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Latest revision as of 09:23, 11 June 2022

Perfect Timing
Date of Scene: 10 June 2022
Location: The Velvet Room - Sitting Room
Synopsis: After the exercise in the training room, Jon confronts Cael about her behavior, Rien backs him up, Robbie chills, Gabby is a voice of reason... and Johnny Blaze comes back! Just in time to piss off both Cael and Robbie. But somehow, nobody gets punched.
Cast of Characters: Jonathan Sims, Cael Becker, Robbie Reyes, Johnny Blaze, Gabby Kinney, Rien D'Arqueness

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon leads the way into the sitting room and heads for the bar, pulling down the Hierophant bottle and pouring himself two fingers of Scotch, leaving the bottle out for anyone else that might want it. He takes a long drink as if to brace himself, then turns to regard Cael, wherever she may have gone.

    "Alright," he says, quite firmly, "let's get this out of the way so we can all relax after... all of that. Cael, you're benched. Until we figure out what the hell is going on with your..." He gestures at her with the glass. "With whatever's affecting your behavior? I'm going to inform Chief Carter and your bosses at the FBI, too. No field work until this gets sorted."

    Then he kind of... stands there, like he's bracing for an attack.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Well Jon was going for the Hierophant, Cael was going for the High Priestess, pouring herself a glass, lifting it to her lips - and lowering it unsipped. "The hell, //Commander// Sims?" she asks, annoyance flashing in her eyes, and gesturing towards the others present. "This is a conversation we have in front of everybody, now? Huh? I didn't get anybody hurt. We got out of their fine. It was a fucking //simulation,//" she reminds him, angry determination on her features. She lets out a sound of disgust, and turns away from Jon, stalking towards the far side of the room - drink still in hand.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
While Jon and Cael sort out their.. whatever the hell is going on, Robbie only has one thing on his mind. Well, two things. To be precise. But one of them's going to have to wait till later. The young man picks out a comfy couch near the bar, and collapses into it with an exaggerated groan, head flopped back against the cushions. Damn, that portal really did a number on him.

After the heated exchange between the pair, he turns his head a fraction to watch Cael stalk off, then calls over to Rien, "Hey babe, could you grab me a beer?" Because, well, she's already up.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Well....looks like JOhnny showed up right in the nick of time. He was just observing the Velvet Room. He'd never seen it before. Never even set foot in the place. He was doing his own hunting. The angels pissed right off, but there were still demons lurking about. As above, so below. But of course, his eyes linger on the brewing trouble before his eyes.

"You two going at it again?"

His voice echoes from whatever amounts as an entrance as the biker in leathers starts to walk towards the JLD members present. He looks around. His hair long and his beard grown out a little thicker. He had a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, a lighter brought up to relight it.

"Well, at least I didn't miss too much." Johnny's been gone awhile. One might say AWOL, but at least he told some folks he had shit to do.

He notices Robbie and instinctively narrows his eyes at him. He relaxes, but Zarathos is kept at bay.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney rubs her fist into her eyes seeking to chase away that general sense of exhaustion from the long simulation they'd all ran. She was used to fighting simulations, or combat tactics, or even just general workouts but for so long? That was a new one to her. Now she was feeling it. The youngest of the JLD starts for the bar only to hesitate when Cael and Jon start to go at one another already.

Mostly she hesitates because if she spoke up she might be involved in more ways than she already was after having yanked Cael to safety. "Uh." A deep sigh comes from her while she eyes the array of bottles behind the bar, so far out of reach... and then she turns to trudge to join Robbie on the couch.

The new face showing up (new to her at least) gets a grin and a little wave as one hand lifts to waggle fingers at Johnny. "Hey. Haven't met you before. I'm Gabby."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien enters the room with Robbie, smiling at his request and giving a nod, "Sure thing."

She heads to the bar to get the beers, then pauses, looking towards Cael. "He's right Cael. Training doesn't mean you get to just go off orders and do whatever you feel like. You were reckless and that could have endangered the team." She pops the tops on the beers and starts towards Robbie. "Something is going on with you. I can -smell- it on you. I don't know what it is, but it's something you need to deal with before you're cleared to be in the field."

