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Secret of the Sisters: Part One
Date of Scene: 05 March 2022
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Gabby reveals the secrets of her and her clone sisters to Laura, Deadpool, Bart and Emiko. They realize the urgent need to get to Alchemax to solve a growing problem.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Conner Kent, Wade Wilson, Laura Kinney, Bart Allen, Emiko Queen

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Yesterday, many phones were pinged with a request from Gabby to help her with finding someone, which she said she would explain in further detail at the meeting she'd arranged. It was atop a rooftop in Gotham. Usually those were rather locked away to bat folks, but this one was a rooftop garden that had been long unused from the looks of the raised planter beds, and abandoned lawn furniture. Probably because very little could grow well in the smog of Gotham to begin with.

The chairs had been tidied up and arranged around a table where Gabby sits waiting for anyone who could offer help to arrive. In front of her is a deck of cards she's shuffled out to play a game of solitaire while waiting and sparing the occasional anxious gaze cast toward the phone she'd set aside next to her.

Conner Kent has posed:
"You are lucky today is not raining," points out Conner, landing on the rooftop with a 'thud'. It rains 9 out every 10 night in Gotham, and almost 100 percent nights if you need to do something outdoors, in Conner's experience.

He glances around at the abandoned garden. Yes, no way there is anything growing up here unless Poison Ivy is around. They need greenhouses up here. It is very expensive, but there are a weirdly high number of stupidly rich people living in Gotham. Because Gotham is nuts.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The soft clink of metal on brickwork precedes the arrival of a man in red and black. He's loaded for bear, a pair of heavy caliber handguns at his hips, a set of sheathed katanas on his back, and a plethora of other weaponry on his suit in pouches, built in sheathes, and hidden compartments.

    "This place is a hellhole..." Deadpool mutters as he reaches the ledge and clambers up to the roof. "...I kinda like it. I mean, it's clear why they can make the same movie over and over and over and over..." he ticks off fingers. "And over again in the location. It has a sort of charm; like a dog that has mange but still brings your paper to you in the morning."

    He notices the young woman at the table and offers a hand in greeting. "So this is your stompng ground these days, huh?" he asks the girl he claims as sister before settling down into one of the chairs with an ease and relaxed air.

    The young man with her is given a once over. "I know you... but I don't know you. I'm Deadpool, Merc with a Mouth, Annoying Pain in the Ass, etc etc etc." He points to Gabby, "And her brother... sort of."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Finding people is one of Laura Kinneys many skils. Along with making people disappear. That might not be what her sister has called people together for. But you never know and the night is still young...

She does little to announce her arrival. Slinking in near silently in a charcoal grey ensemble that's bland enough blend into the Gotham night.

Still her sister and the other Outsiders are probably used enough to this sort of behavior...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes running up the side of the building Red Arrow (the female one) is riding piggy back on his back. He comes over the side at speed, and skids to a halt near the others "Hope it is ok, I brought a friend." He nods to Conner, Gabby and Laura, but cocks his head a bit raising a brow behind his goggles as he sees Deadpool.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Hopping lightly off Bart's back, Emiko offers a wave and smile towards the group, "Hi. I'm the friend. I ho-...whoa. That's an arsenal. Damn." She gets caught staring, right at Wade's profusion of.. guns! Shaking her head, she glances up at Bart, "Are we expecting an army? Should I have brought better arrows?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sits us straighter when Superboy arrives to flas him a grin. Her hands sweep out over the table to messily gather up the cards she'd been playing to simply kill time. Really there was no other reason for them to be there, after all, and she works to at least tuck things away as best she can now. "Yeah, I know, but I couldn't really have the meeting at the Roost--" she begins to explain when Deadpool arrives to join in.

Silently she reaches out to offer Deadpool a fist-bump while he gives his introduction. "Glad you could make it, bro," she greets back only to clear her throat with a quick glance toward Conner that seems almost sheepish. "Ah, some of the people I invited aren't really Roost-cleared after all. And yeah, this is where they let me actually DO stuff. Good group of people," she explains to Deadpool.

The shadow moving around is recognised and she points toward Laura, "Come on grab a chair. This is kind of family stuff, but I need help. LOTs of help," she begins once Bart comes up with Red Arrow. She pauses, squinting a moment, only to nod toward the unfamiliar person accepting her easily.

