ok with me borrowing them. A look at the tools will show they are older tools nothing in the past decade or so. Also the directions for the piece have Swedish as their primary language. It seems Bart may have went to the main branch to get this.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic peers at the sheet. Squints at the Swedish writing. "...I do not know how to read this," he mutters. Frowns.

    "Okay," he declares. "Unless someone comes out of that elevator who know how to speak Swedish, we're gonna guess at how to put this thing together, we can figure this out."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to the other man and says "You mean no English translation, I went there to get it cause figured it might be cheaper, and their free meatballs well, I figure I really get my moneys worth when I go to them." He grins sheepishly

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I was sick and tired of everything
When I called you last night from Glasgow
All I do is eat and sleep and sing,
Wishing every show was the last o-"

The impromptu ABBA rendition that Terry was giving gets interrupted as he walks out of the elevator, catching the tail end of Bart's words.

"Wait, wait, hold up, what. There's meatballs? Are there /still/ meatballs? I want meatballs!" he says, taking fast steps towards Victor and Bart.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "...I doubt it, given that it's Bart that went there," Vic says. "Hey, Terry, you know Swedish? We're trying to put together this bookshelf-table thing from Ikea. We're gonna put a motor on it." Why Ikea?? Good question.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "They were at the Ikea, but I could go get some and maybe some more stuff, if you guys want to try to help me put together some more things. I am thinking a couch that turns into a bed, or maybe the one that is bunk beds I saw on line, but na, bunk beds are kiddish."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I... don't know any Swedish, outside of the lyrics for ABBA's 'Hej, Gamle Man', but I don't think that's going to be useful here."

The Cheshire Cat saunters over and leans on Vic, giving him a look, and then a look at Bart.

"... why are you putting motors on furniture? Is it so that you can go get pizza without leaving the comfort of the couch?" He raises an eyebrow. "Hey... that's... kind of genius."

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Bart's got an apartment! Near his campus and stuff. A real live adult-style apartment. So... real live adult-style furniture." Vic grins. "But it wouldn't be /Titans/ furniture if we didn't spruce it up a little. Also, meatballs would be /great/, Bart."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and is off again before anything else is said, first a couple more Ikea boxes will appear, and then some bowels of Swedish meatballs. Each seeming a little different, is he hitting different stores, and few sides like garlic bread, and such then some drinks "Thanks for the help guys, and no, this is transforming furniture, so the motors will allow me to push a button to change it. I mean I could probably change it quicker, but if I need to change it when someone else is there, or start it changing and leave while it is changing

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, you're awesome, Bart. And hey, congrats on the adult apartment! It's nice, isn't it, having your own place?" He grins, "I can only afford mine by splitting the rent with Gar, but it's a nice home away from home."

He gives Vic a grin, "Especially a place to escape to when Vic starts building boobytraps to get stuff stuck in my for. But wait... what /kind/ of transforming furni- oh my god, does it turn into a ROBOT?" he says, eyes going wide, "Because that would be /awesome/. And if it doesn't turn into a Robot..." meaningful look at Vic, "What's stopping you from making it so?"

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Okay but... motors are just /cool/, Bart." Vic stops. Stares at Terry.

    "We could... /we could make it turn into a robot/. A robo-table!" Oh. Oh no.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to the two and as the voice of reason, he looks at them and says "That would be so cool., right now the bookshelf changes into a table, and I was considering a bed that changes into a couch or something. The place is just a studio place, but as I told Vic, it will be a place I can have people over as Bart." He explains. He will bring out his phone to show them the place.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It is clear that An Idea has wormed into Vorpal's brain. "It... would be cool. What do we need to make it happen, Vic? Bart can have a normal apartment and then, at the push of a button, it's like it's a Star Wars space station. Servo bots, cleaning bots, entertainment bots, bot bots- they post on social media."

He glances at Bart, "What do you think?"

