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The X in Mexico: Parte Tres: Beach Blasting Boomie
Date of Scene: 09 April 2022
Location: The Beaches of Cancun, Mexico
Synopsis: The Spring Break trip comes to an end. Tabby brings a not so happy trail. It's disposed of but Monet is hurt. Kids get a new life as does the newest superhero, Jerome Badonk: The X-Donk!
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Monet St. Croix, Rogue, Ruth Aldine

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Previously on X-Men: Drinking, smoking, hijacking and not merely borrowing yachts, and discovering a secret stash of bodies and Tabby being denied the chance to loot treasure even if it was a grody old helmet sitting atop a somewhat the head of a mummified conquistador cadaver.

Eventually after all the fun and debauchery, Tabby's had to go be all responsible and hold up her end of the plan.

Picking up a bunch of kids for Rictor, and smuggling them into the States for a better life at the school.

So that meant she who was fueled by Chi and Chong taking the van one last time and letting the others pack up tends and stuff and prep the Blackbird for takeoff and absconding across the boarder in Coyote mode.

It also gets her out of having to pack and clean up the camp site. Convenient.

She had at least packed her gear, however haphazardly but it's packed. Someone else is probably going to need to lug the bag. There's some considerable amount of coffee brewing via a metal urn hanging over the smoldering remains of the bonfire. And way too many churros having been picked up on the way back to camp after ditching 'Beto's yacht. And and not crashing into Warren's She would argue there's no such thing.

She's not hear to do that. She loses by the two greatest words in the English language: De-fault

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Whatever it is, this is msot certainly going to end badly. There's clearly some sort of higher price that's going to be paid here. Monet St. Croix is more than happy toleave whatever chaos in hte aftermath of this to the others. Shes' msot decidedly -better- than this after all. So ehs' quite happy and smug to just go along with the group for whatever reason. At the very least, whenever the inevitable catastrophe happens, she'll be there to lend her help wtih it.

Because she's so magnaminious that way.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is sitting on a folding chair with her dark green hoodie on zipped up to her stomach and a red tanktop on beneath that. She's got her denim cutoffs on her lower half, with some sandals on her feet. She's got her legs crossed, and is thumbing through her pictures she'd taken on the trip.

She cackles softly at one of the images, raising her other hand up to swipe at her white bangs. She's wearing her dark aviator sunglasses at the present moment, as she looks up toward the others.

"Are we ready t'get outta here yet, or what?" She asks.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Someone approaches the camp from the shelter of the rocks. Dirty, sunburned, in ragged clothing, limping a little on one side, one might be safe in thinking: is this a zombie? A revenant? Some sort of spectral messenger? That's a yes, yes and no, because

"Sorry," says Ruth as she sort of straggles past Rogue. "No," and then she moves forwards.

"Are those churros? Pardon me, but, I think I really need some churros right now because I have no sugar in my body and, pardon, you need sugar to live or you die and then your liver implodes, bursting out of you and ripe for the eagles to devour."

There are a few moments of silence. The breeze tugs the back of the torn-up Three Frogs T-shirt Ruth used to fashion a new blindfold.

"I literally stepped on a pop top," Ruth says, "and then I got lost. Did I die? Are you alive? Am I alive?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It might seem a little longer cause ugh, waiting just absolutely sucks but it seems that Tabitha is nothing if not extra when it comes to bringing more entertainment. You don't have to be precognitive to know but it helps. Monet must be fighting the urge to eyeroll. A decent set of ears could let you know it's coming from the cracks and booms gradually getting less distant

The Van, bouncing against sand dunes. Has a blonde woman, the afformentioned Boom-Boom, black and yellow tennis dress styled uniform with red jacket and yellow chucks, and red on red cateye frames and lenses holding tight on the roof throwing bombs to try and shake off what seems to be a bunch of beat up SUVs and Pickups.

The kids are in the Van. One of them a girl maybe sixteen at the most behind the wheel with a frantic look. Gun fire from the pursuers ringing out making the situation a little more dire than humorous but that changes when one of Tabby's time bombs rolls under a vehicle and explodes with enough force to flip the whole thing in a much less than graceful arc to land on it's roof and hopefully scramble the bad eggs.

