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Latest revision as of 15:15, 12 February 2023

A nice dinner at the Manson.
Date of Scene: 12 February 2023
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: A good diner is had, and everybody has a talk with T'Challa's sister, and student.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Natasha Romanoff, Marie-Ange Colbert, Shuri, Janet van Dyne

T'Challa has posed:
The kitchen is busy today, as T'Challa is retriving out of the fridge the meal he had cooked earlier, knowing it tasted better the first time you reheated it. It was a giant metal pot of rice, as he had clearly made way too much food a bit over thinking it, but the rice was soaked in Cinnamon and other spices to make it sweeter then normal. He had also made his special curry. Shuri would know of this as he had only made it a few times, but each one was to remember.

The curry was good tasting, and smelling but there was a single problem. It was extremly spicy! It was to the point to where just smelling it could tell you it was spicy. T'Challa loved this meal as it was his favorate, and only made it when he was nervious about something. He had made it for his Father when it was nearing his time to take over, or if he had some bad news, but it was not always negative. He had invited Shuri, and knew Marie would be coming as well. She was an outsider, but T'Challa had given her his blessing to learn so was more worried about how that would go over. He had also not been home for a while, and the two togther looked bad.

Finally his black suit covered most the bruises from that one, but there were a newset on his hand where he had held the gernade that went off the armor tanking the blow but shaking the inside hard enough to hurt, but it was worth it. The vibranium was returned to the Embasy, and the people behiind it taken care of. He tried to cover the best he could as he could not let a student know that her teacher takes hits too as he is now reheating the food waiting for the others to arive, and realizing that he made way too much for three people.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Over to the side of the kitchen is Natasha Romanoff. She would have been there the previous night and doesn't seem to have moved. Almost like a statue, barely blinking or giving any sorts of signs of her presence, having faded into the background. The indications of her were a dizzying array of holo images flashing past as she would rapidly sort, coallate, and switch between different images, occasionaly switching to a three dimensional and then two dimensional perspective.
    Files in Russian, Swiss, Mandarin, Spanish, Portugese.. And several others would flash on by, though the majority of them would be in European languages if one would glance at. T'Challa's approach would be met with a light nod from the little corner of the kitchen that the spy had set herself up in, even as she would continue to go through data.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie-Ange Colbert was an outsider in more ways than one. A French national on American soil. A mutant (with magical abilities) among humans. A non-Wakandan learning techniques that had been preserved for generations upon generations by the (once?) secretive nation. These were things that were beyond her control.

She's used to things beyond outside of her control; the girl serves as a puppet to Fate herself, dancing when her strings are pulled and sticking to the beat that plays... for the most part, at least. This wasn't entirely a one-way relationship, though, as she got to peek behind the curtain. To see what happens on the next page before it turns.

It's a thing she does for most occasions. Her love life was the rare exception to the rule, but this was not that. So today, she opted for a yellow cotton blouse, a black, flowing skirt that went a bit past her knees, and black flats. Her hair is only mildly tied back with a long yellow ribbon that twines in and out of the red locks.

She can also control her behaviour; so while she'll come to Avengers Mansion per her invitation, she'd wait for escort, or to be buzzed in, whatever the case is... before eventually making her way to the kitchen. The people inside are greeted with a smile; T'Challa she knows. Natasha? Well, she doesn't /realize/ she's met the woman, who probably knows everything there is to know about her and more. "Bonsoir!" she greets, anchoring herself mentally in T'Challa's presence. It's a technique she'd first developed with Jenny; focus on the familiar until the strange becomes familiar. It helps with overcoming her natural introvertedness.

Shuri has posed:
"Oh, no. My brother is trying to cook again. Shall I prep the infirmary now or later?" Shuri's sarcasm can be good for laughs at some times, but also annoying. The difference in feeling is often tied to who the recipient of it is.

Invited for dinner, at least she shows up instead of giving some excuse to be anywhere else. Dressed suitably enough for this, her attire is classy enough and functional, including a few bits of Wakandan inspiration in colors and style. Tucking a device away, she looks around the room and gives Natasha a brief wave and 'Hello.'