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic goes to peer at the picture, and strokes his chin. "I've got a bunch of extra parts from the Roombas killing each other a few weeks ago. I couldn't save them all." Take a moment to mourn for the poor Roombas. "Motors, wiring, I can work up a remote pretty easily. Oh, sensors for the remote... hmm, what sort... does the speed thing you do interfere with infrared?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head a bit and says "I don't think so, I mean if I rub my hands against something I can make it hot or what not, and most machines I have encountered if I am really kicking it don't see me well, Like the grocery sliding doors, I either have to stop for them or vibrate through them to get inside the stores.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic nods. "Right, well, no problem then! We can set up a whole remote, like, a button for everything, separate buttons for each piece of furniture... yeah, yeah, a whole apartment of robo-furniture! Oh, damn, that'll be /cool/."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to them, and says "So, maybe like it all looks normal, and then I press a button and it goes all super tech. The place does have magic warding but the electricity supposed to be good. I do want to keep a place for a lizard compound, going to have a few different types, but gotta make sure I don't get any newts."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry blinks, "It has magic warding? Where did you find yourself a place with /that/ kind of protection?"

"Vic, we might want to make sure the robots have some extra protections to keep any magic from playing havoc with them and suddenly turning them into world-conquering technocrats. I'm sure Rae would be more than happy to provide us with the knowledge. Like... things that need to be engraved in the plating to call upon the powers of Azarath or something like that." In no way could this go horribly wrong.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic hmmms softly. "Where'd you say this place is?" he asks. He's pulling up building specs on his internal display. "As long as it's up to code I'm pretty sure the power from some motors won't be a problem. Probably less than the heat lamps for your lizards."

    He eyes Terry. "Wait, you think the magic would /do/ that? No, no, look, there won't be any... the hardware wouldn't be advanced enough for that." A pause. "Unless magic can just make little servos into world-conquering technocrats? I... really oughta learn more about magic, huh?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to them, and gives the adress "It is John Constantine's place. I was told about the wards and some of the rooms maybe a bit Tardisy, but mine is pretty much just what it looks like. Got it at a decent price, and know at least one of the neighbors.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry blinks. "John... Constanti--- Bart. Bart, I know I am not the posterboy for Best Choices Made, so take that into account: I think that might not be the best decision."

He opens his hand in gesture of explanation, "you want your sanctum sanctorum to be a place that is safe and not three incantations away from a magical apocalypse, is what I'm saying. Constantine tends to... well."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic frowns at Terry. "Tends to...?" He raises his eyebrows, and glances between the Cheshire Cat and Impulse. Now he's worried for his friend.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "That might be why they were putting up all the warding, but he has some other people helping him, and it is in my price range, you said you know how hard that can be. He rubs his hand through his hair and says "I am not a fan of him either, but he is looking after and helping a friend, so I am giving him a chance.""

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Phoebe, right? I am honestly not sure if he is looking after her, or if she is the one keeping him from dying." The Cheshire crosses his arms, and exhales a little. "Just be careful, okay Bart? That man is a one-person walking melodrama augmented by magic. And he has a tendency to discard people when they get too close to him," he says, thinking of a certain fae colleague. "Trouble goes where he treads. And before you say anything-" he says, turning to face Victor, waving a finger under his nose:

"I /may/ be a walking disaster zone, but I don't push people away."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic puts up his hands. "I wasn't gonna say anything, Terry. You're a walking glitter bomb, but you're /our/ walking glitter bomb and I don't doubt that for a second." Terry's half the reason he came back to the Titans to begin with, after all.

    He frowns at Bart, and then says in that 'oh god I'm one of the adult mentor Titans now' tone, "...Are you /sure/ about this Constantine guy? Should we have someone that knows magic look at the place?" The 'big brother' attitude isn't helping with Bart being an /adult/, Vic.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to the two of them. He is standing there with his costume on, toolbelt around his waist. There is Ikea boxes around the room and Swedish meatballs and other food there. "Well she maybe but he seems to be letting her close....." He seems to be pondering sharing something but not yet. "I honestly think he is protecting her, him, and some fellow named Chas. They both seem to be looking out for and helping her with some magical family issues." He rubs his hand through his hair "I have seen him help folks, and while it may not be why I am moving in, if I am there, I can look out for her."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yeah, just remember, Bart- he dropped his previous girlfriend at the drop of a hat the moment she got /too/ close, like, just like that. You can't trust a man like that..." he smirks and walks over to give Vic a hug. "I'm you guys' walking glitterbomb? That's so sweet. I'll try to remember to avoid your room next time a glitter bomb goes of by total and complete accident. Next Tuesday. Speaking purely hypothetically."

