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A Themysciran Visit to Wakanda
Date of Scene: 20 September 2022
Location: Birnin Zana, Wakanda
Synopsis: The Amazons visit Wakanda, and King T'Challa shares plans with them that will change the world.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Diana Prince, Donna Troy, Hippolyta, Caitlin Fairchild

T'Challa has posed:
It is hardly a daily occurrence when royalty from an outside nation of people set foot on Wakandan soil. In fact, anyone would be hard-pressed to recall /any/ case of it in their lifetimes.

As the Kingdom of Wakanda social media accounts claimed recently, 'The world changes daily, and we all must change with it.' The sentiment could apply to a great many things, this among them.

Upon arriving in Birnin Zana, the capital of Wakanda, the Themysciran contingent was met with a full welcome at the palace's landing pad, no formality or honor spared. Awaiting them: King T'Challa himself, dressed in some of his finest royal garb, flanked by his sister Shuri and her mother Ramonda, who also became T'Challa's after King T'Chaka remarried. Okoye stands adjacent to T'Challa himself, while the rest of the Dora Milaje stand lined up to either edge of a lush carpet leading further inside, their spears held vertically from the point they touch the ground.

As the contingent disembarks, the King steps forward. "Ah. Queen Hippolyta. Princess Diana. Princess Troia. Welcome to Wakanda." T'Challa has a friendly, welcoming smile for them. "We have much to see and discuss."

Diana Prince has posed:
The Invisible Jet was carrying quite a entourage on this day!

When they flew close to the Wakandan border, the Jet became visible... piercing through the sky like a cloud-hued dagger. On approach through the city, the regal looking ship reflected back much of the impressive city across its polished smooth hull's surface.

After settling in to place, the near-silent vehicle just lingers there, hovering above the landing pad with its extending exit ramp lowered to the ground, giving way to the passengers within.

Six Amazon warriors disembarked the Jet in two rows of three, before they took up flanking positions, and waited for the Queen and Princesses.

Diana appears, dressed in her armor with a red shawl wrapped around her shoulders to drape down in the front, and back. She's not wearing any weapons, but her leather harness does have the Lasso of Truth coiled-up, and resting against her hip. She offers a smile to the King, and greets him with the similar gesture of their peoples, crossing her armored forearms together gently in front of her torso. "Your Highness." Diana says. "It is an honor to be here." She notes, glancing to her mother, and sister on her right.

Donna Troy has posed:
    There have of course been indications of what Wakanda was going to be like. Working alongside each other on the Spaceport means that Amazons could hardly have any illusions about the development of Wakanda, but seeing it first-hand is something of an eye-opener nontheless. Ever since going to American Troia has been a champion of progress; she spends a fair bit of time encouraging her more technically-minded sisters to read /this/ textbook, or study /that/ research paper she has brought over from the world of men. Or indeed that reverse-engineering the Lansinarian disc Diana calls her invisible jet and building a small fleet of them would be a very good idea.

    It's possible that Troia is a little jealous.

    Perhaps this is part of the reason why she stands out a little from the rest of the Themysciran contingent in looking rather more high-tech herself. While like Diana she wears a decorative shawl of rich red, the armor beneath is noticeably different from the rest of the Themyscirans. Hers is black, more form-fitting, and neck-to-toe; clear indications of Themysciran style are visible in the details, the interlocking weave of protective plates a close match to the lighter forms of Themysciran armor such that Diana most commonly favors, but this is clearly a hybrid of Themysciran and American technologies, utilizing Themysciran articulation over an armorweave base layer more strongly reminiscent of the superhero outfits her American team-mates might wear.

    Though the three Themysciran royals deboard the invisible jet somewhat side-by-side, Troia is a couple of steps behind the other two. She's also distinctly more armed, with a shield and a pair of crossed spears over her back, her lasso at one him and a sheathed sword at the other. While there's some hint of being the formal rearguard here, those of the Dora Milaje who had been on the trip to Themyscira know better. She had spent quite a bit of time with them then, sparring and exchanging techniques; it's obvious she's looking forwards to resuming that on this trip, and has come equipped.

    She joins in the salute of clashed forearms, so familiar to both peoples, and adds a simple comment of her own to Diana's: "What we have seen so far of your country looks magnificent. We look forwards to seeing more."