Then, her attention turns toward Marie-Ange, leading to her glancing from the woman to T'Challa, then back again. Probably the one he's mentioned, but she hasn't seen a photo yet. Another greeting is offered, then she takes up a spot at the table. "I heard he learned how to be a butler when he was in England," she tells the other ladies, jerking a thumb T'Challa's way.

T'Challa has posed:
As Marie comes to the door he yells to it, "It is open." his accent thick as usual before he checks his food one last time turning to see Marie, "Hello again.. Natasha I would like you to meet someone. This is Marie, she is my.." he thinks of a term then smiles a bit. "Yelena." and nods to her hoping she would understand. He turns to Marie, "Marie this is Natasha, she is a good friend, and trusted teamate." and smiles nodding to Nat, "And decient statue."

With a chuckle he waves a hand to a chair, "Please sit.. Natasha, I am glad you are here. This is the one that I was training," with a shrug he gets some plates, and utensils.. "Try not to intimidate her too much.." chuckling as just maybe kidding. Turning he greets his sister coming in, "Ah good she has arrived." he waves her to the kitchen as well and nods to one of the seats. "I realize I should of waited for introductions.." and chuckles again, "Excuse me, Natasha, Marie... This is my sister Shuri. She has come here from Wakanda, and is staying at the... embassy?" he adds with a question as he actually hasn't been back New York Traffic being the convoy it was lately. "Shuri, I am sure you know Natasha, but Marie is the one I was talking about. The one that is learning." smiling a bit with a nod. "Please try to be nice.. Alright?" though said with a smile.

Getting the three plates ready, he brings in two. One for Nat, and One for Shuri as the food is placed infront of them. The smell spicy enough to invoke tears from some people. With a smile he nod to Shuri, "What.. I swear you loved this when you were younger." he chuckled a bit as maybe she was a better actor then.

Returning to grab a plate and putts on some rice, and a good deal of curry as that poor girls was too skinny so he double servings the plate putting it infront of her. He thing brought some lemonaid and water pitcher with three glasses. "I am happy to welcome my sister, and it is nice to help others king or pauper?" finally after making sure everyone has everything he makes himself a plate, and sits with the rest. "Please dig in.." as he is about to himself.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As the others come in, Natasha shifts her attention to fully evaluate them. As Marie-Ange speaks, Natasha goes to speak to her in flawless French. A Parisian accent - one could even tell where in the city it was from as she would reply rapidfire.

"I hope that the morning finds you well and that you're having ag ood day so far." She would turn her attention over to T'Challa. "I'm familiar with your sister in passing." She'd read some of the reports that had gonet hrough SHIELD and the Avengers files on the woman. And quite impressive ones they were, even by SHIELD standards of geniuses.

"So what has brought you over to the Mansion, T'Challa, and your guests?" SHe would switch her eyes over to Marie-Ange as well. "Ah, and the girl that you're tutoring? I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting her." Natasha would fold her hands together while reviewing the trio entering.

The light tease from Shuri being given to T'Challa was for now ignored as Natasha would press a couple of bottoms on her datapadd as the information she had been reviewing would vanish as the padds would go blank.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Of course, Marie has no idea who or what a 'Yelena' is, but she's not goint to try and guess. She's a creature who bathes in proper etiquette and decorum -- those moments that she really lets her hair down? Well, they're few and far between. There's a part of her that is definitely on edge, especially as introductions are made. Connections are made in Marie's head.

Natasha. Teammate. She knows T'Challa's an Avenger. Probably another one of those. Impressive! ...then she recalls Janet's warnings. Eyes open a little wider. /Natasha./ 'I don't do security, she does'. It's only a refreshing thought that, as far as she knows, the Mansion has no cliffs for her to be flung from. The French words in the Parisian accent help; Marie's own is identifiable as from Lyon.

Shuri. Sister. Not nearly as frightening! Still the King's Sister. Marie frets. Formal, or informal like T'Challa? She never had a sibling. Not by blood, at least. What did the Fleebs like?

