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The Life of a VIP
Date of Scene: 17 August 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: T'Challa dines at the Hellfire Club's VIP area. Tarot readings are given. Matters are discussed with the former White Queen.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Emma Frost, Marie-Ange Colbert, Jeanne-Marie Beaubier

T'Challa has posed:
In the VIP Lounge of the Hellfire Club, movers and shakers are often found doing business, schmoozing, or any number of other things. Some have less pure interests than others. How often does royalty pass through here? Often enough, depending on which circles any of them move through.

Wakandan royalty? Perhaps a different story. While he has VIP access through nature of being a King, there have been questions as to just how wealthy T'Challa is. The world knows he is the Black Panther, but what they do not fully understand is how he has the technology he does, namely in the suit or costume he wears while 'on business.'

In this case, the suit he's in is an impeccably tailored thing, primarily all black with the same color for a dress shirt, with touches of purple lining and embroidery to show an African flavor to the outfit. He occupies a table along one wall, casually eyeing the ballroom below. A drink rests atop the table, a few plates before him, one featuring an expensive steak he is in the midst of finishing off.

The question may be: what is he here for?

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost doesn't spend much time at the club these days. But she still finds it fitting to drop by to keep her finger on the pulse of events. A good place to skim for information, particularly amongst the minds of the nuveau rich whom haven't learned self control of their wealth.. But that also since they've actually made money rather than inhereit it, actually want to spend some of it rather than seeping into the enthrallment of the eternal doldrums of fifth generation playboys.
    Emma takes a moment to recognize the Wakandan King from where she sits over at a table. Emma's wearing a more reserved business suit, and is drinking slowly over from a margarita while casually skimming minds elsewhere in the room of those overimbided.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
A young woman enters into the lounge. Her outfit is a little ambiguous; the bare shoulders and bodice top that gives flattery to the bust suggest 'I work here' but the fact that she is wearing a hip-hugging red skirt rather than thigh highs -- though she is in heels, naturally -- suggests 'no, this is just how I dress,' as does the cloche hat with the mesh veil. The outfit is predominantly red with accents of black. She is carrying a bundle of red silken cloth, and as she passes by the table that holds the King, she pauses -- blinks several times -- and looks obscurely delighted.

After this, Marie-Ange sets down - a table with her back to the wall, facing outwards. The red cloth is carefully spread before her. She is near enough to T'challa to greet him with averted eyes and a reverential tone: "I hope that I shall not detract from the ambiance, Your Majesty; it is all arranged, but all arrangements are temporary..." It is at this point that she sees Emma out of the corner of her eye, which seems to make her go from 'hurray! something neat!' to abruptly, and even-more-obscurely, concerned.

T'Challa has posed:
It would not do to become unable to control one's thoughts or even beyond that in a place like this. VIPs see more than others, and the Wakandan King has seen enough from time to time to ensure he does not make himself vulnerable through stupidity or laziness. The drink is only mildly alcoholic wine, not even enough to really give him a buzz, but it does pair nicely with the meal.

The woman in white? Someone T'Challa's encountered before, more recently at an oddly interesting visit to a Ren Faire Ororo invited him to. The one in black and red..not so sure. Her recognition of him does not go unnoticed, at least, particularly when she speaks. "Ah, is that so? And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" he wonders, a brief glance past her to note Frost again before returning his attention to the younger woman.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Marie-Ange, "Oh, hello there." She would wave over at Tarot, "And no, I've not had any busienss with anything up in my head lately, leaving something behind or not." She would deadpan over at something that might make the woman who read the cards whimper, laugh, or groan.
    "Your highness, what brings you to the metaphorical opium den?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I am Marie-Ange," says Marie-Ange Colbert; "An..."

"Entertainer," she continues, with enough of a gap to suggest that it is not a euphemism so much as an incompleteness, "and I read my cards for the amusement of the guests of the Hellfire Club. There are several in search of their wisdom, from what I am told, but I see neither hide nor tail of them..."

