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Latest revision as of 08:05, 11 February 2023

Date of Scene: 09 February 2023
Location: Upstate New York
Synopsis: A HYDRA convoy gets halted in the dead of night. The Black Panther recovers a treasure, Mary Jane Watson secures the remnants for SHIELD, Ariah grabs the gold, and the Green Goblin goes full goblin mode.
Cast of Characters: Ariah Olivie, Mary Jane Watson, Norman Osborn, T'Challa

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Westchester County. Home of SHIELD. Mt. Vernon. White Plains. Yonkers. And even Valhalla. The Upstate New York version. HYDRA has always been bold, operating under the noses of the Avengers, SHIELD, and the Justice League. To say nothing of countless others. Like rats and roaches, scurrying about in the dark. Stealing out of the city in the dead of night, a convoy of half a dozen unmarked heavy vehicles trundles northwards. Some military training operation in the mountains in the cold, some would say. Some clandestine government business others would say. Cargo trucks, troop transports, and the odd armored van. Led and tailed by recon vehicles.

    Still others, and those in the know, would be aware it's something more. The smuggling of goods and materials out of the city proper, coming in on ships and out by trucks to parts unknown. At least, that's the intention. Gold to fund global endeavors. Weapons to dispense across the country. Even, perhaps, some more... exotic and esoteric items for R&D and occult divisions. But beyond the city limits and city lights, the hills and trees have eyes.

    The lead vehicle, a smaller, four-wheeled Hummvee-like affair catches movement off the edge of the road in the headlights. A flash of silver. A flicker of blue. Like a lit fuse the blue races forward, keeping pace with the truck until it suddenly darts across the road. The asphalt lights up as a wall of shimmering force thrusts skyward and lights up the night like a flare--and bisects the truck hamburger style. The five vehicles behind slam on brakes in unison, the sound of engines whining and tires squealing a cacophony that's punctuated by the tumbling front end of the lead car as the grinding of metal on pavement screeches into silence.

    Like a beacon to those called forth on this awful evening, a stretch of dark road, frigid in the winter night, bathed in moon and magic.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
An attack over on a convoy going through New York City the day before has mobile SHIELD assets on increased patrols as of late. It has Mary Jane over on a motorcycle. Which she's still getting used to riding. She prefers bikes after all. She's wearing a kevlar bodysuit that's underneath a heavy jacket to conceal it and just looks like she's out for a ride. A duffel bag slung over her shoulder has on equipment in case something happens. SHe's not particularly expecting anything to happen..

Right over as things go to hell and back and catch aflame! She goes to snap to her communicator, putting in SHIELD Frequenciest <<Westchester, vehicular bombing. Multiple vehicles in convoy formation, unknown dispatch. If possible identify>> If they'rein a database, SHIELD can hopefully tag them and identify them.

She goes to rev her motorcycle, going from several blocks away towards where thes moke, fire, and flames are rising up from, going to boost her speed along as she maneuvers on an interception course!

Norman Osborn has posed:
The buzzing is what comes first. A low whine, distant but audible, to anyone walking by, but not likely to be heard in vehicles. Not at first. But it grows louder, sharper, a grating noise that makes the teeth want to chatter, how can that sound be an engine? It's like someone geared the jet specifically to a certain tone, deliberately to make people uneasy, skittish, spooked. Like someone's messing with their heads and, even if they can't quite hear it, they can feel it, like a rumble in their bones.

The whine comes from a glider, high in the sky, a speck that grows closer and closer. It would take binoculars to see at this distance, there's still a wayys to go, but it's on intercept course, for certain, and anyone who does manage to see will be captivated by the leering, grimacing, masked visage of the terrorist known as the Green Goblin. The Madman of the Skies. The Plague of Manhattan.

And he's laughing. Laughing as he clutches a smoking device in his hand, his purple glove clutching the pumpkin-styled shell of the grenade in his palm.

The Club members may have made plans. But he only follows his own plans. Any of yours? Prepare to have them spoiled.

