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The X in Mexico: Party Dos
Date of Scene: 02 April 2022
Location: Castillo Real, Cozumel, Mexico
Synopsis: Drunken ruin delving actually results in an archeoogical find. Jean being responsible again, everyone else beiing grossed out and Tabitha smelling badly in Rogue's arms.
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Monet St. Croix, Warren Worthington, Lorna Dane, Rogue, Jean Grey

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Previously on X-Men:

Partying and downtime before eventually having to serious up to play Coyote. The X-Folks managed to snag a boat thanks to Sunspot and are moored at an island just off and to the south of Cancun Mexico. Where everybody game to explore the clearly heritage listed site that is Castillo Real or Royal Castle if someone wants to translate for the non Spanish speakers, in a less than legal manner is working their way to shore after jmping ship. Or yacht, big enough that anyone that wanted to hide below decks on the trip could get comfy and even party.

Despite the name. The Mayan ruin is really little more than a remote guard post long since fallen to time and disrepair though it has seen plenty of acheological attention despite the road out looking fairly treacherous for even a seasoned off roader. To the point it's been picked clean.

The remains of a temple, a couple chambers that might have been a barracks and maybe mess hall and a guard tower to keep watch over incoming intrusion by sea.

Tabby having had to get soggy in cold ocean grins as she wades to shore to explore in red cutoffs, a little turqoise shoulderless tee and matching Chucks. The straps and strings of a little pink bikini peeking out while her red frame and red lensed cate eye glasses sit securly on her nose.

And a classic white Skipper hat on her nugget.

"You know I bet there's not gonna be any real loots to plunder. Bet this was where the Mayan military types sent their supposedly crappier soldiers. Their exiled to Arctic Alaska." she ponders with a grin "Or it could be a cleverly disguised staging ground for a run to ancient Cuba. We'd have to capture and interrogate an egghead." she adds playfully. "Should have worn the khaki shorts of plus one tomb raiding!" Tabby looks down at herself and grins. "At least spare socks gonna be squelcy toes for hours!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is glancing out at the ruin in the distance and crossing her arms. She's expecting it ob e rather generic over and with something aimed purely for the tourists. And not that she doesn't trust Tabitha's tastes when it comes to research for travel and.. Well, she actually doesn't. So decidedly being unimpressed, the tall dark skinned mutant woman in the dental floss bikini is just crossing her arms over to gaze along.

"If you use the phrase 'three hour tour' then I will ensure that Rogue is properly incentivized to see how well you react to being launched at several hundred meters per second."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Yachts? Ladies in bikinis? Drinking and exploring? Yes, of course Warren is there. He may have sailed in on his OWN yacht, but still, he's there to enjoy spring break. The man they call Angel has been sunning himself on the deck of his boat, but with people diving into the water to swim over to the Mayan ruins, well...why swim when you can fly?

Warren hops up from his deck chair -- and half finished Paloma -- and spreads his wings. He takes a few steps, and launches himself into the air, gliding just a few inches above the still water of the kay, before he pulls up at the edge of land, and touches down lightly on the warm sand. The sand, was unexpectedly warm. Hot even. And Warren does a little dance as he tries to acclimate his bare feet to the feel of it, "Ow, damn. Ow! Ow! Hot!" he says as he bounces from foot to foot.

Lorna Dane has posed:
In white and green, Lorna would easily blend in with most of the foilage should she want to. One of the few perks of having green hair and a mostly-green wardrobe perhaps. The white however, well, that was due to some new lace up combat boots that went to just below her knees. They would get dirty. She didn't rightly care. They would also protect her from any biting or stinging things on the ground looking for bare ankles to chomp on. Something she'd learned well enough from her own nation of Genosha -- Protect the feets. The rest of her attire is a simple green sundress with a swimsuit beneath just in case. It was light weight, and cool for the day.

And completely dry as she flies over the waves to reach the shore where she settles down with a light touch of her booted feet. "I'm not sure anyone here would really get the Indiana Jones reference besides us. Certainly not any guards or locals that might be around... Though I don't see any to begin with," she adds glancing toward the ruins they were apparently intending to visit. The cries from Warren on the hot sand earn a grin tossed his way. "What, no sandals?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sweeps down off of the boat and past the other shlubs wading through the water! Swoosh!

