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Multiverse of Madness: Avengers Expedition
Date of Scene: 17 July 2022
Location: Somewhere in the Multiverse
Synopsis: America takes a group on the Avengers on a tour of a fraction of the multiverse to show them what wonders lie beyond the borders of figurative reality and they also discuss the wonders unmapped on the Earth of the their own reality in the process.
Cast of Characters: America Chavez, Robbie Reyes, Natasha Romanoff, T'Challa, Jennifer Walters, Wanda Maximoff, Cael Becker, Steve Rogers

America Chavez has posed:
    America has gathered on the back lawn of the Avenger's Mansion. Dressed in black leggings, a blue tee, her star-spangled denim jacket, and bright red high tops, and a silvery bandana holding back her mass of dark curls, the tall woman strikes an imposing figure against the green of the carefully manicured lawn. She looks... pensive. Her face is canted to the trees, but she's looking somewhere else. Somewhere deep in her resevoirs of memory for just the right place to take a group of famous heroes on this exercise of her specific abilities.

    The Mutliverse is beyond vast. There are an infinite number of worlds in its infinite number of universes. But steps one and two are usually easy for these sorts of things. "Maybe just wing it from there?" she muses to herself with a shrug. "Better than nothing..." She nods with a smile and turns to see if any those famous heroes are on their way.

    After all, it might help her make a decision if she knows who she's working with this time around.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie doesn't spend much time at the mansion, as one of the more irregular members of the Avengers. But he did receive the message America sent out. Since it's Official Business, he opts to suit up; no battered jacket and shredded jeans for him today. Instead, it's head to toe leather reinforced with armour at the shoulders and gauntlets, and trimmed in gold. The half-gauge piercings stay, and his hair's been freshly buzzed off into what's nearly a military 'do.

He climbs out of his baby -- an immaculate '69 Charger -- and pockets the keys after slamming the door. Is he the first to show up? Awkward. "Hey," he greets America as he steps around back, managing a halting smile.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Space. A hundred million planets in a galaxy. A million billion galaxies in a universe. Countless realities in existence spanning all known imagination. The analytical part of Natasha's mind can only gape in the spectacle of it. Some things are more than she can imagine. "What's it go? So many identical but where a subatomic particle spun a slightly different way?" Her continuing on casually, "Or do they have distinctions in a somewhat more important matter than if a few hydrogen molecules in the cosmos went a few picometers in another direction?" Her knowledge of quantum mechanics comes from thsoe ever so succint summaries given in SHIELD tactical dossiers.
    Mostly on dealing with people from other realms. Which they tend to get quite a few of. "Should we have environmental gear as backup? I take it that there's protocols in place to avoid any sort of contaminants?"

T'Challa has posed:
"Explain how this is going to work, please." Black Panther's voice is distinct behind the mask he wears, in full costume as would be expected for something like this. "Safeguards in place, ways to ensure we will be able to return if anything unexpected comes up. I do not think I need to explain the importance of this." He lifts a hand, adding, "No matter how much experience you have. There is always the unexpected to contend with."

It is fitting he would be here to help or aid in some way, though it is obvious the King of Wakanda disappearing would not go over well in various circles. All the same, he is as curious as the rest to see what this is all about. Contingencies upon contingencies, however? That covers him well.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Did somebody multiverse shenanigans? Jennifer is /so there/. She's dressed for the occasion, too. She's got her purple and white unitard costume on, but over it she's wearing a pair of blue jeans to make it just a little more casual. She's got a pair of purple gloves and white sneaks to compliment the outfit.