"Okay. Thanks for coming everyone. Um. This is a lot, and a lot of history behind it, so I'll try to make it concise. My sister is missing. Bellona." She pauses to look toward Laura, then Wade, and then the others to finish explaining, "She's the last remaining sister from my batch of clones to have survived our escape from Alchemax. She's human, so given that and her history, she couldn't get the help I got from the X-Men and others. Some of my ... friends... that are less than of the legal variety but still totall okay I swear... Were helping her out. Had her in a safe house in New York."

"And I lost contact with her when the angel situation happened. I haven't had any luck finding her."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner glances at Deadpool, "damn... for a second I though you were Spider-Man. Too many guns, tho," he grins, grabbing a battered chair and flopping down. The grin vanishes when Gabby mentions the missing clone sister. Clones are a sore point for him. Someone is always making the lives of clones miserable.

"Could the angels have killed her? I heard they killed people that stayed in the city and tried to shoot them." And since we are talking about a Kinney, Conner assumes Bellona was heavily armed. "I suppose you checked the place she was in, any clue?" Then he notices they are missing the team's main detective. Odd.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool manages to give Gabby a fistbump as he settles in to listen. As the girl relays her tale he takes in the group around them. Young. Young. Young. Young. Young. His opaque gaze (literally, that's what the mask does to his eyes--don't question it) falls on Gabby. "I'm not supposed to chaperone you guys am I?" he asks, suspiciously.

    "I mean... I did it once for a group in Columbia and let's just say there's a reason that the 28 bounties on my head are still in effect over a decade out." He glances at the gathering and elaborates. "How was I supposed to know that showing the kids how to wipe out an arm of the Cartel was a bad idea... I thought showing them some of the country's resources was a good way to educate them." He shrugs and looks at Conner. "You're not the first to make the mistake. You should see the confusion when we work together. Hi-larious." He looks back to Gabby.

    "You know I'm good for it. Retrieval and personell extraction -are- two of my specialities. I just have one real question? Lethal or non-lethal extraction when we find her abductorsor whoever happens to have her?" he asks and looks out over the rooftop (where there is clearly no one there) and holds up his hands in a commical shrug. "What? Deadpool gotta Deadpool, ya know?" he says to the invisible audience that only he (and a select few others) have any awareness of.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney sniffs the air, gives Wade and look and then glances at Emiko. "Probably overcompensating for something," she notes. Shrugging. "Any location she'd be staying in would have had escape routes. It's unlikely the Angels would have been able to contain her."

After all the sort of people her sister has for friends... Well they're a largely nefarious sort. And the precautions you'd take for superhero raids aren't too far from the ones you'd take for supernatural beings.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Gabby, and says "This is Red Arrow, she is the friend I asked about bringing, she can help." He explains to Gabby, and then looks over to Deadpool, I don't think any of us need chaperoned, we have either had extensive training, or been doing it for a while, or both." HE offers, with a bit of smile.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Hello, I'm happy to help however I can." Emiko offers a quick nod. She glances from Laura, the Deadpool, then back again. "He's killed a LOT of people with far, far less. Which is why I'm worried. If he needs that many guns, then he's expecting that much trouble." And to Deadpool himself, "Is this a high school dance now, we need chaperones?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Red Arrow? Oh like Arsenal was once I think? Maybe not." Gabby wracks her brain a moment before shrugging it off to grin warmly to the newcomer as well. In spite of the topic at hand she was trying to keep her spirits up. "Welcome and thanks for coming. Red Robin said I should reach out to ask for help in this instead of try to do it on my own."

"And, no not a chaperone," Gabby assures Deadpool with a solemn nod. "Not gonna put that responsibility on you. You're here because I'm probably about to ask us all to do something very not-legal and you've got way more experience in that than I do. Mostly." And here she clears her throat likely. "I'd like to avoid with the deadenings if possible. Maiming I'm okay with. If necessary."

Gabby glances down to the table again where she pauses to tap the deck of cards she'd been shuffling a moment to straighten them out. "I know she got out. She left me a message to that regard. But after that, I don't know. I DO know that one of the weapons stashes we had in New York was cleared out, likely by her. After that...?" Her head shakes lightly. "It's possible she could have been killed but I really don't think so. Something's come up that has made needing to find her quickly very important though."

"If she IS dead, then... then at least I can put her to rest properly. Otherwise we may be in time to save her life. Alchemax put something in all of us that I may be able to use to track her down if we can get the schematics on it. Problem is the lab we were in burned during our escape so we'll have to be going into a secondary base of theirs that I'm not familair with."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner offers a friendly smile and a nod to Red Arrow. Then turns back to Gabby and her plans and theories. Yes to no killing. Absolutely no problem with breaking and entering the lab of a corporation involved in cloning. He has done that before. He is almost an expert (no, he isn't).

