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Latest revision as of 03:58, 7 November 2022

Date of Scene: 07 November 2022
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: The 10 year olds meet with Clea to regain their adult selves!
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Cecily Winters, Felicia Hardy, Pepper Potts, Clea

Tony Stark has posed:
Back into the clothes he transformed into, now, Tony sits at the table with slices of pizza, chowing down. Happy is nearby - actually, he's on the couch, entirely unconscious, from the horror of the situation and stress he's been under for DAYS taking care of these insane youthened Avengers (and friends!).

"Pepperoni is definitely the best, no arguments accepted," Tony determines, stealing some more pepperoni from another part of the pizza to augment his own more clearly.

Still, this gathering isn't about pizza. "Sir, Ms. Clea has arrived," HOMER provides, disemboided, from the ceiling.

The rest of the penthouse is a disaster. Balloons, toys, odd inventions (and pieces of) are scattered. Clothes, some of a makeshift tent fortress... it's very Lord of the Flies, even moreso than Clea's last visit.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily, even with her more sobering adult tendencies, has succumbed to the madness further the longer this wears on. Thankfully, she's posted to her usual clients and messengers that she's on 'vacation until further notice' after the incident on Ryker's.

    Now, in the middle of the tent fortress, she has claimed a throne consisting of just about every blanket in the building and is hiding under it. Well, mostly. She's gotten ahold of some colorful ribbons and is carefully tying bows around the ends of her tails one by one. A rainbow of colors.

    "Pepperoni is very good, yes," she states absently as Tony proclaims his pizza loyalty. "I like it with the edges crispy..."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I didn't go TO a bar." Felicia counter arguments, pleads her case even. "I went to a party that HAD a bar. -Yes I sat at it -No I didn't get anything adult. That stuff tastes gross." She responds in kind. "And a nice guy of one of the bands went and got me more coloring books."

    "OH. And I met a very nice monkey who said he was a cop and was named Bobo."

    Felicia rolls from her back on the coffee table, off onto the sunken floor of the living room area and is happy resting on her belly looking up towards the door. "Miss Clea?" She says with a VERY wide eye as the goggles certainly make her eyes appear huge. She bends her legs at the knees, and rests her head in her chin, propped up by her elbows. "She's creepy but nice."

    Then she hears the pizza argument. "But... I like pined-apple." She says to no one in particular but rolls over back onto her back and bumps into Happy's socked foot and doesn't seem to mind.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Ginny is seated at the kitchenette 'bar', coloring books askew, an ice cream soda in a melted state before her. Her own slice is devoid of pepperoni, whether it's by choice or not isn't truly known. The coloring pencils, all 100+ are set within their carrying case, organized by color, each of the pencils sharp and ready to be used.

"They make my stomach hurt." Which is why she's apparently good with no pepperoni! "Or, I think I've eaten too much." Is there a little bit of a little girl groan there? Even children can't stay on a prolonged diet of garbage and //feel// good. (Really!)

HOMER's announcement gains the attention of the diminuative strawberry-blonde, and after her head rocks back to look at the ceiling, she's looking towards Tony. 'Sir'? Ginny can't help a giggle, stifling it quickly before she slides off the high barstool. She's in a dress, or rather, a jumper/dress with a long sleeved, mock-turtleneck beneath. Her mary-janes are off, tucked under the stool.

What? Bar?

Her forehead creases and she shakes her head, "Something tells me you probably shouldn't have been there."

Clea has posed:
Clea arrives by mundane means, now having set a presidence for her presence with the security of the tower. Beneath one arm she's carrying the same wooden box carved with the same runes, with the same deadpan expression with the distant smile upon her alabaster pale face. White hair hangs pen straight down her back, cut down the center in a part with the two halves passing down the front of her shoulders.

There's an aura of malevolence that clings to her like a cloak, though it doesn't seem to originate from her specifically, but rather the box she's carrying. The phylactery of darkness which she places upon a table once pleasantries are extended in the form of clipped nods to each of the Adults turned children. "There is something profoundly disturbing about putting fruit on a pizza. The consistancy is all off once you bake it." She shakes her head and runs her finger along the corner aspect of the long wooden box.

Each of the quartet is given an appraising look.

