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Daemonites in the Dark
Date of Scene: 13 April 2022
Location: Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: The Outsiders run into some Daemonites possessing kids in an abandoned warehouse.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Conner Kent, Bart Allen, Carrie Kelley

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Kids went missing often. Particularly when homeless. Social services could only do smuch out of overwork and underfunding. Most case workers tried to do their best. So when a caseworker that was dealing with young teenagers and runaways had been looking into some of the kids that went in and out of homeless shelters had a heard attack, followed by a loss of memory and all of the information she had been gathering.. Well, that got attention. Particularly when it was obvious that her computer and phone had been hacked and everything on them both vanished from the cloud, as well as hard copies.
    racking down some of the places the kids had been known to frequent had lead down late one night a dark alley, an abandoned warehouse in the Bronx.. And likely a feeling of wrongness.

Conner Kent has posed:
Missing kids is always a case for the Outsiders. Conner in particular is sick of this kind of thing, because many times it leads to metahuman trafficking. Too many of the Outsiders have gone through this one way or another. The team is full of clones, orphans, kidnap victims and the odd time traveller.

Time travelling usually has nothing to do with human trafficking, but it comes with horror stories about the subject that are 'history' for some and just around the corner for others.

So he grabbed Bart for this. Because Bart is good at finding things. And shortly after afterwards, he went asking for a -real- detective, because they pair were clueless and not good enough at computers to figure out what was going on. So, he recruited Carrie.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Conner, and says "Hey, I just have to check it a thousand times, and I should find it." He defends his defective detective skills. So, we heard any info? Do I need to go in undercover?" He zooms off and is back in old jeans, and a flannel shirt, with dirt smudged on his face.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A lot of skills fall into Carrie's wheel house, including the odd mystery that needed solving, or detective work to find locations, people, answers, pretty much anything that needed finding. When Conner called, seeking this not so rare skill, she was ready and joined him and Bart.

Keeping to the 'do not reveal yourself' scheme, she was dressed entirely in black, even had a mask and hood, along with her bow and quiver, her utility belt full of gadgets and tech, and last but not least, her goggles... though they were black lensed instead of her usual green.

"How can I be of service today," she offers as she looks between the two, already opening the bracer on her left wrist to access the computer she kept there, her goggles were the screen.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Along from the warehouse, there's noise. Definitely occupied to some degree. Shuffling within. Several individuals.. And likely from theq uiet attempting to remian unnoticed. Which may or may not mean much of anything.

Then up in the air there's a slight gust of winds. Enough to be noticable and stand out against what the normal weather patterns in the area were. It's a flier coming in high above. A 'guest' of the Titans, Sarah Rainmaker.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Well, there are someone inside, I can hear them moving," offers Conner, currently perched at the rooftop in front of the warehouse. So much for a thousand searches. Although hearing people inside only means the warehouse is not empty (at a time of the day it should be empty).

"Hey Sparrow. We are about to do a breaking and entering, I hope the intel is good," he explains to the redhead. "Lets go... wait, someone is coming," he points out up.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will zoom off and back this time in his costume. He moves to stand behind an AC unit that keeps him hidden from the warehouse, but allows him to wave to Rainmaker, since he has seen her around the Titans Tower a few times.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie's eyes shift upwards as she reaches toward her bow but stops once she sees who it is. A nod is offered in Sarah's direction before she reaches into a pouch and removes a small drone. A couple of tippity-taps on the keyboard sends the drone silently into the air, starting a search for a way into the warehouse even as it shimmers and cloaks to remain unseen.

"Sending in eyes now," she comments quietly. "Should be able to find the number of people inside, locations, and map it out."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker hasn't seemingly noticed the trio on below, as they're out of her line of sight. She's going in for a landing over by one of the boarded up windows along hte rooftop, using the edge of the building as cover to try and look inside.

The drone going in from Carrie is picking up ten humanoids within that were moving about slowly, size consistent with young teenagers. The thing was..

Only seven of them had heat signatures in a normal range. One was -very- high, two were at a level where it might as well be solid ice somehow moving around..

And a fourth that might as well be so erratic that the drone's automated systems might if they could flag it simply register it as a recording error.