"Alchemax, hmm?" He frowns. "They are new, right? I mean, I think I read about them forming three or four years ago. I don't know much about them besides they being a pharmaceutical corporation." Which pretty much makes them super-evil by default, of course.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool smirks under the mask at Laura. "Not overcompensating. I just like to be prepared. When you have my reputation, you find that having enough weapons is never a bad thing." He looks at Emiko and frowns and then the smile widens enough to be seen through the mask. "Oh... I -know- know you" he says to Emiko. "You do some efficient work. Less flashy than most. But arrows are good for that."

    He looks at Bart. "'A while' is relative, especially when I think most of you are close to half my age." He shrugs. "But hey, super groups are supergroups. Not gonna question your work history if you don't question my work ethic."

    When Gabby lays down the rules he nods. "So no headshots, decapitating, or major arteries. Got it."

    He shakes his head at Conner. "Publically, sure three or four years. The company's been in business closer to 25 though. The Workshop, a division of the Weapon X program, that made me--care of Francis, who is very dead now--was an offshoot of them.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Is this lab located within the New York area?" Laura muses. "If they are located close by they could well have located her and used the chaos caused by the angels to attempt an extraction." It's what she'd have done. Take advantage of the situation to carry out a black ops operation in a major city with little to no risk.

"Groups like Alchemex tend to supply plenty of weapons. We can just restock in the field." She shrugs at Wade. "Besides I assume we're planning things now rather than going for a frontal assault?" Her eyes flick over in the direction of her sister. Checking for confirmation. "It does generally increase chances of mission success if we can carry out recon first."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Any chance I can just run in grab the thing and bring it back out so we don't have to bust as many heads? " He looks over to Conner, and says "I know at least some of them deserve head bonks, but figure if I can get in and out, we can find the girl faster."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Nodding to Deadpool, she offers, "To be fair, my side of things were all about leaving as little behind as possible. People had to disappear, not lay in artfully arranged pieces across a warhouse floor. I'm surprised nobody has made some sort of strange artwork out of taking pictures of the scenes you leave behind. 'A Study in Red' or 'Crimson Against Clovers'. I'm sure there's a niche in the art community for Murderworks." Yep, Emiko just coined that.

She gives a nod and smile towards Conner before looking to Gabby, "If you give me a minute or two, I might be able to get access codes for the lab. I'll have send a text though. Otherwise, I'm good with going through vents and ducts." She looks to Bart, smiling faintly, then back to Gabby for the ultimate decision.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods in response to Deadpool's elaboration on it. "They branched off from another group that was working with the people who made Laura. It's apparently got a lot of internal politics going on making it hard to really know what one branch is doing versus another." Bart's question earns a little shake of her head. "Not really, see..."

Before she can explain further her phone lights up with a chiming alarm that she quickly reaches out to swat turning it off. She draws a deep, deep breath and reaches up to rub her eyes. "This is why I really need to find her quick. What they put inside us so we wouldn't feel apin..." her hand falls away from her face as she just stares off into space a moment.

"Sorry. Don't freak out. Just need to take a quick nap." Even as she utters these words her breathing becomes a little quick and shallow, and she lays her head down on the table. With a shaky hand she taps the screen of her phone turning on a timer. Then she just... Lets out a deep breath and grows still.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Damn, now even evil corporations subcontract and do mergings," grumbles Conner, "they all deserve a beating," he comments to Bart. Who apparently is also bringing assassin girls into the party. Not that nearly half the Outsiders aren't ex-assassin girls.

Some not quite ex-. But they are working on it.

"Wait, a nap?" He gives Gabby perplexed look. "You serious?" She is serious. He pokes her lightly on the shoulder. "First time I see her do this," he looks at Laura alarme. "Her heart stopped!"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade listens for a moment longer and then looks at her as she lays her head down and breathes out without breathing back in. "Oh..." he puts two fingers to her neck. "No pulse." He waves a placating hand to the group. "Give it a moment. I do this all the time and if she's -half- as good as her dad she'll be back into the swing in just a few moments."