Her running shoe covered feet touch down on the sandy shore, and her hands go to her hips. Still wearing her denim cutoff shorts, a black hoodie half unzipped over a light green tanktop, the southern gal is just sweeping her eyes around.

Her two toned brown and white hair flows in the wind around her shoulders. "Pretty." She finally says then before looking around to the others. "We found a better place than party central back there, I think."

Jean Grey has posed:
"Uh, there's a LOT of reasons there's not going to be any loot to plunder. Mostly because the Spanish mostly covered that, and also... uh, whatever's left is in a museum now and we're not supervillains!" Jean yells back to Tabitha. It's weird how often she has to say that!

All the same, she's waded to shore with everyone else (well, OK, possibly a small minority since nearly everyone decides to cheat and fly! the water's nice!), and soon set about exploring the neato ruins. The nearby coastal fort is the first destination because, well, it's right there. It truly isn't much of anything elaborate, architecturally, but still, there's that sense of history to it: the age of the ancient masonry, the knowledge that it was once inhabited and used by people long gone, that it had its own place in history. Jean climbs the small hill up to the entrance and drinks that history in, looking all around the small interior.

She re-emerges a few moments later, looking out from it toward the inner part of the island where the temple and other ruins are supposedly located. Rogue passes overhead, and her head turns to follow her course. "Yeah, this is definitely more interesting. Wanna check those out?" Only now, as she asks, does she rise up into the air herself, on a vague intercept.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"If you're gonna launch me you might as well do it yourself. Not like a girl can complain about your hands all over them. And the rule is you say three hour tour, a three hour tour. Twice. Always twice!" Tabby states to Monet as she spies a new yacht pulling up beside the Sandoval and there's a winged man flying off. "Does Warren know he could have saved fuel and partied on 'Betos yacht?" She asks.

Tabby might still be more than a little high and drunk as she moves to drier land eventually, being one of the new if not maybe the only one that can't actually fly. "I can safely say I have been rated for launch speeds in the tens of miles per hour. I can launch my own ass thank yo very much!" she states and grins.

"Yeah my money is on this place being the ass end of the island. Ass up end since we're on the north side." Tabby states and looks around the ruins. Luckily comms and phones in the age of mad super science means they can handle some water here and there so she can keep in touch with anyone in range.

"Well if we want to find anything. This place does look like it's only partially dug up but I sure as hell ain't digging anything up. Eventually I'm gonna be on the clock and driving with a hangover is bad enough, let alone with dead arms. If I'm gonna get worn out I wanna do something fun!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would debate whether to actually do so now but as the others would be going to enjoy themselves, she would sigh, "Oh, bother." M meanwhile is one of those who likewise goes to fly over. She'll etner the water when and where to make the most effective entrance. Then again, with Rogue and Jean here she might be out of her league when it comes to impressing hte rich and infamous.

So wihtout being able to actually get an audience she might actually enjoy herself? "And I'm sure that we should sweep and be on the alert just in case, particularly given what happened last break." Oh yes, someone had learned the hard way about that. "So please if you notice any sort of abrupt tear in relaity inform the rest of us immediately."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I didn't realize it was going to be so hot on the land...." Warren says to Lorna, before he hot-foots it to a nearby patch of shade. The man looks at his feet, and sighs, "I'll be back," before he whisks back off to his ship. He rummages around for a few moments and returns with something sensible on his feet, and a couple of bottles of things to drink. "Can never be too prepared..." he comments.

His eyes then lose themselves for a few moments on the more revealing outfits that his companions wear. You can't blame a man for looking, can you? Especially when those around him are so alluring. He doesn't leer, but he gets a peek at least, before he asks, "Anyone bring any glasses....or ice?" His planning today, just off the charts.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is just hovering there when Jean comes up to join her at her height in the sky. She offers a quick smile to her before she looks down toward where Tabi, and Monet are. Then back over her shoulder to see Warren rejoining closer to Lorna, offering him a a grin as she sees him in fancy shoes now. "We're such city slickers." Rogue comments before she floats down toward the surface now. Aiming for some of the uncovered parts of the ruins, she touches down on one of the well carved stones.

"How could they have made such precise cuts with such primitive tools?!" She shouts angrily, before she looks around and smiles at everyone. "Acting." She explains.