"It has been a couple of days and, as I said, the alloted three hundred years necessary to grow the required herbs. While I am certain that you all have enjoyed the vacation from your adult duties, all good things must come to an end."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Nope," Tony says directly to Clea's statement about enjoying things. "I enjoy a lot more as an adult. I'm entirely ready to return to being able to complete complex algarithms again," Tony declares-- through his mouth of pizza.

"And aw, let her have her weird fruit pie," Tony appends. He won't eat pineapple, but he'll pinch for the right of others to do bad ideas.

"What do we need to do, then?" Tony asks, coming over with pizza slice still in hand, to look at the wooden box.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "I kind of enjoyed it," Cecily says with a shrug. She's finalizing a bow of briught purple ribbon on one more of her tails. All nine of them have a different color. She wriggles her way out of the blankets, not even in her work attire anymore. She's just clad in some spats and a cami. Winter doesn't exist here.

    "I like pineapple, too. I like a lot of stuff on pizza. I mean..." she shrugs, "I like food? I miss cooking..." she grumbles. "I miss cooking, I miss guns, and I miss ..." she trails off.

    "...I miss things. I have work to do... and... my tails look amazing right now. What do we have to do?" she echoes Tony and peers over at the box, then the pizza. "...I can eat after this. You saved me a piece, right?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia rolls back onto her stomach and slowly bends awkwardly, even for a kid. The girl was a gymnist at this age either way, and so she's on her feet and looking at Happy very closely and pauses to softly draw a little extra to his mustache before she turns around and giggles, before skipping over towards Clea and the rest. "I love your ribbons." She whispers to Cecily, and then smiles at Pepper and Tony. "I think I miss being an adult, but it's hard to remember exactly what it was like. Like, bills, and cars, and trying to be a hero. It was hard work, but I don't..." She trails off and smiles back up to Clea.

    The sense of dread the woman puts off, or her small wooden box, still causes Felicia to wrinkle her nose and yet, she is doing better about being stronger. "I'll go last. Make sure everyone else is better first." She says, trying to be heroic. Even the big bat-cape she wears over her shoulders, might be play, but she did want to be a good person and a great heroine. She remembers that part of being an adult. A whisper towards Pepper and Tony, "It was a cool bar though."

Pepper Potts has posed:

The young Ginny //knows// that box. While she hadn't had the hairs on the back of her neck go up when she'd first seen it, experience has given her a completely different response to it this time. Forsaking her melted ice cream soda now, she puts on the bravest little girl face she can and upon crossing the grand divide that is the messy living room, she stops short just at Tony's elbow, ready to pull him back from the box if need be.

"Has it been that long?" The question is honest as there is a decided look of confusion struck on the girl's face, and she's canting her head, looking at Clea and the box.

Glancing back at the pronouncements of the others in regards to the things they miss, Ginny looks as if she, too, is about to add her own, and she opens her mouth only to close it again. She's not going to tell, apparently.

Instead, she starts with, "Still shouldn't have been there," is theatrically whispered, followed by a more concerned and softly spoken, "Is it going to be like before?" It didn't hurt, but it was rather jarring and shocking to a 10 yr old mind. The farther away from the event, however, whatever psychological trauma will vanish into nothingness as a requirement for healing.

Clea has posed:
"No, it will be permanent." Clea assures Pepper, "And painless."

She runs her thumb along the single metal latch and pushes the box open, "The difficult work has been done, but nothing gained comes without sacrifice." She says to Tony, "The act itself is simple. Drink the elixir." There's four small viles set into the inside of the case, she grabs one of them from within and holds it up between her thumb and index finger towards Tony.

"However-" She pulls it back just out of reach, this time speaking to everyone while still finishing a thought to Pepper, in the event he grabs for it immediately. "-You will lose one memory from your actual childhood. Something that can never be returned to you in the way you remember it." She looks pensively around to each of them, "I've spent four hundred years trying to find a loophole. There's not one."

Now she holds it out for him to take it... or not.

"Fate is not fair."

Tony Stark has posed:
"I'll go first," Tony agrees, as Felicia determines that she'll be last. Tony'll chart the course, out in front, as is often the case with him. Bravery, quick and decisive action. And besides, he'll take the injury if there is one, up front!