One down, four more to go. Unfortunately for Tabby the sandy beaches start proving a little too much for the Van's traction and suspension when a sizable dune a quarter mile from the X-Men's camp catches and bogs the vehicle hard enough to force a complete stop.

Tabby of course lacking seatbelts is thrown from the roof and into thankfully, very soft sand. It's course and rough and it gets everywhere! And when sand gets everywhere Tabby gets irritable. "Okay kids! Out of the van! Stay on the side that doesn't have assholes on it." The eldest girl doing her best to translate to Spanish while the eight kids hunker down and Tabby gets on the being shot at side of the ditched vehicle. A donkey also trotting out of the back of the van and lead to cover as well where some of the kids hug it and keep it as calm as possible. Which considering the lack of craps it gives. This donkey has seen and done some shit

Over comms. Tabby might just seem a little frantic. "Umm, looks like Partytown Mexico isn't done with us yet? Little help!" she calls out. The vehicles pull up and roughly a couple dozen armed thugs spill out of the vehicles while.

The real problem might be what jumps off the back of the pick ups.

Four eight foot tall examples of badly cobbled together powered armor from whatever hardware could be scraped up. Solid metal, plenty of hydraulics, glowy chest plates and palms. Little bit of Stark, a little bit of mandroid, you name it and if it's been seen on the black market. There's a piece of it somewhere in there.

The screaming from the thugs is loud and in Spanish. <<No killing them. Limbs are fine to shoot, especially that blonde puta. Ordinance Power like that flavors will get us extra rich!>> what seems to be the leader yells to his offsiders.

Tabby if she could hear it of course could only understand one word in all that over the racket. Probably a good thing while she's barely dodging a repulsor blast and hunkering down behind Van cover and sending a volley balls sized bomb at the mechanized miscreant. The armor takes the hit but the suit and it's wearer do topple and leave the operator immobilized and swearing and slut-shaming Tabby in Spanish.  

Three leftand a whole stack of gunmen left pinning Tabby and potential future X-Folks down.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would slowly look over her shoulder, "I take it that this thing does not have insurance? And that you don't have plans to run down anyone with it on uprpose?" She's been mostly staying present and just sort of waiting for the moment to come when this all inevitably goes to the seventh depth of hell as it will all go so horribically.

The van suddenly comes over to a rough stop over and she goes to stagger, moving to brace herself over as the cvehicle would chaotically tumble.
    "Rogue, please deal with the immediate line of sight adversaries targeting us." She's getting ready to boost off. "I'll maintain a mental link. Blindfold, if you can please pass along whatever sorts of things you can tell are coming." Monet's not that sure how Ruth's powers work.. But hopefully she can at least give them some level of alert now as things are going to hell and back.

Monet is now going to lift up and over as she sees the power armor things coming up and over and looks at the men. "I was going to give you a chance to back out of here." She would listen over as the metal clad thugs would face off with the other thugs.

<<Please also let them thin their own numbers first>>

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had told Jean to take Warren's yacht back, and she'd see to it that the others got on the Blackbird and made it home just fine...

So naturally it's all going to hell.

The Belle had looked up to Ruth, to grin at her. "We're headed back home. Everything there has sugah, Sugah." She says playfully before the sound of chaos draws her attention away. She springs up out of her chair, knocking it backward in the sand before she nods to what Monet says. "God damnit..." The Belle mutters as she takes to fly...

It looks like Rogue literally just dove 50 feet in to the jungle cover! She vanishes off to the side of the road..

As the vehicles, and people, start making their way closer to the landing field of the Blackbird, the trees start to... literally fall right on over!

Rogue is in the jungle, just pushing trees over across the road to block and shield the van with the kids, Tabi... and a donkey.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Ruth Aldine purses her lips in thought as she turns and walks away from the fire and coffee pot. She is moving to the far side of the aircraft.

Once she's in its leeward side, the van becomes audible. "I really need to eat something," Ruth says, folding her arms. "It's pretty bad, sorry. I shouldn't have taken that stuff, though I guess I'm regretting it now but not, sorry, then. Wow. I think it's fading, at least." She takes a few deep breaths.

War begins. Ruth is not in the immediate line of anyone's fire. She seems to be taking this pretty calmly. Monet takes to the air.

Ruth reaches out mentally. She sounds... simultaneously a lot more cogent and a great deal more... reverbating.