Mayhem is here.

T'Challa has posed:
Stealthed ontop of one of the trucks he had jumped on before they left and though he was stealthed claws dug into the top of one of the vans. He was horribly outnumbered as he looked around the vehicles from his spot quietly trying to scan the truck to find the one with the vibranium that was on it. As the Hummvee catches up BP has to crouch down again as it being Hydra might have scans to spot him. He knew it was in this transport somewhere as he had tracked down the theives who dare steal from him while he was away

As the brakes hit he has to hold on as he is almost thrown off as there is a couple bumping noises as he is thrown to the front. Holding on to the roof as now he lays on the front windshield and though he is invisable there is a heat wave around him, and at this close could easly been seen. With a turn he glances behind him pulling himself up as the Truck his is on kicks it into reverse... All T'Challa says is.. "New York Drivers..." with a sigh.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    The vehicles, if SHIELD has any read on them, can likely be traced through shell companies that may, with a tangle, lead back to HYDRA-backed businessses. But that could take time. Time that, in the middle of the cold forest at night, may not be available. That massive wall of energy flickers then dissipates, but the damage is already done. The convoy is halted, and the lead vehicle's front passengers are pulling themselves out of the half-a-truck they'd managed to ride several meters ahead. The pair in the back half, unfortunately, have suffered no lack of blunt-force trauma when they slammed into the barrier at 70mph abruptly. Night night.

    The other vehicles, however, start to try and wheel around in reverse. One of the middle ones hauls off to the side and a half-dozen armed and armored HYDRA troopers step out, flashlights mounted on rifles aiming every which-way. None of their gear can pick up the buzzing and the cackling of the Green Goblin -just- yet, but surely they will very soon! Or maybe they won't. Because the situation on the ground grows more heated when one of the troopers with thermal goggles spots the Black Panther on the hood of a truck backing up.

    "YOU! YOU DID THIS!" he barks, "STOP RIGHT THERE!" Of course, T'Challa's mighty steed jerks to a halt as the bewildered driver stares at the windshield and pulls out the sub-machinegun stored under the seat. It's already turning into chaos as one of the other escort vehicles disgorges its quad of armored troopers and they go hunting for the origin of the blue sparks--and probably right towards Mary Jane Watson.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
That gets it. Mary Jane goes to call out two alerts that ring along the SHIELD communicatiosn network - and are in turn likely passeda long to the Avengers or anyone else on friendtly terms with SHIELD. <Hydra troopers present! Warning, Hydra troopers!> That's definitely going to get alarms blaring. But it will be minutes until reinforcements arrive. There's only so fast someone can jump on a bike, even a jetbike or a Quinjet.
    The Green Goblin has her blood go cold. <And supervillain designate Green Goblin is attacking> Oh Peter. Oh, oh Peter.
    Then she goes to rev her engine and goes to charge along, racing it up to over two hundred kilometers an hour. She's not a SHIELD Special Operative that can make it perform loop de loops out of sheer skill. Even Sonja is outclassed there. But she can get into range in time..
    And hold out one of her large metal batons, going to try and drive right on past two of the Hydra troopers! Bracing herself for a yank that might feel like she was tearing her arm off as she would try and keep the vehicle stable and just drive right -past- the two en passant, heavy metal baton hopefully sending them flying with broken bones despite heavy armor, and the speed of her motorcycle and strength keep it stable!

Norman Osborn has posed:
The Goblin observes the chaos breaking loose even before his arrival and he only grins wider. There was no such thing as too much destruction, too much madness. He lived in excess, drowned in it. It nourished the black embers of his cursed and benighted soul.

He reaches into the back strapped to his hip and draws out a few black discs, tossing them into the air and unleashing a flock of razorbats, sharp-edged self-flying shuriken that get sucked into the wake of his glisder, dragging along behind him like a cluster of deadly shards, waiting to be flung through the passenger areas of one of the vehicles, even as he casually announces his presence as the glider goes into a deep dive, heading straight for the Panther and the guards in the middle of conflict.

