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Latest revision as of 08:15, 5 April 2020

A Very Mary Coffee Day
Date of Scene: 03 April 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Romance is in the air, D&D is discussed, friends are made!
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Bart Allen, Julie Power, Alton Schmidt

Mary Bromfield has posed:
It's been a bit of a long week for Mary, with having to work a couple mornings instead of her typical afternoon/evening shifts. But well, the tips were pretty darn good so she's not complaining. And besides, Friday afternoons are slow enough that she can relax. Which is what she's doing while manning the register. Or rather, checking on news online through her phone while manning the register. Since, well, who wants to come to a coffee shop on a Friday Night. IN New York!

Honestly, who does that?

Bart Allen has posed:
HAH! quiet days. Do those even exist in Bart's book? No? Didn't quite think so.

Nevertheless, the Speedster is going casual today as he walks through the doors of the Coffee Bean, wearing black baggy pants and a red sweatshirt that has the Flash's logo on the front. Why? Because Bart is not only the young version, but he's also a huge fan! Super speed for the win.

So, Bart walks up to the counter and notices Mary playing on her phone. What does he also notice? Mary is really pretty. So, he gives the counter a little pat-pat and he smiles at her.

"Hi there! Mind if I interrupt your websearchin' for some caffeine refuelin'?" the red-headed fellow gives a little smile at her, somewhat apologetically because he knows this is the slow hour of the day, and Bart is...well, really fast.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, "Oh!" She laughs a llittle ruefully, "Sorry, I shouldn't have been on there. Couldn't resist since, well..." She gestures at the pretty empty coffeeshop, then smiles winningly at Bart.

She does have a nice smile, after all, as she says, "What can I get you? Aside from something highly caffienated?" She eyes Bart, notices the Flash logo, then adds, "I can get you something custom, but I might need you to sign a waiver in case you start vibrating through things."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart does not seem to mind Mary's apparent lack of preparation at all because well...who wants coffee at night? Unless you have a late shift, but even then, there are SO MANY BETTER coffee shops to go to that is typically over in the SUPER BUSY side of New York. Or atl east that's Bart's thinking.

When she mentions vibrating, Bart tilts his head, then notices his shirt. "Doh, HAH! I see what you did there." He gives Mary a thumbs up.

"By the way, you have an amazing smile." Bart flirts with the barista with a warm smile on his face, before he ponders. "Uhm, hm. Can I have a caramel machiatto?" Bart asks her curiously. "And can I have your name?" He smiles again. Might as well make conversation since the place is pretty much dead at this hour...and might as well make it fun too.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Sure, I'll get it going for you. How many shots of espresso? I think the FDA limits us to six, though." She teases Bart a little bit, as she doesn't seem to mind the flirting all that much. She then tilts her head, looking down as... oh, no name tag today. Oops!

"Oh, and I'm Mary, by the way."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles to Mary. "Thaaaaank you. AAAAAND lets go with seven?" Kidding, totally. Right? "Nah, just playing. Six should be enough." Wow, he must really want that energy kick. But, either way, when Mary reveals her name, Bart nods.

"Mary? Pretty name. I like it! My name's Bartholomew Henry Allen II. But you can just call me Bartholomew. Or Bart. Or Allen. Or Bart Allen."

He shrugs.

"All crash." He smiles bright and warmly at her, even if his way of talking is kind of awkward. "I guess the cheesy thing to ask would be 'come here often', but since you work here, kinda ineffective. Uhm...so better yet, whats your favorite kind of coffee?"

Julie Power has posed:
There's a brief rainbow of colors as Julie streaks down from above, because she has news! News that is so very important, and when her best friend texted her, Julie surely had to rescue Mary from the hum-drums! Dressed in a long sleeve crop top of black that shows off her toned stomach -- it's warm enough now that her whole wardrobe these days may show off her midsection. Paired with skinny jeans and tennis shoes, the strawberry blonde breezes into the coffee shop, waving to Mary.

"Hey! I want a large butterbeer today." she decides, settling on a vanilla frappe with three pumps of caramel and three pumps of toffe nut. And then she sees that Mary's not alone, and the Power girl slows her roll, demuring slightly with a duck of her head. "Oh. Hey. Sorry, didn't know you were already with a customer!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary laughs a little at that, "Six it is. And well... I like a salted caramel mocha, myself. Just a nice blend of flavors, though I don't have a real favorite." She works on the drink, then notices Julie coming in.

