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Latest revision as of 18:50, 26 July 2022

Introducing Freddy to the titans.
Date of Scene: 25 July 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Freddy Shazams all over the place but makes friends none the less.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Freddy Freeman, Wally West, Irie West, Courtney Whitmore, Damian Wayne

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had told Freddy he had a place was going to take him to eat lunch, and it was true, but the food they picked up along the way, and Bart had told Freddy "You can go as Freddy or Jr. tot he tower, most of those in the tower know who one another is, not all but enough." He has brought out the Impulse Shaw, a Rickshaw in red and yellow with lightning bolts all over it. "You can ride in the shaw with the food if you want to stay as Freddy he had offered before heading to Titans Tower.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy tends to stay Freddy unless there is a compelling reason to transform into Pantheon. Freddy takes the blessings of the immortal elders very seriously, and believes he should not use his powers casually. So the sounds of step-thump-step-thump-step-thump-step-thump are heard as Freddy hobbles in behind Bart using his metal crutch. He's carrying a huge bag of food with a handle in his right hand. He is looking around this massive space in absolutely wide wonder!

"Oh, blazing balls of lighting, I always imagined it was amazing in here. But this is HELLA amazing!" He maneuvers with the crutch in one hand and the bag of food in the other. The smile never leaves his face. He looks like a happy, normal teenager. If he bears any ill feelings about his lifelong, crippling condition, he shows no outward sign of it.

Wally West has posed:
Wally has taken to spending his free time in the tower. To be honest he doesn't have much to do outside of patrols and Bart and Iris are active titans so any chance to hang around them. At the moment he ponders food. "I thinking chinese or maybe middle eastern? do i have time to run to istanbul and back? bart's coming back any second"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will take a few trips up the elevator shaft bringing the food he has brought. It is a collection of different take out places from New York to here. Bart looks over and says "Wait till you see the games on the monitor, am glad it is back to normal, and not the throne room in space any more." He looks over and seeing Wally he says "Hey, I got " and he rattles off about a dozen different places names "Freddy, this is my cousin the Flash. This is Freddy, I think he might fit in with us here at the titans."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
The very moment that Freddy locks eyes on the Flash, his face erupts in blushing smile. He is spellbound. Freddy Freeman is one of the world's biggest comic book and superhero nerds. He starts to move more quickly toward the Flash, that crutch moving faster and faster. Walk-thump-walk-thump-walk-thump.

"Oh by Solomon's Wisdom, it's the Flash! It is so amazing to meet you, sir!" Walk-thump-walk-thump-walk-thump. He holds out a hand out hoping to shake the hand of the Flash!

Wally West has posed:
"Hey bart!" Looks over the new kid and smiles and shakes his hand. "Hey new guy, Freddy nice to meet you, I guess since we're using government names. I'm Wally West, The Flash nice to meet you"

"So you're a new titan?" Looks to bart with a bit of a puzzled look "what's his deal? What can you do Mr Freeman?"

"what did you get for lunch? I was about to go run to get something."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Oh he can do a lot, he is sorta like us from a hero legacy group." He tells Wally, considering the costumes it is sorta obvious the Marvels are a group. "I am sponsoring him for membership, plus he has family in the group already." He admits. Bart will start setting stuff on the table, pizza, burgers, a few different Chinese things, some Indian food, and even some Swedish meatballs and a few other things. The last is the bag Freddy has, it says the Onion Maiden on it and is a nice collection of mostly vegan food.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy looks at Bart with a questioning look on his face, like am I supposed to just tell everything. But I mean, it IS Titans Tower. He's here to petition for membership. So, they aren't going to just let some random crippled kid in the group.

"Sir, I'm Mary Bromfield's brother. I co-wield the legacy of the immortal elders, and the power to transform into Pantheon who wields the very power of the gods if I say the...well, the S-word. I can't say it or I'll transform." Freddy peers once more to Bart. "Bart, can you tell him the word, please?"