So Tony takes it, after listening to the warning, but there's no real pause here. He doesn't wait, he just goes ahead with it. "Well, I won't remember what I lost anyway. So it isn't like I'll be missing it," Tony concludes, before making a face at the taste... and then stumbling over to a chair at the table to take a seat. The potion is taking effect, both physically and mentally, and it's considerably jarring to feel all your bones and muscles pulse as the spell starts to lift away.

Tony's revert is pretty clean - and fast, physically. Mentally he's really dazed, much like the first time. "I... okay. 'Scuse me." Tony retreats to the bathroom to throw up. Much like the first time, the mental blast caused nausea for the inventor!

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily's tails flick as she gets complimented by Felicia. There's a little bit of a fluffy hug that comes with it, too, when the girl gets closer. The ravenette stands there, clasping her hands at her waist, looking expectantly at her friends and the box. "I guess... I go... second to last...? So... you two can be together 'n all first..." she nods to Pepper and Tony.

    At the cost of magic and memory she ponders, ears lifting, and then they fold down a little as she shrugs. "I... had a really full childhood... and... as.. interesting as this was.. I'm.. happy for the experience? I mean. Outside of... I feel alot dumber right now..." she mumbles. "...and I don't trust myself hand-loading brass because I can't even reach my ammunition press..."

    She lifts her arms, folding them across her chest now, grumbling at some of the stuff she can't do. "...also I'm going to build a pillow fort when I get home... and eat enough ice cream to get a tummy ache..." she nods firmly, then watches Tony take the drink, and then... rush off to the bathroom. "...Big Tony gonna be okay?" she jerks a thumb towards the retching inventor.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Standing up, and still sticking with the idea that she'll be the last one, the thief takes a deep breath and nods as she takes two steps back. "You two before me. Just in case there's an accident or someone spills or something." The wee thief remarks and smiles to Cecily, and then to Pepper before she frowns towards Tony. "Is that all the alcohol being decompressed or something?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Ginny looks dubious, and as the vial is offered out to Tony first, and then pulled back, she's holding her breath in anticipation of the words to come. Slowly it comes out; she can't hold it forever, but the next breath is something a little more akin to a gasp. "That's.."

Before she can say more, however, Tony is reaching forward and taking that swallow from the vial. She looks concerned, her little round face turning to him immediately, reaching out even as he stumbles away.

"Tony.." It's a little girl's voice following the changing of a child to man, and she pauses, watching him, concerned, her lips pressed. There isn't anything for it, however, and she turns back and draws a breath that brings her back straight and her shoulders back. The brave little Ginny who could.

She, too, holds out her hand for the vial, and at first she pauses and with a glance back to the changing Tony, she turns back and lifts the vial to her lips and drinks.

Her reaction is very, very much like her earlier. The shock of a hand that, at first, isn't her own- at least to 'older' Pepper. Her mind returns even as her body begins that change. Perhaps she should have been sitting because instead, she drops where she is as her legs not only grow but buckle beneath her, unwilling at the moment to hold her weight.

It's like out of a science fiction film as she ages; skin, muscle and bone grow and meld and mend until she looks a great deal like 'Pepper Potts' in age and form and figure. Green eyes are a little clouded, a touch turned within as it were, as the memories move across, and at the end of it all?

An exhaled sigh, quite possibly of relief.

Clea has posed:
It isn't that Clea isn't sympathetic to the physical manifestiation of so much mental growth in the matter of seconds, as it is... well... she certainly doesn't appear sympathetic. She watches Tony rush off to the bathroom to vomit, making sure he gets as far as the doorway before turning to regard Pepper. As she seems to be the second to drinkt he elixir with everyone playing courtesy to the couple.

"How big or small the memory is would be no more in my control as your losing it. If it were so simple, I assure you I would chose some unassuming tidbit that nobody would miss, but your childhood covers a lot of territory in your life to this point." She explains, for those who aren't grasping the severity of how small... or very big... such a loss might be.

"I hope that it doesn't affect you in any meaningful way, but I cannot, in good faith, say that it will not. That's outside my abilities, as I'm no agent of the Fates, only the instrument through which they deliver it."

The second bottle is held out for Pepper to take, with Clea stepping back just enough to oversee the transformation. She is no more, or less, considerate to Pepper's plight, but she was the test subject used to make certain the elixir would work at all.

