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Pushkin Around the Titans
Date of Scene: 29 December 2021
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Dmitri issues a dire warning about KGBeast to the titans, will they head it or be caught off guard by the Red Menace from the Red Room.
Cast of Characters: Dmitri Pushkin, Irie West, Kian, Donna Troy, Rachel Roth

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     A lone figure streaks through the sky leaving a contrail behind him as he moves with hypersonic speed. He cuts through the clouds and over the many mammoth metropolitan structures that make up the City of Tomorrow. It's a perfect day for a flight and Dmitri is making the most of it, but he has a target in mind, one that rapidly approaches as he streaks through the skies like a bullet at thousands of miles per hour.

     Meanwhile at Titans Tower... It's a beautiful day with birds chirping and bees a buzzing. It's a perfect day to laze about the tower and enjoy oneself. For many of the city of Metropolis it's the perfect day for them to travel to and from work, yet in general it's a lovely day all around.

     Rocket Red zips down into a superhero landing, one fist against the ground outside of the tower. He's slown down just enough to avoid damaging the ground but still leaves some marks from the super powered rocket thrusters on his back that allow him to fly faster than a speeding bullet.

     He rises slowly up to a stand from his heroic landing and pauses for a moment as a lone eagle lands on his wrist. He pauses looking towards it before reaching out a hand and petting it on its head allowing it to swoop off and rip a mouse from the ground before flying back off into the sky. The only thing that's missing is a Soviet flag behind him to set the patriotic mood as he readies to walk towards the front door of Titans Tower.

Irie West has posed:
Christmas has come and gone, and Irie had spent that time with her best friend, Maddie. Now it's in that nebulous time that's after the holidays but before winter break is over. That means it's time to do some homework!

Irie is sitting at the kitchen island with her laptop popped open with a large bowl of Doritos on one side and a paperback copy of Flowers for Algernon on the other. She's occasionally flipping through the book at Flash speeds, then types on her laptop some, punctuated by groans of discontent. Homework is so /boring/. If only something interesting could happen. /Anything/.

Kian has posed:
    The additional birds have been around long enough that they probably don't count as interesting any more, so when Kian pops out of the open elevator shaft followed closely by his sister Shiri, well, that's normal lately.
    Both veer towards the kitchen, and both pull up short and land before they get there.  "/Kie/, Irie!" Shiri says cheerily while Kian adjusts his translator.  She's already learned where Kian keeps the purple sugar water, and gets out the pitcher and two tumblers.
    "Kala is putting Keth through some exercises while she has a slightly higher gravity field to play with.  Is the local holiday still going on?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "La la la I have /ice cream/...." Donna's voice sings out melodiously, "...di-RECT from the Big Gay Ice Cream Parlor in New York, just /waiting/ for someone to have their homework finished!" She walks in, bearing the promised ice cream in one arm, and Raven on the other. "We've just been to New York", she states. "And I /forced/ Raven to eat ice cream. She complained bitterly the whole time. Of course I just had to get another order to bring home for my favorite speedster. Rae zipped us back, so it's still nice and cold!"

    She gives Raven a peck on the cheek before freeing her arm from the half-demon's embrace, and goes to put the ice cream the freezer before walking around behind Irie to give her shoulders a hug and her hair a ruffle. "Flowers for Algernon?" she says. "Oh, could be a lot worse. That's a pretty interesting novel. I think particularly interesting for people in our line of work. That and a novel called 'Odd John' by Olaf Stapleton. Both made some very interesting observations about the nature of superhumanity, well before most people had given the subject much thought."

    She starts the coffee going (Raven's special coffee, nobody else is allowed to touch) and returns to the fridge to grab herself a drink, leaning past Kian to fetch herself a snacky shake. "Hey Kian. And... Shiri, right? The local holiday is..." she gives a wave of her hand. "It's kind of vague. People seem to go on celebrating it until they're bored. It sort of runs into the celebration for the new year in a few days."