He then goes to get himself a fizzy drink from the kitchen, and then comes back. "Well, you keep an eye out for Pheebs. I don't deny Constantine helps people. But you /can/ help people while also being a complete flaming interpersonal mess with an inability to form healthy relationships." He snaps his fingers, "Just look at Batman!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I heard that Terry!" Donna's voice admonishes over the comms.

    The elevator is moving, but nobody has arrived in it yet. This is the curse of having people with supernaturally sharp senses in the tower; there's always the risk that someone you thought was out of earshot wasn't, and will ping your comm to Have Words.

    It was clearly purely a casual passing admonishment, because by the time the elevator arrives and the doors open to reveal Caitlin and Donna, admonishments are apparently forgotten and the pair are in conversation. "Look, I'm not a scientist," Donna says. "I don't know wide the application is, but why not? I mean we barely use the stuff, we don't exactly need mass-manufactured goods and tend to stick with glass, ceramics and metal except for a few niche uses, but it works. It's a lot less polluting than hydrocarbon based plastics. The only issue is the lack of a shared technical language to explain to people how it's made. If you and Laiomedeia could work something out..."

    Donna steps into the room and comes to a halt, staring at Terry, then Vic, then Bart. Finally at the Ikea box. "Impulse, whatever they are trying to convince you of... don't listen.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin exits on Donna's heels, a SnackyShake(tm) in hand and being steadily consumed. They must be coming from the gym; Caitlin's wearing rugged grey athletic leggings with red trim, and a relatively modest sports top to match.

"Hey guys," she greets the gentlemen. Her gym bag's tossed up onto a bench and she heads into the kitchen to top off her protein shake at the dispenser. "What're we talking about? I heard Terry say 'Batman'."

She assumes a guarded look and glances left and right to check for Suspicious Shadows. "He's not coming here. ...Right?"

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic seems to be holding the Swedish-only instructions to a bookshelf. Or a table. Or... something. He hugs Terry back and says, deadpan, "Next Tuesday. Noted." He'll make sure not to leave anything too delicate sitting out.

    "Bart's moving into a place owned by this John Constantine guy, which... is fine and great except maybe there's issues with the magic wards? And I was gonna make him a whole room of robot furniture."

    He sends some Roombas to go grab servos from the lab. He's doing this as an engineering challenge if nothing else.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over, and says "It is a small place, and I found these pieces of furniture, like this one turns from a shelf to a table, and one from a bed to couch and storage area." He explains pointing to a few boxes. "I want to have furniture that has multiple purposes so I use my space well. Also a little hint if Batman does sneak into your base, make sure if you shoot him, make sure your testing out your new taser and not a deadly gun."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, come on. You speak as if every one of my ideas is bad. Only one out of every three tends to be bad. The other ones are... okay, change of topic," the Cheshire cat says, glancing over at Caitlin.

"Batman isn't coming. He is already here." And for a moment, there is a bat-shaped shadow projecting on one of the walls, and it is gone.

Was it an illusion? Or was it the real Dark Knight? Who knows? "OOh... can I have a snacky shake?"

Donna Troy has posed:
Donna heads over to the kitchen area after Caitlin, to get herself some Snacky Shake too. It has been an energetic workout. "Really, Cait. He's /allowed/ to visit us here. How many times have we been through this? He's on our side, remember? Besides, we keep borrowing his Robins, we've got to let him have visitation rights."

    She hip-bumps Caitlin, jostling for access to the Snacky Shake dispenser. "Besides, it's fine when he visits here. It's much worse going to visit him. He's liable to glower at you either way, but only when you go visiting him does he say..." Donna lowers her voice and drops into a gravelly imitation of The Bat. "Stay outta Gotham."

