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Latest revision as of 15:03, 30 January 2022

A Raid at N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
Date of Scene: 15 January 2022
Location: N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Colony Seven, North Africa
Synopsis: The Outsiders and their allies find Colony Seven and manage to overcome Keeper and Misbelief psychic powers, capturing the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. complex and finding the information they were looking for: the location of Colony Zero and their kidnapped teamates.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Vivian Vision, Singularity, Bart Allen, Strix, Gwen Stacy, Karen Starr, Gabby Kinney

Conner Kent has posed:
A few days ago the Outsiders hideout, the Roost, was raided by superhuman agents of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and Red Robin, Balm and X-23 were captured. The same day Waspette was kidnapped, and all the clues pointed to N.O.W.H.E.R.E., too.

The Outsiders had been fighting the criminal organization for over a year, and lately they had managed to hit them hard, destroying one of their hidden bases and raiding a second one for information. At some point Nadia had become involved with the problem, as N.O.W.H.E.R.E. had attempted to recruit her, so she was collaborating with the Outsiders.

In fact, it was Nadia who had devised the device to breach into N.O.W.H.E.R.E. bases (called Colonies). The bases were hidden in spatial folds, tesseracts that were impossible to find by modern technology. But knowing where they had been built, Nadia's device allowed the Outsiders enter the 'Colonies'.

Parting of the captured information in the latest raid Red Robin, Waspette and several of their allies had been working in finding more Colonies. It wasn't easy, as the information was strongly encrypted and used very advanced protocols. Months ago Superman had suggested N.O.W.H.E.R.E. was using technology from the future, and there had been many hints he was right.

However even encryption protocols a thousand years ahead can be broken, and Viv Vision finally managed to decrypt several files. One of them points to a location near Tunisia where N.O.W.H.E.R.E. might have hidden one of the Colonies.

Gathering a join Outsiders/GIRL team, the heroes have taken Red Robin's plane all the way to North Africa. Even if the kidnapped heroes aren't here, there might be someone in this base that knows where they are, some clue to find. Some criminals that need to go to jail.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Ever since the first time her Great Aunt Nadia got herself kidnapped Vivian Vision has been preparing. A truely terrifying collection of computer viruses and hacking tools, amassing all kinda of files on stealth & military combat tactics and just generally getting good at punching stuff.

Weirdly none of this preparation was for N.O.W.H.E.R.E it was all for a more Russia based threat. But that doesn't make it any less useful now.

Taken from the main G.I.R.L facility they have the device Nadia created for getting into N.O.W.H.E.R.E bases charged up and ready to go. Along with a selection of more mundane useful equipment for everyone in the team. Encrypted communciations gear, locator beacons and medical kits complete with cutting edge scanners. Nothing in the way of weapons though. G.I.R.L doesn't generally make those.

"We don't know for certain if this facility will contain our friends. But at the very least we can take readings from within that'll let us locate every other base." The teenage synthezoid informs, putting a few canisters marked as containing liquid nitrogen into the pockets of her cargo pants.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity is along with the rest of the team, flickering over into appearance with them and giving a low, thoughtful nod. The normally extremely cheerful and chattering star-forged girl is being very quiet now, ready to do her part. She would nod at Vivian and go to offer to her, "I can take us inside anywhere in there if need be." She had not teleported in a combat action before with this group, so she would not be upset if they did not want to utilize her powers. She was here to help after all!

"And I can.. Help feel them."" the exact way her own energy sensing abilities worked as -odd- but she could somehow track people in her own weird way.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is quiet. He has been trying to find his friends for some time. "If your teleporting you might have to worry about a field around the place. I phased through it and it knocked be for a loop." He tells Singularity. He does check his gear, he is wearing a spare utility belt, and a couple collapsible staves.

Strix has posed:
Strix has somehow managed to recover most of her Talon outfit, though it's badly in need of some stitches. Underneath she wears a black long sleeve shirt so that the tears only show black underneath. Regardless, the hood, the claws, the utility belt and the swords are all there, so she's loaded for bear.

She's crouched in the corner as they fly, getting ready for some action by.... doodling on a notepad with a pencil. If anybody were to take a look, it's a picture of the entire assembled team kicking butt in gory detail. If anybody /does/ look, she'll give them a cheerful thumbs up and goes back to doodling.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen has been somewhat elusive where it comes to working with the rest of GIRL yet when it comes to their leader being kidnapped? She is there for it, no matter how sensible things are back in Brooklyn. But it will be fine. Hopefully. And there are priorities, like her GIRL friends, so she didn't even hesitate. She is dressed in her usual white and black suit that tells this is Ghost Spider, the hood up and the mask covering her face. Quite a few other faces she doesn't recognize in this plane so secret id is paramount to her!

"Can count on me, Viv." She gives the teenage synthezoid a thumbs up and a nod of support, "Will we be going stealth-like or bursting through the front door?" she inquires.

