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Path of Glory: Project Gozer I
Date of Scene: 17 January 2022
Location: Labs - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Nadia, Victor Stone, Robin, Singularity, Kaida, Reed Richards and Peter Parker (but NOT Spider-Man) hear Donna's plan for Project Gozer, and get to work. Are angels quantum? Can you create an entropic shear-force between two zones of differential entropy? Is it possible to hack angels through photonic entanglement? Do androids believe in electric Santa? Will the scientists help to save the day, or be too distracted by the delights of pure science!
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Singularity, Peter Parker, Victor Stone, Kaida Connolly, Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Damian Wayne, Reed Richards

Donna Troy has posed:
    There are no angels in Metropolis. It's a lot less dramatic place to be right now than New York. Admittedly Metropolis has its own issues, with an apparent invasion of surrealism taking place the last few weeks. This has caused a few dramatic moments, but nobody is suggesting the world is going to end because of it, and for those visiting from New York, the trip to Titans Tower is a nice change of pace.

    It is however the problem in New York that is on the agenda today. The Titans have let it be known that they're looking for scientific help in a project that has the potential to help with the angel situation; a project that will benefit from expertise in computing, rapid prototyping and manufacturing, and some infiltration skills for the field test, too.

    So far the only detail that has been shared about this scheme is the name: Project Gozer.

    Visitors have been issued with special passes and lead through the tower's automated security systems to the lab level of the Tower, and specifically to a meeting room therein, where a number of Titans are already present. On the wall monitor as everyone enters is a freeze-frame from the interview with the Daily Planet's interview with the archangel Michael.

    Once everyone has gathered and taken their places, Donna Troy stands. "Right. Thanks for coming, everyone. I'm going to keep this pretty short and sweet. For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Troia of Themyscira, or Donna Troy. Take your pick. I have been in regular communication with Doctor Sims of the Justice League Dark, who is currently leading magical efforts against the angel invasion. So far these magical efforts have been the only ones making much impact, but a shared observation we had about the angels may lead to a way to change that, and this is what we are here to explore. Please take a look at the monitor -- this is the leader of the host of so-called angels, Michael."

    She taps a controller, and the image shifts to a slideshow of drawings and paintings. All are in the same or similar pose as the image from the video, and some look very like the figure seen there, but others look significantly different. "These are 'fan art' drawings people have made from observing the Daily Planet's video footage found online. You'll notice that they do not all look the same. This demonstrates an interesting fact -- these angels seem to appear differently to different people. The curious thing is that when groups of people encounter them together, they describe the same thing."

    "The conclusion we have drawn from this is that angels change appearance according to the expectations of people viewing them. This is perhaps a mechanism intended to make them impress people more, but it may also be a weakness."

    "We cannot easily change how people expect angels to look, but the idea of this project is to explore the possibility of using virtual intelligences programmed to believe absolutely and unshakably that angels look a certain way, and tilt the consensus belief of how they appear in a limited area. If this actually changes the physical capabilities of the angels to match, we could potentially use these VIs to transform them into a harmless form."

    "Time is of the essence, so at this point I'd like to ask you all to introduce yourselves briefly and suggest ways you might contribute to the planning, implementation and testing of this program. Thank you."

Singularity has posed:
There's a Pling that is the sound of a flicker coming in. There's a series of stars and small spiralling galaxies twisting over as Singularity would dance along into existence. There's a flash then as she would form, the star-forged girl that was her own small galaxy would appear over along with any others she might be bringing with her. Nadia along for the ride and then rleeased down. As there was direction to go over to the seats, Singularity would look around in an 'ooh' over while then moving to rapidly teleport herself over to one of the seats that had been indicated. She would flicker and then appear exactly over in a chair, going to kick her legs over with excitement. They were going to be doing something to help deal with the bad people that were invading!

Her body would be flickering as galaxies would spin and bout, black holes siphoning off matter to form continuous spirals about her and twirl. Her own eyes large pupilless showings of excited nebulas. Someone was very thrilled to be here to watch what would happen.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter Parker is settled in. He is trying to relax in the presence of some truly great minds...mixed in with some truly driven individuals.
He didn't show up as Spider-Man. Spidey wasn't doing so well and it was probably best he not show up as a clown of catastrophe. He certainly felt the part.