    "No, Terry." Donna says. "I mean yes on the shake, no on the one out of three. Prove me wrong if you like though. After that little illusion, you now owe us two good ideas in a row."

    Donna eyes the Roombas trundling off to fetch parts before glancing back towards Bart and Vic. "You guys know that all the parts you need come in the box? That's kind of the whole idea with Ikea."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin picks up an orange from the countertop and lobs it at Terry's head without much velocity. She jockeys with Donna only briefly, but obligingly steps out of the way so they can both access the dispenser.

"I /know/ he's an ally," Caitlin tells Donna. "I never said he wasn't welcome. I just... like a heads-up if he's lurking around. Here." The redhead tries not to glance around one last time, but Terry's shadow does seem to have unnerved her very slightly.

She takes a few gulps from her glass and sets it down so she can start taking down the messy bun she's pulled her ponytail into. "Bart, why are you moving out?" she inquires of the speedster. "And who is this Constantine guy?" She glances at Donna, looking for any useful suggestions. "Is he a cape or what?"

Victor Stone has posed:
    The Roombas come back carrying boxes of servos and wiring. "No, no," Vic says. "We're gonna make them robotic. Able to transform at the touch of a button on a remote. I need servos, wiring... oh, there's the infrared sensors, good. Anyway, I need them to be robots that /won't/ get infected by magic and try to take over the world, able to run off the normal wiring in a Manhattan apartment. Tricky, but doable."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"John Constantine is a one-man disaster picture show stuffed into a trench-coat. With magical powers. And now Bart is moving into a building he owns," the Cheshire cat grins, sipping his drink and barely ducking out of the orange projectile thrown by Caitlin. "And you have to consider the source in this. If /I/ am saying that, you can only imagine how dysfunctional the guy is."

Lounging on one of the couches, the Cheshire lets out a plaintive sigh. "Oh dear lord, how cruelly do you wound me, Donna. Did I brave Tartarus just so that I could be slighted like this? No! Verily. In fact, you want two good ideas? I shall give them to you, and more!"

One hand goes up, and starts counting with his fingers. "Pizza. Ice Cream. Tiramisu. There. Three perfectly great ideas. Dare you dispute them? Do any of you?" he glances at his friends, with mock accusation in his eyes.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to them wondering why people think he lives here, maybe he should see if he actually has a room here, maybe Wally set it up. "I am getting an apartment for myself when not in costume. A place, where if I want to take someone I can. It's a small studio place, and originally was thinking about the whole space, and motors, but robots do sound so cool." He admits to them. "He is a jerk I won't deny that not at all, but he is helping Phoebe, and I am going to try giving him a chance. She believes in him, and I trust her opinion."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Cait, really you..." Donna shakes her head with amusement and turns to look at the others. "She's /hopeless/. Really. I mean yes Batman always looks like he's judging you, but that's just his way. The first time we even came to the tower, I mean the /very/ first time, before we even moved in... Nightwing and I were enthusing about how great this place was and Caitlin was insisting that we put a rule in place that we should get advance warning any time Batman comes."

    She gives Caitlin one more jostle just for the fun of it, but has enough shake for now, and wanders back over to the other three and the box of Ikean delights. "That English wizard?" Donna asks Bart. "Works with the League some time, reputation for being uh... not entirely reliable? He's going to be your landlord? Just... make sure he doesn't ask you to sign the rental agreement in blood, ok?"

    She glances back at Caitlin, one eyebrow arched, before grinning at her old friend and taking a seat on the sofa. "You know Cait, I was going to say you never change. But you do. Can you imagine when we first met, me knowing who some cape was and you not? It was always you explaining this stuff to me!"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin rolls her eyes with a vastly patient tolerance for everyone's antics, still slurping at her protein shake. "I only keep track of the /cool/ heroes, Donna," she reminds her friend. "Someday I might even add *you* to my Instagram."

She picks up her gym bag and slings it over her shoulder. "I gotta bounce," she bids the others. "Projects at the Stark Labs that I really want to be there for. We're priming some new optical inductors and it's not something I want to try and track on remote. I'll everyone tomorrow," she promises. Fingers wiggle from around her protein shake and Caitlin heads towards her suite in the girl's wing of the Tower.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "I am down for any and all food you want to offer, Terry." Vic's got his eye on the instructions, turning them back and forth, and then looking at the pieces laid out on the floor. He's /plotting/. It's there in his eyes.

