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Latest revision as of 09:06, 11 April 2022

The Changing of the Guard
Date of Scene: 10 April 2022
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: The guard is changed at the embassy and acquaintances are rekindled.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Sif, Loki, Crystal Frost, Vintridr

Thor has posed:
    The sun was high in the sky, yet there was the last bite of Winter still in the air. A chill that snuck across the city, turned breath to vapor and made no small number of the city's denizens bring their coats back out of storage. And there was no shortage of those coats that were in that small crowd of individuals as some of the people of New York stood behind the marked lines on the street. Traffic was stopped by two police vehicles turned partially to the side in the road in front of the old Villard House that now served as the Asgardian Embassy. All in the name of the ceremony that was planned for the day.
    Usually on the steps of the embassy only two warriors stood. Tall in their regal uniforms, the heavy armor curved to fit their strong forms. They were all black and gold and silver with those resplendent horns and the vibrant yellow and gold cloaks that hang along their backs, pushed over the shoulder plates to fall free behind them. A spear was held in one hand, a circular shield in the other. They offered no comment to passersby and became something of a tourist attraction akin to the guards out front Buckingham Palace.
    Today, however, no fewer than twelve were gathered in parade rank. Their armor was brilliant, shining in the afternoon sun. The visors of their helms were closed so their features were obscured and none could see their eyes. Still silent, though there was an air of anticipation as they held their ground on the sidewalk in front of the steps.
    And before them in the middle of the road? A large piece of granite some twelve feet wide in diameter. Their captain, Bjarke, stood at attention and announced sharply at the beginning of the ceremony. "Einherjar. Stand!"
    Which brought those soldiers to attention, their heavy heels thundering together and the butts of their spears slamming into the ground as they all as one bark. "Hoo!"

Sif has posed:
In addition to the line of Asgardian soldiers along with their captain, there were those gathered in attendance as well. Not a large number, to be sure. Yet the few that could attend such a thing on Midgard were there to support the ceremony. It was mainly those who worked at the Embassy, though were not actually the formal guards themselves. Some were dressed in the formal attire of Asgard. Others were more in their 'work clothes'. But not all. At least one was dressed as a warrior herself, standing with the small group of Asgardians a bit separated from the area setup for Midgardians who wished to watch. Her outfit was mostly red, including the cloak that fell from her shoulders to about mid calf. The armor was a shining silver, polished for the occasion. A head piece that allowed her dark hair to fall freely down her back, the silver ornamentation having a red jewel at the front and winged sides. Her sword was sheathed at her side.

This was Sif's first time attending the guard ceremony. She knew of it but was usually back on Asgard when it happened.

Thor has posed:
    The old warrior, beard gray and thick beneath his helm, he calls out loudly with the thickest Asgardian accent one may have heard. "Einherjar!"
    There is a pregnant pause after Bjarke's shout, the crowd is quiet. There's the sound of photographs being snapped. A cough in the crowd. One person stands up on top of the hood of a car to get a better view.
    "Advance!" And with that order the twelve warriors of King Odin march forward in lock step. Each motion perfect, their stride timed exactingly precise. Spears raised, boots thundering as they march. Onto the road, then onto the large sheet of granite. Ten strides precisely until they all are in the center of the stone surface, their spear hafts coming down with a heavy thud and then their boots thumping down as they plant a toe and as one _spin_ perfectly around to now face the man who had served as their commander.
    "EINHERJAR!" Bjarke's voice is strong, resonant, carrying up and down the street. "Your service is at an end. You return to Odin's court having fulfilled your duty."
    He takes a moment to stare at each and every one of the warriors, his brow furrowed until he shouts again. "EINHERJAR! You are relieved!"
    Which is the exact moment from high in the cloudless sky, above all of creation, the brilliance of the Bifrost is seen in its powerful rainbow cascade. Crashing down hard upon that great granite surface and the warriors standing there. Sparks and burn marks flash into life up and down the stone as the column of multi-colored light dances before the crowd. People rise and the intensity of the cameras snapping increases, cellphones are held aloft to capture the brilliance of the interstellar gateway. And in the tumult those twelve warriors disappear...
    Only for in the next instant another twelve appear in precisely the same place. Though those with an eye for detail will notice small differences. Slightly different marks of rank on the armor, battle honors held in different places on the hafts of the spears and on the grips of the swords. Much more easily seen as the Bifrost suddenly ceases its burning cascade and disappears with a sudden onset of silence save for the crackle of the granite beneath their feet burning with the runes of Asgard blasted into it.
    Bjarke straightens, his armor clanking as he nods. "Welcome, warriors." He turns on one foot. Then with his battlefield shout he roars to the embassy.
    Which is when the double doors open and present first the tall silhouette of the one known as Thor. Standing forth in his black and crimson armor, half-cloak thrown over one shoulder, the mighty Mjolnir hanging from one hip. People shift their phones to take in the spectacle as he appears.