Karen Starr has posed:
    In the jet, there is one thing incredibly, impossibly out of place. Sitting in one of the seats, wearing absolutely fashionable fluffy safari boots, and decked out in a tan uniform that looks like something everyone's favorite Crocodile Hunter would wear, is the overwhelmingly overbearing blonde form of Karen Starr.

    "Hello everyone!" she greeted, of course, when the others arrive. Sitting happily in her chair, she is all smiles, occupying some space in the plane and pretending she's a Member of the Crew as it were. It helps, of course, that as soon as anyone physically interacts with Karen, that her form wavers and shimmers, revealing an odd, metallic sphere floating in the air above the chair.

    "I've never been to South Africa before." She still, frankly, hasn't.

    That joyous tone, however, is all a ruse. The hologram, all of it. In Metropolis, in the Penthouse of Starrware, the woman formerly known as Kara Zor-L is pacing actively. She moves from one side of the room to another, pulling open and assembling a small matrix of crystalline structures. Her face is a mask of grim determination- she hasn't had to turn on these in some time. The crystalline technology of Kryptonians, an alien society that was so unfathomably advanced, even the genetic code of its people is a cryptographic structure of sorts.

    "I've got my workstation all set up, but I will need ooooone of you to get the ball into the goal, as it were." A pause. "As in, get the sphere into the place that you're infiltrating. That oughta be enough, but maybe rub it on a computer or two. Can't hurt."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans over the control panel to reach some of the further buttons to flick on the autopilot commands. Even while landed, it could be programmed to circle the area should they need to be mobile quickly. While the others prepare she finishes off her own tasks, then rises from the pilot chair to check over her own bodyarmor and other assorted gear. "We can hope they're in there. Even if they aren't though, there's a chance that they may have other hostages, too. We can liberate them as well if that's the case." Her gaze skims over to her fellow teammates along for the ride, Impulse and Strix.

"You guys ready to go?" She asks a bit softly as she knew that this was a rather emotional time for all of them. Even so she clears her throat, and glances momentarily to the comms she had lit up. "We'll need you to check the perimiter, Impulse. You're the fastest after all." A fond smile is offered to him trying to be as reassuring as she can in spite of her age being the youngest out of her teammates. A light pad is given to one of her pockets. "I've got a stash of energy bars for you, too, if you need. The peanut butter chocolate ones you like."

Her gaze skims over the hologram in the corner giving it a stiff nod. There was more she would like to say but not within the ears of someone such as her. So instead she looks to the others preparing to go. "Everyone ready? I've got the plane set to loop around on auto pilot while we're in there to avoid any attacks on our backsides. It has anti aircraft manuevers programmed in, but," she tips her head toward the hologram in question. "In case those don't hold out I'll expect you can lend a hand on that. The programming is open to those with comm access at the moment."

Conner Kent has posed:
The trip to Africa is uneventful, and quick in the supersonic bat-plane. Some research on the area shows it belongs to a corporation from Taiwan, that is owned by a shell company in India, which belongs to someone from Madripoor... trail gets lost from there. Yes, not suspicious at all.

Once close enough the airplane does the sensor sweep. There is a ping, corresponding to the energy signature of the drones Anarky hacked in Colony Two. It is definitely N.O.W.H.E.R.E. technology, which means they are in the right track. Now, the choice is to avoid the drones and attempt a sneak attack, or just have Bart destroy them or drop on top of the base and break in forcefully. The breaching device needs to be within a few yards from the spatial fold.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity nods over at Gabby and moves to take her hands togethe ras the group would go, "I can get you in and out where you need to go when I know where it is!" Her tone is cheerful but on the quiet end. Now they're here to help their friend. So it means going to do whatever she can and to listen. "As soon as you can show me or you can get somewhere." She wasn't sure exactly how everything worked and so she would let them tell her wayt to do.
    She would however stay in the airplane, not plink-ering out of it.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will take the sensors, and says "I can get our sensors in and check for any they may have." He will walk over to the door of the plane and says "See ya soon." But instead of opening the door, he will vibrate in place and fall through the floor, soon as he hits the ground, he is hitting speed, looking for any sensors they have and planting any he was sent with.

Strix has posed:
Strix looks up from her doodling, and stashes the notepad and pencil away, now that they're here. She makes her way up to the cockpit to look at the area. This is the first N.O.W.H.E.R.E. base she's assaulted and, well, can't see it. Makes it hard to sneak into something you can't see.

She looks over to Gabby and gives her a little nudge to catch her attention. When she has it she mimes sneaking, like what a cartoon from the 40s would do, and then doing a few shadow boxing punches, followed by the quirk of the head. Go in sneaky or fighting?

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Currently I am hoping to use stealth for as long as possible," Vivian admits. Keeping her face a neutral mask of calm composure. Even though inwardly she's splitting her processing power into a virtual army of very angry Vivs. "But if we have to kick the door in? So be it."

Given she doesn't really get tired and is perhaps the physically strongest individual heading into the N.O.W.H.E.R.E facility she's on device carrying duty. And considering how delicate the machine is likely to be that involves an armoured backpack module.

