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Discordants: Getting to Know You
Date of Scene: 07 February 2023
Location: Interview Room: Triskelion
Synopsis: An unlikely source gives a glimmer of hope to solving the attacks committed by the Dark Elves. Future plans need to be made before advancing.
Cast of Characters: Jimmy Hudson, Daisy Johnson, Nick Fury, Monica Chang, Jane Foster

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The good Mr. Hubert Tannenberg had been a model subject in his transition from his place of dwelling to the facilities of the Triskelion. The ride over had been quiet, and he had been secured in the van with a reasonable level of comfort. Not like a prisoner, but then again the myriad of security measures that were leveled on him during that journey were not small in number.
    His eyes had reverted back to the brown irises that he had when first met, and he allowed himself to be transported rather easily. When they emerged in the motor pool and he had been passed through security, the data readings on him were bare bones. He came across in all sensor scans as a normal human being without augmentation nor genetic misalignment. No drift, nor bio-enhancement either. Yet the team had witnessed the way his eyes spun in their sockets, and Lara had some readings of dark matter each time whatever resources he could marshal... did so.
    The R&D team focused on trying to make what they could of him while he was in custody. But for now he was held in the security wing's interview room. And he had waited.
    And waited.
    And waited a bit more. Until two hours had passed. And he announced to the room, "35 hours remaining."
    Which for someone who had been there when he was picked up... meant the deadline for his pet cat to miss him and become... disturbed.
    For now, however. All was well. He sat in the metal chair that was bolted to the floor. A plastic cup of water was before him that he had sipped. The waiting resumed.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Rule 101 on interrogations: Let them stew and sweat a little! .... Yet there Tannenberg was, as if he was in a diner waiting for his food. Darn these Asgardian people and their nerves of steel. But then again this guy had been living among humans for years now.

"Alright, I think we got him right where we want him ..." Which was ..., right at the start? And with less time to interrogate? But for some reason Daisy didn't expect this elf would really fight much on giving them a few answers. She closes the folder she was holding. The one with the report of the previous missions and slides it over the table towards the Director.

"Alright, so.. Since you were the good cop last time. Want to be the bad cop?" this Daisy asks Chang while getting ready to go in.

She will have to be the good cop!

Nick Fury has posed:
There is nothing like being a 'guest' of SHIELD. Courtesy is given, politesse, but let there be no mistake that everything is done deliberately and with due regard and care. The drive in, then, is pleasant. With the passage through the gates, the message comes through to the Director of SHIELD, informing him that Mr Tannenberg is on property. Emerging from his office, the man in black, with black patch in place begins his path down to the 'guest suite'.

It's a basic of interrogation; leave the person in what is effectively isolation, though with reasonable surroundings, to see what they do, if they say anything. It's no surprise, then, for him to give his personal time-stamp on his availability. 35 hours. For the cat.

"How 'bout we start out with a couple of 'good cops' and if we have to turn the screws, we go from there?" Guess who can be 'bad cop'?

Monica Chang has posed:
"Well, let's be honest. You probably will be a scarier bad cop than I could be."

Monica did not give away any sort of feelings on the matter but those that knew her? They would know she was ready to pounce on that bad cop role. But no one was scarier than Fury. There was no arguing that ever.

And this was from a woman raised in the Red Room.

"So two good cops it is until you want him punched in the face. Then I can be bad cop. Although I'd probably break my hand since he's an Elf." She wrinkled her nose. "Guess I'm good cop all the way."

And with that, she picked up her own folder and prepared to head into the interrogation room. And just before opening that door, she put on a very polite smile, shifted her body language ever so slightly so she was less formal and more casual and was going to be the nicest good cop ever.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Tannenberg. My associates insisted on a meeting ahead of time." That little roll of the eyes as if to say what-can-one-do. "So we were prepared. I promise we will take no more of your time than necessary. We want to keep Ovi happy as much as you do." Then she grinned as though she couldn't help herself. "He's so cute." Then she cleared her throat and threw a glance to her compatriots. "Sorry. Let's get started. But first, would you like something else to drink? A sandwich or snack? We have a good commissary with lots of options."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The slow blink that Mr. Hubert Tannenberg gives to Monica is one not unlike various cold-blooded animals who might or might be contemplating their next meal. He remains settled in his chair, his body language closed with his arms folded over his chest. That body language doesn't change, and he barely moves, save to slightly tilt his head in the direction of the door and those who enter, noting Daisy's approach. Neither of these were the ones who approached him in his apartment. He quirks an eyebrow, noting this.
    Then slooowly his eyes return to Monica. "We do not need to connect on an emotional level. This is a trade of information and resources. I have offered my time. I am expecting to be recompensed." He sits up and then takes another sip of water. "Here is in turn my DNA that you are hoping to sample. It will avail you little. So perhaps we had best to begin with your list of questions."
    It's in that moment his body language changes, rising up to sit in a straight-backed posture, his hands now set on the tabletop, fingers interlaced in a thoughtful manner.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Talk about overkill..." Daisy murmurs at Monica in a LOW voice when Fury says he will be bad cop. Poor dark elf! What did he do to deserve this? Well, killing people for one. And maybe a Malekith supporter for two? One hopes not. "Damn it .., I think he heard me..." a master of subtlety Daisy is not.