Freddy's cheeks flush a bit as though he feels like he may have just embarrassed himself. He picks up an onion ring and starts to eat it heartily. There is no embarrassment too great that the kid can't eat his way through it.

Wally West has posed:
"AH! I see! Another one of those. Well Thats certainly useful on the team. Very strong. As long as youre a good kid with a good head and heart you should be a shoe-in for the team."

Wally quickly fixes a plate piled high with food. "So tell me about yourself Freddy, whats new and what are your goals? What drives you to be a hero"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Shamwow" He smiles over to Freddy and says "Na Shazam, and he becomes all flyey and strong and such." He tells Wally. He looks over to Freddy, and says "And Wally here is actually my cousin, a lot not all of us Flash types are related." He admits to the younger man. "Freddy is a good kid, I have seen him help lots of folks as Pantheon and as Freddy."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
A little awkwardly with the assistance of his metal crutch, Freddy gets up on a stool. He snags a couple of egg rolls. The skinny ones always eat the most. "Yep, that word! I always have to get someone to say Shazam f....GERK...." The room booms with the sound of thunder. Anything small and lightweight near Freddy flies through the air as a bolt of lightning strikes him. When the brilliant flash of light clears, the stool Freddy was sitting on is lying on the floor, Freddy is straight-up just gone, and a six-foot tall youth who looks like he's maybe in his early 20s, wearing a blue suit that bears the Shazamily lightning bolt on it, is lying on his back on the floor.

"Oh my gods, tell me that didn't just happen." If he face was a little pink before, it's beet red now!

Wally West has posed:
"Hey Hey look at you big guy and in blue and everything. Supes might send you a cease and desist." he says as a joke. "so the standard Shazam suite of powers strength speed flight lighting etc? heavy hitter thats for sure."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and will move to catch anything that went flying putting it back where it belongs. "He normally does not have premature explosions, but I think the whole tower might be more than he expected." He grins at Freddy and says "You can probably even get a room here to crash at times if you want. I have one but don't use it much."

Irie West has posed:
    Irie speeds down the Tower from her room, having been rocked by the small explosion. "Oh my gosh! What happened!?" She's dressed simply in jeans and a white t-shirt that has the Flash logo emblazoned on the front, and appears to be in her mid-30s.

    She points at Freddy opened mouth, "You're a Shazam! How many of you /are/ there?" She doesn't mean to be rude, but the surprise has caught her off guard.

    Then she notices who else is in the room and she lights up. "Oh, hey, dad!" she says and moves in to give him a big hug. "Hey, Bart!"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
How many of them are there the 432nd Flash just asked. Pantheon doesn't stand up off the floor, he floats up off the floor. He lets out a long, embarrassed sigh as he looks around the room. Fortunately, Bart's quick thinking mitigated the mess that might have otherwise been made by Freddy's idiotic mistake.

"Uh, yes, sir," Pantheon says to the Flash. "The standard fare of our family's powers from Solomon, Hercules, Achilles, Zeus, Atlas, and Mercury. I apologize for transforming. I think was a bit nervous."

He picks up another egg roll, though. The transformation did nothing to suppress his appetite. When Irie speeds in, the young man lifts one hand in greeting to her. "Hi. Um, sorry for the ruckus. I sort of got nervous and had an accident." He offers a sheepish smile then eats the egg roll in one big bite.

Wally West has posed:
Wally zips over to hug his paradoxically aged daughter. "Hey Irie"

Wally chuckles "it's ok but yeah definitely could help the titans, just gotta make sure you're more carefully with that word because Bat's probably not gonna like paying for the repairs."