Her holographic matrix allows her to create a near flawless bubble large enough to hide a moderately sized aircraft from view. So providing everyone stays fairly close they should remain unseen.

"My suggestion is, once we gain entry, our Speedster contingent can recon the site. I'll find a location I can breach their computer systems. And everyone else can.. either perform scientific scans or disabile any hostiles? In terms of the on-the-ground tactical situation I suspect Honey Badger has the most practical experience. So I will happily defer to her in those matters."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
With everyone getting ready to go Gwen does the same, taking in a few breaths and then doing a few stretches to loosen the limbs. Warm up is important before such an important mission! A moment later and she is nodding at Gabby when she asks if they are ready. "Ready." then her gaze going to Vivian.

"Stealth it is then." and with her not really being able to be of much help while they are still in the plane (at least in fighting!) she moves to the control panel to join Gabby there to check those panels while Bart gets the sensors in place.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a grin at the departing Bart with a simple remark of, "Show off," offered in a friendly, teasing manner. It was a serious situation but no reason they couldn't be in good spirits during it. When Singularity takes her hand she squeezes them back fixing her with a quick grin as well. "Thanks. Really appreciate all the help we can get on this. Thank you for coming along."

Just as Strix then nudges her, she pauses, lifting her chin in Viv's direction. "Stealth it is. We should be able to actually see the base once we use the breach thing to open the tesseract. Of course, that doesn't mean we shouldn't punch guards if we come across them to avoid being seen. I trust you to use your judgement on it," she assures Strix, and then Vivian with a quick nod. "We're used to the sneaky stuff." With that said she pulls her hood up over her face and tugs down her goggles. Not quite a mask, but it was suitable enough to keep her from being easily recognized as anyone other than 'Honey Badger.'

"If it comes to it, I can heal really quick guys. If it comes to saving someone else or me save the other person. I can survive most things."

Karen Starr has posed:
    The hologram salutes, just a bit robotically. "You got it! Assuming direct control of the plane and ensuring that a few combat algorithms are in place for if it should come under fire! It'd be really great if it didn't, though." The hologram relays. Karen herself has already deployed a number of things back in her office- a holographic display that seems to reflect the controls of the plane, for one, has taken shape in the air above the crystalline structure that is, frankly, pretty damned illegal for her to have, and would probably get her a Talking To if Clark ever found out she was making Kryptonian technology, even anything so basic as this.

    "I don't know if you need to spend any processor cycles on infiltrating their computer system, Vivian. I can probably handle that in time, but maybe we can work together?" she offers, seemingly very confident of her ability to breach their systems, despite their level of technology. Where she gets off having that much confidence is anyone's guess.

Conner Kent has posed:
Impulse's hyperfast recon reveals no living guards, although he sees a few of the small security drones, but Viv can guide him to avoid them. There isn't much else to see here. No building. No caves. There is a dirt road that shows some suspicious tracks. Heavy vehicles passing through this otherwise desert and barely inhabited patch of land. But if he didn't know about the hidden complex, he would have ignored those details.

The stealth approach goes without hitch. At one point one of the drones came dangerously close to fly inside the holographic bubble, but this time sneakiness trumped high tech.

And then the team is close enough to setup the breach device. It requires massive amounts of energy, so the battery lasts only a minute. But it can be programmed so it opens a few times. Then again, it is likely Singularity and/or Pixie can teleport in and out the Colony. Maybe.

Worst case scenario, they are trapped there until they can take over the controls, or just wreck the systems like they did in Colony Two.

The device activates, there is a shimmer in the air, indicating the spacefold is breached. Singularity might be able to perceive how they warped space, hiding a facility the size of a large building outside normal space. Literally 'nowhere'.

Beyond the gate, they fall into what seems a cramped biotech lab. Glass panels fall down, weird biolgical samples splatter, and a very startled technician wearing one of the fancy smartsuits N.O.W.H.E.R.E. uses, stumbles back, and the tries to run towards the door. "A-alarm, alarm... help!" She cries.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity is going to lean on down and would flicker her stars. Her body is flashing over and going to shimmer, and then she's going to call out, "I can feel them!" as she would turn blue, starry-glazed, and then rapid shades of purple as her body would look like a miasma of energies twirling together. She would teleport there, then back, then there, then back to ensure that she could go in and out before reappearing with the main group once more.

Ready to do her next part to take the team in where they needed to be, having herslf on standby and ready to listen once hse was sure she had established where it was relative to this dimension!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will move to intercept the woman running, and in a blur, he has her with a bandana in her mouth, and zip tied in the corner. "Now, you don't need to be telling people we are here, that would ruin the surprise." He looks over to Honey Badger, and will remove the woman's badges and offers them to the younger hero

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Once we have breached the facility I will enable a direct uplink to as many of your companies satellites as you wish," Vivian offers to the holographic image of Karen. Taking the mystery Orb device. "They have kidnapped a member of my family. If something happens to my Great Aunt and I did not expend every available effort..."

It seems she still intends on spending those cycles! Thankfully every available effort also includes accepting offers of help.