Daisy walks in with Monica, not having to do much to display that usual confidence and open manner of hers. Even if not as bubbly! "Are you sure we can't convince you about a kit kat?" Ok, maybe a little bubbly. But she notes the demeanor on Tannenberg and so does her demeanor shift some. To a sharper one.

"We want to know about the Svartalfar, and Malekith in particular. He has been making incursions here on Earth and we do not take kindly to external invaders."

No one wants the New York invasion to happen again! Darn you, Loki.

Nick Fury has posed:
Nick nods, his expression impassive. There may be no need for 'bad cop', if this is the way it goes. He's prepared to give the man his peace away from prying eyes; to give him a new identity once it becomes necessary for the elf to move on. There are more than a few promises, more than a few ways to pay the man for his information. Of course, there's no overlooking a deposit into a checking account from a source 10 times removed from it's originating one.

Standing there by the window now, the man is silent, arms lifting to cross in front of them, his good eye trained on the goings on within, though he does lift a single brow in Daisy's direction as she moves past and into the room. Did he hear? Quite probably. Lips are pressed, and when they enter, he nods slowly as he looks between his people and the elf. He's got fail-safes in the room; nothing is left to chance, and he certainly doesn't rely upon the kindness of others.

Bad cop without ever having to say a word.

Monica Chang has posed:
Ever seen a puppy after it was kicked? Or a child who had their favorite toy taken away by their annoying cousin visiting from Cleveland?

If not, just take a look at Monica. For she had that momentary surprise followed with that hint of trepidation as she sank back into herself a little. Not to the extreme. No overacting here. Just that tiny moment and she quickly 'got it under control' as any good agent would and should, right?

She dropped her gaze to the tabletop and seemed to remember the folder she had. Which she put on the table in front of her. But didn't open. When she spoke again, some of the bubble was gone but it could be sensed there under the surface just waiting for some glimmer he was receptive to her friendliness!

"Incursions with large death tolls. And the Svartalfar seem to be the suspects. We'd like to understand what they might be doing, if you have any ideas."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "That is a broad question that could take days to answer." Hubert says as he uncurls a hand slowly, almost mechnically toward them in a semblance of a gesture. "We keep our eyes on all of the nine realms. We have many plots." He straightens up and turns his head toward the reflective glass, pondering for a time before he looks back.
    "I am, however, not in contact with any of them. I am exiled." He says that, and for a moment his lips part as he draws a breath. But then he gives voice to nothing further. Instead remaining there in that same posture that he perhaps hopes comes across as... 'helpful'.
    It's then that Monica asks him about incursions and large death tolls. Which has him pause. His eyes look at her unblinking. Then he says. "Under what circumstances? Battle?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Rituals."Daisy pipes up in response to Tannenberg's inquiries. She leans forward on the table as well, elbow on it. "107 people on the first ritual. 70 on the second. They all died without any marks as to how. And all had a servant of Malekith in front of the ritual."

Her expression turns darker as she relates those events, "The victims all had things in common. The first were altruistic ones yet with dark pasts, or crimes somewhere down the line. The second were dishonorably discharged military." she gives it a thought, "People who broke their oaths."

"We are trying to find the connection here."

Nick Fury has posed:
Fury knows that their guest knows he's there; question is, can he see in that particular spectrum? Probably. And the Director doesn't flinch, staring back. When the elf breaks his gaze to speak to the others that are directly before him, the man waits for the news he particularly wants to hear. That about Thor. If the Asgardian was truly gone, there'd be word spread through the Nine Realms, and as opposed to Loki, Hubert has no reason to lie. Incursions, of course, are always good. Battle plans, or rather, more generalized goals and objectives. Beyond that, he could find allies to try and work out what might be in Malekith's playbook.