"Good thing I'm wearing a mask. I hate the smell of burnt cat hair!" he yowls with a cackle as he flings his pumpkin bomb directly between T'challa and the guards, even as he takes evasive maneuvers to avoid any potential fire from the Hydra troops. "HOPE YOU ALL LIKE DYING!"

T'Challa has posed:
Black Panther is spotted as he looks at the driver as the driver looks at him, and decides to drop the stealth as the man draws the gun. Thankfully he was already pulling himself up as the glass behind him shattered as he fliped up to the roof. He ran backward as he glances up hearing a Yowl, with a sigh "Great.. That can't be good" as he looks over at Green Goblin. The explosion goes off, and thankfully the truck is already backing up, and him running most the shots miss or ding off the back of his suit.

"Fine.." T'Challa says as the explosion goes off behind him "Hard way.." and slides off the other side of the truck to get out of direct line of fire.

When the Passenger looks out to shoot him BP throws a dagger at him before poping out the claws from his hand to cut open a hole into the side of the truck. He could not let whoever that was get their hands on it so it was time to stop messing around as he takes the half cut side in a hand and tears the metal down to directly look inside.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    The four men who go searching for a certain witch who has, for now, remained hidden, end up running afoul of MJ! She's going too fast for the four of them to put a bead on, and by the time they've got their guns up, they're being treated to the hooligans and mailboxes treatment. Spoiler alert: The soldiers are the mailboxes and MJ is the hooligans. The speed and force of the swing knocking their helmets sends them sprawling. If not from broken necks that'll require a brace in prison, then absolutely from the sound of baton meeting helmet! The other two turn and open fire at the speeding redhead, the crack of automatic weapons filling up the area--before the explosions come.

    And come they do. Among other things. The pumpkin bomb explodes in the middle of the road as the six soldiers dive for cover. They shift focus away from Black Panther to open fire on the Green Goblin, taking cover behind the troop transport and firing short bursts into the night to try and either drive him off or tag his glider. By now the vehicles that were attempting to retreat instead focus on getting defensible. Two heavy cargo vans pull off into the trees to the side of the road, headlights cutting as the only sign of them is the angry red of their tails. But the doors open and one rather... large man emerges from one of the vehicles.

    He's got some kind of powered gauntlets, lightning crackling between his fists. "HANDS OFF!" he bellows, running full tilt towards T'Challa like an angry gorilla. There's certainly enough chaos now that the Vibranium can be found in the van the Black Panther has cut open like a tuna can, but the HYDRA chief isn't going to let him run off with it! But it's there. Inside. A nicely sealed box with the HYDRA logo on it. Wrapped up like a gift for whomever of their masters it's going to. Within, whatever receptacle it was stored within at the Wakandan Embassy.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is in no place to get the attention of T'Challa. She's now focused over on the Green Goblin. She goes to draw out her SHIELD Needler and moves to line it up over with the goblin glider. Sonja takes over. She doesn't aim over at the Goblin..

She's spent time with Peter. Seen the goblin fighting. She moves to line up a shot over with one of the maneuering thrusters. Her accuracy isn't superhuman.. But Sonja's is.

Sonja takes over as the shot is quickly lined up, and fired. The small gun is a magnetic accelerator firing sharpened needles at hypersonic speeds. dozens and dozens of them, if not hundreds go up at the glider! The majority will miss, ricochet off the armor, or be deflected by other things. But hopefully the sheer number of rounds fired over at what her limited knowledge of engienering -hopes- is a vulnerable spot..

Well, hopefully just a few of them will be enough to damage it and drive him to ground!

Norman Osborn has posed:
An earlier prototype of the glider might've been crippled by Sonja's attack, but, unlike that fool Palpatine, Norman has learned from past mistakes. Still, those high-speed needles do poke even a bit through his body armor, a few jutting out of his left forearm like spikes, a sharp jolt of pain running up his arm, almost paralyzing it with the impact of the pain.

