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Latest revision as of 06:28, 16 March 2022

Flying High in the Sky
Date of Scene: 15 March 2022
Location: Skyline
Synopsis: Some teenage titans go flying
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Virgil Hawkins, Gar Logan, Kian

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sometimes you just need to fly. Along the Metropolis skyline, Sarah Rainmaker has taken herself aloft. Going a few hundred meters up in the air, the Apache woman is just going along with her arms at her sides. She has a thoughtful look voer on her face, one that is not quite focused.. Not quite irritated.. Not quite joyful. But darting along from those things as if she could not settle on any emotion

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Virgil has been taking it easy on the hero-ing thing lately due to family situations, but once he had worked up his newest toy, he just *had* to try it out. There were some new threads to go with it too, but those weren't quite finished yet -- they could wait until the other day.

Besides, it was kind of nice just to cruise along for a bit without having to give the uniform a workout, and a short jaunt through the Hyperloop gave him a place where he could do so in peace -- or at least, a place where flying people are more the norm than the exception, and less likely to draw attention. And so we find Static streaking his way through the skies from a different direction with a joyous "WOO-HOO!", making a tight aileron roll as he crouches on a silvery flight disc.

Gar Logan has posed:
Some would say if man were meant to fly, he'd have been born with wings. Or God would have given them, depending on one's set of beliefs.

Beast Boy was not born this way, but ever since he was a child, catching the Sakutia disease and being cured of it, he's not only been green from head to toe, he's had the ability to fly like a bird. No, /as/ a bird. Or swim as a dolphin, or run as a cheetah, or any number of other examples.

Flight is still one of his favored activities, leading to him having taken to the skies above and near Titans Tower. The city is known for Superman, among others, so the sight of someone humanoid up in the sky is not that wild a concept. All the same, Gar soars above the masses below as a hawk, distinctly colored of course. Sharp eyesight keys him in on the fact he's not the only one taking advantage of the clear day, leading to his path bringing him closer to the others who are also aloft.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker takes a moment to glance over at Virgil, caught somewhat by surprised by the outburst of speed from someone even if they were around her that had not registered. There would be a moment of reflection upon her face tht would turn more relaxed, and then with an 'ah' and a wave, "Hello." This perahps not quite audible with the joy that Static was having racing along at high speed.

She would go to turn about, catching sight of the green bird up in the air, and giving him a wave as well, and then another quiet 'hello' sent in his direction.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static does catch sight of the motion as she waves though at least, the edge of the disc raising as he "brakes" to a halt. "Whoa! Hey there!" Looking Sarah up and down for a moment -- no 'S', no cape, so not the city's trademark heroine, he's guessing. As for him, he's dressed in his usual uniform of the blue coat, white shirt with emblem in gold, and mask with goggles -- but one has to wonder how recognizible that look is outside of Dakota City or New York.

"Sorry -- was this, er, sky taken? I wasn't sure if I was supposed to call ahead or something." The green bird does get his attention, because, well, it's a green bird. And one that sure doesn't *look* like a parrot. But for the moment Gar doesn't get more than an odd look.

Gar Logan has posed:
For anyone familiar with the green shifter, the sighting of the hawk in this area might be no surprise, might be reason to suspect there's more than meets the eye. Otherwise? Yes, very green hawk. Not exactly common.

Sarah, she's been around the Tower before. Virgil, Gar can't be sure of. Circling as they all congregate closer, the hawk then makes it clear he isn't just a plain ol' bird by calling out, "Hey! What's going on?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would give another wave of acknowledgement at Gar, and then turning over to Static, "I can't say I have. I'm sure that someone's found a way to do it in the past however. Just that's a little bit beyond my capabilities and for now I'm not aware of anyone." The Apache Gen-Active would try to joke over that falls just a little bit.

"Greetings." She would offer and give a tentative smile. Looking to Garfield with a 'you know him' expression?

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Err, right." The joke falls past Static, at least. "It's cool! I was just -- WHOA!"

This last said as the bird *talks*, the young hero starting so violently that for a moment it looks like he might actually fall *off* his flight disc. But with a crackle of charge, the silvery circle swings around for him to step back on, leaving him full standing and staring openly at the avian Gar. "Um... did you hear that too?" he asks, missing the look Sarah gives Gar as he glances over. "Because either the air's way thinner up here than I thought, or that bird just talked!"