    She shows up grinning from ear to ear and asks the important questions, "Can we go to a dimension where the dinosaurs didn't die off in a cataclysmic event?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    Wanda hasn't been in the mansion for weeks, as her current address has been 'Red Cross/SHIELD refugee camp #6, Latverian border.' She did receive the message from America. Running battles with dragons, giants, and bad-tempered sasspot sorcerors have let up some. She can afford to answer the call for attendance and assistance. A slightly surprised smile greets finding Natasha in the backyard. Her eyes go immediately to the Russian redhead.
    "We will find out one way or the other." The event calls for party clothes. Proper witchy ensemble is unsurprisingly in trademark scarlet reds and blacks for contrast, even her cloak. After a wave makes her glove creak and a bracelet carelessly jingle, she returns Jen's grin. How can anyone resist a happy She-Hulk? Not this witchy woman. "You know dinosaurs are still on the Earth? I'll have to show you if you would keep it under your... hat?" Oh those idioms still trip her up from time to time. "Is it hair or hat?"
    She turns to nod encouragingly at America. "This will go well. I can just feel it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael steps out onto the back lawn with a cup of coffee in one hand that she sips from slowly. It proudly proclaims the utter lack of 'fox' she has to give, and she seems to have no qualms about this, even in the current company. She nods to those gathered, dressed simply in SHIELD branded fatigues today, with a holstered pistol at her hip, and seems content to refrain from questions as she slimply listens. The breeze blowing past ruffles through her hair, showing the rainbow hues dyed into the lower layers of her blonde, bob-cut hair.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Cap was one of the first people this was suggested to, so naturally he's here, suited up for the occassion, smirking slightly at the banter. "I don't know if dinosaurs are a great idea," he comments mildly. "Just fought a giant monster or five the other day, dunno that I'm looking for another entanglement this soon."

    He focuses on America, then, and says, "Good questions all around, although I'll assume part of it's 'listen to you.' You got an itinerary for this tour, are you taking requests?"

America Chavez has posed:
    America listens to the banter with a small smile on her face. It reminds her of some of her friends from another world and another time ago. Fond memories. When Captain America voices his question she nods slightly. "A bit of that yeah. I'll get there. To answer Black Panther's question; it's not that hard."

    "I am from another world, it's called Utopia Parallel. It's outside of time and space and... no, we can't go there." Easier to gloss over that at the onset rather than explore painful memories. She continues casually. "Due to some handy genetics and the presence of literal God--capital D, Demiurge--at my birth I was gifted with the power of a Starling. Starlings are able to manipulate reality at will. Some wave their hand, other say a word. Me? I do this."

    She flicks an elbow behind her and the landscape ripples. Where the expanse of the curated forest behind the mansion once was a crack appears with blue-white light filters through it. "Never tried an elbow before? Huh? Must need the follow through that comes with the punch or kick."

    She turns and punches at the area where the crack was with a grnt of effort and reality crumbles in the shape of a large five-pointed star. It's maybe 12 feet tall and equal that wide. The edges arc with energy and the area beyond is filled with the same blue-white light that obscures the vista beyond.

    "See?" she says with a wide smile. "Another thing about us Starlings... we can't get lost. Barring outside interference, we know where to go and where we end up." She taps her temple with a long dark finger. "It's just there."

    "My itenerary is pretty open. I want to show you the Highway and the Gap Junction. After that?" she claps her hands together and then holds them out, "Sky's the limit and no we won't need envirosuits. -I- may be able to survive any climate but I know not everyone can so I'm going to be strictly sticking to worlds with similar atmosphere to Earth. Any questions?" She's sure there have to be -some- questions, after all it's a lot to take in.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie, at least, looks impressed at the show of power. He gives a low whistle as the self-styled Starling seems able to, well, blast a hole in the dimensional skin, and create what looks like.. "A portal?" He seems confused as he paces in for a closer look. It doesn't look like any portal *he's* able to create, at least.

As to whether he has any questions, he makes a brief moue with his mouth and shakes his head. "No todavia. Lidera el camino, chica." America's given a wink sans a smile, nothing particularly salacious about it, while he awaits the other Avengers.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha notices those light little shifts in America's face at the first part of the discussion but doesn't inquire further. Something that's for the girl to decide if she's going to want to bring up another time. But that little notice is filed away somewhere else in her mind. She might play the part of a hero but at her core she was still a spy and assassin.
    Glancing over at T'Challa, "I'll trust your technical expertise in the matter here to give us guidelines." As she would glance at Wanda and Jennifer's enthusiasm and let out a sigh.
    "I suppose there's still redundancies and safeties setup for emergency retrieval." Nadia at least would never let Natasha escape to another dimension. At the 'punching' for teleportations he would let out a very, very rare thing that most of the Avengers that had known her for awhile could probably count on one hand.
    An honest laugh.

T'Challa has posed:
Taking note of those that have gathered for this, Black Panther returns his attention to their 'tour guide' for her explanation, along with the demonstration of how this all works. By the time it's done, he's got his arms crossed. "I will ask predictable questions. What is the Highway and the Gap Junction? Are these specific places, or names you have given them?"

