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A charging cold crime with a tube of boom
Date of Scene: 25 August 2022
Location: Garment District
Synopsis: Captain Cold and Rhino try to rob an armored truck only to be stopped by several heroes and a gray woman with red eyes who appears out of some mysterious portal.
Cast of Characters: Grail, Monet St. Croix, Scott Lang, Bunny Macleod, Mercy Thompson

Grail has posed:
Some rather rare materials were being delivered into the district and it was thought that things were being kept secret. Unfortunately, one Leonard Snart had caught wind of what was going on here today and he wanted some very specific things from that shipment. Besides those things, honestly, most of what would be in this shipment had value and could be sold for a lot of money to the right buyer. However, he knew that this part of the world came with a lot of dangers and as such, he convinced one Aleksei Sytsevich to join him.

A man more commonly known as the Rhino.

A roar of strength and effort can be heard down the road from the armored truck that has stopped, carrying the shipment. The roar is punctuated by cars going flying out of the way of the nearly seven foot tall monster in a rhino costume batting and charging those cars aside like they were toys. All seven hundred pounds of pure strength and durability was making quite the scene.

Meanwhile, a wall of ice has appeared behind that man, cutting off the street from the police station nearby even as one Leonard Snart casually runs behind the destructive wave that is Rhino and freezes store front and alleyway as he moves.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" He calls out as he moves, "I recommend staying down or otherwise out of the way! We only want what is in the truck!" And then Rhino hits said truck, broad side, flipping it right on to its top and sending security guards scattering.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is one of those that is in the area purely for shopping. It -is- the garment district after all, whether or not teh historical association and intention has any sort of meaning in this modern age of yuppie buyouts. She's going along while considering just what she's going to purchase and whom she's going to shanghai into carrying things for her..
    Right over as the sound of an upended truck hits her ears. HEr eyes would narrow to thin slits.
    "Now everywhere I was going to go is going to be shut down and evacuated thanks to -your- stupidity." Monet's hands go to crack togehter as she would float in midair. "Therefore I am going to have to -hurt- the two of you." M would hover up a meter in midair, going to threaten the two.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott was not the fashion type. But he at least sorta on the side worked for one with his rather vaguely defined position between Pym Labs and Van Dyne Fashions. Usually that meant using his electronical engineering degree or his experience with using the Ant-Man suit in the lab. And sometimes it meant playing gofer for Janet like when she wanted samples of the latest competitor's new Fall line. Stepping out of a high-end department store with three bags in either hand and a seventh clutched by its handles between his teeth, his wrist begins to beep, a glance down showing several alarms tripped and enough police scanners going off to warrant an Avenger to poke their nose into it.

     "Oh fank guds," Scott mutters around the bag handles as he awkwardly shuffles to the Ant-Mobile, a baby blue Ford Focus that hadn't been new in almost a decade. He still takes the time to stuff the bags in the backseat before he slips the shrunken Ant-Man suit out of a case in the same Avengers wristband, a practiced tap causing it to enlarge to normal size. Following that, well, curious passer-bys mostly look away when they see a man awkwardly trying to dress in the front seat of his car, a few noticing the piles of women's clothing in the back. "Drag queens, just cannot wait to even get home," mutters one as they shuffle by in a hurry.

     FINALLY thought Scott is suited, the Focus accelerating out directly into, well stalled traffic given the incident up ahead. Here Scott makes up time at least as the car has one heroic trait about it as it shrinks down to Hot Wheel size and begins buzzing under the stalled traffic towards the scene of the crime a couple blocks over. Scott for now at least rather laid back as he turns on the radio and begins patting his hands on the wheel in tune to 'Sweet Child O'Mine' while a sky comprised of auto exhaust systems zips by overhead.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Priorities, smaroties.

    There was work to be done in the garment district, and Bunny was trying to get it accomplished. The brightly colored courrier had stopped on the quick, skidding a moment as a wall of ice cuts off the route of the police, and she looks back at the ice wall, and then looks forward, holding onto her messenger bag a moment before she bites her lower lip. Well. She was TOLD to keep a low profile, but you know what...

    She breathes out, and she braces herself, but when Rhino hits that vehicle, she gives a loud cry out, bringing her hands up. The pink-plaid-and-dull-brown clad teenager skates forward, and she skids down low on her knee pads, a prismatic-colored shield rising up to stop some of the bits and pieces from striking others in the crowd.

