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Latest revision as of 18:06, 15 October 2022

Pixies and Cream
Date of Scene: 10 October 2022
Location: Folkvangr
Synopsis: This is your brain. This your brain on cream!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Michael Hannigan, Megan Gwynn, Phoebe Beacon

Thomas Blake has posed:
Folkvangr has a much more relaxed dress code during the week. Basically shoes, shirt, you're good. It was another reason Thomas liked the place. Plus after a rocky start the staff had gotten to know him and it was very pro Mutant. Also it was really getting good with desserts. Case in point, the big slab of apple pie Thomas was enjoying after a fine late lunch. It was topped with a huge clot of whipped cream. Real cream. Not that canned petroleum people settled for. He was about to fall on it when his phone rang. "Yello? Pete? Why how the hell are you? What? How... hang on. I have to take this call, I'll be right back. Sorry." Thomas gets up and slides the dessert over to Pixie to make amends.

The whipped cream glistens. At the bar a mixologist has a carton of cream he is busily hand whipping for more desserts. He gives Megan a thumbs up.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Another added perk to Folkvangr being notably pro Mutant is that other businesses that are of that nature sometimes look more favorably upon them when choosing where to entertain their own clients. Such is the case of the Happy Harbor branch of Shaw Studios. Sure, the good food is another factor but, no one wants to do business with a bunch of assholes. However necessary it may be. Case in point as Thomas wanders off to answer the call, a table sporting some familiar faces comes into view.

Wade merely skims through the lunch specials clipped onto the one page menu. "Today's choice is going to be harder than the last time we were here." He grumbles.

Mike glances over to Wade, looking away from the folder in front of him to glance to the listing of specials. "Go for the Prime Rib. You'll be kicking yourself later if you don't."

"But they've also g-"

"I remember the last time you got the rack of lamb. Just get the Prime Rib."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake mouths, "Medium rare," to Wade. He looks to Mike and points at the phone and says silently, "Pete!" He is listening to the producer as he moves away for some privacy.

It being Pete, there might be language involved unfit for musicians. Or threats.

The bartender looks to Megan and says, "We whip our cream fresh every half hour. It's a pain in the neck but well worth it. Oh wait, you're the young lady always likes cocoa. I'll make you one with real cream. On the house. I can tell you're a gourmet and... fairies is cool." He gets to work on her drink.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Mmm. Cream. Sugar. Sparklies. Yay! Megan is only too eager to eat sugary dessert - hey don't blame her, her wings really do take a lot of energy to operate! She nods to Wade and Mike and smiles, and waves. "Hiya, how's stuff? How's the studio? I s till need to pick up more music lessons."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Seeing Thomas come into view, Wade looks over to the former actor, giving a nod to the prompt. Wade's nod is sufficient to get Mike looking over. The younger musician flashes Thomas a smile which ends up turning into a grimace as Thomas mentions it's Pete. He rolls his eyes before shaking his head.

Catching a glimmer of wing and a wave of an arm, Mike looks over to Pixie. The expression of discontent from before is wiped away as he looks to Megan.

Wade looks curiously to Megan, "What in? Instrument or vocal?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is chatting away, once or twice bending over and trying to stifle laughter. "Really? Out the window? His office was only on the second floor. How are the Ivys doing and Rich? Really? I had no idea. Rich took off with Gloria to get married. The show is tanking, producer jumped out his window to avoid loan sharks!" he recaps to Mike.

The bartender hands Megan a creamy cocoa.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and waves to Wade too. "Oh well, I have some experience singing, moreso in playing the keyboard..Always wanted to join a band or be a lead singer,I've been trying lots of karaoke, but nothing formal. I took a lesson or two at Shaw studios but got busy..Now however, I'd like to take my music more seriously.." once her creamy probably spiked soda is read to her eyes widen and she reaches for it, taking a long sip.


..Did her wings just..Spark?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "F--- you, you motherf---er! Work for you again? I'd sooner break into the Avengers to steal Cap's Shield, then mail them a selfie of me serving drinks on it to the Legion of Doom. Oh, yeah... not what your mom says. Megan? She's doing fine. Thank you for asking. How's your wife? give her my regards? And Carole? Aww bless the lady. Tell her thanks for that hat she made, again. Work for you again... I'd rather give the Demon a sponge bath. What? Hahahahahahahaha! You bastard. Lunch? Sure. We can talk... I actually had something more in your line than mine... I wrote... what the f---? Dude, I'll call you back... I think my girlfriend's wings just shorted out!" Sparks? She never sparked before. Well actually... -we're talking a flash of light. He walks over to her slowly watching carefully.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Wade nods, glancing over to Mike for a moment, "Well, if you arranged lessons through us we can check to see records to see if the previous tutors are still taking in students. But, keep in mind that generally you do want to at least use all the lessons you paid for. They can get expensive the higher up you go and you might end up offending some of them if you blow them off without warning."