Loki has posed:

The announcement thus given, the door opens as ritual demands. Dressed resplendantly, Thor, Crown Prince of Asgard, stands in the stead of Odin, the All Father.

It is the younger brother, Loki, Prince of Asgard that stands beside his brother, dressed regally in his greens and golds. His expression is cast in the seriousness of the moment, ignoring the crowds that stand in the street, taking pictures. This is one of the many tasks given to the Princes; it's important to continue to show a united court.. for the most part, and it suits Loki.

Crystal Frost has posed:
The problem with your main income and occupation being crime? There could be a lot of downtime and gaps between work, one had to be on the lookout for opportunity or they had to be ready to prevent a little bordom.

With that in mind? Crystal was out to watch what effectively amounted to a parade.

Indeed having pulled out a warm and comfortable turtleneck sweater over her costume and simple black jeans, the ice-blue hair still made her stand out a little to the curious eye as she moved among the midgardian civillians here to observe the precedings. Booming voices, fancy armor and fearsome warriors? It was a sight to see.

Maybe she'd have to see if any of the space norseman had considered 'alternative careers'.

Sif has posed:
It was quite the spectacle. Most Midgardians had never seen the Bifrost. So the bright column of lights which scorched the granite slab, people disappearing only for the new guards to take their place. All impressive.

Yet apparently not as impressive as the appearances of the Princes. Or so it seemed by the sheer number of phones held high to try to record Thor and Loki. Sif hid a smirk as she added her applause with that of those around her. While for many the Princes were something to behold, for her they were old friends. While she understood it was a honor to even see them for Midgardians, for her it was a normal day of the week.

Even the Asgardians around her were eager to see the princes. Sif found her attention wandering, checking the new compliment of guards who had arrived, looking for familiar faces along with noting their accomplishments in those signs non-Asgardians might not recognize.

Thor has posed:
    Hand resting regally on the grip of Mjolnir, Thor stands tall as he looks down upon the newest cadre of warriors. His features are dour and severe, a sternness to the man that is not so often seen. The Thunderer's brow furrows as a subtle distant rumble is heard off across the river near. The only sign he acknowledges the arrivals is the slight lift of his chin as he stands there beside his brother.
    Which is the moment when Bjarke raises his voice again, shouting up those steps to the Norse princes. "My lords. These warriors stand ready to protect the realm of Asgard and would swear upon their honor to raise their blades in defense of the Shining Realm!"
    Then the old warrior rounds to the newcome warriors and shouts, "Do you so swear!"
    To which the warriors slam their spear butts on the scorched granite stone. "THIS WE SWEAR!"
    Then it's Thor's turn as he raises his voice for the first time, a robust and deep tone that could be heard far across the battlefield. "DO YOU SO SWEAR!"
    Which has the warriors shouting louder, "THIS WE SWEAR!"

Loki has posed:
Green eyes had lain upon the guard, and there Sif is seen. His gaze lingers in acknowledgment before it comes forward again, paying attention to the pagentry before them. As the first words rise, demanding obedience and their swords in defense of Asgard, there is a hint of a smile that appears. First.. Bjarke, the man that had trained him AND Thor in the art of the sword. And still, he serves the Court faithfully.

So they swear.

Loki takes a half-step forward even as Thor does so, his brother's voice seemingly filling every stone, steel and glass cavern of the city.