    He sits back and looks at Laura. "You're one of his kids too aren't you?" he asks the young woman. "I can... it's complicated to explain right now. Bred or built?" he asks as if it's the most natural question to ask a person. Likely for him, it's one of the safer ones to ask.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"If her healing was working as well as our Father her heart wouldn't have stopped," Laura points out bluntly. Her head turns to Bart. "Fetch an adrenaline shot. That should kick things back into gear if her powers don't kkick back in." She takes another sniff. As if trying to figure out what's wrong from smell alone. "I don't pick up any illness or chemical influences."

Her head shifts slightly to one side and her eyes narrow at Wade.

"It could be her nanomachines acting up."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and nods, he is gone and back, with not just a shot, but one of the med bags from the roost. He is fishing through it, and pulls out the syringe, and readies it to use it "Ok, I study animals not humans, but should be close enough right?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko glances around at everyone as they chime in, but her focus goes to Wade, staring at him for a long moment before looking to Gabby, "She's doing the thing where she slows herself down to the point of death before coming back, isn't she? There are techniques that can be learned to simulate death but that sort of body control is... really rare." Then there's Bart with a syringe ready to go and she reaches up to grip his wrist, smiling faintly, "Give her a moment."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Time stretches on. And on. At least for a full minute and a half. Long enough that those who were concerned might remain concerned, and enough time for Bart to start wondering where he ought to stab someone with an epi-pen. Before it can happen though Gabby sits bolt upright with a heavy gasp of air as if she'd been beneath water just long enough to need that air desperately. She slumps back in her chair breathing quick and heavy with a wide-eyed gace flitting around those here.

"Sorry. How long was I out...?" Darting her gaze back to her phone she taps the screen to stop the timer she'd set apparently expecting this somehow. "Sorry. Been happening more lately. Ugh I need a soda." Her hand presses to the side of her head rubbing the heel of her palm to her temple with a little grousing grump as if she'd just woken up.

"Where was I? The... the um. Yes. Bellona. Alchemax."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Whatever it is, it did not surprise her, but damnit... Gabby!" Conner was straightening her on her chair so Bart could inject the adrenaline when she finally wakes up.

And then she starts speaking again as if nothing was going on. Conner gives her a very, very stern look. Trying to copy Tim's stern look, actually. "And blackouts when your heart stops. I think those need to be talked about too."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade gestures as Gabby sits up and seems alright. "You're going to need to explain that one to us. Bart here was about to poke you with enough adrenaline to wake a horse and while not sure if that would do anything to you in the long run, it wouldn't feel pleasant for a few minutes."

    He glances at Laura. "Nanomachines?" he asks. "You're kidding right? I really hope she's kidding" he says looking to Gabby. He gives Conner a simple shrug. "Momentary death when you have a healing factor as advanced as well... ours... is pretty par for the course. Happens from severe head trauma, or heart stops, or spinal destruction... or the occasional atomization."

    He talks as if he's been subjected to all of them before. He has. "But just pull out the rebar or realign the spine or just wait long enough and things kick back into gear, just like she did here. But..." he glances again at Gabby. "Nanomachines?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney blinks a few times. "I am known for my sense of humour." She deadpans. Her arms cross and she frowns at her sister. "Gabby is there something you want to tell us?"

She glances back at Bart. "An adrenaline shot doesn't really require medical training. So long as you know how to aim for the heart and stab hard enough."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head and looks to Emiko as she grabs his wrist, and says "I was going to wait till." He pauses and looks to Laura and Gabby, and says "Ok to use your real names?" He motions towards Laura "Was going to wait till she gives the go ahead." When Emiko releases his wrist hs is off, and back with a cooler of different sodas, setting them on Gabby's table.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emi lets go of Bart's wrist once Gabby gasps back awake, notably relieved that she did indeed come back on her own. When he returns with the sodas, she shoots a glance from Bart, to the Kinney's, then shrugs, "I'll go first." Stepping forward, she peels off the domino mask and smiles, "Hi. Emiko Queen. I'm sure it's a terrible surprise for anyone that knows my brother." She pauses, glancing at Wade, "Or knew my mother. Or.. pseudo-father. Or really anyone in that particular circle. I don't have to start calling you Uncle Deadpool, do I?" There's a quick flash of a smile before she's reapplying the domino mask.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks at Conner holding onto her shoulder as she becomes more aware of her surroundings once more. The stern look fixed on her earns a sheepish grin in response. It doesn't last long though--She does look a bit tired for all that just happened to her. Lifting her hands she digs her fingers into her eyes rubbing them hard. "Wait, what? My heart what?" Another little rub comes, and she frowns deeply herself. Her mouth moves to speak, but she falls short as she furrows her brows together sternly. "...I thought I was just having blackouts." Then again when you're momentarily dead it's not as if you know the details.

