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Latest revision as of 21:23, 15 December 2021

Halt, Criminal Scum!
Date of Scene: 13 December 2021
Location: New York Harbor Docks
Synopsis: Kaida, Natasha, Elektra, and Dane sweep in to the aid of Arthur Curry when a renegade Atlantean tries to take him into custody. They handle the matter amazingly and with no bloodshed.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Natasha Cranston, Dane Whitman, Kaida Connolly, Elektra Natchios

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Close to the witching hour and the city of Manhattan might never sleep, but this side of the river closest to the ocean, at least it dozes now and again. Sometimes there's the cry of gulls, sometimes there's the clang of a buoy's distant bell while occasionally a cargo ship motors its way upriver toward one of the loading and unloading docks amongst those many nearby warehouses.
    Of late the area has seen some tumult. An abrupt round of gang violence had caused the area to be patrolled more often though corporate security hadn't been increased. However, the tension has grown in the area as the local criminal element are on edge. And a good chunk of them are steering clear of the area.
    Whatever the reason, however. The part of the docks nearest one of the Coast Guard stations sees its first hint of activity. At first nothing. Quiet calm water on the river. Then cavitation as bubbles churn the surface rushing upwards as a golden silhouette seems to grow and grow in profile until its whale-like shape breaks the surface. A prominent conning tower surfaces first, rising above the water. Elaborate decoration mark the long lines of the vessel's rise until the primary hull emerges as well. Brilliant in its bright metal, and elegant in its design, the Atlanean submarine rises fully floating there for perhaps thirty seconds...
    Before the hatch opens.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
        Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Man?

    As a rule, Natasha doesn't believe in 'abrupt'. Everything has a cause; it's merely that sometimes said cause isn't immediately obvious -- and the inobvious causes are generally the more urgent ones.

    The more she learns, however, the less sense it makes, and the more concerning the picture becomes. A new group of smugglers that no one seems to have heard of before recently, significantly better technology than available on the open market and - most concerning of all - the buyers do not seem to be aligned to any of the usual crime families... And so far their efforts of figuring out who is muscling in on their turf have not gone well. It's only a matter of time before someone's wounded pride overcomes their good sense and an all out turf war breaks out - and if the new group is as well equipped as it seems, the collateral damage will be severe.

    Natasha breathes out, then nods at Benny before slipping on her scarf and hat. A moment later, a nondescript and entirely forgettable cab slows briefly while taking a corner, and it would take an alert observer indeed to spot the flickering shadow along the pavement in the streetlight before it's gone, swallowed by the darkness.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Flying high overhead is a pale spectre with a shadowy figure riding mount. It glints in the pale moonlight with wings beating rhythmic, the sight of curious shapes 'neath the waves drawing the eye of the metallic stranger astride with a certainty...

The beating wings shudder in their pace, heralding a graceful bank that sees the odd heavenly stranger turning towards the oceanic spectacle in a swift diagonal descent. A high pitched whinny confirms the mounted beast as nothing less than an actual pegasus!

Therefore the shadowy figure astride in somber raiment can only be the Black Knight...

And he is presently descending swiftly towards yonder docks...

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    'They kicked us out...'

    The sad words of a sad man trying his best to protect a makeshift family that was without a home this Christmas. Few people really know much about one of the tri-city areas smallest heroines. However, if you ask a homeless person anywhere in New York City or Metropolis (and sometimes even Gotham) about who they can turn to for help, they might even tell you the secret of how to get a hold of her.

    So, now she is here, having heard the story of a homeless family that had thought they had found a safe place to stay. Now, worried that something worse is happening. Worried about others in this area. And so, on the roof of a nearby warehouse, the tiniest of figures leans out. A tiny nose sniffing the air, ears swiveling forward, and a red scarf blowing out behind her.

    As the hatch opens, her eyes lock on to it and ears turn in the direction before she simply does a one armed hand stand and falls off the roof.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra has been a lot less active about the Manhattan night scene than would be her usual. What with all the troubles with vampires and werewolves and oh my! But tonight she is on the prowl. For bad guys? Not exactly, she is more tracking a certain Shadow. Because it's time she faced that one with certain truths she has uncovered.