She falls silent at what Emma says, her head tilting to the side as she mentions the metaphorical opium den. The unwrapped red cloth reveals a rosewood box, which, yup, there it is: the deck of cards. Marie-Ange takes them out and begins to shuffle them with idle and consummate ease.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa crosses his arms after shifting the position of his chair to better face both women. "Ah. Perhaps it is seen as amusement or entertainment to some, but there are others that have a belief in the fates. Myself, it can vary from time to time. I believe we create our own fates, but that matters can also be impacted by things we have no ability to control."

While Marie-Ange is setting up her display, he asides to Emma Frost, "Curiosity, one might say. There are certain things about this place that interest me, others that do not capture my interest. I am sure it is the same for you in various ways." Added, to the apparent tarot-reader, "And for you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "SUch things go far more to the realm of the philosophical I suppose. Yet we live in a world with various gods and beings of destiny, and events sometimes supposedly are foretold happening eons ago, if one were to speak by the Asgardian Embassy." She would muse over. "So I suppose I don't know anymore. If I ever did. Are our fates our own or predetermined? Or do such things not particularly matter in the great scheme of things?"
    She would go over. "I suppose that for the vast unwashed masses we don't quite as much register in the affairs of the gods that walk throughout the cosmos." She would go over. "And what does catch your attention?" She would flash a smile over at T'Challa. "And Marie-Ange, I do recommend you get a reading from her.. She is quite divine."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie-Ange keeps her eyes lowered at what the king says. "As you say, your majesty... the understanding that I have come with the cards, is that they do not so much show the future, as they show the present - and if one does not make certain movements, then the present says a very great deal about what the future shall surely be."

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. "Madame Frost is too kind," Marie-Ange demurs, "but it would be my pleasure, if you should have a query."

T'Challa has posed:
The man of royalty steeples his fingers beneath his nose, index fingers resting against his mouth. When T'Challa speaks, it is done without muddying up any of his words. "I am certain they are washed well enough, Miss Frost, but I understand the comparison you wish to draw. Given my position, I am not comparing myself to a god, but I must be aware of the needs of every last person I am sworn to protect. I do not know if the gods see it the same way. Here, I have not yet determined that. I have not visited many times."

There is a casual gesture toward Marie-Ange as he wonders of her, "What are some of the common questions you are asked, as far as people wishing to know of the present that may impact their futures?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Well, I suppose that such a concept of noblesse oblige is hardly so universal now then. And here I merely act for what I find best forwards my own interests and amusements. I can't claim to be beholden to any sort of higher power beyond profit after all." The former White Queen would allow.
    "But, Marie-Ange does excellent work and is quite talented. Do consider it.." Emma would go over to pass along a small wad of cash to Marie-Ange. "Do consider it on me darling."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie-Ange shuffles her cards gently, riffling them and then maneuvering them. She uses a single hand - showing off, given their size. She veils her mouth with her other hand at Emma's praise contnued, cheeks flushing to match her hair. "Ah, well... of course I cannot speak in clear of the precise questions, your majesty, for they are a sacred trust. But I can say that perhaps the *typical* question would be one of two kinds."

"Either - 'I expect something to happen soon... how shall it go?'"

"Or - 'What are the feelings of another, for me?'"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa rests his hands lower again, nodding briefly to Emma. "If nothing else, honesty is valued as a good quality. I am traveled enough to understand the different motivations people have, even if they do not always line up with my own."

With Marie-Ange displaying her prowess with the cards, he takes note of the interaction between the other two, then considers. "Very well. I will ask a question of a recent development I am involved with. How will the Starport I am involved with go?" It is, perhaps, a safe question, one that does not veer too deeply into more personal matters, but all the same is a fresh topic.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to watch over then and muse over and move to quirk a brow, "Starport?" She would query over thoughtfully. "My, are we talking about something more involved than a Braodway perfromance?" She would muse over in casual contemplation while listening.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora is a relatively new face at the Hellfire Club, certainly in areas like the VIP sections, but her recent acquaintance with Sebastian Shaw has allowed her the occasional admission, despite not quite being a VIP member...yet. She's hard at work at getting herself some clout, and leans heavily on her fame from her modelling work.