    It's about this point when the tower systems ping the familiar alert of the arrival of a flier. Donna takes out her T-Com to check the external footage of Dmitri, but she doesn't recognize the figure. The Tower Systems don't immediately come up with a firm identification either. She flips a control and the image appears on the main monitor. "Anyone recognize this guy?" she asks, before popping the lid off her Snacky Shake and taking a deep swig.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven is not, as is typical, loitering in silence at the stove making herself a cup of coffee. It is typical, though, for her to arrive on the heels of Donna, such is the circumstance this time. When the pair arrived, Raven is entirely occupying the whole of Troia's arm, her own pale limb wrapped around it, and her hand clasped in Troia's. She's wearing something unusual- as has been normal lately- in that she is yet again wearing a shirt that very likely she'd never have been caught dead in before. It's jet-black and glove-sleeved, though the integrated gloves are fingerless. There appear to be words on it, but they're distorted around her chest. Some unrepentant staring would be required to make out the words: "If you can't read this, this shirt is a size too small."

    Casually, she is pulling her own shake through a straw. "Oh yes. She did. It was mortifying. Pure torture. We had to go out in the sun." As emphasis and to lend truth to the statement, there is a small, somewhat lacy black parasol hanging over her arm... Perfect in this bright, sunny weather. Her coffee, that Donna starts preparing, indeed has a note taped to it stating exactly that: "Raven's coffee. Do Not Touch."

    The smooch from Donna meets some wily resistance from Raven, who twists her head at the last moment to turn it into a peck right on the lips, something that Raven returns at the same time, before being detached from Troia. "Reading is fundamental. I think her complaints stem from the computer. It's not Flash paced." She moves to take over some of the coffee preparation, of course, and calls over her shoulder. "Anyone else?" she offers- before setting out a mug for herself, Troia, and the newcomer- Whom she has detected just slightly before Donna announces him.

    "Might as well let them in. If they're here for a fight, it never stays in the courtyard anyway."

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Dmitri walks towards the door with a confident stride. He's in control of the situation or at least believes himself to be as he makes his way to one side looking for a doorbell of some kind to properly announce his presence. He's dressed in a suit of red and white armor that is bulked up with fake muscles and holds a hammer and sickle on one breast on the other the number 4.

     He stands on the doorstop for a few moments before just deciding to knock on the door with a firm hand. He looks over directly into the camera with that mirrored black visor of his before he states. "Titans, we have business." In a thick Russian accent. His visor turns clear allowing his bright red bearded face to become visible. He smiles a toothy grin with one of his two front teeth clearly missing from the lineup of pure white teeth. "Please to be letting me in?" He adds after a moment putting on a friendly voice.

Irie West has posed:
Irie looks up from her homework and sees Kian and his sister come down. Thank /God/. A distraction. "Hi Shiri!" she says, matching her cheerfulness. "No, Christmas is over. The only thing left is the new year. I can't /wait/. My dad used to take us to the top of the tower to watch the fireworks every year. It's in a couple of days, will you be around?"

Irie gets a goofy smile when she's hugged and ruffled by Donna. She runs her fingers through her red hair to get the mussed bits back into place. "It's not a bad book, no," she says. "I've read it twelve times now. I'm just... working on a book report. Which means that I have to think critically about it instead of just /enjoying/ the book. Who wants to think critically during the holidays, anyway? It's overrated."

She peers around and looks at Donna's T-Com. "He looks like if Tony Stark grew up in Siberia. Wait. Was that an /eagle/? Play that again! Coooool." She watches as the man walks up to the tower and asks politely to be let in. "Well, at least he's asking nicely?"

Kian has posed:
    Shiri is staring at her brother, who definitely paled slightly when Raven came in.  Everyone who's been on the wrong end of Kian's cluelessness, please feel free to enjoy the following exchange.  "So what did you do to make her throw you into a wall?"
    Kian looks absolutely scandalized.  "I didn't *make* her--!"
    "Yeah, try that on someone who disn't have you as a little brother."
    Desperate for a subject change, Kian grabs his T-Com as well.  "I don't recognize him, but if that eagle trusts him, that's a good sign."
    Shiri rolls her eyes, realizing her brother isn't going to be drawn now, and leans on the kitchen island.  She gives Irie an interested look.  "Fireworks?  I hope we will be, then.  I love sky art."
    "Shiri," Kian says warningly, "this is a stranger.  If I say go, you need to go."
    She glares at him sourly.  "I hear and obey, o Avatar of Kiare," she retorts.
    Kian moans.  "Just.  Please.  /Don't/."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Irie," Donna says, "You're in a perfect position to think critically about a book that deals with how people cope with finding themselves suddenly... /gifted/. You have personal experience to draw on. What's more, you live in a tower full of superheroes you can lazily ask a few questions of about their experiences and compare fiction to the real world. You can fill like /half/ the essay with that easy, and it'll get you a good grade 'cos it shows you're doing research and nobody else in class will have done it."

