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Introductions and A Side Project
Date of Scene: 17 March 2020
Location: Shop Classroom - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: New teacher Dane Whitman is introduced to Samuel Morgan, his very unusual side project, and most importantly Bear the Dog. Guest starring Morrigan MacIntyre and Daniel Hastings!
Cast of Characters: Dane Whitman, Samuel Morgan, Morrigan MacIntyre, Daniel Hastings

Dane Whitman has posed:
    Dane Whitman hasn't actually started teaching classes yet, as thankfully he hasn't been expected to draft a semester's worth of lesson plans in a weekend, but he's officially on staff and he's officially working, even if much of that work is sitting in his newly-designated office and working on said lesson plans. He's been spotted about campus and perhaps some word of his name and position have started to spread, but hasnt yet made the acquaintance of too many of the students firsthand.

So this late afternoon he's tapping away at a laptop computer on his desk. The office is still pretty sparse...he has yet to put much in the way of personal touches on it. But it's got a nice desk and a couple fairly comfy chairs opposite it, and a bookshelf that he's already laden with some up-to-date engineering principles texts that he occasionally references while he works.
    The only other notable object in the office is a bag lying in the back corner, which has a fencing mask looped to the outside of it, and by the shape and length of the bag probably containing the rest of the proper gear, and a fencing sword or two. It was a bit of a lark bringing it here, but he figured he'd ask Doctor MacIntyre later if there was an active fencing club at the school, and if not offer to start one up. Hey, if you're going to be a teacher, probably shouldn't do it halfway, right?
    But that's a concern for later, for right now Dane's studying the screen, occasionally murmuring to himself as he reads back what he's typing. He'd like to get this done and submitted for approval by the end of the week, and he thinks the goal is possible. Though he's less certain they'll be deemed acceptable...he hasn't exactly drafted lesson plans before, but he's trying to recall how he was taught when he was younger, and translate it to the present day. Despite the desire to hammer away, the door to the office is open, even if the clacking of the keyboard is the only real sound echoing out into the Shop beyond.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Up until very recently, a van had stood in one of the bays normally used to teach automotive engineering. It had, apparently, belonged to a teacher, and supposedly a student was working on some extra credit by working on the van. How much of that was true is anyone's guess, but the fact remained that a certain student was here more often than not, quite often past school hours, and the equipment in the shop was definitely being used. Bits and pieces arrived on trolleys from time to time, and at one point most of the van had been stripped down to the chassis with every part laid out neatly. Now, the van is gone, after having been painstakingly reassembled over the course of a few days, and all that remained as evidence of the work was the Thing In The Corner, covered in a tarp, which everyone seemed to presume were either scrap parts or boxes to be recycled. Nobody had really been expecting the student to come back.

    And yet he has. Sam glances at his watch for a moment, checking the time and doing a final check on his emails at the same time. This was most certainly the place he was told he'd find Mister Whitman, and this was most certainly the time he had been assured the man would almost certainly be available. But then the student, flanked by a German Shepherd, has never seen the office in use. So that's his first port of call, knocking on the open door and sticking his head in.

    "Mister Whitman?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's been running around the school today. And now she's made her way down to the Academic Hall's to go over a few things and hang up Science Fair flyers that she's spent the last week making. She was heading past the shop class but she stops a little after the door, heel clicks stopping as she does.

The redhead backs up and peeks in the door with a bit of a smile on her face. She's just peeking in, not going in quiet yet.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane murmurs a bit more, in a language that likely sounds a bit odd (Middle English for any that may have a chance of recognizing it), but he doesn't look particularly angry or anything. When the knock on the door comes, Dane looks up from his computer, "Yes?" He studies the young man for a moment and adds as he rises to his feet, "Samuel, I presume? Doctor MacIntyre said I should be expecting you." He extends a hand over the desk, smiling politely, "She said you're studying at the old alma mater?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A nod is the reply, and what appears to be a smile. "That's me. And if by studying you mean taking remote classes because I can't currently leave the state, then yes, yes I am." Coming into the office, Sam shakes the hand in a firm and confident grip, although he doesn't actually sit down for now. The Shepherd with him rears up on his hind legs and stretches over the desk as much as he can, offering a paw. "And my friendly companion here is Bear." Who appears to be wearing a high visibility vest, marking him as a service dog.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to the two of them through the window and she takes a moment to decide whether she is going to go in or not. The redhead decides that she is going to head on in. A soft knock given before she opens the door and heads in. "Sorry if I'm interrupting." she gives a wave with her free hand. She's dressed in a hunter green pencil skirt, black heels and a white dress shirt today.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Still, remote classes or not, any High School student that's taking MIT classes is definitely well beyond the ordinary." Dane smiles, gesturing to one of the chairs opposite the desk, "Hello, Bear, pleased to meet you too." Dane says with perhaps less wry in his tone than one might expect. "Not allowed to leave the state? Sounds like there's a story there, but it's yours to tell, and I won't be offended if you don't given we've known each other for all of ten seconds."