Conner Kent has posed:
"You know her? Who is she?" Asks Conner, speaking quietly and letting the Outsiders com-system to carry his voice to his team mates. He takes flight and hovers behind the flying woman, which seems a bit distracted. Then he taps on her shoulder with a hand, gently.

He probably should have waited for the other two to respond, but he is technically invulnerable, right?

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will look over to Conner, and says "Her name is Sarah, she has been staying at the tower, I have rain into her a time or two when I was stopping by.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The first thing Carries does is share the information she's obtained, even if that information didn't completely make sense. The only logical outcome for neat signatures of that nature was that they were metahumans. "Fire wielder most likely," she muses aloud, albeit quietly. "Likely ice wielder, or perhaps... undead, though that would be creepy. That last one... electro-magnetic in nature? Hmmm...."

Once again she looks toward Sarah, offering the woman a nod (even if Sarah isn't looking in Carrie's direction), then immediately focuses her attention back on the scans and movements of the drone.

"Pretty sure we're dealing with metahumans," she finally says more clearly, less musing mumbles. "At least four of them."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Superboy is going to maneuver quietly towards Sarah while she's focused on trying to get an idea as to what's going on in the building. the 'tap' on her shoulder has the (probably) unintended effect of someone being snuck up on. Namely she turns, goes to try and blast him full on with lightning!

To a Kryptonian it might just tickle, and her doing it was likely along the lines of 'you came up from behind without me knowing' rather than full on hostility..

But at that outburst of energy every single -thing- in the warehouse would suddenly be moving fast!

Conner Kent has posed:
Getting electrocuted is not great for half-kryptonians, maybe for full Kryptonians it is just a 'tickle'. Conner acks, dropping to the warehouse rooftop momentarily stunned.

That wasn't very nice; if he was a normal human he is pretty sure he would be unconscious, maybe dead. "Ow. You know, bad guys never tap before punching," he notes.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will move to run over to Sarah and Conner getting between them "Hey friends, no need for the blasty blast." He then turns towards the warehouse, "Sounds like they heard us, should I head inside to have a look?" He asks Conner, and heads down towards the building but not in yet.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Son of a..." Carries hisses, not finishing that part and going right into... "they're on the run, organized, planned escape routes being taken, they know what they're doing. They have multiple doors, windows and it looks like.... yeah, we have exits to an underground as well."

Reaching into her pouch she grabs another drone and tosses it into the air, activating it in seconds and sending it toward the other side of the building, even as she says, "Sending one drone with them into the underground, second in the air, what's the plan people?" In her goggles one drone feed is above the other, allowing her to watch both at the same time, but that comes with the risk of possible sensory overload... the human eyes can only manage so much at one time. "Decide fast or we lose some of them."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glare at Superboy, "And generally you don't find someone flying up to poke you at the shoulder late at night unless they're about to cold cock you in the face while you turn.." That would be interrupted over as Bart would rapidly get between hte two.

"This can't be Ivana, they'd be running at us not away from.." She's rapidly looking about the area waiting for -some- kind of attack to happen or sign that they were about to get hit. None would be coming.

Carrie would be right - the groups running away would be doing in different directions. The intent being so that only one gruop 'could' be chased before the rest could get away. At least.. Under normal circumstances.

Carrie's drone feed would get what was a teenager. Well, three teenagers. A ll of them looking vaguely idetnical. One human, with red hair. Another of the same body-mass and size, but glowing bright and putting out heat. A third running along with them seemingly made of solid ice. And in the opposite direction.. Something that looked like living energy heading in another direction!

And that was just one group splitting up..

Conner Kent has posed:
"Find the missing kids, Sparrow," says Conner to the comms. Assuming they have not been fried by Sarah's lightning. Arguing with Sarah is going to have to wait, Conner crouches on the rooftop, his palm on the ground to explore the Warehouse with his tactile telekinesis. "Imp, lets go inside and get those kidnappers. Give Sparrow some time."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will look over to Conner, "I'll get the ones on the run." He takes off to head down tunnels and doors, while splitting up works for most people against a speedster it is not as effective. He will try to recover all the kids, and if any of the guys seem to be the kidnappers, and don't have kids with them. He will try to shadow them to let the others know where he or she goes

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Everything that Carrie sees, from both drones, is quietly reported over the comms as it is happening. Even as she talks she is moving to a more secure location, tossing two more drones in the air, and pulling up holographic screen on her wrist. All four drones feeds get shifted to the screen, too many for the goggles and easier to watch on an actual screen.