So she has chosen a perch high up on a warehouse at the docks, dressed in the black and red of her ninja garb, face hidden behind her mask and the Sais on the back of a long red sash. She casts a look over at the smugglers going through with their usual criminal activities with a brief sigh. America is so rampant with these! Yet a moment later she is glancing over at the ..., submarine coming up? Atlantean? That has the assassin canting her head to the side.

And then choosing another perch to get to for a better view on what's going on, jumping from a warehouse to another.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    On the Atlantean vessel a large man emerges from the front hatch, clambering up and planting a hand on the hull of the ship then hefting himself upright. He stretches, rolling his shoulders through their range of motion, then grimaces as he catches sight of the captain who stands on that conning tower some fifteen feet above.
    "Captain, thanks for the lift and all that." A slight salute is given, rough hand gesturing from brow outward to signal those thanks. Then Arthur's moving toward the docks as a metal gangplank whirrrrs out of the side of the golden vessel and connects with the wooden pier.
    "Again, our utmost apologies, Prince Arthur. If I had the authority I would continue on your task it is simply..."
    "A matter of politics," Arthur shouts as he walks backwards on that gangplank with arms spread, then his heavy boots thump on the dock. "S'alright, man. I know how it goes." For whatever reason he doesn't seem too perturbed by whatever the captain is apologizing for. Though now the vessel starts to ready for its descent back into the depths.
    From on high, Dane likely sees that bright vehicle floating in the river as it unloads its passenger payload. Perhaps he's even seen the type of it before as travel to and from Atlantis ha become more frequent than the 'never' of before. Perhaps he will also recognize the tall man walking on the docks now. The one the papers call the Aquaman, though he prefers just his name for the most part. The current tableau there riverside might even be something to draw attention of those who hold so well to the shadows or leap from the very rooftops.
    Yet those who now have a place of prominence, looking down from above. They will see not just the golden vessel, but three large black silhouettes that are in the river and approaching. Close enough to the surface to make out the curved fish-like shape, one is clearly in the fore while the other two drift further out as if to cover further up the river... and down it.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The clatter of hooves and thumping of wings announces the somber Knight's landing. Trotting forth to not closer than a dozen paces from the waters' edge, he dismounts to stand ready to greet whomever arrives at so odd an hour.

Gauntletted hand rests on the pommel of a certain evil blade at the man's hip as he gazes forth to the strange ocean bound shapes approaching. Little mind is paid to his rear, for his equine friend stirs nervously there.

Seeing the figure of a man atop the odd shapes approaching the docks, the Knight announces crisply,"Hail and well met, aquatic visitors! State thine business at so unseemly an hour!"

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    In her concealmed, Natasha quirks an eyebrow as she recognizes the long-haired man -- given how much of her business involves nautical trade, she's been kept well abreast of recent developments regarding certain long-lost kingdoms.

Well, now.


     That would explain both the unknown technology and the fact that nobody recognized any of the new players. On the other hand, her information on 'Aquaman' doesn't suggest he has any interest in smuggling, so all she's managed is trade one question for another.

    The appearance of the other three vessels - similar to one impounded by SHIELD recently - adds more questions and possible answers both, but as Dane steps out to confront the man directly, Natasha decides to keep to the shadows for now - if all goes well, she might even get the answers she's looking for without showing herself... And if all does not go well, her skills serve her better from ambush than open confrontation.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A smirk is on Elektra's expression under the mask when she spots that the Atlanteans are greeted by none other than a night itself. "That's New york for you..." she whispers to herself, thoroughly amused as she continues to step further to the edge of an adjacent warehouse to where all the activity is going on. And at least one figure she does recognize up there on the submarine. And if she hadn't seen him she would at least heard him. For Aquaman is no quiet person.

