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Five is for Funsies
Date of Scene: 24 April 2022
Location: Computer Hall
Synopsis: Esme Cuckoo attempts to do something to the computers for test season. The rest of the girls show up while Esme gets in trouuu-bbble with Mister Summers and Tabby is the big sis!
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Tabitha Smith, Scott Summers
Cast of NPCs: Stepford Cuckoos

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a blonde girl over in the computer room. Scanning about, head cocked at an angle. Still as she would work over the computer. Typing. Tip-tap-tap. Fingers over with a small flash drive that she was putting over into the computer. Tip-tap-tap. Working over on a program that she would be uploading to the server.. Tip-tap-tap as it would go in to start to run. Esme Cuckoo going to casually use her mind to 'push' anyone around out of the way.. Of course, if one had psi-shields, it would be felt as a solid nudge.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Why is Tabby in the computer lab? Mostly researching for possible mission stuff and maybe future vengeance. That and the pony tailed blonde's laptop ran out of battery power.

Dressed pretty sedately for a change, jeans that are actually normal if clingy and daded and ripped blue jeans. Some yellow Chucks on her feet, a cropped basketball jersey styled tank top in white with an X in red. Her usuual red frame on yellow lense glasses on her nose because she'd really be blind without them.

Laptop cradled under arm she tries to find a suitable place to plug in and charge and then use a separate compurter in the mean time.

The Mini Emmaling's presence getting a growl when the pushing about hits her inside the head as much as someone might have gone upside it. "Dammit, ow? If you want privacy you could just go find a smaller room. Like a kennel!" she states as she pinches the bridge of her nose.

Scott Summers has posed:
Sometimes it feels like every second mutant at Xavier's is a telepathy or has some other mental enhancement. Certainly it is one of the more common abilities for some reason. Perhaps being the next stage of evolution just naturally comes with a stronger mind. And while Scott Summers is not a telepathy by any stretch of the imagination, there probably aren't very many people who have been around them more then he has. It comes from being one of Professor Xavier's first students, from training side by side with Jean Grey in that first class. And all the other exposure since both as friend and ally.

All of which is to say that his own psychic defenses are about as honed as they can be without being a telepath himself.

Of course it is the comment from Tabitha as he passes by the computer lab that initially gets his attention but as he turns towards that door he feels it too. That mental nudge. Eyes narrow ever so slightly and he steps into the doorway, his gaze falling on one of the Five in One. Of course.

"Everything alright in here?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Esme Cuckoo goes to slowly slide over in her seat, taking sight of Tabitha.. And worse, Scott. The small little flash drive was left plugged in, the blonde minimizing the window with it quickly and going to stand up irritatedly. The pressure easing a bit as it would be noticed. The more aggressive of the Five Sisters would just look at Scott.
    "I just happened to want some space to myself. Is that too much to ask? With everyone running around I just wanted a bit of quiet." There's a snappish, irritated tone to her voice. Aggressive, if not quite belligerent. She would just in a bad mood and looking for something to vent on. Or at least to retarget for whatever issues she was having at the moment.
    Or given the strange ways the Five were integrated, all of their's.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Welll, there's plenty of places for that!" Tabby just shakes her head and flicks her pony tail. "I mean I get it but damn. You don't have to get mean and bullying on the kids that want to do their last studying for finals and exams and stuff. Sure studying sucks but some of them actually want to be something. Dunno what but take your pick!" she states and drops her backside in an office style chair and spins around a few times.

Cyclops' presence getting a groan. "Need some space, folks won't get out on threat of bomb!" she states and lights a small plasma orb to float around. Clearly doing her best to try and take the heat away from Esme. Tabby almost counts as psionic. But Esme could easily have been defending herself if no body looked too closely."

Scott Summers has posed:
For all his seeming sternness Scott isn't a huge stickler for protocol from the students. Trying to force them to maintain some sort of artificial 'respect' doesn't really accomplish very much, at least not in his mind. There are a few problem children who are always going to bring the attitude, but despite the fact that Scott is still relatively young himself, he has had a surprising amount of experience teaching teenagers. And he's got pretty good at reading them.

Amazing what can be accomplished even without the ability to read minds when one has a little experience and some good, old fashioned common sense.

'Space' and any semblance of privacy is a little bit hard to comeby at the school admittedly. So Scott only arches a brow slightly over those ruby-red glasses that he wears at all times. "Tabitha is correct. Try one of the meditation rooms. Or go outside. It's actually rather nice out for a change," he says with a deliberate sort of blandness, seeming to ignore her peevishness. "Unfortately you cannot commandeer the entire computer lab because you would like to be alone," he says, stepping into the room, starting to make his way over to the computer that Esme has so recently vacated. "Nor should you be using your abilities on other students outside of training without their consent," he adds, just a little more sternness creeping into his tone.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Esme Cuckoo goes to give a glare to Tabitha, "And you're clearly showing me exactly -why- I need it." The small blonde would be gnashing her teeth over in a blatant 'leave me alone' expression. "Or are you just going out of your way to try and aggravate me?" Her body language is showing her restraining herself from shoving Tabitha.