A few steps lead him toward the portal, the rip in reality, and he has a look back toward the rest to see how they are reacting so far. "I have begun recording this from my point of view for later analysis, as needed. There may be things we see that will benefit from further investigation later," he explains. "These openings, do they only lead to alternate realities in the present day, or do they cross time as well?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Wanda gets her attention. "Oh? I can /definitely/ keep it under my hat. Or my hair. You'll have to show me. But first we get to see other dimensions!"

    She steps forward curiously when America literally /punches/ a hole in the multiverse. "Hunh," she says, peering through it. "I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this." As for the technical questions, it seems like the others have that well in hand.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    "By any definition I've seen, yes." The blue light radiates off Wanda's outfit and glistens on the jewels strung around her face. She still smiles watching the star form and break a path through dimensional space. "That's a portal. Are Starlings found often in this dimension?"
    She walks to T'Challa, though staying squarely behind him for the most part. "Crossing time is generally dangerous, even in the province of magic or scientific means. We want to avoid a paradox of crossing our own streams or ourselves." She knuckles her cape slightly off her shoulder so it doesn't interrupt her. "Calibrating for that reality by specific readings would help avoid that. Can you tell if that's the case?" she asks of America.
    A smile is still in place, though. "What were you expecting?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Do I //want// to know about the dinosaurs?" Cael mutters under her breath. She takes another sip of her coffee, stepping out onto the grass as she too approaches the tear in reality to inspect it curiously. "So these other realities in the multiverse - are they like our Earth? I mean, some of them are quite similar, yeah? Only in some realities... Luthor doesn't win the Presidency, or American doesn't bomb Japan, or what have you?" she suggests.
    Or maybe she opts not to leave the gang life. Or Alis never gets shot. Or-
    But Wade has his ridiculous theory that she only exists here. Right?
    "Or are they completely different than our Earth, and our reality?" She smirks as she adds, "I think my only request is... I would love to get some noodle take out from another reality. Hopefully I don't fall in love with it //too// much, though."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve grins broadly at America's method of dimensional travel. "Can you teach me how to do that?" He makes his own punching motion. "I'm not /quite/ strong enough to break through dimensional barriers or whatever. What'd they call it? Branes, right?" Hey, he reads.

    "But, okay, if there's more than just you then I'm gonna presume all these words are technical terms in their way." A pause, and then, "But--if you can't get lost--maybe it'll be better to just show us, and we can ask questions as we go?" He flicks a glance at T'Challa. The Wakandan King might be wary, but Cap's--well, excited isn't /quite/ the right word. Curious, definitely.

America Chavez has posed:
    America casually steps through the star-shaped hole in reality and onto a solid surface just inside, just as casual as you do. "The Starling Highway and Gap Junction are specific designations by those who travel the mutliverse. There are no more Starlings. At least not that I've run into." She turns her head. "I was one of the last gifted the power and the rest are..." Again, that flicker of painful emotions flashes through her, forcing her shoudlers to tense for an instant. "I'm the only one who uses it now."

    She gestures for the others to follow her through the portal. "Come on over, it's safe. I promise." The expanse beyond is dominated by a wide, shimmering blue path stretching off into infinity. Stars, far more than have ever graced Earth's sky glitter overhead and there seems to be some sort of wall lining either side of the highway, a barrier that shifts and ripples and has only a slight give to it. Captain America's brane.

    America starts down, walking backward like a tour guide. Her dark gaze falls on Captain America. "If you find yourself a bored Demiurge who wants to give you the power to do it Steve, by all means. Until then, you got my number." She continues to the rest of them. "This is the Starling Highway. It connects to every universe and every world and all times. It, like Utopia Parallel exists outside of all that. I can cross the boundaries of time but I have to concentrate on -when- I want to go and like Scarlet Witch says, it's dangerous if you go somewhere you already exist. I try not to do it too much." But that doesn't mean she's never done it. What is a superheroine's life if there isn't a bit of danger?

    Her attention stays on Scarlet Witch. "I don't know about calibrating? It's all a product of what I am. This is as easy as breathing for me these days. When I was younger, yeah, I had to think a bit and there was hesitation involved. But now? I just know. Maybe all the calibration is done in my subconscious mind as quick as thought." She offers a shrug.

