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In a Plastic World
Date of Scene: 02 February 2022
Location: Plastics Manufacturing Lab
Synopsis: Tabitha, Raven, and Kaida respond to a chemical fire in Industry City.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Tabitha Smith, Rachel Roth, Kaida Connolly

Shredder has posed:
    Brooklyn's Industry City isn't within the evacuated zone, but it's still a less populated area at this point in the city's history. Manufacturing of various types happen here. In the case of this particular building? It was being used to research new plastics. Nothing too exciting, really. A lot of hazardous waste disposal is around, but nothing radioactive. Most of the chemicals here can be found in everyday products, for better or worse.

    Which is why people don't expect it to be the location of a break-in. Ryan, Gid, Tori, and Click aren't exactly master criminals. They aren't exactly powerful. They aren't even exactly adults. All of them fifteen. What they must have done exactly isn't clear, but here at 7pm, A putrid cloud of chemical erupted from one of the upper floors. Certainly something that could be seen from just about any place in the city, the setting sun illuminating the green plume which would tell just about anyone who could see it...that's not normal smoke.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Why is Tabby Smith, the erstwhile Mutant Heroine in Brooklyn. . Probably part of a commute to or from Westchester, But that's another story. The blonde woman witb hair kept just long enough it can be described as short and not resist the product used to style her bangs up and spikey. The girl dressed in civilian clothes if a little on the oddly bright side. Green leather jacket zipped up to her neck which is adorned by a choker that might as well look like a studded dog collar with a littke explosion shaped pendant hanging from the ring. Denim jeans in a soft pastel pink hug and strain while a belt matching her choker and combat boots in black leather catching the cuffs of her pants heeps her feet from freezing in the New York winter. Woolen black gloves doing the same for her fingers.

So when an explosion happens just close enough that the outpouring of noxious smoke is close enough she can smell each lung full and make her gag before the rest reaches the sky to hopefully disappate.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" she swars and starts heading into the building herself, throwing a bomb to blast herway through the secure door and start heading upstairs to look for any survivors. A phone is pulled out and Tabby is throwing 911 texts with the address she thinks the building is on to hopefully scramble an emergency reponse like most people bystanding are already doing hopefully, "Hello, anyone not dead? be reall nice if we don't have Zombies!" she says as she gets closer to the source of that awful smell.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    It has been a matter of curiosity, this Angel Invasion. By all reason, Rachel should be staying away from it, safely in Metropolis for the time being. Truth is, being /who/ she is, her mere presence in New York or Manhattan at all is... Well, it's a hot button issue. Certainly not popular amongst the angels themselves. Normally, that wouldn't matter, but Rachel is almost literally half the person she was some weeks ago.

    This is why she has arranged to bring with her an escort of sorts, for her safety. Of course, the days are primarily monotonous in terms of her investigation- until, that is, a large plume of green smog spills upward from an office somewhere.

    "Well. That isn't normal." she remarks, before slipping off from the street and into the sky, providing her companion a small, floating disk of seemingly solidified shadow. The speed of the pair is pretty intense- and they arrive at just about the same time that Tabitha does.

    Hands sheathed in her sweater, Raven floats in the air above the fleeing criminals and the other heroine.

    "I'm pretty sure it's- Well there she goes. Okay."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
The speed doesn't bother Kaida. She moves pretty damn fast pretty damn often. She's hit Mach 10 a few times when she was bigger. She simply kneels down on the disc as they move and once there, she leaps off before pulling out a tiny bottle and pouring water on to her scarf. She then pulls the scarf up and over her nose and mouth before tying it behind her head. She glances over to Rachel and calls up muffled.

"Gonna go see if anyone needs help inside. Want to try to keep the smoke from heading otward population and also watch for people getting out?" She asks and she hears Tabitha, wondering about that one and deciding to follow her. Kaida is actually in her element here. As a biochemist, she has knowledge here, hopefully the kind that will save lives. Either way, she races in through the nearest opening, zipping along toward the source.

Shredder has posed:
    Inside the building, the few people that are in the facility are rushing out. "Get out, miss!" one of them calls, having no idea who Tabby is, but he knows she's going the wrong way. "These chemicals can kill you if you inhale them!" Fortunately, the majority of the putrid plume is on higher floors, but it can still be detected on the air down low. Inside, most of the lower floors don't have any of the smell yet at all, but it isn't long before it starts to circulate through the vents. It's truly awful.

