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That Time Bruce Wasn't Bruce
Date of Scene: 18 February 2023
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: What starts as simple breakfast at Avengers Mansion turns into finding out a number of people awoke from dreams to find themselves inhabiting the body of another!
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Michael Hannigan, Janet van Dyne, Natasha Romanoff, Jennifer Walters, Carol Danvers, Johnny Storm, Bruce Banner

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers takes the steps down at a quick pace. He's only been staying at the mansion less than a quarter of the time of late, usually on days that he's on monitoring duty down in the Assembly Room. The other nights he's at his apartment in Brooklyn or staying over at another's house, the rest of the team aware of the WAND agent he's been seeing.

This was one of those nights at the Mansion though. Steve is wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. His hair is just dry from a shower as he'd been up early and gone for a run, circling Manhattan a few times before the city sidewalks started to come to life with pedestrians.

Heading into the kitchen, Steve goes over to the coffee maker and inserts a packet for it to do its thing. Though he'd be happy with an old fashioned pot and grounds, he has to admit the expensive coffee machine that Tony furnished the place with does a great job.

As the coffee is being prepared, Steve puts a pot on the stove and heats it while he gets things from the fridge for what looks like it will end up being an omelet. He could get the staff to cook, and they do a fine job, but this morning he just wants to do it himself.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Let us be clear here.

Mike is no stranger to waking up in strange environments. It is part of his job. Travel is a thing. With it being a thing, hotels, and at points other questionable accommodations, are a given.

But no amount of travel for his career or hungover awakenings has ever prepared him for this.

And yet as the quiet body of doctor makes his way down, hair still a mess and still wearing pajamas- Mike is doing quite well.

Considering things.

There's a slight squeak of bedroom slippers as the musician turned scientist quietly walks in to the kitchen area, glancing around. It's been awhile since Hank gave him a tour of the place.

Where the **** was the phone?

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers cracks open a pair of eggs into a bowl and mixes them up. Then cuts some ham into little cubes and grates some cheese. There's a bag of grated cheese but he just defaults to doing it himself.

The coffee machine chirps and Steve steps over, taking his mug from it. He takes a small sip, careful of the temperature, before letting out a sigh and moving back over to pour the eggs into the pan, soon adding the other omelet ingredients.

Glancing up, Steve sees Bruce Banner come in. The state of his hair isn't exactly out of character, particularly if he's just getting up. "Bruce," Steve says familiarly with a nod of his head. "Want an omelet while I'm at it? Ham and cheese," he says.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Steve was not being quiet. With the coffee maker making it's sounds and the accompanying notes of liquid pouring into the mug, that should have been hint enough that Mike was not alone. And yet when the voice speaks up, Mike looks over quickly, eyes giving off a VERY good impression of a Cervidae encountering the high beams of an oncoming vehicle.

Question heard, he starts to turn his head to look behind him before pausing.

Oh right. Him.

He shakes his head, "Oh. Yes. Sure. Had a hell of a dream last night. Still kind of processing it."

He glances around, "...Wasn't there a phone in the kitchen?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
For all that he's been in the mansion for quite some time now, Steve hasn't noticed that Bruce Banner's skittishness has gone down very much. The circumstances that he's at times deemed by authorities as needing the Avenger's oversight probably doesn't help at all.

So if Bruce seems a bit hesitant it doesn't draw any reaction from Steve, other than openness and expressions of friendship that might make him feel at ease. "I don't think there is," Steve says, pausing to look around. "Though I've gotten kind of used to cell phones by now. Can always ask JARVIS to place a call. Or," Steve says, and pulls out a phone from his pocket and offers it over to Bruce.

After that he gets more eggs and begins mixing them in a bowl, for Bruce's omelet.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Yeah I- Couldn't quite find mine when I woke up." Mike admits. He assumes the doctor has a phone. Probably one of the ways they low jack his ass. "But as -odd as things are, I DO need to-"

As the phone is offered over, Bruce's voice halts. "Oh THANK you." As quickly as the phone is offered, it is taken and Bruce is walking out the door with it. "I'll back quick."