It's that //goal//. What is intended that he truly wants to know. The hows and whens and wheres become slightly secondary, though not by much. Particularly with the level of life lost.

Monica Chang has posed:
That was telling. That he was paying attention now and focused so fully on the question. Yet Monica continued in her role. As Daisy filled in the blanks, she nodded along at each of the points, looking at the man in front of them to gauge his reactions.

"There were some markings we had found." She pulled out some pictures. Sliding them over one by one. Showing the ritual setup itself, though none of the fallen. The runic type markings they had found at one. The blasted away area on the other. She didn't want to give away but she wanted to see what this brought up. And she pulled out an image created by the computer of the dreadnaught ship that had been seen in the magical recreation spell cast at the last scene.

"Are you familiar with any of this? Any idea what might happen next or the final goal?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    As Daisy speaks, Hubert turns his head and those eyes in their sockets spin around until the purple irises snap into position. They glow slightly and there's that increase in radiation coming from him, that hint of dark matter subtly rising as he lifts his chin. "Drained."
    He says just that word. Then his lips part. He holds that posture and raises a single finger.
    A moment passes. Another. "Do not be fearful." He says then he turns his left palm up. Abruptly a holographic projection surges to life from the palm of his hand, depicting Earth in a blue and green wire-frame image accompanied with markings and data displays though they're in a runic language that the others are likely not able to discern. Though assuredly they are recording it all.
    He leaned to the side and perused the pictures. His brow knit together and he said simply. "Old magic."
    At first that was all he had to say about the images. Then he added. "Very old magic."
    Where were these two rituals?" He turns his head and asks, his other hand lifting as if manipulating the world, which as his fingers enter the image, the sphere of Earth spins at his touch.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That doesn't tell us much..." Well, it's a start at least. They they were drained perhaps to power some kind of ritual, or a weapon. It's why Daisy indulges the dark elf when that globe pops up (and she doesn't shoot him). Instead she shares a look with Monica and then reaches over with her hand and ..., points to a couple of spots she knows more or less were where the rituals took place. "Those two places."

"Can you figure out a pattern here?"

Nick Fury has posed:
It's the first time that Nick moves his gaze from the room before him, when the radiation rises in the room. It's followed by the sound of a woman in his ear, "Sir, sensors in your area are picking up.."

"Yes, I know. Stand down," is responded evenly by the man in black.

When the hologram appears, and its the Earth spinning in hand, his attention is back on the scene before him.

'Drained', he'd said. Undoubtedly picked, if they're looking for a pattern. That, too, is a window into the dark elf's mind for intention, and need.

Monica Chang has posed:
It takes all Monica's willpower not to go tense. Even more not to draw a weapon when his eyes did that thing. When they had taken him into custody, he hadn't been facing her direction. And by the time they got back to the van, his eyes were the brown she'd seen here. It had been mentioned that happened in the apartment, though his back had been to Monica and the scope on her sniper rifle at the time.

Seeing it in person was just freaky as hell.

Yet, she remained as she had been. As though this happened everyday in the life of a SHIELD agent. Drained. Very Old magic. But her attention was drawn to the display as she watched Daisy point out each spot on the globe. She doesn't ask anymore questions for the moment, waiting to see what the elf has to say after learning these details.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The first was Brimstone Head Island in Canada, then the next was in Fiji... and as the places are related they'll see his hands play across the image of the Earth. He creates a connection between the two and considers as his thumb and forefinger span the distance between the two ritual spots.
    He glances toward the glass window, and curiously enough his nostrils flare for a moment. Then he looks back to the hologram floating above his hand. "Too little data. Need another for better representation. 24 possible locations for future sites. One more datapoint, narrow it to six." He pushes his hand through the display and as he does so those 24 other areas flicker to life, glowing like small red hot spots.
    "Usually this form of spellwork means... binding to something. Or barring access from something.
    For a moment his lips part again and he's about to say something else.
    Then the close and he says. "That is all I have for you." He closes his hand and the image of Earth flickers away.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Not enough data. That has Daisy narrow her eyes. Maybe not enough for this smartass elf! But SHIELD has some of the best minds in the world. And they now have those 24 spots up on tape. "And in this kind of scale, what could it mean?" She inquires. Because Tannenberg might be done but not Daisy! "What could Malekith want to do here?" she shakes her head, "Being vague right now won't really help you. If you are indeed in exile and the dark elves invade... Well.., your life could be in danger too, just like ours." she notes.