    "Gid, I swear, you're so stupid! Why would you even screw with that?" Tori complains as the four rush down the staircase. There are other fleeing people who hadn't left for the day in the staircase, but these four? They clearly don't belong. Kids among adults, and none of them dressed as if they have some kind of internship. Ripped pants, coats that aren't warm enough for the weather. Street riff raff.

    On the upper floor, the smoke has quickly become very unpassable. Enough to burn the eyes, and even holding one's breath doesn't stop the aura of the chemical stink from permeating the nostrils. It's nearly impossible to see, and the heat is increasing as the fire spreads. THese things really shouldn't be set on fire. ABS fire systems explode into action, spraying a fire retardant foam everywhere. It slows the progress, but it is clear that more than just that will be required. The fire department responds to the texts, but given the current state of the city, it might not be as fast to respond as it normally would be. There are a lot of external threats to be concerned with, and the firefighters have to be safe before they can respond.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Obtaining a gas mask probably should have been a good idea but not everything tabiotha does is sensible and having to potentially drag scienteiists out of a noxious fuming lab os kinda at the forefront of her mind.

Hero shit!

That smell is awful, even as she's warned the blonde almost considers turning bakc and herding folks out. But again, hero shit. The gasses are in her nose, her mouth, her sinuses and her lungs and even stinging her eyes and makiing that sclera surrounding pale blue and very pretty irises go bloodshot. At least the heat is not bothering Tabitha, Benefits of being a kind of Pyrokinetic. It's the concussive force of her blasts that affect her more.

The sound of voices faint of the raccket gets her attention and with squinty sting and teary eyes Boom-Boom starts heading towards the source. "The fuck is all this shit?" she callsd out as the fire supression systems kick in and make a bigger mess while Tabby soaks it all in.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Rachel raises a brow at Kaida when the mouse starts giving her the plan of action. "Okay, sounds like a plan." Because, specifically, the words Kaida used in the order she used them? That's pretty plan-adjacent, if not downright accurate. There's just one problem.

    As Raven floats there in the air, contemplating the smog, she begins to wonder: "I don't think she recalls that I don't have all of my faculties." Offering a sigh, Rachel pulls her hands from her pockets and starts trying her best: swirling her hands and conjuring as much hard-shadow as she can, she forms a dome above the building.

    It's not enough to catch anyone trying to flee the thing, but it's enough to catch all of the rising smog coming from the upper floors.

    "Okay, I've got it in a bag." she remarks. "Now what."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Spotting the kids running, Kaida considers them briefly before she shakes her head and heads up to the greater issue. There's this smog and what's causing it. Once she is up there, she looks over to see Tabby cussing about things and shakes her head as she tries to find the exact source of all the smoke. Then the ABS sytem is going off and makes things even more difficult for the tiny mouse. Her tail flicks in irritation as her ears do the same.

"We gotta find the source of this." She calls out to Tabby, not really caring why the girl is here. This city is full of heroes and heroines, albeit for a mouse to tell one not to act. She instead starts trying her best to move along without getting caught in any fire or chemical as she tries to find what is causing the actual fire so she can focus on it.

"Rachel, I don't know the nature of the chemicals so for now, lets see if we can just focus on keeping it contained. I saw four teenagers fleeing but I doubt it's worth it to give chase. They seemed to be fleeing." She states into the tiny comm she has, "Once I know the reason for the smog, we can decide how to release it." Yes, she's kinda giving orders nad taking charge but for once, she's actually the expert here.

Shredder has posed:
    THe foursome of teens continues their descent, and rush out the back door, one of them carrying a glass jar.

    The hard shadow may not catch every last fume. Certainly there's a great reduction as the fumes are more contained than they wer. But the burning chemicals are all together in a storage area of the building. Glass jugs have melted or burst from the heat, whatever was in this room is now indistinguishable. The fire is still burning though, even if the ABS has taken out a good portion of it.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
With not much except burning chemicals and sludge everywhere under foot and all over her. Tabby trudges with vision and breathing hampered after the voices of kids. "Hey, the fuck you doing? You know it's not take your kids to work day right? Your parents know you're here?" she calls out loud enough her voice can travel up and down the stair case to any ears listening.

Maybe the blonde in the garish but tight and flattering clothes found the reason if not the current source of the mess.