He leaned forward. "Peter Parker. Neuroscience program at Empire State University..."
Nice, Peter, GOOD, Peter. You and 130 others.
"...And amateur theologian."

"Supergirl thought it would be a good idea if I showed up."
Name-dropping, Peter? Oh well, it's not like you have much else to play.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Cyborg grins at the gathered people and says, "I'm Victor Stone, Cyborg, you can call me Vic. Welcome to Titans Tower!" He glances at Nadia. "A group of us went up to look at the 'angels' when we all thought they were that asteroid, JF09... the footage from /that/ shows several different configurations, so I'm kinda curious about how that'll affect things. Is it only /some/ of the angels that do this, are some of them too weird and reality-bending for our minds to change them? Or is it more like... we see what we /expect/ to see from weird reality-bending angels?"

    A pause. "Basically, the ones that are all rings of eyes--at least to me--would someone who's never read a word of the Bible see them as, I dunno, weird squid-like space monsters?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
For her part, Kaida is here to listen and offer any ideas she might have. She's not an engineer or computer science major or anything of the like. Her area is biochemistry but that doesn't mean she's lacking in basic knowledge of other fields and it doesn't mean that her area isn't potentially helpful. Not to mention she's a fast sneaky mouse.

"Whoa!" Kaida states as she looks at Singularity and then at the others but back to Singularity, "That's just cool." She then clears her throat and shifts slightly before smiling and waving.

"I'm Kaida, by the way."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia smiles at Singularity, "Thanks for the ride." The Waspette is dressed more like she usually does around the GIRL building, lots of red and black, a pleated plaid skirt, and simple t-shirt over which is worn a lab coat that's allowed to hang open almost like a cape.

"The observer can affect the observed reality, does that mean these angels are in fact Quantum beings?" Nadia asks half thinking out loud.

The description of the project does give her some pause though. "An intelligence advanced enough to believe things is not really any different than a human intelligence. I think there are some big ethical concerns here." This describes several members of the Pym family tree, after all.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin had stepped in and taken a seat, his face was not welcoming specifically, mostly due to his focus on what was going on in New York.

  He was in full combat gear, sans his sword. "Robin, Engineering and mechanics, forensics, Games and Theory. Regardless of what these things actually are, I want them dead." His right hand was so tensed up his gloves creaked in protest of the pressure. "Whatever I can build to get that done, I will do."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards smiles listening and studying the lab, he debated tele conferencing but he already gets out so little that Sue encouraged him to make an appearance, he is distracted resisting the urge to upgrade the lab. Also studying the tablet in his hand. He is attired in his classic blue coverall and a classic lab coat. A small white robot floats next, "I am Reed Richards, you may have heard of me." There is a small smile. "It's an interesting premise, I have brought Herbie as a possible playform, he is also a distributed intelligence capable of piloting multiple smaller less complex vehicles."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Welcome all of you," Donna says with a smile. "Some of you have major reputations, some less so, but you all come highly recommended so I have no doubts you will have much to contribute." Peter gets an extra smile of reassurance -- the name drop seems to have done the trick at least.

    "You all raise some interesting points. Quantum beings? Possibly, but hard to conceive how that would work. It's perhaps more useful from a practical viewpoint to consider them simply as magical beings. Magic is a method by which individual will can impose itself on reality. While I'm sure you'd love as scientists to have answers to these questions, time is pressing. We need defenses first, answers second."

    "The nature of belief is another complicated question. If we create a basic computer program that analyses data and recognizes '1+1=2' as false, is that necessarily different from a belief as far as angels are concerned? We don't know. I would image that this is something we should experiment with. It's my hope that we won't need something as advanced as synthezoid intelligence -- that would make mass-manufacture of such devices highly problematic. Lower-level VIs capable of synthetic analysis have become almost widespread in recent years, and give an outside appearance of intelligence. Hopefully this will be sufficient."

