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Revision as of 09:15, 22 December 2021

Enter the Ghost Rider
Date of Scene: 22 December 2021
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: The Justice League Dark gets a new member in Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider. The Witchblade might posture at him, but they both want to go storm Heaven to deal with Michael and get Chas back.
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Jonathan Sims, Johnny Blaze, Sara Pezzini, Lydia Dietrich

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The Candle, Booke and Belle Shoppe was still technically closed. The Specials board was pulled in, and the sign with its black candle and purple of flame flapped in the breeze outside.

    Inside, it was still warm and comfortable. The silver-white haired witch was wearing a long-sleeved black tee today, with a corset atop it laced properly, and a pair of swishy black skirts.

    Her hair was pulled back in a short ponytail, Nettie's voice ringing out to a cover of The Boys of Summer with punk guitars and a faster beat.

    The place has been cleaned. The insence rack has been righted. The door marked PRIVATE is closed, and the tea bar has a variety of tea cups and mugs, upside-down on matched saucers. There's a platter of baked goods and some local deli sandwiches set up.

    The whole of the place is comfortable feeling, homey.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon knocks on the door and then comes in, wearing his emerald green cardigan and khakis beneath a puffy coat and green scarf. Bundled against the cold. He's called around to a few people, trying to get them together for an informal gathering and check-in. Their headquarters recently had the roof quite literally blown off by an archangel, and one of their core members is missing, supposedly up in Heaven. Who knows if they'll ever get him back.

    And there's the small business of Jon needing to turn himself over to the Archangel Michael for divine retribution sometime soon. No big deal.

    The chorus of the song has started as Jon comes in and he starts singing along, "I can see you / your brown skin shining in the sun..." He's got a good voice, theatre-trained baritone that he's kept up over time, and he smiles brightly as he sings. It's... fun. He needs fun, just now.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
After Jon comes a loud knock, namely one that sounds heavy handed. After a moment, another loud knock is performed, requesting to be let inside. Any further investigation into the identity of the presence appears to be a biker.

Namely an older gentleman, maybe in his forties, with long hair and a light beard. He wears a dark leather jacket with a black shirt underneath it. Blue jeans adorn his legs and black boots cover his feet. He doesn't bother with extra attire to block the cold weather, but he seems to be patiently awaiting entry.

He appears determined, even as he goes for the door.

Ge exhales and smoke comes out of his mouth as he looks around.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The call went out and Sara, with nothing else happening at that moment thanks to a new office in the NYPD being created, decided to answer. She was dressed for work, a pair of wool slacks with her usual work books, a dark blue flannel jacket over a black turtle neck, and a black pea coast fastened over it all. The stocking cap was sticking out of her coat pocket.

The Candle was a new location to her, but as she pulled up outside she instantly understood why it was one of those acceptable places for the Justice League Dark. Parking her motorcycle, she removes the helmet and set it on the seat before heading toward the door. She manages to catch Johnny knocking before going in, so she does the same.

A quick glance of the room is taken in, noting exits, windows, and who is present, before she heads toward Jon with a smile. "You rang?" she offers in a jovial tone.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The wards allow Jon to pass into the Candle, the wards allow Johnny to pass into the candle -- though the wards give a little twang against Sara as she passes in.

    Nettie sings in harmony to Jon's barritone, and then with a wave of her hand the old radio at the end of the bar, and it turns to something older. A woman is singing about how the smoke gets in your eyes.

    "Welcome, welcome, some new faces I'm seeing --" she states as the woman nimbly shimmies down the rolling ladder behind the tea bar, and she leans forwards, inhumanly colored eyes laying on each in turn.

    "Well, Jon my lad, shall we make introductions since when I left, we were quite the different group?" she questions to Simms, turning her gaze to him and then turning over teacups, one at a time.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
The call goes out. How many times in so many months has she been called? Too many to count, that's for sure. So that's why Lydia finds herself at Nettie's shop. She's met Nettie before, but has never been there. Like the others she walks up and gives a simple knock on the door, since it seems to be closed. It'd be rude to just waltz on in, after all.

Tonight she's dressed simply in a warm woolen tartan skirt in deep reds, a blood red sweater, and her thick woolen trench cloak. Her hair has been tamed and been tied into a lace braid that keeps it out of her face. As always motes of black ectoplasm fall gently around her like ash.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon hums the song idly as he moves in to the bar, peering at Johnny as he comes in along with Sara. "Well I know Pezzini but... ahh..." He looks to the biker. Looks him over for a long moment, with normal sight and mystic Sight both. "Some sort... devil? Hell-bound, at least, but in a normal human. Why am I not surprised?" He smirks, seeming amused.