One of these...things had hurt him. Which one was it? There...with the red hair.

He snarls and bears down, veering the glider in the redhead heroines direction, ignoring Panther and Hydra alike. WHile he has no morals at all, no ethics, no religion to serve, if the Goblin had one, it would be VIOLENT AND SUDDEN REPRISAL.

He pulls out of the dive to veer up at the last minute, sending a rain of razor-sharp metal aiming back down at Sonja. If she's fast, as fast as a person can be, she might be able to get out of the way. Or maybe that doohickey of hers can do something. Either way, the Goblin's intent is obviously fatal, even as he raises a hand to unleash an electric blast from the tip of his finger to blast at the guantlet-wearer, the self-appointed guardian of a treasure clearly worthy of looting. Norman wanted whatever was in there and, at the moment, he and the Goblin's interests were aligned. Theyh weren't quite of one mind but they were...getting along.

The Goblin tilts the Glider back down and hovers over T'challa's shoulder, "Need some backup, your Majesty? Don't you have a bunch of funny friends in bright and colorful costumes? Where's that fool, Steve Rogers? Where's the Iron Moron? Instead, you must rely upon the assistance of a fell foe in this, your hour of need, precious T'challa," he says, pulling out a pumpkin bomb and casually tossing it at the guard he just tried to zap. He's dismissed Sonja for now, more the fool he.

"Don't worry. the Green Goblin's here to save the day, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa was peeling down the side only to see a Hydra chief he glances down at it then at the Vibranium and frowns at the man, "One Chance hand it over." before he is hit in the side by a charging man he does something Green Goblin might not of seen before litterally grabbing the bomb out of the air and swinging it into the mouth of the yelling charging man with the lightling gloves. "You hurt the wrong people... I am not as kind.." Booom.. splat.. "To those who hurt my people."

"I am fine,.. mind your own." he growls back at the flying person who now has thrown two bombs gernerally at him. He would get his, but for now he was here for other buisness, and he was not messing around as Hydra had hurt his people. He turns and glares at the man inside the captain, as his suit protected him from the blast thankfully but it left him a mess as what happened to the other man. "You should of taken your chance." he says to the leader as claws pop out of his fingers and starts to walk towards him slowly to get the vibranium.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    The two men still sending rounds down the road at Red find themselves having... other troubles after a moment. They one they had gone searching for comes out of the darkness, a flash of silver and bright white hair. The four-foot-ten witch comes at one of the troopers from behind, thrusting the point of her sword through his spine and out the front. She grabs the stunned man's gun arm and lets him make short work of his companion before clucking her tongue. "...so loud..." she mumbles to herself as chaos continues to erupt in this six-care pileup. The blade is withdrawn, the trooper tumbling to the ground before Ariah kicks the gun away. "Tsk..." she shakes her head and makes her way towards the heavy vehicles parked just off the side of the road.

    The back and forth between Green Goblin and Mary Jane rallies the half-dozen troopers still gathered around their transport, half of them shifting focus to the redhead and unloading in her direction, the other half sending rounds at Goblin and Panther--even if there's a sudden... morale hit when their commander is shocked into a momentary siezure and then blown up, sending bits of burly HYDRA soldier all over the place. The one who had been guarding the vibranium, however, clearly has second thoughts and scrambles out the back of the van! He might've been the leader but he's not exactly planning on facing the claws of the Black Panther--or a Pumpkin Bomb to the face.

    ...wait, was this Bob, Agent of Hydra? When did he get a promotion? No, probably not him.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The troopers can be handled by others. Mary Jane is fast, but not fast enough to dodge the metal darts entirely. A couple slice through her body. One pierces through her left arm, penetrating the bone. She doesn't let out a cry of pain at it. The metal is thankfully hot enough that it sears the wound shot from fragmentation even in passing. And the Green Goblin does something that's never good in a fight.