    She gives a quick nod in agreement to Raven, and presses a button on her T-Com before speaking into it. Down below, Dmitri will hear a voice speaking in a foreign accent come out from the speaker set into the door panel, saying "Hi there! Come on in, head straight across the lobby to the elevator and step in. Please don't attempt to go through any other doors, or exit the elevator before it arrives at its destination. We have automated security things and they're kind of annoying. Can I fix you a drink while we're waiting for you to get here? Soda, beer, one of Caitlin Fairchild's patented Snacky Shakes?"

    Whoever was answering the knock on the door doesn't sound exactly concerned that there's a mech-suited visitor. Perhaps they're a bit lax about security? No mostly it's what Raven said -- if he is after trouble, might as well save themselves the effort and have them come to him. After all, Donna's pretty confident there isn't a whole lot she and Raven can't deal with between them, and then there's a speedster and an alien who's pretty good at zapping electronics. Shouldn't be too much of a problem if he /does/ turn out to be trouble.

    "Rae had a good time really," Donna confides in Irie. "She just hates to admit when she's enjoying herself." She flashes a playful wink in Raven's direction. Though it changes in scope, range and form, there seems to be a continual sparring between Donna and Raven. This is a pretty gentle form of it. The truth is that while Donna /had/ insisted on Rae having ice cream, the visit to New York hadn't been entirely a matter of dragging Raven out into the sunshine -- there was a small matter of some strange spikes of mystical energy that had been occurring around Manhattan in recent days and a bit of shorter-range observation had seemed in order. The result of that investigation had not been exactly good news, but frankly at this point it's all a bit confusing, and not really worth the effort of getting worried about it until more is known.

    "He sounds friendly enough," Donna says to Kian. "As Irie pointed out, he knocked. That's always a good sign. But Kian's right, Shiri. We don't know who this is, so there is the potential for danger. Having said that, you're pretty safe with us. He's a guy in power armor. People in power armor don't generally have much protection against Raven vanishing them to another dimension if they get annoying."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven refuses, as is custom, to turn away from the process of boiling water when she is... Well, mentioned, somewhat. "It was a terrible day, that day. I was in mourning, and then Kian bursts into my room, uninvited." Already, her tone is one of the difficult things. She's impossible to read, so stony are her words, that it wouldn't be difficult to assume that she's either speaking the truth, or speaking some warped version she actually believes. Donna knows, of course, that she's wilfully embellishing. As does Kian. The only question is who is to be believed.

    "Ranting, he was. Something about his own hatred of the walls that confine. How it has become impossible for him to really /spread his wings/ whilst cooped up in the tower. He said he felt caged, and then like a madman, tackled the wall outside of my room. I had to close and lock the door to feel safe."

    There is a short pause, then, as Raven turns slightly, regarding the wink with a raised brow. "You know full well that I have no such hangup." she responds, turning back to fetch the boiling water and start pouring it into the chemex, the grinding portion of the prep having been handled by Troia earlier. "It's just so rare that you can force those sounds out of me." Oh, okay, a challenge.

    "He is. I don't feel any outright hostility from him, yet. That might change, but at the very least, he does not seem to have come here for a fight."

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Dmitri walks into the building his visor dimming back to a mirror black shine with a single red line like a cylon or kit from night rider visually pulsing from one side to the other. He does as requested walking with a calm gait. There's not a single ounce of hostility about him the man is childlike in demeanor. There's a sort of natural innocence that's missing from many adults in the world, and quite a few modern teens to boot.

     He waits for the elevator to rise its way up. "Who's strong and brave here to save the American way." He sings to himself as the elevator rises providing his own entertainment as he waits for it to go higher and higher through the tower.

     He's in a very good mood all things considered, and happens to be willing to share it as he looks to the doors of the elevator awaiting any potential surprises along the way.

Irie West has posed:
Irie blinks in surprise as Donna explains to her how she could uniquely do her book report. "Oh, yeah!" she says, a wide grin breaking out. "I should have thought of that! I think my brain must have turned off for Christmas." She knocks a knuckle on her head and sticks out her tongue.