<<Absolutely. Those suits are going to fall apart. You just have to know how. So you shouldn't have a problem with them. The guns will be a problem but not the way you think. Can you feel this headache? Is my head cracked open? Please tell me if I got a secondary mutation. I do have some scarfs back home and I don't die here but I can't really see that part right now. It's like I'm an eye turned inside out.>>

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby for her part, keeps herself close to the kids. And the donkey. Sending bombs psionically mostly to try and keep people shooting at her charges. The Donkey letting out what can only be considered a war bray. Or it's just really really bored. So hard to read that guy!

Once the X-men on the scene start getting into the fun. Boom-Boom seems a little releived.

Monet's mind link saving throats from being shouted hoarse.

The mental directions indead having gunmen turn on the three powered armored combatants. There's yelling and swearing in Spanish as they find themselves dividing their attention. One of the armored fighters catches an unlucky shot at the rear skid plate falls off. Snagging his pants and pulling them down before hanging off thigh armor hapgazardly strapped on.

The number of asses visible on the beach: Two!

With infighting nudge two of the other armored fighters take their pot shots at Monet and Rogue, letting Ruth safely move about and avoid shots from where she has an inkling they'd be.

The trees used as shields and covering get a releived sigh out of Tabby as she looks to the eldest girl. "We gotta get them to the camp." she points and nods as the girl translates, "Start running. We'll cover you. There's a plane, get on it. The metal will keep you alll safe!" she says for translation. Even to the Donkey. <<Someone uncloak the Blackbird!>> she suggests over the psi-link.

Luckily the friends on the plane are in range and do so. With the plane visible Tabby points with a yell. "Andelay!" as the kids run and Tabby goes right behind them a little more slowly. Throwing bombs into the crowds and at the remaining vehicles to add some more chaos and hopefully drive some extra fear and chaos into the fray.

Repulsor blasts knocking sokme gunmen down. Vehicles landing on them. Bad day to be a Mutant Growth Hormone trafficker.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Going to let the enemy thin the herd just a bit is part of those tactical rules along hte lines of 'never get in the way of the enemy making a mistake'. Which M is more than happy to oblige even if it's not necessarily something that others would do. She would widen her eyes as one ofthe heavier guns goes to open fire on her. She's durable, but she's not that durable! So as it goes to shoot over at her she can't dodge in time as she's flying in hard over.

The shot, which would normally cripple a vehicle, hits her rather badly. There's a *CRUNCH* as two ribs are broken and shrapnel digs into her body. The upper swathe of her torso is essentially burnt over as her body is covered with second and third degree burns over from the impact as she nearly blacks out from the pain, only able to stop her from spreading it over thelink as she would pullmet to the ground hard.

Rogue has posed:
In situations like this you have to gather as much information as you can in as short a time frame as possible.

Thankfully this situation seems pretty straight forward!

Rogue ID'd the kids, Tabi, and the pack animal being assaulted by the heavily armored Iron Man knockoffs. She shoved several trees over before she wrapped her arms around the base of one, then ripped it up out of the ground! "Ruth!" Rogue says in the mind connection. "Help the kids get on the Jet!"

Up in the sky now, Rogue spreads her feet apart, as she lifts the tree in her arms, and starts to Whack'a'Mole the people on the ground, the ones actively firing guns! "I hate you people, an' your God damned fascination with guns!" She shouts while swinging the tree, causing branches, leaves, and debris to fly all over the place! Even Jungle Birds are going nuts now, taking to the skies with whoops and whistles!

Ruth Aldine has posed:
The Blackbird becomes visible, though not to Ruth, exactly. She bites on her lower lip because all the gunfire is kinda unpleasant, especially since she can pick up, feel, taste, the children's presence. Terrified. Abused. Extracted. "Like green beans," she says.

Then another powerful mind reaches out to her. Ruth's head turns.

The donkey breaks away from the group and runs around the Blackbird. During this period Ruth hears Rogue's instruction. "Sorry, sure, of course," she answers Rogue with her mouth. The mental signal is more like a headlight flash. Then the donkey comes up near her. Ruth rests her hand on the animal's snout.