ESme Cuckoo goes to turn her attention to Scott, "I tried. I needed to spend some time on the Internet and.." Uh-oh, Scott is moving close to whatever program she was putting on and was minimized. There's a quick look of not-quite guilt over and then a quick mental thought of desperation and how to stall.
    Quick, quick, quick.. She goes to backup mode now as she just starts to heave and then sob, going to just curl up in a nearby chair, cueing full waterworks.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Covering for the pentuplet clearly failed and backpedaling on the invaded space by getting kicked out by teachers didn't go so well. But Tabby tried. Scott probably was right behind Boomie The plasma is absorbed back into the energy stores that is Tabitha's metabolism. "A little in both directions. He's right. I'm right. And sometimes annmoying the hoighty haughty is needed." she states and shrugs.

"Well she's not the only one but umm..." Tabby just watches Esme go from angry miserable to sobbing and crying.

"Oh goddamnit!" she states and scoots on her chair's casters to get closer to Esme. "Okay, let it out and let us know what's going on? Hopefully it's something we can keep quiet for you and we don't have to go full 'To me, my X-men!' but we will. So umm, you know we got your back right! Backs even, since plural!" she says as comfortingly in Tabby speak as she can manage. A hand even squeezing a shoulder to try and convey the caring.

Scott Summers has posed:
It is a pretty good gambit. Always a good go to when in doubt. It usually draws a scene, pulls attention straight back to one's self. And while it seems like Scott might be the sort lacking enough in emotional intelligence to be easy prey he has one thing going for him. Well, a number of things really. Several years of experience overseeing teenagers with powers for one. But something else, even more implicit to his identity.

Scott Summers might be one of the most brilliant tacticians around.

He doesn't really smile, doesn't change expression at all. As Tabitha rushes to -- understandably -- comfort the young woman who is seemingly breaking down Scott simply observes for a moment. And then he very calmly turns back towards that computer, rather nonchalantly reaching over to pluck the thumb drive from it's resting place and pulling up those minimized windows to make sure whatever it was that was going on is now at an end.

"There there. Whatever it is I'm sure it's not as bad as that," he says quietly. Or at least not as bad as it's going to be.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's more caterwauling from Esme Cuckoo, "You don't -get- it! They're always in my head! I can't shut them DOWN! They're always with me! You don't know what it's like having so many VOICES in you all the time! Not being able to tell them to go quiet." She would pull her legs up underneath her, almost slamming her fingers to her own jaw. THe presence of Tabitha is accepted, but over with a hesitant bit.
    Scott's poking around finds the minimized window with 'DOWNLOAD COMPLETED' and tehn a smaller message that the network had flagged it as a small virus.


Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby eyes the screen when it's finished and the blonde just rolls her eyes. "I think you can sob for real." she states and chuckles. There's a lean down and whisper as she grins "Crocodile tears. Niice trick. But if you're gonna mess with the network, swipe a teacher's computer. Direct access!" she suggests before pulling back.

"Psychic hiveminds gotta suck. Bad enough when you don't have one and deal with psychics. Think Jean, Emma, and Monet wince  everytimeI'm in the room with them now. Xi'an took off again too. Gotta be worse catching that kinda thing in both directions." she says and switches to wingwoman mode for mischief and hopes that distracts Scott from calling the folks in the IT specialties. Or Kitty.

Scott Summers has posed:
For his part Scott seems rather unperturbed about the whole thing, weather the thumb drive or the message flashing discretely, now revealled on the monitor. Stepping aside as he reveals that message to the other two present, he arches that brow once more. "I'm sure Hank or Kitty will find it diverting to figure out just how this little invader was designed. I'll be curious to see whether they decide it was you who did it. My money is that you got it from someone," Scott muses rather calmly.

"I have to say that I'm rather surprised at you Esme," he says, seeming to be able to tell which one of the Five he is actually dealing with. "You're a bright young woman so I can't imagine you actually have to cheat. I'm sure you'll come up with some interesting story to tell me before we get to the actual truth," he says with a slow shake of his head. "It goes without saying that you'll be joining me in detention of course. For sometime to come," he adds nonchhalantly. "I wonder, do you think Miss Frost will be more annoyed that you tried this? Or that you got caught?" he asks archly.