Opting to err for caution, Marie drops into a proper curtsey. Head bowed, eyes downcast. "Enchante, Your Royal Highness," Sister of the King would be a Princess, right? So. Yeah. "Madame Natasha. As T'Challa said... my name is Marie-Ange Colbert. It is a pleasure to meet you both." She's trying, but she's nervous. It doesn't show so much as it can be heard in her voice. She doesn't say much more just yet, though... trying to get a read on how to proceed further before doing so.

Shuri has posed:
Shuri openly tells T'Challa, "You are acting oddly. Are you sure you aren't running a fever? I can run a quick scan..." Already, she's digging out another device, adjusting something on the screen before acting like she's about to point it her brother's way as he's doling out the food. "Oh, yes. My favorite. I had almost forgotten all about it somehow." It /sounds/ like sarcasm.

The next one to get the focus of her attention is Marie-Ange, who she studies for a long few moments. "Polite, I will give you that. Good to meet you. I hope my brother's trust in you is not misplaced."

Shifting a utensil to one hand, Shuri makes to pick at the food before sliding a glance Natasha's way. "So, how is life in the world of the Avengers?" Small talk, if awkward at first. "My brother is still acting more as if I have never been to this country before."

T'Challa has posed:
"I thought it would be nice to bring us together to share a meal, and the way we go through food around here we could always use a stored meal or two." he answers Natasha's question first with a smile, and a nod. "please dig in.. the food is very good." and takes a small bite of his and smiles as he seems to enjoy it though takes a drink of the lemonaid he pours for himself. "It is the combonation." he notes before he gets back on topic. "And yes. We are still at the beginner level, but she learns quickly." he turns to look at her. "Still needs to learn patience in training as she tends to push herself too hard, but I was very simmular when I was younger."

Turning to his sister he tilts his head, "See I knew you enjoyed it now please eat." and smiles, as did he miss the sarcasim, or did he get it, and that is why he made it? T'Challa's poker face was strong though he did smile as it wasn't bad food, just spicy as he liked it. Still with that smile he nods to her "We can not enter into a training without trust sister." though he doesn't answer the question for her as it was not to him.

Taking another bit, and drink he shook his head as darn that was hot, but good, and looked over at his student for a moment silently thinking about what to say in such a wierd situation then just grins, "You did well at that convoy though, and I am hoping to see more good things from you so that doesn't mean it will be easy. Just the trust will always be there." and nods a bit at that.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod over at Marie-Ange while folding her hands together. "Welcome to the Mansion, Marie-Ange." Said once again in French, as she would match the accent.. "Is the little delicatessen still around?" Her mind matching Marie's accent over to a part of the city, asking about somewhere that might have been near her where she had grown up.

Which might be taken very well or -very- terrifyingly depending as to how one interpreted the mercurial intentions of the older woman. "And a pleasure to meet you as well."

Turning to Shuri, "So what brings you here? Findinga weakness in your brother that you can use to make a play for the throne?" No, the Wakandan royal society was nota s bloodthirsty as Game of Thrones. "I'm glad that your.. Protege is adjusting well." As Marie-Ange would ask..

"I have been focused over on other affairs as of late. My time with the Avengers has mostly been focused on monitor duties and helping to coordinate the team in the field." Most of her obligations were to SHIELD. But no need to complicate the narrative much in the face of the younger girl.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Now that greetings and introductions have been made, Marie will look first towards T'Challa -- a silent offer of help, should he wish it. If not, she'll take her seat with her bowl. Again, impeccable manners are used. Her pace of eating is about as delicate as the girl herself looks -- though, she's started to put on some muscle since she started really diving head-first into training. Not quite as frail as she used to be, but still nothing compared to actual warriors -- of Wakanda or otherwise. Her eyes do water a little at the spiciness, but she looks like she's enjoying it, at least!

"I have not foreseen any reason it would be," When it comes to Marie's precognition, she talks openly about it. Being able to read tarot cards doesn't make one a mutant. Although, being different within /these/ walls, while perhaps not as welcoming as Xavier's certainly didn't feel as awkward as being different outside of them. "...but I will certainly do my best to ensure it stays that way."

