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Where Is the Coffee Machine
Date of Scene: 25 January 2022
Location: Hall of Justice - New Troy
Synopsis: Shift change for Monitor Duty can sometimes be chaotic. A ghost from Dinah's past ruins her morning.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Kaldur'ahm, Dinah Lance, Ted Kord, Naria Shepard, Booster Gold

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Graveyard shift eats your eyeballs.
    If there is one truth that Arthur Curry knows and has complete entire belief in at this late/early hour of the night/morning, it is this fact that staring at the gigantic monitor in the Justice League Monitoring Room will eat your eyeballs. It's a large thing that dominates the center of the wall upon which it's set, flashing displays and streams of data flow across the myriad of windows. In the past Arthur used the most basic setup, with just a trouble alert, comms frequencies, and warnings listed for him. But now, after having studied the user's manual for the last few months...
    He knows enough to be dangerous.
    Which is why the other windows show the weather, a radiation grid map, satellite displays, as well as a Looney Tunes cartoon running in the bottom right corner.
    Still, the sentiment of it eating his eyeballs is born out by the way the tall man slouches in that chair, boots up on the control panel and /presses/ the palms of his hands into his eye sockets as he groans followed by a grimace.
    "These shifts are too damn long." Says the man with Herculean endurance, yet the patience and attention span of a gadfly. "Ugh."
    Willfully he leans over and flicks the switch to key the loudspeakers in the hall to life, "Is anyone here?"
    Silence for a time.
    "If you're here and you don't answer I am going to take that as a no and play my music. It will be loud."

Kaldur'ahm has posed:
In the kitchen, an excited Kal is cooking something. He discovered the incredible, wonderful world of breakfast sausage! And does he ever love it. He knows that Arthur -- his king, as far as he's concerned, and yes he has been told by Arthur not to call him that but how do you not call your king a king? -- is up in the monitoring room so he wants to make extra. Maaaaaybe he made a little too much extra? He piles somewhere in the realm of 30-40 sausage links and patties on a plate and quickly eats two that won't seem to balance properly.

The young Atlantean makes his way up to the monitoring room with his haul. "I am here, my king!" he exclaims. The aroma of sausage proceeds him. "I brought us something to eat. Have you heard of breakfast sausage?" he asks excitedely. "It is very wonderful!" He approaches the panel and sets down the plate.

Look! The kid brought food!

Dinah Lance has posed:
Morning shift was nothing to write home about. Unless one wanted to make the reader of that note sob like a child for being woken up at this ungodly hour of the day. Yet, here she was. Having made her way in to the Hall and walking to the monitoring room. She has a small duffle with her. Dressed in costume, including her domino mask and blonde wig, she heard that challenge coming from the room.

Admittedly, she wondered what type of music it would be. But not wanting everyone to be subjected to it, she called back. "Keep your shorts on! I'm here."

It was about thirty seconds later that she entered the room, moving to the open chair and setting her bag atop it. Unzip of the bag to pull out the oversized Stanley Thermos. The old classic green with the silver cup top. It was well worn and had probably been around for as long as she'd been alive. Yet, it still worked and that was what mattered. She took a moment to take off the cap, uncrew the top, pour some very, very dark coffee into the cup and screw the cap back on the thermos. Then she settled down in her seat as she took a cautious sip.

"Mornin'," she murmured to the pair. She did not put that 'good' word in front of it.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Kaldur," Arthur's words are offered in the way of Kaldur without at first looking at the young man. "We talked about this, up here and tootling about on the surface I'm Arthur. Just plain good ole Arthur." He says those without turning quite yet.
    But the sausage, that does get him to turn. "Ah, yeah. Good stuff. Jimmy Dean." He offers as he leans over and plucks two sausages off the plate and takes a bite, nibbling on it somewhat.
    Of course that's the moment when Dinah wanders on in, and thankfully she didn't hear that King comment. But her mood seems rather poorly. So it is with such eloquence that he inquires of her, "Yer in a mood."
    He glances back at the monitor, chewing on the sausage, then looks back to the others. "You guys met before?" He asks with a quirked eyebrow considering one then the other. "Kaldur. Canary. Canary. Kaldur." Introductions complete.