Then takes a bow whilst standing on that old old temple stone.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane glances at the drinks that Warren brings over only to shake her head a little at the very suggestion of ice. "Somewhere on the yacht I'm sure. Liquid is liquid though." However she does regard what he's carrying to judge whether it would keep one hydrated or not. "I think we're more at the exploring stage from the sounds of things. What did you bring, anyway?" She asks curiously.

Glancing up toward Rogue her brow furrows with a small frown at such a remark. "Really it's not that difficult, you chip at rock and... Oh. You're jesting."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hangs there a moment, taking in the aerial view now that she's bothered to come up all that way. "Looks like there's some larger structure that way," she indicates with a gesture vaguely southward, but soon she's making a slow descent in turn, to land near the slab that Rogue has picked out. However, standing near her, it's Warren she looks back at, shaking her head in disbelief. "There's plenty on the boats, yeah- and we just left behind a whole town worth of drinking. C'mon, Worthington. We're here to explore! Maybe find some spooky vengeful ghosts or undiscovered tombs! There's plenty of time to get drunk off our asses once we're back in town."

Nevermind that she's probably the very last one who seriously believes they're going to find any ghosts or undiscovered ruins: it's a popular tourist destination, not a distant unknown jungle. But she's playing along! Gotta give Tabi and Rogue something to hope for!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby grins as Warren head back to the yachts and eventually back to land. "His yacht doesn't have a freezer?" she asks teasingly. "Think I'll let 'Beto do his own dick measuring on how rich he is." she adds with a shrug and a chuckle to match the playfulness in her expression.

"Monet, it's probably gonna be safe to guess if anything is gonna be all spooky it'll be like Mayan ghosts or zombies. Dat temple." she points out with a grin. "Mayans did the human sacrifice thing right? Or was that Incan? Or Why not both?" she asks and grins at Rogue on the temple stone. "Definite not a brand new dais." she badly jokes.

"Lorna your Majesty!" Tabby says playfully. "You really need to unwind with us more. Being all dignified and a world leader way too hefty on the nugget. Let that pretty hair down! To wound up you might end, well Jean keeps saying we're not supervillains so we should make some effort even if the outfits would look amazing. I'm still tied on if I wanna use Doctor Madame McSplode or Eviliciousness as my bad girl name." she ponders with a grin and a scrunch of her brow in thunking things through her trailer trash head.

"It's old man withers who runs the abandoned amusement park!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look at Tabitha, "Then it's good that we'll have a few things that we could offer to them." She would sulk. Then give a nod voer at Lorna, "Greetings, I hope that you can find some time while you're here to relax and hopefully find something to entertain yourslf with." Probably Warren? Not that she really had an idea of things.

Presuming that Rogue was going toc all 'dibs' on Jean then there would be no real room to otherwise try and engage in things. So M would just go along towards the shore.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Tequila...because Mexico, and...." And now Warren takes a long look at the other bottle he picked up. He might also be holding it roughly in the direction of Monet, so there may be some distraction with the dental floss garment she's wearing, but eventually he settles on, "Champagne. At least it's cold." He holds the bottle out to Lorna to open if she wishes as he unscrews the cap of the Tequila, "When in Rome..." and takes a swig.

It is clear he is not the 'swig liquor and shrug it off' type. The drink goes down, and then he pulls a /face/ at the liquor he's just imbibed. He coughs a couple of times, and tries to put on a brave face, but..well.."Stronger than I thought...woo." Jean's admonition about getting drunk later is met with a wave of a hand, "Yes, yes, we are exploring. I just have something here for..if anyone gets cut and needs it disinfected."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands there with her hands on her hips as she watches the others. Jean down below where she's standing, then the others getting closer and closer. She looks to Tabi, and nods her head once. "They killed like ten thousand people in one day, or some crazy number of human sacrifices. I listened to it in a Youtube recently. Not recent enough t'remember the exact numbah though." She says with a grin before just dropping down to stand beside Jean's left side. "Ghosts. Tombs. Old castles where people got sent t'do guard duty that was a honor, but was really just some cruel punishment? I'm already lovin' this."

