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Boardwalk and Talk
Date of Scene: 11 March 2023
Location: Boardwalk - St Martin's Island
Synopsis: In which luck is discussed and the Condiment King wisely backs away.
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jinx, Caitlin Fairchild

Donna Troy has posed:
    It might not have really occurred to Jinx before she found herself turning to the Titans, but when you're not in the supervillain business you're not really inclined to regard the team as a bunch of pains in the ass (or arse, as Jinx herself might put it). Instead, bizarrely, people seem more prone to seeing them as /celebrities/ of all things. Spend some time in the tower and you find out about regular requests for interviews, invitations to chat shows, and merchandizing. The Fearsome Five never got this kind of treatment. It might even be rather profitable if handled right.

    On the other hand, who wants celebrity? It sounds awkward. Thus when a trip to wander along the local boardwalk and enjoy the seafront is suggested, questions of logistics come to mind. Will they get inundated with selfie-hunters? Will they attract attention that might distract them from threats like H.I.V.E who might act at any moment?

    Apparently not. They may have only gone a few hundred feet so far, but despite the distinctly touristy nature of the locale, there has been a fair bit of staring and pointing, but very little in the way of public interaction. The Titans seem to be being left alone.

    "And that," Donna says pointing to a place called 'Donut Destruction', as she introduces the delights of the Titan's local boardwalk, "That is the location of one of the Titan's most ignominious defeats. They do this thing called the 'Donut Destruction Challenge.' So many donuts, and Wally wasn't with us that day. Vic and Gar did their best to make up for it though. We defeated the donuts in the end, but every one of us regretted it afterwards. For many hours. Sometimes it's better to take the loss."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen was not there at that day either, but he was coming towards the tower, and decided to get some food. So, a red headed guy comes walking up in jeans and a t-shirt with "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A The ancient language of our ancestors." on the front of it. He looks over and sees the others, he will offer a wave to them as he starts walking over.

Jinx has posed:
    Jinx is either completely under the radar or completely on the radar - the latter deliberately. So this, this is just -weird-. She stares back at some of the people staring at her. Did they recognise her? has someone called the cops or the FBI already? There's no Kate with them this time to tell the authorities to sod off. Oh how delightful it was when Kate started swearing like a sailor.

Still it doesn't help ones brand to get excited about a donut defeat. "Wooow." The sarcasm is deafening. "If only I'd known four years ago..." Bright sun shiny day as it is, it is rather nice to be out and about and while she still feels Donna is her prison warden, she also did that weird thing where they said 'good job' and that... that was -weird-.

"I could have hired the condoment king and really thrown a wrench in your operations." Still, it's the kind of sarcasm that comes with it high spirits and Jinx is actually enjoying herself. The hoodie has come down but her hands are still stuffed in her pockets so people don't think she's about to go all villain on them.

Jinx stares at a random 'test your skill' machine up ahead that has a big sign pointing at it and the words FEELING LUCKY? - She glares a moment over at Bart and then says, "May be it's not the donut but the holes that did you in. Sparkleboy is your secret achilles heel."

Honestly, poking some of the less trusting *coughGarcough* Titans with the idea she's here scoping them out for her next attack is one of the more entertaining things she's learnt to do since staying with them. That and avoiding Hawk because he's more of a psychopath than she is.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"/I/ had Church," Caitlin protests. "I told you guys I'd do it, just not on Sunday. Why do you come up with all these silly food challenges on Sunday?" she demands, failing to sound genuinely aggrieved.

She's eating her ice cream from a bowl, like a sensible and tidy person should. Normally the redhead stands out in a crowd; sensible flats, a long-sleeved blue dress with a calf-length hem, and a rosewater-pink fleece vest help mute some of her more prominent attributes. Even her red hair is tied into a neat single braid that hangs down past her shoulderblades.

She spots Bart coming at them and waves at him in recognition. She's certainly not the type to turn down a fellow Titan and friend!

"I gotta ask-- what's his deal?" Caitlin says, directing the question to Jinx. "I mean, Condiment King. Is he actually dangerous somehow, or am I good to go as long as I wear stain-proof clothing?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "You've never /dealt/ with the Condiment King?" Donna's eyes widen in surprise at Caitlin. "Seriously, how have you avoided him all this time? He's so... persistent. And annoying." Donna gives Jinx a grin. An actual /grin/.

    "See Cait, the thing is that you can't be prepared all the time. You're just minding your own business one day and suddenly... mustard. Dangerous? No. Annoying? Very."

    "Remember that thing at the Embassy, just after the Titans got back together? We met Supergirl there. Diana was all for doing something fancy and formal, and I turned up in jeans? Yeah, that was the Condiment King's fault."

    Donna is not eating her ice cream in any such sensible and tidy fashion. It's on a chocolate coated waffle cone, which is definitely the smart, if messier way to eat ice cream. It also makes for better gesturing that way, and Donna gestures with her cone in the direction of Bart. "Hey! We're out for a walk. Want to join us? We already got ice creams, but there's no shortage of other ice cream places along the route. Our treat, I brought the Titan's credit card with me."

    Do the Titans actually have a credit card? Is it stealable? No Jinx, sorry. You gotta put in expenses claims.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Oh cool, was thinking of grabbing some donuts or something." He tells them and offers a smile and says "So, how are you ladies doing? I aint intruding on a girls day out or anything am I?" He seems sincere about not wanting to intrude, but happy to come along if he aint intruding.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx casts a concerned look back at Donna when she -grins-. That can't be normal. Something must be wrong with her face. 'team mates' don't grin at each other unless they're up to evil machinations and those said evil machinations are going according to plan. Hanging out with these people has been a mix of normal and weird. The most normal thing was when Hawk socked her one in the face.