    "As for the question of how this impacts the different orders -- we don't know. They all exhibit this property of varying appearance to a greater or lesser degree. However the higher ranks of angels appear to be a lot more sophisticated than the lower ranks, so it may be that it works in different ways between them. The lower orders exhibit almost mechanical behavior. The higher orders seem to have less variance in how they are perceived -- everyone seems to report those rings of eyes that Victor raises, though there's some variation of the details. How this impacts different types of angels is something we will need to determine."

    She gives a nod to Richards. "Mister Fantastic I'm sure is known to all of us, despite his modesty," she says with a grin. "And Herbie will no doubt be a useful testing platform. One of the problems we have to solve is how we test this out without tipping our hand. I propose that we test it out by trying to impose a form on some angels that is not something anyone present believes them to look like, but credibly could be. If this works, we will want to apply something more drastic in the field when the time is right."

Singularity has posed:
There's another pling over from Singularity as she would go quiet and pay attention. The arrival of Peter Parker gets another light swirl from her star-clad eyes, but is not outwardly reactive; it could have been to something else over in teh room. There are some waves at her to the others in the room that she knows and is friends with or has met, and she would smile quietly to Nadia, "You are welcome." Her voice cheerful over as she would listen to the conversation.
    As Victor Stone would speak on 'space squids' she would go to raise her hand up. Not as she had a question, but that she had met them before. As he would speak there would be very much a frown on her face. From whatever experience she had taken from it.
    The talk of the project now has her full attnetion as Nadia, her friend goes to speak of ethics and concerns.
    Then as the ritual of introducing people would go in, Singularity would pipe up when it was her turn, "I am Singularity! I am here to help." Nothing quite more eloquent than that, but she was here to be of aid and support her friends against those that were evil. Old Man Richards has her full attention. Familiar, not Reed she knew, or necessarily one that she had run into before. But there's no real motion over from her in relation to the matter as she would follow along. Questions were for later!

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter holds up a hand. He stands up, clears his throat.

"Whatever they are, they are not actual angels. This destruction, this chaos...it doesn't fit. I don't know how many of you go to church, but there is a book in the bible that is relevant - the book of Revelation. It's a prophecy on what is supposed to happen at the end of history. There are specific situations and events that are supposed to happen, in sequence. This attack on Manhattan, the complete lack of activity in the Middle East...none of it fits what is described. Which means that whatever these things are, God has nothing to do with them."

He pauses. "Now, the fact that they have other forms is proof that another intelligence is play-acting at this angel hoax, and they have read enough to know the basics...but nothing more."

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Hunh," Vic says as Donna mentions the bit about the rings of eyes always looking like... rings of eyes. "Alright. So... maybe this'll mostly work on the lower levels? Worth a try, though."

    Then he turns to regard Peter and raises a brow. The one that isn't covered in chrome. "Actually," he says, "plenty of people who've read the Bible and preach the Book of Revelations are convinced these /are/ angels. I don't know, myself, I haven't seen one, but..." He nods to Donna. "that's kind of beside the point. Whether they're actual angels or aliens using magic--or whether angels were /always/ aliens using magic--the idea here is to prepare defenses against them. I know the color their magic shows up is the, uhh, the 'holy' one? Kind of a golden white? So at least they're in the same general..." He makes a circular motion with his hand. "Uhh... type, as that kind of stuff. Holy, creation, light, life, that kind of thing. So the question is how we counter that."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods a few times as she listens to Donna, it seems to allay the ethical concerns for the time being.

Her expression seems to light up at what Reed says, "Hi Dr. Richards! Oooh! Herbie is here?! Hi, Herbie!" Excitement comes easily to her.

Peter's speech about the Angels makes her peer at him for a moment though. "I've hung out with Thor a whole lot, been to the Greek underworld Tartar Sauce, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that the books humans wrote are usually wrong. I don't think you can hold the Bible up as a factual source without Peer Review." She snappoints to Vic, "What he said. It doesn't really matter what they really are in the end, that's a future research topic, what matters in the Now is how we stop them."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Listening intently to the people around her, Kaida casually starts walking back and forth and thinking. She considers everything she hears and some of the things she smells as she walks back and forth. SHe listens to the plans and ideas and finally stops and looks to Donna first.