"Oh, and Tabitha... you don't know quite as much about the network as you think you do," Scott adds helpfully. Apparently his hearing is pretty good too.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Tabitha is given the stink-eye over by Esme Cuckoo as the girl would seethe in her place. Hands clenched over as she would slowly get up. Clearly considering lying again or doing something to try and deflect.. But also having enough awareness that was not the best way to go with things.
    There's several steps from outside. Four sets, to be exact. The doors would open, and the four other Sisters would come in, eyes glowing. Glancing at thier sister with irritation. The Four gazing at Esme, one of them speaking. For those that could tell the difference, it would be Sophie.
    "We're sorry for the actions of our sister, Mister Summers."
    The other three behind her assuming wholly identical postures and positions, without speaking.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Scott. That's why I said snag a teacher's computer. For all you know Sophie is probably cracking into someone's account with psychicly obtained login details." Tabby says with a chuckle. "I'm no hacker but I do know social engineering." she points out with a grin.

The other four sisters entering get a shake of her head. "Well probably not. But my point still stands." she states and flashes her smile at the other girls identical to Esme. "Take the loss hon. Learn to be sneakier. I'll tell you how I plan on mixing spicy marinade into all of Warren's toiletries next time he throws a party." she states.

"We'll have to start calling him Hotwings!"

Scott Summers has posed:
Really, Scott should probably warn his old friend. But chances are he deserves it.

Giving a little shake of his head at Tabitha's latest machinations, he eyes Esme a moment longer as she clearly works on settling just what her next tact should be. Will she go with the waterworks again? Perhaps try a lie? Some sob story that is likely not remotely true? It's possible that Scott is actually curious just what it will be.

But it seems like he won't be finding out as the other four 'sisters' make their appearance at last, offering up their apology and looking quite appropriately annoyed with their wayward sister. "I appreciate the sentiment Sophie," he offers up quietly. But does he harbor suspicions that Esme was not working alone. Probably. They could always root around in his thoughts to be sure, but there is always that chance that he would sense it. "I don't imagine it will prove that daunting for the staff to fix the issue. But I'm afraid that you will be doing without Esme after classes are finished for the next couple of weeks," he offers up for all present.

"I'll discuss the matter further with Miss Frost and we can determine if any other punishment is required."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Sophie's eyes would twinkle in amusement over at Tabitha, "We'll take that under advisement should there be a repeat of the incident. Which there will not be." The four girls heads all moving in sync in an almost creepy vibe, mouths all moving with only Sophie speaking.
    The four girls would twist their heads over to look at Esme, "And there won't be any more repeats of the incident, will there be, Sister?" All four of the others speaking now, adding their own harmonics to the statement.
    Esme would give a hard glare. "There -won't- be."
    The Four would turn their attention back to Scott, once again Sophie speaking. "Of course MIster Summers. Actions have consequences. What Esme did was wrong." Sophie was supposed to be the 'good' one.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"It's a learning process. Esme. Social engineering! Being nice or socialble gets you more flies than honey and all that. How do you think I haven't been kicked out of the school yet!" Tabitha offers as advice.

The other sisters getting more smiles. "It might help to occasionally work with her on some more harmless stuff. Go for the laughs and not an expulsion. Finding that fine line is on you five though!" she states and giggles.

"And if your are doing this to hedge your grades, Remember. I passed. Clean!" she points out. "Not that I got an A but I still got a passing grade. It's not impossible."

Scott Summers has posed:
Yeah. Scott probably wouldn't exactly hold up Tabitha as a rolemodel to follow under the best of circumstances.

In fairness he is not really one to undercut her point either, as it is fundamentally well intentioned. He's tough, but fair. No matter what some of the students might think on the matter.

In all likelihood Scott also doubts that Esme was doing this for herself either, or at least not in the traditional sense. The Five have never exactly had a problem with their grades afterall. But there are other reasons one might want the results of upcoming tests that have nothing to do with passing marks. Heck, for all he knows Emma specifically gave this as an assignment. Though for her sake that better not be the case. Kitty really doesn't seem to appreciate people messing around with the network.

"I'm sure it won't," he agrees with that seeming ever-present calm, dipping his head in a brief nod. "I will leave you to it. Esme, I'll see you tomorrow after class."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Esme would keep her head flat, even as Sophiew ould speak, "Come Esme." The 'bad' girl just glowering over then and glaring at the remainder of the four. Resistant..
    "... Come, Esme." Now the other Four speaking to her. Esme still resistant.
    "... That was not a request." Esme's features finally softening over, her gaze taking on the same appearance of the other sisters. Exact same posture, positioning of head..
    "We apologize again, Mister Summers. We'll keep a better eye on her."