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Latest revision as of 05:19, 24 December 2021

It's Winter
Date of Scene: 21 December 2021
Location: Swimming Pool / Patio Deck
Synopsis: People drank cider!
Cast of Characters: Jimmy Hudson, Roberto da Costa, Monet St. Croix, Ororo Munroe, Maxwell Wave

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Oftentimes in a small community it takes rather little to create a few waves. Starts with a small thing out of the ordinary, a man strolling through the mansion carrying something conspicuous that draws the eye. Of course there are whispers, small ones from student to student wondering what Mr. Hudson might be up to since he's toting what seems to be a brass cauldron under one arm as if it were Halloween and some toil and trouble had to be conjured forth.
    Then there was a second trip, from front drive to back patio area again. This time the man was carrying a big cardboard box with an image on the side of flames and fire and steel. A /third/ trip was needed for the groceries and by that point one of the braver students had poked her head out and asked...
    "What's up, Mr. Hudson?"
    Which as the sound of bottles clinking together inside a paper bag was heard, was answered by the tall man as he strolled. "Staff meeting."
    Which served to resolve the situation. For now at least. But once he was out there on the patio near the pool, in a halo of light from one of the exterior lamps, soon enough a fire was going on that steel stove. And that cauldron was set upon a grate atop it. Which meant things were ready for the real work to get done.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa has recently returned to the mansion after spending some time back home to deal with a few business matters and the like. He's wearing a black and white Christmas sweater with the words GUCCI on the front in between a pair of rampant reindeer, along with slacks and loafers. He's grown a well-trimmed beard during his time away, neat but masculine, his hazel eyes sparkling. Having finished settling back in, he's been around enough to know when a commotion is beginning and so finds his way out to the patio.

Roberto regards the fire with a cocked head, his hands in his pockets as he comes out, "Open fire cooking is kind of a primal thing. I hope you brought enough steak. Fire is made for steak. I would know what fire wants. I basically am fire, after all," he says.

He extends a hand to Jimmy, "Roberto da Costa," he says. "Don't think I've had the pleasure."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Currently sitting over in one of the pool chairs, Monet St. Clair is over in a dark black two piece swimsuit. More conservative than others might wear. She knows she's gorgeous, and she has no reason to impress any of the others. So Monet is simply closing her eyes and sitting out over on it no matter the weather. One arm is up and over in a sling as well as her ribs have been taped up, but she doesn't seem to be over in any sort of pain, or at least not displaying it.

"Oh, yes, whatever is so critical that you must do it now?" The Moroccan mutant seems passively irritable, which seems one of her defaults.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's been lurking up in her attic loft an awful lot, but even cool, implaccable weather goddesses sometimes must descend to Earth to deal with the affairs of mortals.

Or, more accurately, Ororo Munroe's coming back from last minute panicked Christmas shopping, dressed in a snug turtleneck sweater, a soft, dark black with felt reindeer across the chest to contrast a snug pair of well-worn blue jeans. Yes, she's gone full on casual for the day, and her arms loaded down with shopping bags that she's careful to ensure no one gets a peek in. Her plan _was_ to simply lift off from the back yard and up to her refuge... but instead eyebrows lift, and she's drawn towards Jimmy and his cauldron, one eyebrow staying lifted, lips quirking in good-natured mock confusion, "Wait, was I so busy I managed to lose track of time until Halloween all over again?"

See? She's goddess of humour, as well!

Maxwell Wave has posed:
Somewhere in the second story of the mansion, a goggle-wearing face peers out a window and sees the fire-pit operation. He cannot be heard, but the reading of his lips lends itself to something like "Oh hell yes."

It's not long after that Max emerges wearing a Star Wars-themed holiday sweater, black sweat pants, and a pair of tan slippers with rubber soles. Its a perfectly normal holiday outfit for cold-weather lounging except for the welder style goggles which conceal his eyes.

"Alright, what pool side treats are we serving today?" He asks eagerly before roaming over to an empty pool chair. Monet gets a once over because of a combination of swimsuit and the evidence of injuries. He comments casually, "Well... that doesn't look fun."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Unfortunately doesn't look like there are steaks to be had. There's plenty of fire, a good amount of flame that's licking the bottom of that cauldron and causing its contents to bubble bubble, no toil and trouble, misquote such as it is. But there's a pleasing scent, cloves and spices, that tang of cider in the air that likely steals the mystery of what's in the cauldron.
    Jimmy, fire-tender in attendance, turns at the sound of another's approach. His features brighten with a smile as he steps towards Roberto. A rough hand is extended for a shake and they share that grip. Business-like, sharp, three shakes and done. Then the Canadian mutant's voice lifts, "Roberto. Good to meet you, heard a few things about you around about the homestead."
    James Hudson does have that look of his father to him, worn and weathered in a similar way but a touch more at ease with himself. He's wearing a large black coat that protects from the winter's bite, blue jeans, and a black beanie that completes that cold season look. Not quite that edge that's there in the elder Howlett. "James Hudson, Jimmy if you like."
    Though that's the moment when Ororo wanders on up and Monet tosses her verbal hand grenade in the vague direction of the gathering. At first Jimmy addresses the jovial weather goddess and says to her, "Miss Munroe." In way of greeting. "Gimme a few minutes and it'll be less a trick and more a treat."
    Since, to be fair, the cider does smell good. And amongst the grocery bags and rubbish from the packaging there's a pack of solo cups just waiting to be used. Along with a pair of bottles of brandy.
    Though as Max makes his approach he gets a lifted hand wave, "Some mulled cider. Soonish."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa returns the shake with a confident swagger, turning his head towards the others as they arrive (or, in Monet's case, speak up), "Cider sounds good. Very American. I don't think I've ever had it, but the idea intrigues," he says.