Once the bubble pops she makes good on her promise. It's quite likely the uplink isn't actually going to be necessary, but then Viv isn't going to be familiar enough with Karen's tech to know for sure. And once the breach seals behind them it'll all cut off again.

Her holographic field makes the door seemingly vanish. Giving the scientist no-where to run. "You will surrender immediately." Her golden eyes blazing with light. "And tell us everything you know about the location of N.O.W.H.E.R.E's captives." Her holograhic illusion changes so the walls seem to be dripping with molten metal. "It would be unwise to make me repeat my request."

The breaching device is left position safely within the heavy armoured transportation unit for the planned escape.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Teleporting. That's a new one for Gwen. thankfully she doesn't just throw up in her mask. That would had been embarassing. She does take a moment to 'recalibrate' her brain though and once she is back to form the poor scientist that was trying to bring the alert is all tied up in a bundle in the corner. "Love me some speedsters..." she comments with a faint smile under the mask.

Yet a moment later she lowers herself to the ground, almost like a spider. Head darts here and there before she cants her head in brief confusion. "Viv." she gets back up to her full height, one hand on the synthezoid's shoulder. "I am sensing danger all around us, it's not too pressing yet but there's something going on here. Our time here might be very limited."

She shoots herself up to the ceiling with her webs, clamping to it and keeping watch on the corridors while the prisoner is interrogated.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares momentarily at the telporation of Singularity. It was a dazzling sight to behold after all. If not for the serious matter at hand she would be gushing over such a sight as well as her newfound friend's abilities. For now... for now she takes a deep breath to steady herself from the teleportation. The nice stomach plunge feeling of stepping into a fold in space time doesn't bother her that much but she anticipated it none the less.

Just as she's about to move to the scientist the lady is already dealt with thanks to Impulse. A quick nod is given as she takes hold of the badges, coms, or whatever else he managed to take off of her. "Uh, first things first, there's nothing here that we need to worry about being exposed to. Right?" She asks of the scientist even as Vivian starts in with her holograms. "Yourself included. I'd like to avoid releasing the plague or something after all."

The comms and badges are offered out to Vivian in case the synthetic wanted to do something with them. "Past that. Check communications to outside, and let's hope she didn't get a call out in time to alert anyone."

Strix has posed:
Strix pops into the base with the other people, and immediately crouches, scanning the area for targets. Seeing as Impulse has already taken care of one of the scientists, she takes off into the corridors to do what she does best. Having decades of infiltration experience has made her close to Batman levels of undetectable when she wants to be, as she slides from shadow to shadow to scope out the place. Any scientist she encounters will be discreetly taken care of. Knocked unconscious, that is. She's out of the assassination business, now.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen smiles a bit into the console in front of her, and responds as swiftly as she can to Vivian. "Don't worry about uplinking to satellites, just uplink to the sphere, I'll have it open up a channel. We'll be hacking buddies." True to her word, Viv will get a ping from a nearby device, essentially performing a much more complex version of a bluetooth pairing command. It wants to be friends!

    "And take the sphere with you. Or someone. Whoever wants to, really. It's not very pocket-friendly but once you're inside it can float around on its own." she states, starting to run scans for technology- she wants into their systems, and she doesn't care what she has to do to get it.

Conner Kent has posed:
It takes Bart no effort to catch up with the middle-aged and somewhat overweight technician. Did anyone hear her? Probably not, the sliding door outside seems pretty solid.

Once the woman is ungagged, she looks at Viv as if she was a crazy muderobot. (You know, like her granddad). "W-what? The experi... captives?? The Keeper has them, I am just a neurologist! They are..." she glances at the door.

And then she faints.

The door slides open, and Gwen and Mary can see an armoured man coming from a broad hallway beyond. Bart would recognize as one of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. cyborgs. They are pretty tank-y and strong, and usually armed with advanced ballistic weapons and flamethrowers. Yet... he is not the real source of the danger Gwen is feeling.

Singularity has posed:
The blue form of Singularity would 'ping' along, moving to teleport quickly along with the group. She's staying behind the sneaky ones and hopefully not being noticable. She's floated up to the ceiling and her star-forged form has dimmed itself to try and best match the lights of it. The flickerings of her body and the swirling things tha tmade it up had dimmed considerably. It wasn't quite camouflage but hopefully it would help minimize her profile as she would teleport to keep up and stay high.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen sees the guy, and will tell those here "Their cyborgs, are tank, you may want to let loose on him Viv." He offers knowing she it the strongest of them "Guns, and maybe a flame throw are their typical layout weapon wise, not sure if it is different inside the base." He does move the fainted tech so she does not get hurt in the fight.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"The environment seems clear for now," Vivian assures Honey Badger. "Nothing showing on any of my systems and the medical scanners aren't picking up anything that could be a threat to people outside." Without the bulky breaching device to carry the floating sphere was hardly any trouble to transport within the base. And with no need to link to satellites it cuts down on the risk of giving away their position.