He turns his back on an opponent. Red Sonja doesn't let ou ta battle cry as she charges. No.. If an enemy is going to make a mistake, you don't talk them out of it. But still, the Hydra troopers go to shoot at her as she's drawing her blade. Two bullets go to impact along her kevlar of her outfit. One penetrates underneath the plates, where it goes to dig into her stomach, deflecting off a rib. She just goes to run through it, mroe bullets pinging past her, and a couple more impacting her already in the gut, her just going to use raw speed to keep from behing shot up!

And as the Green Goblin goes to draw his pumpkin bomb Red Sonja goes to reach over to her duffel bag, unsheathing in near silence a large two handed sword.. Hyborean steel forged with secondary adamantium. She doesn't let out a cry as she goes to charge at the Green Goblin from behind!

Silent as a rogue in the night, she goes to try and attack him from behind! His armor is heavy, his body near invulnerable, super strong, augmented further by his machines.. But she's still a brutally powerful woman with immense experience at fighting, swinging a blade that can cut through nearly anything with incredibly enhanced strength attacking someone standing still from behind.
    Her slash goes if she can aimed over the center of his torso vertically.. Her aim is just to try and slash into his upper body and intent on just simply lopping off an arm over from the shoulder to try and make her point!

T'Challa has posed:
As T'challa is walking forward, the gunshots going off behind him as he takes another step just to get a reaction he was not expecting but should of. The coward ran for it so ignoring him for now T'Challa uses his claws to slash at it a few times, and grab the vibranium again. He takes in a deep breath to get the scent of the man that ran so he could identify him again later. All of these hydra troups that took part of this today is on his list, he scans the metal to make sure it is clear before a panel opens by his leg and he puts it in for safe keeping.

After he is done there would be silence for a moment before from out the hole he came in an empty container comes flying out as he throws it with the strength to catch cars. He then walks to the hole in the side again coming into sigh, looking to see if there are any left. "Green Spirit..." though he says it more because that is what he looks like then knowing his name. "My buisness is done.. You best be gone from my sight before I decide you are helping them."

The claws come back in as he reaches behind him pulling out a metal rod out of a slow in his arrmor that expands to a spear with an edge on both sides. "You know who I am and what I will do if you are behind hurting my people.. There is no place safe for you to hide." he grows looking very serious but he does not attack the man first as he isn't sure the Goblin had anything to do with this. but it was possible it would explain why he is attacking the others as some sort of lose cannon.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    From the edge of the forest, the sound of one of those big trucks firing up the engine again can be heard. It rumbles backwards out of the darkness at an entirely unsafe speed, smashing into the troop transport and scattering the six gunmen who had been unloading, uselessly, towards the three semi-heroic (and also green and villainous) individuals. The truck lurches, jerks, and drives headlong towards the Black Panther before it screeches to a halt. Inside of the driver's compartment, the door opens and a HYDRA trooper is sent sprawling onto the pavement. His own weapon sounds out from within the cab, bullets raking the road and filling him full of holes--then the gun itself is tossed out, too. The girl with the dark skin and silver hair peeks out, blinking at T'Challa.

    "...my apologies, Monsieur Noir..." she says, accent thickly French, tone and expression neutral. "...it is fortunate we find both of our prizes tonight..." she states, mismatched eyes surveying the damage and destruction. She looks to Mary Jane as well and frowns, "...apologies, but I am in need of this vehicle. Bonne nuit..." And with that, she pulls the door shut and starts making the massive vehicle trundle up the road in the direction the convoy was heading.

    What remains of HYDRA itself are groaning men, though one laying in on the ground between Mary Jane and T'Challa seems to be trying to paw at a radio to call for help. The Commander had climbed out of the OTHER truck, so that one is empty, and everything is just... a massive mess. Good thing there's no traffic on this road this late. It's cold as all hell though.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
And even as Mary Jane goes on the attack the far stronger Green Goblin is able to just -fling- her away over before she can strike! She's sent flying and can only skid across the ground, sword barely in hand even as her arm with the bone jabbing out snaps like a twig. she can only barely hold her sword in one hand, even as she tries to get her gun up and over to take another shot at hte goblin. Butw hen faced with the choice of dropping her blade so she can hold her gun with her other hand hanging at her side like a floppy stick, she keeps her blade.