So they swear.

Now, Loki stands forth, the young Prince setting the troth. He calls out, his own voice sounding regal, "Do you so swear?!"

In the next moment, there is no hesitation in the response:


Crystal Frost has posed:
Booming declarations and swearing fealty, Crystal watches it all with curiousity and the expected interest such ceremony would draw. As much of it as she could understand anyway.

Lazily pondering the insanity of attempting to heist -anything- from said shining realm there was a lazy little noise of amusement that came as a snort from her lips.

With her powers and ability? She'd be just as likely to be thought a Jotun.

Sif has posed:
The yells got louder each time as the new watch tried to outdo themselves with each itertation. For Asgardians, it was them showing their loyalty, that they would give their lives for the realm.

For Midgardians? It probably was pretty cool but kind of weird. Ever was the challenge. But hey--Thor! And Loki!

Many Midgardians had something about royalty stuck in their heads. They followed their lives as though living vicariously. It was a phenomena that Sif was trying to figure out. Along with pretty much a thousand other things they did on Earth.

Though she did feel a swell of pride watching the guards as they swore their allegiance. Sif turned her attention to the Princes once more.

Thor has posed:
    "Warriors may your honor hold." Bjarke says as he turns back, his hand resting on the grand broadsword at his side. Then he gestures with a turn of his head, horned helmet tilting as he motions to the embassy proper. One gauntleted hand comes up and he issues their first order.
    "Einherjar! Your duty begins!"
    And with that the twelve warriors stride forward, footsteps precise, their formation perfect. The heavy trod of their boots loud as the people watch. The warriors last in formation break off as they reach the stairs, turning at perfect right angles to take up position at the base of the steps, taking up position for guard duty as they slam their spear hafts onto the pavement and then begin their watch.
    As for the other ten they ascend the steps and disappear into the halls of the Embassy with Bjarke walking in behind them. They disappear from view. Then the doors close with a heavy /wham./
    And as easy as that, the ceremony is over. Marked by Thor's features suddenly changing to a bright warmth as his smile reaches his eyes and he starts down those steps rapidly a single word hollered, "Sif!"
    The police vehicles flash their lights as some of the barriers are taken down to allow people to pass through on the sidewalks once again, a large city truck pulling back and out of an alleyway rolling up with its cargo door open. Just as Thor reaches her, and coincidentally near where Crystal stands, he holds up a hand. "Bide a moment."
    Which has him turning around and moving to that granite slab then carefully... gingerly _lifting_ it up in both arms and turning to carry it toward the truck. Taking him away for the moment, but leaving Loki there to offer greeting in his stead.

Loki has posed:
Never let it be said that Loki doesn't care for the pomp and pagentry of Asgard; he does. He's been raised with it, taught of the necessity of it, of how it binds all together under one unified Realm. While there are other things that the Princes may be called upon to do, such as act as generals in times of war, this is just as important.

In this, there is pride.

The moment the new guard are marched in and take up their sworn duty, Loki is moving forth, his smile broadening as he, too, finds the Warrior Maiden amongst the throng. He doesn't call, and as Thor makes his brief excuse to clean up after the ceremony, he begins the cross through some of the still gathered. Pictures are taken; perhaps those of Midgard truly have a short memory?

Crystal Frost has posed:
Caught in the consideration of a daydream...or potentially casing the procession in the equivlent of 'window shopping', Crystal actually looks a little startled as the princes draw near and she's addressed, a little blink and a step back before she offers a low whistle at the casual display of strength.

"Huh...are like, all of those guards as strong as that?"

Sif has posed:
As the ceremony ends, the Asgardians begin to disperse. Their break from work over, they head into the embassy to take up their positions again. Except one. For Sif doesn't work here. She simply came to honor her fellow warriors who had served and the ones who now took their place. It was an honor to be selected for such positions. She felt a swelling of pride to have fought with many of them on the field of battle in the past.

Hearing her name yelled by Thor, she can't help smiling and shaking her head. So much for decorum. "Thor." Not Prince or other such titles. Then he immediately turns and opts to hel pwith clean up.