She hands Robbie his beer, then sits right on his lap, smiling at him and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Looking up at the new entrance, she smiles, "Ah! Johnny Blaze. Your timining is fortuitous. There's drinks at the bar, help yourself. It's good to see you back."

Gabby gets the other beer with a small wink to her sister. Looking back to Cael, she looks almost apologetic, "In that last fight, I asked Gabby to watch over you because you'd been acting in a dangerously aggressive manner. If we can't trust you to follow orders and stay on task, then we can't have you in the field."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon takes in a long breath and takes another drink of the Scotch and deliberately moves away from the bar so others can get to it. "They need to know, Cael." His tone is firm. "I never should have let you go up there in the first place, not without telling people what's going on. Yes, it was a simulation, but like Rien says, in a real fight, there'd be problems." A beat. "Besides, maybe... maybe someone will have some clue what's wrong."

    He looks to Johnny for a moment as the man enters and glowers, briefly, but then nods to him. "Evening, Johnny," he says. "Been a while. I see you found the place without too much trouble. I'm sure there'll be a key around for you somewhere."

    Then he looks to Rien. "You can... smell it? I... her aura's been weird for days, and it's getting worse. She's got a hair-trigger temper, she's been mean to /Bear/..." And that alone should be telling. "I thought it was just... we just moved in together, you know, the stress of the change, but no, it's something... unnatural. Not mind control or anything, it's all coming from /inside/ her, but it's like something's suppressing her frontal lobe and heightening every amygdala response."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No," Cael says flatly, her gaze locking onto Johnny, and her hand tightening on her glass. "I don't fucking want you." The words aren't shouted - but they are almost growled. Her most recent encounters with Johnny Blaze, outside of combat, weren't exactly friendly conversations - he was not her favorite person.
    And he's managed to talk in on Cael at a bad time.
    Perhaps it's a good thing Cael doesn't have magic reasily at her finger tips - and that she's currently unarmed.
    "I am fine! You're- this is all an over-reaction. I-" She falls ailent, her freehand at her side, clenching and relaxing in turns.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Head propped against his hand, Robbie's contentedly admiring his girlfriend's ass while she fetches the drinks. So he almost misses the other Ghost Rider's arrival. A situation that's rectified once the guy opens his mouth, and the demon-taint hits him like a load of bricks.

No, Reyes, behave yourself. Behave. "Touch me and I'll rip your fuckin' fingers off," is his growled counter to the look the older man gives him. Then he gives Gabby's leg a squeeze when she comes to sit with him. "You did great, by the way. Including the Cael.. uh.. thing." His eyes flit back to her briefly, also sassing his 'cousin'.

And *then* he's getting a lapful of blonde bombshell, which suits him just fine. He wraps an arm around Rien, and leans in to murmur something in her ear while keeping an eye on Johnny.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
A puff of smoke escapes Johnny's lips with his exhale. He looks at Cael and raises a brow at her. "Good to know, or this would be awkward." His tone is humorous but it probably wasn't the /best/ time to open his mouth just then. Not that Johnny's ever been too restrictive on his words. Too mouthy.

Robbie, Robbie, Robbie. Johnny almost /smiles/ at the other Ghost Rider's threat. He says nothing to him though, and doesn't acknowledge much of the threat. "I'm watching you, Eli." He says pointedly. Not speaking to Robbie, but his passenger.

Rien, Jon, and Gabby are a bit friendlier in their respective greetings to him. "Hey Sims. Wasn't too difficult, but a key would be easier to get to this place." He grins. "Keeping out of trouble?"

Rien gets a smile. "Oh good, saves me the introductions. Good to see you, Rien. Heard plenty about you." Johnny tells her with a smile. He starts to walk towards the bar, hoping to get some firewater whiskey.