She starts to walk then, eying Warren and his booze. "Is that the kind with the worm at the bottom of the bottle?" She asks, trying to look at the bottle as she passes him by. But then, she's just smiling to Lorna. "Good t'see ya out and about, Missy." She tells the green haired gal. "So we got a metal detector... and plenty'a birds eye viewers. I think we're gonna redefine archaeology in this region!"

Hand clap, and the Belle is off toward what she assumes is the good stuff.

"Snake!" She shouts about five steps later. "Big one too..."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane offers a polite nod toward Monet at her greeting along with a chuckle. "I'm taking a bit of a break. I've been told I ought to do that more when I can, so my brother is currently overseeing things in my absence." There's a little twinkle to her eye at mention of Pietro. "I've convinced him to get fitted for some formal attire as well. Though since we're a relatively new monarchy there's nothing 'traditional' for that." Her chin lifts with a simple shrug. "I've taken some inspiration from isekai mahngwa with their psuedo 'historical' attire. It's rather like dressing up a very handsome doll." One that complains, and eats a lot, but he put up with it.

The champagne bottle that's offered is taken only for her to look at it a bit bemused with a shake of her head. One that's cut off at Rogue's cry of 'snake!' Looking up she calls out, helpfully, "Don't touch it! You'll get scaley."

Jean Grey has posed:
"Hey, it's a vacation and we're all more-or-less adults, do what you want!" Jean calls back to Warren, grinning. But her attention quickly turns to the stone slab, and then in the direction she indicated before, basically from one ruin to the next. SHE is interested in exploring, at least. And they've got this wonderful little contained place to do it.

"Ten thousand?" There's skepticism in her voice, but it's not as certain as when she's shooting down some more obvious fallacies. She doesn't specialize in history, so, who knows. Maybe Youtube is right! "I guess that's the kind of thing that really COULD lead to hauntings or zombie infestations." She can't completely brush it off: they literally just attended a Vampire wedding!

"Who brought a metal detect- oh." She gets that one a second late.

Soon, she hurries a bit ahead to keep pace as they press on toward the 'good' ruins, whichever those are. Though this trek is promptly interrupted by Rogue's exclamation. "Where?!" She sounds a little more frightened, or at least surprised, than one might expect of a lady who occasionally engages in light star eating. But there you have it! "Wow, look at that, it's huge." It's probably not THAT huge, but upstate New York isn't exactly known for fanciful herpetology; they've got a couple dangerous varieties, but mostly, it's harmless little garden snakes.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"You know they wanted virgin sacrifices right?" Tabitha teases to Monet with a wink. "Unless there's something you're not telling us Miss Perfect? Think the closest thing is a bottle of olive oil I saw next to the spinach in the galley. Eww, canned spinach." she says and shudders.

There's a laugh as Warren's mug scrunches up with the aftertaste of that tequila punching the man in the tongue. "When the refined hits the unrefined. Or vvice versa!" Tabby playfuly snarks while blue eyes behind cat eye glasses look over some of the carvings. "So do any of these heirglyph pictogram things mean anything? 'Ovacotl is a dork!'. Or something?" she ponders and looks back to the temple stones. "Klaatu Verada Nickle. neck tie?" she asks and hmms with a goofy look.

The call of a snake gets Tabby freezing in place and jumping up on the nearest big stone. "You keep that damn thing away! You can be scaley sexy reptile lady all you want! Nope, no snakes!"

Turns out many a year ago a carnival let a bunch of non native snakes loose on the island. Boa Constrictors turns out to be pretty prolific on Cozumel.

Of course as scared as Tabitha is of a snake, it's the tarantulas she feels and then sees crawling on her ankle that make her shreak loud enough that Siryn would think it's loud.

The arachnid is kicked away and Tabby jumps as far as she can from the stone. Her own fault for disturbing the nest.

Size for critters is pretty subjective. And the constrictor might be big but the snake the ladies see is probably not fully grown and might still be on a diet of rodents and other mammals.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The talk of snakes has Monet simply move to float up a few more inches and let the more vulnerable members of the expedition take the brunt of it. "I'm sure with all the noise you make and the way you cavort will make you stand out and have them recognize that you're extra tasty to them." She would offer. "And there are also a great deal of lizards and other things here. It's sunny, there are many small animals thanks to the wetlands, and thus there are things here for there to feast on. A nd so many things from off the island." Oh no, she's not touching anything either. Oh yes, she's keeping her distance.