    He smiles to Lydia as she enters. The last time the vampire saw him he was kneeling on the stage of the Laughing Magician, sobbing; he seems much better now, holding together at least. "Perhaps some tea?" he asks Nettie. "I... wanted to just check in, see people are okay. Keep in touch."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
On Sara's part, Johnny looks like your average biker and her instinct was to accept his presence here because clearly he was invited. If Sara was the only thing to have a say, it would end there. Witchblade however is another matter entirely. Even as Sara is being introduced, and removing her coat, the silver bracelet with a huge red stone located on her right wrist is 'waking up'. The dull red stone suddenly swirls like red/orange smoke inside a glass bubble.

Looking toward Johnny now, her blue eyes narrow as her body tenses. The voice in her head screams for judgement, for balance, to put down that which should not be on this plane. Thankfully the point of the wielder is to balance that, so even as she levels her eyes on Johnny, she keeps Witchblade's desire in check. Observation is required, information, just because a man has a devil inside him doesn't mean he's against the balance, he might be a good guy. The battle of wills continues.

"Nice to meet you," she says to Nettie in a tense tone, then slowly looks toward her. "Would love some tea, if that's possible."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
They all register on his presence. Yet Johnny is looking at them just as much as they are looking at him. Looking for their sin, looking for their damnation, his eyes glowing with hellish flame as he looks over them. His eyes settle on the Witchblade as he senses that power, and he takes his hands from his pocket.

"Nice to meet all of you. Not looking for trouble." Johnny states then. "Any of you have information on a Balor demon potentially moving through New York?" He asks with a deadpanned, almost tired. But his attention is on Sara, ready to fight.

He looks briefly towards Jonathan Sims, tilting his head. "Mage. Typical."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The door, of course, opens at Lydia's knock. She's welcome in the Candle.

    "This old witch will thank you two for not making a mess of my shop. I would hate to have to send you to the corner to sort out your differences." The old Crowe gives a wan smile to Sara and Johnny's posturing, and she looks at the group. "No demon here, but we are on the hunt for an angel. Why don't you have a seat?"

    Nettie gives a small smile, and a nod to Lydia and Johnny, and then draws up a plain, white teapot. Each person has a different teacup. Jon's is white, fluted with gold on the rim of the cup. It has old text written across it, though the text is merely decorative.

    Sara's is a blue coffee mug with a black interior. There is gold on the handle.

    The mug for Johnny has a superficial crack in it, but its ombre goes from burnt brown to yellow at the top, looking a bit like fire.

    Lydia's is quite fancy, it's got green roses with black leaves, as if the print wasn't quite finished. Though all other cups have a spicy scented tea with orange in it, she pauses, looking to Lydia, and her eyes narrow.

    "If I pour your preferred, can you drink it?" she questions to her.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia enters the shop and looks around, drinking in its atmosphere. It's really quite a nice shop. She should have come here for supplies back when she actually had her magic. She gives Sara and Jon a smile, Nettie a nod, and Johnny? Well, he gets another nod in greeting. Something about him though....

Lydia's sins are few and far between, for a vampire. She hasn't knowingly killed anybody. Maybe concussed a few here and there, but that was in service of the greater good. A few lies when she was young and fewer when she was an adult. Probably her greatest sin was designing the circle that bound the archangel Michael, if that could be considered a sin.

Nettie gets a nod at her question. "I sip more than drink, nowadays. But I enjoy the warmth of the cup and the scent of the tea."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "We found the angel," Jon says in a blase tone. "Michael Demiurgos, blew the roof off the Laughing Magician. He's bringing an army to Manhattan. That's part of why I called people."

    He glances over at Sara and then /very/ deliberately puts himself right between Sara and Johnny, his back to her, offering Johnny his hand. Quite literally stepping in between the two powers, stance firm and confident. If they want to go at each other, they can do so through him.

    "Jonathan Sims," he offers introduction. "The Archivist. Not a mage--I serve the old gods of Egypt." He has magic in the blood but that's only somewhat relevant. "A Balor demon? No. What sort of trouble is it causing?"

    He hesitates, then adds, "We're all members of the Justice League Dark, you see. Newly formed to combat such... incursions." Whatever he's seen in the man tells him that he's... well... not a /direct/ threat, at any rate.

    Of course, the burning of Michael Archangel's wing hangs heavy on his soul, but he's also marked for retribution for that. And anything else his gods will see to, he presumes.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Although Witchblade would love to go at the devil, Sara is running the body right now. She accepts the cup of tea, keeping Johnny in her peripherals, even as Jon steps between them.

"There won't be any fight," she offers calmly, though her tone is deeper than her usual speaking voice. She steps up right up to Jon's back, as if attempting to close the space, then sticks her tongue out at him. "It is what it is, a moment of observation and ascertaining purpose."

Turning back toward Johnny, she offers the man a slight nod, "Sara Pezzini, shockingly still an NYPD detective," she glances to Jon to say, "I'll tell you more about that later." before looking back to Johnny. "Wielder of The Witchblade."