She looks back over the T-Com to watch the man come in. "If he starts anything I'll just phase him out of his armor," she states. "Guys like these are usually pretty helpless when they're no longer in their tin can. I wonder what he wants?"

Kian has posed:
    Shiri and Kian exchange a glance, and he looks very slightly smug as she shrugs.  Shiri was ready to believe it was her brother's fault, except that he would never barge into a room without permission, and has never to her knowledge gone off on a rant -- chewing out the local priestess of Kiare on his recent visit to their homeworld wasn't a rant.  But, if it embarrasses her little brother, she's willing to let it ride.
    Family being a pain must be a universal thing.
    Kian greets the newcomer with a bow and a "/Kie/," and Shiri bows as well probably more on reflex than anything else.
    For his part, Kian reaches out just to see if he senses any strange energies.  Better safe than sorry.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna takes a quick look at the newcomer, then greets him with a smile. She pushes away from the counter she'd been leaning on, yanks open the fridge, pulls out a beer, pops the cap off with her thumb and holds it out to him. "Hi!" she says. "Welcome to Titans Tower." The accent betrays her as the person who had spoken to him via the intercom. "Beer?"

    "I'm Donna Troy," she says. "This is Raven, and that's Irie. The aliens are Kian and Shiri."

    There's a gesture to each of the other occupants of the room as she introduces them, and it's all done as she closes the distance between herself and the visitor, to offer him the beer. And, of course, to put herself between the armored stranger and the rest of her team-mates. Priorities.

    "You said you had some business with us," she says. "Why don't you take a seat and let us know all about it. Don't worry, our chairs are reinforced and will take the weight of someone in armor. Several people on the team make that necessary." After all, Vic's cyborg parts weigh a lot, and Caitlin's just kind of huge. "What can we help you with?"

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Slowly but surely, Raven finishes putting coffee together. As none have volunteered, Raven has prepared three mugs. She plucks these up- two in one hand, one in the other, and turns from the stove.

    To Kian and his sister, she remarks: "All true. I am sure he has told you just how much this world has changed him. Constant complaints, everything is 'weird' and we're all so strange." Then, she steps her way over to Donna, and holds out the singular coffee to Rocket Red, so that he'll have a beer in one hand and black coffee in the other. One or both may not linger very long, admittedly: The guy looks like he'll at least put the beer away in no time flat.

    "Troia is right. We have had to reinforce large portions of the tower because certain people cannot keep their pranks on the human side of mildly dangerous." Raven intertwines herself with whichever of Donna's arms looks the least capable of fending her off at the time, before holding up one of the two remaining mugs to the woman.

    "If you need help, you've come to the right place. We're pathologically incapable of taking in strays."

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Dmitri holds up a hand towards her for a brief moment and offers in a friendly voice. "Forgive me if I am being rude in denial, but I am not one to be drinking on the job." He speaks in a very thick Russian accent as he places his hand back down to the side.

     He's scanning the entire building as he walks into the room making sure not to make any sudden movements. His suit gives off a strange and alien energy about it the source coming from the armor itself.

     "I am Ambassador Dmitri Pushkin, Leader of the Rocket Red fourth squadron, and on behalf of the Russian Federation have come to offer warning and exchange of information.". He does however take the coffee in hand and reach up to his helmet. A wave of his hand at the side of helmet sends the entire thing folding open on either side to reveal his massive beard and flowing red hair.

     "You are being hunted by a former member of the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti." He pauses for a brief moment before kicking back some of the pitch black coffee into his mouth with a light sip of the contents. "He is known as kay gee beast, he has already killed over two hundred superheroes and is looking to expand his kill list, I am here to offer warning and ask the obvious question of why he has decided to target your group."

Irie West has posed:
"I mean," Irie chirps "they took /me/ in, and I'm not even the weirdest here! I may not look like it but I /am/ very weird. Or so everybody at school tells me."

Her attention turns back to the Russian, though and she scowls at his news. "Kay Gee Beast?" She asks, turning to Donna and Rachel to see if they've ever heard of this guy before. "What kind of villain name is that? I mean ... he's welcome to come and try, but we're all pretty kick ass here."