And Dane's posterior is barely back on the seat before Morrigan makes her presence known, and he's back to standing up again, "Good evening, Doctor MacIntyre. And it's your place, I'm just working in it, so you're welcome anytime." He gives her a bright smile, perhaps a bit less reserved than the one he gave Samuel, but well, he's known her for...a few days, at least. And she gave him an interesting job. "I'd offer you both some refreshment but I haven't quite figured out where I'm going to put the mini-fridge yet...but please feel free to have a seat as a miserable-by-comparison consolation prize."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It is perhaps a good thing that Sam hadn't even started sitting down when Doctor MacIntyre came in, saving him the expenditure of energy of getting back up again in a hurry. "Ma'am." A polite nod, as always, and he offers up the seat he was going to take, leaving him with the lesser ideally placed one. In which he, finally, sits.

    "There is a story, but for the purposes of clarification, it's best to think of me as a semi-emancipated orphan. My sponsors would prefer me to stay in New York." Yup, clear as mud that is.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"No need to stand up." Morrigan states with a little motion of her hand. "I'm not Doctor Stark or anything." she muses. Then she finds a wall to lean against, "I'll not take up too much time. I'm glad the two of you are meeting." she tells them as those bright violet eyes of hers look between them. Then she looks to Dane and there is a smile to him, "It's all of our place. I don't pay for all of the bills. We know who does." she winks at him.

"And how are you and Bear doing today, Sam?" she asks him with a softer smile.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Semi-emancipated with sponsors. Got it." Dane doesn't exactly sound skeptical, but he does sound like he gets the gist that prying isn't likely to get much more info. Though at Morrigan's wink, his smile turns wry and he asks, "They wouldn't happen to be Sam's sponsors, would they?" He pauses then looks to Samuel, "Sorry, I should've asked...do you prefer Samuel or Sam?" He settles back down into his chair, his attention on the young man now, "And you're studying engineering? Happen to know if Professor Ryan Cutler is still teaching there?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Very interesting leap of logic there, Mister Whitman" Sam smiles. It's... not an entirely pleasant smile, given that his eyes don't seem to share in. But it passes in an instant. "I'm doing fine today, ma'am, thank you for your concern. I've given Miss Johnson her van back, couldn't find anything else to fix on it."

    The name seems to ring a vague bell. "I believe he wrote the second part of the intermediate engineering course, if memory serves. Has a fairly original writing style, I'm hoping he'll end up teaching a few online classes." Now the smile is genuine. "Sam will do. And yes, I study engineering, along with physics, chemistry and robotics." Looks like someone might have looked at the qualifications of certain other genius inventors and just selected areas of study identical to them. "It's a good challenge, keeps me occupied."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I cannot confirm nor deny that." The Irish woman states. Then there's a smile to Sam and a nod, "Glad to hear it." she tells him. "We have a potential teacher that might be joining us. His name is Daniel Hastings. I think you two would be good for him to talk to, seems like you all have a lot in common." she tells them. Except they were not over ninety and been lost in space!

Dane Whitman has posed:
"You're already on intermediate engineering?" Dane laughs a bit, "Don't know if I'm going to have a lot I can manage to teach you, but I guess I'll try if you're in my class." He does make eye contact with Morrigan and can't help but ask, "Do we have a lot of...extremly intellectually gifted students on campus?" He listens to Morrigan's mention of Daniel and nods, "I'll keep an eye out." His attention goes back to Samuel then.

