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Revision as of 03:57, 17 February 2023

Officially An Actor
Date of Scene: 10 February 2023
Location: Luke's Bar
Synopsis: Aurora celebrates her newfound status as actress
Cast of Characters: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Emma Frost, Shayera Thal, Frederick Foswell

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora has finally gotten cast into a role that didn't specificy any state of undress, a monumental achievement, never mind that it's a legit big production that will get an international release. She was rather excited, but rather than a posh surrounding, decided to celebrate at a more New York local establishment, deciding on Luke's Bar.

Was hard not to with the impeccable reputation of the place to keep out troublemaker and keep it's patrons safe.

She invited a few people, some intentionally, some out of sheer excitement and not being all there. But she doesn't mind who is around, the important thing is to let it be known she's a legit actor. And what better way than to walk up to the bar, climb up on the counter and announce, "hey, everyone, I been cast in an actual movie role, so drinks are on me, wooo!" It's not long at all, until she's asked to politely step down, but the offer to buy a round does make the barkeep a little more amicable to her shenanighans.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma hasn't had the chance to catch up with Aurora in some time, so the small party that the actress is throwing is an excellent chance. Emma Frost arrives voer somewhat subtler than usual, just wearing a very lovely business outfit. The point isn't to outshine the lady of honor here. This is her event and her chance to celebrate.

As Jeanne-Marie goes to make her announcement, Emma joins over in the applause and offer a 'well done' to her while going to approach. Emma doesn't take up on the offer of drinks - it's not polite when she can likely buy the bar several times over (not that the owner is interested in selling)

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Aurora takes from one person to the next, when small offers of gratitude are given, and a bit of interest is shown, but she does eventually takes sight of Emma and immediately moves to her side. "I didn't think I'd see you in such a 'lowly' setting...I'm honored you came to share in my joy. How goes your business?" She asks without an honest interest, Emma likely easily picks on the social expectations Aurora has more or less came to swim with.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over, "IT goes well. Complicated as with all things. I'm sorry for having not been around to congratulate you earlier.. But I did have a small gift for you to celebrate." She would go to offer an arm over to give a light hug to Jeanne-Marie, then offer her a small package.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"I imagine, you wanna know about complicated, you should see the wardrobe for period pieces, oh my!" She laughs jovially, and immediately reaches for her flute, toasting at Emma, "for our success in everything." But her eyes soon light up at the prospect of a gift, as she puts her flute away at the bar top and shares the light embrace, before reaching to open the package curiously, "you didn't have to get me anything! This is...wow!"

Emma Frost has posed:
The package would be handed over. Inside is one of the playbills from the first 'show' of the film. "I thought you might appreciate it and perhaps even gain some inspiration over from it. And yes, your success and showing is everything, darling."

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Oh...that is a nice momento," Aurora says with a grin, and offers Emma another light embrace in turn, before reaching back to her drink for another sip. "It's a lovely gesture, after all, not everything is all about money. Though money does help, like, a lot. I should know I used to work as a barista."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Well, it's something to appreciate. Perhaps to give you some inspiration. perhpas as a keepsake. Nothing else. It's as a congratulations for you to getting your first part. And it's about the art."

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Art is always important," Aurora admits, "it's a beautiful thing, and I'd like to be considered a part of beauty." Putting her empty flute aside, she goes about ensuring she puts her keepsake in her purse, so she doesn't leave it behind. "It's very thoughtful of you to have even bothered Emma...you ever been in theatre or movies yourself? You sure have the looks."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "So darling, ultimately where do you want to go with this from yoru career? To broaden yourself as a model? To go to a field that brings you greater income? Or merely to expand your horizons? And neither had any interest for me."

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Well, while I love modelling, there's only so far you can go, right?" Aurora offers earnestly when she feels like people aren't listening in, "you're ultimately taken for eye candy, a professional moving mannequin to display how clothes look." She shrugs, "I think there's more respect in acting, certainly more money, and definitely more fame...there's a lot of people clueless about fashion and modelling, not nearly as many about movies."

Shayera Thal has posed:
Shayera has decided that after today she needs a drink. She is in her civilian clothes, but nothing can really hide the beautiful angelic hawk wings of hers. She is at least dressed in a tank top that is open in the back while she has on a pair of jeans and tennis shoes. She makes her way over to the bar and takes a moment to look at the menu, furrowing her brow at choices. She raises a finger up and asks for a screwdriver, vodka and orange juice, and then settles at the bar to crowd watch right now, noting the people in the bar.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give Aurora a smile, "Of course. A good way to think about it. Somethign to expand your horizons, and perhpas go from there. You've earned the role by virtue of your own abilities. You can expand from there to make a career of it if you want." Then she would glance over at the Thangarian. Raising her own drink in a salute.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
Emma gets a nudge from Aurora, as she motions with her head towards Shayera, "look at those wings...what do you think? A superhero or costume? It's quite a look!"

But even as she tries to draw Emma's attention at Shayera, Aurora is a natural at the flash of a camera, and immediately shifts to take on a rather sultry pose for the benefit of the photographer, reaching to sip from a flute of champagne in a practiced sultry manner.

Frederick Foswell has posed:
Frederick Foswell had been a Daily Bugle reporter for many, many years, and has covered many stories. So, it didn't surprise him when Jay Jonah, or "The Old Grump" as Freddie Jr. called him, asled him to cover a new adaption of the Count of Monte Cristo. But, none of these type of assignments has brought him to a random bar in the middle of the city, alright maybe once, but that's not the point. As Fred walked in he would've blended in with his Hawaiian Shirt, Cargo Shorts, and glasses, but his press badge gave him away as he sliently slipped in. He quietly took note of his surroundings, and his eyes immediatley rested on the star. From what little he got on her from his research he had discoverd that her first name was Auroa, and that she had been involved in some "scandalous" photo shoots in the past as one site put it. He was supposed to get a comment from her, but he figured that JJJ would want a photo too. Fred thyen proceeded to take out his phone and snap a picture with it.