"Got four drones out," she adds to her running commentary. "Hopefully can catch up with another of the groups, keep and eye on you all inside, while watching the ones moving underground and a partridge in a pear tree..." yeah, that's a lot of things happening at once, but don't worry... she's got this.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
With Bart going to chase after several of the runners, Sarah would give a nod, "I'll help." This is her fault to a degree.. But still, he surprised her! She's going to just simply smash her way in through the boarded up window, "now what the hell are.."

She would stop and just outright stare, facing four mirror images of the same being. One of ice, one of fire, one of energy, one human.. All with bright red glowing pupilless eyes.

Carrie being able to track two of the groups running, vectoring in Bart to intercept them and stop them. But one of the runners pausing. Floating up exactly three inches from the ground, turning to stare directly into the 'camera' of her small deployable drone. Bright red eyes glowing as well..

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner scan manages to locate everyone inside the warehouse except for the one floating over the ground, which he can't 'see'. A bit too late to stop Sarah who is dropping in front of the foursome. "Wait!"

Oh well. He punches the rooftop and drops through it, landing behind the four... kids. "Crap, maybe this is a gang and not a kidnapping. The metas are also children."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Okay, that was unexpected, but again Carrie has this under control. "We're not here to hurt you," she offers verbally through the drone. "There's no need for violence." It was obvious this kid could see the drone, he was looking right at it, so she might as well attempt diplomacy, right? Meanwhile, she's prepared to make that drone move like its little metal hinny was on fire if needed. Drones weren't cheap after all.

"Gonna lose a drone and thus the trail on one kid," she says into the comm, because even with her offered diplomacy, she was pretty certain this kid had some sort of power that would render the drone inert. If he could see it, sense it, feel it, whatever it was, he was likely able to end it. Poor little drone, about to die at such a young age.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The 'Four' elements look up and over at Conner and then most eerily they all speak, "What beauty is this I see before me? Such replesent perfection?" THe 'four' going to stop over full on, going to look over at him as if examining him under a micoscope, them walking towards him with intent on surrounding him on all sides.

Sarah can only look at them and go, "We just want to help you.." Floating slightly to the side of Superboy.

Then Carrie's drone goes to a stop as the 'child' would look up at it, dark irises flickering, glowing red. Then the 'control' unit that she's using to them has the camera suddenly click.. Swivel.. And start heading back in her direction.. No matter what commands she might give it.

It was likely being used to track down where she was hiding!

Conner Kent has posed:
Yeah, that a little creepy. This is not Conner's first rodeo, children don't talk like that. "What do you mean? Of course I am awesome!" He tilts his head to the kids, hovering an inch over the floor. "Now, who are you guys? I don't remember your pictures in the missing people reports. Have you been here for long?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Not good, not good at all," Carrie mutters as her brain kicks into strategy mode, weighing her options. Those options turned out to be just two choices, neither of which she really liked.

One was wait for it to find her then shoot it herself with an EMP arrow to shut it down, just to be certain the kid couldn't keep control and get it back... never a good idea to let Bat tech fall into the wrong hands. Option two was to send another drone to intercept the first one when it was out of the kids line of sight, purely hoping she could find it in time, and use the second drone to destroy them both.

A matter of seconds really, the two options tossed around, and she decides on the first option. Drawing the bow off her back, and one EMP arrow, she notches it and starts looking around. Even if the kid found her location, she could always move once the drone was shut down, and the nice thing about EMP arrows, she could set the range on them herself to ensure it would only effect the drone... thank you Batman for goggles that can see your own drones.

"Bring it on kid, I'm ready," she mumbled to herself, but was likely heard over the comm anyway. The second she sees that drone, knows the range for the EMP, that arrow will fly.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The Four would grin at Conner. Grinning in a creepy, identical vibe as if they were all marionettes pantoming along, "I have waited for such a thing to come along for so long. Protection. Sanctuary. Safety. Power. You will give me all of them. You will give me all that I need to survive and prosper."

Then the 'four' would be going to leap at him, their red pupiless eyes glowing as they would try to jump up on him to try and pin him amongst them! Even with whatever 'their' elemental makeup was, they would all clearly have just human strength, temperature extermes nothwitnstainding. They couldn't even really hurt him.