Hippolyta has posed:
The Queen of the Amazon visiting any kingdoms whatsoever is as significant an event for her people as foreign royalty visiting Wakanda is to T'Challa's. Times are changing, even if they might be changing a little slower than Troia might have preferred- her daughter has been chomping at the bit for this visit to happen for quite some time. However, other issues took precedent, such as the fact of her non-existence, which cast a major wrench in the works of any diplomatic affairs, since a place in reality is usually a prerequisite for those things.

Now, however, that has passed. Although Troia is still clearly dealing with many questions and perhaps her own existential crisis, the Queen is very relieved that at least her daughter has any existence to have a crisis over. They will get through it, in time, and in the present they can take care of duties that had been held back due to the unpredictability of the universe.

Queen Hippolyta is a vision in resplendent white and gold, her attire an echo of the ancient world just as Troia's is a harbinger of the world to come. Her crisp-white peplos is fastened at the waist with a resplendent golden belt that returns the light of the sun with an unnatural intensity: the famed Golden Girdle of Gaea, far more significant than the royal diadem she wears, beautiful in its simplicity though it might be. It is the true symbol of her rightful, immortal rule over the Amazon nation, stolen once by Herakles and regained with the graces of Aphrodite when the Amazons cast off their bondage and turned on their captors.

She joins her daughters in the traditional salute, intoning: "May the glory of Gaea be with you, King T'Challa. The Amazons are honored to be your guests in your homeland," and a genuine smile is added to the regal bearing, "As my daughter has already expressed, the beauty of your country has already captivated us."

T'Challa has posed:
During the flight in, the visitors could see parts of Wakanda that certainly supported the efforts to present it as a typical African nation. Based on its terrain, it does not hold limitless acreage for agriculture and the like, but what is there is made use of efficiently. Nearing Birnin Zana, however, showed the truth and reality of what they have found ways to hide for decades and more. Stacked up against other cities of the world, this is at the pinnacle of technology and development, far beyond what any outsider could normally expect to see. Grand buildings of uncommon design, intelligent layouts that promote ease of motion and transport, and a level of activity that underscores the pride of its people.

King T'Challa returns the crossed-arm salute both sets of people had come to realize they shared and why, and with a measured half-step to the side he turns to gesture in the direction of the palace itself. "I am pleased at your acceptance of our invitation. As we have enjoyed seeing what Themyscira had to show us, it was only fair we returned the favor. I do not wish for there to be any surprises for a trusted ally when the rest of the world sees what we are about to show you."

As he leads the way into the palace, a path to the throne room is set. There are a few Dora Milaje who look toward their Amazonian 'sisters' with eager anticipation. They, too, look forward to rekindling the spirit of competition and testing of skill after the initial rounds of sparring on Paradise Island. A few of them thump their spears against the ground, soon joined in by the rest in a rhythm. In a sense, it is their own way of greeting. This is not lost on T'Challa. Talk of those sessions lasted for quite some time afterward.

When they reach the throne room itself, the Amazons find it has been decked out in more finery, from the wall tapestries to the large panther statues that line the bright, open, circular room. Large windows dominate the back of the room, looking out on Birnin Zana proper. There is an area set before the throne itself that has been cleared to allow local artisans to set up samples of what they produce, from sculptures, vases, and paintings to clothing, some bladed weapons as well in the form of daggers, spears, swords, and weighted throwing knives. Another display features examples of vibranium in various uses, from its unrefined state to examples of medical devices, Kimoyo Beads, and types of protective armor.

Foregoing taking up a seat on the throne itself, T'Challa begins by sharing a small amount of information about what they see, explaining, "We are closer than ever to becoming a larger part of the world's stage, but before that happens I believed it wise to be certain you knew more about what was to come. By way of the Starport you are already aware of more than most, but I also planned on this as an excuse to let some of our finest show off and offer some things to take home with you. Our gift, of course."