Shayera Thal has posed:
When her drink arrives she takes a careful sip from it. Taking a moment to look over the bar food. A experienced drink she want something to eat with her drink. Her eyes catch the motion of Emma's salute and pauses for a moment and giving a small smile and raising up the little glass of milk white liquid and orange juice in a return salute and then pauses as she notices Jeanne.

She notices the photography going on between the two takes notice of them, they look very familiar too. She thinks for a moment as that mind starts to go through the pairs feature and then hits on a small poster she saw with the new cast on it. "Oh hey, she is from that movie that is coming out."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Shayera, "I believe that those are real or some sort of combat harness." Emma's not entirely sure.. "I think she might be a member of the League." The Justice League. Though Emma's far from familiar with all of them. Foswell gets a look. Emma distractedly identifies him over as a reporter of the Bugle, but that's about it. Her attention quickly shifts to somewhere else.

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Ohhhh, so big time! Do you know her?" Aurora asks simply because in her short time at the Hellfire Club, she came to know Emma as the woman who simply knows everything and everyone. It made sense.

Frederick Foswell has posed:
Frederick snaps the picture right as Aurora flashes her pose. As Frederick put his phone away he pulled out a pen paper and said," Miss Aurora. I am Frederick Foswell from the Daily Bugle. I am wondering if you could answer a few questions for our paper?"

Shayera Thal has posed:
Oh those wings are all natural, much like one of the raptors of earth. She sips her vodka and juice and then flags down the bartender for something to eat with her drink. Might as well go with the standard bar favorite, fried chicken tenders. The bartender raises a eyebrow at the order and looks at the wings then back to her. She just smirks at the tender and shakes her head, "Don't think to hard on it." He nods his head and goes to put in Shayera's order.

Shayera takes another sip from her screwdriver and then looks down at the liquid and swirls it slightly with a minor clockwise motion before glancing over at Emma and Jeanne as she debates going over to introduce herself. Then again she is told celebrities run in different circles than heroes. Beside she isn't that popular these days what with that -MINOR- planetary invasion her people her kind did. No biggy

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Frederick Foswell, "Ah, just to be sure there's nothing with Spider-Man going on here. So if you're seeking that then you'll have to go somewhere else, I promise you." Emma Frost would quip, given the predilections of the publisher. Emma would shake her head at Jeanne-Marie, "Oh, heavens no. I don't tend to rub shoulders with members of the League or teh Avengers. A few are competitors in the business world."

Jeanne-Marie Beaubier has posed:
"Oh, darling, it's a party...questions are so formal, we can do an interview another time?" Aurora offers an alternative, reaching into her purse, she takes out a card and hands it to Frederick, "call me, I'll dress up properly and we can have a serious talk!" She offers an apologetic smile, "just too much mingling and too many guests, I'd hate to offend!"

Albeit at Emma's quip, she giggles, and notes, "if you do have his contact, offer him my number though, heroes are hot! You should see, Thor, oh my god! Like, literally!" She laughs at Emma's mention of some of the heroes being competitors, but clearly has zero understanding of the business world, as she vanishes into the crowd to mingle with more of the guests.

Frederick Foswell has posed:
Frederick cackles a bit at Emma's joke as he said, " I figured as much. I don't think a fella like Spider-Man would be caught dead in a dive like this." He then nods dumbly as Aurora leaves, handing him a card with her number in the process. Funny, he's usually the guy handing out cards. As the star of the hour walks off Freddy plops down at a chair and sighs heavily, muttering something about Jonah having his ass for being late for a interview

Shayera Thal has posed:
Shayera's food comes in and she takes the nearby honey mustard she got with it and then dips the tender in it and takes a bite out of it. She watches the new star leave and then looks over at Emma and then Frederick. She takes a bite out of the half eaten tender and then licks her fingers before she picks up the screw driver and then takes sip. "Must be a slow night." She does give Frederick a slight waves as she notice the dejected look. "Better luck next time champ."

Emma Frost has posed:
As Jeanne-Marie would depart, Emma Frost would bow her head over and then shrug at Frederick, "I suppose that your employe rwould be the expert after all." SHe would quip over while glancing at Shayera, "So what brings a member of the League here?"

Frederick Foswell has posed:
Frederick turned to Shay, seemingly ignoring her wings as he said, "Yeah, try saying that to my boss. Jonah has the temperment of a damn bulldog. He wanted this damn interview today and now he's gonna have to hear a call from little ole me saying he'll have to wait." He then lets out a bitter laugh as he orders a stiff drink from the bar kee

Shayera Thal has posed:
Shayera glances back to Emma for a bit when she mentions the League. "Well if you want to know the full story of what happened today.." She closes her eyes and recalls the earlier engagement. "I was actually at one of the game stores..." She then sighs and has to admit this, "Playing dungeons and dragon with Big Hank and his group. We had a robbery that I had to bust up. It is my day off and I want to have something to eat before heading back to the watch tower."

She looks over at Frederick and says, "Well I hope your boss doesn't chew you out to hard then. But good luck on that..

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Shayera, "I suppose that sounds like you had an interesting time." Those things go well above her awareness.. But she decides it's not quite her thing to care about. "Good luck getting a story." To frederick. "And to your drinking." To Shayera.