Sarahw ould try to blast at themw ith a gust of wind, "Hey! We can takl things over and find a way to help keep you safe!"

The drone is now flickering along on the ground. The click-clack-clackles would likely be whatever the 'person' was that had somehow seized control of it. Now tracking along after Carrie. Definitely heading in her direction. Slowing every now and then, like looking to figure out exactly where the senastion was coming from. Teenage. Male. About fourteen or fifteen. Thin. Unhealthily so. Pale. Eyes glowing bright red.

Conner Kent has posed:
    Oh no, no touchie. Conner steps back, very fast. "I don't think they are what they seem to be," he tells Sarah. Then he jumps, grabbing one of the chains hanging from the ceiling, tearing it up, and controlling it with telekinesis so it warps up around the closest kid, if they are still coming after Sarah's wind blast. "Everything okay, Sparrow, Impulse?" He sends through the coms.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The arrow was ready, the string pulled back half way. Thanks to the goggles, Carrie could see the drone approaching, twenty-five meters off from her location. The kid likely had her position now, which was all the more he was going to get. The longbow she carried, with the training she got from Oliver Queen, put the range up to a sixty yards. With the EMP arrow, that range was dropped to forty-five yards, but well with in range of the drone.

Getting a full pull on the string, she lets the EMP arrow fly, aiming for it to land with in ten feet of the drone. The moment arrow strikes ground and tell-tale whumph of the electric magnetic pulse going off can be felt, as well as heard, but only effects an area of fifteen feet in total.

"Had a drone taken over by one of the kids, I got it back," she finally says over the comm then slings the bow over her back and dashes toward the hopefully non-functioning drone to pick it up.

From there it's the use of parkour to get up the side of the building and onto the roof, thus changing her location. "On the roof, heading to the hole you made Superguy." She might as well help out inside now, right? The drones would continue to record, Bart would get reports on their location, why not use some gas arrows or something like that to help out inside?

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker goes to whip up a gust of wind that the four 'Things' seem to ignore over as Superboy goes to rapidly whip them up and over all with telekinesis. They're easily chained over and held in place, the metal bindings seeming to sizzle.

"Give yourself to ME!" Then there's a flash over as a third, glowing red eyelid would appear over on the forehead of each of them..

The EMP arrow goes to flick through the air, going to hit the drone over and let it sizzle as it would flicker and spasm. The 'kid' controlling it would go silent as well. Pondering. Then if still observed going in the direction of Superboy and Sarah with great strides.

Sarah goes to meanwhile try and use her wind to isolate the 'four' in place in the chains.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Hard pass," responds Conner to the 'children' demands. "You still have not told me who you are, although I am starting to see why you wanted the other kids. Creep." And another one is coming. He can hear him. Likely the one giving techno-problems to Carrie.

"One more," he tells Sarah, hovering out of the way of the skinny technomancer. "Can you intercept, Sparrow, or should I?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"That's the one I've been avoiding," Carrie replies as she reaches the hole in the roof Conner made. "Instinct told me to hope the frick out and not get in hand to hand with him. You shouldn't have a problem, but something's way off here Superguy, I mean like 'hair standing up on the back of my neck' wrong."

Adjusting the goggles she looks over the Four. She couldn't put a finger on what felt off, but even so, it was there, that nagging gut feeling that something in this situation was more than it seemed. "I heard what was said to you," she continues, reaching into her utility belt for a handful of smoke pellets, well that's what they were at the base of things.

"I'm thinking we need to try for a chemical knock out," she states bluntly. "If they don't go down from these, then they are something more than humans and metahumans. This stuff won't hurt you Superguy, but Sarah might need to vacate the area."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker is turning her head over, "I can back her up if you need it." Her turning to be ready to head in the direction of Carrie if need be.

The 'Four' that Superboy was holding restrained would go still. "Fine.. Be that way." then they would.. Shudder and twitch, like they were having a seizure. Floating at the mouth. Bodies twisting over together as brain activity would massively spike.

Then from the 'human' one of the four small.. Scales? Would start to ripple? Moving rapidly. Teeth.. No.. Incisors. Long.. Wings and..

Like some sort of demonic looking space cockroach would suddenly appear in a psionic -flare- and be moving to charge at Superboy even as the meat puppet the Daemonite had been in would charge towards him!