"Don't forget to account for faith." She states and looks at the others before looking back to Donna, "You gotta understand that with magic, I don't know much but I know belief is important." She nods her head and then looks forward at no one in particular, putting a tiny hand into the other, "I am not sure there's a way to mimic faith and faith could be very important. Not faith in any particular thing but faith in the idea that what you see is what you believe it to be."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "It does not matter if it is real christian or not. What matters, is how to get them the fuck into a grave. We find a way to rend them asunder and save New York." Robin adds to Peter's comments. But as Vic posits the question, Damian answers. "Entropy. The opposite of creation. And why does Doctor Richards have a sentient Volkswagen?"

  "And what about faith in the opposite? Belief that they are wrong. Belief that they have no power over you. Just Freddy Krueger these ugly bastards away. And I agree with Waspette, we have been to Tartarus. There was a very good dog there. Thousands of years of humans tainting the original form turns into...modern religion. Like a really shitty game of telephone."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards smiles easily, he casts a holo white board into the middle of the room, "Exactly Peter, and that belief is something we can use. We are all quantum beings to some extent, long range teleportation shows that. We are all victims of perception this is just a more literal representation of that and using deptictions of angels that play into popular ideologies, popular elements of faith and belief, "The images of white robes and halos, cherubim, futurama we can use them all, perhaps we stay away from Thanagar and the Shi'ar. Whether they are angels is honestly not relevant, they certainly don't look like the attendants of that little white haired man at the drawing board." He smiles to Donna, "Magic is only science sufficiently advanced. Faith can be in a wide variety of things, family, science, truth, justice, other things. They are accumulating followers but this doesn't feel like a faith issue, at least to me. I mean I seem to remember a certain dress? I would stick with the quantum aspects. Let us work the problem we have."

    Reed nods, "Very good, Damian yes, entropy is the energy unleashed by the expanding universe, it is in physics term the antithesis of creation. And definite avenue for investigation." Reed actually stops and ponders, "Hmm? Oh, you've never met Herbie? He runs the lab and maintains the Plaza. He is a robot with an intrinsic AI, but quite high functioning.

Singularity has posed:
The sapient anthropomorphized pocket dimension that had been brought into existence by her observation and inspiration of heroes would make a very, very quiet show of looking back and forth over to no one in particular. Her spinning stars and galaxies would go a litlte muter, slowing down in their spirals over for just a few moments as she would sit down a little more in her seat in somem sort of thought or introspection. Whatever tact this discussion had taken was having a distinct impression upon her body's expressiveness. Singularity's body would glisten just a little less brightly, before returning over to her norm as she would raise her head back up again.

Donna Troy has posed:
"Peter, right?" Donna says to Spider-Man with a nod. "All I can say for sure is that they /believe/ that they are the beings that inspired the biblical account of angels. Whether they are or not I agree with Nadia is not a priority to determine, though I'm sure theologians will disagree. I will however point out that in the interview he gave to the Daily Planet, Michael admitted that what he is doing is /his/ plan, and he does not claim to be acting under direct orders from any God. For people who follow that faith as you obviously do, this is hard. All I can do is remind you that there was, according to your religion, another angel who did very much the wrong things when following his own plans."

    "Kaida, I think you hit the nail on the head. The way I see it, computer programs /are/ faith of a sort. If you tell a program that variable x equals seventeen, the program will be absolutely certain that is correct. It does not need any external proof -- to the program, x is defined as being 17. In a human, faith is the belief that something is true, without recourse to absolute external proof. I would argue that what determines faith is the distinction; we have the ability to doubt, but we can also have faith that is blind. My hope is that all we need is a program that is capable of doubt in other things, but incapable of doubt in this one thing -- that the data input it receives that identifies something in the world as being an angel produces a fixed and unchangeable output. As an example... the AI in the tower identifies people entering and tries to figure out who they are. It can be more or less certain. It is however not capable of doubting that someone with clearance is allowed in, and someone without clearance is not. Thus it /believes/ that it's you at the door, but it has /faith/ that you are to be granted access."