    No quips or one-liners; she'll leave that to the professionals!

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy has been trying to put her life together some after her garage had some... we'll say difficulties. That means being in her car and picking up some parts from across the island. She's just wanting to get back to Harlem when everything starts to happen. Mercy loves cars, accepts traffic is a part of life, but she really isn't a fan of the cold. Especially since that wall of ice seems to be right in front of her VW buss. You know that one that looks like a hot dog or the Mystery Machine from Scooby-Doo? She can't help but lean out, "Did you have to block off ALL the lanes man?! This is gonna take forever." She gets out of the car with a huff as she reaches in to grab a tire iron. Maybe she can chip part of a lane clear.
    Then there are flying people and.... is she hearing the tiniest radio playing Guns N Roses? Her head tips and eyes search till she spies the ant-mobile zipping more or less her way. She politely will step to the side however to be sure she won't get in the tiny car's way. This is going to be a big mess.
    Mercy hops on her car, "Okay people. Back it up! You can get around to 10th if you all take turns going off that way." She ducks into her car, pops a flair and waves it like someone who's helping land airplanes or something. "PLEASE move? I don't want my van getting crushed."

Grail has posed:
A slow sigh escapes the lips of Captain Cold and he turns his gaze over toward Monet before looking her over. He considers her and then shrugs before saying, "Not what I was expecting. Super Barbie instead of Supergirl but hey, sometimes you have to hit the bargain table." He idly trains his cold gun on her and smirks.

"Hey, Rhino. I think this one is more your speed. I'll get our goods out, you go ahead and play with the doll." He chuckles to himself and casually turns toward the armored truck only to very briefly hear something.

"Stop rig-" And the one brave security guard is frozen solid, causing the other guards to gasp and stumble back some more. Snart shakes his head before he steps forward and starts to try to freeze the back of the truck.

"Not today. I've already reached my quota of hero extras."

Meanwhile, only a storefront over from the robbery in progress, a few people gasp and stumble away as wind whisks up around them and pushes them back. Energy begins to surge around that area and what sounds like a crack of thunder comes.

Grail has posed:
As Snart focuses on the truck and whatever else is happening nearby seems to be drawing attention, the single minded brute that is Rhino seems to smile as he notes that someone has volunteered to be a punching bag. He doesn't need Captain Cold to tell him that heroes need beating. While he is freezing a guard, Rhino turns and looks at Monet. He grins a little.

"Worry not, little girl. The hospital will stay open for you." And with that he rushes right toward Monet, horn first.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Another one? The thunder in the distance has Monet evne more irritated. "I won't even be able to get things from my personal chocolatier at the rate you imbecilles are going." The highly rich woman verging on nobility would snap.
    First world problems.
    I refuse to have my day interrupted over by someone wearing a rubber animal outfit and one of several hundred themed villains that have a freeze based ability." At the words 'Super Barbie' her eyes narrow to thin slits as she goes to turn her attention over towards Captain Cold. As Rhino goes to charge at her, Monet moves out of the way at high speed, ignoring Rhino in favor of the one that had insulted her. "For that, I'm going to see just -how- much pressure it takes to shove your cranium into your rect.." The comment would be overshadowed by the echo of the thunder.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Beep beep, hero coming through!" Scott hollers though it's unlikely any normal person hears him, they'd need say, canine hearing. The strangely high-pitched whine of the miniature engine like a large bug is much easier to make out as a workboot the size of a small office building lifts out of his path and he gets closer to the action. Too close as bits of debris like asteroids start to pummel the area. "Crap! Time to park!" swinging the wheel to the side and zipping the miniature car up a pedestrian ramp onto the sidewalk and then into the black tunnel of a gutter drain. Safely parked out of the way he clambers out and looks around the 'gigantic' world around him as Rhino and Captain Cold continue to lay waste to the area.