Kaldur'ahm has posed:
The young Atlantean approaches Dinah with a heaping plate of steaming breakfast sausage -- a mix of links and patties. "Hello, Canary. Do you like to eat breakfast sausage?" he asks, holding out the plate within easy reach.

He's a slender black kid, so pretty much the polar opposite of Arthur. Apparently Atlanteans are racially diverse. They do kind have unkempt poofy hair in common. Must be the salt water.

He peers over his shoulder at Arthur, perhaps wondering how he is going to get himself to call someone he considers his reigning monarch by his common first name. It seems...unnatural.

Dinah Lance has posed:
As Kaldur makes that offer, Dinah looks at him for a very long moment. She even glances over at Arthur for a moment, wondering if this is some joke the Atlantean cooked up and stuck the kid in the middle of. Doesn't seem like it. And the young man seems nice enough.

Maybe she just needs more coffee.

"Nice to meet you, Kaldur. And to answer your question, Arthur," she adds, looking back over at him pointedly. "Do you know how early I have to get up to commute here from Gotham for these early shifts? From now on, trade me. I'd rather have the graveyard."

She does take a sausage link off the giant platter. Who know they had that much sausage in the kitchen here. "Thank you, Kaldur."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Sleep is for the weak," Is the proclamation so pronounced as Arthur maintains his slouched posture at the monitoring station, though his attention is marginally sidelong on Kaldur and his tray of sausage and Dinah with her tired grumpiness.
    But then he decides to elaborate on Kaldur's story in his own particular manner. "Kaldur saved my life when he was a munchkin, and now he's all..." A moment is taken as he considers the kid with the breakfast tray, then quirks an eyebrow. "Tall. Ish." Which is a way to say that he's older now. Then toward Canary he adds, "Was... a while ago."
    He turns back to the monitor and then declares. "I am old." Or feeling it at least. From there he starts scrolling through some of the data alerts, picking and choosing what he reads on the gigantic screen.

Kaldur'ahm has posed:
On his way back over to where Arthur is sitting, Kal eats about five or six pieces of sausage off the plate. He has an appetite and really enjoys breakfast sausage apparently. He places the plate down within easy reach of Arthur.

"What are you doing here my...." He remembers being admonished for calling Arthur that on the surface, so he quickly changes mid-sentence. "...Arthur?" It ends up being worse, coming out as 'my Arthur.' He clears his throat nervously and shifts his weight a bit from one leg to the other. He appear to feel a bit awkward calling Arthur by his first name. He quickly eats another sausage.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Tall. Ish." That gets a hint of a smirk from Dinah as she shakes her head a little bit. "No longer a munchkin and instead a young man." She says it out loud to be sure she got that right.

The verbal slip is heard but ignored. She's not quite sure what my could've been leading to but My Arthur is damned amusing as she nibbles the rest of her breakfast treat before taking another sip of her coffee. Black. Strong. Probably would take paint off a wall admittedly. Just the way she liked it.

"Just visiting or going to be joining up, Kaldur?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "I," Arthur says over his shoulder toward Kaldur, "Am monitoring the culture, my Kaldur." He says as if that were a typical honorific applied so easily. But, to his credit, he gestures toward the monitor as he explains, "This is a data system. Batman came up with it, wrote the manual and everything." Which, if one were the observant type, they would see said manual sitting on the side table to the right of the monitoring station.
    "It lets us know when stuff might be going down and..."
    Of course that's the moment when one window pops up and displays a few lines of data declaring a prisoner transfer from Metropolis to Washington D.C. for trial. It's a pop up that steals Arthur's attention as his brow knits thoughtfully. Then he turns and says, "Canary..."
    That's all at first. A beat, then he elaborates, "You were the one that dealt with Roulette before, right? Any idea why she might be making another court appearance?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord enters the room. He beckons to someone outside the door. "C'mon, it's okay. I'm O.G. sort of. As for Booster... I do not understand how a time traveler is always late. Oh good morning all. Thanks for the invite. Um... I brought a friend, hope that's okay. I also brought some breakfast take out. Some espresso. I just had three no four but they seemweaknotreallydoinganything. Oh a manual!" He deposits the goods on a table and heads for said manual and begins reading through it. "Thesethingsaregreat."