See? They are all together in this!

Yes, she noticed that the elf didn't really tell them everything he could but she doesn't go there. She will leave that for the BAD COPS.

Nick Fury has posed:
Right. Triangulation. Of course. But, if there are 24 possible locations, he's got the agents to deploy, and he's got the hardware to put into the air.

Fury taps the com in his ear, his voice calm and even, "Careful, Agent Johnson." It's more friendly advice than a warning, "He could be our ace in the hole. The only thing left I want to know is his take on Thor." He's not willing to completely write off //that// asset, as it then means a whole lot more aggrevation that falls onto his plate.

Damn it, Loki.

The other question that Daisy poses, of course, is also what he'd like to know. Goals and objectives. The why.

Monica Chang has posed:
And that has Monica considering something. "The original attack was more a battle. A military attack. But it was done during a ritual being performed by people here on Midgard, including Asgardians." She knew that probably would be distaste to him but she was going to chance this.

She pointed to the spot where the Starport rested. "The first attack was here, where the ritual was overtaken by Malekith's magic through a proxy object had had inserted into the ritual location by underhanded tactics."

She watched him very closely now. "Objects at the site had to be destroyed to break the spell upon a second attack. But during this battle, Thor of Asgard disappeared. Is that tied into the rituals happening now? Or a separate situation? And either way, any ideas where Thor may have been taken or sent by Malekith?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The incognito elf watches Daisy and says openly, "I would advise you to look upon it in the historical context that is carried between my people and the people of Asgard. Whatever is occurring is doing so as an act against Asgard. No matter what other ambitions the leader of the Svartalfar may pretend to have. It will always return to Asgard." He replaces his hands on the table, fingers interlacing.
    Hubert's attention then shifts toward Monica and he blinks slowly as he considers the other SHIELD agent. His lips purse, then he lifts his chin slightly. The image of Earth flickers back into life as he opens his hand, displaying the area and allowing Monica to show where she motioned. That data point is accepted and he considers, shaking his head. "That positional does not equate to the current project. Unless..." His eyebrows lift. "The current project is exceedingly complex leading to..." He shakes his head, "Possibly 254 other locations. That would be too long. Too risky. The Svartalf leader would not have the patience for that."
    He eases back into his seat, "As for the Odinson, I have heard naught. I do not speak to my brethren. They do not speak to me. I focus on what is... before me."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With Monica suggesting that other site there's a nod out of Daisy. They may be on to something here! Which is why she is looking carefully at the elf while he explains the complexities of it all. And so much he leaves unsaid. Sure, the Director is saying they shouldn't burn the asset. But this merits questioning.

"Imagine this is something that's been going on for a long time now..." she tells Tannenberg, "Involving attacking Thor directly. I don't think they care much about how risky it is..." she then pressing a little. "Indulges us perhaps on what kind of project it could be?

Whatever it is Daisy believes it to be BIG.

Nick Fury has posed:
Well, crap. Add another 254 locations to it? No. Unacceptable. Nick would have to call up other Agencies, and he's not willing to do that. Not yet. Not against this enemy. There's too much at stake. 'Too long, too risky', indeed.

Hubert's words, however, validate Fury's ultimate thought on the matter. It does come back to Asgard. He'd had suspicions, but the fact that Loki wants to make nice with them tells him that the 'Prince Regent' is aware of that fact and that allies are, if not welcomed, needed.

Nick drops his arms, one hand finding his pocket before he turns his attention away, just listening now to the discussion within. There's a slight pace to his step, and he stops when he gets the answer to his second question. There it is, another 'neither confirm nor deny' statement, as it were. Nick exhales in a long breath and turns around again, watching the tableau once more.

Monica Chang has posed:
"No, this seems to be escalating so I would agree that it isn't going to be long-term. So 24 potential spots for another ritual."

At Daisy's question, Monica nods and looks back to their interviewee.