    "We are right here in the middle of this. With enough advanced notice there are no doubt many possibilities we could take Robin, but time is not on our side. The advantage of this suggestion is that it depends on a phenomenon we have already observed. To borrow a phrase from the place this project got its name, this has the potential to allow us to 'chose the form of the destructor.' I suggest we come up with something smarter than the Staypuft Marshmallow man. If we can get this working, we give ourselves a much bigger chance, and we save a lot of lives. We can then consider enhancements to the project that might be even more effective."

    "As Richards says, let's work the problem we have. Design, implementation, manufacturing practicalities. You guys are the scientists, so I think it's best if you figure out the approach to implementing this. When we have something to test, I will have suggestions about testing it. That will require something more than science; we'll need some cunning too. We'll need to think of a good testing protocol, but we'll also need to figure out a way to infiltrate and test it out in the field without either giving the game away, or getting anyone killed. I note that there are already people in this group who are well suited to infiltration."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sits down. He's made his statement, but something does come to mind.

It's only a suspicion, but it might be worth a little field test. And there's more to talk about here than picking theological nits.

"There has been some research done with exercising quantum states other than the current one. Creating an area where a different quantum state exists, one so fundamentally different as to change what should and should not happen. Could creating a quantum charge to set off with these creatures in the field of effect set off an innate reaction to adjust? Like startling them into dropping the disguise, at the quantum level?"

Victor Stone has posed:
    Victor grins at Peter. "/Now/ you're thinking, and I like your thoughts. Would that stun them...? Hold them in place, the way Donna's wanting? Because as far as I'm aware the idea behind Project Gozer specifically is to immobilize them, right? Act as, uhh, angel traps. Crowd control, y'know? Or are we cooking up anti-angel weaponry, too? 'Cause... the people on the ground are already using entropic weapons, right? According to..." He clears his throat.

    "According to, y'know, the footage we've seen. Of the first battle." He frowns uncomfortably. Nobody's mentioned Caitlin yet, and he doesn't want to be the first one to do so. "Anyway, uhh, point being... quantum states might be another avenue to get done what you want done, Donna." He looks around at the others to see what they think.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia thinks, this is definitely a time for thoughts and thinking caps to be on. "These angels seem to be largely made of light from everything we've seen. Where there is light there are photons and where there are photons in a quantum being there are entangled photons. From everything I've heard, some of these angels sound almost more like quantum machines than say people. There is an entire branch of research in quantum computing research related to photonic qubits. What if these angels are exactly what Donna is proposing in this project, really advanced photonic quantum AI's driven by faith, as Dr. Richards points out a suitably advanced Science is essentially Magic, Clark's 3rd Law. So if all of that holds, we could in theory use Photonic quantum entanglement to hack these angels and reprogram their source code if you will. Or if our AI could interface with their AI and do the reprogramming for us."

Singularity has posed:
Then Singularity's head would go up and she would speak, plainly, "I am a quantum being. My state is closer to their's. I will let you run whatever tests on me you would need to try and understand how they work and how to fight them, or whatever weapons you would make." That is something she can do to be useful. Help them figure out how to make things to hurt the angels.

She is in this world to help protect people and her friends. If this is the way to best stop them from being hurt, she will do it without hesitation.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Do not forget, while all of this is good thoughts, we need to have a back up for all of it." Kaida states plainly as well, looking at them one after the other, "Do we have any samples from these creatures? A piece? A part? These plans are fine and great but once we try it, if it fails, it fails hard."

"They have a leader. One who controls them. If he understands what we are trying, his own faith could override ours." Kaida nods her head, "Override everything. We not only need to stop them, we have to do it in such a way that he can't jsut undo it with a brush of a thought and then come after us directly." She clears her throat.

