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No Relaxing In The Cove
Date of Scene: 23 December 2021
Location: Ruby Cove
Synopsis: The Black Knight and Clint Barton rescue Carin Taylor from unknown enemies with timely (and unlikely) assistance from Doctor Octopus!
Cast of Characters: Dane Whitman, Clint Barton, Carin Taylor, Otto Octavius

Dane Whitman has posed:
Ruby Cove is a famously gorgeous but out of the way site in Happy Harbor. Almost like a local secret given how it seldom shows up in the tourist catalogues, yet is well known to geologists in the local universities and rural residents. That makes it a perfect getaway for one Dane Whitman.

The Black Knight is sans his infamous regalia, but in rare form this evening, for evening it be. Sunset, to be more precise. As gorgeous as this site is by day, it's special at night as well. The strange geology takes on an almost eerie quality in the water with the reflection of the evening sun.

Dane has made something of a spectacle of this as part of his recent philanthropic adventures. Last week it was a luncheon at the local viking restaurant, today it's an evening at Ruby Cove and he's pulled out the stops for this town. Signs are out and kids from the local elementary school are here along with a geology professor from the local junior college explaining the mysteries of the Cove to the kids who are willing to listen. Dane himself is just smiling and being there along with his butler Bartholomew.

He is a goatman. No, seriously. Don't let the confusion of the locals who think his head is a mask fool you.

Clint Barton has posed:
Ruby Cove.

Despite how many times Clint visits Happy Harbor, he's never actually been over here. Of course he's in his super attire. Never know when you need an arrow fired at somebody (or something) and so Clint has a full quiver on his back and his foldable bow on his side, while he wears a fitted longcoat so he can still move freely -and- help him stave off the cold.

Because the cold sucks.

Though imagine Clint's surprise when he sees a FREAKING GOATMAN chatting it up with, from what he knows, a random guy. "Hey uh...don't know about you, but don't see many goat guys around here. You're not a friend of Thor, are you?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    RThere are quite a few watching the goatman walking around with his friend, and some giggling from the kids who see it, assuming it's some sort of joke. And one who will ask Dane and company "Hey, you guys filmin' something? Where's the camera?"

    Something of interest to the local life guards as well as some passerby is found out on the beach...a long trench in the sand, shallower on one end than the other. "'S gotta be those damn ATVs against, or dune buggies! Rippin' up the beach..." an older man argues, kicking at the edge of the trench as some of the reddish sand spills over the edge.

    The geologist with the kids has been distracted by it as well. "It could be a meteorite, actually. Though those usually come down hotter and there's no sign of burns...." A couple of the kids have walked down into the trench and are poking around in the deep end.

    There's also other "tourists" hanging around. Pairs of men and women that appear to be just...wandering the area, heads on swivel as they look over the area, occasionally pausing to look behind some of the food shacks that a few enterprising entrepreneurs have set up selling drinks and various junk foods.

    To someone like Clint...it's very clearly a search pattern, and the people making it really don't look like they belong in civilian clothes. Even Dane might notice it, simply because of how they're blanketing the area. Also, that they all came in SUVs that are parked in a row in the parking area, all dark blues or blacks.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Bartholomew is the very picture of dignity. Or he would be had he the head of a man, though somehow this doesn't detract, even as he gives a sheepish neigh, before glancing to Clint and replying coarsely in a British accent,"Why would I associate with a drunken buffoon with a hammer only marginally harder than his skull? I have enough troubles...pardon me, where are my manners? Would you like a drink? Strictly non alcoholic, there are children present."

Dane on the other hand is with the geologist investigating the trench. He is a physicist by trade, which is useful here as he rebuffs the skeptics,"If it were an ATV, the gravel discharge would be different. Also, the indention is vee shaped, not you shaped as would be appropriate for a tire."

The geologist hrms and nods in confirmation of this. Nudging the glasses further up her nose, she is quite engrossed in the investigation as the kids mill around, enjoying the water. The supervising teacher keeps them in the shallows as a compromise, having earlier given up keeping them out of it entirely whatwith the cold!