Loki is indeed getting his share of attention. Memories are sometimes short. Although being he is royal and seemingly on positive terms with his brother, perhaps people are more forgiving. Sif gave a smile to him as he worked his way closer. Hearing the the Midgardian who had spoken, she glanced over to Crystal then followed her gaze to Thor. "Some. Thor is one of our greatest but we are all stronger than an average Midgardian by quite a large amount." In the tons but she doesn't explain that far. She considered the size of the slab. "I believe all the warriors present could lift it."

Thor has posed:
    The Bifrost-scarred granite was placed in the truck, off to perhaps serve as some gift of diplomatic merit or perhaps auctioned to a charitable cause. For there is some demand amongst collectors of oddities for the mark of Asgard's might left by the appearance and dispersion of the rainbow bridge.
    And thus Thor does his part, hefting the granite, grimacing a touch as the angle is terribly annoying but with little to-do he places it in the back of that cargo vehicle then dusts his hands off only to lightly rap a hand on the side of the truck once the door is closed and secured.
    The vehicle begins to drive away, even as the police vehicles disperse. It leaves the on-lookers still present, some still filming though less than before. It's at that point that Thor returns, smiling to the gathered worthies via a half-jog across that distance then pausing as he sweeps in...
    "Sif, we were just speaking of you the other day!" He extends an arm to take hers and if she allows draws her into a warrior's one-armed embrace, the other thumping heartily upon her back before he steps away. "Let me look at you."
    And he does so.
    Then he gestures to Crystal, for she has the look of one of the wider nine realms and motions with a nod. "A friend of yours?" As easy as that the jovial prince looks then fully upon Crystal Frost.

Loki has posed:
"Ah, there you are," Loki echoes even while Thor joins them. He twists to the side, though he doesn't give way, and returns to face the Warrior Maiden, a smile playing upon his features. It's the high of the ceremony; after 800 years, it's still not 'old', per se. There certainly is something of a pride, and it brings him back, even just a little, to previous years.

"I thought I had lost my keeper," Loki quips, though he certainly doesn't offer up quite the physical greeting. "My brother assured me that it was for good that you had been called away."

Crystal's presence, there upon the outside, does gain Loki's attention, his brows rising ever so slightly, green eyes studying the woman. If there is anything there, it passes, and he inclines his head. "That was simply unwieldy." As if it wasn't heavy at all.

Crystal Frost has posed:
Politics, political intrigue and...well, even -she- knew some of the stories regarding Loki. Not that she'd ever crossed paths with the wayward prince and he didn't seem the sort to drink at the bar with no name.

Still, the question from Thor brings a little chuckle from the mortal who shrugs her shoulders. "Crystal...and no, I'm just admiring the sights, sounds and...I dunno, appreciating the culture?"

Sif has posed:
As Thor extends his arm, she clasps it in her own then steps into that warrior's hug. It is brief. A meeting of upper bodies briefly, an arm around the back for three thumps (no more, no less), then stepping apart again. "Speaking of me? It had best be tales of my valor and bravery," she said in a mock warning tone but her smile took any bite from the words.

Loki received a smile and offered hand in greeting but she didn't go in for that half hug since that wasn't his way. Some people were huggers. Thor was one. Loki was not. The Warriors Three fell on either end depending on which member, with one sort of in the middle. Technically Sif was not either but she understood her comrades had no problem with their brief show of friendship in that manner. "It was necessary though perhaps I did take a few days for myself after business was attended," she admits. "Fear not, you will be under my watchful gaze again while I remain on Midgard."

A glance to Crystal and a negative shake of her head. Though Crystal had answered the question for herself, an admirable quality.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, forgive my presumption then," Thor says to Crystal with an easily given smile accompanied by a nod. Though around them some people are still filming, but curiously enough a good number seem inclined to give the princes their privacy. Perhaps subtle doings by another party, or simply earned good will. "I hope you enjoyed the ceremony. "
    He looks between Sif and Loki as he adds, "I know this Stern Howard on your radio and television speaks ill of our ways, that we are quaint and antiquated, yet I feel it is not so. Such things bind a people together."
    That said he then looks at Loki curiously, "Yet the man does seem preoccupied with our undergarments of late." Which has duly puzzled at least one of the princes.
    Back in turn to Sif, "You will be around then, will you take up quarters in the embassy?"