     "Ice guys are supposed to team with fire guys, they have a whole ying and yang thing. These two are really mucking it up," he quips as he starts bouncing towards Captain Cold with his extended leaps he has while tiny, a few stalled cars noticeably rocking as if something heavy is jumping on them despite nothing being visible to the normal eye from afar. He considers growing huge but the streets are still crowded and narrow, Giant-Man tended to have higher insurance premiums than Ant-Man. Still tiny then he takes cover behind the remains of a car door near Snart and turns on his helmet's speakers making his teeny voice actually audible but difficult to pinpoint. "Hey Mr. Freeze, you're wanted back in Gotham. Drop the gun and we'll get the transfer papers started."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    The thunderclap overhead does draw Bunny's attention upwards, and she looks into the chaos, people diving into storefronts to get out of firing range from the Cold Gun, and Bunny skates a bit to the side, eyes wide as she considers. What annoys cold? Well... why not a Hot Dog?

    Cold takes aim at M, and Bunny takes aim at Cold, commandeering items for the salty, meaty links from a nearby cart -- giving a shrill whistle and speaking of Gotham, makes her best Condiment King impression by launching twinned red-and-yellow sprays for Cold's face.

    Can't freeze the assets of what you can't see, right?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy's arms have goosebumps as she stays near that one main ice wall. She is trying to use the roof of her car some to direct people but keeps getting distracted by the sounds of something. Looking over toward where Scott was and bounces around. Of course she looses him when thunder starts to sound close to them. This makes twist to rub her shoulder against the ear closest to the source. A guy looks up at Mercy, "Why should we listen to you?!"
    Mercy looks down at him and says, "You shouldn't. You should have the common sense to get your own but out of the way of forces of nature before you get squished. I'm trapped till every other idiot gets out of the way. So do me a favor pal and back up slow and careful for that alley huh?"
    Mercy's other snarky comments trail off as..... hot dogs and mustard go to attack the bad guy? "Maybe it's hot spicy mustard?" That could help. Right?! She sees a kid get separated from a mother and that gets her going to action. "Oh crud!" Moving through the crowd to get the woman and child reunited.

Grail has posed:
Honestly, if one were to look at Rhino and Captain Cold, they'd choose Rhino as the more dangerous of the pair. However, if you were to ask someone in the know, they'd tell you that Snart is vastly more dangerous. He doesn't hesitate when M Dodges Rhino. He can see her speed and speed is something he deals with, a lot. So, he aims down and up in a practiced motion that is so fast that an ice wall is between him and Monet far faster than a blink. That wouldn't be a big deal for Monet if not for the rumble from behind her and the roar.

Rhino might be big but he is fast. Maybe not as fast as Monet, but he can out run a speeding train and that is saying something for the half-ton bruiser that has already turned around and is heading back for her at full tilt.

"And yet another interruption." Cold says as he hears Lang behind him and looks back briefly, "Alright, who is it this time? The Invisible Twat?" And then mustard and ketchup is on his face and goggles and he just clenches his jaw. He doesn't even look in the direction of Bunny. He uses the direction of the condiments as his guide and attempts to fire a blind shot right at Bunny.

"If one more hero comes to interrupt me I'm goi-" And the he's interrupted by a massive thunder clap.

No, it is not Thor. A swirling vortex of energy opens up about a half-a-block away, brilliant light shining from it when out stumbles a black haired, red eyed, grey woman who appears to be breathing heavily as she stumbles out of the light that almost immediately claps shut.

This new arrival is holding her side and is mildly bloodied or perhaps has someone else's blood on her. Eihter way, she looks up in surprise at what she is seeing and then blinks at what is going on near the upturned armored truck. Snart rips off his goggles and glares in her direction before re-aiming his gun and suddenly she is frozen in a block of ice.