"Name's Johnny." He informs Gabby with a smile, giving her a thumbs up and exhaling some smoke away from her.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The news that Jon reveals about Cael earns a worried furrow of Gabby's eyebrows drawing together while her lips purse tightly. Resisting the urge to jump in immediately to try and diffuse the situation she instead remains quiet. It's Robbie's remark to her, and that little familiar squeeze of her leg, that helps ease some of the tension found herself holding in reaction to the conflict in the room. "Thanks," she lets out in a quiet exhale. It's her turn then to pat Robbie's shoulder when he starts talking about biting fingers off.

"No, Robbie, you want chicken tendies, not people fingies." A bad joke but a joke none the less in an attempt to help the one issue she could potentially help. Maybe. Then Rien is in Robbie's lap making SURE he stays put.

A warm grin is offered toward her older sister when slips her that beer which she takes without any hesitation. "Thanks. Could use it after that," she has to admit. A testing sip of the brew is taken even wheil her eyes dart around the room. Johnny earns a nod and a, "Nice to meet you."

Then she glances toward the ceiling with a little shake of her head. "To be fair, the tactic you tried at the end was a very clever one that worked. But. You were already injured and didn't tell anyone what you were doing before jumping in. ... I'm sorry but as your partner at the time it was my responsibility to make sure you got out of there. Even if it was just a simulation." Lightly she clears her throat only to add a quieter admission of, "I know it's easy to go overboard when you believe you can't get hurt. Maybe that was the case here, but it sounds like this has been building awhile and ... and we're all just worried about you, Cael."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien nods to Jon, "An extreme sense of smell and hearing. Inherited from my father. I can actually smell the biological shifts and changes in people. When their hormones change, when their pheromones change. I don't smoke the herbal cigarettes for my health." She looks back to Cael, "Something is happening to you. IN you. The chemistry of your body is shifting, all the phermones for instinct, for predation, are way, way up. And the neurochemicals that regulate things like logic and patience, they're buried. You quite literally aren't thinking clearly, Cael. Not because you don't -want- to, you -can't-. And that makes you dangerous." She still wears that apologetic look, like she doesn't want to be saying it, but she has to try to make Cael understand.

Leaning back, she catches Robbie's whisper and smiles, whispering back to him with a growing grin. Looking up, she flashes that grin at Johnny, "Oh I'd recognize your Rider anywhere, Blaze. I hear a lot about you too. I wouldn't take any of it personal, they're damned souls in Hell, so the perspective is a bit skewed." Then she's looking back to Robbie and adding, "And yeah, I get to hear about you too. You have no idea how many damned souls are pissed about Eli."

Her eyes lift back to Jon as she offers, "It might help if you guys go back over recent fights you've been in, injuries, incidents, anything where Cael might have been affected by something that seemed innocuous at the time. Anyone that she's pissed off that might have the mojo to put a curse on her? I know it wasn't the Alhambras, they wouldn't have that kind of pull in those circles."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon watches Cael's aura, the way it pulses and glows, to his eyes. The way she looks like a pot about to boil over; he can almost /see/ the steam rising from the top of her head. The waves of anger from Robbie (Eli?) to Johnny and Johnny to (definitely) Eli wash over him, too. As Rien speaks, suddenly he blinks and tilts his head, like he's seeing everything differently. He sighs heavily, and reaches up under his glasses to rub at the bridge of his nose. "Dammit," he mutters. "I'm an idiot."

    He puts down the glass of Scotch and steps over toward Cael, opening his arms. "I'm sorry," he says in the calmest tone he can manage. "This isn't your fault, and I'm sorry. Okay?" Whether that's enough to over come Cael's temper and the way everyone else is talking... remains to be seen. But he's there, if she wants the hug.

Cael Becker has posed:
    It's not a good day when Cael is too angry to even drink the glass of whiskey right there in her hands. She continues to stand - about as far as she can get from the others in the room - in a simmering rage, quickly working itself to a full boil. She shows no reaction to Rien's words, as she turns her head towards Jon, watching them with a clenched jaw. She stays that way for a long moment, before she looks away again - and her weight shifts subtly in towards Jon.
    It isn't much longer until they have Cael wrapped in their arms - and a few tears start streaking out of her eyes. "Am I alright?" she asks in a quiet voice. "Are things really... that wrong?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie is indeed going nowhere. Not with *this* particular woman planted in his lap. Not only is she extremely distracting, but she can also make sure he behaves. Whether he likes it or not.