Naria Shepard has posed:
An invite to the Hall of Justice? This was simply too awesome to resist. Of course, she'd had to wait for the permission to clear and thus there was more than a few selfies taken by the girl with the glowing locks outside including one where she'd been hanging upside down off some of the signage...but as soon as she'd got the message? Rave had zipped into the space. There was no mask for the young woman, she didn't even have a 'suit' after all and her powers emerging had been a public enough event that she couldn't really do the secret identity thing. Besides, having hair and eyes that glowed neon blue kinda took more than a pair of glasses and a combing to cover up.

A flash of light and a fading trail of neon in her wake, the young woman tilts her head as she appears in the doorway.

"Oh! Do I smell breakfast?"

Booster Gold has posed:
    No theme music or applause this time as Booster Gold comes in. Well, not so much comes in as dragged in. Skeets is the first to arrive, floating up near the top of the doorway and then flying into the room, and a golden colored tether behind him attaches to the floating form of Booster Gold, who appears to be very much unconscious.

    Skeets floats over towards Blue Beetle, but flies upward for a moment to alter the trajectory of the floating but otherwise inert hero. Just enough to jerk him slightly. "Sir, we are here."

    "...keep the muffins away!" murmurs Booster Gold, before his eyes slowly open. And then immediately shut again, when besieged by the lights within the room. "Ugh." He slowly rights himself, which is a good thing as Skeets disconnects the tether, dropping Booster down a few inches to the ground. He wobbles for a moment but those superhero reflexes kick-in, and somehow Booster makes it look like a planned landing. A yawn slips forth from his face, and he stretches.

    "'sup?" he asks, looking around at the assembled mass of JLers.

Kaldur'ahm has posed:
There are a whole mess of new people who come in. Kaldur'ahm's face lights up with a smile, his brown eyes sparkling. Apparently he likes meeting new people. He picks up a heaping plate of breakfast sausage -- links AND patties, don't ya know -- and starts walking around to the various new arrivals. He says things like, "Hello, I am Kal" and "Good morning" and "Do you like breakfast sausage?" and stuff like that. A bit socially awkward, but kind.

He stops at Rave, his face taking on a slight blush as he holds out the plate. "Is this what you smelled? Would you like some? My name is Kal." Boys are so dumb when they see a pretty girl, it doesn't matter if they're from the surface or from beneath the sea.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Things were going swimmingly. Then the invasion happened. No, not aliens. The rush of people who were entirely too awake for this time of morning. Except Booster. He might be her spirit animal since he was still asleep too.

Seeing Rave, she gave the young woman a brief smile and nod. Then she spoke to the assemblage. "Welcome, everyone. Pull up chairs or grab a sausage. Looks like Ted and Kaldur have breakfast covered for everyone. But I suspect we are going to need more coffee."

At the question from Arthur, she remained quiet a moment. Then she very quickly stated, "Additional charges from her last fight club project. Involving kidnapping and ...I don't even know what they are calling it." And with that, she rose very quickly to her feet. "If you can cover for a few minutes, I'll go get a fresh pot brewing." And with that she rose to her feet and headed for the door, intent on going to the kitchen since she was not sharing the contents of her thermos. She stopped in her tracks, walked back to her bag, picked up her cup and thermos and then headed for the door again as she took a sip of coffee. Mention of Roulette had soured her morning even more.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Beetle," Arthur offers in way of greeting, lifting a hand to offer a wave. "This is Kaldur, Atlantean, saved my life. Etcetera." Another masterful introduction completed. Though he seems inclined to add a little more after some thought, "Good kid."
    Then the tall man with the wild hair and the beard lifts his golden eyes up to catch the neon streaks in the monitor's reflection. He doesn't look like he fits in, no costume either, just blue jeans, brown work boots, and a black hoodie. He looks more like street hobo instead of a super hero. Yet his manner is so at ease that it's almost like he feels he owns the place.
    "Shoulda known Booster would be right behind Beetle. Hey man." Now that the room is filling up he turns around in that over-stuffed office chair, the joints squeaking as it rotates. He faces the others, but then his attention focuses on Dinah, nodding in answer to what she convey about Roulette. He replies when she asks him to cover by waving it off and murmuring, "Yeah knock yourself out. I'll hold down the fort. Nothing is pressing."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shakes Kal's hand. "Good to know you. It's Ted to my friends. This is Rave from the Birds of Prey. I think she'll stand still for breakfast. Hey! Rave, No espresso! The... the mind boggles."