T'Challa's words get a smile, and a slow nod from Marie, "Merci beaucoup, T'Challa. I hope I did not... surprise you too much, considering the, ah, additional tricks I pulled from within my sleeves?" She's not entirely sure what Shuri knows. Or, for that matter, what Natasha knows. So best to be vague at first, if nothing else.

Natasha, then, gets a little grin. "Your hospitality is most welcome," she replies in French, though she switches back to English after. She's not entirely sure of the linguistic abilities of the others, so best to ensure a common tongue! "...as far as I know it is? I... have not been back to France in some time." she admits, bowing her head slightly. That's a sore spot. "Nor do I hope to. My home is here, now." It seems she's taking it mainly as a friendly gesture. By default, the younger redhead tends to think the best of people!

Shuri has posed:
Shuri shifts the food around, like she's making decorations on her plate out of it. Not yet eating it, however. "I don't trust a lot of people. Usually, it's for good reason," she explains to her brother, leaving it at that.

She raises a hand, fork held in it, gesturing between Marie-Ange and T'Challa. "The training is between the two of you. You are an adult, brother. You do not need my permission or approval. I will let you know what I think of you after I've decided," she finishes to the French woman, giving her a smile no matter her words.

More to Natasha now, she continues, "I understand having much on your plate. It is hard work keeping Wakanda running while my brother practices for a Gordon Ramsay show."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet doesn't put much effort into sneaking up on people. She can be heard walking, talking, *moving* through the Mansion like some errant force of nature. Janet finishes up her conversation on her phone a few steps into the kitchen. "Yes. No. Yes-- get over to Malaysia and buy them out. Don't take no for an answer. Kaybye," she bids the other person, and ends the call. Her phone is dropped into the purse hanging from her left wrist and she flashes a megawatt smile around the kitchen. "I thought I smelled something cooking," she announces. The socialite's wearing tight-fitting brown leather pants that ride high on her waist, paired with an earth-tone cotton bandeau and a white leather jacket. With little regard for the dignity of the royal person, she gets right up in T'challa's space so she can steal a sample of the curry, fishing around the pot with a spoon to taste it.

"Whoo!" she exclaims after a little sample-- and immediately goes back for some more. "That's pretty good. Could turn the heat up a bit more," she suggests to T'challa, and moves to an un-claimed seat at the counter. She crosses her legs smoothly at the knee, flashing a look at the designer high-heeled booties she's wearing. "Wait, is this a known recipe, or is he experimenting again?" Janet demands of Shuri, waggling a finger in T'challa's direction.

T'Challa has posed:
T'challa had been binge watching some shows, but did not like this Game of Thrones at all. The kings were monsters, and the royalty as well, the whole thing reminding him of why Wakanda Isolated itself from the others to begin with. No, if his people lost faith in him like that he would not fight them but leave in embarassment as he did not hold up to his own responsibilities, so would live in shame and embarasment. He shook his head at Natasha when she brings this one up. "I do not think any Kingdom could run like in that horrible show." he says, though he didn't mean the quality just the topic disturbed him. Though he changerd the topic to talk about something else the smile returning as it wasn't that big of a deal. "You do know if you need my assistance you need only ask. I am not cooking every night though they do try to keep me busy at the Embassy." usually it was papers that stacked up in his absence, but he would always be happy to help out Natasha.

He takes a few bites again, and chuckles at the forseen statement with a headshake, but says nothing. Well at least until he responds to the question, "Of course, it was good to see what would happen in a real event. I do hope the crash did you no harm?" and nodded a bit grimly. "I will miss Tomahawk though.." chuckling as he was mostly kidding he would get a new one. "All the other things you can do are fine by me magic is not Taboo to us, as even we have spirits." nodding a bit to Shuri, though continuing, He wasn't sure what it was but magic covered everythig in that field so magic it was. He sees her eating and smiles, "Do you want to explain it, or would you like to keep it to yourself?" he asks curiously as he would not pry into the Xavier side of her life, as he was only training how to fight without the powers.