"Cutler I doubt we'll ever see teaching online classes, he's a great teacher but he's really old-fashioned in his own way. But never say never."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "If his teaching is anything like his writing, I might have to hop over and actually attend a lecture in person." Not that Sam would. Right? I mean, the hyperloop is not /that/ far away... "I'm ehmm... working on a project I think you might be able to help me with. Possibly. Not the science fair project, finished that a few days ago, but... related." And, it seems, slightly incoherent.

    "I'll be very happy to talk to Mister Hastings." Sam smiles, leaning in his chair. "Again. Met him a few days ago, very interesting man."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to Dane, "Aye, we do." she tells him. Then there's a smile to that, "We do boast a lot of intelligent minds. Without it being all over the news." she admits. Then she gives a look to her watch and back to the two of them, "I am going to head out for a bit and try to get a drink before my birthday is over. But...I'm glad you two are talking." she tells them.

Then there's a smile to Samuel, "Oh excellent, I'm glad you've met. He seems like a really sweet man." she admits. "But I'll leave you to it." she gives a dip of her head as she heads for the door.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Oh! Well Happy Birthday, Doctor. Hope it's been a pleasant one for you." Dane looks a touch surprised, but it's not surprising he's surprised...he hardly could have known. "Feel like I should've brought a bottle of wine or something." He chuckles, then inclines his head, "Enjoy your night, Doctor MacIntyre."

And with that said, Dane's attention turns back to Samuel, "So what's this project of yours?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Wish I'd known, ma'am. Enjoy your evening." There's a mental note being made. Next year, Sam will be ready for that birthday. Although what form that expression of gratitude might take is anyone's guess.

    "You need to understand the reasoning behind it..." the teenager begins, talking shop now with Dane. "I was going to build a semi automatic camera drone for emergency services, but I know someone is going to show off their own drone, and I didn't want to steal their thunder. Then I had an idea for a fully articulated all terrain mobility device, but halfway through it started to look too much like the things Boston Dynamics is building, so, again... scrapped that idea. So, I decided to go back to the classics and built a jet pack. Well... flight mobility device, FMD, it doesn't actually have any internal combustion engines, so I can't really call it a jet pack."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to Dane, "Thanks, and I'll always take a bottle of wine. Just can't drink with the kids around." she muses to that. Morrigan was going to go home and drink alone, but, hey, it worked! She just exiting out the door to the shop class. So easy for one to be in the way.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"So if you're not using combustion, what's your propulsion method?" Dane looks quite curious now, "And what's the power source? Most we see out in the world are pretty limited in fuel capacity and duration in flight." Dane considers a few moments, then adds, "I guess just give me the overall rundown, and we'll see what I might be able to offer up by way of advice."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Ducted fans, mostly, clusters of shielded impellers at high RPM. It cuts down on the bulk of the entire mechanism because I can use brushless motors, controlling entire clusters from a single controller chip. Saves space, saves weight, saves power and it helps with steering, which is usually a sore point for these things." As for power... Sam looks a whole lot less sanguine about that. "At the moment... not going to lie, it's on an external tether, at least for the duration of the science fair. Long term, I'm thinking graphene batteries."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
There's a few people in the shop class room. Dane and Samuel are seated and talking and there seems to be a flyer holding Morrigan that's closing the door behind her on her way out. Maybe it's a secret cult meeting or something?

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Huh...Graphene...and try to compensate for thermal buildup via shunting it out with your thrust, I'm guessing?" Dane rubs at his chin, considering, "Might work, but given current specs on those they still might be too heavy if you pack enough of them in to try to get more than a few minutes worth of liftoff." Dane taps on his chin with a fingertip, "But short of getting your hands on some Stark Repulsor tech instead of the fans I'm not immediately seeing a particularly viable or available alternative."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Once again there's the question of.. how did he get here? Daniel Hastings is walking the academic halls with a purpose this time. Like he belongs here. Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. But there's a confidence about him and a direction that says he knows where he's going. Right to shop class. Only, he stops just outside of the door as if he somehow predicted that Ms. MacIntyre would be opening the door and coming out of it. "Doctor." He greets the back of her head as the door closes to reveal her presence to him.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A nod, and a smile. "That's the idea. I thought of adding heat pipes and cooling fins, but that makes the whole thing look like a science fiction cast-off, and it didn't improve the thermals much. The ehmm... the battery pack wouldn't be in the flight device in the longer term though. It would be in a more centralised location, to which the device would be attached." Honestly, he can't be too clear about it, at least not until he has sounded this man out. But another MIT engineer would be a valuable asset on the project. Sam might be smart, but he's not on Stark's level... yet. Lacks the expensive toys, for one.