Mike gives a nod to the mention of expensive, glancing over while Thomas gives a small play by play of the conversation with Pete. "Well, congrats to Rich and Gloria." He offers over to Thomas in case he should relay that or not, "Sucks about the show not doing well. Not unexpected after the shark jumping but still-"

The musician's commentary drifts to a stop as he watches Thomas seemingly stalking Pixie. His head tilts curiously.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is totally absorbed in her creamy sugary SPIKED drink now, giggling a bit, wings fluttering and sparking as she peers at Wade between sips. "Yeaaaah, I got in a few lessons, it was just a while ago so I didn't come back after the introductory package. And I kinda got busy about halfway through sooo....Teeheee!" she shrugs, getting another buzzzout of her surprisingly strong drink.

She peers over at Thomas as he gets a bit rowdy with his..Friend? Nemesis? You never really know with him..But she shuffles closer to him, playfully elbowing him. "heeeey kitttyyyy...Wassssup?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake raises an eyebrow.

"Not in front of other people... are you okay? I never saw your wings sparking. I guess we're ok, as long as you don't grow horns? What brought this on?" He tries to examine her drink... no it is just cocoa. The bartender shakes his head.

"Maybe we ought to go home, baby?" he suggests touching foreheads with her.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
It's now Wade's turn to give the curious look. "Tee hee?" Weren't they talking about self-impro-? He looks to the drink being greedily devoured. "What type of drink is that?" It seems effective.

Mike looks over to Wade and then back over to Thomas. Then, Pixie. The slur was telling. "...Ok, what ARE you drinking and how much did you have?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps, peering at her cup. "Just..Hotcocoa. With extra cream and a smidge of Baileys..?" she bites her lip, wings flattened against her back. "Err I'm fine, really! just haven't ha$ really good sleep lately so.." she shrugs helplessly, thirstily lapping up the creamy cocoa drink...Mmmm..

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks down and sniffs. "That tracks. Nonetheless... you maybe want to go home, get some sleep?" Yes he would let her get some sleep. Despite his reputation. He tries to take the drink out of her hands for a closer inspection. This is weird.

The bartender says, "Honest to God. I gave her the tiniest shot of Bailey's. Honest. I just whipped that cream up. Guaranteed fresh!" He holds up the carton and sloshes it a little. Then he points to the bowl of whipped topping he was bringing to the fridge.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Cocoa?" Mike repeats frowning. Ok she's had the bailey's before so it's not that. "You've had those before."

Wade looks over to the trio and then over to the bartender and the item being gestured to. He looks over to Pixie, "Do you have any allergies you know of? Or some type of Auto-brewery syndrome?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, "Oh, nooo, I'm really fine..Really!" she pouts as he makes a gran for her drink. "Heeeey! Give that back, Meanie!" she makes a face at him, snatching back her drink....Mmmmmmm creammm.."naklergies? Her? Hahaha....

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake pulls out a phone and quickly begins to text to a number on his phone. Then he tries to pry the drink from Megan's tight little hand.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Elsewhere, Phoebe gets a text... from Thomas Blake. She pulls her phone out of her pocket, and she reads:

    Megan's nuts. Com qik. ThomaS.

     ... well that doesn't bode well. She triangulates where the signal is coming from, makes a face, and then prepares to get there as quick as possible.

    That's about when Thomas would get a call. An actual call, from Phoebe.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike and Wade are quiet, observing Megan's behavior. Yeah. Something's not right here. Seeing Thomas take out the phone, and try to take the drink from Megan, Mike shakes his head, getting up from his seat to finish the distance to the bar, looking to the bartender. "Hey... do you put any additives into that cream?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn glares angrily at Thomas, yanking it back, wings fluttering and sparking again, starting to shed some sparklies his way. "I said stop! This is mine! Give it back!" now she's just livid, dark eyes glowing bright pink. Never piss off a faerie.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake makes a grab for the cup. It is neat she knows the blocks he taught her. Then it's a sort of silly slappy fight. Then, a familiar light blazes forth under his feet. "Ohnononono! Not coooooooooool..." He falls through the portal, but to where?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Never piss off a faerie. It's really darn good advice. Why don't more people follow it?

    Those who can sense the magic might feel that little 'hop' as Phoebe portals. It's exhausting, and it takes Phoebe a moment or two to get her bearings, her phone still trying to Ring Thomas before she hears a familiar voice, and sees Thomas disappear through a different portal.

    She sets her lips in a thin, frustrated line, brings her fingers to her lips and gives a whistle that makes cabs stop in NYC, followed by a very vocal bark of


Michael Hannigan has posed:
So much is going on at one time. The bartender seems reluctant to answer his question. Thomas is portaling out and Phoebe's portaling in. Either way while Megan's likely distracted by the comings and goings, Mike moves over to have his turn removing the drink from the Pixie's grasp. "Tell you what. You give this one up, we'll make two Thomas style ones back at his place. Once you bring him back here of course."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn rolls her eyes at Thomas, twirling her fingers dismissively, "See? Now you know better than to piss off a faerie." she hovers protectively over her mysterious drink that..Causes steam to come out of her ears and just glares at Mike, "Ohhhh bugger o--Whu?" she blinks and nearly jumps in surprise at the sharp whistling, and glares at Phoebe. "Soo what, you've come to lecture me now? Leave me alone, I just wanna enjoy my drink.." she grumbles, then turns around to glare at Mike, reaching for the mug "Give that back! Etrea Malus!" she twirls a finger at him, trying to send some bad luck his way, maybe get him to slip and fall on the ground or otherwise be distracted so she can snag her mug back.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake falls out of a portal, about 10 feet off the ground a block away. He promptly falls into a puddle. Cats do not always land on their feet. At last when portaled by a faery. He gets up, rubs a bump on his head. Then with a growl he lopes towards the restaurant. Why couldn't she just be frisky or silly or something fun?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Because Pixies are mean drunks.