Although taking on security will likely do that anyway. And by the sound of Impulses report that's just what they're going to have to do now!

By phasing most of her mass Vivian makes herself weigh about as much as a feather. So when she springs forward her power to weight ratio is vastly increased. One springing step and she launches forward like a missile.

In the moment before impact she spikes to sixty tons in weight. The N.O.W.H.E.R.E cyborgs might be tanky. So takes no chances. Slamming into it with all the force of a main battle tank.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
As the cyborg starts creeping up the corridor towards the group Gwen casts a look at Bart. "Oh, that's just great. Flamethrowers..." no spider likes fire!

"What is it with every villain liking fire?" Ghost Spider grumbles, "Any weaknesses to them?"

And then Vivian is throwing herself like a missile at the creature. "Yea, I suppose that will do it.."

"That's still not the danger I am sensing though.." she tells the others, she throws a few webs forward to move past what she expects will be a cyborg crater to continue on with the exploration, trying to feel where that sense of danger is coming from.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Good," Gabby lets out with a sigh of obvious relief. "I wasn't expecting us to go right into a lab. No telling where it would have brought us, but good to know none the less." When you grow up in a lab you get concerned with these sort of things. It's only natural.

The door opening that causes the woman to faint puts her on guard more than before. She crouches down pulling free a set of knives from their sheaths at her sides. They're held back-handed, for slicing and striking more than stabbing. Though they won't do much good against those large tank-like things. "I'm not much for fire myself," she assures Ghost Spider before tipping her head toward the woman. "Do tell. Any direction it's coming from?"

Once Vivian strikes, she lunges forward to try and dip around the fellow toward anything behind him using her small size and agility to her advantage.

Karen Starr has posed:
    That little sphere is, really, the little sphere that could. Admittedly, it's not even Karen's tech fully. The Michael Holt of her home world might be gone, but she's borrowed an idea or two. That much is present in this small floating sphere. A terrible facsimile, of course, but enough to get the job done.

    When the scientist faints, Karen starts getting to work, the combat with the cyborg leading her to think that there might be some alarms to suppress very soon- and as a result, the little sphere floates in place, starting to let out a small hum....

    Before flinging itself off to one side, and practically adhering to the side of a workstation. Immediately, Karen starts seeing network diagnostics and a whole hell of a lot of information- but not what she needs. Not yet.

    "Okay guys, working on getting access to the security systems now, but cutting my way in through a terminal like this is going to take a minute. Uh. Alarms may sound from the fighting, but I'll try and get 'em turned off!"

Conner Kent has posed:
The armor the cyborgs have makes very difficult for normal humans to harm them. At least without explosives. It is still not quite a walking tank, and when Viv comes charging, the man barely has time to pull our an automatic rifle. "What the h...?" There is a LOUD crushing sound as the super-dense Viv strikes him, cracking the armor breastplate and sending him flying against a wall. Through the wall. Right into another lab where another couple technicians attempt run away in panic (for about three seconds before Bart catches them).

The cyborg is not dead, but he has a few broken bones (and broken systems) and it is easy to subdue him.

Meanwhile Gwen skips ahead, finding the metal and plaster hallways slowly take a more organic feel. Wood replaces the cold metal, and the area looks brighter. Is she hearing some classical music in the distance? It seems nicer, and yet the spider-sense tells her the danger is -closer-.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity is teleporting along iwth the others, and then going to flicker ahead with Gwen. Appearing and ready to assist if need be. Then going to rapidly teleport back to the cyborg that had just been taken out and then darting back and forth.
    Her going to quick-port from place to place,s taying up high and very dim to hopefully not register unless anyone looked up -very- specifically. So if anyone ran into trouble she could quick-port to let the others give aid.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision pulls the weapon from the damaged cyborg, then glances at the rest of the team. Singularity probably won't want it. Nor will Ghost Spider. Strix is working from the shadows and Impulse? It'd just slow him down. "Is this of interest to you?" she holds it out for Honey Badger and, if it's not required, will bend it into a pretzel shape.

"If we do have to engage in combat I should be able to deal with an almost unlimited number of cyborgs equipped in that fashion." Fire and bullets meaning little to her synthezoid self.

Dropping to a more normal density she moves to follow Ghost Spider in her search for danger. Reaching out with her own sensors for any unsecured access points she can get in through electronically. Her legion of virtual Vivs ready to unleash their multitude of cyber-warfare techniques.

While her holographic stealth fields re-engage. Making everyone pretty much impossible to see on the visual spectrum.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
As they continue making their way further into the base, Gwen murmurs, "Remind me never to get Viv upset.." not that she spares the fallen cyborg much of a glance. Her priority is getting to Nadia if she is here so that's what does. "I am feeling it closer from this way.." she tells Gabby as they reach a more organic part of the base. "Different feel to this." she tilting her head to the side.

"Classical music?" she asks the others to check if they are listening to it too. "Whatever the danger is should be ahead of us, most likely where that music is coming from." She tells the others.