"You mentioned binding to something or barring access from something before," she offered as a prompt to see where this might lead. Though they were no further than they had been on the Thor situation. Yet, this man was apart from his people and she hadn't picked up on telltale signs of possible deception in his answer.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Mr. Tannenberg locks eyes with Daisy and listens to her, then he turns his head to the side. His gaze unfocuses as his hand remains extended, the map flickering through a myriad of rotations, twisting quickly at points as he lights up each of those 254 other areas, bringing them up. Though he begins to discriminate between each piece of data, perhaps for various reasons. As he digs through it some of those hot spots flicker out, sometimes flickers of runic words appear near them. He gets through approximately 30 or so sites, then he shakes his head.
    "Too little data." Even allowing for discrepancies.
    Monica draws his attention then he responds in a clear though empty tone of voice. "Yes, the magical ground work seems to be for a connection between the rituals. Used to bind or bar. To hold within or without. Though some of what you say lends my thoughts toward there being... tiers to the rituals. Layers. I am not a strong mage, however. It is not my expertise."
    His brow furrows, then he says. "There is... one thing, however." He looks at them. But there is clearly... reluctance. "It is dangerous."

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane is incredibly quiet when she approaches the interrogation room without entering it. Having someone who knows about dark matter in the area historically may be useful. Partly because this is a woman who builds black holes for /fun/, and she probably has a vested interest in not seeing the dark matter in the area come into contact with actual matter, lest everyone in that vicinity cease to physically exist. She knows a thing or two about that.

Her shadow joins that of the Director lingering outside, though he gets a wide berth. Moving discreetly as possible means she rather ghosts lightly into Nick's vicinity. Ha-ha, ghosts. No attempt to draw his attention is required; if and when he acknowledges her presence, she nods politely. Better to train her attention onto Hubert, as she's no longer the ash-blonde Orthodox Jewish fundraiser.

A silent check of her tablet maps the antipodal positions of the two attack sites, and then she shakes her head, triangulation factoring not one whit into what she wants. Maybe Malekith wants to draw a giant "M" on the planet. Just in time to hear the dark elf dangle another alternative in front of the interrogators. Well, isn't that good for everyone.

Nick Fury has posed:
Just when Nick was going to shut all this down, their guest comes out with 'one more thing', which gives him pause. "This better be damned good," is murmured as his eye doesn't move from that scene in the next room. There's not even a glance to the side as Jane arrives, a simple, "Good morning, Dr Foster. Glad you could join us," is given in way of a greeting. "No one's been incinerated yet, and no black hole has opened up." So, he's counting this as a win.

With the sites lighting up on that globe, he's got it recorded, and one can be sure that all of those locales are being marked for potentials. In the next 30 minutes, flights will be in the air.

Nick will be there only for the next few minutes; his people have this in hand now.

Monica Chang has posed:
When Tannenberg didn't seem to be jumping to share that final bit, Monica had to push for the information a little.

"That doesn't matter. If it is dangerous, so be it. As long as we can stop more people from being killed in these rituals. And potentially stop whatever Malekith is trying to do. So please," she added, keeping this polite and friendly, giving that appeal for his help.

"What is it?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "Dangerous. For me." Hubert says with a sternness. He looks between the two SHIELD agents in the room, then spares a glance toward the reflective mirror. The image of Earth flickers, then he says. "We of the Svartalfar, we are one. We present ourselves as such. Single-minded. Unified. We march in step and do as we are bid by the leader."
    The incognito alien looks down, then he says. "This is accomplished in myriad ways. Even though at our core we are... contentious beings. We plot. We engineer our machinations. Yet the leader rules. He does so through ancient enchantments, and powers unknown. He does so by truly creating for us one purpose, one mind. I have been apart from that mind since he marked my family for death."
    Mr. Tannenberg then says, "I can still feel the ghost of that connection, however. And at times I can still feel the... messages carried upon that connection. Over this last year those feelings have come more and more often.
    His purple eyes lower, then he looks up. "I could connect again. Briefly perhaps. To give at least some window into what passes. But it is a window that opens both ways."

Jane Foster has posed:
"I expect positive outcomes, and I have given personal assurances we will not interrupt his cat's routine," Jane offers, though this is already tagged to the AAR. It may be for the benefit of the elf seated through the glass, though she sounds nothing like Neta-Lee from outside Tel Aviv. A half-octave difference and a straight-up West Coast accent there. "However, I'm prepared if other overtures prove necessary."

She turns back to the tablet, tracing her fingers over the map, quietly approving of Monica's tone and forceful return against Hubert's doubts, if any exist. His words and the cost of re-entering that hive mind cause her to still to the point of not moving. A stillness probably odd even to Daisy, given the arbitrary breathing stops entirely for a good two minutes.