Warren Worthington has posed:
The shake of Lorna's head seems to cause some relief for Warren as he says, "Oh, thank god," pops the bottle, and takes a long swig to wash down the aftertaste of the tequila. It IS the kind that comes with a worm in the bottle. He downs another gulp, and then decides to set the two bottles aside. Someone will take care of that, and there IS more back on the boats.

He wipes his chin, and then the cry of 'snakes' catches his ear, and he reflexively flaps his wings, lifting a couple of feet off of the ground quickly. The man looks down, trying to figure out what exactly Rogue saw, and bangs around in the canopy above him a bit. Wings are not advised for close encounters with trees and branches. "Ah...damnit..jungle!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks when she hears Lorna's response but just watches the Snake as others show up too. "Oy. That there is a King Rattler! It is, it is!" She does in the most horrendous Aussie accent that the Mississippi native can muster up. Plus, she knows absolutely nothing about snakes.

"It is huge though... Heh." She mutters before turning around and continuing on her way.

A look is cast up at the Angelic One flying up in the air now. "They got giant vampire bats out here too, ya know! You ain't safe up there neithah!" She shouts up to him before just exhaling and looking back to the other ladies.

"Ya'll ready for the fun? I wanna find one'a them Crystal Skulls, so if ya see any shiny stuff 'round... just call it out, okay?"

She moves to hook arms with Jean then, and goes back to her Aussie accent. "Come on then, Sheila. Lets see what kinda roiches we can dig up, all right all right."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Vampire bats are actually quite small. It's the fruit bats that have the impressive wingspan," Lorna corrects Rogue while she herself takes a glance around. There was a reason she wore tall boots and this was it. "Really, this isn't much different from Genosha, other than a bit of the fauna and flora. And we are NOT digging up roaches," she quickly hastens to add with a look of disgust herself.

Jean Grey has posed:
Monet's comments about the local wildlife get an echo from Jean, who is still looking around cautiously for big snakes. "Yeah actually, when I googled up this place before, I remember it mentioned iguanas as another big draw of the island I think? There's supposed to be a whole bunch." Her head turns this way and that, eyes full of suspicion. "If the snakes haven't eaten them..."

Clearly we've identified the X-Men's weakness. Next week they face Seargent Serpent and the Terror Tarantula!

Rogue's impression gets prompt laugh, and yet she decides to go ahead and play smarty pants even though it's clearly a joke. "Rattlers we do have up north. But they're really not too bad. After all, they're nice enough to give you a warning! Really polite as monstrous poisonous snakes go, you know?" She crinkles her nose. "But that, that's one of those big ones that squeezes you to death... I think!" She has no better idea than anyone, in fact.

However, snake details and fears do not prevent her from joining in the ruin-spelunking fun, and as Rogue snags her arm, she looks over with a grin before rather promptly following her lead... into the dark entrance of one particular ruin. Woosh, they're gone! Perhaps never to be seen again!

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Nerds. The whole lot of you. Hot nerds, but...nerds!" Warren calls. Maybe it's the tequila-champagne combo talking, or maybe it's the annoyance at whacking into the jungle foliage. He follows along into the entrance of the ruins, tugging out a cellphone to help light the way as he notes, "I mean, it is a neat experience but...we sure this ruin isn't some secret base for Tarantula Man or whoever Jean said?" he asks, ducking a little under one of the short doorways of the structure.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
With wildlife not being the sort to be agreeable. Why couldn't it be a nutria or something cute like a while hog? Tabitha looks ready to jump into someone's arms to get off thr ground like a bride at her threshold.

"Sentinels, Sebastian Shaw, Reavers. Dire Wolves. I can handle that. But snakes and spiders. Freak me the hell out!" Tabby states and looks around. Her high now having moved into the paranoia phase. "We have vampires at home and they're way cuter and loveable despite being mostly mopey when she's not around her fiance." she points out.

"Well, Genosha also has killer robots that do freak me out. Too keep the bats away I can queue up some Ozzy!" she says and watches jean and Rogue disappear into the ruins and the dark depths.

Someone probably installed lighting but while the place is mostly empty the lights are probably off lacking power.

"They'll either find the gift shop. Shelob's webs. Or start going at it!" she states. And then Tabby follows them in, at least she might be useful in the darkened ruins. A little flicker of plasma lighting everyones way.