Prize acquired, Bruce moves over to a less crowded area just out of the kitchen. The years of his refusing to replace his phone for a functioning screen is paying off as he taps in a number fully from memory and brings it up to his head. Hopefully the other person's not screening the call.

Goddammit Wade. You better pick up!

Janet van Dyne has posed:
There's a subtle buzzing of wings and a ten-inch pixie flitters into the kitchen. Air *whooshes* about and the black-and-gold figure resolves into a more appropriately-sized Janet van Dyne, clad in her sleek signature bodysuit. Her wings fold up and disappear under her costume just as she reaches her normal proportions, and the first thing she does is scowl at Steve.

"Can we get someone else to cover monitor duty for me?" she says, without preamble. "I've got a billion-dollar company to run, and these overnight shifts are killing my sleep habits." She picks up a shiny platter and looks in it. "See? -Bags-," she informs Steve, and points a finger at her mostly flawlessly-composed features, and sets the plate down a little hard to punctuate her protest.

At least there's coffee going, and she walks right through Mike/Bruce's personal space to get to it while he's dithering around with his phone. "Bruce, you make a terrible door," she informs him, and menaces him and Steve both with the threat of her bony New York elbows.

Coffee, coconut oil, a daub of heavy creme goes into her coffee, and she curls herself around the cup like a woman freezing in winter and clutching the last ember to her breast for warmth.

Sluuuuuuurp. Janet smacks her lips and moves to sit at the island, watching Steve cook for a few beats. "Soooo... saw Lara in the news. Something about lost cities in Cameroon? That sounds exciting."

Janet's tone of voice suggests that it is, in fact, neither exciting *nor* interesting.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve flips the omelets, then adds more cheese so it will be gooey in the middle, before folding each omelet in half to extend the cooking time so the cheese can get all melty.

"I'm not sure any lack of sleep could detract from your glow, Janet," Steve replies after looking over to her, and before looking back to the omelets. He adds the smallest dash of pepper. The ham should already handle the salt without needing to add more.

"Yes, for all I've got a lot to learn about the modern world still, plenty to learn about the past," he says, keeping the topic a bit neutral and not specific to Lara as he catches Janet's tone.

"Speaking of your company, how is your spring line coming?" Steve asks, picking a topic that seems both safe and one that Janet is likely to enjoy talking about. He glances towards where Bruce has absconded with the phone, not minding other than wishing he was in closer proximity to help run interference!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is entering into the Mansion while she has a number of SHIELD files in an arm. These ones seem a little different than normal. For starters, they seem to be very, very old. And look like if one were to catch a quick glimpse of them that they seemed to be on old dot matrix printer if one could quick see the 'peeloffs' on the ends of them sticking out from the file folder. She would glance over at Steve and give a nod. Looking in the direction of the others and then move to stay out of the way very quickly - when Janet and Steve were within speaking distance of one another.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Janice makes a comment about him blocking the way, Bruce's eyes roll up. "Tough shit, Janice." The Mike within responds back quickly. The brows soon raise afterwards and the scientist's hand clamps over his mouth.

He didn't ju-

"...sorry." He tilts his head down and steps even further from the door to give Cap and Janet their space. All while the voice on the other end of the line comes up.

He can explain things here in a moment but right now there's a pressing concern. "Hey Wade. It's about your roommate, Mike." Mike pauses. How the Hell was he going to explain all this before he gets hung up on? "Weird stuff happened. It's like the DoppelRod situation. Not the Gellar one. Don't let him near the studios until we get things resolved. You want to know when he needs a break? THIS IS IT."

The phone is soon moved from his ear to allow for the shouting on the other end to not deafen the poor scientist.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    There's a bit of a ruckus at the gates of the mansion as the alarms go off as an unauthorized user tries to gain entry. Looking at the cameras one can see that it's none other than the Fantastic Four's Johnny Storm, but there's something that seems off about him. How he carries himself is all wrong. That surecock confidence is gone and is filled with mild panic, and he looks... scruffy. Johnny never looks scruffy. His hair is a mess, he's got a five o'clock shadow, and he's wearing just plain tee and jeans.