    Phoebe holds her hands up.

    "Not here to lecture. Tom shot me a text." she states. And it's true, Phoebe is wearing Grumpy Bear pajama pants and a sweatshirt announcing that to give a hoot is to not pollute. She has her orange rimmed glasses.

    "But I want you to take a breath, Megan, 'cause you're not yourself at the moment. You just portaled Tom, you're casting at Mike, you're in public, over --" she looks at the drink in question.

    "... Megan, how 'fae' are you?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Casting. Casted. What's the difference?

Well, when the bartender turns a bit too quickly with that bowl of fresh cream and he ends up getting splattered with the contents, one could say...That. Or when his feet start slipping from the sudden slippery puddle forming under his shoes? That too.

As Mike struggles to stay up, the glass lifts up, starting to slosh as he starts to fall down.

Wade, who had decided NOT to poke the pixie takes note of the situation. With him being no longer engaged with anything else, the studio owner makes a few quick steps to catch Mike before he falls completely to the floor.

The elder musician glares at Pixie. "Drunks like you have NO business around alcohol." He bites out.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn twirls to quickly scoop up the drink, laughing at Mike..Wait..Where did Tom go? Why did she just attack her friends? What's...Happening here? "Huh...?" she blinks and rubs her eyes as something Phoebe says finally hits her. "What...Did I do this? Did I just hurt my friends? What's..Happening to me..?" she stares at the mug of creamy cocoa and gasps, shoving it away from her, utterly shocked at her own behavior.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake yanks the door open, a little blood trickling down onto his eyebrow, water, let it be water and mud splattered on him and actually angry at his normally good little faery. "Megan! that could have been the Marianas Trench! Or... Detroit! Get it together right now!" he says walking up to her. He balls up his hand into a fist, ready to cold cock her, the way Zinda laid him out. Just, you know, hitting her maybe a quarter as hard. He stops when he sees her face.

"Okay. Come here. Bring it in. You're okay." He holds his hands out. No fists.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... it's not alcohol." Phoebe realizes, digging back into that extensive brain full of folklore and mythology and creature-fighting.

    "... it's the /cream/."

    And Phoebe, in her pajama pants, crosses her arms and adjusts her glasses as she looks over to Thomas, returning from falling in a puddle, and she breathes out. Pixie got a hold of herself. Thomas has a hold of Pixie. Phoebe turns and looks to Mike, and the angry, biting Wade she looks to Wade, points to Mike and states:

    "I can ruin his buzz if you want."

    And then she looks around again, and breathes out "Okay. Lesson learned everyone?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the help of Wade's support, Mike is back on his feet again. Just about a foot away from where he had been standing due to the cream spill. When Phoebe looks to the two of them, gestures to one of them before offering to kill the buzz, it ends up earning Phoebe a look.

"We haven't been drinking." Mike points out before looking down to his shirt to swipe the remaining liquid off of him.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn still seems to be in a daze as Thomas enters, covered in blood..And mud..And water! "Thomas! Oh noooo!" she runs, practically leaps into his arms, dirt and all, hugging him tightly. "I'm sooooooo sorry! I dunno what came over me, and..Mike, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have tripped you up, I'm such a terrible monster, and..." she blinks at Phoebe, "Cream? What about. the cream?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Cream makes fairies drunk, in some folklore. Why do you think they left cream out for brownies and pwca instead of ale?" Phoebe asks, her eyebrows rising. She pulls her sweatshirt sleeve up, and looks at her wrist watch.

    "Welp. I'm glad Megs shook herself out of causing a scene. I've gotta call someone and arrange a ride home." she pauses in order to yawn, and roll her shoulder "So I can finish my stats project."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake cradles Megan in his arms actually looking heroic? He tells the bartender, "Put everything on my tab. I'll settle tomorrow. C'mon, I'm taking you home. This is nothing by the way. They had to call Zinda for me other night. She socked me to quiet me down." He nuzzles her head. "Sorry, Phoebe, Wade, Mike. I had no clue about this. I mean I been worrying about Mutant issues and never thought about Fae care. Only cream she'll get is that crap in the cans.' Thomas carries Megan out.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Don't mention it." Mike replies, shaking his head to Pixie's apology, looking over to Wade for a few moments, "...We're fine. Really." He pauses, "Hey Wade, why don't we just close out here and finish work at the studio? I need to change clothes anyways." Mike looks over to Phoebe. "If you want to come with, we can probably arrange for some transportation back."