She chooses to remain in the shadows just as well, no need to go out there just yet, even if her curiosity has been peaked and she is now observing intently the going-ons around the place. Both the confrontation between knight and atlanteans and the surroundings. One never knows what other surprises might just pop out.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    The movements of a mouse go unnoticed by most. Especially when said mouse is already fairly good at staying unseen and can move faster than most people can follow. Kaida isn't normally one to shy away from confrontations but someone is already doing the confronting and she's curious. She thought this was a bunch of punks who needed to be punched in the face and get embarrassed by a thing they size of a child's doll whipping their tails.

    She was wrong, apparently.

    While Dane goes to confront the Atlantean about things, Kaida runs off to go look in the water after the leaving thing he showed up. She peers into the water, peers further up the water and then starts sniffin' and listening. Eyes aren't a mouse's strong suit. She can see no better than a normal person but when it comes to other senses? There's a reason tiny things survive big things.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    As the Black Knight swoops down and lights upon the docks, the captain notices, eyes widening slightly. But it's not he who addresses the man, instead it's Arthur as he turns around to face the hero in his splendor. At a glance Aquaman does not seem to be much beyond perhaps a wandering homeless man, or perhaps a roadie for a rock group considering his jeans, work boots, and loose hoodie.
    But he seems to know Dane as he raises his voice, "Black Knight? Is that you? Shit man, I didn't know they still made Avengers." He starts to stroll on up toward the man, apparently not noticing the other vessels as they begin to break the surface.
    Fortunately for those observing from afar, detective, ninja, and mouse... Arthur is within the curved halo of light from one of the heavy lanterns that aims from one of the offices meant to handle incoming vessels. It provides a good angle on the golden ship as it begins to submerge as well as the men, not even to mention the pegasus.
    Suddenly Kaida will catch the scent of the sea all the more prominent as the surface of the water is broken, the shift of air pressure likely felt by her as well when the first of those three vessels breaks the surface. Smaller than the golden ship, it has a position angled with its bow pointing straight toward the docks and various ports on its hull opening with resonant /clangs/ of metal on metal.
    A voice is heard from that ship, electronically modulated even as a larger portion of the black vessel slowly opens like an eagle unfurling its wings revealing a larger hatch in the aft.
    "Arthur Curry. You are bidden hold by the authority of Atlantis!"
    Which is the moment when soldiers in silver battle armor begin to emerge from that larger hatch in the rear.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The Black Knight hears first a familiar voice, then unfamiliar...

Then he sees a sight that would have brought a smile to his ancestors lips. Soldiers girt for battle meaning to detain a friend or worse. This has the knight advancing boldly for the waters'edge, clicking his tongue for his faithful steed to follow. That hand now grips the handle of the wicked edge, and he announces this,"Strangers of Atlantis! Hear Ye!"

Standing by the lapping waves, the knight in somber mail begins his bold pronouncement,"Know ye that this blade of otherworldly steel was forged for but one purpose! The very gates of Hell groan with hunger when it slips its scabbard, test not your rights in this realm of my charge!"

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    And with that, the last piece falls into place. A power struggle of some kind within Atlantis; rebellion? Or perhaps Mr. Curry's position isn't as exalted or secure as the press assumed? Either way, the people attempting to apprehend him are almost certainly also the people behind the new smuggling operation.

Underneath her scarf, Natasha smiles to herself. She had questions, and she's found answers.

Now, The Shadow Knows.

    Even as the Black Knight makes his proclamation the fog starts drifting against the breeze, swirling and mingling with suddenly moving shadows as disembodied laughter echoes along the docks. "Heh heh, heh... Authority?"

    The mocking chuckle as mist and shadows blend, shift, solidify, somehow gaining volume and depth in an eye-wrenching movement-that-isn't-movement -- and when the moment passes, a tall figure in a black greatcoat and opera cape looks out over the harbor with some disdain.

    "Unless I'm very much mistaken Atlantis has neither extradition nor mutual law enforcement treaties with this nation... And the gentleman you're trying to apprehend is a US citizen. You are in US territorial waters and your 'authority' is not recognized. If you want him extradited, you will need to petition the nearest consulate. You have no legitimate business here."