When they make their way through an exit and Tsbitha has room she throws a bomb out thedoor in their path with enough power to make a decent noise and flash and hope it pulls them up before they. "Fucking stop, jesus if you shits are trying to get high just snort fucking whippids like we all did!"

Maybe the insults will annoy them and make them stop, hasn't seemed likely so far.

"FUCK!" she coughs out mid lunngful and ponders what the fuck she can do to contain a fire when her powers pretty much just cause them.

"I'm gonna get yelled at!" Tabby says and heads back inside to do the whole dragging hurt folks out like she originally planned.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Any other time in her life, this would all have been /real/ easy. Put out the fire with magic, teleport the people inside to safety, use the shadows to contain and dispose of the smoke. She's done each of those things a thousand times before, and doing all of them at once isn't all that difficult.

    Right now? Right now the most shadow magic she can manage with this little preparation is the dome above the building. It isn't necessarily causing her physical strain, but that's just because she knows her limits.

    When the two inside let the obvious culprits flee the building- not by choice, admittedly. Tabby did her best considering there's a fire and civilians to worry about- Rachel responds by shrinking the dome slightly to get /just/ enough to conjure a second hemisphere.

    This isn't a fast process, and it's not easy- but if Tabby's explosion manages to trip up the fleeing teens, Raven's dome will be right there to trap them. It may be there last hope, unless Kaida's starting to multitask.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A frown as she realizes something is wrong. She has Raven outside doing a dome and maybe another dome. She has explosion girl and there's still fire. She frowns and shakes her head before she spots something and rushes it. She races up a wall, unlatches a fire extinguisher and hefts it with a groan before running it over to Tabitha and dropping at her feet.

"Ok, fire extinguisher and I'm tiny!" She points at it, "You are big, see if you can get the last of the fire put out." She smiles at Tabitha though it is hard to see through the scarf she has around her nose and mouth and she gives a tiny thumbs up. Yes, a mouse just brought her a fire extinguisher. Don't question it. Then she's running outside and looking up at Raven.

"Uh, Rae. Umm, is something the matter I should know about?" She asks of her and then looks in the direction of the teens and races in that direction to try to head them off. She's really confused as to what is going on but hey, a mouse has gotta do what a mouse has gotta do.

Shredder has posed:
    The explosion bursts aside of the teens, who as one dive to the side, expecting a far more lethal encounter than it was. It certainly stopped them.

    "What was that?" Ryan, the dark haired leader of the group asks, looking around.

    "I don't care, we gotta jet, Ryan!" Tori, the girl with frizzy red hair and freckles answers.

    Gid, a darker skinned boy, and Click, a pudgy youth, both get to their feet. Click makes a ticking sound with his tongue. "There!" he declares, pointing back at Tabitha. "It wasn't us, we swear, we were just there and it blew up!" Tori hides the glass jar inside her jacket, hoping not to have it noticed in the interaction.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The voice of a very tiny Kaida gets blonde girl's at door head swivelling before looks and tries to see the source amingst any smoke and fumes not forced out of the building yet. Of course the fumes might be from her covered in all kinds of chemicals from the lap and the fire supression systems.

Tabby's eyed red and tears streaming like she's been teargassed. but at least she can see the teens turn and stop and her bombs through squinty eyes,

Another crackle in her hands as tiny tiny bombs go off in each palm as she tries to look intimidating. "Bullshit, I've cause enough lab accidents to knw what someones full of it. We're all soaking and breathing whatever the fuck the stuff was and I don't think any of us wanna find out what it does in the middle of the subway. You wanna be ground zero and shit? Not fucking fun!" says the mutant with direct experience.

"So howabout you take what you bagged put it back in the lab. Then try and get cleaned up before we all melt or explode or pick a horrible thing." she ultimatums the kids with a serious but suprisingly understanding tone.

"Cause if you run those blasts in my hand." the little firecrackers going off every so often like cap guns. "Can get much bigger and a lot more painful." she warns while Raven does her thing to contain the mess in general up above. Even powered down the woman is way above Rabitha;s weight class.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven is starting to strain a bit, now. One hand is shakily holding up congealed shadow, forming that odd dome- the other seems to almost be reaching for the captured teens, and while she doesn't look like she'll fall over, she doesn't seem like she can do this forever. Part of her is sincerely frustrated- because she used to be able to do this indefinitely.