None of this, however, prevents the young man from giving Johnny the stinkeye as he passes by. And a little twitch of his upper lip, eyes flickering red-gold just for a moment when they make eye contact. Zarathos can rest assured that Eli's watching him back.

"You gotta find a better vacation spot," he murmurs to Rien, tightening his arm around her. And Gabby simply gets his tongue stuck out at her in response. His tongue, with a double barbell piercing, in case the leather and gauges and tattoos weren't metal enough.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Oh, they're hugging now.

This is great. It actually genuinely makes Johnny crack a grin. Understanding the problem is a good thing. Granted, he has /no idea/ what's happening right now. He caught a few things here and there about something going on /inside/ of Cael, but other than that, he has no idea. He deals with Sin and Judgment, not health. But he can be a shoulder to cry on. Or punch.

Wisely, Johnny doesn't get involved.

He looks over at Rien and gives her a grin. "Perspective is always skewed. Plenty of souls that don't like my passenger." Johnny tells her. Though her words about pheromones and biological shifts. "Neat."

Man of so many words said nobody ever.

He looks at Gabby and he gives her a smile. "Pleasure's all mine, kid." He looks at Cael then, frowning. He's hanging back in case the dude she genuinely hates sets her off again.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien looks away to give Cael and Jon their moment. Instead, she looks to Robbie and chuckles softly, "Work, love. All work. If you want to go on vacation, we can hit up Hawaii. White beaches, I'll bust out the teeny bikini..." Winking at him and giving him a kiss. Or she was, then he stuck his tongue out. So he gets a kiss AFTER that.

Looking up at Johnny, she laughs, "Tell me about it, I hunt demons for a living... and given that I'm truly immortal, it's going to be a long, long, long job. I'm sure I'll hear about your Rider for ages yet." She runs her fingers through Robbie's hair even as she watches Johnny. "The 'kid' is Gabby. My sister." There's a small chuckle and she turns back to Robbie. "But we better do Disneyland first or Gabe will never forgive us."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney quirks an eyebrow at the tongue being stuck out at her. So mature! So naturally she sticks hers out in return with a bit of humor. Unlike his hers was lacking any jewelry though. When Rien kisses him though she sits back rolling her eyes up and away in favor of taking another good gulp off the beer that Rien had obtained for her to give THEM a moment of privacy, too.

The further introduction to Johnny earns another little waggle of her fingers his way. "Hi. Also equally potentially immortal. Family thing," says the brunette with a scarred face that looked nothing like Rien at all. "I'm already doing the vigilante thing and had my encounters with the occult, so here I am to learn more. No reason my sister has to be the only one doing it."

"Wait, Disneyland!? I want to go too!"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon visibly relaxes as he wraps his arms around Cael, though Rien can surely still smell the adrenaline coursing through his system. It's a testament to his ability to hide his own fear that he manages to simply murmur, "No, love. You're not alright. I... I think I'm going to have to pull a few triggers, okay? Temporarily. Take away your guns, stuff like that. Or, well, I'll ask Caldwell to do so. I know you wouldn't want to hurt anyone."

    He takes a deep rbeath and notes to Rien, "We /think/ it might be a blood monster she ran into the other night, but we're not certain. So... I'm going to look some things up, and... and with Moon Knight out of commission and the full moon coming... can I ask you to handle things with the JLD for a few days? Just while we get things sorted."