Sarah's attention is distracted over by Carrie's words, and she's just a little too slow to turn her direction to face Superboy to act.. Even as the 'technomancer'i s going along at a trot that's too fast for a skinny teen in bad shape and not quite starving to get..

Conner Kent has posed:
    Fortunately Conner is very quick. Not as much as Impulse, but he can move quickly then he needs to. "Ah, I totally saw that coming. Just like a bad horror flick," he states as the monster manifest and charges.
    He dodges, maybe causing it crash on the skinny kid coming from the other direction. In any case, he aims and punch to the back of the monster, hitting hard enough to knock out a bear.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Holy sh..." Carried almost finishes that exclamation, but being busy putting the pellets back and drawing her bow kept her from it. "What is that thing?!"

Never in Carrie's life had she been more happy with being at range than she was in that exact moment. What ever that thing was, it took people over, the Four had been controlled which mean the creepy skinny techno-kid was likely controlled as well.

True violence was not a desired outcome for every situation, but seeing that thing emerge and go after Conner told her, in a heart beat of time, that this was a moment for true violence. A explosive broadhead arrow is pulled from the quiver, one normally reserved for blowing holes in walls. "Superdude, I'm about to make that things life a living hell, warn Sarah to get clear!" she states over the comm, then notches the arrow and pulls the string back. She would hold it there until Sarah was clear, then she would take the easy shot for the things back as it was currently distracted by trying to eat Conner.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The huge alien -thing- that massed way, way too much to remotely have fit in the host it was in is held at bay over by Superboy. It turns on a dime, even as Superboy strikes it with the force to knock out a bear. It seems -barely- slowed by this. The 'four' things iw as in vanish, leaving just the 'human' beind, who would just fall to the ground, barely breathing.

The Technopath one has gone into a full sprint now over at the group, and has turned over into another huge freak'ish bug. This one looks more like a dragonfly of a sort. Wings chittering behind ti's back, huge spear of a mouth like a mosquito.. Going to leap through the air over at Carrie!

The explosive arrow hits the thing on the back, sending it flying eve as Sarah hits it with a very low power blast of lightning!

The explsoive arrow knocks it off on the attempted coutner-attack towards Superboy!

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is surprised by the appearance of the insect-like thing instead of the skinny kid. He really shouldn't! "Well, fuc... I mean, by Krypton ghosts or something," he ducks under the flying thing that Carrie hit with an exploding arrow. "Get out of here, take the kid," he tells Sarah. "Sparrow, keep shooting your best arrow, wilya?"

The young man attempts to punch again at the first daemonite, this time -much- harder. And kick the other one if it is still awake.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Would love to help you Superdude," Carries states with a hastiness to her tone. "But I got problems of my own. Rip it's arms off or something!"

Four explosive arrows, three EMPs, two flashbang arrows, two grappling hook arrows, and ten broadhead, that was all the arrows Carrie had in her quiver. In her utility belt she still had smoke pellets, sleeping smoke pellets, a number of technological gadgets and not one dang thing that would probably do her any good against this thing. It shrugged off the explosion, how was she supposed to deal with something like that?

Seeing the skinny kid become drag-alien thing, makes her think faster, which is usually when she processed things the best. Flash-bang, goggles would protect her from it and hopefully it would blind the flying nightmare headed her way.

Darting across the roof top to the opposite edge, she pulls the flash-bang arrow as she goes, notches and pulls the string back. The very second she reaches the edge, she lets the arrow fly to strike the ground in front of the thing, then drops off the edge of the roofs when the flash goes off. Combat tuck and roll, and if she's lucky up on to her feet without breaking anything too important.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker is going to blast at the two Daemonites with lightning, but is holding back given the chaos and not wanting to risk catching any of the barely conscious kids over in the chaos! So her bolts are hitting to no particular effect on them!

When Superboy goes to hit at it harder there's a respectable KRONCH from the impact. The thing can take heavy hits and can be hurt by them. It would screech over.

Then the other one is blinded over by Carrie's flash bang arrow. it would screech <<I don't need to SEE you to SMELL you and RIP YOUR FACE OFF!>> Wait, i twasn't speaking, she was sort of hearing th words in her brain..

But she's defiitely out of range of the thing now.