Dane's dark eyed gaze flicks up at the new arrivals, his lips pursing in consideration of their lack of interest in the discourse. Bart offers one of them a drink.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint tilts his head slightly at Dane, though Bartholomew as the goatman is called gives a sheepish neigh and it would appear that this goatman has every desire to roast Thor on a spit. "Ah huh...well then, wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've done. Sorry about mentioning the big guy with the hammer. Name's Clint, by the way." He introduces himself, having little need for a secret identity.

As for the drink? "Sure man, I don't mind. Surprise me."

Though he turns his attention to the group of civilians in a tourist group. Though he understands the search pattern. He seems to unfold his bow, forming a long composite weapon and he reaches for an arrow. "Hmm...this is weird. They don't belong in those clothes, if that makes sense. Like they're hiding something."

Hawkeye looks ready to loose some arrows.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The man offered the drink rather rudely ignores Bart as he looks around, then nods towards some of the rocks near the edge of the beach, gesturing to his companion, who glances down at his phone, pointing it roughly towards the stones, then follows without a word. They don't seem chatty by nature, but very focused. They've also got those...really large phones. Not wide, but thick, like an old time Nokia.

    With his knowledge of physics and the pattern, you'd almost say it was like what you'd see for something solid plowing into the sand at speed. Interestingly, if you look east, this lines up almost directly with some stones that are almost like steps going up over the edge of the beach then back down near the breakwater. There's a couple of the tourists wandering around there too. Also one with her phone out.

    A closer look reveals they do have some suspicious bulges under their jacket, under the armpit, that may be a not well concealed weapon in a holster. Others are carrying duffles over one shoulder that seems fairly heavy.

    That and the dark blue helicopter that's flying overhead now. It has numbers marking it, but no other identifying marks as it passes slowly down the coast overhead. Definitely not a tourist helicopter tour.

    Meanwhile, behind the rocks at the edge of the base, a girl is curled up in a fetal position, bags under her eyes contrasting with her white skin. She definitely didn't come out here for a tan from her pale skin, or her bright suit, but she seems...well, out of it. From her exhausted look, she just passed out right the heck there, after concealing herself.

    WHich may not have been entirely intentional as she snaps awake, jerking up and rapping her head on the underside of the stone ledge she's under. "Ow!" She quickly covers her mouth as the pair of searchers approaching her position snap alert like hunting dogs confronted with prey. The one carrying his bag, unslings it, starting to open it as the other tilts his head down, speaking quietly. Other searchers in the area suddenly change course, starting to converge. About twenty in all in pairs of two.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The man with the geologist is indeed curious enough to follow this phenomenon to where it leads. The trench, that is. The odd people were an afterthought until the helicopter draws the attention of the kids, which in turn draws the teacher, and eventually Dane himself when the downdraft of whirring blades starts disrupting the outing.

Dane rests a hand on his hip as he declares aloud,"Hey, what gives?! You lot, back away from the girl or there's gonna be trouble!"

Chivalry isn't dead, just incognito at the moment. When Dane makes his challenge at the suits surrounding the half conscious girl, Bartholomew raises a palm towards Clint and offers,"My apologies. There seems to be a disturbance, I must check on the guests."

With that, the goatman strides forth towards his employer with a gait so rigid he could have served in the Prussian army!

The geologist is concerned, but she notes that there seems to be responsible people tending the affair, so she will continue investigating the mystery of the trench on her own...without looming onlookers!

Clint Barton has posed:
Yep, there it is.

Soon as trouble starts coming around, Clint draws an arrow and knocks it into his bow, ready to take a shot. The arrowhead doesn't seem like something sharp, something that could pierce on impact. Which means its probably a trick arrow. But he's fully prepared for it to be loosed, even as Bartholomew makes his apologies and excuses himself to check on the guests. "Yeah, don't mind me man."

Clint continues to observe. "I don't like this much at all." Like there was a hate crime that might be in progress.

His eye shifts to Carin Taylor, especially as she seems to hurt her head on a stone ledge. Clint has a clear shot. He can make that shot. He wouldn't miss a shot like this...