<<There are like a dozen guys there with firearms and at least two repulsor weapons. Tony Stark uses those weapons to blast rebels in Symkaria or something,>> Ruth wonders. <<But I don't see myself dying here... how can this be?>>

The donkey's ear flickers. Ruth receives an answer: <<Because you see the way.>>

<<The way?>>


<<Am I always gonna?>>

<<No. By the time that it would be possible to analyze the metabolite compounds in your blood from the lysergic acid that you took from Huey, as well as the two handfuls of mushrooms, it will have already eroded to nothingness. It won't be rediscovered save by-->> A space Ruth doesn't recognize.

<<Tim Curry? I loved him in 'Clue.'>>

<<You can learn a lot about someone by how they encountered Tim Curry,>> Ruth receives. And then -

Astride the donkey, Ruth rides outwards. She whistles with her tongue tip in between her teeth and raises a hand to wave. "This way, kids!" she shouts. The donkey brays along the way as well.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Some of the gunmen, because the now abandoned Van was not that wide for cover is easy to flank try to cirrcle around. There's a sneer as the man that managed to tag Monet inadvertantly gets swung at by a Southern Belle with a a tree.

"CUATRO! MADERA!" Tabby yells out and urges the kids to run as fast as their legs can carry them. They've been through enough, they don't need to fight just yet.

The link goes down and Tabby looks around.

"Monet down for the count!" she yells and lets Ruth and the Donkey handle looking after kids.

This means someone has to go chase after and collect the woman.

The bombs start getting bigger and with the mental nudging no longer on the table the cartel thugs start getting their heads back in order

<<They are falling. They cannot stop us regaining what is ours!>> the leader position taken over after the last guy is flying towards the roads back into town.

Powered Chaps wearing guy losing more peices of his armor while the other too focus on Rogue charging at her as fast as the armor allows. But probably not as fast as the Southern Belle. Repulsors charging at feet and hands and coming at her from opposite angles.

Monet finding herself being covered by a Blonde in a tiny dress standing in front of her. "Taking style points from my bad days? Thought you were meant to be perfect!" she says and starts charging plasma in her hands. "Can you stand? They grab hold! We knocking out two birds one stone!" she suggests and double checks if Monet can even move.

The Donkey, clearly becoming a Hero in his Origin Story,  shepherdingthe childredn while discussing the finer points of Tim Curry's body of work.

<<It's just a shame his Gomez had to follow Julia and Astin.>>

Monet St. Croix has posed:
With one hand going over her chest, where her outfit has been melted and parts of it have merged over with her skin from the impact of something that was akin to an RPG going off in the middle of ehr torso, hair burnt down over to cinders, and at least two broken ribs, one of which was pushing through her chest to be visible.

<<Close enough to it>> Breathing was hard at the moment, an dshe doesn't want to waste air. She couldn't really stand, but she could still flaot. So she goes to just push hereslf up a few inches, hovering over and rather hunched. Good thing she didn't nened to be able to stand up to fly. She was also a bit on the heavy sid eto be dragged or supported over in the midst of a melee. There was no sense of apology from her.

But in fairness she was more focused on trying not ot pass out from shock and shutting down parts of her brain to avoid processing the pain.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's Seventh Sense ability helps her greatly in situations where danger is looming for her, and she's not exactly focused on it. This is the case when the two power armored people line up shots on her, and begin to take them.

She ducks forward, then skids backward on her feet in mid air! She dodges the two blasts before she lunges toward one of the armored attackers!

She tries to hook her arm under one of the metal suit's own, her face up close to the person in the suit. "Lovely country ya got here, but I think we're ready t'go home now!" She says to him before trying to toss him toward the second shooter!

She'd look around then behind her. "Are we boarded up yet?! Lets get the Bird goin'!" She shouts to the others before turning around again to their opposition, walking toward them, not looking nearly as intimidating as she actually is, of course...

Ruth Aldine has posed:
"I mean I don't really agree but for me the visual aspects of his performance are, sorry, kind of limited," Ruth says to no one in particular as the donkey steers round with her on her back. "So to me like, I've only, no, no, only really heard Astin even if I kind of indirectly saw him because I saw a situation involving the show and after everything I was able to steer it well enough since that's kind of how things work, and, pardon, I feel like I should explain this, even though I've explained it a few times, for the benefit of the chillen here," Ruth concludes, as a stray gunshot whizzes close enough to her head for her to shrink back a little.