    "Oh that reminds me, I had /coffee/ with someone. I think your glitter's starting to get to me, she was /flirting/ with me. On purpose!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Wait. Cait knows how to use Instagram?" the cat says, stretching on the couch, "I think it's great you oldsters are getting the hang of those things. Maybe you should take a couple of classes from Gar on how to handle twitter next- he can tweet for real!" He grins and grabs a pillow to use as a shield from any incoming projectile, just in case.

"And Batman is totally judgy. He took me on a ride in his car from Metropolis to Gotham and he judged me all the way. So much judging. I swear the man can't smile, his skin would crack!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I know how to work social media." He then looks over to Vic. "Why would she not be flirting with you on purpose dude? You are cool, smart, and make really cool stuff." He looks over to Donna, and says "Na, was a normal lease I read it all, and made sure nothing weird in it. Only oddish thing is if you help him with stuff cheaper rent, but I took the cheaper spot to make sure I could pay the rent.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna sticks her tongue out at Caitlin, and waits for her to leave before turning to Terry with a grin. "Cait has been on Instagram since it was new, I don't think she needs classes. When I first met her, she ran an cape-watching account. No joke. She and a few friends she made watching Youtube clips of supers were sharing tips and rushing around trying to catch capes on their Instas. It took me about four months to convince her that the fact that she had powers too meant that she was on the wrong side of the camera."

    Secrets of the early days of the Titans are quickly banished from Donna's mind by the conversation between Bart and Vic though. "Wait... who was flirting with you, Vic? Was she cute? Did you flirt back? Tell us all. Right now. No building robot furniture until we have all the details!"

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic looks up from what he's doing and sighs, but it's a sigh with a grin. "I met her on my way back from visiting Nadia--who's got some /cool/ stuff in the works, by the way. Her name's Demona, but not like... 'demon?' She's new to GIRL, but she was making the security sensors go wonky so we went to get coffee. She reverse engineered an arc reactor and I guess she used to be some kind of Chinese energy vampire but she's coming back to life?" He shrugs. "She was nice, I like her, might call her up again and see how things go. I /tried/ to flirt back but it was /awful/ I'm way out of practice."

    After a moment, he adds, "...Not a lot of people think the chrome is sexy, okay? Mostly people thught I was weird and awful, or else... well, there's you guys but that'd be like dating my /siblings/, you know? Weird. And then there's the cape fans, but... enh." He shrugs. "I just... I dunno, even if nothing comes of it, it's nice to meet someone who was like 'hey you're cute and that includes the machine parts.'"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry gestures, "Hey, I think the chrome is sexy- and so does this Demona. Sounds like she's right up your alley. And if she's in GIRL, that means she's a fellow brainiac. You can have some pretty awesome dates building the next version of SKYNET that will doom us all. And then come around to build more robot furniture for Bart," he grins. "If you want to impress her, you can always ask me for a Rabbit Hole to a fancy eatery anywhere in the world. Free of charge." He sits up on the couch, "The only price I charge is that you get me a carry-out of something yummy."

Then he stares at Donna, as she recounts Caitlin's story, an odd expression on his face. "Behind the wrong side of the camera. Gee. I can't imagine what that must be like. At all," he says, smirking a little. "Demona is an interesting name. Ask her if she is named after the old Hebrew city, or if she was named after the Greek Daimon. You'll score points, and you'll sate my curiosity at the same time."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "The Pizza place told me about was a decent place for a date did not lead to much for me, but think that was more both of us busy." A brief frown showing, but then he is back to smiles "And if there is anything you need I can run out and get you." He offers "Least your not getting accused of having the hots for one of your team mates."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Oh no Terry, Cait was /much/ worse than you," Donna says with a grin. "When I met you, you were trying to figure out how to be on both sides of the camera at the same time. You were busy pretending not to be a hero, while actually doing it. Remember? You told me you were not anyone of note, because you were trying to keep the secret. Nowdays you only ever try to tell yourself that. Cait was having a hard time admitting she had powers at all, despite the fact that the first day I met her, someone shot her. I had to show her the bullet, she refused to believe me that she had been hit."