And Mary gives Julie a grin, "You bet, I can get that started here, Julie. Julie, this is Bart. He just showed up right after I texted you, so..." She puts the finishing touches on Bart's drink, then sets it down for him, "Seven-fifty then, but I accept no responsibility if you start seeing smells with that much espresso in there."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart turns his attention briefly to Julie when she wanders on into the clubhouse, so to speak. "Heyo! How's it going?" Bart lifts a hand in a wave after Mary introduces him. "Crashin' to meet ya Julie." He looks between the ladies then. "I assume you two are really good amigas?" His random use of the spanish word for friend is kind of strange, but then again, Bart is a very random person.

Turning his attention to Mary then, he smiles at her and puts the money on the table and hands it to her...with extra. "I just paid for your mocha, or for you to buy some candy to liven up the day. Whichever!" Bart smiles then as he sips the coffee. He can already feel the immediately jolt.

"Woo! Thats got kick."

Julie Power has posed:
"Hi, Bart, nice to meet you." Julie pushes some of her hair over her ear and offers a smile before she blinks. "Crashing? That's a new one. I mean, after a few coffees, maybe?" there's a laugh at that, but when Bart asks if she and Mary are friends, Julie nods enthusiastically. "We haven't known each other long, but I'd call Mary one of my best friends." she admits, fidgetting with the cuffs of her shirt.

Then her attention is back on Mary, "How's business? Been up to much lately?" she's literally bouncing on the balls of her feet as she asks that.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles over at Bart, "Well, thanks. And I'm glad you like it." She hmms at that, then glances over towards Julie and grins, "And hey, I'm an awesome wingman, at least I hope I am." She chuckles and starts working on the butterbeer, "Business was great... if I can fix my schedule, I need to start working mornings. Lot busier, but apparently all the superhero types come in and boy, do they tip well." She grins, "Not that I'm complaining about the people showing up now, but you know..." Gotta pay the bills, after all!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smirks at Julie for a moment before he chuckles. "Hah! Nah, just me being an artisan of idiosyncratic vernacular, m'lady." Bart talks funny. But! He smirks and nods softly. "Nice to know!" He looks at Mary then when she seems to say that she's an excellent wingman. "Wingwoman, you mean." He fingerguns at her. "But hey, I'm a good running man. Means we must be compatible." He flirts with Mary once more with a friendly smile, before he looks back over to Julie, letting her ask and answer the question.

"Really? Superheroes come through here? That must mean this place is seriously breaking the mode in the mornings."

Julie Power has posed:
"They probably tip well because you're awesome, Mary." Julie responds, before picking up Bart's little flirt. The strawberry blonde doesn't overtly respond to it, just steps a little closer to Mary to be her wingwoman in return if it's needed. "Did you get autographs? I'd probably totally ask for autographs. And put them on the walls. Like that one restraurant that does the caricatures, right?"

She leans over the counter, kicking one foot idly. "Chocolate chip cookies on order?" she asks hopefully.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "I did not... I didn't want to be //that// person, you know?" She smiles over at Julie, "But maybe I'll ask next time. And sure, I can get you a chocolate chip cookie."

Mary then flashes a look at Bart, hmming, "Well, as long as you're going to be back as something other than a rerun, I'm okay with that. But yeah, normally with my classes I work the later shifts, but this week I got roped into filling in and doing mornings. Not sure I'd want that permanently, but..." A bit of a shrug at that, as she sends a curious look at Julie. Possibly a 'is he really flirting with /me/?' look.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton managed to stop by after class...and on seeing Bart, who he recognizes from class, realizes he's not the only one who managed to stop by after class. Well, nothing like some afternoon coffee in prepration for some heroing work later. It's important to stay alert and pumped for that sort of thing.

"Hey, Bart. Who are your new...friends?" He's going to call them friends until Bart proves evidence of something more.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart is indeed flirting with /Mary/. He even continues to smile at her. "Well, re-run? I'm one of a kind! I promise. My only question is, if I ask really nicely, will I get your phone number, Mary?" He smiles at her warmly, though its clear that he doesn't uh...flirt often.