"Why is it so hard to rob one simple armored truck?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Rhino goes to redirect himself even as Monet gets ready to simply goup and over the ice wall. Easier to just avoid it. However, the speed of Rhino going over at her has her wincing in pain as she would be hit over from the side. His horn and mass go to slam her heavily over ot the ice wall, cracking it. And likely by the sound one of her ribs as well. She hisses,
    "That's it, now you've made me angry." She goes to snap over behind Rhino, going to lock him over in a tight bear hug around his neck. She's not going to remotely try to grapple him or punch him. She's not strong enough to do more than annoy him. So instead she goes to use her leverage from having him gripped over around the neck.. Flips him vertically and goes to HURL him. She's not extremely strong, less so than Spider-Man. And Rhino weighs no doubt nearly a ton. But she can still hopefully put an impressive launch on him to get him out of the way as another thing goes to interrupt what was planned to be a glorious day of shopping.
    "Lovely, another interloper."
    Wait, did she use 'interloper'? Hand going to hold over her broken rib.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Oh no. AMATEURS. Scott was far from the most professional, experienced, powerful, well-trained, or, well anything on the Avengers. But he had SOME of all those traits and knew a young girl on roller-skates with ketchup and mustard as her go-tos was asking for trouble. "No don't...oh crap crap crap," Scott so eloquently remarks as the currently gigantic ice villain fires off a blast before he can get to him. It was extra dangerous with the freezing civilians with Rhino running around potentially shattering them to ice cube gore. He'd have to...no another young woman was currently back-flipping him. While another one was stumbling out of a portal bloodied and then frozen. Scott has to pause a moment, his head peeking over the side of the crumpled car door like a prairie dog poking out of its hole looking back and forth between the trio. "What is this Teen Tryouts?"

     Right, Snart though. Scott could try and use his powers, zip around changing sizes, frustrate and incapacitate him with nuanced size-changing fighting or apply his high-tech stun blasters. Instead he just grips the section of car door, lifts it overhead and charges making to ram it painfully into Captain Cold's ankles and get him to collapse on top the door. He wasn't strong enough to promptly go toss him into a building or anything though at this scale. Instead he just starts to spin in place, hoping to keep Snart dizzier than he was getting.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny is, thankfully, wheely mobile. She skates, thinly, away from the ice ray with a 'no no no no!' in her squeaky voice, the dimunitive rollerskater bracing and then bodily flipping right over a trash can that takes the cold gun ray and manages to avoid it -- barely. There's now an ice rink, and she has the totally wrong skates for that type of environment.

    She breathes out, shakes out her wrists, and looks around.

    Rhino gets tossed. Snart gets Morrison'd, and there's someone with their hand over their side.

    "Get down!" she calls out "Unstoppable Bulk and Ice Rays are flying!" she calls out to the Lady of Thunderous Arrival!

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Things are getting out of hand in a hurry. Mercy manages to find the kids mother, able to tell when they are close together and scent. Also the kid going 'mommy' and the mother calling out the child's names were super important clues. She is doing what she can to try and herd people away from this and not be spectators in the crossfire.
    That minor rescue done she returns toward her car and closer to the big mess. Trying to figure out if there is anything she can do to help. Then there's a woman frozen who is not quiet in the immediate line a fire. "You're an idiot," she tells herself. Using the the top of her van, the ice wall, and down side of it Mercy tries to see if she can build up enough speed to flying tackle hug the frozen woman to get her clear of the WWE smackdown that's happening. "Not here to stop you two ice guy and stompy! Just getting the civies and people out of the way. Please don't kill me."

Grail has posed:
It's really something of a surprise for Rhino. He's not usually being thrown bodily by anyone. He often is fighting Spider-Man and he does the throwing. It's often webs and traps and trips that send him down. So, when he gets flipped and flies several blocks down the street, he is certainly caught off guard.

Meanwhile, Leonard Snart is dealing with his own problems. He finishes freezing the new arrival only to let out a yell of pain as something hits his ankle and he ends up falling on to in complete and total surprise. One often does not expect a door to suddenly be ripped off by what appears to be nothing and then charge your ankles. He gets spun around several times before he slides off of the door and ends up on his ass nearby.

"Well, this is humiliating." He stands up with a grunt and aims his cold gun right at the door but before he can even pull the trigger, something catches his attention.

While all this is happening, Mercy is trying to help. The poor new arrival was frozen before she could even act and Mercy is trying to get her down and out of the range of fire. It's a nice gesture but largely unnecessary as when Mercy is sliding, she'll see the ice crack and then shatter apart. A booted foot stomps down to catch Mercy's makeshift sled and then the gray woman turns to quickly grab Mercy an attempt to stop her from slamming into Grail. It's only a small gesture, not lasting more than a second before suddenly Grail is gone. ANd you see, that's what distracted Snart. An over six foot tall, red eyed gray woman suddenly in his face, snatching him up by his shirt and glaring at him.