    Donna leans back and takes a swig of her Snacky Shake. "You're all crazy though. Vic, lots of people find the chrome sexy. You obviously haven't googled yourself if you don't know that, but honestly I'm not recommending you start. Plus, you know. You got the whole 'being awesome' thing going for you, and that goes a long way. It's about time you got back to dating. Even if it is with someone called Demona. Nothing wrong with that. Or demons. Or having the hots for your team-mates. So there."

Victor Stone has posed:
    "I haven't googled myself because that's /cape fans/, okay?" Vic grins at Donna. "It's a little weird, you know? But, okay, Terry, I'll ask. Old Hebrew city or Greek Daimon. If we go on a proper date maybe I'll take you up on that, Terry."

    Then he snorts. "I can /absolutely/ believe that of Cait. Ignoring a dang bullet. But /Donna/ which teammate do you have the hots for, huh? Your turn to spill!"

    His own gossip done with, he starts grabbing servos from the Roombas and looking them over, deciding which go where.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "If ya do it is cool, heck half my friends seemed to want to date half the others over the years, but I am just trying to look after a friend. I think my dating life right now, maybe the worse in the room." He gets some meatballs to eat and says "But time will eventually work it out or not."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I feel so attacked right now. Just because I'm dating two team-mates. Do I get to do the walk of shame now?" he asks Bart, and then laughs at Vic's response.

"Yeah. Don't google yourself. At least, remember to set the safety filter on. I can't google myself at all because there are /websites/ dedicated to a certain kind of art. And apparently there are a lot of people who have some strange investment in seeing me and Tigra do---- nevermind."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna raises an eyebrow at Vic and regards him with an amused smile for a few moments before looking away, smirking mischeivously. "Oh...." she says. "You know. A girl's gotta have her secrets..." She hops to her feet, putting the shake down as she gets up, and positively /slinks/ over to where Vic is contemplating the assembly of servos. She rests a finger tip on Vic's shoulder, and circles behind him. "But it could be anyone, couldn't it? I did just agree with Terry that chrome can be sexy."

    She leans forwards, close to Vic's ear to faux-whisper quite loudly enough for everyone to hear "Don't tell Rae."

    A second later, she's pulling bits of bookshelf out of the Ikea box. "This looks flimsy," she declares. "Bart, you have purchased a flimsy bookshelf. This wood looks like it could stanp at any moment. You know we have fabrication facilities here at the tower? We could print you up something more substantial if you like."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic blinks up at Donna, gapes for a moment... and then /laughs/. "Damn, you /almost/ got me. Don't /do/ that, Donna! You're like my /sister/, c'mon!" He's grinning. Alright, he deserves that for making the joke in the first place.

    "See, Bart? Having the hots for teammates is the /norm/. I'm the weird one."

    Looking at the bookshelf, he says, "It's an engineering challenge! How good can I make these transforming furniture robots with limited supplies and electrical grid?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to the others and says "Well, honestly I don't have the hots for her, never thought about her like that." He does look to Terry a brow raised when he said two. He then looks over to Donna, and says "Well it is not the most expensive stuff, trying to furnish an apartment from the floor up is not a cheap thing. It has a stove and a fridge before I move in and thats pretty much it." He offers his phone to Donna to show her the place.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
At Bart's raised brow, Terry says "Bart, I'm dating Gar and Kian. I thought everybody knew that. They certainly do," he says, with a bit of a cheeky grin.

When Vic replies that Donna is like his /sister/, the Cheshire cat's grin grows to the point that some people might wonder if he is addressing the Queen of Hearts.

"Vic. Victor. My dear Vic. That doesn't mean /anything/ to Donna."

A beat.

"Remember. She's /Greek/."