She'll leave out that she didn't actually know until then.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony isn't gone very long. His pride wouldn't necessarily allow for THAT. He's got things under control now. He also, //definitely// checked on his arc reactor in his chest once he was in a private space. The spell got confused with the new parts, but the old arc reactor is fully up and running. "Run a full diagnostic, HOMER," Tony requests quietly in the bathroom, met by the chirp of the AI, before he starts to come back out. He crosses near Pepper, with a spike of immediate fear or concern, but that fades quickly to see that she's ... relieved. Tony offers her a hand up, with a quick firm hug, and pulls her with him. If she's willing, he'll pull her to sit on his lap at the table. It isn't exactly romantic, not YET, but certainly wanting her close and hugging her with one arm.

Tony flashes all the other kids a thumbs-up.... and ...begins to eat another piece of the pepperoni pizza. Is his mind fully back yet? Impossible to tell, it seems.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    There's just so much to take in. So much to watch happening. From Tony shifting and returning, to Pepper doing, well, the exact same thing. It's a process that's, well, potentially alrming but the little girl fox just stares in awe as her friends return to their former selves. At last, she takes a slow breath, and the third vial is there for her. Waiting. Waiting for her to return to her old life.

    She gives the Fortress of Starkitude one last look before taking the vial and tossing it back like she's doing a shot. Where'd she learn that one? She didn't hang out with Felicia at the bar!

    The effect is immediate and the fluffy-tailed girl stumbles back a few feet as she starts to grow back into herself. Her tails fluff out and grow a bit longer, her ears more full and floof. In fact, those go first. It almost seems like all of the potion's effects are going into her foxy parts before finally she starts to... elongate. Stretch. And fill out curves. Skinny legs looking much more ladylike, to say nothing of other assets.

    Then she's on the floor, curled up in a ball, groaning with her tails wrapped protectively around her. "...son of a bitch..." she shudders. "...I don't usually get hangovers but this has to be the worst one of my life..." she mumbles and rolls over onto her back. She wracks her brain, doing a self-diagnostic biologically, and then absently reaches up to touch her lips with her fingers. "..what memory did I.. oh.." she blinks a few times, cheeks darkening with a blush as something perhaps once vivid slips away from her, being replaced by the last week of... shenanigans.

    Then slowly, slowly, she rolls over onto her stomach and crawls back into the tent fort to hide in the nest of pillows. "I'm staying on vacation for another few days," she grunts.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia watches Tony leave, then come back, Pepper slowly change as well, and then finally Cecily starts to change as well and Felicia decides that they are going to be okay, and so now it's her turn.

    Swallowing at her fear and pride, Felicia steps up and is about to drink when she sees Cecily in pain and she pauses, dropping down to a knee and putting a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Are- Does it hurt?" She asks, but instead of waiting for a response, she decides it's time for her to take the plunge as well.

    "I'll be hurting with you soon enough." She says with a deep-shallow gulp as she steps up to Clea and takes the vial. "Bottom's up." And lifts it to her lips.

    Felicia downs the liquid and takes a step back, lifting carefully to Clea's wooden box to try and place the vial back within. "I-... I uh..." She says, moving a hand up to her temple and reaching back with a hand, as her bones pop, and stretch, her muscles pump and grow with a hidden strength and prowess, as she grows back to her normal enhanced self.

    The clothes, adjusting back into the infamous Black Cat costume, as she's growing back into the woman she's much more known as. "I was hoping puberty two wouldn't be as awkward, but Jesus Christ." She moans behind gritted teeth. Puberty two being in a room with people she wanted to call friends, but friends who only KINDA knew her as a ten year old more or less.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The seconds tick by, and after those heartbeats pass, there is the hand up. The strength in the arms, the hands that have built so many inventions borne of a creative mind, aids her up and off the floor. Passing from the floor and into his arms, Pepper's able to take a good and full breath as she feels the familiar bit of metal that lightly presses. It's a reminder of something she hadn't considered in the brief moments past, but before she can ask, she's taken along to sit on his lap at the table. From there in safety, she can lay her head upon his shoulder, though she does watch the rest of the 'rebecoming', in case she's needed to intervene.

The floof of fox, with all her tails, and the ears.. and.. her hand rises to just lay in front of Tony's eyes hopefully obscuring his immediate vision of the coming of womanhood to a fox. (Some things simply shouldn't be witnessed?) She can so easily understand the need to simply hide for the next few days, and totally understands the crawl to the fort.