"I mean, I can take him but what about poor Mr. Fantastic? He's just one guy. Certainly no mouse."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Can we create a field of stabilized entropic energy, keeping them from escaping or better yet, straight up destroying them on an atomic level? Render their matter inert." Clearly, Damian has no problem being a part of the next Manhattan Project. "Or, an entropic cage. They could attempt to cross, but they end up...not existing anymore."

  "If the Ghostbusters used proton accelerators to lasso psycho-kinetic entities, harnessing them with energy that crosses into their plane of existence, yes. Okay, yes, with the quantum states, I am with you now." He adds in.

  "So, we have two avenues, quantum reprogramming and entropic traps."

  Robin offers a sly fist bump to Kaida in regards to her last statement.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards blinks at Victor, "Entropic weapons? Excellent! Would you know the relative frequencies? I have a notion about shear forces, entropic shear... But first things first. Donna, if this is a function of quantum states we may be able to perform a basic test here in the lab, do you have an electron microscope? We can set it to it's minimum... Damian, Peter could you help me?" Reed moves to a workshop, He stops in midstride and gulps quietly, he had known this but would never have subjected the girl to these tests. He turns to her, with solid weight on his shoulders, "Are you sure you don't need to do this? We still need to develope the distribution system... Dr. Holt has some interesting ideas on distributed AI." Reed smiles to Kaida, still a sad edge to his voice "I struggle through as limited as I am. And we can use the AI to test the possibility of changing our reality... "

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Okay, okay, hold on folks." Donna raises her hands, palms out, grinning. "Look, I know everyone's eager to understand this all better. That's what scientists do. So I'd just like to remind you of practicalities. These angels are here, invading, now. What's the practical outcome of this theorizing? Manipulating quantum states as Peter suggest, even at the scale of a single angel, would require vast amounts of energy. Entangling a sufficient amount of an angel to hack them would require a vast amount of quantum engineering. These are potentially very powerful solutions. Ways we could not just neutralize the current threat, but determine whether they can ever be a threat again in future. And Singularity's offer to act as a guinea pig could help hugely. But... could we get any of this done as soon as next month, let alone next week?"

    "And the point Kaida raises is an excellent one. Suppose they are quantum beings, and Michael's observations act as a kind of probabilistic absolute? I suggest we concentrate on the mechanism we have most reason to suspect will work, because we have observed its effects. The energy requirements and engineering requirements for a bunch of computers capable of hosting a basic AI is easily to hand. The devices will affect an area where they are the dominant belief. And it would be the nature of such thing that their belief would be /absolute/. I don't see how Michael could override that. If this works, this gives us a result fast, and can be the basis for further experimentation."

    "On the subject of Entropic weaponry... as Victor mentioned earlier, this has been tried on them. It makes them very angry - more than other weapons, as if it is directly offensive to them. There is... a complication. Something that isn't entirely clear to us yet. I intend to get more information about this and will pass on what I do, but it is possible that destroying angels in this fashion would be a very bad thing. It may be related to the reason this is all happening -- and if so damaging to the fabric of the multiverse. I would suggest if you wish to follow that line of enquiry, think about using that shear force to create an entropic wall that angels would be unable to pass... but even that would be something I would be very cautious about without considerably more information."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity would offer quietly, "I am made of energy. I can.. Feel different things. I would be okay if you needed to attempt different things with energies to see how they would.." as she would get to the point where some of her limitations of language and trying to vocalizer her own abilities would be. So she would just pay attention over to Donna, star-clad body flickering over as she would go to listen up a bit straighter and the glistening galaxies that made up the pint sized pocket dimension would dance oncemore in engagement.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter gets up and follows Dr. Richards. "The amount of energy would be immense, I know. But I had a few thoughts about using a Maxwell's Demon architecture..."
He looked to Richards. "Where should we begin?"

Victor Stone has posed:
    As people talk, Victor gets up and goes over to a whiteboard--of /course/ the lab has whiteboards, /every/ lab has whiteboards--and starts noting down ideas. 'Absolute belief' is one idea, 'quantum reprogramming' another, 'entropic traps' a third, and 'quantum stun' the fourth.