But it doesn't hit anything.

<<Hi Monet,>> Ruth says in Monet's head. <<I can tell that really hurt tremendously enormously because I was right here when you felt it and I guess I'm just like completely disassociated right now. I can't really do anything cool except for what I'm going to be doing right now while I'm talking to you right now. PS you're hearing all of this by remembering I said it so this is going to be kind of instant, so don't worry about the time track.>>

Thoughtful pause.

<<Anyway so I'm going to admit that even with all these good mushrooms, which were actually really great even if I threw up, in me, I don't guess I have any kinda healing thing, which is what you really need, but here's what I'm definitely gonna do, which I'm doing right now, can you feel it? I betcha can't because it's because I took over your nerve block. We should practice when when I'm cleaned up if you remember cuz I bet this would be really useful.>>

<<Anyway you can probably kick a guy into red sauce now or something if you need to,>> Ruth concludes. Her actual action has been to raise a hand towards the bonfire.

The pot of coffee... is rising off its hook --

And is bouncing and tumbling across the beach, towards Ruth, but kind of at a bad angle...

There's gonna be a coffee urn between herself and the cartel guys! EXCEPT THAT IT IS POINTED TO EXPLODE AT THEM WHEN SHOT.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Ruth is also sort of indicating to the kids which way to go but let's be real, this is the donkey's show.

Wait, no--!!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Exposed Ribs, that can't be good for the Boney M. Tabby clearly worried. Taking the brunt of explosions is very painful. But it is something Tabby knows all about.

Rogue certainly knows how to party and bring people closer together, hitting one mofo with another mofo. Armor clangs and power cupplies colide creating artiisinal short circuits that blows armor off and tears straps abd plates apart as hydraulics and pneumatics compete against each other. Clothes being attached tearing in places where rivets and burrs tear.

The number of visible asses on the beach: Four.

Once kids are on the plane with Ruth and everyone's new equine friend. The pilot of the Blackbird kicks in the VTOL engines and it lifts off. The boarding ramp left open. There's a little side to side sway as those engines pointed down get brushed over the gunmen. The backwash from the jets clearing gunmen who can't even aim up without risk of being blown about.

The last armored thug catching it a little too close. The heat melting the cheaply made armor, cooking the man enough as it welds to flesh and leaves him encased with a very singed backside smelling like roasted pork.

"You cook one of us, we cook one of you!" Comes the voice of the pilot over a loud speaker.

With the opportunity to get out. Tabby on the ground grabs the floaty and pained Monet as safely as she can, it's gonna hurt but hey, maybe Ruth is actually able to help with the pain in some way. Psychic anesthesia is great.  

A flying coffeepot blown at the men does in deed get shot. Exploding metal and the sacrifice of coffee grounds will be mourned as the last bits of the camp that didn't get packed is left behind.

As for the increasingly hasty exits. Tabitha thanbkfully doesn't som much have to carry M as aim her. There's one solid BOOM. No hands aimed as plasma blasts down from her legs and the pair are airborm.

The Donkey, he brays and continues his discussion for some reason he sounds like Jerry Seinfeld to Ruth. Which is odd because the Donkey is a Cancun native and a Catholic.

Sailing blasting mutant women look like there a possibility of overshooting the launch. Monet always did think Tabby was overdoing the blasts and she is absolutely right. But when they almost hit the ceiling inside the Blackbird, the comforting softness of a telekinetic field arrests their momentum. Setting Monet down on the emergency bio bed that gets way more use than anyone likes.

Other X-Men are strapping the kids into seats while first aid is prepped for M.

Tabby, when she can use her own legs again wobbles to poke her head out the ramp. "Rogue, that's enough racist 'smores! They taste horrible!" she calls out and while hanging onto the side of the entrance door waves the Southern Belle in.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue crouches down then to pick up one of the trees that she had initially pushed over upon the arrival of the foes. She gathers it up in her arms now, wrapping them under the trunk of the big jungle tree. Turning sideways now she just CHUCKS it at the men, and their vehicles, before shooting up in to the sky!

Her knees come up toward her stomach as she reaches the arch of her flight pattern, then she shoves her legs back behind her, leans forward and shoots off toward the Blackbird too!