The shifting of Felicia has Pepper thankful she's got her hand up, and she murmurs softly, her tones holding a touch of playful amusement. There's no tinge of discomfort or jealousy from the redhead. "We'll just give them their privacy for a moment as they recover."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony was looking, for sure, it was right in front of them! He's hardly immune to the 'interesting' show that just occurred in front of them. "No trust, no trust at all. YOU watch to be sure they don't die, then," Tony scoffs, but there's no real annoyance there, he pointedly focuses on looking up and away, chewing his pizza with an amused expression.

"I have footage of everything in this apartment that I can look at later, you know," Tony reminds Pepper slyly. It's just Tony being obnoxious, though, to tease her. He loves Pepper, and wouldn't hurt her intentionally.

"You okay?" Tony asks, quietly of Pepper near her head. He seems... entirely fine. Though masking problems with an easygoing humor is like Stark 101.

"I mean, other than this haircut, you should fire your stylist," Tony asks, lifting a hand to the chopped ends. Oh noooooooooooooooo....

"Thank you, Clea," Tony says, more seriously, aside, to Clea.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    There's a muffled grumble from under the blankets. Finally, after she crawls around a few times, her head pokes out. "...Thank you, Miss Clea. I appreciate you getting us out of that bind. I... had hoped to at least spare Mister Stark and Ms. Potts the indignity of being stuck like this for as long as it took but.." she sighs. Her head shakes, that sense of duty rushes back to her.

    Then she glances over at the two at the table, "I trust the two of you are okay?" she asks, then casts a gentle smile to Felicia, also. "You too, dear. Thanks for..." her cheeks tint again and she looks away for a moment, then back. "...watching over me. You can still curl up in my tails if you want. They're even cozier now that they've filled out more."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia keeps herself standing, though she doubles over softly as her body continues to lengthen, and widen, and fill out to her former proportions. It's not comfortable, it's not easy to focus on anything else other than the odd sort of pain of her body going through a sort of fast forward. "Th-thank you --- all of you." She says, closing her eyes and having to focus on her words fully so she doesn't do anything embarrasing or awkward. "Cecily for being a new friend, Pepper, for protecting us, and keeping us... safe. Tony, your house is lovely and I'm going to steal something." She says, a glance to Happy and a wave at him as he's still asleep. Her blue eyes turn back to Clea and soften as she's grown taller, more womanly.

    "Thank you for convincing me to stay." And more, but she doesn't say the words to the fellow white haired woman.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I'll watch to be sure they don't die," Pepper affirms, the amused lilt her tones still plainly evident, even in her murmured whisper. She frowns briefly as he teases her, but again? She's solid in her beliefs about her relationship, and there is very little to sway her. So, to his own teasing? There's a soft 'Mmmhmm..' to signify that she doesn't believe a word of it. Or at least that he'll be looking into it later.

The soft inquiry has her lowering her hand, and letting it rest on him. Rolling her head back up to look at him, the familiar lines and carefully cultivated beard and mustache, she nods and mouths the word, 'yes' before she follows it up with a ghost of a smile, adding, "I'm making an appointment in the morning." Back to an adult life in the morning?

Soon enough, Pepper is looking out to the rest of the room again, making sure all is well with their guests. "I think we're fine, yes Cecily." Pepper pauses before adding, "I should help Felicia."

Slowly Pepper rises from her spot, though not without pressing a kiss to Tony's cheek; she's been waiting a few days to do that! A blanket would probably be appreciated around now, and one of the spare ones from the Fortress is taken to be wrapped about Felicia's shoulders, should she accept it.

"You can have the blanket." Steal that!

Tony Stark has posed:
"If you're going to do some Furry-on-Furry tail action, I propose use one of the guest apartments for that," there's the snark, it's back. "The sleepover's done, I'm kicking everyone out, adulting commencing -- including a lot of cleaning for my 'bots and a shower for US," Tony teases the group. Shower for he and Pepper.

"Allllso, before I forget it happened," Tony appends, "For hitting me in the face and calling me, what, a 'poo-head?'--- you're probably fired, Cecily," Tony deadpans towards her, with a smooth innocence in the tone. It may not be a joke, but it doesn't seem so angry as to where she can't ... get her job back, for example. "Take that vacation, and we'll revisit things."