She arrives in nearly transparent pink tulle dress, that is quite acceptable with this being the Hellfire Club. Albeit in some other estbalishment, she might have been accosted by paparazzi for dressing like that.

Being new about, she doesn't quite have names to faces, beyond some stand outs. But she can recognize what Marie-Ange Colbert is doing, and like the extrovert she's said to be, waltz' right over, "is that a tarot reading you're doing!?" She asks, teeming with excitement and obviously not overly concerned about the deocrum of not pushing one's nose into such private affairs as tarot reading.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Of course, your majesty," says Marie-Ange, who is seated at a table not far from the King of Wakanda nor the Queen of Frost. She is no royalty, and she does not look up while she shuffles the cards several times - "Tell me when to stop," she tells T'challa, and when even a small nod is given as signal, she stops - and flips the topmost card.

The High Priestess, reversed. "A broad implication," Marie-Ange muses. "But reversed, the Priestess indicates secrets and a disconnection from intuition... withdrawal and silence. I would say, your majesty, that either a secret lays out there which will challenge you in its discovery -- or, that you will be tempted, how do they say it in English, "to call the whole thing off--"

"Oh!" Marie-Ange says as she looks upwards at Aurora, eyes wide. "I am, indeed. Good evening, madame!" (Marie-Ange is wearing a red bodice and a black cloche hat with a mesh veil over her face. She is seated too firmly to reveal her legs.)

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa readjusts his position to cross his arms once more, a speculative look on his face before he indicates the moment to stop shuffling and the card comes up. "We all carry secrets close to ourselves, so that is always a possibility. I suppose we will see."

Emma draws a glance again at her question. "I believe you are familiar with the project, if only in passing. The construction project at sea, with the involvement of many different groups. I anticipate there will be quite the number of questions directed toward some of us."

He looks toward Jeanne-Marie, pausing at her attire - certainly not out of place in this establishment, no - and offers her a polite nod. "Good evening. Yes, I have been talked into trying one."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is sitting over at a table while watching the cards being drawn over. As she would catch sight of Aurora, she would gesture, "Ah, hello there. We have royal company this evening. Literal." They didn't often have a king come through these not as hallowed doors after all. Emma would gesture over to T'Challa, and then fold her hands together while looking over at the cards drawn interestingly.

She goes to watch the reading now. Paying attention to how Marie-Ange does it, and for those signs over in the girl for how her powers might work with them. If at all. Or if this were more of a.. Straight draw. "Would you care ot join us?"

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora responds with excited applause, and a slight bounce as if her excitement could not be contained, "you had to be talked into it? How come? Isn't it exciting to know what the cards know?" She nearly squees with delight, turning to see what interesting tidbit Marie-Ange would reveal from the cards next.

It is only when Emma clarifies the kind of company they have, that Aurora giggles, "nice to meet you again, Emma," and her head zooms at T'Challa once again, "wait a minute...you're the royalty from Africa!? Oh my god! I never met royalty before, am I supposed to bow?" She asks, and yet, somehow manages to sound utterly genuine rather than dismissive or sarcastic.

Even if Aurora doesn't answer the question, it's quite clear she more or less invited herself to join the group, unless cast away at least, for the time being. "Of course! Tarot reading is fun!"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie-Ange for her part recovers her card with a small smile and begins to shuffle the deck again, before blinking at Jeanne-Marie -- and finally answering her, a little shyly, "I could not agree more with you, madame." She smiles, but resists the urge to giggle, at Jeanne-Marie's star-struck response, before looking towards Emma again. She is not seeming to exert anything other than expert card-shuffling, but if she's doing anything WITH it, it isn't clear.