Conner Kent has posed:
    "I thought it was also coming for me," protests Conner, delivering a number of full strength punches to green and scaly. "Give me a moment and I will help you," he turns to the Daemonite. And punches him again. "Will. You. Stay. Down?!" Conner is quite insisting about it, and since the thing seems able to take quite a bit of punishment, he is barely restraining his power.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Now the smoke, a handful of pellets thrown at her own feet as Carrie rolls up and onto them, already starting to run. Scenting through a massive scent blocker... sure, it could be done, but it would take some time to find her scent again and that was all she needed. A second handful thrown down as she goes, just for good measure.

Options once again were few, but one played across her mind and actually made her laugh, so that's the one she went with. She headed into the warehouse and toward another of the exits,another explosive arrow is pulled an notched. If she could play ring-around-the-warehouse for just a little bit, Conner might have the time he needed and she might actually live.

"Not a time to hold back," she calls over the comm, even as she runs by. The arrow notched it let loose on the one Conner is punching, trying to help him get the first one down. "The other one will likely be along shortly!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It takes a few full power hits from Conner and is still moving. Its' not moving much -more- though. So it can be overcome by raw brute force. It goes to try and lash out at Superboy one final time! Then going to take a tumble over.. but not before attempting to snap it's long tail up in the air, the tail glowing as it goes to try and lash it across Superboy's face! The blade arcing, glowing.. Attempting to make -just- enough contact to try and start a rapid possession!

The arrow launching through the air, going up to meet hte tip of the tail as if in perfect flight.. Going to skewer it right through and off to line it up right for Superboy's KO punch!

Explosive arrows and smoke cause chaos, even as the stomping sounds of the remaining one chasing Carrie fill teh air!

Conner Kent has posed:
"Nice shooting!" Conner gives the unconscious thing an extra kick, to make sure it is not feigning. Then flies up to intercept its flying friend. This time he opens up aiming the heat vision to the alien wings. "Got it, lets see if it is fire-resistant," which he probably is, but Conner wants the alien switching targets.

A brief glance is directed to Sarah, to make sure she is okay. And where is Bart? If there was a third monster dude, Conner is going to have to give Tim some long explanations.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Seeing as there is no immediate sign of the second one just yet, Carrie decides to take a moment and catch her breath... but only a moment.

"Thanks, I was aiming for his head," she responds, still watching the door she came through. "The other one should be... and there it is."

At the mention of Sarah, Carries starts looking around for where she is. She maybe should have done that /before/ launching another explosive arrow, but in the heat of the moment her brain was focused on escaping and Conner in combat with mister ugly. This time however, she is doing just that before notching another explosive arrow, checking locations of people then loosing the arrow at the flying one.

"Ground it by taking the wings off," she offers as the arrow flies. "Easier to punch that way."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker has gone to just try and lash out with lightning blasts, trying to help herd the last remaining and still mobile alien to position as Carrie goes to hit it with arrows and Superboy goes to smash it, the combination of all three taking it down.

"What in Hell /were/ those?" The Daemonites aren't moving.. And their hosts are all unconscious. And breathing. Barely.

But at least they're alive. And seemingly not in the worst shape if one were to check their vitals. The melee seems.. Over. Finished.

Conner Kent has posed:
What are those? "No idea. Demons?" Where is Phoebe when you need to know something like that? He is not going to even touch them anymore. "I hope the cops can handle them, they must have heard the explosions."

He grins at Sarah. "I will stay here until the authorities show up. If you are camera-shy, I bet Sparrow is already thinking in the vanishing act, maybe you can go with her."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Oh good, no more hideous things to shoot at. Carrie spins once in place, scanning the room.

"Need EMTs, and..." she pauses to look at Sarah. "No idea what those are, but no Superdude, the police can't handle them. Look what it took to take them down. Let's hope those things are dead-dead, and not fake dead."

As for the vanishing act, why yes, yes she was in fact making her way toward a back door as she talked. "Nothing personal, but I was never here," she adds, waving Sarah toward her. "Let's make like the wind and blow."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod, "All right, I'll do that. And.." She would stare over at the Daemonites. THen the kids. "And.. Make sure they go somewhere /safe/. Kids and aliens tend to get real bad attention. So make sure they end up with someone that's out to help them."

Her readying to follow after Carrie quickly.