After that pause, she carefully types out a message on the tablet and shows it to Fury alone.

<<Concerned about risk to him. I could ride the connection to confirm findings or seek others. 3 consultants could act as a backstop to suppress any telepathic overload or data corruption.>>

Nick Fury has posed:
Nick, too, pauses in his intent to depart, and he meets that elf's gaze through the mirrored glass. There's no pretending, no. Their guest knows he's there, and he's watching. In a way, he feels the elf is talking directly to him first in that description of their society, and then that offer. It's an offer that is not made lightly, and Nick can appreciate that, and certainly accepts it in the spirit in which it's given.

Then there's the question of safety. As Barton is always so willing to mention, doors do open both ways. There's no such thing as a one-way, that'd be too convenient.

Jane's input with the tablet has his attention, and in lifting his single eye to her, and he nods both his agreement and his assent.

"Do it."

Two simple words that could hold the safety of the world within them. If this fails? Nick doesn't even want to think of what could happen.

Turning now, Nick departs the room, headed back to brief the rest of his personal cadre and get his people in the air for those sites.

Monica Chang has posed:
And that had Monica pausing now. She had no problem with risking the safety of one to obtain the safety of more. But she also didn't want to simply throw this man into a dangerous situation without some sort of prep either way. After all, he'd been helpful. Far moreso than she had thought he might be.

She glanced over at Daisy then picked up her folder. "I need to consult to be certain but I think we would like to take you up on that offer. However, we will want to be certain that we do so in a manner that is the safest for you first and foremost. And won't give too much information to them in the process. I'm presuming you mean they will be able to read your mind in essence? So they will know we are investigating and the details you have already given? And, if so, how is best to keep you safe from their repurcussions?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is only so much that Daisy is willing to go. And while rushing headlong into things is a sort of trademark for the young Agent it isn't when other people might be in danger, no matter they are insufferable dark elves with senses of superiority! He owns a cat so that counts for something. So she is very much in a like-mind to Monica, nodding and getting up to her feet.

"If they know he's here on Earth and helping us. Yea ..., I can see them sending some people to .., take care of it. You will have our protection on this but we will need to figure out on how to proceed first that brings the minimal risk to you. And to us."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The man seated at the table with the plastic cup of water nods. He settles back into his seat, arms folding over his chest. "Then I will need to be recompensed. In a way that simple monetary compensation is entirely inadequate. There will be conditions."
    A glance is given to the window. His gaze moving from one point, to the other, then he looks back toward Monica... then Daisy. "However matters go, Ovi will need to be seen to and he will live out his life in full. No matter the expense."
    Then he looks toward Monica. "If I am even marginally successful, if I give even one piece of actionable intelligence, then I will have full asylum into perpetuity. I will also have ownership of my current residence. Into perpetuity."
    He sets his features into a stern visage. "Then." He glances toward the mirrored glass. "A favor. If it is needed in the future."

Nick Fury has posed:
Fury stops in his tracks, turns around to look at the window, takes the slow stroll back. Hands are behind his back, and he lifts his head in an upnod to the demands. He'll personally assure all the demands; he's like a 'wish card', however. It's all in how one words the request. And if he deems it doable such that it won't cause undue harm to his world or people?


"I'll be in my office." Now, it's time.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane nods to the director when he makes his decision, holding her gaze ahead on the dark elf instead of Nick himself. The irony is, this will not be the first time she's been twinned with a svartalf.

Not even close to the first.

Her comments become dry, "Their lifespans measure into thousands of years. Property arrangements for perpetuity need to come with the caveat of functioning legal systems and disposition of property." Something to consider when the average human might be excited to reach eighty, gracefully more so than before. Let the lawyers sort that out, but as the vague expert on these things, she needs to chime in.

Her thumb trails down the line of the tablet, and already she's composing a message to a certain resident of Greenwich Village, another adjacent to Central Park, a third beyond the rim of Manhattan itself. A careful, precise notice for a meeting, because some things WAND never commits to writing.

Define 'actionable' also adds as an underline, echoed for the big boss who heads off on his path.

"Here we go."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The list of demands ..., is sizable. Enough that it has Daisy arching a brow. The kind of arching that's telling 'you are pushing it, buddy'. But they are still the good cops so no threats. And he asked for his cat to be tended to first so that gains him some points.

"We will return." a nod and then it's time to go. Preparations have to be made.

But things are starting to shape up for them to figure out what Malekith is up to. At what price though?