He then looks over at Julie with a smirk. "Always get autographs. You never know when it might your last chance or something, you know?" But then he looks over at Alton as he arrives. "Hey Alton. Meet Mary and Julie." He gestures to the ladies he's enjoying company with. "Mary and Julie? Meet Alton, a classmate of mine."

Julie Power has posed:
Giving Mary a subtle little nod, Julie smiles encouragingly. Mary's totally getting flirted with. But, Julie steps up while waiting on her cookie. "Before she does that, Bart, are you currently just out of a relationship or a photographer?" she asks, folding her arms over her chest. "Because Mary's a good reporter and doesn't need any kind of sabotage." And well, photographers are currently on the bad date list.

There's a little wave to Alton. "Hi, Alton. I'm Julie, that's Mary. She forgot her name tag." With that, she's taking out a ten to pay for her frappe and cookie.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, standing behind the counter, "Yeah, that's me, I'm..." She pauses, then squeaks a bit as she's... asked for her number. She flashes a grateful look to Julie, then nods, "Yeah, I do have to check. If you're a photographer then I'm afraid you can't have my number. One mistake was bad enough in that regard." So obviously there's a right answer, as she then looks over at Alton.

"And hey, welcome to the Bean. Go ahead and order when you're ready." She then winks back at Bart, "And you missed the Running Man quote, but I won't hold it against you, for now." Apparently someone likes really old movies!

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton orders a vente sized mocha cafe latte. Because, he wants ALL the caffeine. It helps keep him alert for what he's going to have to do later. "Ah, don't mind Bart." Ponder. "Also, since when are you a photographer?" He hasn't seen Bart taking all that many pictures around campus, at least.

"Anyways, Bart is...okay. He won't ruin your life, at least. Kinda hyper though." Alton shrugs. Help a bro out? Well, sorta.

Julie gets more attention from Alton, though. "...Oh. Now I recognize that face. You're the one they turned down, aren't you? I'm sorry. Your reward for saving people should be a little better than no, you can't come to school here."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart looks at Julie when apparently a serious question is being asked as he tilts his head at her, before he looks at Mary when she seems to reinforce said questions. "Well, actually, if you said yes to me asking you out you would be uh...you know, my first girlfriend." Bart rubs the back of his neck, worried that he just did relationship suicide by revealing he has zero experience in this field. "But! Good news is, I'm not a photographer. Never was good at that stuff anyway, I'm actually tryin' to work myself to being a scientist, once my studies are finished. Only camera I have is the one on my phone." Bart smiles warmly at Mary and Julie both then, as if hoping he passed the curriculum of the girl he likes+her bestie.

In Bart's defense, he's a future knowledge of kind guy, not an oldie guy. Though he's slowly working his way into past film. "AH! I missed it?! Not crash, not crash at all." He laughs then, mostly at himself. "Sorry, sometimes I can be a little slow" He turns his attention to Alton for a moment, before he tilts his head in a 'bro, wingman for me please! she might say no!' kind of way. He seems to notice that Alton seems to mention something about what Julie did. "What? you saved people? Thats totally crash!" He then looks over at Mary with a warm smile. "Sooo...how are my chances?"

Julie Power has posed:
"Girlfriend after one meeting... I dunno, Mary, this one moves kinda of like I do, at Lightspeed." Julie couldn't resist the pun, and there it was. Alton's comment though, makes her duck her head with a blush. "Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have bothered posting that, with all that's happening in the world." she admits before she closes her eyes. "I was really frustrated at the time."

But now she's back to Mary and Bart. "Too bad Marie's not here, we could ask what her cards say about him."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins as she gets Alton's order ready, looking over at Bart with a wry expression, "Whoa, slow down there speedy." She hmms thoughtfully, then says, "Look, I'm not your girlfriend if I give you my number, but... I'll give it to you, we can go on a date, and we can see how things go?" She gives Bart a wry look, then scribbles down something on a piece of paper while Alton's drink is frothing, handing it over to him, "Here."

She then flashes a look at Julie, "I think she was reading you and her, and not me, honestly. I'm not sure I trust her readings considering what she said before." Okay, there might be a small grudge there, albeit a good natured one.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"...No, Julie, You needed to post that. It reminds everyone with powers who may be at that school why keeping their identity secret is so important. You could've saved the childhood of countless people you'll never meet by posting that...and the adult lives too. I wish I could do better by you than that, but..." But even all the money and influence he has won't get her past a rejection letter. Maybe if he'd known about it sooner..."You might have to just embrace it. Try to learn through Stark and the Avengers. Even if you've also got the unwelcome job of being the warning for everyone to keep their masks on. He just might help out, if only to add some publicity for his presidential campaign."