    "I've got rough blueprints for a small fusion device that I can't use. The technology is almost certainly patented, and I'm given to understand the patent holder is fairly aggressive in his prosecution of infringement. So I'm working on a derivative, but that's still some months off."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's hair on the back of her neck doesn't have a chance to stand up. There's just Daniel talking to the back of her head. There's a panic moment and the Doctors reflexes thankfully don't immediately go to swat the man behind her, but she does fumble the stack of flyers she was about to go finish putting up on her way out. "Jesus Christ!" she hisses, eyes glowing for a moment as she kneels down to gather the papers. "Doctor Hastings, hi. I didn't see you there." she states in an embarrassed tone. Cheeks turning red as she does.

Dane Whitman has posed:
That elicits a low whistle from Dane, "Microfusion. I've got a very little bit of experience with it, from my days at Stark Industries, but it was more "Hand me this" to the guys actually working on it than directly working on it myself." He considers a moment, "We heard a couple rumors that someone out in Eastern Europe had created some kind of flying machine using it as a power source, but nobody was ever able to confirm it. Some place called Transia. Barely a postage stamp in terms of size, broke off from Romania way back but well..." He rubs at the back his neck, "A lot of strange rumors that virtually no one can confirm come out of that place."

And the last time Dane saw it it was far from a scientific enclave, and he was passing through on his way to the Holy Land under the banner of Richard the Lionhearted. "Either way, probably not much of a lead we can follow up on." Oddly he doesn't seem particularly put off by the idea of messing with fusion batteries at a high school. But maybe it's just because he's new to the job and doesn't have a full grasp of potential lawsuits?

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I'm told I'm stealthy." Daniel replies with a faint smile and a twinkle in his eye. He is /not/ laughing. At all. Instead, he kneels to help her with the flyers. "I was considering your offer." He offers to her along with a short stack of her flyers. "Considering my.. associate.. recommended it to me, I'd be willing to take on a few classes. Did you have a moment?" Presumably to discuss details.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I had plans for it, and using Palladium as a power source, but... let's say that a week or so ago I had cause to change my opinion on the viability of it." Which was, roughly, the time frame in which he was within a few feet of Tony Stark, and even exchanging a few words with the man. Sam smile over to Dane and shakes his head. "Some places you'll never get reliable information from. So I'd be very suspicious of any sudden scientific breakthroughs coming out of places like that."

    Without prompting, the teenage stands and motions towards the door. "Perhaps it's best if I showed you what I'm building ..."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"You're going to need a bell to work here, Doctor Hastings." Morrigan laughs at herself for getting spooked. Taking a deep breath as she tries to get over the embarrassment. She does give him a smile, "Apologies. Yes, I have some free time." she tells him. "I was just speaking with a student and another teacher about you as well...so your ears must have been burning." she teases him lightly as she gathers up the last few flyers.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Sure." Dane rises from his desk, and moves to follow Bear and Samuel out, canting his head curiously as he glimpses Morrigan and Daniel heading out the far door. Who was the other guy? Ah well, nothing to worry about, probably just another teacher he hasn't met yet. "Wouldn't happen to be under that tarp, would it?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is a glimpse of another person with the Doctor, and from that small glimpse Sam is almost entirely certain that was Agent Hastings. Well... that's certainly going to get interesting. He leads Dane to, unsurprisingly, the Thing In The Corner. "No points for that one, Mister Whitman."

    The tarp is pulled away, revealing a rack of home made tools bolted to the wall, a variety of diagnostic trolleys, what appears to be a customised arc welder and a whole variety of steel and metal, along with what may be kilometers of cabling. But all of it pales in comparison to the suit that stands supported in its cradle near the back, half hidden behind a stack of boxes that prove to be empty when Sam lifts them out of the way without effort. It's certainly not a Stark design, bulkier and less oriented on looks, looking more like what someone with extensive combat experience would build. Cables and wires still snake out of the gaps in the plating, many pieces still missing, looking like it may be clad in AR-500 hardened steel over a shell of lighter alloy.