Introduction done, she now looks to Nettie and offers a very slight smile, "And don't think he didn't notice you as well, but no one has anything to worry about. He doesn't get to make the call, I do. Thank you for the tea."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie, on the other hand, is full of sins great and small, some she's forgiven and sought pennance, and others she is still working through. She pours a cup of the citrusy, spicy tea for Lydia, and she gives a smile. "Enjoy its warmth and scent. Not the same as taking it internally, but I'm glad to see you again." she gives a small smile to the author, and she looks to the others as she purses her lips.

    "Huh, Witchblade." Nettie reflexts a moment, pursing her lips.

    And then she returns her teapot to its place on a warmer, and as Jon is holding his hand out for a handshake, the small woman with the silver-white hair gives him bunny ears as he's facing Johnny.

    "Doesn't matter. He's switched places with a friend of mine who's currently stuck on guard duty and not with his wee girl for Christmas. Makes me all sorts of mad, yes?" she comments, and she doesn't seem put off at all by The Ghost Rider and The Witchblade in her shop.

    "At the moment you're standing in one of the few sanctums still existant in New York City that might stand a chance against an angel's attack." she crosses her arms.

    "... of course, really it was warded against the Germans, and not against The Host..." she gives a soft hum.

    "... wonder if I could find a minor demon to bleed out."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny was watching Sara like a hawk. Within, Zarathos was starting to rise, fully prepared to fight its other ancient power to a battle of wills. Thankfully, the wielders of the power keep them in check. Johnny visibly relaxes as Nettie speaks to him and Sara. "Ma'am, not a problem." He hears them speak. "Fallen or rogue?" Because killing normal angels is frowned upon, especially if they did nothing wrong. Then vengeance would be necessary.

Offered a seat, Blaze takes one, positioning himself where he can see everyone. Sims gets a glance from Johnny, but accepts the shake. "Interesting. Had a few scraps with them in the past. But mainly their demonic aspects." Hell exists in some form for multiple religions.

Seth is an asshole.

Then he hears the name. "You know Michael?" He seems almost alarmed. "Friendly, I hope. Justice League Dark? Shat is this, scarier justice league?" He questions with a smirk. But he nods to them all. "My names Johnny Blaze." He informs of them.

"The Ghost Rider."

A name with weight, but only to those who understand the price. "Nice to meet you all." To Sara, he nods. "Long as you don't give me a speeding ticket, we're cool." he tells her. Tea is given, and he nods his thanks. "Balor's been moving through the sewers, feasting on those dumb enough to wander down there."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia takes the tea gratefully and holds the cup in both hands, enjoying the warmth. She lifts it up to her nose, closes her eyes, and breathes in it's scent. She does love her tea. A sip is taken, just enough to savor the flavor, but not really enough to drink. "Thank you, Nettie," she says. "This tea is really good."

She gives the woman a grin, "I'm sure you can find one out and about. This is New York after all." A thought occurs to her. "Though, they might be making themselves scarce with the pending invasion and all."

Johnny gets her attention, though. "Ghost Rider. Curious. I haven't heard the name before but the others have."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    The potential confrontration defused, Jon takes his cup of tea from Nettie with a murmur of thanks. "You know, that's a good idea," he says. "We're going to need a forward base of operations. Well. I presume. I've asked someone with military experience to help us out." He doesn't mention that that 'someone' is an alien.

    He frowns ever-so-briefly at Johnny, at 'had a few scraps' and 'demonic aspects' because... no, that's really /not/ how it works. He ought to know. "I would ask you not to equate the gods of my ancestors to /demons,/" he snaps. "Frankly, they are older than ridiculous black-and-white concepts of morality, and given that Heaven are proving themselves just as unconcerned with the wellbeing of humanity as Hell? Given that most of those who are working to stop the /invasion/ of Earth by Heaven and the re-set of the universe are those that are usually tossed in with demons, seen as 'evil'...?"

    He stops himself. Takes a deep breath. Takes a drink of tea. "Sorry. Ahh. It's a sore point. It's been coming up a lot, lately."

    He frowns at Johnny for a moment. "Ghost Rider... entity of vengeance, judgement... are you tasked to judge the Host as well? Because we're not 'friendly' with Michael in any way. He is neither Fallen nor 'rogue,' unless you count twisting the spirit of the rules he lives by to fit the letter. He has decided to start the End of Days, and will likely be invading Manhattan come the 6th of January. The Great Mother wasn't happy with his actions and gave leave to stop him, but I've no idea what the /rest/ of the meddlesome winged gits think. I suppose we'll find out soon enough."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara sniffs at the tea, enjoying the aroma before she braves a small sip. Normally she was a coffee drinker, a heavy coffee drinker, coffee was life... but on occasion a cup of tea was nice. Moving with the cup in hand, she selects a place to sit where she can see Johnny and Nettie, the others she knew and trusted and more importantly, Witchblade wasn't screaming in her head about them.