Gar Logan has posed:
The hawk maintains his elevation, head angling from Virgil to Sarah and back again. "That's a neat trick. What is it, some kind of hover thingy?" he asks, unfamiliar with it although the electrical nature of things is difficult to miss. He just hasn't figured out how it ties together.

"And the air's thinner, but I did just talk. I don't think we've met? You're talking to the world-famous Beast Boy, in the feathers!" he boasts, puffing up his chest just so as he stretches his wings out just long enough to hold the pose before needing to use them again to hold steady in place. "So what have you been up to?" he questions Sarah.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod and go to float, "Yes I did." She would offer. The amusement is very, very well hidden in her face. Wasn't a green bird talking a fully ordinary thing? She was just an escapee from genetic experiments and even she saw nothing unusual here!

Sarah would grin, "I can't claim to be famous so don't look for any sort of recognition from me. And it's a lovely day to go flying."

Kian has posed:
    Diving down from above with a happy "Kya!" is the resident birdman.  "Finally!  The weather is sensible!  It's a *wonderful* day for a flight!" Kian agrees, dropping into an effortless hover.  "I was up a ways and saw you below and I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"  Apparently there's nothing a translator can do about a run-on sentence.
    He regards Static inquisitively -- in a friendly way.  "/Kie/!  I think I haven't met you yet?"  Somehow, he manages what looks like a bow in mid-air, and then drifts in Gar's direction.  Green hawks are perfectly normal.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Oh. Beast Boy, huh? That's um -- that's cool!" World-famous, but Static doesn't seem to have heard the name. Then again, not like he's can brag about his own yere, which becomes apparent as introductions are returned. "I'm Static. You, uh -- well, you probably haven't heard of me. I'm not from around here. ...I mean, obviously not from around *here!*" he adds, looking around the span of sky. "I mean, not from Metropolis!"

Smooth, Virgil. Quick, change the topic! "Oh this? Yeah! It's -- hm. Haven't really come up with a name for it yet." Tapping his foot on the disc's surface as he looks contemplatively down at it. "Still putting it through its pa- WHOA!"

And they are joined by yet another, the masked youth giving another start as Kian drops down to join them. " ...um... hi there!"

Gar Logan has posed:
It's purely coincidental that Kian is turning up just as Beast Boy's about to go through a shift change that just happens to match his type.

"Cooler than the other side of the pillow, yep!" the hawk points out, as he adds, "That's neat," he says of the disc. "You look kind of on the young side, dude. But you've already got a costume? Were you trying to find the Titans? Because we're over there in that big T-shaped building. Can't miss it!"

Only after Kian's arrived does he..well, actually, instead he decides to hold off on the change and perch, instead, atop Kian's head. Hawk hat! "/Kie!/"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would give a wave over to Kian, "Ah, hello." She would turn to hover.. Rather than by wings or disk, she would adjust the winds around her to position herself. So there would be slight dips of her body as the winds would carry her in flight, but small jostles in her body to indicate that she wasn't quite fully stable in the air.
    "A pleasure to meet you then. Nice to meet you, Static." She would offer and give a wave at hte other two. "They're both with the Titans." She didn't -think- it was 'Teen' Titans anymnore. If it ever had been.

Kian has posed:
    Kian reaches up to scritch his hawk-hat right between the wings.  "/Kie/, Gar."  Big smile, and a "/Kie/!" for Sarah as well.
    "Static, yes?  As in electricity?  I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to startle you.  I've gotten so used to weird things happening all the time, I think everyone's used to them.  Are you standing on plates?  That's a new way to fly that I haven't seen before."
    Being in physical contact with him, Gar can pick up the inevitable *Earth is weird* that flits through Kian's mind.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"It's cool!" Static reassures the flying youth -- the newly-arrived flying youth at least, since all of them fit that description to varying degrees. "That's me all right! And it's not exactly a plate, but -- eh, close enough." Beats a trash can lid, at least.

He quickly raises both hands though, as the Titans are mentioned and the way is pointed. "That's okay... wait, you think I'd have a shot?" Because that name, at least, he's heard before. "Er, I mean -- I was just out lookin' to... well, stretch my wings a little. ...no offense." Only two of them here have actual wings, after all.

Gar Logan has posed:
Three have wings! And the hawk's wings are fanning out right now as the scritch is felt, features puffed up just so.