He regards Monet's swimsuit in December outfit with a bit of approval. She probably doesn't feel the cold and is just showing off. Roberto, of all people, can always appreciate a show-off.

"There are many kinds of fun. Some of them can lead to injury, especially if done energetically," he says with a wink.

He eyes Ororo's shopping bags and approaches her a few steps, "Buy anything fun, or is it all top secret? I think I'd still be a believer if Santa looked like you, Ororo."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at the others, and move to let out a low grumble, "Keep to yourself." She would warn no one in particular while moving to sit up and over while glancing at Ororo, moving to fold her arm over, "Ms. Munroe." She would nod at Ororo nd pay some level of attention, and then glance at Roberto, "The not fun kind." She would give him an evaluation and then a smirk. "But keep your hands to yourself or I'll consider giving you an injury of the not fun kind."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo finds a spot out of the way of foot traffic to settle down her impressive haul of goods, almost maintaining utmost secrecy, though a plush antler peeks free of one bag before it's carefully stuffed back inside.

Eyebrows perk as she lifts a hand in a wave to Monet, eying her injured state, lips starting to curve into a concerned frown.

Except then Roberto's opining about potential causes of injury and she can't hold back a snort of amusement, "Energetically but incorrectly maybe! ...I am going to resist the urge to make a remark about practice making perfect." She snaps and points an accusatory finger, "And don't you worry about what I was able to find! You'll know when it's _time_ to know, friend!"

She waves to Max and grins crookedly, "I mean, does it count as a pool side treat in December if it just happens to be beside the pool? ...Oh god, we're not doing that polar bear plunge thing, are we? Because honestly, I can cheat at it."

Maxwell Wave has posed:
Max gives Jimmy a thumbs up on the mulled cider, "That sounds fantastic, I don't think I've ever had it served from a cauldron."

An eyebrow rises over of his goggles at Roberto, "I guess you can have fun getting the injuries, but can't tell me its fun to recover from them."

Monet's standoff attitude gets an eyeroll... very well concealed behind goggles. "Hey... this is a recreational area. No-one is forced to be social, but if you aren't in the mood for company, maybe you should be chillin' in a more quite place? I walked out here for the purpose of not keeping to myself. Plenty of lab space available if I want to keep to my own thoughts, you know."

Ororo gets an enthusiastic wave the hands to emphasize his next comment, "NO Thanks! I'll pass on the polar bear thing too. And yes, it does count. On the side of the pool... tasty... that's a pool side treat."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Taking the chance, James advances on up to the cauldron and takes up the wooden spoon of some size that is within it. He stirs, making sure not to disrupt where the cheesecloth wrapped spices are held against the side of the huge pot. Some slices of fruit can be seen floating hither and yon as he leans over and takes a sniff. For most it's a nice scent, but someone like James the rich smell is a heady thing.
    Sidelong he murmurs, "Don't let Monet get ta ya. Her bark etcetera." Which might well cause another entire round of new 'barking', but he shoulders that burden well. "One of you mind grabbing one of those cups?"
    Jimmy tilts his head and gestures with a nod in the direction of one of the bags. Then he steps toward one of the others on the other side and begins to unwrap a ladel. Apparently a tasting is in the offing.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa makes a 'foiled again' motion with his fist, swinging it to the side, "Ah, you can't blame a man for trying to get a peek. At your gifts. Not those gifts, the ones...you know what, I'm going to stop following that trail."

To Monet, he smiles, holding his hands up palms out, "Wouldn't dream of it. I'm very respectful of other people's personal space, so long as I'm not punching them into outer space."

He regards the pool with a wary eye, "I think I'll pass on the swim. This is cashmere," he says, stroking a hand over his Gucci sweater. He takes his turn at the proferred ladel, sipping carefully and perking up his eyebrows, "Robust. Needs booze."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would just glance at Jimmy, and then note, "I can -hear- you and I'm right here." There's a resisted growl from her but remembering these things about 'socializing' she would go to let out and sigh while going to sit up and over and just smile at Roberto, "Good, so long as we understand one another then there will be no issues." She considers the matter resolved over while moving to adjust herself, switching her arm up a little more to ensure that it was comfortable and it was not pressing too close to her bruised ribs.
    "So, Miss Munroe, are there any plans for the team to do something moreso.. Involved than holiday caroling?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo rolls her eyes at Roberto and snickers out, "Well, now I'm going to be keeping an eye on you if you ever start musing about stocking stuffers, Mr. da Costa." She points two fingers to her eyes, then to him in... mocking fashion? Yes. Definitely mocking. Surely.