With its ramp still open, the Belle approaches, then lands with a hand reaching out to close the ramp behind her. Her eyes scan over everyone inside. "Are we good?" She asks in haste. "Lets get the HELL outta here if so!" The Belle shouts as she walks with purpose toward the cockpit, and those piloting the Jet. "We need any medical on anyone?" She asks, pausing though, to see Monet. "That'll be a yes..."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
It's not that weird to Ruth, but she's put a lot of weird little layers on top of her own culturation as she simmered, an ingredient in the stock pot of emerging mutant nationhood that is Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

You'll see in a moment!

The others troop aboard and Ruth considers matters as she dismounts from the donkey. SPANG goes the coffee pot. "Wow, I am seriously dehydrated. Do I look bad?"

<<You look horrible, Ruthie.>>

"Complete ****, huh?"

<<PRetty much. What'd you do with your hair? Oh yeah, you guys are leaving?>>

"We are?"

JUST before things might panic, Ruth turns and trots up the ramp. "Come on," she calls to the donkey, who - possibly against air regulations - follows her.

"She is in tremendous pain, and should probably, pardon, get some kind of surgery about it," Ruth tells Rogue aloud. "Do you kids speak English? I don't want to, pardon, freak you out or anything. If my skin falls off that's not my power, that's, sorry, someone else."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby slaps the button to close up the ramp so the fine folks in the cockpit can gun engines and start gaining speed and altitude. Benefits of supersonic travel. It's not as long a trip and someone had the forsight not drive the whole way south of the border.

The Donkey gets himself hunkering down with the new kids and settles his jead head on the eldest girl's knees. Thisn earns him ear scritches. "I do, we are very, very grateful for you all. especially those two!" she points to Monet on the bio bed bing attended to while Tabby is against logic staying on ger feet annd keeping her hands holding one of Monet's. "I'm the self destructive one Monet. You're meant ta be the invincible one! You hold my hair back when I'm hunched over the bowl!" she states and tries her best to comfort the very badly injured woman.

The last few thugs finding that a tree thrown at them is enough of a deterrent and a distraction that eventually they don't have trhe range let alonbe the oomph any more to so much as reach or even suff the Blackbird's armor. Let alone do more than make Rogue's tank top jiggle. Which really only seems to appeal to the people in the plane long after jiggling stopped.

The co-pilot putting word through to the mansiion. "Yeah, mission and party accomplished. We got wounded. No it's not actually Tabitha. It's Monet!" the other end is garbled over headset but obviously it's an acknowledgement. Medical needs for Monet way different from the usually much squishier Tabitha.

The Donkey clearly just a donkey keeping up the drug fueled conversation with Ruth. <<You know you should switch to sunglasses. The blindfolds just make you look like you're hunting for a pinata. Ask the blonde girl. She might set you up. But don't ask her to plan a night out!>>

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands between the two rear most cockpit chairs with her hands on the back of either one, and the pilots over her shoulders. She looks everyone over, moving a hand up to take her sunglasses up, to rest them on top of her white bangs. "What the hell was that about?" She asks then, as her eyes go to the kids, and donkey.

"Why does this feel like it's gonna create an international incident?" She grumbles then before steppingover toward Monet.

She crouches down there and looks the young woman's injuries over. "You're gonna be okay. We'll high tail it home."

Her eyes go then to Ruth. "You okay?" She asks. "The kids all okay? And.. is Eddie Murphy okay?"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
"The cycle of violence," Ruth answers Rogue's rhetorical question.

"It won't," Ruth continues. "Not with Mexico."

Beat, beat. Rogue is looking at somoene else. Monet. Ruth folds her arms for a moment and tells one of the kids who spoke up in English, "de nada," with a sort of obscure, almost shy pleasure.

She answers the donkey, "People see the sockets. You wanna see? I'll show you later. You're moving. Do you need papers? I think we already know the Ass President."

She gets asked a question. "He's going to need a molar extracted 'cuz the other one grew in wrong," Ruth says, pointing at one child, "but if you mean me I just did some illegal stuff which I don't think is illegal in Mexico and it was kind of wild and I don't remember what happened. I think it's already fading. My entire... dermis? is hurting."