"I have time for a quick question from you, madame," she says to Jeanne-marie, "if you have interest. I am expecting a -- scheduled appointment rather soon, but rather soon is not now, not so?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa waves a hand at Jeanne-Marie, shaking his head. "I am from Wakanda. No, I do not require anyone to bow to me. I do not expect anyone's respect simply because I carry a specific title. Respect must still be earned, no matter who it is. Politeness, on the other hand, is simply proper."

He will need to think of the display with the cards, though he adds, "It was suggested I see what the cards might say. Some are more open to these things than others, hmm?" His response includes all three of them now, adding in a quiet, perhaps even playful manner, "I should be thankful you have not stood up and told the whole room below who I am. And, please. I would rather you did not. I do not always have the opportunity to enjoy quieter times."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would watch over, "Oh, I don't presume to tell you what to do. Royals have their own protocols.. As does the club." And Jeanne-Marie is more of the 'eye candy' type of dolls over at the club.. At least, as much as the random passerby might wish for it.

But Emma's eyes were on the reading, and the King now, watching over with light amusement. "What are we for quieter times when we live in a world as chaotic and crazeda s this one?"

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Oh boy! Oh boy! What should I ask!?" Aurora gleefully ponders, very much aloud, as she looks at Emma, "should I ask about personal life?" Looks over at T'Challa, "or business? Oh I know!" She looks very intently at Marie-Ange, "do the cards think I should bother doing presentor work for Allure perfume, or skip on that one?" She asks in earnest, before winking playfully at T'Challa, "I guess the fact you know you're a King and the others are commoners is fun enough! I'd love to be a royal some day, wear pretty gowns like in the Disney movies, and maybe even talk to animals!" She laughs at her joke, which might not be the best shared with an actual royal.

Putting a finger to her lips, Aurora reassures T'Challa, "it'll be a secret, we can even trade places like in that movie, I'm sure nobody could tell the difference if we trade places," she says and doesn't last two seconds before laughing hysterically at visualizing such a daft attempt.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Aurora gushes in joy of life and love and perhaps yet more. Marie-ange gives T'challa a passing, slightly wan look, as if to apologize, but a question has been asked and she shuffles and shuffles and shuffles -- "Tell me when," she informs Jeanne-Marie, and when there is some indication -


"The six of wands," Marie-Ange says. "My dear lady, normally I must attempt to fit the card to the question, to explain what Miss Tarot is explaining to me, so that it will be understood in the terms of the material world. For this I do not need to do this. You will succeed in what you hope to achieve."

Is that... QUITE what she asked? But there is someone coming up to Marie-Ange, and she looks to this person, who is probably a councilman or something-- "Oh, of course, sir. Oh, yes, I was reading for him - let us move a bit, oui oui, quite so--" And so Marie-Ange removes herself from the immediate environs, if on a high note! For Jeanne-Marie, at least.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa wears an expression akin to humoring Jeanne-Marie, leading to him saying, "Ah, but most of those things, you can already do. Nothing is preventing you from dressing as you like, and you may speak to as many animals as you like, though you should not expect much of an understandable reply."

He takes on a few moments of silence while Marie-Ange gives her reading, leaving that to be more for the one it is directed toward while he asides to Emma, "We take our little moments of respite when we can find them. I am not as well-versed on protocol here as others, but I know how to carry myself when it comes to certain things."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just watch over and smile, "Why.." she would twitch her lips upwards, "I do think you do lovely work." A raised margarita glass over in a salute over to Tarot. Who in another world might have been a student.

"And I think that you've gotten a full result from the reading." Given to Jeanne-Marie as she would lean back casually over.

"And so what business does a King have that brings him here to a den of thieves?" SHe would grin.