    Her tour continues. "The Gap Junction is another designated area. It's... sort of the center of the Multiverse. Figure of speech, not literal. I don't know that it moves but it--like so much of this--is outside of time. From there one can go... anywhere if you know how. And I do."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Curious is a good word for it. Barring any major malfunctions that might land them somewhere beyond his reach, Robbie's generally fairly capable at trans-dimensional travel. His accuracy.. needs some work, though.

No hesitation, then, in following America through the portal. He's got his wits about him, of course, and moves with that slow, restless prowl as he takes in the 'highway' and the blanket of stars above.

A question's been percolating about in his head, and once she mentions it 'being dangerous' to go somewhere you already exist.. well. "Don't mean it's impossible, though. Right?" His mismatched eyes flick to her dark ones, and remain there as they walk.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
That's interesting. That particular data from America's commentary is once more filed away into Natasha's memory to pass along to Nadia if the girl might find some use of it. She's sure that T'Challa will have no issues with sharing his data with GIRL. Natasha goes to walk along with the group and then muse over.
    "So this is the area you take not only to travel from dimension to dimension but also align yourself along the continuum to know where and when in one of them that you're going to?" Natasha would query. Thoughtful over. "And I take it by the way you phrase it your transit is all very.. Instinctive? You know what you're doing and you don't necessarily have to think through the mechanics of it?" Interesting if her assumptions were correct.
    At the mention of 'center of the multiverse' Natasha would have to gently laugh. "I'm sure that there are a great many such locations designated by a great many different groups. And probably each one has a sense of entitlement in presuming they're correct in the matter." She would opine over with a rare glint of humor while nodding at the rest and listening.
    "Elaborate on.. Dangerousif you go somewhere you already exist."

T'Challa has posed:
"Hmm." For now, Black Panther takes things explained to him for what they are and leaves more questions for anyone else to bring up. As he mentioned, he is recording everything he sees, from the perspective of the lenses in his suit. As they progress into the portal and along the starry path, he moves with a level of certainty that is literally silent, thanks to suit technology. There is also an inherent sense of preparation built in.

Whatever his thoughts are on visiting different realms, doing so is imminent. As far as time travel itself, the precautions against it seem reasonable. "Lead the way," he encourages, studying the body language of each one with them, to see which of them feels confident, which are apprehensive, eager, and so on.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Jennifer is all 'oohs' and 'aaahs' as she steps through the portal, looking about her with wide eyes. She's never done anything like this. Not even when she was substituting Ben Grimm with the Fantastic Four. "I have to admit, this is pretty darn impressive, America. How does the Highway work? It looks like a straight path to... wherever. Do you have to have a destination in mind when you start out on it?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    Curiosity and regret are strange bedfellows. Wanda doesn't press any harder on the one question she had about Starlings. America's clear response brings her to apologize quietly. "I'm sorry to bring up hurtful memories."
    The Gap Junction's the figurative center of the Multiverse, and the physical one is happily stepping through the star-shaped portal into an endless starry night. Her first couple minutes call for orienting herself to the newfound sights. So many things to see! "It's not impossible to cross your own path," she explains. "The consequences make enough fuss to be memorable in the not-good ways." All this, not looking down, losing herself to the vastness of space.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "So the noodles are just me, then," Cael mutters quietly, as she steps onto the- highway? She looks around curiously, then reaches out towards Robbie - briefly putting a hand on his arm. "Hey," she murmurs in a quiet voice. "Thanks." She doesn't seem to think elaboration on the matter is necessary, as she flashes him a brief smile and a nod, then takes her hand back to continue strolling alone.
    "So you're trying to find an Earth-ish world that has no Cael, no Robbie, no Steve, no Wanda, no Jannifer, no Natasha, and no T'Challa - simultaneously? Is that- hard to find? Or easy?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "I mean, I don't need to 'calibrate' to throw my shield," Steve notes, jerking a thumb over his shoulder at the shield on his back. "It makes sense that after a while, you'd just get used to what you do." He files away a mental note to maybe talk to the young woman about this 'last Starling' business. This isn't the time.

    The expanse of space, and the wavering blue barrier, and all the rest, get genuine wide-eyed goggling from the first Avenger. When he was a kid humans hadn't even gone to space--and now they're just casually strolling through the /multiverse/. What a time to be alive, huh? "I dunno, I wouldn't mind meeting myself," he comments idly, "but it's definitely, uhh... well, probably best avoided, yeah?"