    "The FIRE! Stop the FIRE!"

    She calls this right at Tabby, while gesturing with her head towards the large dome overhead, catching the toxic fumes. "I can't do this for a whole lot longer, so whatever is making this /green/ needs to /stop burning/ in the /immediate./"


Kaida Connolly has posed:
A frown as the fire extinguisher is ignored and Kaida lets out a sigh. She huffs and lifts it up. Luckily, fire extinguishers don't weigh outside of her lifting capacity and so she runs with it. Racing up stairs with it and getting up to the top with a huff and looking at the fires. She considers the extinguisher, the pin, the pull and then shakes her head.

"Alright, the hard way!" She aims as best she can, and then proceeds to pull her sword and cut the top right off the extinguisher causing the pressurized thing to go off. She suddenly uses her speed to grab on to the extinguisher and user her feet to try to steer it like a rudder as it races past fires and starts spraying its contents on to the base of fires before it races off in another direction as the pressure is let out at a higher rate than intended!

Shredder has posed:
    Tori looks up at the building filled with smoke. "I ain't goin' back in there, look at that place!" she blurts back at Tabitha. "You can't make us! We-" Oh, and now there's a dome over them. Gid runs up, punching the dome. Ow. He shakes his fist.

    "We don't got nothin' that's yours," he yells out. "Just let us go, her sis needs this stuff!"

    "Shut up Gid! I swear!" Ryan rushes up, grabbing Gideon by the shoulder and shoving him back. Gid returns the push, which turns into a pushing match. Not exactly a united front.

    Meanwhile, the ABS system is still dousing the flames. While most of it has been put out, a corner is still burning, and it seems that the system doesn't quite reach that far. While the smoke is being prevented from billowing to freely into the atmosphere, it does seems to have reached its limit as green wafts spill out the bottom of it and to the sides.

    Fortunately, the new cloud of powdered flame dousing material is struck by Kaida's fire extinguisher ride, leaving little left beyond a smoldering hot mess.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The yelling from Raven is given a look up with squinty eyes and a nod. "Yeah what she said kids." Tabitha is not much older than any of them. "Get in there grab extiinguishers and start putting shit out. Fix the problem you caused!" she states and throws bombs down that roll behind the group to boom and poop and herd the teens inside.

"Working on it Floaty Girl! Making sure when you do let go we don't just spread the mess!" she yells up loud as gunk filled lungs allow and after a mass of coughs and hacks, then gestures to the teens if they straggle. "Don't be a bigger problem than we already are. Haul asses" she commands. Looking up and at the teens whether they listen or not she swears and sputters.

"Fuck it. I'm gonna cop all the shit for this anyway!" she states and runs inside proper, snagging the first undamaged extinguisher she can in the stair well and trudging back up four floors worth of staircases to beginn searching for the source of the fire. Once more subjecting herself to all that nasty chemical contamination. "Fuuuuuck!" she states and gets to work, yanking the pin on the extinguisher while Kaida gets to work setting off hers like a champagne bottle. When the extinguisher the smol one rides hits it and makes more mess Tabitha ust follows up and taking yet another lung full, just douses any more flames till her extinguisher is empty and there's mothing but a big nasty green tonged mess on the floor and a noticeable tinge in Tabitha's hair.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven has hit her limit, to a degree.

    She doesn't collapse on herself, instead she wavers for a moment, before she notices that the smog from the building has reduced to a reasonable amount. As a result, she starts closing the hand that's held out in the direction of the smoke-trapping dome, and it starts to both shrink, and grow downwards, slowly but surely closing itself off into a sphere of green smog trapped in congealed shadow.

    This she brings closer to her, and as she does this, it seems to get easier to handle, less shadow needing to be produced until she condenses the smog inside, pulling it in together and pressurizing it within the sphere. Eventually, it's a much more manageable thing that rests near her, like a glass globe with a highly toxic, somewhat pressurized payload.

    "Okay. Got the smog in a ball. Now what?"

    This comment is made mostly to herself, while upholding the teen-catching dome nearby.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A look around, and Kaida runs up to Tabitha and pokes at her ankle, "Run!" She calls out, "Don't stay in here longer than necessary!" And she's running herself out, gasping and holding her sides as she slumps to a knee once outside. She quickly pulls off her scarf and immediately starts hacking and coughing, a bit of blood coming up with the coughing and she winces as she holds to her side. Whether it is from the smog or from a former injury, is unclear. She looks up to Rachel and notices the lack of smog.