She waits her turn for a cup of cider, sipping at it, eyebrows perking as she shrugs to Monet, "Oh, nothing I've really heard of... I think I'm supposed to help Rogue borrow that sleigh she likes to give kids rides in, I was thinking maybe some sort of trip to the city, if not for Christmas, between it and the new year, see if there are any good shows going on, or drag some people to a concert. You know, good, respectable, only partially likely to result in any dramatics worthy of news coverage."

She grins to Max and points a finger, "See? That's good and simple logic. It's beside the pool, it's a pool side snack. Just like if you order a pizza late enough, it counts as a bedtime snack, not a horrible decision." She glances down at the cider and murmurs out, "Well, this could use a little something extra... but no one's adding anything directly to the cauldron. We're going to be _responsibly_ irresponsible, people. No getting the kids tipsy."

Maxwell Wave has posed:
Max hops back up onto his slippers and roams over to the cauldron. He grabs a couple of cups and offers them to Jimmy to have them filled.

Returning back to pool chairs, he offers one in Monet's direction. "Want a drink, grumpy?"

He doesn't quite wait for an answer and just sets it down beside her on the ground within reach before returning to his own pool chair. Sprawling out, he sips at the warm beverage and offers a pleased sigh. "That's a little bit of heaven."

Tilting his head, he glances Ororo's direction and hums. "Yea, it could use a splash of rum, but I'm feeling too lazy to walk back to my room to grab a bottle. I'll just settle for warm and spicy."

Looking over his shoulder toward the horizon, "You know, getting out for some winter sports doesn't sound like a bad time. Or maybe ice-skating on the lake."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa adds, "At the very least, were it to go into the cauldron, it should be done surreptitiously while all the so-called adults have their backs turned. At least that's how it always went at the Christmas festivities I've attended here," he says.

"And you may keep your eye on me as much as you like, Storm. I'm very easy on the eyes and I'm sure you'll enjoy the view," he says. He takes a proper glass of the cider and takes a long, slow drink, enjoying the way the warmth spreads through him. At Maxwell's suggestion, he nods, "A ski trip would be excellent, too. I could rent a cabin. I suppose I'd have to get the extra insurance, knowing how Xavier's trips usually go."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Shifting in her position, Monet would make a show of magnaminiously accepting, "Very well. Your proposal has merit." As with everything make it seems o that the others were almost being obescient for her. "The weather in this region is not particularly enjoyable." She would speak as if making light conversation. "Is there anything that you can happen to do about it, Ms. Munroe, on these days that we do not particularly wish to deal with it?"
    Someone is asking for the possible abuse and/or enjoyable utilization of powers

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's eyebrows perk, her mouth almost falls open as she eyes Monet... a request! To control the weather! To subvert the very whims of nature herself!

Not that she's even done pretending to look scandalized at the idea before her face is taking on that certain expression, a distant concentration, winds settling, temprature rising... not _too_ fast, certainly it's unnatural, but she's not pushing things to 'Summer in December' levels.

"You know, Monet, most people just dress in layers this time of year. But I am benevolent... and, really, quite frankly one month of winter is enough for me to have _my_ fill... well, unless we do another ski resort trip. I think Jean mentioned we're going to be looking into one, so you might get a break on paying for it Roberto! ...Although yes. Definitely insurance."

She sighs and shakes her head, "So we're all agreed the cider would be better spiked, but no one's carrying a flask or anything? We're downright responsible! ...This must be Jean's doing." She nods solemnly, as though positive it is both Jean's doing, and that somewhere, Jean knows she knows.

Maxwell Wave has posed:
"A cabin sounds amazing. Get fully unplugged. Get my head out of the tech. Even better if we take a normal vehicle instead of a supersonic jet." Max adds evidently wanting a morsel of nostalgia for the holidays.

Glancing between Monet and Ororo, he seems curious about the answer, because he might have been thinking similar in terms of getting 'good snow' or maybe having a certain lake freeze solid for safe skating.

"Oh official trip, huh? Even better." He offers an apologetic shrug, "Its either responsibility or the sheer laziness of being unwilling to walk fifty meters. I'm guessing the latter."

Sipping more deeply from his cup, Max rises up and walks back to the cauldron to get another serving from Jimmy. "Though if our chef requests it, I might walk back in."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shift over to glance at Ororo, "Just as I do not mind the weather so long as it is not at extremes does not mean that I cannot appreciate the nicer ones. One can learn to enjoy the plesaantness of it as opposed to the cold. Do you not enjoy using your abilities when they are available to find that zone where you most enjoy it based upon your mood?" She would shrug.

"I find that the cider does not require to be spiked, merely hot. Particularly in this weather. Though I do not get intoxicated." A lie, but a relatively smooth and mostly resaonable one.