"Can your scans tell us anything of what's ahead?" She asks Karen through comms.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney winces when the man goes THROUGH the wall. She'd at least gotten a look out in the hall at the differing walls, and could hear the music from here. The distraction of Viv offering out the gun though earns a rather vicious grin from her. "Always enjoy a new toy or two. Thanks!" The knives she had out are tucked away again in favor of taking the gun with a quick once-over on how to use it.

"This'll be handy. Not my usual, but I can make it work." Lifting her head she glances down the hall again before looking over toward Ghost Spider.

"I know this is real life and all but doesn't this sort of thing happen right before walking into the evil villian's lair? Who else does classical music in a lab?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    "Classical music is a bad sign." Karen chimes, over the radio. "Every bad guy in every movie listens to classical music if they're the planny, three-steps-ahead type. Try and see if you can get 'em to tell you their plan." In the meantime, of course, Karen has started to run a few quick commands, the sphere putting in effort to piggyback itself onto their network.

    The technology is complex, of course- and unlike anything Karen can recall ever seeing before. It's complex enough, in fact, that the arguably sentient Kryptonian technology she's trying to make interface with their systems is having, well, plenty of trouble. "Oh yeah, this is definitely not modern technology." she remarks, to herself.

    "Gonna be a /little/ longer than anticipated, but once I get these systems to talk to each other, we'll be golden. They're just speaking a few different languages..."

Conner Kent has posed:
It is Singularity and Ghost-Spider the first to reach the... temple.

It -feels- like a temple, the hallway ends outside, although the place they are seeing looks nothing like the dry, barren Tunisian hills they saw before breaching the tesseract. No, this is a bucolic oriental settlement. A valley full of greenery, with polished wood buildings and a scattering of happy-looking people wearing colourful robes. An old, small man, sitting cross-legged in the middle of a garden, seems to be addressing a small group of people. When he spots the heroes, he looks surprised, but then waves them to come closer.

There is classical music, indeed. Vivaldi, for those who know about it. All is very relaxing. Weird thing is Gabby only started hearing the music when Gwen mentioned there was music.

It is difficult for Gwen to hear the spider-sense telling her: OMGDANGER!

Meanwhile Karen and Viv are busy hacking. It is hard. The computers are not using any operating system they know. There is a log of codes, passwords and firewalls to get in. The terminals do have some information kept local. It is biological testing info. On humans, some aliens, some metahumans.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity hears the music, floating p in the air at the temple and gazing upon it. Then she would frown as she would hear it. And is hesitant. She wants to try and teleport on ehead to investigate, but they are to be quiet. So she's moving to teleport along higher and higher, ready to float down towards the temple. Making sure to keep a 'lock' on Gwen in case they need to move. Her trying to sense 'ahead' with the energy if possible to try and be alert herself for anything untoward.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
As they get into the temple Gwen's eyes widen. This place reeks of danger. "This is it. I ..., we are surrounded by danger from every side." she calls out even with the temple looking so happy and nice, "Don't trust what you are seeing, or hearing.." she tells the others, head darting here and there. She doesn't seem too keen on approaching the old, small man, as if everything in her instincts was telling her to stay behind. Or run.

Yet she remains. Because there's a Nadia to save.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The code might not be in a language Viv understands but by initially focusing on very basic systems like lighting controls she can build up a basic understanding of principles. It's a lot like trying to figure out alien code. Work out common ground and go from there.

The drain on her mental resources does mean she's a little slower following behind the others. But the nature of her mind means she can also review every lab they've been through and compare the visible hints of the research they were doing and the equipment they had set up against GIRL records.

What could an evil group what with neurologists? Brainwashing? Creating super powers? Unethical medical research like alien human clone hybrids? Some combination of all of them? If she's lucky there'll be some clue about what the base is used for. And that in turn could help decode the systems she's hacking!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Danger. Danger she's told. Danger she expected. Danger is NOT what she walked in on. Gabby moves forward with the purloined gun tucked against her side as she approaches where Singularity and Gwen had led. Only to stare at the friendly seeming old man who waves them in. Her eyes narrow, and she closes her eyes taking a deep breath.

Times like this she wished she had inherited the heightened senses the rest of her family seemed to have. For now though? She just breathes trying to recall training she'd had when dealing with telepaths.

Not expert at putting up sheilds she instead reaches out to touch the wall testingly, digging her fingernails in against it. Was it wood? Or actually metal as the lab portion had been? It's a small check to anchor her before she lets her hand fall back to her side and offer a smile toward the group.

"Hi!" She greets cheerily with a step forward taken.

Then she lifts her gun, stating cheerily through her comms, <<Fire in the hole!>> And she hefts the rifle to squeeze off a few quick rounds at the old man.

Karen Starr has posed:
    It's really a challenge, to be frank. Interfacing with a modern computer slows the Kryptonian computer down considerably in its efforts to negotiate with the foreign systems to which this workstation connects... But slow is not halted. With Vivian's help- and some collaboration between Karen's systems and Vivian's that seems to occur much, much faster than should be possible with human technology, the fruits of jolly cooperation can be harvested.