The minute Johnny gives his name, or rather his title, she 'ahhhhs' with a nod. "/That's/ what part of the screaming is about," she offers to clarify the voice in her head more than anything. "He doesn't always make complete sense to me when he gets all worked up about something."

Another sip, then the cup is set down. "I'm not in that department Johnny, no tickets from me. Now if your speeding gets someone killed, then I get involved," she finally offers him a smile. "And I do mean me, not him." She points at the bracelet where the gem is still swirling smokes of orange/red.

Shifting her eyes to Nettie she then adds, "If you can find me a way to get to where Chas is, I'll go get him. The level of anger in Witchblade over Michael and what he's done... let's just say sometimes I have to punch steel walls to let it out, then fix them again. So if I can get Chas, that would so make him happy, then I can come back and prepare for the war in which I intend to let him loose on the angelic host."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mm. I'm working on it, poppet." Nettie comments quietly, and she draws up her own mug.

    It does not have tea in it. Whatever she's drinking from her clear mug is a very unnatural shade of violet.

    "I can't find my old entry of my old friends. I could potentially find him using a thimblefull of the blood of his natural daughter, but ha, getting that would be a trick. His ex-wife scares me more than anyone in this room." she sips her drink placidly. It's gin. It smells very piney as she sits it down, and she rummages a moment, then pulls a blue leather book.

    "Then it's a simple trick of combining divination with teleportation circles, I could possibly charge -- with enough help of a few volunteers to act as donatable sources, three to four poor souls get sent fully laden with what they can carry to as close as I dare drop anything to the Silver City. From there, it'll be a bit dicey in bringin' them back. There's a timer on it, because anything caught in the receiving circle -- including any guards -- would be brought back to my sanctum with 'em. And if something like that comes inside my wards, it might destabilize, which means it either pops like a bubble harmlessly imploding on itself *IF* my theories are correct, OR it's like a magical C4 explosion which totals the building and kills everyone in the sanctum channeling the power. Except me, I suppose, Death doesn't like me for some reason, never sticks. In either case I have to wait another week or so to check my maths..." she bites a knuckle a moment. "Speaking of which, I have a bird to feed, and it turns into a bit of a mess. Pelase though -- help yourselves to the scones. They were fresh this afternoon." she gives a smile. "Pleasure to meet you lot. Anyone in the ol' Justice League Dark is welcome to come pester me for information or supplies." she gives a smile, and goes to duck down into her room. "Jon, you and I ought to have a talk. Alone, perhaps."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny lifts his head to Sims, and he stares him down and he waits for him to be finished in his explanation of his sore points. "It's fine. Its a rough spot for everyone. Not everything is gray and white, its true. Sadly, black and white is how the world is painted, with the grays happening when the lines get blurred. But the world is the world."

Though he nods. "Judgment is for all. Neither of us care where there from." Alas, the Host is also worthy of vengeance. "Twisting the rules of tasks is commonplace among higher powers." He can feel the Spirit broilling within him. "End of Days? The hell is he doing that for?" Johnny asks of Sims.

Though Nettie is announcing her departure and he gives her a small nod. "Thank you for the tea, ma'am." is all he intones towards her, though her words on divination with teleportation circles and how physics in magic is...quite the obstacle. Johnny isn't too intelligent of a person, he understands the occult, but a scholar he is not.

Sara's words get a small smirk. "Good. Though my speeding has gotten someone killed, they typically are already on your wanted list I imagine." If Johnny killed an innocent, Zarathos would probably try to kill him. Or Johnny would find a way to redeem himself. No innocents must be harmed. "He?" He questions Sara. "I sense something on you, yeah, something thats broiling the Rider." He hums. "Chas?" He questions the group.

His eyes turn to Lydia. "Basically a hunter, of sorts. Not the nicest guy."

Though to the group. "Well, I happen to like earth. And vengeance is for all, even the Host. If you need an extra hand..."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Because he can't see the good in humanity anymore," Lydia answers. "All he sees is the hate, and the sin, so he deemed us a failure. He wants to start over, this time in his design, with little free will." She shakes her head. "It's.... sad, really, that he lost faith in us."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon watches Nettie go for a moment, mouth open. "I... alright," he says weakly. What does she need to talk to him about? Nothing good, he wagers; he has a look like a young boy about to be chastised by his grandmother.

    He shakes himself and stands near the counter, sipping his tea. "I would not suggest going to Heaven alone," he says somberly. "We'll get Chas back, but I don't want to lose anyone else. But if we can find a way..."

    He nods to Lydia. "He thinks free will is a mistake, and wants to start over with less of it--or that's what I gathered. I'm aware what I know of his plans came filtered through a mortal host." He sighs. "Judgement /is/ for all, yes. My original duty is to judge those who do not die in the course of matters. Obviously not the only one such, but... I was there when this started."