Of course, that doesn't last when she is suddenly distracted by the roaring charge of one Rhino who did not stay down for long and is heading back at speed. He's apparently unhappy with being thrown by Monet. Who knew?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The woman throwing off the icy restraints gets a quick attempted mindprobe by M mid-fight. To assess if she's an ally, adversary.. Or something else. She is, however, definitely alien in nature. The returning charge of Rhino is this time met over by her going more evasive, rather than trying to mee thim head on. She has an idea for how fast he can move now and make ssure to stay at range and not be in a position where she runs out of room and he can hit her.
    She finally takes notice of Scott and goes to order him, "Get hte civilians out of here." This is said over in an annoyed tone that's broadcast in a telepathic way to him that would sound hopefully if it worked like she was speaking directly to him despite the noise and chaos of combat.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott wobbles as the weight of Snart falls off the door, spinning round and round having gotten to him more than it had the illustrious Captain Cold as he does drop the door and stumbles back holding his helmet. "Do not throw up in this thing Scott, just don't," he encourages himself when he notices the freeze happy villain pointing his gun down in his general direction. "Ahh crudmuffins," he states, preparing to leap and not sure he'd be in time, even a near miss from a ray like that would probably be enough to freeze him at this scale and turn him into a snowflake.

     Which might still have been LESS dangerous than when a colossal boot of combat build comes slamming down inches from him out of nowhere with enough force to send him flying backwards like he'd been caught in an explosion. He goes tumbling and sliding right up against the curb at the far end of the street and presses the size controls on his suit, expanding back to normal looking like an alien astronaut himself until his helmet snaps down letting him take a big shocked breath before promptly pushing a hand to the side of his head at Monet's psychic intrusion. "Hey look, I'm an Avenger I..." looking then between Grail and Rhino. "You know what, I think I saw some civilians over that way," quickly changing his mind as he dashes towards the downed Bunny to check on her and if need be hoist her on his shoulder to start carrying her further back.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny was down, but not out -- but as the gray woman enters combat she realizes she is *definitely* out powered. The little shield mutant's skin is briefly iridescent, and she tilts her head, bright pink curls bouncing as she pushes herself up, the teen winces a moment and mutters "I shoulda taken the coffee position at the Planet!" before she skates to another group of Civillians, spreading her arms out

    "Go, go, go!" she squeaks "I'll cover you!" she turns smoothly, only to find Ant Man coming at her!

    "Careful man!" she reaches through a broken store window, and pulls a limb off a display mannequin!

    "I'm armed!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    No good deed goes unpunished they said. But punishment can sometimes mean 'looking dumb' which seems to be Mercy's luck as the woman breaks free and snatches Mercy like she's a child. "Uh.. Hi. ACK!" As she is let go and has to twist to fall safely, thank god for lots of dojo time in practicing falls. She waves a hand in front of her face, wow is that woman whiffy. "Okay. That's it. I'm out." Mercy struggles to get to her feet on the ice and the chaos. She shakes her head a bit and does her best to NOT draw attention from the massive battle she found herself in. Okay and where to go and how to help. While looking around she sees Bunny and her rearming pun. She can't help it. She just starts to laugh some. "This is my life today," while she quick walks for some cover. "Hey if you can aim the big horned guy at the ice wall to repair traffic gray lady. That'd be a great help. No building damage. Just crushed ice. WE'll make sno cones."

Grail has posed:
If anything, M only might get fury out of the gray skinned woman. It's really difficult to get much of anything from her other than an emotion. It's like her mind were forged steel. She seems to be focused on Snart right now and is entirely not happy about him in the least. He attempts, for his part, to aim his gun at her and for his troubles he gets his gun crushed and his hand gets a little bit of crushing with it. Then Scott appears and she's staring at him all of a sudden. Unclear of what to make of his sudden appearance. She has yet to say a word only glare and analyze.

Meanwhile, nearby, a young guy with a smartphone filming this yells out, "Ant-GUY!" and something about goats.

Of course, then Rhino is attacking M and M is talking to Scott and the new Gray Skinned woman is throwing Snart into the nearby armored truck with a sickening thud before she suddenly rushes Rhino. She takes the Rhino by the Horn and he grunts in sudden surprise. He uses his superior reach to send a meaty punch right into her side which has her wincing and stumbling back.