He turns to Booster and gives him a nudge. "Hey, I gave you a perfectly good assistant a couple days ago. You better give her back in good order. And soon. My appointment book is a mess. Hello? Anyone in there?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
A little wave of her fingers to Dinah, the Canary given a smile before she blinks at Ted taking on the introduction for her and lowers her hands, folding them behind her back. "Yeah, that's me. I'm kinda the new 'hire' but..." a shrug, she trails off. She was standing in the hall of freaking justice right now! She must have been doing something right!

Her gaze moves to Kaldur, a little smile of greeting to a fellow 'newbie' and 'good kid' before she looks back at Arthur. No costume or not, that was a -big- guy, it was pretty easy to pick he was probably some sort of superhero. She wasn't going to judge on clothing when she usually fought crime in the same clubwear she wore in her jobs.

Finally back to Ted there's a perfectly mature answer to her being warned not to have coffee: she simply pokes her tongue out at the man.

Booster Gold has posed:
    "Yeah yeah, no need to shout," replies Booster, shoving Ted back. Not that he was shouting, but whatever. "She's fine. We go at it all night. What can I say?" Booster shrugs a bit, and reaches up to rub his eyes slowly. He looks around as if to focus on what is going on in the room. "Oh, hey Arthur. How's it going?" He looks up at the big monitors, squinting a bit. "Seems a normal day. Right? That's what all those things mean, since there isn't anything blinking or blaring?"

            Skeets retracts the tether and floats off to occupy himself. Maybe talking to one of the JL computers. Who knows what Skeets gets up to during his private time? More importantly, who WANTS to know?

Kaldur'ahm has posed:
Once he makes sure he has made the rounds to everyone to see if they want breakfast sausage, Kal sets the plate down near the monitoring station. But just to be safe, he grabs another sausage and eats it. That's like ten so far. He's not really sure what to say, and everyone seems to know one another or have at least one vector of connection in the room. So he contents himself to sit down in a chair somewhere and just watch and listen. He doesn't seem to have that disconnection anxiety that surface teens have when they just...sit. On the contrary, he looks quite relaxed and peaceful sitting in a chair doing nothing.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Watching as Dinah wanders off, Arthur's brow furrows for a moment with thought not given voice then makes a small grunt of a sound. Then it's back to the here and now as he looks at the others, lifting a hand in Booster's direction. "Yeah, man. Mostly quiet. Prisoner transfer going down, might keep an eye on that in case a break out attempt is made. But beyond that..."
    He turns back toward the display, making a face and crinkling his nose. "Now that you guys are runnin' around, we should get you in the rotation." Since that'd mean less tie him and his would be stuck monitoring and staring, staring and monitoring.
    "Kaldur here's wanting to try and help when he can, but he's got a lot of stuff to learn about the surface." Which is when he spares a glance for the other Atlantean as if checking to make sure he has the gist of it right.
    Then a slightly sly look touches Arthur's features as he half-smiles looking back over at Ted and Booster, "In fact, he could probably use a few people to help show him the ropes."
    Poor Kaldur.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord head tilts at Rave's response. He's aboout to ready his middle finger for his reply when he gets shoved back by Booster. he digs in his heels though and slaps Booster's hand. "Watch who you're pushing you big jerk!" One slap then another then another is exchanged. Superhero slappy fight!!! Slappyslappyslappyslappyslappyslappy!

Then he's going to show Rave how to act mature! Pout out a call for a den mother!

Booster Gold has posed:
    "Not the hair, not the hair!" proclaims Booster Gold, as he responds slap for slap for Beetle, although most slapping seems to be hand to hand. "You're just jealous that your assistant is more excited by my big thing than anything you've got..."

    While slap fighting, Booster turns his attention to Kaldur'ahm. "I'd be more than happy to take you around, show the clubs, meet some models...it's very important to figure out your taste and style early on, so they don't bring up and old photos or videos of you from the early days when you hit it big. Like, I swear I may never live down that mullet..."