America Chavez has posed:
    America smiles at the questions of temporal paradox. "It's a bit more complicated than that. I can take you to Earth-616 where you can meet yourself. I can take you to Earth-19999 where you can meet yourself. I can take you to Earth-2 and you can try to meet yourself. It'll be a shock to you and your double but it won't cause too much issue. But if I take you back to Earth-MU2152020 last week so you can stop yourself from eating that hotdog that kept you locked up for two days? It might just unmake you. Not kill. -Unmake.-" She shrugs. "Then again, it might not. It's a toss up a lot of the time."

    She takes a breath and elaborates. "Being in two places at once is frustrating to reality and so one of a few things tend to happen. One, you're unable to affect anything. Intagibility, incororealness, dream stuff. Two, reality breaks. It's hard and we don't want to do anything of that sort so... let's not. Three, you break. Reality compresses around you and writes you out of existence in order to ensure you don't do anything to bother it. Four, nothing changes and you create a paradox that can't be explained."

    She waves a hand. "I'm grossly oversimplifying here but... those are the big four that can happen when you meet the direct line of yourself. Alternate universe selves... well, that's not as much of an issue as you are not likely to cross those paths often."

    Moving on she gestures to the walls and answers Jennifer. "Not really? I can be here and think, 'Oh I want to go to X world' and I just punch the wall and there I am. You can't see them--probably--but there are minute fluctuations in the ripples on the walls. I see them in colors and those colors tell me a general idea of what's on the other side. Space is -huge- and so a lot of it is just that... empty space. I'd rather not fling us out into vaccuum so, portals."

    She stops and smiles. "But sometimes it's a different color and so..." she punches another large star shaped portal into the wall lining the highway. A nebulous expanse appeares on the other side. Cloud of gas and light fill the sky. There are also structures in the distance; rocky, ruined things that come in all makes and cultural divides. She steps through, dropping a bit. "Watch your step, bit of a drop off. But... umm... welcome to The Gap Junction"

    She gestures behind her just as a massive crystaline spire floats by behind her obstructing their view. She sighs and taps her foot with a roll of her eyes. "Ruin the moment why don't ya?" she says to the building as it floats by. After a few moments she gestures again. "There! -Ay caramba!- The Gap Junction."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Reality breaking, paradoxes, unmaking.. are they reasonable risks to take, for what Robbie's got in mind? For he's *certainly* got something in mind, the way he's thinking hard enough to bust a blood vessel.

Brows furrowing, he turns sharply when Cael touches his arm, tensing right up. As if she can hear his thoughts.. which she can't, obviously. "Uh. Hey." She might not see the need to elaborate, but he looks vaguely confused. "Thanks for what?" His gaze travels toward the gap in the wall that America opens up, riveted for a few moments on the sight of the colourful star nursery. Then his focus shifts briefly to the spire, and back to Cael. "Pretty incredible, huh?"

T'Challa has posed:
Black Panther states, "The safest way to go about this is to avoid any interaction with another version of yourself. Then, there will be no anomalies, no paradoxes, and much less probability of danger. We should also not bring anything back with us." He is taking the position of caution and clinging to it like, well, a cat might cling to anything.

That doesn't mean the views here aren't spectacular, otherworldly. They absolutely are, which leads to a slightly quieter, "Impressive." Particularly as the spire passes by, which he watches a few seconds longer before the Gap Junction becomes paramount for them.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "A predestination paradox," Jennifer says with a nod. "I've read enough scifi to have picked up a thing or two," she says. "Me and Bruce used to talk about that kind of thing when we were kids." She lets out a little chuckle with a shake of her head. "We were such huge nerds back then." Some would argue they're /still/ huge nerds now.