    He looks to Johnny. "Chas Chandler is a founding member of the Justice League Dark. After a series of events that threatened his children and friends, and feeling he could not protect the people he cares about, he called to a power of benevolence for aid." His expression darkens. "Michael should /not/ have answered that call, by rights, but /technically/ could. He possessed Chas and went on a killing spree, going after sinners--but for the most /minor/ infractions. Torturing shoplifting the same as murder and rape." He sighs. "We caught him, bound him. I burned one of his wings with bale water to get his name from him. We attempted to exorcise him, but he used the spell to escape and send Chas to his place guarding the Gates of Heaven. I believe that he's been desiring this 're-start' for some time, and merely was waiting for an opportunity to get a replacement for the duties that kept him from amassing the Armies of the Host." His jaw clenches, shifts. "He found that in our friend."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara listens to Nettie's explanation and then the rambling about the fulfilling the idea. Most of it she grasps some part of, and part of is she has no clue about, but she offers a nod.

"Contact me when you're ready," she then says before Nettie beparts. "I'll help any way I can, as for an explosion... Witchblade can protect those who come with us if needed. It'll be a tight fit, but he can do it should that happen." As Nettie stands to depart she offers a final, "Thank you for your hospitality and the tea."

Looking back to Johnny an almost devilish smile plays across her lips as she takes another sip of the tea. "He... Witchblade is a he."

Setting the tea down, she pulls the flannel jacket off which reveals the shoulder holster with standard issue police side arm. She then pushes the right sleeve up and over the elbow, this making the silver bracelet on that wrist obvious. "This is The Witchblade," she indicates the bracelet and even as she does thousands of tiny tendrils of metal with tiny little spikes spring out of and begin to wrap around her forearm. In a matter of seconds an intricate gauntlet with claws fingers covers her lower arm and hand, on the back of her hand the large orb of red/orange swirling smoke and a smaller blue stone beneath it. She turns her hand around so that Witchblade's 'Eye' can look directly at Johnny.

"During the second World War, for a brief time, Witchblade believed the same that Michael does now, that this world is nothing but hatred and pain," she continues, looking around at each in the room. "It's not his place to judge the world however, nor the place if his Wielder. His previous wielder, Tasya Federova, proved to him that this world is more than he had felt it had become, and apparently I have also shown him the love, laughter and light that remains here. Yes, there is darkness and pain, but there is still hope. That's what Michael fails to see, and personally if an arrogant, single minded, child of the gods can see the hope in this world, Michael needs to be struck down from major powers for his stupidity."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Nettie's lingering final comment to Sims makes Johnny look his way with a raised brow. As if to silently ask 'are you in trouble? Do you need help running?' but he doesn't go further than that, instead sipping his tea. But Lydia gains a small frown. "Can't see the good in humanity?" Johnny takes a deep breath. "Granted, a good amount of us are pretty shitty, but just as much of us are good. Doesn't mean he gets to push the reset button on the universe."

Johnny frowns, especially when he starts getting more information. Free will is a mistake? Though he hums. "You're a judge too, huh?" He asks of Sims, his eyes narrowing as he hears of this 'Chas Chandler'. "So I see. Didn't think Michael was the one who answered prayers, that one belonged to God. But...well, if Michael's gone off the deep end, then I guess we better start working to get him back." He sips his drink a little bit further. "And where are you guys at with the planning?"

Granted, Johnny is reckless. He'd much rather just knock down Heaven's doors.

"Huh. The more you know." He tells Sara on the matter of hte Witchblade, and tilts his head as she pulls up the sleeve of her flannel jacket to show off the Witchblade, noticing the tendrils of metal that seem to wrap around her. "Neat trick." He tells her. "Can tell you that people still have worth...its the only reason why I still go on. If they didn't, well...this world would be a much nastier place." He tells the trio, even as he lowers his head a moment. "Struck down or banished or removed, long as Michael is stopped and the world keeps on turning. He's guilty."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "It /is/ my place to judge Michael," Jon says grimly. "I just need to get his statement. And I will, one way or another." He frowns down into his cup. He doesn't like the way he might need to do that. Not at all. But such is life.

    He looks up after a moment and says, "It's my guess that whatever 'God' Michael works for isn't paying much attention. I know many servants of many gods, from all over the world. The Great Mother, Neith, and the gods of the Duat, works through me, I know avatars of many Egyptian gods, there are of course the Themyscirans and Asgardians, aliens evidently have their own gods... whoever Michael works for? Seems to be fairly hands-off. For the best, perhaps, with that much power. But I got the feeling he's not used to... oversight."

    A pause. "Or, well... that /we/ are oversight. Mortals imbued with the power to judge him."