    "Hey!" He says, looking up into the camera, waving. "It's me! Jen! I mean... Jennifer Walters! I woke up in Johnny's body. I know it's weird, right? But it's true! I promise I won't burn anything down. I tried to flame on to fly over here, because who //doesn't// want to fly, right? But I couldn't get it to work so I used a fantasticar."

    He shakes his head. "I digress. Anyway. Let me in? Please? I can answer any questions that only I... Jennifer Walters... would know if that would help."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Motherf--" The socialite's eyes bulge dangerously and there's no question that Mike's a half-second away from provoking an outburst from the flighty Wasp. Janet is fortunately a little distracted when Mike addresses her, with Steve's question about the business and Natasha's arrival both forestalling her response.

By then 'Bruce' is withdrawing with an apology, and Janet manages to settle her temper by focusing back on the coffee warming her fingers.

Of course, that's when Johnny Storm starts yelling at the camera, and JARVIS overrides every conversation with a holo display projected right into the air over the kitchen island.

There's a long beat and Janet puts a palm into the air to activate the two-way comm. "This is Janet," the Wasp says. "If that's true, then tell me: who is the biggest jerk I know?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Johnny sets his hands on his hips in a very lady-like way and just deadpans: "Steve."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
There's another beat. "Well, I'm convinced," Janet announces, and starts drinking her coffee more quickly. Apparently she's not going to get to go to bed right away after all.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers is surprised enough by Bruce's comment to Janet that he forgets the omelet for the moment. Visions flit through Steve's mind's eye, of bio stings that bring on the Hulk, which brings on a lengthy period of repairs to what will remain of the mansion when it's done playing out.

Thankfully the moment seems to be defused as Steve is just starting to move to try to step between them. He stops, staring at the image of Johnny Torch at the gate. He lets out a sigh. "Glad I already got my run in," he says, flipping the omelets and turning off the heat, what remains should be enough to cook it without burning it even if it's left there.

The challenge and answer between Janet and Johnny Torch - or Jennifer Walters - draws the smallest of sighs from Steve. "JARVIS, why don't you go ahead and let him - her? - in, and we can get to the bottom of this," he says.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff goes to glance over at Steve for a moment as he gives authorization over to let whomeer is outside triggering the alerts to enter in. She pauses a moment. "Should we give them an escort or do you prefer not?" She's rather wary over about bringing unknown quantiies that seem off into the Mansion - to her the response over is a potential threat and an unkonwn quantity. But, Steve feels different and she'll defer to him over on it. She moves to slide the files into a compartment in the wall, tapping a security panel to open it, sliding them in and then scrambling it to lock them up so they're not laying out.

Waiting if they should give an escort over and cover whomever is entering or the otehrs don't think it's worth a worry

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the ruckus goes off, 'Bruce' walks over to glance to the camera display. Hearing the message, he sighs, bringing the phone up to his ear, "Your neighbor won't help much either. She got affected too. Just- damage control as much as you can. Oh and if Doctor Banner approaches you, just don't freak out. We're all not feeling ourselves lately. Will talk later."

Clicking off the phone, he moves into the kitchen, handing the phone back over to Steve. Hulk Hannigan nods in the direction of the montior. "Well this makes explaining things a little easier. She's telling the truth. I had to warn my roommate because it happened to me too."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol doesn't stay at the Mansion all that much in recent days, but there's still a few things laying around that need moving. She's wearing a leather bomber jacket over a white t-shirt and jeans as she steps into the kitchen, a duffel bag slung over one shoulder. She pays a casual sort of glance at the gathered Avengers, quirking an eyebrow at Johnny Storm but letting it slide without comment. She moves towards the fridge, reaching inside to pull out a bottle of water.

"Just need some provisions. Don't mind me."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Oh thank God, they believed him. Johnnifer makes his way into the Mansion and bursts into the kitchen. "You're never going to believe this but I had this crazy dream there were lots of people there, most I didn't recognize, but you were there, Bruce, and there was this sorceress, Clea, who did some kind of magic voodoo and when I woke up I was in Johnny Storm's body." Okay. Deep breath. "I mean. Hi. I'm trying not to panic."