But he's not someone to make assumptions and predictions. He's ready to fire, but god help these kids if they do something stupid.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The guy with the duffel nearest to Carin spots her about the same time Dane tells him to lay off. He does not seem inclined to do so, sliding the duffel bag off a rectangular weapon that he shifts to his shoulder, trying to draw a bead on Carin to fire almost immediately. The other draws the pistol under his jacket, pointing it towards Dane.

    SEveral things happen at once, which is the guy with the duffel weapon fires, a spray of what look like mines shooting out from the weapon.

    CArin seems to blur and vanish.

    The guy pulling the weapon on Dane is suddenly not holding a gun anymore, followed by a piece of craftwood swinging into the back of his head held by Carin, which knocks him over. Doesn't really hurt him a lot. She's not exactly muscular looking.

    This is the part where the kids and geologist and assorted onlookers who are not the "tourists" probably may start running away, with accompanying screams and yells.

    The other paired searchers are all similarly drawing weapons as the helicopter banks sharply in the distance, heading back towards the beach.

Dane Whitman has posed:
When the trouble starts, Bartholomew bleats in dismay as he's almost bowled over by kids sprinting by him to get away from the shooting! The upstanding goatman yells,"Please, please! Remain calm, it would be simply dreadful if you were to trample one another! The bus is just up the ridge now, be mindful!"

Children. Mindful. Right.

Dane raises his hands at the pistol drawn on him. He narrows his eyes then, and just as the man is stunned with an out of the blow sucker blow, he intones his word of power,"Avalon!"

Shades of gloom descend upon the athletic physicist and he is briefly like a patch of the night sky fallen. Such is the darkness that engulfs him as the sound of a far away trumpeting fanfare echoes over the countryside. The gates of some distant castle heralding royalty.

And then, where Dane stood there is now...

The Black Knight in all his somber glory.

Through his faceplate, Dane's voice is metallic and he adopts an anglophonic accent as he addresses the attackers,"Thou were't cautioned."

Clint Barton has posed:
They asked for it.

An arrow flies free and true from Clint's bow, the arrow intending to strike one of the thugs right in the forehead. Thank god its not a sharp pointed tip, right? It releases a miniature concussive blast, hopefully taking out one or more guys with him, even as Clint is drawing an arrow.

Of course, he's briefly distracted by the sudden appearance of the Black Knight where the plane Dane Whitman once stood. "Holy crap, a knight of the round table." Clint comments with raised brows. "Heh, I love my life."

He fires off another arrow, this time aiming for a kneecap. Now this one -is- a regular arrowhead. Sometimes, you gotta kneecap a bitch.

"You alright kid?" Clint calls out to Carin, even as he looks towards Dane. "What is that, like three for me? Catch up, King Arthur."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    There's a series of grunts or yells as several of the searchers go down, some more painfully than others, some less conscious than others! All of the paired hunters seem to have the same weapon setup, one with automatic pistol, the other the mine layers...and heedless of the arrival of the Black Knight, or the barrage of arrows from Hawkeye, they don't seem to be backing down. The minelayers turn and begin firing...not at Carin or the two heroes with her, but behind them..which is rapidly creating a ring of mines around the area.

    Carin squeaks in surprise as the Black Knight makes his appearance, then glances at Clint. "I'm, um....' she stammers, having come from sleep to adrenaline rush in under ten seconds pretty much. "Look out!"

    THere's general gunfire as the hunters with the pistols open up on Hawkeye and Black Knight, while Carin blurrs again, almost appearing out of nowhere right at the edge of the newly created minefield as she stops just short, backing up, then blurs again as one of the minelayers takes a swing at her before she trips him, sending him toppling into the mines.

    GWhich snap to life, zapping the guy with electrical arcs as he jerks several times, then crumples.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The Black Knight interjects himself between Clint and a mass of gunmen, declaring,"I am the guardian at the gates, thou art the archer. Do as the archer does."