"His name is Jerome," Ruth concludes. "Is there a seat for him somewhere?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Monet is stabilised as best as possible but she does indeed requite surgery to make sure that rib bone is set back and the other bit is not poking into lungs or other important parts inside what is normally an enviable chest.

"We just cost a drug cartel a lot of cashy funds Rogue." Tabby states and smiles to the kids snuggling their new friends in Ruth and the Donkey. "Mutant Growth Hormone. Lot of it gets made in New York cause that's where most of us can more easily be snatched off the streets and no one cares. But it's not the only place no one gives a damn about us." she states and sits down on the decking with legs curling up and knees bending under her skirt.

"We'll get our new friends papers and dental and someplace way better to sleep." she states and smiles to the kids while the eldest girl translates. "I am Rosa!" she offers to Jerome. "And this is Manny..." the boy that needs dental. "Espi, Carla, Julio and Javier." she adds and points out the other kids,

"Jerome, was just a rescue on the fly. No one was chasing us for him. Found him in an alley behind a club, getting flogged with a girl and not fun flogging. I threw a bomb at their abuser. Girl ran hopefully far away now. Jerome kicked the sack off mister I hurt animals. He's one of us. Smart guy knows an opening when he sees it and takes it!" Tabby states.

"Behold, Jerome Badonk!: X-Donk" she declares a codename for the new Hero innound for Westchester.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is currently stabilized, her body patched up and her eyes closed. Not particularly happy with things. Taken out as soon as the fight started, body now wrapped up in gauze, and going to be in the medbay again. And worst of all her hair. Her preciuos, precious and carefully treated hair!

Going to need to grow it back from nothing again. But, thanks to the euphoric 'hii there, byyyeee there' from Ruth.. She was very, very blissed out now.

Don't let her know you had pictures.

Rogue has posed:
All of this is taken in by the Belle, who stands up again. The Jet bounces around a little in air turbulence coming off the ocean waters, but Rogue doesn't fumble even a bit at the motions. She just shakes her head softly at what she's told.

"Alright. Well. Everyone get comfortable, we'll be home in a little bit. There's water and snack food in the containers under the benches. Tabi, help the kids get situated. Ruth... keep bein' yourself, Darlin." She says with a smirk.

A pat is given softly to a safe spot on Monet, and then Rogue turns forward and takes a seat behind the pilot.

She starts to strap in then to the chair. "Make sure Jerome doesn't eat any important wires." She calls back.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Ruth is already opening the compartment for a water. She pops one open and just immediately, violently kills it, pouring it into her mouth with great vigor that is, indeed, vaguely inhuman. Fortunately, nobody took pictures of THAT, right?

She collects a SECOND water but doesn't instantly kill it before getting out of the way. "K," she says. "I'm gonna, no, I'm gonna hang out here with him during the flight."

"Don't tell them you're not a M-word or the paperwork gets complicated," Ruth tells Jerome; but the water is already reaching her bloodstream. What remains of that potent cocktail is already diluted - she will not hear his voice again, at least not so adroitly.

But was it truly the donkey all along?

<<I had a great time and I'm glad I didn't die>> Ruth tells Tabitha, but mentally. She may be sore.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha nods and yes she does manage to find snacks. There were Churros that managed to get collected and stashed so that sugar and carb rush can be maintained when all the adrenaline wears off.

Jerome is offered some of the healthier stuff denying the calory conscious folks carrots and celery. Thankfully he also went to the not so little donk's room on the beach. So no stinking the place up too badly. <<Tell the blonde she stinks and needs to shower. How does a human smell like a rabbit hutch?>> the donkey totally doesn't say to Ruth before she gets her head back together,

Tabby does take pictures though, and yes she does get to sneak a few of Monet's poor unfortunate coif. "The dermal regens for the burns will actually also let hair grow. It's how mine grew out!" she states whether or not the woman can hear her or not in her current state. "You can pick a new do at any length now!" she encourages while handing out food and drinks and doublechecks that Jerome is just nomming on vegetables and not anything in little green bags.

"We'll be home soon. You guys are gonna love it!" Tabby reassures the kids as Rosa translates.

"Except Fleeb maybe!" she adds in pondering as the Xavier Institute comes in over the eventual  horizon.

Visible asses on beach: Lots!Visible asses on beach: Lots!