    He suddenly turns to Steve and resists the urge to grab him by the shirt. "Steve! Teach me how to shave! I mean, I know how to shave my legs, but I don't want to scar up Johnny's face. He'd kill me!" He stops, as a thought occurs to him. "I //could// just let it grow out. I wonder what he'd look like with a beard."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet gets *just* a little dreamy eyed at Jen's contemplation-- but she rips her attention back to the larger, more immediate issue of Jen being Johnny, and Bruce being... well, whomever this guy is.

"Ok, wait. Hold up," Janet says, gesturing through the air with her piping voice. "Jen Walters." She points a finger at Johnny's meatsuit, and waits for a nod of confirmation.

"Which means -this guy- isn't Bruce Banner." She flickers a look sideways at Natasha and then at Carol. Maybe this is the one who needs an escort. It's not like Bruce had the best handle on the Hulk, and the idea of some stranger having that sort of unlimited power... well, it's good that Carol's here, because no one else present is gonna be able to stop him from doing serious damage.

"So... if you're not Bruce, who are you?" she prompts Mike, and stares at him with an uncomfortably penetrating look.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers replies to Natasha, "The Fantastic Four are welcome anyway. So whether it's Jen or Johnny, I think we're fine." He watches as Johnny, or Jen, make their way in to the kitchen. He adds to Nat in his deep voice, "I can't imagine someone would come up with this as a way to infiltrate us. If they did, they probably deserve to succeed."

Though Steve took the news of Johnny calmly enough, what Bruce has to add causes a bit more obvious concern. Janet beats him to the question. "Yes, who are you? And... can I suggest that you try to stay particularly calm," Steve says, even doing the gesture of level palms gently pushing downwards after having heard the sharpness in his voice for Janet.

He also glances over to Janet, a wordless expression that begs caution given the earlier reaction she received.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Looks like him to me," Carol says with a glance up from the fridge, though her brows furrow a little when she notices the respones from her fellow Avengrs and she points the bottle at Bruce-Not-Bruce when he enters the kitchen near her, "Don't make me toss you into orbit, buddy. Brilliant sunrise aside, it's boring up there."

She turns to point the bottle at Steve now, still perplexed.

"This is Avengers-level weirdness, isn't it, Cap? I've got somewhere I need to be but ... you've got this, yeah?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would just watch over at Bruce and Johnny, a frown over on her face as she moves just slightly over to the side then to let Captain America face off with the.. Unexpected arrivals face to face. It also lets her circle around to be in a flanking position just as easily for the circumstances.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike-Bruce watches as Jennifer manages to continue to make the explaining process easier.

Although he strongly suspects the omlettes are off the menu now. Too bad.

"Jen, you're right and wrong. It wasn't A dream. It was many dreams. From what I observed, Clea and Hulk and managed to smash through the borders, basically taking us for a ride." Bruce gives Jen a frown, "Although, Johnny wasn't visibly there which makes me wonder just HOW many people got switched around because of this.

As Janet concludes that Bruce is NOT Bruce, the scientist's eyes roll. "Yes Janet," Mike replies, tone mirroring yet another scientist Janet may have been familiar with, "Which was likely evidenced by me stating that it happened to me too."

Shaking his head he looks over to Steve, to answer him pointedly. "Michael Hannigan. Hank's friend. And if you were really concerned about triggering what Bruce would call a rage monster, then perhaps you should speak with your teammates about bully-like behavior and making threats about tossing people into orbit?"

He sighs, stepping towards the coffee machine, "I'm getting myself coffee. Where are the mugs?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Mike!" Johnnifer cries out and goes over to hug the man inhabiting his cousin's body. "Thank God it's //you// in there." He turns to address the rest of the Avengers assembled. "Everybody, this is Mike. He's my neighbor and good folk. He knows what he's talking about."

    Looking back at Mike he asks, "Do you know this Clea? We probably should track her down and see if she can undo this thing before you accidentally go all green and angry and Johnny finds my toy drawer."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Body swap. Weird."

Carol squints at both Johnny and Bruce for a moment before she tucks the water bottle into her duffel bag and shakes her head.

"I've got, if you'd believe it, bigger fish to fry. But if you need me, you know my number."

She doesn't carry a phone.

"Alright, take it easy. Keep the beard, Not-Johnny, it looks dashing. Man your age can't really rely on a baby face anymore."