While the site is hallf excavated. WHat has been and is available is still picked clean. But it's also great for trapping humidity so even with cooler weather it's not as airy as one might like and feels kinda muggy.

Tabby's squelchy wet socks inside her shoes not helping her freaked out mood as she heads deeper.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would landa nd be sliding her way on in to the area. "It looks acceptable." She would note, starting to sweep the ruins. She didn't let the wildlife terrify her at all. That was for the others to perhpas have to worry on! Or not. M would absently go to get a goblet of some sort of alcohol with her while going to survey the area. Then goign to shrug her shoulders over while heading towards the site with the otehrs. Moving to just hover a few inches up and off the ground to get none of the eww icky junk over on her perfect feet.

Rogue has posed:
"Fruit Bat doesn't sound as menacing!" Rogue's voice calls out from the dark entrance of the temple before she and Jean vanish inside the hallways.

"Iguana!" She can be heard shouting a little further down one of the tunnels.

And then silence.

Sure enough though, an Iguana comes scurrying down out of the darkness toward Warren with his light on his phone casting LED shine around the interior of the old temple ruins. The many lumens from that phone lamp get the lizard's eyes to shine brightly as it runs right at the winged man with its tail wiggling wildly around behind it!

Scurry, scurry scurry!

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean has vanished into the dark with Rogue! They are gone for some time. Perhaps lost! Perhaps discovering great treasure! Or perhaps Tabitha is right!


Others eventually join them in the ruins, which are ruin-y, yet still far from truly 'lost' or 'remote.' Gold? Jewels? No, the first glimmer that reflects from that camera light turns out to be a candy wrapper discarded along the stone floor, presumably by some little jerk kid who was here with his parents earlier. Truly the depths of lost civilization...

And yet! Things are dark. And there's some inherent spookiness to the old buildings, to the creepy crawlies of every sort. Occasionally, some strange sound echoes through the structure. Just a little wind... or the whispers of the ancient dead? The cackle of a vengeful spirit? Or a certain redhead giggling in the dark. Who can say?! Here and there, even, a voice, echoing through the stone alls...

"Oooh! Hey, careful, I don't think that's supposed to go in there..."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Well, them going at it would make the trip a little more interesting..." Warren comments to Tabitha, and then the Iguana is charging him. He makes a very undignified sound, and leaps out of the way, pushing himself up against a wall in order to get out of the lizard's way. "I think...perhaps...I might be ready to head back to the boat..."

And then the giggling and the 'I don't think that's supposed to go there' line. Warren tilts his head, and sighs, going deeper into the darkness of the ruin, "Hope my battery holds out...forgot to charge this morning..." he mutters under his breath.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It's probably a sign of small maturity that Boom-Boom's plasma has not detonated anything that might be historically significant. But she does look a little green for the crawly inspired fear.

Iguana's nowever don't seem to get a worry though. At least when the girl can see them. They wat the crawly bugs and spiders and stuff. Circle of life and all that.

Being the non flier. Tabby's feet clearly not in the pristine state of the others, trudges on harddstone and what may or may not be either soft ground or mossy stone. Either way she pauses to raise one leg, shake her Chuck Taylor covered foot to shake muck off and stamp it off. A hand resting on

When it stomps back down down there seems to be a little off balance slide of the stone that Tabby's palm leans on and an indent where her foot comes down.

A loud click echoes, and the sound of larger stone moving fast as there's a hight pitched yelp and a little miny explosion that's more noise than anything.

Tabby found a boobytrap, or maybe just a trap door. But the psychics at least aren't picking up any pain. Just a whole lot of nervous.

"Holy shit!" Yout gotta see this!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would let out a sigh over and then go to tap the side of her head <<Ms Grey, I feel that Tabitha is about to instigate somethinga kin tot eh last vacation the school had. Shall I go extract her or hsall we feed her to it as some sort of sacrifice?>> Well, at the very least she was being polite!

M is floating alonga fter it, presuming 'wait and see this' could be things from gold, to abandoned tunnel, to giant monster which was about to eat her and was sleeping..

M could fully delegate on all these sorts of things as to whether they would get a live Tabby, or a dead Tabby. So Shcordinger's Tabby.