    "It's an original design."

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Well...there's your first problem, Sam. What's the purpose of the design? Is it a mobility aid, or something intended for more...rugged use?" Dane gives the suit a good once over after having briefly studied the customized tools, "Because if it's the former, you can probably get away with a good bit less armor plating. If it's the latter....yeah, you're going to need a beefier power source than any graphene battery you don't invent yourself."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    And now Sam gives Dane a sideways look. "Does this look like a mobility aid, Mister Whitman?" The whole thing does seem to be fairly heavy, and the teenagers clears a bit more of a path towards it, given that the cradle is quite firmly bolted to the floor... it looks like it may have started life as an engine hoist. He looks at his design and runs a hand through his hair, sighing. "The whole project... I've seen suits similar to this going through trials. Practically nobody managed to solve the control problem, and I suspect that there's been maybe two or three successful designs. All of them based on the original Stark design." He plucks the helmet from its stand, holding it at arm's length as if he's about to recite a lament to Yorik. The faceplate is blank, aside from three camera lenses, which stare back at him in silent accusation.

    "I've cracked the control issue. For me, anyway, it's... turns out my way may only work for me. But power... it looks like power is the real bottleneck."

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Huh. OK." Dane glances to Sam once more, "Doctor MacIntyre knows about all this and gave you the OK?" He pauses, considering, "If so, I guess the real question is do you want to crack the power solution yourself, or do you want to have this thing working sooner rather than later?" He adds, "So I'm guessing you're one of the "extra gifted" students here. Not that I'm going to particularly sound like a genius for figuring that out at this point. So as it happens, I'm a little different myself, albeit probably in a completely different way. The degree is real, though, and I spent three years working in one of Stark Industries weapons labs before he shut those segments down."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Let's ehmm.. Let's not worry Doctor MacIntyre with this just now." Yup. Asked for permission? Sam's clearly of the school of thought that it's easier to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission. "And I wouldn't even have shown you this, but... basically, I need someone else's input on this. The only other person I can ask is Tony Stark, and he'd shut this down hard if he had even a hint of an idea that I've built this. You remember the congressional hearing. And unfortunately the only microfusion device I could make work in the short term is a stolen Stark design. You can see where I'm stuck."

    The helmet is placed back on the stand with a *clunk* of steel on steel. "So I need your help, Mister Whitman. By the way, are you related at all to Michael Wittmann? Tank ace of the second world war?"

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane exhales a deep breath, "I'm not sure how much I -should- help you. I may not need this job for the money but I'd still not prefer to be given the boot less than a week after I started." Dane considers a few moments, "I'm -hoping- you can tell me with a straight face that at least this thing doesn't have any weapon systems?"

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane adds, "It's possible, but if so I'm unaware of it." Dane adds in regards to the World War II tank ace.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    And there, it's time for Sam to obfuscate the truth a bit. "I can tell you, with full honesty and with total accuracy, that no weapons systems have been installed into the suit." That is, of course, because he hasn't installed them yet... "I would appreciate your help, Mister Whitman, but if you feel that you can't in good conscience assist me, then I'll understand and fully appreciate your discretion. Only a few people even know this suit exists."

Dane Whitman has posed:
Perhaps unfortunately, Dane may not be Tony Stark, but he's still pretty sharp (no pun intended), "Do you intend to install weapon systems once you've worked out the propulsion and power issues? Because this doesn't look like recreational equipment." He moves closer to the suit, "This looks like you're expecting a fight." Dane takes a step back, considering, "You've obviously got a gift for this, and you've put me in a difficult spot. I had someone that cultivated my talents. He was good to me, but he wasn't a good person. I didn't find that out until later, and the only solace I can take is that he regretted a lot of his decisions at the end of his life." He frowns, still rubbing at his chin, "I'm not going to rule out the possibility I might help you. But I'm going to need to think on it, and it may result in us having to tell Doctor MacIntyre, at a minimum, about this little side project. And to have any chance of winning me over, I'm going to need your word that whatever you're planning on using this for, it involves protecting people and not some personal agenda."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "This project, Mister Whitman..." And Sam puts a hand on the pauldron of the suit, looking at it with a surprising intensity, until his eyes seem to glow. No, scratch that, they actually do glow. "... is my attempt at redemption. There's evil in this world, and it preys on the innocent. I can't let that continue. Someone has to stand between the innocent and evil. And with this..." he taps the helmet "... with this it can be me. When it's done, when the concept is proven, when this is more than just a prototype and becomes a tool for justice, then I'll let people know. Then I'll let my sponsors know. But not before."