    He looks around at the others, sheepishly. "Thanks for putting up with all the drama. It, ahh... I am glad you're doing well, Johnny." Hopefully that was safe to say to the man and not set Cael off. "And Gabby? Thank you, for earlier. Really."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael stiffens in Jon's arms as he talks about taking away her guns - and she can't help but feel indignant outrage at the thought - tinged with anger. How could he do that? "With the Alhambras still looking for me?" she shoots back. "You're going to take my guns?"
    She clenches her jaw, and starts to pull away - but strangely, it's a whiff of Jon's familiar, reassuring scent that gives her pause. This is Jon. She loves him. She trusts him. If they say she's not thinking clearly - if they're this scared, this worried for her-
    She leans back into Jon, wrapping her free arm around them, while her other hand still holds her undrunk glass of whiskey. "It's that bad? I'm that... unwell?" she asks.
    She lets her head drop, to her forehead is resting against Jon's chest as she murmurs quietly, "Just- tell me what I need to do. Do my thinking for me. I trust you. I'll- I'll listen. If I get upset, just remind me that I said- that I promised I'd listen."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Now that things seem to have settled a bit between Cael and Jon, some of the tension that was housed in Robbie's frame melts away slowly. He slouches further against the couch, and reciprocates the kiss from Rien, breaking away after a moment to tell her something quietly. Followed by another of those dimpled grins.

Then he takes a swig of his beer, and lifts a shoulder at Gabby's exclamation. Once he's swallowed, he opines, "Could make it a family trip." To Johnny, casually, "Maybe if your passenger wasn't such a self-righteous bag of dicks." He doesn't actually seem particularly angry at the moment though, and no imminent violence is hinted at by his slouched posture, and the arm possessively slung around the woman on his lap.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Leaving Jon and Cael to talk between themselves, Rien snuggles in against Robbie and smiles at him, then turns that smile towards Gabby, "Sure, I bet Gabe would love to have someone not me or Robbie to run around with. I already got the express passes and everything. I bet I can pick up one more. We've got hotel reservations on grounds, so we can just walk out the front door of the hotel and already be right there." She looks back to Robbie and smiles, "Think we can leave Gabby and Gabe alone in a room together?"

Because that will surely not end at all badly, right? Nothing wrong will come from this! Then Robbie is whispering to her again and she lets out a small laugh, leaning in to whisper something back to him, running a finger side the side of his face and winking at him.

Looking back to Gabby, she grins, "I can try to get you a separate room, of course. I may have to work a little magic to make it happen, but I think we can do it." Then she's swiping a swallow of Robbie's beer and nudging him lightly, "Speaking of, we should probably head back, hm?"

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny gives Jon a thumbs up. He then looks to Rien as apparently leadership priviledges are transferred to her. "Let me know if you need any help." Johnny mentions with a friendly smile. Though it looks like she's being sweet on Robbie and so he starts to leave them to it, only to be conversed with after! "Most likely." Johnny replies. "We'll see how long I'm alive for." He chuckles.

Gabby fangirls about Disney World. "See what you did?" He tells Rien, then he looks back to Gabby. "Immortality huh? Weird. Any other fun tricks for you?" He has little to no knowledge about the Kinneys or the Howlett bloodline.

With Jon and Cael seemingly coming to terms and hugging it out, Johnny looks at Sims and gives him a smirk. "And you."

He looks to Robbie. He doesn't answer him, but he gives him a wink. "We all have our quirks."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yes. Yes yes yes pleeease," Gabby chants even as she finds some renewned energy to bounce in her seat. Just for a moment, then she gives a faint laugh shaking her head at all the cuddling and smooching going on. "I shared a room with nine sisters for years, I think I can handle one person," she points out. Nevermind the fact this would be different.

She gets to her feet with a little shake of her head. "For now I need to get some sleep. And you two... Go do... Things." A little hand is waved at the pair along with her tongue sticking out again. "I'm surrounded by couples. Ew." It's said teasingly of course, and she heads for the door. "Later!"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Alright," Jon murmurs. "Alright, love." He stands there as the others leave, just holding Cael, breathing slowly to try to push away his terror for her.

    "Let's go home," he says. "And I'll call Caldwell, and we'll... we'll make sure you're safe. Okay? It'll all be fine. We'll take care of this. I promise."