After this, Gar spares Kian the indignity of having to remain there with a bird on his head, and he does go through with shapeshifting. It's to the form of an Akiar, Kian's people, very similar in shape and size, of course with his own features and in green. "Yeah, what's up, Static? Ahh..is that what you came out here for? Because we'd have to schedule you for about half a dozen interviews, collect a non-refundable application fee, make sure your codename is trademarked properly for advertising purposes.." He counts things off on his fingers, which are only three plus the thumb in this form, then a mischievous grin takes hold. "Nah, I'm just messing with you. If you /are/ interested, we can definitely bring you by for a tour and talk, but I'm not trying to suggest one way or another. Some people don't want to be part of a team."

Added, "Isn't that right, Sarah?" to the one controlling the winds to help her hover in place. "Is that something you're still thinking about, too?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would chuckle over at Virgil, "I don't know, I'm not associated with them in any way beyond just staying as a guest." Then she would glance over at Garfield for a moment over as he would question her over. "That seems.." Very, veyr unlike the Titans that she peripherally knows. Then he goes 'messing wiht you' and she would smirk. "Good, you had me worreid. And.." Her tone is quiet.
    "I really don't know. It depends on too many things outside of my control that I have no real idea on how they're going to go anytime soon."

Kian has posed:
    "I'm not offended," Kian says easily.  "Considering the number of Earth heroes who use bird names and don't have wings, I'm getting used to turns of phrase like that."
    He smiles warmly at Gar when he shifts to his birdman form, and tries very hard to keep a straight face while the green teen lists the "requirements" to be a Titan.  "Don't worry too much about how difficult it is to join.  They accepted me and I've barely been on this world two years."  He glances at Gar.  "I think?"

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static starts to look frantic as Gar begins listing off the requirements for joining (thankfully, a rubber chicken and a dress aren't among them) and lets out a breath as he's finally left off the hook. "I... never really thought about it. Joining a team, I mean. Right now I'm just trying to hold it down with the stuff I got goin' on." Looking back over his shoulder for a moment, in the direction of New York. "I mean... the stuff that doesn't come with the mask. You know?" Pondering his own troubles for a bit, he misses the part about Kian's being new to this world.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan holds up a hand, shaking his head. "Hey, most of us have been there before. We can always give you our main number in case you want to call sometime, and we've got stuff on all the social media accounts too. No pressure."

Jerking a thumb toward Kian, he adds, "I think Kian here expects someone who uses birds for inspiration to actually have wings. And you've been around us almost the whole time since you got here, whether you were officially a Titan or not."

For Sarah, he scratches the side of his cheek for a moment and tells her, "I get it. The same thing goes for you, though. Any time you want to be around more, or have anything you want to talk to us about, just let us know? There are a lot of us around, and I don't want anyone to feel left out or forgotten."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod, "I understand and appreciate it. It's just.." She would figure out how to put things as simply as she could over in a way that would get the point across but also politely. "Family matters." Those two words would hopefully manage to be so universally understood.>

"The Titans are very good.." Remembering Kian.. "Beings that want to help however they can. You seem like you'll fit in just well."

Kian has posed:
    "Family by choice as well as family by blood," Kian says to Sarah, even though he glances at Gar.  "If you *are* looking for a team to work with, I recommend us highly.  I may be biased," he adds with a grin, "but I have pretty good reason to be."
    After a moment, he adds with an even broader grin, "Assuming you're not allergic to glitter."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Yeah... ?" Static turning it over for a bit. Sarah does get a sympathetic look as she mentions family matters -- it's universal to him, at least. But even so, there's no harm in getting the digits, right? "I guess I can take the number at least. Thanks!" Taking a moment to fumble in his coat... except, whoops. No cellphone. Not that he had one back in Dakota either. " ...you um... you wouldn't happen to have anything to write with, would you?"

Gar Logan has posed:
"I totally get that. Family is..it's very important," Gar says, holding his own position in midair thanks to his Akiar form. "So, really. No pressure Sarah, and I know we just met, Static, but let us know if there's ever something we can help with. That's kind of what we do."

Looking himself over, then Kian, he shakes his head. "No can do, but hit me up at 'RealBeastBoy' on any of my social media accounts and I can get you more info that way."

Eyes narrow slightly toward Kian at that particular reminds. "Oh, yeah. We have someone who really loves glitter."