    She follows America through the portal and lightly hops down onto the crowd. Even with the spire blocking most of the view it's pretty impressive. Letting out an appreciative whistle she says, "How is there even breathable atmosphere here? Do other species get different platforms that have atmosphere that suits them or is this just one of those things where you just kind of shrug and try not to think about?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    Wanda takes in all America says. "That's helpful. The colours giving you a guideline has to be a pretty way of learning." The spire slopes by and she quiets again while it does, watching something that massive defy the basic laws of physics. Even with its strange shape imposed on the bright nebulous shapes beyond.
    "Good question. Is it common to have a breathable atmosphere like this?" She waits until the way into the Gap is clear and pushes against the thin meniscus of reality. One knows the other, a tension point snapping and balance restore once she lands. No other hers here, or elsewhere, being it's the curse of what she is and does.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael turns back towards Robbie - her smile broad for the moment. "For not killing my boyfriend," she says simply. "And... for what you said," she adds, giving him a nod, without 'outting' him. Robbie's enough like her that she doubts he'd appreciate her calling him out on the whole 'friendship' thing - especially in front of others. She turns back to face the 'Gap Junction' as they step through, her eyes going wide. "Okay, so- yeah. Pretty neat," she'll admit.
    Of course, moments later she forced to voice a protest. "Tell me - where is the harm in noodle take away!" Cael protests. "When else do I get to go home and tell them I got my noodles from 'Earth-793425'?" she asks - rattling off a series of numbers at random.
    Then - almost as an afterthought, she pulls out her cellphone and starts snapping pictures. If she doesn't - well. Agnes will never forgive her.
    Jon'll just ask for a Statement.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve grins at T'Challa. "Oh, c'mon, you're not a /little/ curious? What if--you know, all sorts of things." What if he'd never taken the serum? What if Bucky hadn't become Winter Soldier? What if he'd just gathered his courage and kissed Peggy /way/ before--

    No, no, let's not go to /any/ of that. He's actually quite happy with his life as it is right now. Because all of that means he'd never meet Janet, and he's pretty wild about her.

    The step to the Gap Junction makes him gape even more. "This is just your every day?" he asks America.

America Chavez has posed:
    "You know... that we can talk means there's something here" America says with regards to the Juction's atmosphere. "I... yeah I guess I never really thought much about it. Maybe it's compatible for all things, individual pockets to accomodate the biology of whatever manages to make it this far?" She smiles and quirks her mouth a bit as she strolls out onto the platform they've taken. It's the broken off piece of some long forgotten street. It looks like cobblestone but the rocks glitter and refract the ambient light in a rainbow of colors.

    "From here, as long as you have a guide, anywhere is accessible and yeah, this is... pretty much my everyday? Don't get me wrong, it's breathtaking everytime, so the majesty of it all isn't lost on me. I just... there's so much to see and so much to do and..."

    Her eyes widen for a moment. "I think I know where I want to take you now. It's not particularly dangerous but..." She steps forward and punches the air once more. Another star-shaped hole opens up and she gestures for them to follow. "Come on. I think you'll like it." She steps forward into what looks like a woodland area thick with desiduous brush and greenery.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Cael's glance toward him is met with Reyes's sharp, angular profile. Jaw set in that hard line, he's gazing off somewhere into the middle distance when he *should* be drinking in the awe and majesty of what America's showing them.

"Hm." That's partway between a snort and a chuckle. "Might not've stuck, anyway. Depends on how much he regrets what he's done, you know?" He looks back over at Cael finally. Then away once more, moderating his long stride to match hers.. unless she pulls away from him. Just a little forest jaunt, nothing to be alarmed about here.

As to outing him, just a grunt from the kid, and what looks like it might be a blush forming under his freckles.

T'Challa has posed:
"There is a difference between being curious and being foolish," Black Panther tells Captain America, making his way closer while taking a moment to note whatever's going on with Cael and Robbie. Personal business, from the sound of it.

He explains, "Think of it as like visiting one of your National Parks. You are asked to experience and enjoy it, but leave it the way you found it. Even in Wakanda, there are tales of people who have taken things from a sacred site, even something as simple as a rock, and felt cursed until they returned it. It is up to you whether you believe in such things or not."

That explained, he does not hesitate to be one of those leading the way through the place America selects for them, his hands subtly flexing in order for vibranium claws to extend. Just in case. "And where is this?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "There's a lot of 'what ifs,'" Jennifer says to Steve. "What if Bruce never became The Hulk. What Ben & Jerry never made ice cream. What if I stayed Savage?" She shakes her head. "It'd be interesting to explore these things and find out how different the universes would be, but only for a short time. I don't think I'd want to live in the universe where, let's say, gamma radiation makes you polka-dotted."