He adds, "We are also preparing a grand feast, which you may have noticed from some of the aromas. I plan to show you some of the sights to be seen, as well." Shuri gives Donna in particular a wink and a wave, but is otherwise behaving. For now. Okoye and Ramonda remain stoic and regal presences in their own ways.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana remains quiet as her Mother and Sister make their greetings, she holds a soft expression of happiness for the greeting party that they get here, specifically for the King when he starts to speak again. Shuri gets a little wave from Diana too, being quite happy to see the King's younger sibling once more, and as they are guided in to the palace, the Princess takes in the sight of it all. "Your people have displayed the talent of creating some extremely regal, and beautiful, buildings, Your Highness. I must say, it is quite exciting to get to share in the exchanging of our cultures like this..."

Another glance is sent over to her own family, before Diana looks to the onlookers of the Wakandan people around them. Diana displays smiles, and light nods here and there before the entourage makes their approach to the throne.

It, of course, gets a steady stare from the Princess, before her eyes return to T'Challa.

"I do indeed smell the food being prepared. I know several of our people will be sad they missed such a feast, such as Adrastealin and Cassie." She says back to the King with a sly grin. "And yes, the Starport is nearly fully complete. Though I did speak with Thor Odinson just last night, about a possible late addition... Nothing overly complicated, but it could pose... some security threats in the future, hopefully not though..."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Troia takes the journey into the palace as an excuse to observe as much as possible of this new country, her eyes scanning the horizon as much as they take in the details of everything they pass; styles of architecture, techniques of construction, fashions, the body language of the people; everything is food for her eyes as tantilizing as the odors coming from the kitchens. She is very much the type to observe, memorize and consider. There's always things to be learned and lessons to be taken.

    The displays in the throne room she regards with equal curiosity, with her attention particularly focused, inevitably, on the weaponry -- but perhaps a little more surprisingly to those who don't know here well, to the artworks. She seems particularly taken by the more abstract sculptural works.

    Shuri's grin and wave is returned, and a wink added, but despite the presence of perhaps the world's foremost worker with vibranium there's an idea that occurs to Troia she can't help but voice. "I'd love to see what our metallurgists could do with a sample of this metal, your highness," she tells T'Challa after having spent a short but intense study of the items made from that metal on display. "Perhaps some time soon Shuri would like to make a trip to Themyscira to spend some time in the forges there and exchange notes with Pallas and Io."

    "The food does smell good," she adds with a wide smile, perhaps to try to convince people that she's not /always/ thinking about how to make a better weapon.

T'Challa has posed:
Shuri's eyes light up at the idea, and she's quick to begin with a "Brother, before you say no--"

"I think it is a fine idea, Sister," T'Challa offers. "We will figure out the details later, and you may make arrangements on your own time. If we are to share more of the benefits of vibranium with the world, it is sensible that we do this thing as part of it."

There is a moment of more serious focus he offers to Diana where the matter of the Starport is concerned, nodding once. "Let us speak of it afterward, then. We will see what requires our attention. I do believe the cooks are close to breaking down our doors."

Instead, they swing open, and a line of food preparers show the way to the great hall, featuring displays of food and drink showcasing a wide variety of themes and inspirations. With Wakanda near to countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia, there are flavors and textures drawn from those cultures, but everything has its own uniqueness to Wakanda itself. There are flavorful meats including sheep and beef, fish, goat's milk, spices from regions high and low, and a variety of soups, stews, curries, breads, and more. The arrangement is such that the notables from both Wakanda and Themyscira are seated at a large table, intersected with King T'Challa and Queen Hippolyta side by side, fanning out from there.

Musicians play songs at a background level, while dancers entertain. It is a lively arrangement, a suitable spectacle for the two groups. "If you are as hungry as I am, let us enjoy what Wakanda has to offer, then once it has settled we would be happy to show you more," T'Challa says, gesturing to the table as chefs and servers wait at the ready, some of them with meat on spits to slice juicy morsels off right in front of everyone.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
New experience for Caitlin: *formal* Amazon garb. Her armor had been shined and polished, preserving it with care but not hiding the proud-won scars of honest battle. The half-cloak the rest of the honor guard wore, and she'd left her weapons on the Invisible Jet in order to promote a message of peace (not that the bruiser superheroine *needed* weapons).

So she had made silent but enthusiastic greetings to Shuri upon seeing the Princess again, and then loitered far enough back to make it clear she wasn't part of the official royal delegation.