    "Whoa, whoa, hold up," he says, turning away from the whiteboard as Reed gets up to go after the electron microscope. "Donna's right. We don't actually know /what/ the angels are, on any kind of scientific level. We don't have samples, though we do have data. And that data--and talking to the people who've fought the angels--is where Donna got this idea. We /definitely/ shouldn't be testing this on anyone who isn't an angel, because we don't know what they are. They could be similar to you, Singularity... or they could be /completely/ different." He looks back at the whiteboard and taps the pen on his thigh for a moment, going 'boing boing boing' against the chrome.

    "Donna, can we give them a look at the data we got from the asteroid? So we're not duplicating investigation? And... here! Singularity, come with me for a sec?" He starts for some scanning equipment. "Let's see whether you match up to our scans of them, see if you'd be a good match for testing."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"First of all, I am the one wanting samples!" She points at Victor and Kaida huffs before then clearing her throat and returning Damian's dap with a quick fist bump in a blur before sucking in a breath and then pointing, "We do not know what they are. I am a Biochemist, darn it! Well, I mean, I didn't finish school but I could be and should be if I weren't a mouse." She nods her head and then looks at the others, "We can't just run head long into things without more information!" She then crosses her arms and nods.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Of course they'd be offended, knowing we have the pointier stick. Stick a gun in my face and I would be offended too. That's the price of war, someone is going to have to be offended, it's a revolt."

  "And until they decide to leave this planet the hell alone, I for one am up for killing them, leaving them to be shadows on the concrete."

  Robin has already stood up, and clearly heated. "So, I will help Dr. Richards and...Parker, was it? Because my contingency is Mutually Assured Destruction. They're gonna fuck around, let's be sure they find out."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards walks into workshop, with Peter and Damian. He finds bits and bobs and starts cobbling together a series of mini computers. He explains as he goes so the other too can work with him. it isn't overly hard as there is no programming but he uses the the basic parameters for an minimum AI that could said to have beliefs, something the complexity of the Titan's building system maybe a notch or two below Herbie. Herbie is also being helpful. He then explains his idea for testing beliefs ability to affect observable reality using the mini computers, a electron microscope and the heisenberg uncertainty principle... "There is of course a slim chance this break the universe all on its own."
    Reed also sends Victor all the data he has on Singularity, including a probe that is actively transmitting data.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Things like this get annoyingly /metaphysical/ Robin," Donna says. "I believe this is a fight we won't just win by killing more angels. It's a fight we can only win by winning in the right way. According to intelligence we have, the force we are currently facing is a tiny fraction of the force they have available. We have to take care that we do not use a weapon that forces their hand and makes them bring in their full forces before we have found a way to stop their plans and make this war unwinnable for them. "

    "Right. Our systems already have all the multi-spectrum data we could get on the angels through remote sensing. Hopefully by comparing to the scans we get from Singularity, we could identify quite quickly whether angels are indeed a quantum life form. Kaida's biochemistry background combined with Vic's sensor expertise should make you guys ideal for that test.. Damain's a computer hot-shot. Parker is a neuroscience hot-shot and should be good at helping model a 'belief engine'. Nadia's familiar with the lab's fabrication capabilities and an expert in systems integration and miniaturization for designing an ideal delivery device assuming our tests work out, and Reed is an all-purpose genius with more experience than the rest of us put together and probably makes the best project lead. Does that make sense to everyone?"

Singularity has posed:
There's a quick -pling- over from Singularity as she would teleport over and appear next to Victor Stone, "We won't know if they are or not until we find out! And if we test it, then we know that they are not like me." That's how science works after all! She seems to be quite cheerful as her inquisitive nature would kick in as she would flicker over and teleport. Then she would flash again and move to appear next to Doctor Richards, her body apparating over in curiousity while looking over. Then she would appear over next to Robin. "They are still living. They might be evil, but destroying them all does not make things better. They are here to hurt and destroy things. But we are all heroes. We protect. We should not have to risk making ourselves evil as well." Then she would teleport along over to Donna, pinging next to her in quick appearance. "Could you also perhaps merely ask some of them?" She would inquire. "They cannot all be evil. There are some of them who might be willing to help show hwat they are like."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks up and nods. It's not the usual science he works in, but he knows the lab, bargain-basement it may be, may be able to work in the area of science he needs.