She winks and then she disappears out the door.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers listens to the explanation of what happened. "Magic," he mumbles in a tone as if he should have known, and lets out a frustrated sigh. "Clea is one of the Avengers, so hopefully this can get straightened out soon enough," he says.

As Banner, or Mike, goes for the fancy coffee machine, Steve moves over there with him. "Let me suggest," he says, getting one of the single serving canisters it takes, "the decaf? Bruce had a lot of time trying to keep... his other guy... under control. And he still struggled. You need to be really careful. The amount of damage that can result, the amount of lives changed, it's serious," Steve offers gently.

He looks over to Jennifer then, saying, "And, a bit of the same for you. If you're not sure what will trigger his flames, you could end up burning down wherever you are or hurting people. So, just take great care is all I'm saying, while we work this out."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The others talking over get a curious watch from Natasha Romanoff. "Last year SHIELD had to deal with something quite similar to this. I can have the files pulled on it and transferred over. However, my recollection is that it was more psionic in nature than anything else." She recalls from the reports at the time.

"Perhpas there is something useful in them. Can Clea be contacted and do we know her location if she is not at the Mansion?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Bruce gets hugged by Johnifer, the scientist cocks his head, giving a bit of a bemused look. The arms reach up to return the hug before releasing. "Glad to have a friendly face here." Mike replies back. He pauses, "Friendly voice? Uh-Speech pattern."

He pause near the machine, about to answer Jen as Steve speaks up. "Oh good." Mike comments, "I just knew she was part of the Strange crowd." As the pod gets presented to him, his expression sours, looking to the cup accusingly before looking to Steve. "Have you ever considered that his 'other guy' went with him to whichever body he got dropped off in? Why do you think I wanted to warn my roommate?"

He pauses, looking over to Johnifer. "Speaking of which, we should probably go over there and to Jen's apartment to find out who else got affected. There were others in that dream. I would not be surprised if it was more than four people affected."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Johnnifer nods in agreement with Steve. "Yeah. It's why I tried out different things to get him... me... to flame on. I haven't gotten a hold of him yet, so I don't know what the trigger is, but I'm still working on it. As far as I know he's still asleep."

    He turns to Mike-Hulk. "As for you, I can give you some pointers on how to keep things calm. I don't know how much of the trigger is psychological, though. Bruce had some theories. Could be something about his particular psyche that causes him to rage out. The fact that you didn't Hulk-out as soon as you woke up says something about that." He shakes his head with a sigh. "Or not. I'm not the scientist. At least we know where Bruce //is//."

    He eyes the coffee machine. "You know. Coffee is a good idea. I doubt it'll make me spontaneously combust. You should see the kinds of things that Johnny puts in his body."

    He nods at Mike-hulk. "Yeah. I was going to head over there, next. There were quite a few people I didn't recognize. Greer was there, though. Has anybody heard from her yet? Or whoever is in her body now?"

    His phone, then, rings and he pulls it out, sighing in relief. "It's Johnny," she explains. Picking up she says, "Johnny! Thank god it's you! I'm over at the Avengers Mansion. Did Bruce find you? The keys to the Dodge are in the little cup on the table next to the door. Come on over and we'll try to figure this out."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers's eyes go back and forth between the bodies of Bruce Banner and Johnny Torch. Jenifer Walters of course he knows. The person in Bruce Banner is more of an unknown. And just due to the Hulk, the bigger concern. "That's also a possibility," he agrees about the Hulk could still be with Bruce Banner's mind. "But if so at least he has the experience with it."

Steve glances over at the omelets. "Help yourselves," he says to the breakfast food. They are maybe slightly overcooked, sitting in the pan after the heat was turned off, but still very edible. "I'm going to head down to the Assembly Room and start contacting people. Maybe gathering here would be best. If need be we can put people in the Training Room, those who have powers that might get out of control."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I find music, reading, artwork, and a nice cup of black coffee works for me when it comes to managing stress." Mike responds, He looks to the pod, "No imitations accepted." He nods to Jen, "Also talking things out...My therapist's pretty good- Oh! and there's also acknowledging what's causing for the upset and calling it out before it gets to be a problem."