Or, no one told her to either stay behind or catch up, and she compromised by doing neither!

She posts up a little off to the side of the main entrance as the royalty continue to do their thing, and contents herself by busily texting back and forth with Shuri, both engaging in some quietly enthusiastic pantomime at the idea of a trip to the island paradise!

Diana Prince has posed:
The shifting to the dining setting is one that comes with a fair measure of excitement. Diana had experience in Africa in her past 100 years of exploring Earth, but never had she been to /this part/ of the country before. Their privacy, their secrecy, there was only whispers of legend, and now they were here, seeing it first hand. It brought about a giddiness in the Princess, the kind of which her mother might see in her daughter reflecting the earliest years of their time together. That desire to see new things, experience new things, and be immersed in a wondrous storybook-like setting, such as what Wakanda offers as a Kingdom.

Once settled in, Diana is happily scanning over the offered foods. She's speaking to some of the servers that are preparing items, listening to them tell little stories about it all as she has to ask many questions back, sharing light laughs, and expressions of continued joy. Finally, she samples some of the plate prepared for her, and she melts, visibly.

Donna will know these expression from when Diana enjoys some of that Salty Pimp treat from the ice cream shop back home, the kind of expressions that showcase the Princess really letting her tastebuds control her mood, and tempo.

She shakes her head, samples some of the drink given, and speaks to the server who prepared the food for her. "You are invited to come to the Themysciran Embassy, and the island, any time!" She declares, reaching out to pat the man gently upon his shoulder.

She looks then to her companions, and finally to the King. "That is my way of saying I approve of .. well, likely all of this." She states with a huge grin.

Donna Troy has posed:
    While the cuisines are quite different, the concept of eating your food with a preference to scooping things up with flatbread (or even using it as a plate) rather than relying on cutlery is one that's familiar to the Themyscirans, no doubt an aid to reducing the chances of any diplomatic embarrassments or failures of table manners. It may not go quite so smoothly with some of the visits from foreign dignitaries that will no doubt be in Wakanda's future.

    Once there's food on the table there's surely no chance that Caitlin will continue to hang back, and Troia's quick to urge her over to join her at the table. There's a wide array of food and she's trying a bit of everything, but one thing in particular has caught her eye. "Try some of this," she tells Caitlin with a grin, indicating a small mound of grilled goat that has been carved from a skewer. "Apparently they stew it in milk and herbs before coating it in butter and grilling it. It's probably mostly cholesterol, but it's delicious."

    Diana's compliments to T'Challa get an enthusiastic nod of agreement from Troia, who adds "We definitely need to do some cultural exchange of culinary skills as well as metallurgical ones!"

Hippolyta has posed:
Queen Hippolyta compliments the food in her tactful, graceful way, but the way in which she is visibly enjoying the meals placed before her indicates that it is no mere formality. Unlike Diana, she had no recent experience with this part of the world, it has been far longer than a hundred years since she had stepped on Man's World. Well, at least until the invasion saw the Amazons attack the would-be conquerors. That is when the world intuited things were about to change.

"It is simply marvelous. I must second my daughters' invitation, an exchange would be a great profit to both our peoples." Not to mention her larder. As she tastes, she makes inquiries about the names of specific dishes, making notes. There are recipes she is going to want in the regular rotation after the exchange.

Her eyes flit to Aikaterina, who always appears to disbelieve the nature of her status. That such an imposing woman should always seem to diminish her figurative stature is something that leaves the queen puzzled and touched at times. "Aikaterina, you should also sample this," she gestures towards a contingent of barley balls pierced by carved sticks with two prongs at the end and dipped in a fiery-looking sauce made from pulses, flour and spices, "It simply cannot be missed." That's a royal command, right? Sit down and eat already, Caitlin.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa makes a visible show of rolling his eyes as Shuri pulls the phone out, but there is no reprimanding, no chiding. She's excited, she isn't bothering /him/ for the time being, and if she's setting up plans with any of the Amazons? All for the better. One does not look a gift horse (or panther) in the mouth.

"I am certain our people will enjoy the sharing of recipes and more, and I am pleased to know you enjoy it," T'Challa says, speaking in between occasional bites of food. The nice thing about having servers coming and going? Nothing sits on a plate too long for it to cool off.