Dane takes his part seriously. As he briefly monologues, he is tapping his wrist, casuing a triangular apparition to sizzle into being that rapidly coalesces into a transluscent shield before him. The bullets that pepper the plates of his armored personage now impact a kite shield of hard light! A moment later and a sword of similar fashion is in his right hand from somewhere beneath that heavy cape, and he marches towards the gunmen...

Then charges!

His speed is improbable for a man in such armor, though nothing compared to the girl for sure. He's not a blur, but he moves like a man unencumbered as that blade of light cleaves the guns from several hands in a single arc, then that shield slams a gunman towards an awaiting mine!

Clint Barton has posed:
When Dane suggests that Clint is an archer and he should stay back like an archer, Clint looks at Dane with a frown. "Come on man, don't stereotype me like that." Clint grunts out, even as he thinks about shooting Dane in the back. "No one would know...." He mutters to himself, before he remembers that he's one of the good guys. Not that he would've shot Dane in the back anyway, but he -could-!

Respect them archers yo. Especially one of the few who shine in close quarters combat like Clint.

Though they start pulling out some guns, it would appear. "Oh come on, you can't even pull out some sticks and stones?" Clint immediately ducks for cover to avoid getting shot at. Though as he goes for that slide into cover, he fires off an arrow into the barrel of a handgun, a beeping sound heard before it explodes. Probably crippling a man's hand for the rest of his life.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The tourist with the handgun goes flying, his hand a ruin as he's knocked off his feet, as a pair of dark SUVs screech into the parking lot, then right onto the sand, driving straight at Clint and Dane before shuddering to a halt, their doors opening as troopers in unmarked body armor slide out of the doors. Clint is pushed back towards the lot as about half the newcomers move to intercept him along with a few of the tourists. The remaining group of five moves towards Dane, opening fire with their rifles.

    Carin, meanwhile, looks a bit panicky at the ring of electromines that have been laid at the perimeter, locking her in place. "Dammit!" She grabs one of the empty mine launchers from a downed trooper and throws it, only for it to immediately be zapped in the midair with electrical charges. "I can't get out?!?" She looks around wildly, then twitch and blurs again as several of the tourists pull what look like some sort of grenade, arming them and throwing. A shower of firework bursts of electricty shoot out from them in a spiral over the area where she just was as she stops again on the other side of the circle closer to Dane. In the distance, the helicopter is rapidly approaching.

Otto Octavius has posed:
Originally, it was a scouting tour of the area. Finding decent places for stashes or hidden labs wasn't easy after all... and beachfront areas make for good escape routes in case a location is compromised.

Of course, now that a firefight is happening, that means investigators coming from the authorities. Scouting will have to be dealt with later. Right now, he needs information.

As the helicoptor starts to descend, a pair of metallic tentacles come up to each side of it and suddenly grab onto each side and /pull/ at it, down to the rooftop Otto was hiding on, both his remaining tentacles anchoring him to the building as he does it.

Should be easy enough to interrogate the pilot on goings on...

Dane Whitman has posed:
Clint glowers at the men in the SUV, he's smarting at being told to stand back by the knight. Like he's helpless or something. Men in proper body armor with actual combat grade weapons is definitely his speed, no matter what Sir Lancelot over there thinks. The man known as Hawkeye leaves Dane to it, bounding off with a concussion arrow shot into their wake as he makes to acrobatically blitz into their wake...

Meanwhile, Sir Lancelot here would have a thing or two to say about that. He represents Sir Percival, first of all.


Dane turns to Carin at the electrical barrage she's enduring, and a plan comes to mind. Slicing another weapon from a foe too stupid to realize guns are no match for him in melee, he grabs the man by the collar of his shirt and makes to bodily drag the man over...

Then sling him at the electrical cage Carin's in, encouraging him on his way with a smart kick to his rear!

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The tourist goes flying and hits the swirling cage with a shriek as the bars ground on his body, long enough for Carin to zip through the hole that's there for just a split second, staggering as she reappears, shaking her head, then blurring again, a pair of the armored troopers going down as the others are knocked sprawling before she snaps back to normal speed behind one of the SUVs. This at least lessens some of the fire coming towards Dane, though the ten or so remaining tourists are definitely partly focused on him, as the five who were carrying the minelaunchers drop them to draw long blades that shimmer with heat as the charge at Dane, trying to surround him.