Whatever happens, Terry will request that 'It Was Worth It' be carved on his headstone.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna grins wide and reaches an arm to give Vic a hug, though thankfully this time a distinctly sisterly one. "Knowing you the real challenge is going to be making sure it doesn't transform into something too mobile, kidnap the rest of Impulse's furniture and hide out in the mountains."

    She takes the phone from Bart and flicks quickly through the pics with a nod. "It looks like a nice enough place. Somewhere you can make feel like home," she says as she hands the phone back. "But there's no need to do things too much on the cheap. Figure out what furniture you need, give me a shopping list, Bart. We look after our own, okay?"

    Donna turns her head sloooooowly towards Terry. She stares at him expressionlessly for just long enough to be certain that it feels like 'too long' before asking, "What makes you think that, Terry? I was adopted remember. I could be from anywhere. Who knows... people say I've got a fiery temper. Maybe I'm Irish."

    Is that it? Has Terry got away with it? Or is there more to come, some notion for revenge already plotted in Amazon memory, to be pulled out at the most opportune moment, designed for Maximum Terry Embarrassment?

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic gives Terry a look that says 'oh there's /no/ way you got off that easy,' and then adds, "Bart if you let Donna buy you furniture, I can re-purpose all of this into a combination bookshelf/table/bed/sofa that will transform at the touch of a button. And then you can have doubles of all your furniture." Why? Why /not/?! He seems bound and determined to make at least /one/ Ikea-bot, okay?

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Ye can't be Irish, Donna!" Terry says, grinning with the desperation of someone tap-dancing on the edge of disaster. "For one. You actually tan. If you were Irish like April and moi, you'd combust when you step out into the sun like a vampire."

Has he gotten away with it? Hard to tell. But just in case. "You know, I should probably head over and work on the copy for the next software suite coming up..." he slides off the couch, stretches, and starts making his way towards the kitchen where his laptop is located. Taking the long way around, outside of Donna's arm's reach.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Terry having completely missed Kian was in that relationship it seems. He seems a bit undecisive on the offer to buy the stuff. "I appreciate it Donna, really I do, but I am trying to do it like a real adult should. I mean, if I asked Rob's advice, I am sure, I would have an apartment twice the size, and full of furniture. I originally came by tonight to get Victor's help with just the converting bookshelf, I put a normal one together and it seemed like it was slanted and wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing specially before I tried setting up my terrarium for the lizards I plan on getting."

Donna Troy has posed:
"It's hardly like the majority of Irish are red-heads, Terry. Just a minority. A bare handful of particularly sun-allergic Irish. Your line are probably a remnant of the /de danaan/ people. Obviously I'm from sturdier Irish stock than you. "

    She gives a nonchalant shrug. Either she's not in a revenge mood right now, or simly considers right now not to be the right time.

    "Up to you Impulse, but this is like a real adult should. You work, you earn, you buy things, right? Well you've done lots of work for the Titans. You've more than earned a bit of the Titan's budget, okay? Besides, we and the Outsiders both want you in top shape and that means living with a reasonable degree of comfort!"

    Donna retrieves her shake, finishes it off, and takes the glass over to the sink to rinse it out. "Alternatively, Vic seems /really eager/ to turn all your Ikea stuff into artificially intelligent attack furniture, and I can see where that could be fun. However I've got work to get back to, so I'm unable to supervise this obviously unwise venture. If when I get back tonight the tower has been conquered by an army of badly-assembled pine robots, I know who to blame. Terry, you're in charge of this operation."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic frowns at Donna in mock indignation. "What, Donna, you don't /trust/ me?"

    Of course Donna doesn't trust you, Vic. The Roombas were trying to /kill/ each other less than a month ago. C'mon.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Ok, how about this I let Vic work on this stuff, and see what he comes up with and I let you help out and pay half of what ever I get that is quality. I don't help you guys for money I do it cause your friends and family and it needs done."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry stops on his way to the kitchen and turns around, staring at Donna.

"Wait. /What/?"

And then he seems to weigh his options. One way or another, Victor is going to carry on with his mechanical marvels. All he could do was to ... influence. Make suggestions. Maybe help a little. Dig a little towards some great vision of mechanical chaos...

He grins.