    America gets her attention when she declares that she knows where they're going next. "Oh?" Jen says eagerly. "Are there people riding dinosaurs? Or /dinosaur people/?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jon has a lot of regrets," Cael remarks quietly. "I mean - like I do. Not all of them deserved, but- they regret, anyways." She smiles a bit sadly. She puts her phone back into her pocket as she follows America through the next star-shaped hole, hands shoved into her pockets as they walk.
    "So - where are you taking us? Or you don't want to spoil the surprise?" she asks.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "What if Ben & Jerry never made ice cream?" Steve sounds... affronted by this. "That's a true travesty, Jen. Let's not go /there/."

    He nods to T'Challa, though, as he steps through the portal. "Yeah, we should definitely be careful. We don't want to destroy another reality accidentally." A pause. "But, uhh... /are/ there dinosuars?" He glances around the brush and undergrowth, expression curious.

America Chavez has posed:
    "Why do you need another world to see dinosaurs?" America asks Jen. "Just go to the Savage Land in the artic of Earth. There's plenty of them there." Yes, she probably just sent Jen and Steve on a goose chase to find out about the Savage Land, casually, but what of it?

    She nose taps at Cael as she pushes through the brush. "I found this place when I was on walkabout once. There are--as far as I can tell--no sapient beings on this planet but someone must've come by at some time to build what I want to show you. It's... something else." She pushes past another large bush and takes a few more steps onto a clear bank. "There!" she says gesturing before them.

    They're on the bank of a very wide river. On the other side of the river is what might a familiar sight. It's the skyline of Manhattan circa 1999. Done in exacting to scale detail and made entirely of some sort of crystalline material that shimmers in the sunlight. "I think it's entirely diamond, but I can't be sure without scientific instruments. But it's all there from what I can see. Every building, every lightpost, every street. There are even replica cars from the area. It's like someone took a snapshot of the entire island and just... made it out of diamond."

    She looks up. "But as you can see, this is far from any Earth we know." The sky is blue, much like Earth's but there are two suns, one yellow the other a dark orange. Also in the sky is a massive dull yellow planet with a number of rings. It could be a twin to Saturn, or even another Saturn, whatever the case it's not exerting any kind of gravitational change so either this planet is large enough to compensate or gravity works different here.

T'Challa has posed:
Aaaand they're through. "Visit the Savage Land all you like. We already have a few creatures the rest of the world would be fascinated by." Upon reaching more open space, Black Panther can see the skyline, as it had been some couple decades earlier, and more - all in that crystal, diamond build instead. "Quite far indeed. Have you studied this before, then?" he questions, since it was clear America chose the place to allow them a chance to see it.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Wait. Savage Land?" She looks over her shoulder to the others. "Did y'all know about this and was just holding out on me?" She walks up to Steve and grabs him by both shoulders and looks him dead in the eye. "Steve," she says. "Buddy. We /have/ to go to this Savage Land. It's a moral imperative."

    She lets go of him as they continue to push their way through the forest until they get to the diamond Manhattan. She just stares at it open mouthed, struck speechless. Still slack jawed she looks up when America points it out and she just goggles. "Oh. My. God." she finally breathes. "This raises so many questions," she says.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, well - maybe they make cookies instead," Cael suggests casually as they step out of the trees and look across the river to see- "What?" Cael says in surprise. "I- it's got the Twin Towers." She stares at this in confusion, taking out her phone again to snap a photo of the city (Jon loves all things New York after all), and then takes a few photos of the strange sky - and tucks her phone away again, so she can simply... stare in wonder at the sight before them.
    And then belatedly she remarks, "Wait- what do you mean, dinosaurs in the arctic?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve stares at the crystalline structures, barely seeming to have noticed the rest of the conversation. "Wow. This... wow. I mean... is this another Manhattan that got frozen in some kind of attack? Some alien's attempt at art? Maybe some other dimensional traveler went to Manhattan and..." He gestures at the diamond skyline, still gaping.

    "Dinosaurs, arctic, sure," he says, accidentally agreeing to a road trip. Because you /know/ Jen's going to insist, now.

America Chavez has posed:
    "I walked--well, flew--through it yeah" America replies to T'Challa, offering a smirk at Cael, Steve and Jen's response to her location drop. "None of the doors work, but everything else is recreated in painstaking detail. Even the grafitti. And... whatever the material is it's tough. Like I said, I might be able to cut a piece off with a portal, but... I'm sort of afraid to. Given the work put into it."