"That's worse than I expected then. Bellona might already be gone." It's said quietly more to herself than the others. Still ther were questions to answer.

"Nanomachines. That's the last experiment they did on us. I didn't even know what they were at first, it was just injected into us. Something to keep us from feeling pain." Her had lifts to press against the side of her neck where it meets the base of her skull.

"It worked on us. We couldn't feel pain anymore. Then my sisters started dying. We figured it was due to what they did to us, and we were hiding the fact I was a mutant from them, so it pushed up our timeline for needing to break out. Zelda, 3-PAR, Bellona and I. We all escaped. 3-PAR sacrificed herself to let us get away... Then Zelda..." A deep breath is drawn and let out slowly. "Zelda went later. Same way as the other sisters. She just ... faded. Bellona was out on a mission when we all got ours, so hers were given at a later date. It didn't seem to effect her as much so I was keeping an eye on her for now."

Lifting her head again she lets her gaze flit around to everyone in turn. "But with this happening to me now I figure we're working on borrowed time. If mine are acting up like this, then hers are bound to soon as well. I'm hoping that the schematics on the nanomachines will give us a way to track her as well as stop this from happening any more."

Then Bart arrives with the soda and she blurts out, "Oh thank god I love you Ba--Impulse." The soda is grabbed and flicked open to chug heavily while giving Emiko a thumbs-up in response.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner slumps back to his chair (it creaks ominously) and sighs. "Looks to me like the nanomachines are tying to kill you but your mutant powers are managing to bring you back. Maybe they are not defective, maybe they hit the kill switch instead of trying to capture you again. Which they can't."

In any case a visit to Alchemax labs seems more than warranted. "Maybe you should talk to Robin and Wasp about getting those nanites out of your blood," he suggests. "Regardless of what we find in Alchemax."

He offers a weak smile to Emiko. Really, not a good time to reveal secret ids, but he will try to catch her and Bart alone later.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool shakes his head at Emiko. "No. I may look like him and share his name but I am not in any way related to Deathstroke... except by copyright infringement rules." Whatever that means. "Deadpool is perfectly fine. Or Wade if you want to go that route." He doesn't seem to care who knows who he is.

    He frowns at Gabby. "Might be an idea to take Superboy's advice here and get those out of your system. But first, business. We know where the facility we're hitting it?" he asks her. "All you need to do is set time and date and I'll be there, ready to do what I do--within reason... like you said."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I'll speak with my contacts regarding the site," Laura states. "Get as much intel as I can. I'll also see about obtaining a shipment of weapons for the assault." It seems she's taking the matter far more seriously than earlier. "Clearly we'll be needing more weapons than Wade thought to bring."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and nods his head a bit thinking about this. He did not expect Emiko to tell who she was, he was just not sure about calling Laura and Gabby by name in front of Deadpool. He was pretty sure Laura already knew Red Arrow was the girl he brought to the party, what with her sense of smell. He gets himself and Emiko a soda and moves to stand next to her listening.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko lifts a shrug at Bart and takes the soda but doesn't open it, smiling up at him briefly, "Thanks." Looking back to Gabby, she asks, "-Can- the nanites be removed? Everything I know of nanotech says they self-replicate and self-repair, so whatever their job is... we might have to effectively fully replace her blood to get them all. And even then, that's assuming they haven't spread to other systems... it might be easier to reprogram them..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
After finishing guzzling the soda in a few chugs Gabby lets out another gasp. This time just due to chugging soda really quickly at least. "Well that's a half second buzz at least but it does help." Emiko's question only earns a small shake of her head along with a helpless shrug. "I don't know. And a kill switch might be something built in... that would explain this happening lately," She muses in regards to Conner's remark. "Reprogram? Maybe reprogram them if not remove them entirely. I'm sure we know enough tech-capable people to do that." Right? Right. She hopes.

"All right. We'll get what info we can from X-23 and Deadpool, then, and I can fill in what I've gotten from Catman when he's raided some of their executive offices too." Yes, that was a villain moniker. Woops. "Thanks for offering to help everyone. Sorry for scaring you with the, um. Dying thing." A guilty looks is tossed toward Conner at that along with a mouthed 'sorry' to him in particular. The others seemed to not be as bothered but then some had a healing factor as she did.

"For now I think I should call it a night. Thank you all for wanting to help though, seriously."