Naria Shepard has posed:
Moving her forms to find a seat to herself in a flash of light, Rave was very much happy to claim a little breakfast of her own while the others are engaged in their slapfight. Moving her gaze between the others, Rave does leave the two heroes to the slapfight as she herself glances over to Kaldur'ahm and flashes a light smile.

"I don't know how much I can show you about the hero stuff when I don't know what you can do. But I could show you around some of the more 'normal' things. At least as normal as things can be around me."

A shrug of her shoulders, the bluenette takes another bite of her sausage. Hall of Justice -and- breakfast? This was a good day!

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Arthur watches the superhero slap fight and then crinkles his nose. "On second thought," He turns to look over at Kaldur and makes eye contact long enough to just shake his head slightly. And that is a path into the future that is closed off by fate.
    He lifts a hand and gestures to the side, palm flaring idly as if brushing something away. "Anyways!"
    He pushes himself to his feet, rising smoothly. Over to the side he tells the other, "I'm gonna go keep an eye on that transfer, make sure Roulette gets where she's going. Try not to burn the place down." He gives Ted and Booster a /look/. Though, to be fair, Booster gets a longer warning look. That done he round and moves toward the monitoring room doorway and gives a nod toward Kaldur, "C'mon kid, see if you can keep up?" He offers, then he's on out the door.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah was just returning from the kitchen with a large serving tray (who knew they had trays?!) with several cups of coffee along with sugar and cream for those who might want to add it. Spoons for mixing. The whole thing! In addition to her portable cup and thermos. "Coffee for those that want it. A second pot is brewing if people want more."

She set the tray down nearby then glanced at the monitor, noting the information about the prisoner transport. It just looked like she was taking note of the various reports as opposed to focusing on anything specific.

"Any chance I can get one of you to take my monitor shift today?" she asks, turning to face those left in the room. "I'll owe you next time you need a day off watch."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord stops his slapping as Aquaman and Kaldur'ahm leave. "Okay then... ouch... I'll read through the manual and see what I can tune d... ow! Quit it! See what I can... knock it off we're finished! I've not handled the monitors in a while. I'd be pleased to take a turn. Anytime for you Dinah." If it was anime, he'd have those big hearts in his eyes.

"And my assistant is pretty impressed with everything I sh... you got me doing it! Do you ever say anything a woman won't slap you for?" he demands of Booster.

Booster Gold has posed:
    This evokes a pained frown from Booster Gold. "They said I can't be trusted with the monitor," he replies, kicking at an imaginary stone on the ground. "It's not fair, but who am I to argue with League leadership?" He starts to slowly back away from the scene, slap fight concluded.
    Booster flashes a grin at Ted, and then as an aside to Dinah, murmurs, "The best part of it is he still hasn't figured out if it's intentional or just pure dumb luck that I always say the right thing at the right time." He winks at Ted.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Thankfully, Rave was still a little too 'new' to be taking up the job of monitor duty. Which is probably a good thing, because the speedster and good patience wasn't really a winning combination most of the time!

Another bite of her meal, the young woman tilts her head to the side. What was she expecting when she came into the hall? Probably not seeing two grown men having a slap fight. Still.

"I would offer to make a coffee run for you," she offers Dinah before gesturing to the pot. "I think you have that covered."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"I appreciate it, Rave. Stick around, get the grand tour. I'll see you soon." At least she was guessing she would. It all depend on life which had a tendency to throw monkey wrenches in good plans. There was a name for that, she was sure.

"Ted, I owe you big time. Thank you. Shift ends at four. I'm not sure who comes in at that time. You can check the duty roster for the info, I'm sure." She quickly finished off her cup of coffee, despite it still being hot enough to scald her tongue. The cup was placed back on the top of her thermos, thermos was placed in duffle, duffle was picked up in right hand.

"Booster. Don't touch anything." It seemed the safest bet to just leave it at that. Then she realized she had missed something. "And don't have Skeets touch things for you either."

Then she turned and headed for that door, glancing at the clock on the way out. She had just enough time to get to that transport.