T'Challa has posed:
As four become two for the time being, T'Challa reaches down to adjust the bracelet of small beads he wears at one wrist. Giving Emma a lifted brow, he remarks, "That was an..interesting diversion. And, I could say that is my business, but there are times I wish to find out more about places like this. Some might say, 'if you have it, flaunt it,' but I prefer to let my deeds speak for me more than my words."

Gesturing around them, he adds, "Den of thieves? I have been around a number of different places, and I have also visited branches in other locations. London, for one. I was curious to see how similar and different the places are."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would grin, "Why, I am more of the one to flaunt it." The fallen White Queen woudl muse. "I do like nice things and I like being appreciated. All the better to bring them together. And the Club.. All the different courts have their own particular twists, histories, and traditions."
    The fallen White Queen would reminisce. "If you're looking for the design and aesthetics, the London club has a sense of history to it that anywhere but hte catacombs of Rome and Paris might match for European standards."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa mmms, as he rises from the table and claims the glass of wine that has been refilled for him. He walks slowly nearby, studying faces below for a few moments before it is the white-wearing woman's he returns to. "I have been to many parts of the world, and I have seen many different forms of architecture. I agree with your opinion there."

He continues, a lightly amused expression lingering from her talk of flaunting it, "I have seen there is some of that around here, yes. I would say most people prefer positive attention from others. It is a form of validation, you would agree? Though I am not so much up on the finer details of what takes place here."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh.. THe Club prides itself, historically at least, of catering to the baser impulses of humanity. Wealth, hedonism, power. Crass in many ways. Composed of those that see themselves as better, whether by power and provenance, gift or skill.." She was admittedly one of those, after all. What was teh term..

Like begets like.

"It's fairly simple. It's exactly what one would imagine it to be, all pretenses taken away and impulses given in to."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa sips. Red wine to pair with steak, naturally. "I have heard rumors of such, and my senses would not be what they are if I told you I have not seen a few examples. In attire, to be clear." He casts a look past a shoulder at her, then he turns further to face her more fully.

"It would seem people are more inclined to give in to those temptations if they are going to fit in here. Would that be a correct assumption?" The way he asks, it's as if discussing the weather. He regards her with a hint of curiosity, though the exact basis for it is unrevealed.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Well, who am I to know what may or may not be seen?" She would inquire over. "I don't presume to know much. ANd the CLub has a policy, at least purpotedly, that what goes on within the halls mostly stays wihtin them. It respects.. The discretion of those within it."

Making a show of musing over. "And very likely. That is the way the human psyche works. If something is suspected to be available, the curious and interested pursue it and seek it out. Those that are already inclined to do so."

T'Challa has posed:
"And often from the ones who are used to the benefits of power over others," T'Challa notes, setting the wine glass aside once it is done with. Might be that's his limit for this visit. "This place is much like Las Vegas, then. You must be aware of their saying." A brief shift upward at the corner of his mouth suggests a joke.

Hands come together in back of him as he turns so she can see him in profile. "Discretion, of course, is important in many things. Business, personal matters, and so on. I am not certain I wish to dig too deeply into some of what I have noticed."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "A crass way to put it I suppose, but by reputation I suppose that I cannot fault you for it on presentation." She would go to fold her hands together. "I quite personally loathe the plac.e But, it makes no protestations as to what it is and what it offers, and what it wants in return. So there is no facade there."

FOr which of them? "Neither do I. I am but just a member of the club. I pay for access and what things one of my caliber might call their own."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa weighs what he is told, and is not long in remarking, "Then you must have your reasons for visiting a place you do not care for. However, that is not something I will ask you to explain. You have your reasons, as I have mine."

Except, what /are/ those reasons? Beyond what he has already said, there may be parts of it he is still working out. It is not a place one would expect to find a man such as himself given the reputation he is known for, especially his alter ego. "They do make a fine steak, I will say that much. But I must find my way back to other matters that require my attention. It was a pleasure, Miss Frost."