    The helicopter jerks off course as its abruptly grabbed as it tilts to the side sharply, its engine starting to scream as it tries to pull away but is slowly pulled down. A door on the side slides open as more armored troopers inside brace themselves, trying to bring rifles to bear on Otto before opening fire towards him.

Otto Octavius has posed:
Another tentacle unanchors from the rooftop and suddenly jackhammers right through the rifles that the troopers were bringing to bear, even as the two tentacles grabbing the sides of the helicoptor.

Of course, he doesn't stop there, he has no idea what's inside it... so that same tentacle that went for the rifles smacks both troopers in the head with a pincer: just enough to knock them out inside the heli. He wanted them alive to check for ID.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane is grateful that the halfcocked ploy worked, and in the heat of the moment he catches a glimpse of the Doctor wreaking havoc on the helicopter. Strange times make for strange friends, though he's well aware that the Doctor is no friend of his! Beggars can't be choosers though...

A sword fight! How grand, now...Dane is smiling.

The swordsman snaps off his saber, and grabs the last thing these men want him to grab. He intones,"Thou hast brought this on thine own heads. Challenge accepted."

And an ill wind doth blow as that evil blade is loosed in their midst. The Ebon Blade shines crimson as it be bore ready by the swordsman in black, and he lashes out with sudden inhuman fury at the bladesmen to his rear with a cry,"TO THE PAIN!"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The trooper in the copter are knocked cold by the swirling metal tentacle, as the helicopter is dragged lower and lower towards the rooftop, the pilot desperately trying to fight to pull free as the hull rips around where the tentacles grip it. But Doc Ock has control of the horizontal and the vertical!

    The attackers on Dane quickly discover it was a very bad idea to attack someone who has a sword of his own and knows how to use it, the Ebon Blade slicing easily through them as they fall to the ground. The others, strangely do not get pulled up short by their compatriots going down. With a lack of visible emotion they throw themselves at Dane, one going high, one going low.

    Only for both of them to suddenly jerk as a burst of green and yellow swirls round them, one going flying through the air to land heavily, the other crumpling, choking for air as Carin comes out of superspeed assault, panting. "They're not made to stop! We gotta get out of here!"

Otto Octavius has posed:
With the pilot fighting him every step on the way, Otto has no interest in getting involved further with the gunfight below. Instead of going to the obvious conclusion of landing the helicopter on the rooftop, that tentacle that knocked out the troopers goes right into the pilot seat and /yanks the pilot right out of the chair forcibly/.

Then, without even a glance downwards, he leans the helicopter back a bit... and tosses the entire thing right towards the ocean. Hard.

One out of control helicopter, incoming to the beach!

Otto? He just starts 'walking' further into Happy Harbor, hopping across rooftops with the pilot in tow as he heads for another safehouse to have a 'chat' with the poor pilot.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane cuts through these addled swordsmen like the proverbial hot knife through butter.

The Black Knight is renowned for being /good/. Maybe even the best with a sword. With the Ebon Blade...he's more than human.

That blade cuts through the super heated swords like they aren't there. His first advance brings the crossguard to the throat of one, whom he just bulls into a pair of partners before jabbing the guard into the side of his neck, then planting an elbow across his face followed by a massive pommel to his chest to knock them sprawling.

This combo is concluded with the flat of his blade whipping across the face of one who thought to advance on his six!

Murder is dancing on the edge of his vision, holding that evil weapon...

Carin Taylor has posed:
    he tourists are just not up to the task, with Black Knight hacking his way right through their blades to slam into them with the force of a charging lancer, crumpling as he hits them, or the blur that is Carin, spins between the remainder, forced to fight since she can't flee.