She goes to forcibly charge her way back towards the Hydra troopers with her hand on ehr blade . Now there's no battle cry, no charge to make the brutes quake in fear.. Just a nearly crippled girl charging in with a blade that seems too big for her with one hand.

T'Challa has posed:
As T'Challa jumps down from the truck, and is walking up he gives the oncomming truck a you don't even want to do this look as he was already in a very bad mood over this thing. Then it stops right infront of him the French lady killing the driver. He gives her a nod, "Take what you want.. do not get inbetween me and them." he says very seriously and continues walking to let Ariah clean up what gold or other rewards they wanted as it wasn't his job to stop her this time.

Walking up to one of the moaning soldiers that fell out of the transport and with one hand lifts him into the air. "Who order the theft of the Embassy.." he asks in a tone that shows he is not messing around, as all he gets is a ughhh.. He slams him against one of the turned over trucks. "Tell me now or this will end poorly." he just carries the man like he is nothing and is heading back towards one of the engines that are still running. "We will try heat first.. answer me!"

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah takes off with the truck. She'll have to remember to thank the Black Panther if she ever does run into him again. She might. But for now, she has priorities. That's getting the gold in the truck somewhere... else. And that somewhere else is -not- on SHIELD's doorstep. The soldiers displaced by Ariah's driving are struggling to get up, recovering their guns, starting to reload. All manner of things. They bring their weapons up when MJ rushes at them, even as one of their own is grabbed and hauled off by the Black Panther.

    The one hauled off by T'Challa stays silent, and at the threat of torture, he does something very simple--and very on brand. His eyes go wide suddenly and foam starts to dribble out of his mouth. There's a wild grin on his face as he spits and sputters. "HAIL... HYDRA..." before the cyanide pill takes effect and T'Challa is left holding a corpse.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Not aware there's gold in the other truck, and too far away to get in the way of it anyways, Mary Jane can only curse as she goes to rush through them as best she can,s lashing eith her sword over and then glancing over her shoulder to try and track the other one. Her communicator was damaged over in the fracas and her backup is her phone and using that requires putting down her blade which will not happen.

The disabled Hydra troopers seem to have gone down, and any otehrs are fleeing an dout of range.

T'Challa has posed:
Pather sighs as the man takes a suicide pill, as he should of known that was going to happen. He tossed the man aside as he says (Thief) in Xhosa the discuss clear in his tone. Looking back he sees someone else has it and nods to them before he turns back around to keep walking. He didn't have any cool toys like a smoke bomb or a zip line so he just walked as he needed to get back to where there were phones to call in a pick-up, and a cleaning of his suit.

He was unhappy about not learning who ordered it, but he would have to track down that one that ran away later. Perhaps they would answer his questions, or at least point him to a higher ranking official that could. He was a man on a mission, and if he cought up with him it would not be a good day for him... Bob, or not.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Dead, dying, or unconscious. The remaining HYDRA troopers are a motley mess. The ones who would rather not be captured have already broken their capsules, foaming at the mouth on the ground. It's going to be a hell of a crime scene for SHIELD to clean up later, that's for sure. And there might even be a couple alive to interrogate, thanks to MJ bashing two over the head on the way in! As far as prizes... Ariah gets away with the gold and T'Challa recovers a prized piece of Wakandan treasure. No HYDRA research laboratory for that Vibranium.

    At least for MJ there's probably a first aid kit or three in the other four intact vehicles, and the other HX truck that had pulled off to the side is loaded to the gills with contraband like assault weapons and even some weird occult shit from Europe. All smuggled into New York via ship. In the end, nobody leaves empty handed, in a sense. Even the Green Goblin was able to cause mayhem, confusion, and carnage!