Kian has posed:
    Well, those translators are a real help here, or doubtless Kian would be blinking in bafflement about the use of Russian.  "I can't think of any reason why... but a lot of things happen around here without reasons I understand."  He's not going to challenge Rae's statement that he complains that Earth is weird and everyone's strange: that's true.  Of course, it being true means it's not a complaint, it's just pointing out a true thing.
    He blinks at Irie.  "He is *not* welcome to try, I don't want someone who's trying to kill me to come around!"
    Shiri blinks at Kian.  "Why would someone want to--"
    "I keep telling you, Earth is weird," Kian interrupts.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Never heard of him," Donna replies promptly. Possibly someone else has -- Donna is not the best member of the team when it comes to knowing the who's whos of the superheroing and supervillaining communities. No doubt Caitlin and the Robins will know all about KGBeast already. "Wendy, show me our files on a Russian cape-killer goes by the name 'KGBeast'.

    "Certainly, Donna," replies a soft, synthesized voice. The giant screen starts rapidly scrolling a large number of files, including a few pieces of grainy video footage. "On second thoughts," Donna says when she sees there's quite a bit there, and most of it is probably fluff. "Send it to my T-Com, I'll go over it later."

    Donna puts the unwanted beer down on the counter. She'll deal with it later. In its place, she accepts the coffee Raven is offered instead. "A coffee then, mister Pushkin?" she asks. "Surely that's fine to drink on the job."

    "As for why he'd target this group... well I apologise if this sounds flippant, but I can't help agreeing with Irie a bit here. Maybe he's stupid? There are around forty members of the Titans now. Including Kryptonians, Amazons, multiple speedsters, some of the world's leading tech geniuses, some of the world's leading magic-users. Were he to be targeting a single member that would be highly unwise but I could understand it. Targeting the group? We have taken on sorcerous armies and the forces of alien worlds and defeated them."

    Donna holds up a hand to forestall the obvious response. "That doesn't mean we're not taking your warning seriously, it just seems like rather a strange thing. I don't know why he'd choose to target us. Though... could this be connected in any way to the Red Room?" She tilts an eyebrow at Dmitri, watching his face and taking a sip of her coffee.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     "I would not underestimate the man, I know on a personal level the dangers of underestimating him" Dmitri speaks rather calmly as he sips from the cup of coffee enjoying the pitch black taste of the coffee. It reminds him of home, waiting in line for sometimes two or three hours just for a cup of coffee and a loaf of bread. It's a comforting thing really. "He is a lot of things, but stupid? I am not knowing that to be him." He shakes his head.

     "If he is taking on such a large organization he must be having a plan and allies." He places his other hand on the cup now cusping it in both grasping hands. "Or he is wanting us to believe that he is going after the entire group to be putting defenses thin while he takes his real target."

     "KGBeast is having many connections throughout world, and with group known as HYDRA, if you are sure you can be handling him?" Dmitri shrugs his shoulders. "I suppose that is that"

Irie West has posed:
Irie scratches the back of her head. "I'm pretty sure we can handle ourselves, yeah. I mean, we take threats seriously, that's why we come out on top. It's not like we're gonna just..." she shrugs, "ignore it until he shows up. Donna and probably Vic are gonna get as much information on him as we can before we take him on, you know?"

She gives the Russian man a brilliant grin, "We may be sure of ourselves but we're not dumb."

Kian has posed:
    Kian doesn't look happy, but he's paying attention, and is processing this in one way or another.
    Shiri doesn't look happy either, looking back and forth between the heroes.  Abruptly, she pulls off her translator and starts speaking to Kian in their native language, and while the words are almost certainly unfamiliar, the tone is unquestionably agitated.
    Kian slips his off too, and there's a back and forth, Kian trying to sound calming, and Shiri not being calmed.
    Without warning, she spins on one foot and makes for the open shaft.
    "I am sorry," Kian explains, his accent back full force in the absence of his translator, "I haf to go after her.  She iss upset at this, an' I think she iss also upset that I am not as upset as she iss.  I will explain to her as best I can."
    With a casual flick of his wings, he's gone.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna watches the departure of Shiri, soon followed by Kian, with a faint look of bemusement. "Aliens," she says. "Their world is rather different from ours, and sometimes the realities of our world are upsetting to them," she explains.

    She turns back and gives Dmitri a broad smile. "Mister Ambassador. Dmitri. I don't want you to think that we're underestimating anything or that we are not grateful for the warning you have given us. We will do our research and figure out what we can. I am sure you have a personal interest in this, so I hope we can stay in contact and share any information either of us uncovers as to this man's intentions. And those of his allies."