He pats Bart on the shoulder. "...Girlfriend takes a lot of work, dude. And more time than you think. And don't even think about using the L word until you're DAMN sure it's true. It gets used too lightly, most of the time. Besides...being the fastest thing around isn't necessarily what a lady wants." Alton leans back with a smirk. He figures all of the other 3 will get that one.

Back to Julie, though, "...is there anything we can do?"

Bart Allen has posed:
"Woah woah, easy easy!" Bart speaks up when suddenly people from all sides are telling him to slow down. "I'm not trying to rush, just putting things into perspective if things worked out!" He says this specifically to Alton, hands raised like he understands the process...just never experienced it. Bart seems to hang his head for a moment. But! He perks right back up when Mary hands him her number.

'Hey, can ask no more than that, right? Thanks and I can't wait. Uh, here." Bart pulls out his cellphone, types in the number suspiciously quickly, must be really good at texting or something, and he sends Mary a text. "There, now you have mine."

He looks at Julie. "Marie?" Bart wants to know what he's probably in for!

He then looks at Alton when he makes hints and proceeds to punch the man in the shoulder. "SPOILERS!" he stage whispers in his directions. He clears his throat, then looks to Mary. "Track jokes." He rubs the back of his neck.

Julie Power has posed:
"Or you just heard something." Julie retorts, but she gives Mary a quick squeeze, because she's supporting the other girl in all of this. But apparently numbers have been exchanged, and that's out of Julie's hands now and totally up to Mary. "Marie's..." she blushes, and glances aside to Mary, "...she's the girl I'm seeing. We had a date the other day and I was coming to tell Mary about it and that can all wait til later..."

To Alton, there's a shake of straberry blonde hair. "Nothing to be done. They made a decision, it's pretty much set in stone. I'm working on finding a college to accept me." she admits with a brief smile. "One door closes, a window's open. Unless it's one of those Escape Rooms that you need to solve a special puzzle to figure out, right?

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins at Julie, "Oh you did! That's awesome! Did it go well? It really seemed like she was into you." She looks very happy that the date at least seemed to go well, giving Julie a hug back. Then she gives Alton his drink, giving him a bit of a snicker at his comments about going fast.

Then she looks at Bart, giving him a smile, "Thanks for the number." And she definitely sounds like she means it, her expression genuinely friendly, and maybe a little flirty. Or as much as she can manage as she then adds, "Wait, you run track? That's pretty cool... I have the athletic ability of, I think my brother called it a 'drunk gazelle'. So, um, yeah... I was big on the Yearbook crew though. And the School paper." She chuckles, as that apparently led to her wanting to be a reporter. Go figure.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton kinda grins at that. "...well, while I don't truly know either of you, Julie, congratulations. People used to hide the truth about themselves for a long time. Good on you for being who you are." Even in 2020, being true to one's self in that way can be difficult. "Still, drop by Stark's campaign headquarters. I'm guessing there's something he can do that most people can't."

Alton takes the coffee he ordered, and sips it. Good stuff. "...there's coasters that say, with enough coffee I could rule the world. Wonder if that's what happens to super villains. Too much coffee."

Meanwhile, for Bart, "I know you're excited, but patience. It helps."

Julie Power has posed:
"She's really into me..." Julie blushes hotly, before saying quietly to Mary. "She kissed me." And the young woman fidgets slightly at that as she slurps happily from her butterbeer. When Alton suggests visiting Stark's headquarters, she shakes her head. "He's got so much going on already, and I don't think he'd have the time..." she hedges her bets on this one.

"What Alton said, patience. I mean..." she looks at Mary. "We totally have to conviene the meeting of the girls to search your social media to make sure you don't alreayd have a girlfriend, or that you're a weirdo."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, "Really? Wow!" She smiles and hugs Julie tight, being very careful of the butterbeer, "That's awesome!" She beams, because Julie's happy and that just makes her feel great.