Loki has posed:
The Bar with No Name? Absolutely Loki would drink there. He simply wouldn't look as he does here is all... so, again, there is no possible recognition with the Prince. "There is much to learn, and appreciate, if one can separate the realities with the tales." There is a pause before the next words come out with a touch of theatric sigh, "Which can be difficult for some."

Sif's words bring Loki's attention around, and he laughs, the sound genuine. "I have no doubt that I shall, indeed, be once again under your watchful eye. Embassy chambers or shall you continue in my apartment? So I know how much fruit the servants should bring once more." Uh huh..

Brows rise, and finally Loki does shift slightly as Thor joins them completely. "How many times have I told you not to listen to such things. Time is wasted. Not everything of this Realm deserves the attention you give."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vin may still have... mixed... feelings about Asgard, and its increased presence on Midgard, but certain duties are not so lightly cast aside. Self-exiled or no, she is Valkyrior, and the Einherjar are her charges. If nothing else, she owes them her presence and witness at the change of the guard.

    It's comforting, in a way, to watch a familiar ceremony and see it performed properly, to know that the old ways still hold true. Still, she keeps to the back of the crowd, dressed in ordinary clothes and for most intents and purposes resembling no more than a slightly tall human; few of Asgard are aware of her continued existence, much less her presence here, and she isn't sure she's ready to step back into that rainbow light.

    As the ceremony reaches its end, she turns to leave, ready to use the increasingly milling crowd to make her exit.

Crystal Frost has posed:
"It was certainly bright, loud and...cool?" Crystal offers, the non-asgardian shaking her head at Thor's apology. "Nothing to it. I'd say this is the part where someone offers to but me a drink and then people aren't strangers anymore but I've heard about your drinks."

Even she couldn't quite deal with Asgarian alcohol poisoning.

The politics, the ceremony, all of it was new to her... but she was happy enough watching and learning.

Sif has posed:
At the questions from Thor and Loki, both conflicting in essence, Sif has to laugh softly. "Can it not be both? I would have a room at the embassy for those times when Loki's annoyance levels exceed those of my tolerance and might lead to his...security deposit?" She knew the words but wasn't sure that she was applying them properly for the situation. "Would be null and void. Though the battle would be one to tell tales of, no doubt."

Her attention suddenly shifts, head turning to the crowd as someone there draws her attention. Someone who thinks they are being stealthy. In truth, they are. But Sif is indeed Sif and tends to catch things from time to time. She raises her voice to be heard. "Vinnie! Come join us!"

Though she knows the true name of Vinnie, she does use her Midgardian name for the moment. At least until the other woman is with her fellow Asgardians.

Thor has posed:
    "You see," Thor says in Loki's direction, "Bright, Loud, and Cool." The Thunderer nods as if it was Loki who spoke such ill instead of this radio/television individual, but seems satisfied with Crystal's take on the matter. He turns back to the woman with the icy hair and gives her a nod of approval.
    Which is when Sif confides in them about her residence which seems to please Thor as well thus he answers with a firm nod, "It can be as you would have it, lest Odin has charged you to continue your vigil over those who have earned it."
    Hands on his hips he then turns his eyes in the direction that Sif shouts after, tracking in the direction of whomever she may well be summoning.

Loki has posed:
Loki exhales in one of //those// sighs; putupon and beseiged from all sides, as it were. Still, there is point made, and he refers back to it for his brother's note, "The Lady Sif does still consider tales to be told at feasts to be of merit, Thor." He allows the briefest of smiles before he takes a step back.

"Unlike some who seem to shirk their duty, there is more to be done within." He doesn't bother excusing himself, though he does give Thor a glance. Worthy of Odin's continued notice, really?

With that, Loki does turn and cross the short distance back to the embassy. Those guards without stand straight at attention, their fists crossing their chest in respect, even as their heads lower as he passes. Through the door he goes, and the oaken doors with their iron stays close behind him.