Elektra Natchios has posed:
Really. Being arrested by Atlantis guards? It makes Elektra wonder what Arthur got up to. Maybe kiss Namor'a sister, if he even has one. Yea, that would do it. But she also has a debt to pay to the Atlantean and so she prepares herself to go down to the docks themselves...

At least until she hears the disembodied voice. There's the Shadow she was looking for. Another reason to go in. Time to move.

She descends through zip line to land not far from the the Knight and tells the offending Atlanteans. "What they mean is that if you try to take Arthur here there will be blood.." eyes gleaming wickedly.

Good ol' Elektra, always pushing for some blood.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    One really shouldn't leave a door open. Open doors attract all kinds of things, not the least of which are rodents. The longer you leave it open? The worse it is. Another thing to keep in mind is just how tremendously well mice can climb. They can zip right up a surface almost as fast as a spider and when they're already super fast, that is really fast. A moment later, Kaida is up on the roof top of the warehouse nearest to that vessel. Then she zips back and then forward and goes sailing through the air.

    A moment later, the ship with the opened hatch has a mouse problem.

    Something else to keep in mind? If the head fits? The whole thing fits. Now, in Kaida's case this isn't entirely true as she does have a shield and a sword to get through but in this case, her shield is sitting on top of the roof of that warehouse in a crook of a piece of broken wood.

    The last thing to keep in mind is that Amazonian steel is extremely sharp and while armor on Atlantean vessels might be great, very few pieces of electronic equipment plan for internal attacks. Is she being a sabateur? No. Not really. Just an agent of chaos, slipping into the walls of an Atlantean vessel and just starting with what she assumes is the hatch controls and then moving on.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Normally, when so confronted, Arthur tends to react rashly and quickly. In this moment, however, he turns upon hearing that modulated voice while the soldiers take up places along the sides of the black vessel. It has no conning tower, though it has what seem to be blisters along its sides. Weapon ports? Perhaps. But more manifest when the Black Knight utters his challenge so eloquently.
    Meanwhile, inside the vessel, Kaida will see more armored soldiers getting ready to advance onto deck. Yet it takes little effort to get further into the ship, past the armory and the open airlock where the soldiers are mustering. Then she'll find ahead of her the brilliant light and myriad mysteries of the control center where less armored crew members are working at their consoles. She might, however, notice on the wall the tactical map that depicts those two other submerged vessels so prominently.
    As for Aquaman? He takes a moment to frown and rub his thumb over his chin contemplatively. Slowly he shakes his head. Then sidelong toward Black Knight he says, "Somethin's not right here, man."
    The next moment another voice joins the fray, the Shadow appears in such prominence, offering such stern words tinged with derision. One can almost feel the tension grow as the soldiers on deck shift their weight from one armored foot to the other. For a moment one can see their helms turning left and right as they look at each other for guidance. As if should they be doing such a thing.
    Only for another armored figure, this time in the golden suit of a royal guard to rise up out of the ship and /push/ some of the soldiers out of the way!
    The response that comes back, "By order of Captain Gaio, granted letter by the highest authority!" The golden sentinel shouts, his voice lashing the air and actually disrupting the waves in the water. "Soldiers, to your positions!"
    Which is apparently enough for the soldiers as suddenly they leap from that loading bay. Their armored backpacks firing with low /whumpfs!/ of if not combustion some sort of force compression that sends them hurtling up...
    And landing upon the docks, on nearby ships, on the rooftop of one of the offices, on the hood of several cars parked in the lot. They all raise their sidearms or rifles, glowing with a sheen of purplish light from within their alchemical systems.
    A target rich environment, but also likely to be a chaotic one should hostilities engage. Arthur, for his part, at the least tries. "Stand down, Captain. I have no idea what this is about. I haven't done anything to warrant... this. You know me, I'd admit to that junk."
    Which, might well be true.
    The answer from the Captain is to merely touch a button on his gauntlet. And from one of the soldiers perched on the deck of a civilian boat his weapon /fires/ with a blast of purple lightning that seems to send part of its barrel hurtling like some great claw forward creating an eldritch talon that slams into Arthur and wraps around him in an effort to bind.
    "Stand back! We only want the jumped up half-breed!" Is the shout that is heard even as the weapon fires.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The Black Knight is surrounded with a golden field of strange origin as the whumps ring forth in the direction of the docks, no doubt his hard light shield singing into existence as that most dread blade lets slip within...