    She takes another sip of her coffee, watching the Russian over the rim of her cup. "The Titans was founded ten years ago by a bunch of kids. I was one of those kids. Back then we were considered something of a novelty. A handful of children forming a kind of junior Justice League. It is not uncommon that people still retain that view of us, despite what we have done to prove it wrong, and how far we have grown. We are perhaps sometimes a little over-sensitive about being under-estimated."

    She lowers her cup and gives a slight shrug. "Please forgive us if we offended you, that was not our intention. I believe HYDRA does have some connection with the Red Room, yes?" He hadn't reacted to her earlier question, but she's persisting. "We do have a member who was once part of the Red Room. There have been certain forces in your country that are not happy about the fact that she chose to have no further part of that organization. This is why I ask."

    She heads over to a cupboard, taps a number into the lock pad, opens it and pulls out a communicator, which she offers to Dmitri. "Please take this. It will allow you to communicate with us without having to go through the switchboard. And us to communicate with you. Just select 'Donna' from the contacts list and you can send me a text message, or connect via voice. My thanks for bringing this to our attention."

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Dmitri pauses for a moment sipping his coffee. "Legally I have no knowledge of this Red Room, nor of any practices it may or may not involve itself in if it ever existed in the first place." He speaks rather plainly not letting a moments hesitation cross his face.

     He does however reach for the communicator taking hold of it inside of his hand. "If I did know about said Red Room, perhaps I would comment on the potential connection between KGBeast and Red Room itself, but I do not of course." Dmitri chooses his words very carefully as he takes a step back setting down the now empty coffee cup from his grasp. "There are many things which I am legally uninformed about that I could hypothetically if I did know about them speak on." He smiles lightly before turning back towards the elevator readying to head back out of the building.

Irie West has posed:
See, this is why Donna was just so cool. Look at how she took basically what Irie said and then said it more diplomatically and important like, which is why she's watching the Amazon with a kind of starry eyed hero worship.

Her attention is drawn back to the Russian as he talks in plausible deniability speak. "We should probably warn Nadia, shouldn't we," she says. "I mean, far be it for us to /presume/ that this has anything to do with the Red Room, when Russians come a knockin' they're usually after her."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Of course, I understand fully," Donna says with another of her patented dazzling smiles. "Such matters are probably no more than shadowy rumor. Paranoia. The dregs of the bad old days of the Cold War, consigned to history. There's no need to say any more on the subject. Except, as Irie says, to raise the possibility with Nadia." She turns to give Irie a very un spy-like wink.

    "On an entirely different subject," she says, turning back to Dmitri. "I'd like to reassure you that the communicator is highly secure, utilizing a system of quantum encryption developed by our own engineers so we can be quite sure there are no back doors in the system. The current iteration of the technology is a variant of the system we used to scramble the mainframes of War World and Brainiac's ship. If their systems couldn't cope with that, I suspect there is no technology on Earth that could easily penetrate the security."

    Donna stands and walks back over to Irie, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you for coming and letting us know about this, Dmitri. We will keep you updated with anything we learn. Also you'll be recognized by our systems now, so next time you come by you'll have a more friendly welcome. Perhaps you could join us for a more social visit some time and meet more of the team. A meal or something."

    She looks down at Irie, grinning. "Talking of. Pizza? You need something to help build up your appetite for that ice cream."

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     Dmitri makes it to the elevator door and pauses for a moment. "If you manage to take him down, tell him: I forgive him for what happened to Gregorio" Whatever meaning that might have is almost certainly lost on anyone other than Dmitri but it's spoken with a somber sort of smile over his shoulder. He waves his hand and the helmet of his seals back over his face locking down with an airtight seal into position. "Even if he never will." And with that he heads through the elevator doors nodding his head in acknowledgment of the security measures on the communications device.

Irie West has posed:
Irie nods solemnly, "You forgive him for what happened to Gregorio. Got it. We'll remember that, Mr. Red." Before he manages to get to the elevator, Irie calls out, "Oh hey! I really liked your eagle! It's cool! You should bring him inside next time! I wanna pet him." Irie wants to pet all the things, after all, though she still hasn't managed to pet Kaida.

And then Donna says the magic word. "OOH! PIZZA! Can we get one with /everything/ on it? Even anchovies? It turns out I like anchovies. They're salty and fishy and yum. And then after that? ICE CREAM! YUS!"