<Did you get it condensed, Rachel? If you shrink it down tight enough, it should condense into a solid.> She says into her com and coughs into her com and goes wide eyed before shaking her head and then pauses, breathing heavily from strain.

Shredder has posed:
    "Well we CAN'T," Tori yells through the dome. "Because you got this stupid...whatever thing that you put over us!" Her attitude is defiant and rebellious, hardly respecting that someone clearly more powerful than her has trapped her. They all jump as the explosions pop off behind them, moving to the opposite side of the dome.

    "Look look," Ryan calls out to Tabitha, clearly none of them know that it's not her that created it. They aren't even looking up at the damage they caused. "Just let us out, and then we can help, right?"

    Click speaks up. "Yeah!" click click goes his tongue. "Just we'll help and get the fire and stuff," he agrees. Was that a proper sentence? Doesn't sound like it. They seem to have less gunk in their lungs, but maybe because they immediately fled after making the mess rather than going into it.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha tosses her empty extinguisher once there's no more hiss and strap when she hits the trigger. The young woman clearly haviing trouble breathinn or seeing as the mess in the air dwindles and there's very little more green stuff. Most of the smouldering is her and her own clothes and hair though at least she's not a walking fireball. That might be a bit much for her powers.

"'Longer than necessary?' Eff Emm Ell." Tabby says and watches Kaida dash away with more energy that the larger mutant can currently muster.

And so more stairs. She tries to job but by now this is at least the fourth time she's been on those stair cases. And that and what shhe's been huffing has definitel taken a toll on carido and muscle endurance as she coughs and barks. "If I die I am not choking on random sludge. It's a boyfriend or a ham sandwich or nothing. and I am still done with boys for now so sandwiches only." she says in broken words from the sputtering and coughing. Even when she shouldn;t speak she can't shut up.

Eventuall she makes it down stairs. Very very worn out, coughing every time she breaths out and looking like she is ready to keel over instead of just slump against that final door frame. Hot mess doesn't begin to describe what the kids are looking at when they and the other women see Boomie barking her lung up all gross and very very wrecked.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven starts descending calmly, her feet touching the ground. Beside her, a person sized ball of smog trapped in shadow. Her hands can now re-enter her pockets, and she's a little thankful the teens just accepted being trapped. With all the strain, she'd not sure how long she could've kept them that way if they'd started hammering the sphere.

    Regardless, the ball of smog keeps shrinking, and she just kinda floats it next to Kaida, doing her best to only mildly insist that something should be done about it. When it's small enough, surely, Kaida will do her thing- but for now, it's just a slowly shrinking black-green ball.

    "She isn't the one who has you trapped. That's me."

    This tone is a return to form for Raven- it conveys all of her monotonous disdain, that imperious attitude, and considering the magic, it at least seems like she has the power to back it up. "And you will remain so until the authorities arrive."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Looking over at the kids and then at the thing that Rachel is shrinking, Kaida nods and sighs as she slumps and pulls her cloak around and off of herself. She lays it out and then falls on it. She breathes in and out slowly, trying to maintain something of a semblance of her normal attitude. She looks up at Rachel and then forward.

"Several broken ribs recently." She winces, "Sorry, not as...swift as I usually am." She then clears her throat, "Any glass or bottle or whatever will do to contain the chemicals." She nods her head and then looks up, "at least for a time. Not as much chemicals as you might think in such a large cloud. Really not much."

Shredder has posed:
    "No no!" Tori begs. "Please, I know we shouldn'ta taken it. Gid set the fire, he was just bein' a ijit," she says, rushing to the front to face Raven. "Let us go please. I gotta get this, my sis is gonna die if I don't get this to make the medicine." It is one of those claims so strange it can't possibly be made up.

    "It's true!" the dark skinned Gid owns it. "I was just lookin'. I didn't mean to, just let Tori go, okay, I'll take the hit." Odd perhaps given the disagreement that he had with one of the others earlier, he's willing to get arrested on the group's behalf. Or...at least the girl's behalf.

    "Yeah yeah, just take Gid. Or me, or hell take Click too," Ryan pleads.