The knight of ill portent announces as he seeks out the first to lay low within his proximity,"That laughter that you heard in the living fog was the Liar Below celebrating a new sacrifice, foolish curs! I walked the streets of Jerusalem when the streets ran red with the blood of the Crusaders slain, let us now see how well you keep your footing under such conditions!"

Then Dane did let slip a cry that sounded strangely appropriate to his own lips,"To Arthur!"

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    One of the downsides of high technology is that, it can be rather fragile -- which is why normally care is taken to armor it. The Shadow has drawn and fired before the captain quite finishes his announcement, sending a bullet into the exposed part of the barrel still held by the soldier.

    "At the very least, be honest -- what you mean to say is that you're only here for him this time," the Shadow replies acidly.

    "Do you really believe we're so primitive that you can smuggle advanced technology and materials into this city without anyone noticing? Did you think I wouldn't KNOW?"

    Mocking laughter spills out over the echo of the gunshot, then the Shadow turns their full attention on the pontificating captain shouting thinly veiled threats.

    "Here is my counter-offer, captain. Recall your soldiers. Retreat below the surface. Return to your master and tell them the deal is off. That these lands are protected."

    Blue eyes blaze inhumanly bright, the Shadow's will pressing against the captain like an unseen weight. "Decide swiftly. This offer is good exactly once."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    'That's a lot of people.' Kaida thinks to herself and shakes her head, 'Awful lot for one guy.' She nods her head and then considers and then seems to nod in understanding. 'Someone must have known I'd be here.' She nods as if that were the most clear and obvious thing. So, she just moves on. She looks up at the image that shows the other two vessels and her eyes widen.

    She shakes her head at the amount of overkill and decides that three is just one too many. So, she goes to the nearest control panel and proceeds to slice through a vent and then go inside and start slicing up sensitive electronics. Then she's zipping out and going for another, slicing and dicing as she goes to disable this ship's controls in a great many spots before she gets ready to leave.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The magical claw /squeezes/ around Arthur and seems to bind his arms to his sides even as it tries to emit bursts of energy that likely are meant to subdue. Occasionally blasts of power come from the rifle that fired though the soldier seems to be fighting with his own weapon as if it didn't find its current state of output manageable at all...
    Only for it to /explode/ when that round strikes so perfectly in the barrel that it shatters the alchemical foundry spattering the armored soldier with the contents of his own weapon. The energy flow from the rifle ceases abruptly as that soldier staggers back.
    Then when Dane raises his voice and regales those near with tales of such gore and victory, it's enough to get Arthur to growl. "No, Knight. Don't!" /BBZZZYT!/ "Argh, don't kill 'em!" Likely not knowing that the man has no intention of doing so. Yet the talon begins to lose its grip, fading from existence until finally its ceramic delivery device clatters to the ground now that the weapon is dead.
    It was but a few steps, a small clash back and forth. Yet it is enough to cause much trepidation in the soldiers as they begin to look toward one another once again. This time, the Captain's words do not seem to strengthen them.
    The shout is repeated loudly, "You heard me, I said fire!"
    Those armored figures continue to look back and forth, one lowers his rifle as he points at Arthur and the Knight, then perhaps turns his helmet in the direction of The Shadow. Whatever is said on their comms likely not heard. Save...
    Inside the vessel, Kaida will hear a voice as she infiltrates. "Captain. Message from the King's Chamberlain. We are to return at once." Only for him to touch a hand to the curved shell against his ear. Somehow abruptly there's a hiss and crackle as the comms break up. Timed almost perfectly as Kaida slashes and stabs at the internals of the computer systems. "Sir, can you hear me?"
    Yet outside the Captain grimaces and touches a hand to the side of his head. Then something must happen as all of the soldiers grab at their helmets as if a loud feedback echoed in their comms. The Captain then raises his voice, "Damn Poseidon's Eyes."
    He gestures with one gauntlet, "Arthur of the Surface, if you claim you are Atlantean you will report to the Court immediately. I have decided it best to allow you this freedom! To me, soldiers of Atlantis!"
    Which has those armored figures firing their force jets, leaping back toward the cargo hold of that ship while the captain moves to return inside.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The Black Knight isn't personally so old as well that, being a graduate of MIT who had the worst luck in the world with his inheritance. However, the ancestor whose memory he carries in his head...