Irie West has posed:
    She looks back over to Pantheon and her eyes go wide. "You're gonna join the Titans? Cooool!" The smell of egg rolls makes her stomach growl and she zips over to the kitchen and makes herself a Dagwood in record time. "Yeah. I get into accidents too," she says around a mouthful of sandwich. "It's why I'm, like, 35 instead of 17. Or, really, 7, which is my actual age. It's complicated."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "You can have some of the food I brought to Irie, I stopped at like a dozen places on the way in, did not know who all was going to be here, and did not want to make Caitlyn have to cook if we had a bit turn out, plus Wally or I can run and grab more stuff if we need it.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Continuing to float in the air, Pantheon loads up a plate from the absolutely ton of takeout food that Bart and he brought with them. "That used to happen to me alla time when I was a kid," he says around mouthfuls of Chinese food he shovels hungrily into his mouth. "I haven't done that in forever."

He floats closer to Bart and murmurs, "How bad did I screw up? Is this bad? Am I out now? You /know/ I never do that. Can you tell that I never do that?"

Wally West has posed:
"Easy easy, tranquilo, relax big man. you're fine. It's fine it happens." Wally says patting Pantheon on the shoulder. "I know it seems scary joining a big team. Should have seen me when it came time to join the league. But relax you're ok. we're not going to judge you for every little thing. We're cool we understand."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
It had been a bit since Courtney had last stopped into Titans Tower, and so her arrival was somewhat tentative, to say the least. But, it had been suggested that she come by, say hi, remind folks that she was out there, and so that is where she was. She took a deep breath, reminded herself that she was AWESOME, even if she was only a middling superhero at best, and then the Star Spangled Kid stepped into...the land of lightning and speed. It's ok, Court - they've told you that you belong in the past.

Irie West has posed:
    "Mmokay!" Irie says to Bart around a mouthful of sandwich. "I'll have some when I'm done with this." She grins at Pantheon's nervousness. "Look," she says, her tone turning serious. "If they haven't kicked out Vorpal for turning all of Vic's roombas sentient, they're not gonna kick you out for a little thunder. You're all good."

    Courtney's entrance catches her attention and she smiles at her, giving her an enthusiastic wave. "Hey, Court!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over as Courtney comes in, he waves a hand to her, and says "Hey come grab some food." He looks to Patheon and says "Dude, they aint kicked me out, so your good, but I will warn you, at some point you will be picking glitter out of places that glitter should not be."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
A hungry, six-foot-tall young man who appears to be in his early to mid 20s, and is wearing an unmistakable Shazamily costume, is floating in the air next to Bart, holding a plate loaded down massively with food. He was just having a serious conversation with Bart about some flub he just made, but his natural exuberance has already dispelled it. He offers a broad smile and a wave to Courtney. "Oh hello, nice to meet ya. I'm Freddy." He blinks once. "Well...I guess Pantheon when I look like this." He lets out a nervous laugh. "Hella dope uniform, by the way!" His attitude and manner of speaking seem a bit...immature for someone in their mid-20s.

Then to Bart, "Okay, but if they kick me out I'm gonna tell them about that camping trip you went on with all of us when you were still dating Mary." He grins mischievously, and again his bearing is so much younger than how old he appears.

Wally West has posed:
Wally smiles at Courtney "hey there, I know you how have you been?"

"Waht camping trip is this now I need to know this story" Wally says before wolfing down some of the chinese food. "bart has been keeping a story from us"

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
There is a slight tinge of rose on Courtney's cheeks at the sudden attention. "Uh, hi," she says, waving a hand for a moment. She almost stops in her tracks, but manages to make her way in. She glances over at the food being offered and just smiles in response. "Thanks, but I'm stuffed, actually." She pats her belly.

"So, is this a meeting of the fast team or something?"

Irie West has posed:
    "Yup!" Irie says with a huge grin. "We gotta keep ourselves all fueled up and ready to go at a moments notice!" She quickly finishes her dagwood and then grabs a plate for herself and starts piling up food from Bart's takeout. Three speedsters and a Shazam in one room. By the time they're done it'll be like a plague of locusts passed through the place.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "Well, more like an introduce Freddy to the people here, and the speedsters showed up first who would have thought it." He chuckles, a bit and looks to Freddy and says "Just remember Mary and I are still friends, and she knows where all the embarrassing pics from when you were little are." He is smiling though he knows it is all in good natured ribbing.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Finally finishing his huge plate of food, Pantheon floats over to put the plate in the kitchen. He grabs a can of Mtn Dew and floats back closer to Bart, who is the only person in this room he really knows outside of the Titans. It can be a bit disconcerting to see a grown man with the demeanor of a high-strung teenager, but anyone who has spent time around the Shazamily is familiar with this phenomenon.