As for who was left, Mike frowns. "Well. I saw you, Hulk, Another person from the movie cast, and-" He pauses, "Well, another suit but I'm not sure what their status is with the public knowledge but I know a few people who can reach out and check up on her. Didn't recognize the others though."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny-Hulk hasn't ridden in a car a lot in a while. Flying will do that to you, spoils you. He tried not to be grumpy about the traffic, having called an Uber to take he and Bruce-Not-Bruce to wherever they're going and see if they can get together with the other halves of this particular magoo.

"Keep your eyes up here, pal!" he says to the Uber driver as he gets out, shaking out the long hair. He had to put clothes on Jen, he woke up in pajamas, but he was very careful to put the clothes on over the undergarments rather than change everything out and see things that he wasn't supposed to see.

"Somebody please tell me this can be fixed so that Bruce stops threatening to kill me if I touch my own butt."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Johnnifer nods as Mike lists off the things that keep him calm. "Like I said, it may be more him than you that triggers it, but we //do// want to be careful. Thankfully he'll be here pretty soon. That Dodge can make good time." She hasn't even thought about the fact that the only thing that Johnny could drive would be a fantasticar, and it's not even remotely like driving a //real// car.

    He looks thoughtful for a moment. "That would be a good idea. The more we can get together the more likely it is that we'll all be able to get switched back at once." When it's his turn at the coffee machine he makes sure to give himself some good ole fashioned caffeinated. "We can try to describe who all we saw in there and see if it pings anything in the computer. But the fact that I'm in Johnny's body and he //wasn't// in the dream concerns me."

Bruce Banner has posed:
"It is not YOUR butt, it is my COUSIN's butt," comes the angry sound of Mike's voice as a man probably unfamiliar to most stalks in along with She-Hulk. At least he should be recognizable to Bruce. Or the guy who looks like Bruce.

Bruce in Mike looks over at Steve and nods to him. "Yeah, this is a bad one, Cap..." He mutters a bit to himself. "This is why I said, you don't trust magic..."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Oh good, now the whole family is here," Janet says with a sigh. "Hi, Bruce, join the party." Bruce's distinctive cadence isn't hard to miss once you're listening for it. He's a little protective of his cousin Jen, after all.

Janet purses her lips and looks around the room. "Maybe we should bring back the 'wear your ID card' policy," she suggests. "Just until we get a handle on all of this."

She drums her immaculately polished nails on the counter. "And we're going to need some way to verify who is actually in what body," she adds, a second later, and looks over at Mike. "Any ideas on ho-- wait." She looks over at Bruce Banner, wearing Mike's face. "Any ideas how to do that?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing his own voice, the musician blinks. He's aware of what his voice sounds like, special earpieces and constantly being recorded in studios will do that. But it is still weird hearing it when he's not the one actively saying it.

Mike in Bruce looks to Bruce in Mike and then over to Johnny in Jen and then Jen in Johnny. Complaints about butt touching? "Bruce, Everyone's got to go to the bathroom at some point. You don't want her coming back to her body after someone who doesn't wipe or bathes used it, do you?"

Shaking his head, he looks to Jennifer. "Well, If we go to the bodies of the folks we know, they'll probably lead us to their own bodies, and we just keep following the trail.

Mike looks over to Bruce once more, "Did you hit your head on the ceiling when you woke up?"

As Janet starts questioning them again he shakes his head. "I used Steve's phone to call my manager. His name is Wade Shaw and he is ALSO my roommate which means Bruce here probably saw him on the other loft bed when he woke up. OR you could take Jen's word for it since she's my neighbor. Which HE would have woken up in." He points over to She-Hulk's body.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny-Hulk crosses arms over Jen's chest, "I'm getting kind of angry at all the implications that I'm going to just fondle Jen like some sort of thirteen year old boy. I know I have a rep, but I kinda hoped you guys wouldn't jump to the very worst conclusions."

"Reed is out of contact right now, probably doing something in orbit for spaceport stuff. I'm very aware that I'm not much help in these kind of situations, so I'm just going to sit quietly and let you guys figure it out."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Johnnifer looks absolutely //relieved// when Johnny shows up in his.. her body. This pronoun thing is going to get confusing. She looks up at him and blinks. "I've forgotten how tall I am. Wow. Also, I give you permission to touch my butt. For wiping reasons. Also, don't forget to sit down to pee, and don't drip dry. //Thankfully// I'm in between cycles so you don't have to deal with //that//." God forbid he'd have to deal with that.