Taking another bite he finishes it before chuckling, "There maybe a great deal of people I mis-trust, but being on this team has shown me there are a lot of people I can." he nods to Nat again as a prime example. "I hope you will learn this lesson too after being here for a while, though I fear you have picked up their mistrust instead." and chuckles lightly, "Sister if you trust the people around you more here, and at home you will see that others can help clean that plate. I also had hoped without me there you would still properly deligate other then taking it all upon yourself." he smiles, "You are young you will learn... it takes time." and smiles a bit as he hears someone else coming

He turns to look at Janet as she takes a bit, and smiles as he talks about the heat. "More heat I think would take out the flavor, if you try it with the sweat rice it can be a good combination." and points to the rice, and plates." he waves a hand as he rises to get another chair to the table. "Please sit with us." he chuckles a bit, "A moment away from your rush will do some good."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The entrance of Janet has Natasha's attention as she would give a nod to her fellow Avenger, "Janet, I hope business has been good. In your fashion and other forms." She had kept the occasional eye out on some of Janet's side things. "There are always more things that need to be done. It is what spreading out amongst the team is for. We are all on hand to aid one another. It's lucky we've not been hit badly by our adversaries with Thor missing."

They had enough issues just with the damned Svartelves from Malekith. If any other of Thor's numerous enemies decided to take advantage of his abscence, things could get very bad. "We can rally very quickly when we have to."

As the topic would go on trust, Natasha would shrug, "Even if not trust, then resepct one another's abilities and understand that they can handle things and be delegated to and monitored." Natasha was a spy. At the end of her day, the only time one completely trusted someone was when they were dead and gone.

And even in this world, such things did not necessarily last. Her own experience proof of that. Her expressiona lmost souring for a moment before vanishing and going back to her normal passivity. Shuri's comment would end with a low chuckle.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"That is entirely fair, Mademoiselle Shuri." Marie replies in kind, bowing her head a little. "I hope that one day you will see me as a friend, but my worthiness of such is your decision to make." Just like it's her decision to make if she thinks she's worthy.

She doesn't. Marie just thinks she's being rewarded by fate for her tireless servitude... or that it's lingering effects from the many times Jennifer's used her good luck disks on the redhead. Personal value isn't something she has in spades.

As conversations continue, she settles into more of a listening posture, happy to fade from being the center of attention and shift into more of a background role. It was a more natural option for her, though Janet's entrance, as foretold as it was (and not by her cards!) does get a smile. "Bonjour, Madame van Dyne!" is called out with a friendly wave. Although only /after/ the 'bye'. Manners, again.

Turning her attention back to T'Challa, she opens her mouth a bit.... but quickly stuffs it with more curry. Taking some time to think as her gaze shifts from person to person, then to the room at large. Only once her decision is made does she swallow. "I can, but a demonstration would be simplest." she admits, digging briefly to retrieve a little velvet pouch, and the deck of tarot cards from within. It was her personal deck -- not one of her collection, or her 'working' deck that's seen at the Club. "Madames, please first allow me to say. What you will see momentarily will not harm you. I am in full control of my abilities." She hopes. Her precognition comes and goes sometimes.

The deck is splayed out carefully in front of her, dainty fingerips brushing across the backs of the card until she finds the one she wants. Years with Jenny have helped her learn a thing or two about stacking the deck, after all! The card is selected, and held up for the gathered to see. "You may recognize this as the Four of Wands; a tarot card, from the sacred art that has been passed along my lines for generations," Although, skipping her parents. "Most, with practice, can use them to petition fate for the answers of that which is yet to come. I can do that, as well... but I can also do this."

Closing her eyes, she concentrates for a moment... and surrounding her as if they'd been there the entire time are four wooden poles, each about five feet in height. Floating a few inches off the ground. "I am a mutant who has been given a very particular gift by fate herself -- I can do more, but... such a demonstration would require a larger area." A pause. "I hope you do not think less of me." It's always a concern for Marie. For being a mutant. For being magic. For daring to be.

Shuri has posed:
Shuri's fork has food on it, but none has reached her mouth just yet, she having been too busy with conversation. Janet's arrival draws a wave and a dry comment. "I've never asked if it's an actual recipe or just whatever he finds to throw in the pot."