    She starts down the bank. "There's a bridge across not far from here. I sort of put one together for some friends who couldn't fly that I brought here in the past." She turns to regard Steve, Cael, and Jen. "There's a pocket of some sort in the artic that's a secluded rainforest of Jurrasic era Earth. Dinosaurs and the like up there. Pretty wild since they're... you know... big and aggressive, but it's there. I thought all the SHIELD people knew about it?" She shrugs. "I stumbled about it when I was flying around Earth" as one does, obviously, "I didn't stick around long though. Utah raptors are not the most friendly of creatures and I'd rather not make enemies of animals if I can help it."

T'Challa has posed:
No matter. With an answer that is more grunt and less anything else, Black Panther advances on ahead after explaining, "I will see if it can be analyzed. I am not taking a sample, however." That would go against what he just said about leaving the place the way they found it.

Fortunately, Wakandan technology is quite advanced. Through the Kimoyo beads, he scans one of the surfaces and begins to run a comparison to a replica of a late-90s BMW. "I have heard of the Savage Land, myself." However, he does not elaborate.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Jennifer just shakes her head at the wonderment of it all. "This is all sorts of amazing, America. Who would do such a thing? I mean... somebody would obviously have to access to an Earth that has a Manhattan just like ours. And the ability to build it out of diamond... or whatever this is..." Here's all those questions she was talking about.

    When America starts talking about the hard realities of meeting dinosaurs Jennifer just blinks blankly at her. "But... dinos!"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I've seen the Jurassic Park movies - I'm not sure meeting dinos is a //great// idea. Also: don't try the 'they can't see you if you don't move' thing. I hear that's bull." Cael walks across the bridge with the others, her fingers running over the surface of the first building they approach, her expression impressed, and awed. "Do you think they grew it somehow?" she asks. "Or carved it? I mean - either way, it's pretty wild."
    She goes to one of the lamo posts - putting her eyes to it, and peering out at the others on the team with an amused smile. "Man. You sure we can't take some of this home? If it is diamonds - just think of what it'd be worth!" She lets out a heavy sigh. "I could retire in style..."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve paces through the streets for a moment, listening to the others talking, noting T'Challa running an analysis and nodding to himself--it's an oddity. Then he smirks after a moment and says, "They forgot the Outer Boroughs. Typical." He's a Brooklyn boy, after all!

    "That'd destabilize the market, Cael," he adds, peering at a storefront. "That's constantly a problem people are having, going to alien worlds or other dimensions--not just upsetting everything back home with whatever they find there. Best to leave it here, even if we study the scans, I think."

America Chavez has posed:
    Black Panther's scan reveals that the material used is highly compressed carbon. Literal diamond. But the internal makeup of the diamond is more faceted than anything known on Earth. Theoretically, such compression could be made but it's not feasible by any technology currently known. And America's suspects are confirmed. It's solid and strong. It would take an increible force simply to disturb the structure, more than the combined strength of those here could probably provide.

    One more oddity about it. It's the same structure. Whatever was used to carve the city was a single piece to begin with. Which begs two questions: one, where did the piece come from and two, who had the means to create such a thing. Both questions for a latter day.

    As America leads them through the streets of the crystal replica she smirks at the commentary of the Savage Land. "Look, if you want to go dino watching, I'm not going to stop you. Just... Cael makes a valid point. They're wild animals and the more predatory ones are -very- good at what they do. Just... if you go, -buena suerte-."

    At Steve's commentary and reply she nods in agreement. "He's right. That much diamond would likely drop the value of the material and you'd get pennies for flooding the market. There are better ways of making money than adding extraplanar diamond to the market."

    The trip takes the better part of several hours. And the group see more than just the crystaline city while there. Some of the local fauna make appearances. Large deer that have elaborate antlers in formations that defy standard formation, small rodents that are similar to earth except in the vivid coloration of their fur, and predatory cats that are more of less large black furred sabretooth tigers in pursuit of the deer like creatures.

    When the grop has had their fill America opens another portal that reveals the backyard of the Avenger's Mansion. It's getting closer to full dark, the whole trip having taken maybe 2 or 3 hours by Earth's measure of time.