    He looks up towards Dane and the glow fades from his eyes, the easygoing smile returning. "I mean, I'm sixteen. Can't even drink, they'll never let me go through with this if I told them now."

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane reaches up and rubs at his temples, "Starting to get why Doctor MacIntyre suggested I might have some things in common with you." Dane shakes his head, somewhere between amused and resigned, "I still think Doctor MacIntyre needs to know. That said, I may be able to offer up a compromise that makes it palatable for all parties, but it's going to take a bit of time. Specifically we might be able to move this project off-campus once I've got my living arrangements here on the Island sorted out. I'm still commuting from Manhattan right now, but that should be changing in a few weeks."

Dane smirks just a bit at Samuel's lament, "I've known 16 year olds that were veterans of one of the bloodiest wars in history. And I don't think age should be a bar to reaching whatever level of potential you might have at any given time." He sighs, "So yeah...cover it back up for now, tinker if you have to. I'll think about it, but I still really think Doctor MacIntyre should be in the loop on this, out of professional courtesy if nothing else. She seems pretty open-minded to me...I think if we take it off-campus and keep it under wraps otherwise...it might be a compromise we can all live with."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "The project is going to move off-campus regardless. Just ... timing is still uncertain on that." But the boxes are put back, and Sam begins to re-drape the tarp. The boxes at the bottom really do give it the illusion of being nothing but a pile of discarded tools and engine parts. Not exactly a high tech solution, but who would look for something this high tech in a shop class? "I take the ferry every day myself, but I don't have plans to move onto the campus. Kind of value my privacy"

    Exactly why does he have a service dog though? He doesn't appear to be impaired in any way, and Bear seems to be a very social animal. "I hope that knowing this is here won't throw you off while teaching? I look forward to joining your class."

Dane Whitman has posed:
"I've lived through worse distractions." Dane replies, watching Samuel replace the "Camouflage." "Like I said before, I'm not sure how much you'll be able to learn in my class...I think I could probably handle building something like that..." He inclines his head towards the suit, "But I wouldn't have been anywhere near that level at your age." Dane notes, "But the class has to be tailored for a group environment, which means a lot of students that probably aren't as advanced as you. Not that I'll be upset if you enroll anyway, I just wouldn't want you to be bored." He glances to the dog and grins a bit, "Maybe Bear will learn a few things, at least."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    'Whurf?' Bear tilts his head curiously at this friendly new human using his name. Sam pets the Shepherd between the ears, giving him an affectionate smile. "Probably. To be honest, I'd join your class because working on something is... calming. It clears my head, and not a lot of things do. You have my promise I'll give it my full attention, and won't interrupt."

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Well, like I said, I won't stop you. Should be up and running starting next week, I think. Probably a pretty small class to start. Most of the other students have their schedules full already, I'd imagine. I'm coming in at a bit of an odd time." Dane shrugs, and smiles, "In any case, I should probably head towards home myself. Unless there was anything else you needed to talk to me about?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A polite cough and Sam bites his lower lip for a moment. "Ehm... Mister Whitman, next week is spring break. There's... not going to be many students around to teach..." Implying there are going to be at least /some/. "But it was good talking to you, sir. Hopefully I can help you get settled in, and I look forward to your classes."

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Huh...guess checking the Calendar isn't one of my strong points." Dane chuckles, "But I do recall Doctor MacIntyre mentioning it, now that I think about it." He laughs, "Guess that gives me a little more time than I thought to get my lesson plans together." He smiles and extends a hand to Samuel, "I'll see you in class, Samuel. We'll talk again later."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    As before, the hand is shaken, and this time it's accompanied by an easy smile. "I look forward to that."