Rogue has posed:
"It'll fit! Relax!" Comes another voice.

"Oh yes! That's it, baby!"

And then thud!

But moments after Tabitha is announced to have done what Tabi of course has done, Rogue and Jean reappear. "Hey, I found a secret door!" She announces before she sees that Tabi found something too. She peers down at the trap door and then over at Warren, and his light. "Ya'll see? The X-Men get here and we show these nerdy science types how ya go finding all the good stuff."

Rogue leans over then, hands on her knees. "Tabi! ARe there any Crystal Skulls down there?!"

She waits a beat then.

"Tabi, are you okay?" The important stuff first.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington looks over at Rogue kneeling like that, and then walks a little closer to the hole that Tabby has disappeared down. He shines his flashlight down and just looks, trying to determine what exactly Tabi has found.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean comes following out a step or two behind Rogue, dusting her hands as if she's just completed some hard labor!

"Yeah, turns out Indiana Jane here was actually on to something," she echoes after the reported discovery. "There was some kind of mechanism, I dunno how no one's ever found it. But we kinda improvised a key." She /does/ say this with a touch of disapproval, suggesting that the overheard dialogue might have nonetheless called out a real problem. Rogue sure stuck SOMETHING in SOMETHING...

But it turns out they're not the only ones to make a find. "Tabi? You OK?" At a distance, it's a little hard to tell a good 'Holy shit' from a bad one, and she starts to hurry a little toward the site of the trap-door, likewise crouching near the apperature to get a look down. Of course, she has other means to rely on, and long before she gets there for a visual confirmation, she reaches out to do a mental one.

"Well, doesn't FEEL like she fell into a horrible spikey death trap, so that's probably good!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It would seem that Tabitha might have stumbled onto a hidden trove or dungeon. It is a guard post after all and any prisoners would have to be kept somewhere until they could be interrogated and or sacrificed. Or collected what amounts to  taxes.

The fact that it's full of skeletal remains, a few stone benches and what seems to be some conquistador armor hint that there was loot, but it was cleared out and all that's left is the fight that happened before everyone was sealed in and literally left to rot.

"Nah, just regular skulls. Ugh. This hole stinks!" she states and totally plays grave robber and takes the helmet to throw it upward and out of the vault slash dungeon and up at Rogue to catch. "I wouldn not wear it! At least untill you get some Lysol and Raid under that dome!" she calls out. "Ooh, stinky but nerd archeology heaven!" she loudly states and grins. "Don't mind the zombie in the corner. Wait, that's just one dead dude choking another. Kinda hard to throttle with no windpipe!" she states.

The ground and the trap-door just high enough that it probably needed a ladder which is clearly long gone and well beyond Tabby's normal jumping height.

"So wanna come down and see what a wonderful new smell I've discovered?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
'Ewww' face in place on Monet as any sort of 'ooh treasure' is washed away in 'oooh yucky yucky'. Girl has her priorities. <<Ms. Smith is fine it seems. I take it that we should alert some of the local archaeological authorities of the thing so we don't disturb it more?>> Also admittedly somewhat distracted by the posture present of Rogue and 'kneeling' and then Jean squeaking along for just a moment over, much like anyone that had been at that particular angle.

But, adjusting her flight pattern to make sure seh was -well- away from the 'oooh, yuck' smell of things. She had her limits.

Unless there was something shiny. But they had Tabitha there to cover tha tangle! And the skeletons would probably all rise up from the dead and attack everyone anyways with their luck.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gently shakes her head then as her hands go up her legs to rest on her hips. "Nah. I think you are good down there. This was God's way of sayin' that 'This is where Tabi belongs now'." Rogue dryly jokes down in to the hole.

She grins then as she looks at the others, sharing in the joke.

Her eyes then go to Monet, then back to Jean.

"Do we gotta share this with nerds before we can poke around some?" She asks... already stepping out over the hole, and staring at the ones with her as she drops down in to the darkness below, stone faced expression on her features as she disappears down there not waiting for an answer to be completed!

Jean Grey has posed:
"We... probably ought to alert the local authorities, yeah," Jean agrees, an answer both to Monet's mental inquiry and Rogue's spoken one. "Considering it looks like a new find and no doubt they'll want to check it out." There's a short, thoughtful pause. "But if you want to take a look around down there... I suppose it wouldn't hurt." Win! "...Besides, someone has to go fly Tabi back up."