Vintridr has posed:
    'Vinnie' stops and turns to look almost instinctively as her name is called, taking a moment to mentally curse her poor judgement; sneaking out from under Einherjar who don't know she's here is one thing; going unnoticed by Lady Sif, who does know her and the name she goes by, is an entirely different order of magnitude.

    She sighs, shoulders slumping ever so slightly. Nothing for it; her choices are to face the proverbial music, or run away and generate more questions that she's going to have to answer at some point anyway.

    She sighs once more and squares her shoulders before turning to head toward the other Asgardians, trying to keep track on who has their phone out and make sure she's only caught from behind -- she enjoys her relative anonymity and isn't quite ready for it to end yet.

    As she reaches the steps to the Embassy, her stride lengthens just a bit as she straightens up, seemingly gaining several inches in height as her body language shifts with her expression. "Lady Sif. Prince Thor. Hail, and well met."

Crystal Frost has posed:
Herself? Maybe it was Crystal's 'criminal instinct' or the fact that she was both a stranger and the odd one out, but daydeams of larceny and introductions completed, she steps back as the new woman arrives, giving one last look to the dispersing parade.

"Well, good luck with your oaths and realms and royalty. I'm gonna..." she gestures, indicating her intent to exit.

"Nice to meet you all, 'Princes and ladies'."

Alright, so the titles did make her feel a little ridiculous. Maybe this was why so many supervillains had a Phd?

Sif has posed:
"It was a pleasure to meet you," Sif replies to the Midgardian who had been part of their circle for a time. She shifted her attention to Crystal, giving her a brief smile and a nod of acknowledgement.

Though she only shifted her attention after she was assured that Vinnie did not run the other way. It was well within Vintridr's right to do so. If she wished to remain secret. But Sif was not shy about pushing to try and return the valkyrie to the fold, so to speak.

"Thor, this is Vintridr the Cloud-Rider, valkyrie. She resides here on Midgard." And that cat was out of that bag. Now the ball was in Vin's court.

Thor has posed:
    In Crystal's direction Thor gives a nod, the smile open and sincere, perhaps unable to detect the quotation marks around the term 'princes and ladies'. "Indeed, feel free to call upon us at your leisure." With that said he lowers his eyes to Crystal in a form of a bow before he is drawn back into the conversation with Vintridr and Sif.
    At the introduction of Vintridr, however, his eyebrows rose with a touch of surprise then gave a nod. "Ah, Vintridr. Indeed. Hail and well met." He extends a hand in offering to indeed spare welcome. "I had not known that you were spending your time here on Midgard."
    A glance is given toward Sif as the slight quirk of one eyebrow asks a silent question that perhaps may need to be answered later, but for now it is merely advanced.

Vintridr has posed:
    "Understandable; my departure was not exactly widely announced," Vintridr replies. "... And it was a few centuries ago; it would not have come to many people's attention."

    She meets his gaze levelly, with just the right level of deference to one's social superior. A slight nod acknowledges that there is more to the tale, but this probably isn't the best place to discuss it.

Sif has posed:
Seeing the look from Thor, Sif gave a tight smile. Seemed that he may or may not get his answers. After all, it was not her tale to tell. Though by at least getting Vintridr to speak to Thor, it was a step forward.

Now to try to continue that trend. "Perhaps you would join us for the celebration inside, Vintridr? If you are not otherwise committed."

Thor has posed:
    "Well!" Thor says as he gets that look on his face, and seems about to say something only to have Sif make the offer first. So he joins in with a firm nod of support and agreement. "Indeed, Vintridr of the Valkyrie. There is to be some measure of merry-making which at the least will provide us suitable backdrop while we share words."
    He looks off in the direction Loki wandered then starts in that direction, boot thumping upon the stoop as he starts his ascent up the stairs. A sidelong glance is given Sif before it returns to Vintridr. "That is, if you so wish. If now is not a suitable time then call on us when you would so desire?"

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr nods. "As it happens my schedule is fairly clear right now," she replies, lips quirking just a bit. "My time is at the Odinson's disposal," she continues as she follows behind Thor up the steps to the Embassy...