He steeples his fingers together for a few seconds before looking to Hippolyta at one side, then Diana, Donna, and Caitlin. "As you may have seen," the King begins, "we have used our social media accounts to send a message to the world. And as you know, Wakanda has existed in secret for generations. The world at large does not suspect any of this. Perhaps there have been inklings of things here and there, but Wakanda has a strong network of informants, spies, and people devoted to misdirection. We have successfully avoided secrets becoming known and protected ourselves for it, but those days are at an end. For years now, I have wrestled with what I am soon to do."

After a sip of a cool wine, red-tinted, he continues. "The Starport is a good way of opening the door a crack, but I wanted to tell you, as allies and friends, that this door will be opening the rest of the way. I will be addressing the people of Earth, so I may explain to them the ways Wakanda will help make the planet safer, its people healthier. I expect it will bring about fear and suspicion to some of the world's governments, perhaps even the United States of America, but I am past worrying about their reactions. It is time to lead by example, and if I am to be a protector and guardian, it will not just be to Wakandans, but to all. I say this so you can prepare yourselves for any questions that will come your way, and so I might address what concerns of yours I can."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana offers casual looks toward her sister, a little grin showing before she returns to her own meal, taking moments to dab at her lips with a cloth napkin that was beside her place at the table. She samples more of the red wine too, before her eyes dart over to the King, who begins his explanation for the Wakandan future.

A soft smile works its way across Diana's visage then. "You are an inspiration to so many already, T'Challa, but I believe this will multiply that by an untold amount." She sweeps her stare around the table, the room, and those within it. "Wakanda will become the shining example of what mankind can become, when they work through all manner of problems. To work together, to achieve your dreams, and to build upon what makes one stronger, rather than focus on things that only make us weaker. I look forward to seeing this announced to the world, and ... speaking with what power I hold, I know that we and ours, shall support you and yours, however that we are able too..."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Oh thank goodness, people are making decisions for Caitlin. Prompted by the Queen *and* Donna-- by name, ouch-- Caitlin sheepishly tucks her phone away and hustles over to a seat next to Donna as quick as she dares. The redhead's flaming locks are tied back in a single ponytail that is draped over her left shoulder, with an intricate bit of braiding that gives it a little more style than a typical warrior's braid.

As per instruction, she shovels everything onto her plate that she's ordered to eat. There's at least enough food that she doesn't have to worry about leaving someone else's plate empty!

Donna Troy has posed:
    Troia glances, her expression blank, in Hippolyta's direction for a moment before giving a nod to T'Challa. "We have been doing rather a lot of opening up to the world ourselves in the last few years," she says. "I am sure that as has happened with us there will be voices in your own country complaining that you move too quickly, that it is ill-advised to change something that has worked for a long time. "

    "There can be no improvements without changes, but that does not stop those who are content from fearing change. Diana has been preparing the way since she went public after Doomsday, but for us the real revelation to the world was when the Themysciran army appeared outside Metropolis to throw back the Warzoon invaders. The question of metahumanity is one that makes people both hopeful and nervous in equal measure, but the realization that there was a country, even a very small one, with quite so /many/ metahumans in it, emphasized both. Since then the embassy has received many requests for military intervention, or for defense treaties of various shades. Your revelations about Wakanda will undoubtedly provoke some similar responses. I believe it will be better for you to be in control of the revelations of your own countries strengths, rather than finding yourselves in a situation as we did where necessity forces your hand."

T'Challa has posed:
Dora Milaje remain near, but they are at least able to dine with their Amazonian 'sisters' at an adjacent table. Those who wish to, that is. Okoye sits at the primary table, a testament to her status.

"I agree with you on the general points," T'Challa explains once initial feedback has been offered. "This is a matter that not only have I been in need of deciding, it is a matter those before me have debated as well. There are those on the tribal council who do not wish to see the status quo change, but long have we grown comfortable with all being the way it has been. They say, 'if nothing is broken, why fix it?' However, something /is/ broken if we act selfishly and only look after ourselves rather than thinking beyond our own borders. As a member of the Avengers and Justice League, I have seen more of what my father, my father's father, and beyond have passed down. Father to son, King to Prince, to future King."