    TMeanwhile, elsewhere, a figure in a suit watches the battle, apparently through the eyes of one of the assailants. A man in a lab coat steps up. 'Sir...we've confirmed, it's Barton, and the other is the Black Knight. Also Doctor Octavius." The man reaches up, pinching the bridge of his nose. "...I see. Terminate the capture team. We'll have to find another good moment to retrieve the asset." The man hesistates, then nods to someone out of sight. The screen splits into many viewpoints, all of which suddenly become red tinged, a line through the picture as they flip from the battle to the image of the individual in question.

    At the beach, the downed bodies as well as the couple still standing, reeling, twitch, arching, then crumple like puppets with their strings cut.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The Black Knight is just getting warmed up!

Shots ping off of his plated form, the bullets crumpling agaisnt unearthly steel as he wheels with that blade of woe...

And then they all fall. And not to his reaping assault. What devilry is this...

Dane rightens, fist tightening on the handle of his weapon as he marches over the fallen figures, blood tinged eyes surveying the denied carnage...

And the Berserker in Black screams his unvented murder.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin looks around as they drop, something in her eyes suggesting it's not the first time she's seen something like that as she jumps at the armored knight screaming, blurring backwards slightly in reflex away from him. She seems wary to say the least, glancing around but still stymied by the ring of mines from fleeing the scene quite yet.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The man in black breathes heavily, the swirling emotions within stilled by the cathartic outburst for the moment. That gives him the clarity of mind to stow the death dealing weapon...

And find calm once more with a gasp as the storm over his consciousness parts. Dampness comes over his eyes as he unfastens and removes a gauntlet, then flips his visor to wipe them clear before remembering his previous purpose...

Which sees him whirling with a start,"Oh, my...miss, are you alright?!"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The odd girl still looks a bit like a deer ready to bolt, jumping a little as Dane whirls around. "Y-yes! I'm...yes, Im'...good..." she stammers a bit, hugging herself slightly. "Um, are you...okay?" she offers back after a moment of uncertainty.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane's wary eyes take note of the mines, ever mindful of them as he flushes from embarrassment rather than excitement!

The Black Knight reattaches his gauntlet, flexing the hand within as he replies,"Erm, yes. My apologies, I do get worked up in a fight. It takes quite a lot to...nevermind. Again..."

He then stops a few paces from Carin, offering of all things a bow of courtesy as he finalizes,"My apologies."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin watches him alertly. Up close it's easy to see the bags under her reddened eyes, the general slouch to her body, the general exhaustion in her posture. "...sure?" she says, looking unsure how to respond to the courtesy. "Thanks for, um, stopping them, mister...uh...knight....guy?" she says tentatively, unsure what to call him.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The knight chuckles modestly as he rightens and smiles, touching an earpiece to mumble something. He himself has bags under his eyes, though probably not as prominent as her own. It might be that the crowsfeet pick up the slack. Yeah, that's it.

Dane smiles ine manner of his chuckle, then replies again,"Twas my pleasure. I can arrange a safe place for you, should you need one. And I think you do, but I won't impose it on you."

Carin Taylor has posed:
"...a...safe place?" the wary girl murmurs, watching Dane intently. "Where? And why is it safe?" She looks around slightly. "We can't stay here, they're going to come looking again."

Dane Whitman has posed:
The knight nodded, his expression almost serene at this point. He offers her a hand and replies,"I own a place not far from here, from which I can arrange safe transport to a place that is somewhat far from here and quite secure. My name is Dane Whitman. Our ultimate destination would be a castle on the shores of the Potomac. I would prefer a quinnjet, but I own a pegasus if it is necessary."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "...a castle? Are you for real?" Carin says, looking unsure, but cautiously takes the offered hand with one of her gauntlets. "F-fine, just, we need to get rid of the mines and leave this place."

Dane Whitman has posed:
The knight chuckles more deeply at her astonishment as he leads her forth from the cove. He is completely sincere in his response,"Of course, my dear. Not in that order, mind. I have friends coming to deal with the hazards, your present safety is much more pressing. Our first stop is just a couple blocks from here, then we'll be off."

And so the good knight in somber raiment doth escort his lady charge to yonder Castle Garrett on the shores of the Potomac via one vast winged Strider...