    She nods in agreement with him. "Yeah. I tried getting a hold of him, too. First person I went looking for. When I couldn't, I came here."

    She walks over and gives Bruce-in-Mike's-body an awkward hug. "Hey, there, cuz. How're you holding up? You couldn't have woken up in a nicer guy's body."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Staring at the man talking from his own body, Bruce in Mike's body shakes his head. "That's weird to see." He does spare a glance back at his cousin. Well, at Johnny in his cousin's body. "Don't even get me started, hotshot. You and I both know..."

And then he is being hugged by Johnny Storm. But the words are Jen's. It's confusing. He sighs, and relaxes against her. "I wish I had taken more time to see his place. It seemed nice. I'm just glad I was close to you before..."

He glances over at Jen's body. Locks eyes with her. Johnny. And reaches around and grabs Johnny's rear.

Let's see how he likes THAT.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With Jennifer reinforcing the bathroom argument, Mike in Bruce smiles to Bruce in Mike. "Alright it's settled. You've heard it here first. Jen has given Johnny permissi-" He pauses, "Aren't you two cousins?"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"I'm sure we're going to need a lot of help from the staff psychologist once we get through this," Janet observes with a wry humor. "But in the meantime, it's probably not a bad idea to set down some ground rules about who is doing what with or to whom's body."

"JARVIS, please put out a general alert to the Avengers to let everyone know what's going on, and to call in immediately if there's a body swap," she announces. "And Bruce, or--' it takes her a second to remember to point at Mike's face. "Whomever, one of you nerds figure out a way to confirm identities. I don't want someone like Doom walking in here wearing Wanda's face and causing mischief."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny-Hulk lets his eyes get very wide as he looks at Jen. Himself. Jen-Himself. "I hadn't even thought of that. Yikes. Uh, yeah, I...I'll take care of it, I won't wreck anything, I promise, Jen. Seriously. Don't worry about the bod. Just don't forget you're not invulnerable and break mine by accident."

"I'll fill you in on anybody who might be calling you or such, but not in front of everybody," he says.

"I just hope this gets figured out before...what you talked about happens."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Johnnifer just *squeaks* in surprise when her... Johnny's ass is grabbed. She takes a step back and whaps Bruce on the shoulder. "Bruce!" she admonishes. "You're my //cousin//. That's not appropriate. Even though Johnny's ass //is// very grabbable."

    "Or before the Big Green Guy rears his ugly head," she agrees with Johnny, giving Mike a worried look. "He can be a handful at the best of times."

    There's a pause before she leans over and whispers to Johnny, "If you teach me how to flame on, I'll let you lift a car over your head."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Already have a therapist and a general plan. I'm doing fine." Mike in Bruce responds to Janet's concerns. Considering the looks he's still getting, apparently he needs to state that for the whole class as well. "As for ground rules....Anything that's considered basic self-care should be fine. Things like- Eating, Sleeping, Using the bathroom, and bathing." Hearing Jen asking for tips to flame on, he looks over to Bruce in Mike. "...You probably already have a general idea to what you woke up to. I'd leave the sight alone though. There are things you'd probably rather not see."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet gets to her feet, chair scraping as she stands. "All right. Uh, Jen, you're in charge, I guess," she declares. "I'll make sure this gets pushed out. I'm gonna strongly recommend no one goes out as a responder to any crisis, for now," she advises the troupe. "We're a handful even when everyone's just dealing with their own powers, let alone--" she gestures at the two Hulks, the oneiromancer, and the walking bonfire. "You all,' she finishes, and heads back to the monitor rooms.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Looking around at the scene, Bruce frowns for a moment, taking a deep sigh. "Well. I can't believe I am saying this, but I think I need to go and find a sorceress." He turns to look at Cap. "Initiate whatever protocols you need to. I need to try to see if we can get to the bottom of this." And with that, he slips out.

Or Mike slips out. Whomever.