    He sighs. "As for planning? I'm calling a meeting a couple days after Christmas. We're in contact with a number of super-groups, I have some former military contacts working on materials and plans, and I'm making sure there's an evacuation plan drawn up for Manhattan. Will we be ready? That I can't stay. But we're damn sure going to try."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara picks the tea cup back up with her left hand, the right hand still having the gauntlet because Witchblade /loves/ showing off. She should have remembered that and not bothered to show it off, but with all the things going through her head, that thought escaped.

"That reminds me," she says calmly as she looks to Jon. "I'm going to try and get a report to the Avengers, as they need to know what's going on. I /suck/ at reports," she smirks. Police detective who sucks at reports, go figure. "Mind if I steal your SHIELD report to share?"

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Not just yours." Johnny tells Sims. "It may be yours to judge, but vengeance is mine." Johnny says as he stands up to his feet. "Getting a statement from Michael? Is that how your abilities work? Do you have to get him to admit it?" This is not spoken to Jonathan in a mocking way, rather just Johnny trying to understand how this other agent works. Better to understand now than later.

"I believe in this 'God'. I put my faith in Him, because if I didn't believe in a higher power, being bound to Zarathos would be an unbearable Hell. Perhaps he is hands off, or maybe he works through subtler ways. Couldn't say. Either way, all is different...and if he has that much power, perhaps its better he kept his hands off of it. But, if you're right, and we -are- the oversight, then perhaps the God Michael has failed to work for has inserted his oversight, we've just failed to notice." Johnny tells him then, before he hums.

"But hell do I know? I'm not the one in the chair." He speaks then, though he crosses his arms. "Maybe it'd be better to attack pre-emptively. Find a way to cause chaos in Michael's ranks before his attack. Let him know that the bridge is two-way." He rubs the back of his neck. "That possible?"

But he nods, especially when Sara speaks. "Some Avengers would be pretty rad." Old school talk. "Or, you know, regular Justice league."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon quirks a brow at Sara. "Yes," he says. Lets that sit a beat. And then grins and says, "But I don't mind you passing it along with proper attribution. Go right ahead."

    He looks to Johnny and nods quite calmly. "I've been wondering when someone else like me would show up for this. I have no doubt neither of us could handle this alone." He smiles. "That's why the Justice League Dark exists, however. To be a team."

    He hesitates a moment. Sighs. "I..." A pause. "I am sorry, Mr. Blaze. I... all of this business has tripped some long-buried trauma from my past. I have had... issues with the church before. But I should not belittle the faith of others when I ask that they not belittle mine. And in the end, nothing about Michael's God precludes the existence of mine, it's..." He rubs at the back of his neck. "It's my own problem. I'm sorry I put it on you."

    He frowns slightly. "Pre-emptive attack...? Perhaps, but they're coming from Heaven and that's a /long/ ways. The other side of Creation. I've been focusing on trying to feel out where the initial attack will be so we can be there and be ready. The new star in the sky, I'm... trying to figure out where it's aiming at."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The gauntlet finally becomes the tendrils again and wraps back into a broad silver band with a large red gem on Sara's wrist. This allows her to switch the tea from her left hand to her right, and lay the left hand on Jon's shoulder lightly.

"Trust me, I intended to make sure your name was on it and not mine," she comments with a smile, but the smile is forced this time. Not over the report, but over Jon's state of being right now. All this pressure and stress resting on him, as if he were the only one in the world who could possibly hold the answers.

"Jon," she says with a soft, concerned tone. "Is there anything I can do for you? Is there something you need or want that I can get you, or do for you? You already said to keep an eye on Martin, and I swear on my father's grave that I will do everything I can to ensure his safety when the shit hits the fan, but right now..." She sighs quietly. "Let me be there for you right now, help /you/."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny nods softly to him. "And we're not gonna handle this alone." He looks around then. "If you'll have me, anyway." Johnny mentions, though he nods. "Best to have a group of people you can rely on...and honestly, I've been on my own for far too long." Too long indeed.

Though as Jon apologizes for doubting Johnny's faith, Blaze dismisses the issue with a wave of his hand. "Don't worry about it. I messed with yours first." It seems they will get along decently, or so it would appear. "It happens. I wouldn't worry about it." He rubs the back of his neck, though talk of a pre-emptive attack makes JOhnny nods. "I can get us there. Some neat tricks learned since being the Rider. I have a quarry now. A target. Vengeance screams his name like a choir. Since I have that in mind, I can open a portal to heaven and cross the void."

Johnny sighs. "Not the most accurate in the world though, but...we all must have great senses. Or...as soon as we find out wher ethe initial attack is happening, we can chokepoint that area." Though his eyes shift to Sara as she retracts the Witchblade. "Barely know either of you, but I'm not one to jump ship."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sighs and glances at Sara. "Beyond keeping Cael in good spirits? Wilson encouraged her to find a new therapist, and I agree. Someone from work." By which he means SHIELD. "I..."