"We have been blessed with the ability to harness a great power and use it for good. I cannot be the King and man I am meant to be if I do not find ways to share this gift with others in need. Vibranium can be used to defend. It can be used to heal. It can also be used to hurt. Others have sought to take it from us, attempted to invade our lands, and they have been swiftly defeated. Do I worry more attempts will be made because of this? That is my greatest concern, but Wakanda has been on this path long before I earned the right to be King. It has been a slow path, but it has continued on. My message must be given with confidence and certainty, not to threaten but to assure that attacks will not only not be tolerated, but also repelled decisively."

He frowns for just a moment as he admits, "It would cause me grief if even one Wakandan life was lost as a result of this decision, but it remains the right one for the good of the world. I am glad to have your backing and support, and I pray to Bast that others see it the same way."

Diana Prince has posed:
A bit more wine, a bit more food, and Diana's eyes go back to the King. She smiles warmly once more at what he says before she softly responds. "Only through embracing discomfort may we continue to learn things that will make us stronger, make us smarter, make us better."

She glances over to those with her tonight, and then back down to her plate of food. She forks something and then raises it up, turning to shove it in Cait's face.

"You MUST try this!" Diana says to the redhead with emphasis, as she dangles the spicy meat chunk in the woman's face, wiggling it gently side to side!

Her grin returns as she does this, though she does spare a glance to the others across the table. "We will be taking a lot of wonderful memories home with us, I can tell already. Likely sharing more to come, with all of you, I hope."

Hippolyta has posed:
"We were faced with a similar quandary, one that my daughters brought to the surface," Hippolyta nods, taking a sip from her wine. "Immortality and isolation have a way of conditioning the mind. Not unlike those who have grown accustomed to your status quo, we ourselves grew to regard out realm as immutable and as close to perfection as was possible. We were content gazing upon our own reflection with our backs turned to the world."

She gives Donna and Diana a smile, "But having two daughters who actively sought the world outside has a way of changing things. Diana and Troia were a reminder to the Amazons that we were created with great gifts, but also with a mission to share those gifts and knowledge- but also to learn ourselves and disabuse ourselves from the thought that we knew all."

She inclines her head slightly, "As Troia observed, not all were comfortable with such thoughts."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin and Shuri are trying to be respectful of the solemnity of the occassion, but... it's not going great. They both have projects of mutual interest going, not to mention a friendship to refresh in person. The temptation to whisper and text across the table at each other is just too great to ignore.

Caitlin turns to ask Diana what protocol allows, just in time to be intercepted by a fork full of food landing in her partially-opened mouth. She blinks in alarm and, not knowing what else to do, chews on the food politely.

"Br-- Your Majesty," Shuri says, rising. She wiggles her phone at T'challa. "I know this is an important meeting, so I thought we could commemorate it with a selfie. For, you know, social media," she tells him, and manveuvers around so she can get the whole party in frame. "And then, Cait-- er, Doctor Fairchild and I have a lot of, uh, projects to review while she's here," she adds over her shoulder-- but the gravity of the 'projects' suggests it's much more likely recreational in nature!

T'Challa has posed:
Leave it to Shuri to find a way to make a more serious conversation into something less so. In a sense, T'Challa may even be glad for the distraction, though at first the look she gets from him is not far off from Okoye's. He shakes his head in amusement before motioning for Shuri to hand the phone over to one of the Dora Milaje. "Get in the picture, Sister," he beckons. "We will share this on our social media to commemorate the occasion."

Clearing his throat after the pose is done, one serious, one less so (though one guess is all it takes to know which will be treated as the official one), T'Challa rises and gestures for the contingent to gather up. "Since they are so eager, let us go see the labs and mines first. You can see some of what Shuri and I have been working on, though most of the projects are hers. After the food has settled, I thought we might take a walk outside so you might enjoy Birnin Zana more personally. I know our mother will wish to spend some time with some of you, and I have already overheard my Dora Milaje and your Amazons boasting about what they will do to each other when they spar again. Tomorrow, I planned on touring our lands so you might see how each tribe contributes to the whole."

He /had/ warned them that they would be invited to spend the night in the palace. Now they know why.