Of course, Jean could in fact lift her without going down there at all. But she's throwing Rogue the Treasure Hunter a bone here. Get it?!

"Just no one take anything, OK? This isn't a Nick Cage movie and we're not actually treasure hunters trying to work out a crazy conspiracy or anything." The woman doesn't immediately follow herself, although both women below will feel a little mental 'ping,' a gentle reminder that she's there with them in a sense, keeping track.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington remains firmly out of the hole in the ground. He watches the helmet fly up, and scoots a couple of inches back, "Let's not...play with the dead, shall we?" he calls down the hole.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I'm gutter trash, not a vault dweller!" Tabitha pouts up at Rogue's teasing. How does Tabby see things down there. Plasma balls as a light source. A few orbiting her all low power and no danger of exploding in faces unless she wants it. Or they do. These X-Men are weird sometimes.

"I say poke first. then share. But then I'm always about sharing and poking with the ladies in my life!" Tabby jokes and is at least back in a playful mood, though breathing in through her nose makes her face scrunch up.

"Wanna take bets on when Monet hurls?" The blonde haired woman jokes. "My money is on when someone uses one of the skulls to ventrilloquise!" she states and looks around with mostly poking with the toes of her shoes. The helmet she lobbed up having landed with a clang on the floor above.

Tabby totally keeping that one for her finders fee.

"So when we go, we just leave a note. Much as I wanna take credit. Ugh I'd rather be famous and deal with media for something less actyually icky."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue floats down in to the chamber with Tabitha and starts to float over toward her. The light source that the Boomer is able to create with those boomers has Rogue looking her over first before she starts to look around the section of the temple that the girl has found.

"Gods. This is not as cool when you see it in reality." She states at the sight of all the bones.

"I mean... this place /feels/ haunted. Like how ya hear about on Youtube, but never take that serious cause it's Halloween, and it's hard t'take anything seriously when ya can buy rubber severed feet in Walmart."

She narrows her eyes then before looking back to Tabi. "You want a lift up an' outta here? Before Warren gets carried off by another Iguana, who realizes he's wearin' shoes made out of his cousins?" She asks with a little grin.

Jean Grey has posed:
Although a 'claimed' helmet lands somewhere near her foot atop the trap door entry, Jean immediately lifts it off the ground - doing it the fancy brain-power way, not the normal way, even. Probably some lofty idea about not leaving extra finger oils on it or something. "Seriously! These are artifacts... and an actual human graveyard, for that matter. Let's try our best not to do any more damage than your ass probably did on the way down, hmm?" So she doesn't get to keep it?!

the redhead's hands fix on her hips, and she continues to glare down the hole.

"Yeah, grab her and come back up," she finally calls down to Rogue, apparently not even leaving the Boomer any say in the matter. "There's no telling that this whole thing is stable, even. Opening it could have loosened something, then you end up with a couple tons of rubble on your head." Though it might be a little on the killjoy side, there's definitely concern in her voice.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Yeah. The historical awe factor kinda only lasted long enough for the smell to register. That and you know, any excuse to be in a beautiful woman's arms!" Tabitha says with a chuckle and offers a hand to the Southern Belle from further south than Tabby.

"Think by now we should get back on the yachts and head back to camp and sleep things off. And make use of the porta shower Jimmy set up." she ponders with a rise of her other arm and a whiff of her armpits. Tabitha was pretty paranoid about how she smelled and is clearly not looking forweards to the idea of the stench of death clinging to her.


Bad enough the archeologists are gonna be wondering why Conquistadors might have worn cut off Levi's. Some of that much had clung to red denim much like her shoes.

The lack of keeping the helmet gets a sad look from Tabby to Jean but it's soon faded as the ruins are departed. And those Yachts take their hour long cruises back to Cancun on the main land.

Which allows Tabby to discover the yacht 'Beto provided actually has a shower in it's head. Bathroom for the non nautical types.

Still, being clean, and a resuming of drinking and smoking is always good as eventually the blonde woman has to go collect kids to be smuggled to America.

That should totally go smoothly. It's Tabby after all.

Yeah, that's gonna be a load of crap.  

Tunein next time for more of the X in Mexico. Parte Tres!