    "Plenty of stuff to save and go over when there's time. This thing's a gooooooold miiiiiiine~!" she sing-songs, her voice taking on a tone that shouldn't be legal, considering just how tone deaf Karen Starr is. It's no small offense to the ears. There's a short pause, then, before she can be heard asking: "Was... Was that gunfire? Right. Alarms. Reinforcements are bad. Double time!"

    And she makes good on that, trying to now bypass the workstation entirely, such that she uses it merely as a gateway into their systems, and allows the sphere- and the computer back where Karen /really/ is, to interface directly with N.O.W.H.E.R.E. That may get their attention in the long run, but it will also, hopefully, get her the access she needs to stifle any alarms and keep security personnel away.

Conner Kent has posed:
It is such a nice place it is almost impossible not to want to relax and just... someone is offering them tea? It has to be real, right? A telepath couldn't fool Viv senses. Unless it was a cyberpathic.

But Gwen's spider-sense won't shut up, and Gabby has some training to deal with telepaths. When she points to the old man, she feels pain. It is not physical pain, but it is pain anyway.

It almost stops her from opening fire.

One of the monks, a woman, changes Gabby. But most of the others just look at her blankly. The old man covers his head with an arm, somehow the bullets fail to harm him.

There is some degree of cognitive dissonance going now, though. Something feels off. And why are Gwen, Bart and Mary sleeping in a corner? Maybe they drank some tea?

Meanwhile the hacking goes on, but slowly. They have strong firewalls, the translation programs are finding few matches. The workstations are easily ransacked, though. There is a good deal of genetic research, neural enhancement investigation. Psionics.

At least Karen can't hear any music from her floating sphere.

Singularity has posed:
And over in front of the men and women Singularity is going to appear. "Stop. You are not what you seem." Singularity herself if the things try and push at her mind will be.. Almost impossible to scry, being a sapient pocket dimension. So as the group are going to charge forwards at her, the girl who can only tell something is not /right/ even as the group is going ont he attack but also that these other people do not seem right..

She would just 'ping' and go to hold her hand out to teleport each of the people that were charging away if at all possible. They are teleported outside into one of the corridors that was bypassed by the group. There's another 'ping' as Singularity would call out, "Sorry!" Right before she would push a button to shut the doors in said hallway, intent on leaving the people there to hopefully be able to help them later.

Then going to teleport back to join the rest.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I detect gunfire," Viv notes over the encrypted comms. Mostly for Karen's benefit so she's prepared to take sole control of the hacking for a short while. So Vivian can in turn reduce the portion of her mind dealing with the hacking in order to catch up with Honey Badger and Singularity and provide support. Even as she approaches her density goes up until each footstep thwumps into the ground hard enough to mark all but the most durable materials.

Her own mind is immune to telepathy and, while she can be influenced by technopathic powers, she still has innate defenses to protect her core personality. Systems built to keep Ultron at bay. It's not a guarantee she'll be safe but it's better than nothing!

As she stomps her way towards the room she raises her voice and informs "If you give us the location of our kidnapped friends will be put in a good word with the authorities when we turn you in."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Nope nope nope this is FAKE," Gabby blurts out when the old man seems immune to bullets. The monk that charges her does cause her to back up against the wall. Only to ensure that no one can come up from behind her though with such a distraction going on. She wasn't attempting to actually retreat. Singularity's own work is noticed as she swings the gun around to try and wiffle-bat it through the apparent monk charging her. She doesn't expect it to hit anything, or if it does... Well she'd find out in a second wouldn't she?

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen takes a moment to stand back from the crystalline matrix, and interlock her hands with one another, before popping her knuckles- a thing that takes a whole hell of a lot of force, but since she's alone in the room, that isn't a problem.

    "Oof, okay, looks like things are getting hot over there. Yeah, I'll take over." And take over she does, masterfully interweaving the systems as best she can. It is uncommon- incredibly so- for firewalls to defend from internal attacks like this, but Karen isn't unused to it. It just makes things... Difficult, and continues to delay progress.

    "Just make sure that everyone gets out okay. Not sure just how violent things are getting." That said, she keeps her efforts focused on the hacking attempt in front of her. Without Viv's help, Karen is slower going: But she's still chugging along, and there's more computing power brute forcing this machine than is, frankly, sane to apply.

Conner Kent has posed:
Gabby doesn't hit the charging woman because Singularity teleports her away. Judging by the scream of outrage, she was probably real. The next real thing she feels is several high calibre bullets hitting her torso, probably hard enough to make her lose her balance. Hard to know from where they came from. She couldn't hear the gunfire, just the music.

Viv makes herself a second target when she stomps into the temple/garden area. But the bullets can barely scratch her skin in her enhanced density form. The fact they are scratching her is a bit alarming. But calculating the trajectory, they must be coming from the burly monk just at the left of the old man. He is just standing there, looking at Viv in sad disappointment, but as Gabby said: FAKE.