"That hurt." The woman says in a rather calm and even tone and Rhino's eyes go a just a hair wider as he realizes soemthing. He isn't moving forward as she holds his horn and head.

She wrenches him down with a grunt of effort and then she takes a page out of M's book, twists and throws him and all his attempt to move forward right at the ice wall Snart created.

It smashes to pieces right near to where Mercy's van is (likely causing a few dents). The woman then stands up taller, sucking in a breath before looking at M briefly and then toward Scott and finally at Mercy. Each look seeming to analyze, judge.

Meanwhile, a groaning Rhino slowly seems to be attempting to right himself.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix glances over at Rhino, "Stay down, the adults are talking." She defers to 'Ant Guy' to get the civilians out of the area, her foucs over on Grail for the moment, arms up in a defensive stance,a nd hovering a meter up in the air, if only to give her the psychological aid of greater stature to enhance the prospects of intimidation.
    "Who are you and where are you from?" Simple things to start with. The point is that these are reasonable questions and asked in levels where they can be responded to easily and that the otherw oman is not bombarded. So, simple ones first, and then build upon them.
    Presuming that the otherw oman will reply to them and not start inflicting her anger along the immedaite area. But still, it means that the civilians are able to get out of the way and that there's room for further evacuation if the woman is hostile.
    Then over to 'Ant-Guy' in another telepathic snap comment that might sound again like hse was speaking ot him directly <<I suggest that you get some of your teammates available or at least coordinate with them>>

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott slides to a halt as the pink-haired girl wields the plastic arm at him and holds his hands up. "Hey whoa there Pinkie Pie, I'm just...oh hey armed, I like that, good one," he remarks with a grin and a brief finger-gun as he tries to calm her with humor. Or that really is just how he operates. He seems about to say more when that ice wall shatters though with a massive crash like the world's largest piece of glass just got dropped and he snaps his attention back that way, turning his back on Bunny and making a 'shoo' gesture with his hand while stage-whispering, "Go on, get out of here. I'm not sure the fireworks are done and...maybe about to get worse," he notes. His eyes scan to Mercy who was still closer than he'd like to the action, but the real worry was that frozen security guard still stuck in the middle of the street, most other civilians by now had run but, he had less options.

     He 'thinks' as hard as he can at Monet, trusting she's reading his mind and not just projecting, though one never knew with psychics. "I suggest YOU take a very nice tone with the angry grey She-Hulk that just chucked Rhino like a softball while she's bleeding." Whether Monet takes that advice or not Scott starts walking back towards the pair of them making no effort to call the Avengers. He knew perfectly well you could never get 'em when you needed them.

     He holds his hands up palms out, his helmet down as he smiles. "Hey there, hey, what she means is, we're really happy to meet you, big help. I'm Ant-Man. Look before we play 20 questions, you look like you're hurt. You want some help? I've got bandages? Can even make a giant band-aid, got some Daffy Duck ones on me. At least just take a seat, take some deep breaths, let things settle a bit," Scott doing his best to play peacemaker in the tense situation, even demonstrating as he sucks in a deep breath and moves his hands up and down.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny just stares at Ant-Man. The short roller-skater girl with MACLEOD MESSENGER SERVICE on her ballcap tilts her head, looks at her arm, and then goes "oh! I get it! Armed, ha!" she states, and then she ducks down a little as Rhino gets slung about.

    "... someone's gotta get Vanilla Ice outta here." she whispers back to Ant-Man, and she looks at her hands, and she looks towards Snart "She'll kill him."

    And, for whatever her bleeding heroic heart is worth, not judged as a worthy fight by Horrifyingly Powerful Gray Person from THUNDER!, Bunny (still armed) skates towards Snart.

    She's sure her shields could take 'a' hit from the person. She'd rather not try it out, and in spite of her bright coloration she stays low, skating in close to Captain Cold, and offers him the arm.