So it's more about requiring she get the vacation she mentioned. Perhaps. Then again, she's also Pepper's employee; it's more in Pepper's zone to deal with that, really. He gets up when Pepper does, but mostly to get another pizza.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Guest apartment?" Cecily asks, then slowly hauls herself out of the blankets. "I can't go home like this, I don't even have a pair of shoes that fit... so I will have to take you up on the--" The already fair-skinned woman pales as Tony appends a few choice words to things. The more he says, the more she just wilts. Her ears fold flat and her tails sort of give a 'dying animal' twitch.

    She takes a cursory glance around, unsure if there's anything even hers in the pile of kid-debris now, and makes her way towards the door. "Or I'll take a cab barefoot..." she adjusts what few garments she has to straighten out, and shakes her head.

    "In my defense, I was bleeding, and childish emotions got the better of me. You were also being a bit of a jerk. I do apologize, but..." she nods stiffly to Pepper and Tony. "Maybe I'll see you next week."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's nearly done growing and is quietly thankful she was wearing her costume at the time of the first change, as she's had the luck for the first time to change back into that. No need for a wardrobe that Stark, nor Potts would have on hand. Still it's uncomfortable and it's causing the thief to sweat quite a bit as her body is working in over time. "Um... Cecily, you're welcome to come to my penthouse. It's not far, but if you'd rather go home. I'll help you get there. No need to walk anywhere." Felicia says, taping at her domino mask with a gloved hand, and then glancing back to Pepper and Tony, and holding her words for Tony, but she does smile sweetly. As sweetly as she can, towards Pepper. Given the circumstances. "Th-thank you." She stutters, and stumbles on her words even as her shoulders are covered in a blanket, "I'll bring it back." Knowing they wont even remember it in 30 minutes they're so wealthy.

    Though she does want to talk to Tony about choosing this time to fire an employee, but this isn't her place.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The Penthouse is a MESS, absolutely. In DUM-E's defense, however, he was helping with the kids as best he could. Pepper should pull the pony stickers off the sides of him though. Poor thing.

As Tony announces the closure, as it were, of Stark Tower's Penthouse, Pepper is looking back at him and there's a smile just for him. A shower sounds great right about now.

Turning about once more, it's Pepper's turn to handle the two women while Tony gets his pizza before the evening truly gets started, that is, cleaning, straightening... and such.

"Cecily, stop. We have guest apartments in the Tower. I'm sure I can have someone run and get you some proper clothes," that is, her own clothes, "and you can go home in the morning." In fact, the way Pepper speaks, she'll brook no disobedience. "And once you get some sleep, you'll have that vacation you wanted, and come back when you're done." If there's any question, let it be answered there and then. She's not going to argue about //that// night. To look up near the door, the Louisville slugger is actually there, leaning against the wall, and it makes her smile.

Brows rise at Felicia, however, and her head cants ever so slightly. "There is no need to go anywhere tonight. Wait until the morning. The guest apartments will be keyed to your prints."

Now, however? It's time to clean and get that shower and into bed. Now, it's up to the pair as to whether or not they want to leave tonight, or tomorrow.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony does a small double-take. "Oh. Paid vacation, of course," Tony clarifies. "No firings until I've been slapped a few more times," he clarifies, sensing the mistake. "That's just general policy," Tony says, kindly.

"Also, there's more pineapple pizza here. Take it for the team, Felicia, please."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Pepper's rather firmly-toned-yet-kind 'suggestion' that Cecily stay the night does give her pause, as does Felicia's offer of staying with her. "Far be it for me to argue with my Lady," she states without a hint of sarcasm, her expression softening and her posture becoming less rigid. "Though I believe slapping Mister Stark should remain within Ms. Potts' purview alone..." she sighs, shoulders slumping.

    "Thank you, both of you. All of you," Cecily states quietly. "It will be nice sleeping in my own... body again.." she muses. "As much as I will miss a bed feeling more like an ocean of blankets. Miss Felicia..." she doesn't know the woman's last name. "If you wish to accompany with pizza, and ice cream, perhaps we can watch a movie tonight? We can give these two their privacy and I can get used to being tall again."

    Then she nods politely to Tony, "It should only be a few days to get my affairs in order. Swim a few laps. Spend a few hours at the range. Visit my parents and make sure there's no peculiar genetic variances... you know."