    He clearly choose his words carefully. "I understand your concern, Pezzini. I am... adjusting to something very new. People are turning to me for leadership, for guidance. Saying I'm at the 'center' of this. And... I suppose I am, now. By fate or by choice, I'm not certain. But I am... not used to it. Not certain what to do with it. I'm getting a therapist, same as Cael. I /need/ to, I /need/ to take the time, if I'm... doing all I've been doing, you know?" He swallows. "And Wilson, ahh... we're going to... be certain I'll be ready. When Michael comes for me."

    That hangs heavy in the air for a moment. How do you /prepare/ for that?

    He shakes himself and looks to Johnny. "I'm glad to have you, and I'm sure the others will be too. We're... sort of informal still, leadership-wise, so it's kind of a matter of 'show up' for now. I'm hoping to address that at the meeting, get a few things hammered out before the shit hits the fan, as it were. And if you can get us to Heaven? If we can get Chas off that door and short-circuit this whole thing? I think that's a /terrific/ idea."

    He frowns. "Best I don't go, though. Not when I'm a wanted man, metaphorically speaking."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara's hand remains on Jon's shoulder as she listens to him. It makes sense, everything he said, but it was still talking in circles and not an answer to the question.

"You can't do any of this alone," she says plainly. "Sure, get a therapist, get yourself ready, whatever it is you feel you need, but you still didn't answer the question, not fully. What do you /need/, Jon?" She gives his shoulder a squeeze.

"I get it, you want to appear strong and like you can handle anything thrown at you, but I know the truth. Not one of us are meant to stand alone and rock solid. So... I'm going to give you a couple of days to think on it, really think on it, and then I'm coming at you with all the things my aunt would require me to have to make a friend feel better... the only way to avoid it, figure out what you need and let me know so I can help."

She glances to Johnny as she takes her hand of Jon's shoulder. "I already know who will end up voted in as the leader of the Justice League Dark," she offers bluntly. "Provided of course we all live past January 6th. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has seen this person right there, at the center of every single event and situation that's come up, and handle the shit with not only skill and knowledge, but with a perceived air of authority. If no one else has seen it, their lose, I know who my vote is for."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny nods softly to...well, Jonny, but without the 'h'. "Yeah. I don't really care much for leaders. Too much put on their shoulders. I prefer everyone having a say. Think round-table shit." Johnny puts in his two-cents, and he nods softly at the approval of being able to get the team to Heaven. "Count on me. Sooner we get him off of that door, we might save earth the hassle of an invasion from on high." He tilts his head though.

"Yeah, plenty of that to go around."

He turns his attention to Sara. "My opinion on leaders still stands." Though he looks between Sara and Jonathan, tilting his head as he looks around. "Should I give you two the room?" Since they might have some shit to sort out.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon actually huffs in irritation at Sara. "I am /not/ alone, Pezzini. I have my husband. I have my friends, and the team. I spend entirely too much time getting my phone flooded with memes from a bunch of bloody teenagers and 20-somethings who think they're funny and tell me I text like an old man." He says it with fondness rather than irritation.

    "I'm not trying to appear strong--I know damn well that I'm not. But fine... if you want something concrete to do? Find me the best hot dog stand in New York, and take me there." He smiles at her. "I /mean/ it. I want to enjoy my city while it's still safe, and enjoy my life and remember why it's worth living."

    He looks to Johnny and shrugs. "Maybe that's what we decide on. I'm not..." A glance to Sara. "I don't know if you're right, but I appreciate the vote of confidence. I've been... trying to do my best, too coordinate things. But we need to have something figured out before we're in the middle of an actual war."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara shakes her head at Johnny's offer of the room as she says, "Nah, no need for that. Just putting on my Aunt Ruth's 'mom' face is all. I don't have a whole lotta friends, lots of people I work with, lots I 'know', but friends? Cael, Jon and Wade are pretty much it." She doesn't go into the fact that Cael and Jon were a fucking mess right now, and that left her feeling extremely alone... a lot.

It may not have been what she excepted, but that didn't change the fact that he was offering her /something/. She had watched him from the first time they met getting more and more bogged down in all the shit, and had seen how it effected him. There was nothing worse than watching a friend slowly sinking in quicksand and not being able to do a damn thing about it.

"You got a deal, Jon," she announces with a smile as she looks back to him. "I know quite a few good places for hot dogs in New York. I'll find the best one and take you, and Martin if you'd like, for lunch... hell, anyone you want to invite, or just you and I."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny stays silent as Jonathan and Sara speak to one another, being the third wheel, essentially. He keeps his arms crossed as he listens, standing straight and tall. "...you have a group text with teens?" Johnny questions Jonathan, before he starts laughing. "and I thought I felt old." he teases him, surely. "Nobody's strong. Never alone, anyway. Rode for what, near thirty years by myself and it didn't get me far."