    "Can I give you a hand up? And outta here maybe?" she asks, looking over her shoulder worriedly "I think we're both outclassed."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Hey! The wall is smashed!! Mercy is about to whoop till she sees the van with body damage. She sighs heavily arms dropping to her side. "Thanks Gray Sulphur lady." Can't be mad at her doing what was asked. She looks at Rhino near there and then the crowbar she has. "Bad," she says simply as she brings it down HARD to his right shoulder near the neck. It's not the swing of someone who doesn't know how to use weapons. Maybe she can tell everyone she knocked out Rhino. She met Spider-Man once after all.
    "HEY! I met She-Hulk. She's cool and don't use her as a descriptor, it's rude Ant-man. You should know about brand protection." Yeah she knows of him. "She clearly understands English, and only retaliated against someone who attacked her first. Also Ms. Gray you should get a shower when you can."
    She starts to walk to her van and see if she can clear a way around it. "Hey roller girl. You want to lend me a hand about clearing this ice to the side of the streets?"

Grail has posed:
Rhino looks briefly over to Mercy, staring at her and he lifts one big mitt to point at her only for her to hit him with a crowbar. He glares at her briefly and falls back on his butt. He seems to be doing his best to chase the birds flying around his head with his eyes.

The woman looks over in time to see Rhino fall, she's almost ignoring M. She isn't really but she isn't sure there's a threat. She looks over at her side, wincing a little as she stands up straight. She rolls her shoulders once, sucking in a breath and then letting it out slowly. She finally gives M the attention she likely thinks she deserves before shaking her head.

"You aren't what I expected." She looks to Scott, "None of you are." She then looks around briefly and frowns before she suddenly turns and disappears in a massive burst of speed. There's definitely a blur of motion to briefly follow but it's fast. M would realize, just due to her own speed, just how fast that woman was. Not a speedster, but fast. Either way, Snart is definitely not a threat at the moment and neither is Rhino.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Grail is fast. Faster than Rhino. Faster than M could have remotely assumed from the woman's angered arrival. By the point M is able to respond to it Grail is far enough away that she can't pursue and track her. Grail is definitely faster than she is and short of smashing her way through the city, even a woman of Grail's unique scale would be able to lose her and get to cover.

A broken rib, a ruined shopping trip, and her outfit in an absymal state has M huffing over and then going to rapidlyfly away. She's not a Kryptonian. She keeps getting reminded of this all the time. And it only serves to enrage her hte more with each defeat.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "I've WORKED with her and can we save the manners lesson until after the danger is over?!" Scott pleads to Mercy, not for for a change, showcasing a rare example of maturity. Dad instincts have honed something in him after all these years it seems. Back to Grail though he flashes another easy-going, if slightly nervous grin. "Hey alright so we're not what you...annnnnnnd she's gone. In one of the most densely packed cities in America. Oh boy," Scott gripping at the bridge of his nose a moment before he slaps his hands together. "Worry about it later. Hey you can drop Frozone there Princess Bubblegum, we'll get a team in to handle him and the big guy," Scott tells Bunny before he lays eyes on the one he really wants to talk to. His arms up wide, his smile twice as big as he approaches...SlippedNSoared. "Hey there how all my Ant-Fans out there! What's going on buddy? You know I've started streaming lately? Ya'll need to go to twitch backslash therealantman05..." Scott switching from professional hero to money-hungry influencer with surprising speed as he invades the selfie camera of the 'on the spot' newscaster.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny looks up, shoulders falling as the gray woman disappears into a blur through the city. She draws down to one knee, the scuffed plastic of her kneepads grinding against the street a moment before she gives a huff, and she gives a soft whisper of "... don't have to leave anyone behind this time," in a soft voice.

    Leaving the arm with Snart, and giving a wave towards Ant-Man looking up to M and over to Mercy, she gives a slight smile, and rubs the back of her neck "I should probably get outta here before my dad sees me on the internet..." she tells Mercy, giving a push off and skating backwards before she disappears into the people coming out of storefronts, trying to get their own fifteen minutes of fame and get pictures with a real Avenger!

    Bunny just pulls her hat tighter and makes her escape!

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy has the gray woman's scent and won't forget it too soon. Oh look everyone is leaving. Lots of people at least are. She takes a long slow breath and can tell she'll be working on this for a few hours. "Just keep the cameras off me please. I didn't do anything." She'll try and see if she can MOVE the unconscious Rhino, just in case he is likely to move and mess up her van more. She looks over at Antman and then starts to look for where his car went, the tiny one if it is still tiny.Maybe he can help her shrink her car and get to the far side of the mess and into the roads.