She then coughs a bit and smiles over at Bart, "But I'm sure you're not a weirdo or anything. At least, not in a bad way. I mean, I'm a little weird myself." Or a lot weird, if you ask her siblings. Please, don't ask.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Ah, he's not a weirdo. Just Hyper. I'll see what I can do about trying to make him slow down, but no promises." As he nudge at Bart.

Alton still advocates for going to Stark, though. "...See yourself not as too much time out of his day, see yourself as a free campaign ad. He can trumpet whatever he ends up doing for you to show he cares about the future of today's youth. Politics, ya know."

"Well. Everyone's weird. All people really look for in life is someone who has a style of weird that matches their own. Good weird, bad weird...it's mostly subjective." Unless it gets into creepy weird, but he doesn't wanna put that word in their heads. Wouldn't do Bart any favors.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles brilliantly to Mary and his cheeks flush a bright red when she thanks him for the number, but then he gulps and chuckles. "Hah, its completely fine. But you have siblings? I don't know what its like, but always wanted to have a brother or a sister. They sound like a fun time." Of course, Bart has no idea what Mary's home life is like.

But! All the same, he turns his attention to Alton for a moment, before looking back to Mary. "Promise I'm not weird. Well, at least not in the creepy way. I can be a little hyper I think." He chuckles. He does look over at Julie though and he looks happy for her. "Nice!" He totally even holds his hand out for a high five. He then looks to Alton and looks somewhat annoyed. "I -am- patient, thank you." Bart teases the fellow with an elbow nudge. Though he does look at Alton still. "Eh, I dunno about that whole situation."

But then he looks back at Mary and just smiles at her. "The best people are always a little wierd. If nobody was strange or different, man nothing would be exciting anymore."

Julie Power has posed:
Julie returns Mary's hug affectioinate hug with one of her own. "She said we could see each other some more, so I'm guessing she's wants more dates, and I'm more than happy to give her more." she admits quietly, fidgetting, before taking a bite of her cookie.

She glances down at what Alton says and nods. "I can try. But I'm not looking for anything special... I got here on my own merits..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Well, that's great. You two look really cute together, and I'm glad it's working out. At least so far." She then looks over at Bart, "Really? Wow. Well, I have like, five siblings. Four brothers and a sister, though I'm the oldest. I'm thinking I might have to try and rope them all into a family-themed D&D group and stream it." She grins cheerfully at the idea, "Personally, I think it'd be a blast."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"It's not about handouts. It's about using politics to get the rights you've earned. You put yourself at risk to save other people. That is not a thing that needs to be punished by denying you the chance for a normal life. It's a thing that needs to be praised and rewarded. And since one school was a little too cowardly to reward you for your efforts, it's time to go to a bigger fish...ironically, it may be that being 'normal' takes going even further out of the norm." It's the school he's going to, but it's clear Alton is angered by their refusal of someone who is on the record for having saved lives.

"I'm in Bart's boat, as siblings go. Don't have any." He always wondered what it'd be like, though.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles to Julie, apparently not non-plussed that the high five was missed, but he does look over at Mary for the moment. "Yeah? Thats so many! I bet you never get bored." However, when she speaks of D&D?

Bart's jaw dropped.

"Y-Y-you play D&D?!" He looks at Alton. "Alton, I want you to pinch me, because if I'm dreaming, I'm going to be really moded." He offers Alton his arm, and awaits a pinch, before he looks back to Mary. "If all still goes well by that time, I'd love to play." Bart smiles widely, but there's something in his eyes thats so happy.

He then looks at Alton when he speaks about politics, and since Bart was always bad at politics? Well, he just kinda ignores that part before he looks back to Julie. "We're happy that you're happy, Julie." Then he looks back to Mary with a happy smile.

Julie Power has posed:
"I have two brothers and a sister, I'm the second child. My youngest sibling is fifteen." Julie explains and then nudges Mary gently. "Maybe we can all do a D&D night, you can totally GM." the young woman offers, for the first time showing off her inner nerd. "I used to LARP when I was younger..." thumbing through her phone, she comes to a picture of her dressed in an elf-costume and shows it to Mary.

She nods lightly to Alton. She doesn't look sure, but she's at least weighing Alton's words as the young woman turns her phone back to herself, texting with Marie. Because clearly D&D night is gonna be a thing - and she's texting to ask Marie if she can come.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins at Julie's picture on the phone, "That is /so/ awesome, I wish I could cosplay but I've never really tried it. Would love to be Jester though. She's the /best/."