At that point, there's a quiet but insistent beep from something on her person, and she focuses on that as a tap at her kimoyo beads brings forth a visor that forms over her eyes, like a pair of futuristic sunglasses. Fingers flick at a space in front of her, causing data to scroll by on the interior of the visor.

There is a mutter under her breath, and before Marie-Ange's demonstration, she rises and apologetically says, "I hate to cut this short, but there is some business I am needed for. It is not an emergency, brother, so all of you should stay right here and enjoy the meal. It is good to see you again, Janet, Natasha. And Marie-Ange."

By the time she is gone, on her way out the main doors, the others might notice that while she had played around with the food and rearranged it, none of it looks eaten.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet grants Marie a distracted smile; she's clearly engaging with Natasha and T'challa first and foremost. It's entirely possible she mistook Marie for Natasha's aide or something. She lifts a brow pointedly at Natasha's side-comment; Shuri's withdrawal gets another flickering smile, and she mouths a 'bye' at the princess when she slip out.

When Marie starts speaking-- at length-- Janet's brows lift and she shoots a querying look at T'challa and Natasha before settling in with a bemused expression. A tarot reading? Her expression all but screams 'how adorable'.

When Marie manifests the poles, Janet yelps despite the warning and vanishes with a *puft* of air. The Wasp does a pair of fast, buzzing circles that just sound inherently angry while her white leather jacket hits the ground. She reappears a few beats later when she realizes she's not in harm's way, scowling at Marie.

"I don't judge people for shit," she informs Marie, and snatches her jacket up. It must be worth as much as a small family car, and she frets at a little grim on the tail of it. "Just give a heads up before you start... summoning things. God, she's as bad as Strange," Janet huffs.

T'Challa has posed:
He looks at Nat and then the others with a sigh, "I am surrounded by pecismist." and chuckles a bit at his own joke. "To answer your question sister I do not need it, but it would be nice." though he is quiet about it after as she is distracted. He nods to her as she says it is an emergancy, and leaves he sighs a bit as he had hopped she would have more time before having to rush off. but he got it. Resolving to bring her some left overs as she just didn't have time to eat any of it he would save some for later to make sure she got her part.

He watches Marie's display with a calm look, and lets her do her thing as he calmly just watches the details not seeing this one before as it did not come up only the cups. When she says he is a mutant he shakes his head, and when she thinks anyone would think less of her he actually chuckles, "I think your in the wrong place for that kind of reaction." he notes, "It might not be mutant powers, but a lot of us are... different."

He watches Janet act as she did not see what he saw so was reasonably surprised. "No.. Strange would do it, then lecture you on it for another hour." and grins a bit chuckling as he is mainly joking. He liked Strange as he was detailed like T'Challa was, though he did see how some could find conversations about the little things boring. "Also... if you want the recipe I will send it to you, but some of the spices might be hard to find."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As Shuri departs, Natasha switches her attention over to Marie-Ange's work with the cards, "Interesting. I can see how they would be useful." She doesn't call them parlor tricks. Musing.. "One doesn't often see magic mixing with mutant abilities. The two purportedly come from entirely different spectrums. So a level of direct overlap is rare." Rare, but not unheard of. The Scarlet Witch and Mrs. Rasputina-Strange being particular standouts.

"So how physical can those things be? Do they have the capacity to interact with local surroundings? Bear weight? Inflict environmental effects?" The basics that can be translated as 'can you use them to set something on fire' or 'can you beat someone with them' more than likely.

Janet's startlement gets a very, very quick spectre of amusement going over Natasha's features that's gone so fast likely the only one in the room that was able to pick it up would be T'Challa. "SHe's not as bad as Strange is." Natasha would very, very lightly tease her teammate. T'Challa's commentary on Strange would get a bit more of a nod.

To T'Challa.. "So how did you two meet? And what has decided you to take on your pupil?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Fortunately(?) for Marie, her eyes were closed, so Janet's sudden disappearance doesn't throw her concentration and cause the poles to immediately vanish -- though, after giving them several long seconds to be examined, she releases the card -- and her creations fade back into the ether from whence they came. It's now that she opens her eyes... though her expression lies somewhere between hurt and apologetic, gaze turning to her bowl and remaining there as she speaks. Marie-Ange Colbert has never been strong of will on most things.