"Okay, okay," he says with an energetic laugh to Bart. "I do NOT want those baby pictures getting out! And for SURE Mary would give them to you. I mean, For. Sure."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
There is a certain element of uncertainly on Courtney's face, what of it that can be seen. She has not spent enough time around the Marvels to be familiar with it. She inches over towards the food, as if for something to do, as she smiles pleasantly at everyone. "I guess super heroing works up a whole appetite, huh?"

Irie West has posed:
    Irie is no stranger to being a grown woman with the demeanor of a high-strung teenager. Or, at least an overly exuberant teenager. She's one herself, thanks to Speed Force shenanigans. "Good thing I'm not born for another fourteen years," she says. "Nobody here /has/ my baby pictures."

    She chuckles at Courtney as she slurps up some chow mein. "Yeah. Well. That and we're speedsters. If we're not running fast we're eating. Kinda like hummingbirds that way."

Wally West has posed:
"Irie I can go to the future and find all the baby pictures if I have to." Wally exclaims.

Wally then appears by courtney. "Are you nervous? Still? Relax hun, you're on the team. one of us." Wally says in a sincere tone with a smile and a wink.

"And Freddy too" he says a little louder. "not on the team yet but still one of us. All you have to do is remember, you have to use your abilities to do the most good you can. Because you can."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Irie and says "Yea, Aint like you have a family member who might be from even farther from the future, and who remembers everything he sees or anything." He grins mischievously over towards her. Then to Freddy and says "Yea, just remember your just as cool as most of us, maybe not be but close." He jokes . "If you need to change can go up to the roof with ya and come back down with ya."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Pantheon raises his can of Mtn Dew in a toasting gesture when Wally talks about doing the most good you can because you can. "Hell, yeah," he says enthusiastically. And in that moment one can glean much about Freddy's inner character. He's a comic book and superhero nerd. He believes the good guy fights BECAUSE he's the good guy. He takes a long drink from the soda.

Again, that discordant difference between physical age and actual age shows through. "I am so jazzed to even be here, you guys. I mean Titans frickin' Tower! I never through I'd be allowed in this place."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The Tower's systems herald Damian's approach as he grapples up the empty shaft meant for fliers. <Titan zero-zero-five, welcome Robin.> A split-second after, the crimson and gold sidekick raises up quickly from the basement.

  Robin's hooded face looks around before walking into the main room of the tower. He was holding a case to his side, a usual refill of the consumable Bat-things, batarangs, grapple gun, various grenades the size of gumballs the usual. "So, I figure you are the reason the systems alerted." He says, aimed directly at Pantheon.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie frowns at her dad. "Yeah, but then you'd meet yourself. Or mom. Or me and Jai. That'd all be bad for the timestream." She doesn't joke around when it comes to time travel. She then goggles at Bart. "You've /seen/ the pictures?"

    She gives Freddy a huge grin, "I know, right? I mean, I'd been here before in the future, but to actually /be on the team/ is like a dream come true."

    Robin's appearance gets nod. "Yeah. He kinda transformed inside by accident. It's cool, though. We've got everything under control."

Wally West has posed:
"ayyyy Robin how goes it?" Wally says to try to break the tension. "Thats the new guy or prospective new guy. Pantheon. He's a shazam and he sort of shazamed all over the place on accident. But he's a good kid. just real jazzed to be here you know? Why don't you put your stuff down and come get some food before we eat it all."