The Atlanteans clearly did not know this, nor were they canny enough to note the grip he utilizes as he advances! He curses roundly in Old English as they literally take flight before him, stamping and raising his sword aloft!

He shouts at the flying soldiers backs,"Run you dogs! Run back from whence ye came!"

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    The captain's attempt at saving face by pontificating speech is undercut slightly by the mocking chuckles drifting on the air until the last ship dives below the surface.

    The Shadow holsters their gun and turns to look at Arthur. "Entertaining as I'm sure this interlude was, I suspect we haven't seen the last of them, and their smuggling efforts are just about one bad incident away from sparking an all-out turf war. I don't suppose you'd care to enlighten us as to what precisely is going on?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    Sounds like it is time to leave. As Kaida hears what sounds like a message of giving up/retreat, she slices through one last thing before sliding her sword away and slipping back out the way she came. She is quiet as a mouse, or so they say, as she moves along the insides of the ship, smiling at the various things she sees as she goes and only once she arrives at the entrance does she very purposefully leap right by the Captain and on to the dock before racing up on to the roof to get her shield.

    "Honestly, that ship is terribly maintained. Real pest issues." She laughs as before she casually leaps down over to a light poll overlooking Dane, Natasha and Arthur. She peers about, swearing she smelled or saw someone else but now they're just gone. She will have to mull that over for later even as she calls down to the trio.

    "They had two more submarines." She calls down, "Not sure what it was all about but they came ready for a real fight."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    As the Atlanteans begin their departure, the armored soldiers landing and rushing down into the hold of the ship, it's likely one mouse will go undetected as the bustle of activity is distracting enough as it is. Perhaps when the ship returns to port, when it has its systems run through diagnostics, the repair crews will notice the small areas of mayhem laid about with such heroic precision. Perhaps they will think of what strong and brave soul must have done such. Yet chances are poor Kaida's contribution will go unknown by not just the malefactors, but by her ignorant colleagues as well.
    That does, however, leave Arthur on the docks with Dane gesturing with his sword and the Shadow looking very grim and mysterious as they both send those Atlanteans on their way. The Prince of Atlantis, however? He seems to be rubbing at the bridge of his nose and frowning as he ponders his next course of action. Then pronounces some form of judgment by murmuring quietly to himself. "Fuck."
    Then he looks back up at the others, from Elektra... to Dane... to Natasha. He takes a deep breath. "Yeah, the smugglers. Figure that'd figure into things. I'm gettin' the feeling the left hand doesn't know what the right one is doing."
    Another beat, then he grimaces, "But first. Time enough to be stressed later. Thanks guys. C'mon. Bring it on in." He spreads his arms like some proud uncle. "Group hug. Good work. I got stuff to do, but hell. Thanks."
    That's right. Group hugs all around for a reward. Likely there aren't many takers. But it's the sentiment that counts.
    Though whether any hugs are given or not, Arthur does say one more thing. "Did... did that mouse just talk?"

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane very probably looks like he needs a hug right now.

That sword of his is a grim burden, and it tells as he gazes down at the flat, the ebon surface reflecting crimson like a pool of blood. His breath heaves and shudders in fits for several long moments as he stands there ignobly and solitarily...

And finally forces himself to sheath the foul weapon with a grunt. Flipping the visor of his helm open, he wipes his face before stepping over to belatedly accept the invitation.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Dane gets the bro-hug, he's brought in and given a heavy /thump-thump-thump/ on his back, then steps back to hold the man's shoulders and look him in the eyes. "You kick ass, man. You kick ass. S'good to know you'd shoulder that burden of that damn sword to do what you feel is right."