"I humbly apologize, Madame van Dyne. Should there be need for a next time," Using her cards to summon within the Mansion, "I will most certainly issue a... more direct warning, oui?" Not that she particualrly expects to. Given the people that frequent it... the French girl suspects it's at least as safe as her own home. Shuri's departure, meanwhile, does get a demure wave, but no words. Everything's being internalized. Her self-critical side is in full-effect. Did she make Shuri leave? Should she do the same? She's about to draw a card to seek an answer to that question, when her back-up arrives and her fingers stiffen, then flex once, and move to collect the deck once again. It's the most valuable thing she owns, and she treats it as such. The second most important thing in her life. T'Challa, she looks up towards.

"I apologize," For thinking they might think otherwise. "but, ah... I have found that even the most fervent of believers choose to ignore 'judge not lest ye be judged', and I do not wish to offend anyone." There's sadness in her voice, there. Her memories of the convent, and France as a whole, are rarely fond.

Then to Natasha, though still avoiding eye contact at this point. "As real as any weapon, Madame, and I would be happy to demonstrate again at another time. I thought Wands would be less threatening than Swords, and less dangerous." Especially for a bit of a 'surprise'. "I can use them for many purposes, and fate often is ready with what I need, even if I am not always certain /how/ I need it."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet snorts audibly at Natasha and T'challa. "Right, we're all just overlooking him setting off magical fireworks on the Fourth with -zero- warning," she says with a deeply dry amusement. Once she's sure her jacket's all in good order and puts it over a chairback for safekeeping.

Janet's looking at Marie a look more directly now-- perhaps not for the best, as she's gone from 'mildly dismissive' to a laser-like focus fixed on the girl's fair features. It's not quite the sense one gets when one feels like someone is reading their thoughts... more akin to realizing you've stumbled into a leopard's territory and she's considering what use you might be to her.

"Look, I'm the judgiest bitch in this building, and I don't really give a toot how you do what you do. I've dated demigods and genetic superhumans and my best friend's a psychic hellion. I just don't like being *spooked*. So-- let's put the kibosh on any more 'soft' warnings, try not to manifest... sticks in the Mansion, and we'll get along just fine," Janet says, and smiles. It is an absolutely polite, impeccable expression, photo-ready, and yet she wears it like a mask all the same.

T'Challa has posed:
Turning to Nat after sneaking in another bite, he listens to her questions. though smiles a bit as he catches what he thinks is amusment from her as it was rare even for him to see. "It was a soccer game. There was a transfer student from Wakanda in Gotham, though why she would ever go to such a dangerous place, anyway... I think that was the first?" he shrugs a bit, "As to why.. well with Themyscira opening more, I watched what happened and a lot of good things came from it." he nods to Mary, "I saw a caged spirit, though I learned about all of this." he waves his hands at where the poles where, "Later, so I guess when you choose well it is no surprise that more comes with it." he shrugs a bit then turns to look at Marie with a warm smile.

"While it is not wrong to apologize, take a breath.. relax. You are fine here remember.. Everything is a strike yes?" and grins a bit at her, he thought about what to say about the others that hated because of how they judged her, but it was just how the world worked. He was hated as well, though not as much, as mutants though that hate had killed his father. He finally speaks up, "Not everyone can be as accepting, and there are no cliffs in New York." he adds with a slight grin to lighten the blow a little bit. "You can do nothing about them, only prepair to deal with what may come.. that is just reality." and nods a bit to her as he hoped it didn't sound too crewl. He then corrects himself, "I am sorry.. Implied cliffs." remembering Janets correction last time about implied threats.

Speaking of which he turns to her, and grins about the fourth of july, as he really did not get into their independece day though he did like the movie with a chuckle he considers for a moment "We have the strongest adventure, why not the judgiest.." and chuckles a bit, "Janet I think you make a reasonable request, I am sure with an agreement we can put that past aside?" and nods to her hoping to patch up anything as he knows both Janet, and Marie and good people so did not want them angry at each other as he knew they would get along. He then falls to silence and just eats his food as he quickly realises he should prob not stick his noise in on this part.