Wally zips over and pats Iris on the shoulder. "I wont actually do it, I'll have Bart do it. But honsetly its just me kidding around with you. I wouldnt actually put the timeline in danger just to get embarassing baby pictures of you"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen wiggles his eye brows at his little older cousin and says "Well remember I had 12 years of my time in the future in VR, so I got a lot of family history." He offers and says "Na, they did not add an embarrassing baby photo section to the Flash museum so yours safe." seeing Damian, he says "Yea this is Patheon, or Freddy, and I thought I would bring him buy and sponsor him for membership." He does run off for a moment, and comes back with a large cooler, that has the name Goliath on it. He wheels it over to Damian "A new recipe, I have been working on." He says giving the young man the handle to the cooler.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Pantheon, heir to the legacy of the immortal elders, wielder of the literal power of the gods -- the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the courage of Achilles, the power of Zeus, the stamina of Atlas, and the speed of Mercury -- floats there with eyes wide, peering at Robin like Pantheon was an ill-behaved student being called before the principle. The form of his mid-twenties body is belied by the late teens soul inside him.

"Well, I was...Bart and me brought some food...it was...Flash wanted to know what my, like, deal was...but I had to have...you see, Bart had to tell him Shazam bec....." And here we go again. This is how we do it. The room explodes with the sound of thunder and a gleaming, brilliant lightning bolt strikes Pantheon with a blinding flash. Once again, anything small and light near him scatters around the room from the force of the bolt. When it all clears, standing there is a scrawny teenager with messy hair, a frown on his face, a resigned look in his eyes, holding himself up with a single metal crutch that clasps at his left elbow. "Well dangit," he murmurs before letting out a long, slow sigh.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "I'm sure Goliath will be thankful." Damian admits to Bart as he takes the case and the group starts to explain the whole situation with Freddy's transformation. Robin's mask has certain functions to prevent his eyes to be overexposed to flashbang grenades. While the lightning of the gods was enough to overwhelm the function, it only caused Robin to raise one hand to help shadow his face. Luckily, the young man had enough discipline to not go on the offense.

  He lowers his hand, and approaches the now teenager in a teenager's body. "Trigger word, got it." Seems like Damian has at least softened up somewhat over the last years. At least, he isn't saying that Freddy can't be in the group, though the other Titans would probably know that Robin is making mental notes all the time, especially with new people around.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and says "Yea, I think he will like it and should be a boost to his fur and teeth, maybe even make his breath a little better." He offers to the younger man. He moves to get some more food, and sits down "Freddy is just nervous here, normally he is all good about not saying shamwow."

Wally West has posed:
"again buddy!? come on you gotta be better about that! Shazaming all over the carpets, Batman is gonna give us a mean stare when he has to pay for repairs man." Wally says after Freddy booms again.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy exhales sharply, blowing his floppy bangs away from his eyes. He tries to offer a bit of a sheepish smile to Robin. "I'm soooo sorry. I swear I don't ever do that. For what it's worth, I'm a huge fan. I even have a verified Birdarang that I bought that was authenticated by CGC. Took me six months of working odd jobs to save up for it."

The admonishment from the Flash causes Freddy to look downward. "I apologize, sir. I'm really nervous right now. I promised Bart I wouldn't embarrass him, and here I am acting like an idiot." He glances sheepishly at Bart, then down again.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin's brow raises at the words that Freddy mentions about the Batarang, his right hand reaches to his chest, pressing on the 'R' and popping the stylized letter off his emblem and holding it up. "Here, now you have another. And it's more rare, most bad guys don't know that pops off." He hands it over before continuing. "Good, cause his breath...has become a crime against humanity." He mentions about Goliath.

  He may or may not grab himself a slice of pizza before leaning himself against a counter.

Wally West has posed:
"looks like you do have fans Robin." Wally says with a chuckle giving damian a light tease. "That was really good of you to give him that. I wish i had something to to give away. but i just have my suit. but come by the flash museum I'll sign something for you and give you a tour."