At Bart's exclamation, Mary looks a little surprised, "Wait, really? Well, I'd love to have you along for a session, I mean, I'm between groups right now, but I still manage to catch Critical Role every week... can't ever fall behind with that, of course." She grins at Bart, "You watch that, right?"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton...hasn't played that game. "...Wow. Guess I'm the one left out here. Never got into playing that game." It never occurred to him to try, mostly because he feels like he should be worried about doing heroic things in real life instead of playing a game to do the same thing.

"...Kinda complicated, isn't it?" Well, at least for someone who hasn't done it, at least.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles brightly at Mary when she seems to easily agree. "Really Really." Bart agrees immediately, and he chuckles. "Me too!" He flexes then. "Mighty Nein!" And he smirks at Mary for a moment. Super compatible! "Just lemme know when and I'll be there." He finally gets around to drinking his coffee some more. He's too energetic!

But he looks at Alton. "Just a bit, but don't worry, I'm sure we're all awesome here. Are you with someone, Alton? We could make this like some kind of triple date! Me and Mary, Julie and Marie, and Alton and...whoever your with, if anyone. You might be third wheeling." he smirks at the fellow lightly, intending that he's mainly just attempting to be funny, but the invitation is a serious one.

He then finally looks at Julie's cosplay picture. "Woooaaahhh that is awesome!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles at Bart, "Perfect! Well, hey, if you want to get together... um, I haven't seen the Doom oneshot yet. So, well..." She leaves that floating out there, looking... well, a little pleasantly surprised that he //gets// it.

Then she nods over at Alton, "Hey, yeah, if you want to learn how to do it, we could definitely start a little group. I mean, I can show you some of the basics, but it's really not that hard. Or I'm sure Bart can help you out too."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton...is pretty sure Christine hasn't played that game before either. "...I mean, I can ask her. I don't think Christine's played before either." And he's not completely sure Christine would want to play such a game. But then, he doesn't know unless he asks. She could surprise him. He isn't entirely optimistic of the odds of Christine wanting to play this game, however.

Still, he can bring it up. ...maybe. He'll have to think about it. The nights are full of options, including flying around saving people.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart nods happily to Mary! "You know what, neither have I! studies have kept pulling me away from seeing it, but guess what? We can probably just see it together, if you want? Maybe that could be our first date? something small and simple after a movie or something." He chuckles a moment. He smiles to her, before he looks to Alton.

"Can totally help you play. Though I can only play a paladin or rogue well, so I can REALLY help you with either of those classes." He smiles happily then. "Then we'll teach her too! It'll be a lot of fun, I promise." he offers Alton, trying to convince him further.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins at Bart, "Well, considering how long it probably is, maybe we should just do that for the date? I mean, not that I mind a movie /and/ that, but with everything I have going on, that's a lot of time."

She then nods over at Alton, "And yeah, I could maybe talk to her about it too, if she was interested. I mean, it can be pretty surprising, but sometimes people really get into it when you wouldn't expect it."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"...Won't know till we try." His instincts still lean against it, but he could always be wrong. He hasn't been dating Christine anywhere near long enough to guess what she likes and doesn't perfectly.

"...But how on earth are you going to make a date of it if you're running the event?" Cause that doesn't seem especially likely.

Bart Allen has posed:
"Suppose so!" Bart tells Alton with a bit of a smile, before he shrugs. "No clue. It'll be fun though!" He looks then to Mary with a smile. "Yeah. I guess you're right, just getting ahead of myself a little bit. It happens sometimes." Bart smirks at her then, happily nodding to her with a soft smile.

"But I can't wait! I know it'll be an awesome time." He then turns his attention to Alton. "Come on, pal, don't look so conflicted. If ya don't like it, you and yours can leave at anytime and do whatever you like. Deal?" Bart offers the fellow his hand for a handshake.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Hey, enthusiasm is never a problem. I'm looking forward to seeing you. Just let me know a good time, Bart." She actually does sound pretty glad for the date, especially with another Critter. Then she grins at Alton, "Was nice to meet you too, and well, the person running it can still socialize with people. Though I don't know if Bart would want another date if I killed his character or something." But hey, what's life without risk?