<<I was there too.>>

The voice in Johnny's soul ripples into his headspace, and Johnny takes great pains not to talk back to it. To Zarathos. To the demon waiting for its next chance to exact vengeance on wrongdoers. Though Johnny does look to Sara. "....so do I get a hot dog too or just the people whose problems you're aware of?" He smirks at Sara. Seems he thought it good to bring some grim humor into the mix. "Besides, if we fail, we'll all die." Johnny further comments. "So we work together as a team. You know anybody who's an expert at divination and asking the universe for some hints?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon blinks at Sara for a moment. "...Really? That short of a list." He turns and suddenly wraps his arms around the woman in a brief, but exuberant hug. He's a huggy person, generally. Then he pulls back to smile at her. "I'm honored."

    He hesitates. "Yesterday it was just... I can't help her, you know? I'm supposed to help people. Heal them. That's my /job/. And the /one/ thing that will help... I can't /do/." He shakes his head, then turns to Johnny.

    "Not a group text. Individually. I... had a teenage daughter, once, myself, and I know a bunch of costumed vigilante sorts. A lot of them are orphans, clones, crazier origins... they need good adults in their lives. I... try to help, where I can." He shrugs. Not what he expected to be doing, but here he is.

    Then a grin. "We can all go get hot dogs, that's fine. More than once, even. And as for divination... we're in her shop. I'm going to ask her what she's got about this, when we talk."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The hug comes as a surprise to Sara, but it is a welcome one. Wrapping her arms around him for that moment as well, she returns it, though perhaps not as exuberantly as him, there is still heart and warmth to it. She's not sure about him being honored, why he would feel that way, but she can accept it. At another time she might actually share the crap that is her life with him, but he's got enough on his plate to deal with right now. Maybe if they all lived and the world didn't end, she'd finally share a little more about herself.

When he shifts back from the hug, she offers a smile to him. "I had some smart ass comment about 'damn right to be honored' but it rang hollow in my own head," she jokes. "So what you get instead is a thanks. I know you want to help her, and I know you can't any more... just remember though, you /have/ helped her. Don't count that out."

Sitting back she looks over at Johnny, her expression looks like she is judging him where he sits, even the slightly narrowed eyes but she can't hold the look. A smile breaks out and she chuckles, "Yeah, you can get in on the hot dog. There is no where better to get a hot dog than New York, and you haven't lived until you've had a New Yorker Dog. It's my responsibility, as a full blown Yorker, to introduce you all to the culture."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Everybody judges Blaze. He doesn't seem to mind being under Sara's scrutinizing gaze when she agrees that he can get in on the hot dog action. "Yeah, that's probably true. I'm from Illinois, but Chicago has some pretty good hot dogs. And some pretty neat Greek places too." He comments with a subtle nod. "But New York food is pretty good from what I've had of it so far." Blaze's eyes then turn to Jon, giving him a nod.

"I know the feeling. I uh...have two kids. Son and a daughter." Johnny chuckles a little bit. "But hey...as someone who has felt what its like to lose everyone and everything...and never get it back? Never take that for granted." Johnny looks at Jon then, his face turning serious as he straightens himself up. "Then we talk. Let me know what you find out. He writes something on a piece of paper and sets it on the table. Its a phone number.

"Till then, I have a demon to take care of. You two try and stay out of trouble, yeah?" He turns then, and starts to head out of the shop, where a gorgeous motorcycle is waiting for him.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon goes to pick up the slip of paper and puts the number in his phone like the damn millenial that he is. He watches Johnny go with a concerned expression. There's something there, but then there almost always is, in the world they live in. He'll get there in time or he won't. Either way--an excellent new member of the group.

    He heaves a sigh. "Well. It's getting late. I... need to get some walking in before I need to get back to Martin. I'm /going/ to figure out where they're going to arrive at, by the gods." He smiles. "Be well, Sara. And..." He sighs. He wants to ask her to say hi to Cael for him, but he knows his presence hurts her, right now. "Just... yeah. Be well."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara watches Johnny stand and depart, offering a quick, "I'll send you my number once I get yours into my phone. Call if you need any backup."

After Jon is done, she adds Johnny's number to her own phone, sends him a text so he'll have her number, then removes the slip of paper from the table so no one else can go around just randomly calling the Ghost Rider. Standing up, she collects the tea cups to take to the counter, her father raised her to be considerate after all, then lays a ten dollar bill by them.

"We'll get some hot dogs after Christmas," she offers, making sure the money is under a cup then turns to look back toward the door for a moment. "The same goes for you though, if something comes up and you need me, call. I'm presently 'off duty' until the NYPD finishes deciding which precinct will have the new unit I'll be heading up, so..." she looks back to Jon.

"Tell Martin hello for me, and be safe out there," she finally adds, then collects her heavier coat to pull on.