    "What? I didn't wanna come in the first place!" *click*" Click apparently doesn't fully agree. "But you do gotta let Tori go. It's seriously life and death."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Therte's more coughing from Tabitha, Those warnings from the scientists on their way out might have gad some legs to them as Tabitha hacks up a mess that's alternating between red from the burning of her esophagus self destructing and the toxic green that seeped into her lung butter to congeal and stick, further burning things inside and out.

Pushing away from the doorfram the blonde with the now green tinged hair looks at the ball of gunk being compacted. "Orbit that shit?" she asks and wobbles and collapses just enough she starts to fall forwards and potentially right on top of Kaida. But likely will miss as she tries to right herself and fan her arms in a wide windmiling.

And splat!

"Fuuuuuuuuuck!" she groans and rolls on her side. About as far as she can get at the moment.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven makes her way right to the edge of the barrier, leaning in somewhat, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. For years, she's been the scary one of the Titans- the one that people are afraid of. She puts people on edge just by being there.

    "You do understand, of course, that I can tell when you are lying?"

    It's a simple enough thing- right now, her empathic powers are gone. Normally, she'd just be able to /know/ they're lying, know the intent behind every word. Know what they're feeling, and what they're thinking. As the two collapse from smoke inhalation, Raven refuses to even blink. Staring, this way, at the group of teens as she shrinks the bubble just... A tiny bit. Not enough to do anything but make them feel small.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
And then Kaida sees a shadow looming over her and she dives out of the way in time for Tabitha to land right where she was. She oofs and eyes Tabitha before shaking her head and frowning. She waggles a finger, "Watch it!" She then looks over at the kids and lets out a sigh.

"I'd tell the truth. You lie to her and she is liable to make that dome as small as the other one." She points at teh shrinking shadow filled with steadily solidfying smog.

Shredder has posed:
    "No, no I'm not lying! If that's true you know I'm not lying!" Tori loudly proclaims. The shrinking bubble is reacted to by all four as they cringe from the side. It turns into a cacophany of pleading where all four are yelling over each other, begging to be released. Ryan spots Tabitha's collapse and points. "Your friend! Your friend she's like down, she might be dead!" he exclaims, hoping to take some heat off their situation.

    Gid frantically dives to the ground, pleading the case with... a mouse. "Mouse girl, get her to let us out! Tori's gotta get this to a friend so they can make the meds! Please!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Hands and Knees. Tabby rocks herself onto all fours and then there's a gag and then a wretch sound and the unmistakable sound of a woman emptying her stomach. That green gunk gets everywhere and it feels just as bad coming out as going in as tabitha gets all the downsides of being white girl wasted but none of the fun.

"This shit better be chemica..." she groans. "Imma fuck somone up if this is contageous." she worries and rocks back up onto her knees looking extra pale and sicly as she painfully coughs vampire style once she remembers too. The jackets a loss anyway.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven's impassive gaze continues, unblinking. She would normally just make them very, very afraid of everything involved, but instead, she has to resort to proper intimidation. When she is satisfied that they aren't lying, she allows the bubble to remain for a while longer, before continuing.

    "I will be watching."

    Then, the barrier just dissolves, dissipating into nothingness around the set of teens and allowing them to, probably inevitably, go running off. She isn't about to harm fifteen year old kids- and worse, isn't about to send them into a system, either. Instead, she makes her way over to Tabby and Kaida.

    When the kids are out of earshot, she offers a sigh, and conjures another disk. "Well. This went fine." she remarks, using bands of congealed shadow to deposit Tabby onto the disk, and reaching for Kaida. "I guess we get to go to the hospital."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Letting Raven help her, Kaida gets up on to Rachel's shoulder if she's allowed and then nods her head, "It went well enough." She frowns and settles into a comfy spot before shaking her head, "I hate being injured." She frowns and holds her side before looking questioningly at Rachel but then forward, not ready to ask about what just happened yet.

Shredder has posed:
    As soon as the restraining field is dropped. There isn't a thank you, or 'we'll never do it again' or any other appreciative remark. The four bolt like cock roaches. The fire department can finally be heard responding down the street, but the four teenagers don't seem to have any interest in sticking around to explain now that they aren't forcibly stopped.

    Just what they could want with a chemical for plastics? They never said, other than it was for a medicine. Of course, most things involved in making plastics are poisonous, making it a very strange claim at the very least, and who they would be taking it to to make this medicine remains also unsaid. As it is, they are off into the evening light, leaving other people to clean up their mess.