"I'm going to need some materials to work on this without having to travel here all the time. The facility I have is in Queens."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic goes ahead and scans Singularity with the Titans' lab sensors, comparing those scans to the ones Reed sends over. "I don't know if I'd assume 'evil,'" he says in a quiet, strained sort of tone. "I mean, the people fighting alongside the angels... they honestly believe they're doing good. Saving the world. Just because you're fighting against someone doesn't mean they're evil. It just means you really, /really/ disagree on something."

    He frowns. "Although... you know, Donna, that makes me think maybe we should send Dawn over to help the resistance people. She might have some good ideas."

    He shakes his head as he looks over the three sets of scans--what he just took of Singularity, Reed's data, and the data on the angels. "Hmm... something's... different between these. Look, here." He projects a readout and points at it. "You don't exude /any/ magic. Whatever magic really... is? It's got different signatures." He pulls up a scan of the asteroid, showing glowing halos of golden-white light around the various beings inside. Then he swaps to Singularity's scans. "This here... you don't give off any magical aura of your own, not to our sensors." He sighs. "I think we're gonna need to test it on actual angels, unless we've got some samples from them."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "You can believe what you want to believe, Donna. We have been through this before. I should have shot that doppel, and instead it only got worse. Not again. Not with -them- out there." The 'them' of course was his family, meanwhile Damian had been sidelined in Gotham.

  As Singularity pops in and starts to white knight onto Damian, the murder Robin keeps it simple, if not slightly brusque. "I am -not- having another talk about the morality of killing someone who's sole purpose for being here is to harm my planet. Batman doesn't kill, and yet, these creatures are not on the list to save. I listened to Vorpal the last time. I am not making that mistake again." Robin offers, before starting up the electron microscope. "Let's cook up some entropy."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards sets up the the distributed network, and tuned the electron micrscope to its highest magnification. He watches the display as it settles and then the last digit oscillates as it settles into a rhythm a wave form. Reed nods and enters the digit into the simple network and lets the network believe.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards says, "Peter, if you send me the address I can get you outfitted. It might be a good place to continue work."

Donna Troy has posed:
"No problem Peter," Donna says with a business-like nod as she follows along behind people exploring the lab facilities. "Let Vic know what you need to requisition and we'll put it together for you. However if you need to use the lab facilities here, do contact the tower and we can provide transport. Including instant transport if needed."

    "I think many of them are not evil, Singularity. Perhaps most. The lower orders... there is something automaton like about them. I don't know if they even have a choice in the matter. As for the higher orders -- well we know for a fact that some do not agree with what they are doing, but they go ahead with it anyway for now." She glances in Robin's direction. "One of the reasons we should be careful not to 'offend' them is because the way for us to win here may be holding out while the doubts of the doubters grow enough that they stop helping Michael. As for samples... actually I know someone to ask."

    She already has her com out and is tapping a message to Sims as she speaks: 'Jon, got any biological samples of angels? Need something ASAP, will send rabbit hole'.

    The team works fast. Hopefully some biological samples will arrive soon, but as far as the remote sensing tests go -- Singularity trips a whole different selection of WTFs than the angels do. Probability fields seem to /compress/ around her, and entangles particles do not seem to act as if they are entangled if they pass through her. Although the signals retrieved from scanning the 'asteroid' were full of anomalies, they were a different kind of anomaly.

    Reed's prototype provides for the construction of what might be described as a creedbit -- a digital unit of belief. It's a structure on which Damian and Peter can start building the core processing software, using off-the-shelf AI components and a bit of structural ingenuity to develop what should hopefully turn into a 'belief engine'.

    The teams start to come together and exchange ideas... it's a solid start.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiled sadly. "10 Ingram Street. It's just me and Aunt May, but she's in Florida. And it's a good place because it's close to Manhattan. Good for staging area."