Singularity has posed:
And then with her friends being.. Attacked? Singularity would go to blow herself up (proverbially) as her body would expand and glow, forming a bit of adome as the blueness of her would go around to swallow the rest of the group in the room as she would form herslf over to a shield. Hopefully her body going over everyone blocking out anything by the sheer fact of how -out of existance- she was as she would blanket them might with luck break awhatever the room was doing.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The bullets probably don't reach Vivs skin just yet. Her clothing is made from the same material as her body. And when she increases her durability it adjusts to match. Subsystems prepare themselves to phase if they detect a critical level of incoming damage. "Oh please stop it. You are only embarrassing yourself," she snaps. Clearly unamused.

Her eyes blazing with light she plots a grid pattern. Then bathes the room in microwaves. Plotting clear deadzones around her allies. Not enough microwaves to kill anyone mind you. But enough that any organic target in the area will feel like they're boiling as the water molecules in their skin get agitated. Metal will pop and spark. Electronics without proper shielding will break.

And if she is being influenced and mistakenly targets a friend? Well it's unpleasant but to Singularity or Honey Badger? Pretty certainly nonlethal.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Bullets were felt. Definately felt. Gabby swings the rifle back around the other way to hold properly even as she stands her ground with teeth grit in a look of annoyance. "Body armor, bucko," she calls out toward the direction of that scowling monk before flashing him a smile. She's just about to squeeze off a few more shots when she pauses.

Singularity was doing... something... And Viv was there now. She'd rather not get either of them by accident so she just stops. A good thing that, because suddenly she's INSIDE Singularity staring at things she'd only imagined before.

"This... YOU are so damn cool," she gushes out forgetting her seriousness about having to be in charge of the Outsiders for the moment.

Conner Kent has posed:
Several things happen at the same time and they are all pretty strange. One is the Singularity field engulfing part of the area. Another a microwave storm that lits the rest of the weir room. It doesn't seem to stop the people firing the bullets, but there are short-circuits, and screams of pain.

The illusion waves and flickers. And Viv is the first to see the real aspect of the chamber as the cyberpathic aspect of the psychic attack is disconnected. And it is quite horrifying.

The room is a large lab, where a large number of human beings are strapped into machines, with wires and tubes going into their brains. Some are badly mutilated, and in some cases, they are just brains in jars and little more.

There are a few technicians and scientists, and most are wailing at the burns caused by the microwaves. There are also two armed cyborgs that seem unbothered by them, and a very tall, powerful man that has a smaller, old man merged /into/ his chest. The Keeper. At his side the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agent Missbelief struggles to keep the illusion on Gabby and Singularity.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Ah. Yes I see now," Vivian muses. Her own holographic system flares into life. Not projectining disguises this time. Instead she puts up a wall across the room. From her side everything looks normal. But anyone looking in her direction from the N.O.W.H.E.R.E side? They see a seizure inducing mess of colours and shapes. Like the mythical banned episode of Pokemon only a million times worse.

She strides out from the safe zone Singularity was providing.

Her microwave beam tightens to focus entirely on Missbelief. Going up and down, so no particular bodypart actually takes long term damage, causing constant pain. It'd take most people immense willpower to do anything other than roll around howling in pain.

Her density goes up to sixty tons again. Her movement slowing as her durability increases even higher than her 'typical' combat level.

Opening individual encrypted comms channels to Honey Badger & Singularity she silently relays the positions of everyone in the room. Just in case the illusionist happens to have a healing ability.

Singularity has posed:
These things are horrid. The things of twisted, evil people. Singularity, the aspect of her that is, can only feel sorrow. She is a creature of wonder and naive, but sh has seen evil and darkness. She was in the world of Arcadia. She has seen the SHIELD. She has seen the whims of the not-benevolent God Emperor of the world made of the remnants of existence from the End. This..
    This saddens her. Her star-forged body would twist, her looking at the Keeper in judgement. "You are a bad man. You hurt people." The embodiment of the Blue would define him.

She goes to hold Honey Badger in her.. Going to be ready to release the girl upon indication or teleport her to anywhere in the room. She will have joy next time at Honey Badger's appreciation of the stars. Now.. Now they had people to save from a bad man. And she was ready to do what Gabby needed her to.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney refocuses on the matter at hand. The wonder of stars... Later. LATER. For now she informs Singularity, "They can mess with my mind. I'm a liability here right now, get me out." Something she was loathe to admit, however much it may be true. She couldn't see to aim properly if they were making her see a falsehood. It was too easy to exploit.

Conner Kent has posed:
Misbelief has little defense to Viv's microwave blasts, and they break her ability to concentrate pretty quickly, letting Gabby and Singularity see the reality. That leaves Keeper, a minor telepath that used his captives to boost his abilities, and a pair of cyborgs to fight the outsiders. It doesn't take long to defeat them, there is little resistance afterwards.

Colony Seven apparently was N.O.W.H.E.R.E. psionic science lab, directed by one of the creepiest metahumans the Outsiders have met so far. Many of his victims will never recover. The good news? He knows where Red Robin and the others are kept.

Now the real rescue can happen.