Less than normal was the birb man alien person trying to bond with her. Asking her questions about why they attacked the tower. It was awkward - she just wanted to play Untitled Goose Game and no matter how many times she hit the honk button he wouldn't go away. She was -forced- to interact.

"Actually he won't stop making junk food puns. Sweets, lollies, condiments, spices, KFC deals, Taco Bell - the puns never stop. He also has a habit of trying to get hot sauce in your mouth during a fight." Jinx is adding to Donna's recollection of prior encounters with the condiment king. "I've never actually met the guy and I really _really_ really +really+ really -really- hope that's how it stays."

"Worst case scenario you slip on his ridiculous amounts of mustard or ketchup. He has a condiment cannon. Can you imagine how much money you have to have to equip yourself like Batman except in the most useless way possible. Nah, his only teeth are his goons who carry actual machine guns. The dude's crazy."

She looks around to see if more Titans are going to suddenly turn up out of no where. "This better not be some intervention shit," she mutters to herself and then shrugs her shoulders. "Titan's credit card." She smirks a moment.

"Let me guess some millionaires sponsor you - but if you dig in to their business practices you find out they cut corners, don't pay their workers, skip insurance and squash unions. You might as well just steal everything yourself."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin winces at Jinx's casual profanity. But, she's considerate enough to not simply volunteer any upset at it. "OK, I can see slipping and sliding to be a real hazard," Caitlin concedes. "We've dealt with some villains with ice-based powers and it *really* complicated things for me. I had to reconfigure my boots to have traction cleats," she admits.

Caitlin takes another bite of her ice cream and offers the rest to Bart. If there's anyone hungrier than the redhead, it's the speedsters, and she ruffles his hair with a sisterly affection.

"Actually I think the only intervention we had was the food budget," Caitlin chimes in helpfully from behind Jinx's shoulder. "We were eating as much as a large high school every week. But once we came up with the SnackyShakes(tm), that helped address a good chunk of it."

Caitlin detours a few steps to stop by a churro stand, and orders four of the oversized breadsticks before paying from her cute little clutch purse. "Anyone else want one?" she offers, looking over her shoulder.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "If you put it that way Jinx," Donna says with an amused smirk, "...wouldn't it be better they use their funds sponsoring us rather than to open sweatshops or whatever? I'm really the wrong person to ask about that kind of thing though. I mean my mom owns an entire country. Doesn't get much less egalitarian than hereditary royalty, right?"

    She eyes Caitlin with amusement then whispers in a stage aside to Jinx, "Never listen to Caitlin when it comes to team funding. Cait keeps out of that side of things. She has /no idea/. Most of them don't. The annual food budget is about what it costs to run the T-Jet for a single hour, but everyone's convinced it's our biggest expense. "

    Donna grins wide at Bart and slips a sisterly arm around his shoulders to give him a half-hug while Caitlin ruffles his hair. This is probably bullying or something. "How could you be intruding? You know you're always welcome. Let's get you some donuts /and/ ice cream. Just promise not to mention the ice cream to Irie. If she learns we went for ice cream without her, she'll never forgive me."

    "Mustard and goons," Donna confirms to Caitlin. "Really, I never understood the goons thing. Jinx, how does that even work? Is there like a rent-a-goon agency people go to? Where do they all /come/ from? And why are they all so dumb? I mean honestly for some of us, the goons really aren't... well, an issue. I'm more bothered by the condiment canon than the machine guns." She gestures with a bracer-covered wrist. "Can't deflect ketchup with these."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit at the two women, and will accept the food that is offered him, and says "Hey I go by and hit the recycle places to pay for most of my extra food." He admits "I have to make sure not to hit the same place to often though, know some folks depend on that money and don't want to hinder them. Last couple times, I have made sure to stop by and give part of what I get to people who need it."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx turns her head she's whispered to by Donna and stares at Cait. "Why are you telling me this?!" She turns around and glares at Donna and that big smile on her face. "Why are you being friendly to me Donna? I ruined your photogallery. Get angry! Be -angry-. I'm the villain remember?"

Jinx does not cope well with kindness. She's experienced so little of it in her life that she realises she's the one causing the scene here. People are staring. She points a finger out at them, "What are you fucks looking at?"

Some random kid starts crying and hugs his mothers leg and she gives Jinx an annoyed look. "Oh my fucking god.." She throws up her arms and storms off to the donut shop as reality clashes with her perception of reality and she realises just how wrong she is.

That she's breathing harder just goes to show how much this paranoia is getting to her. Bright sunny day. Nothing going wrong. No one out to get her. People being nice to her. Self sabotage is an art form she's mastered well. She's not usually the 'freak out in public' type but now it feels like peoples stares are closing in on her. She needs one of those breathing bags they have on planes.

The question of goons is on the tip of her tongue but it's not being answered as she stares at the large number of donut options. Back in England there was just 'donut' and 'cinnamon donut' and if you were lucky 'donut with caramel icing'. She thrusts a hand toward the board of options, "This.. THIS is why there are so many goons." Yep that totally makes sense.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin is studiously occupied with getting churros. So she doesn't react to Donna's HEARTLESS and MISINFORMED perspective about Caitlin's insights into the financials of the Titans funding.

Though truth be told, aside from the kitchens and the labs, the rest of it is a black hole for her.

When Jinx starts losing her temper, Caitlin exchanges a Look with Donna. It's just a beat before she moves to do a little damage control. She hunkers down (way down) in front of the little kid, making comforting noises and even offering one of the churros to his mom-- along with a little cartoon Titans Tower sticker.

It's Metropolis, after all. Just because no one's swarming them, doesn't mean no one's *noticed* the Titans.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna is entirely convinced that Caitlin thinks the swear jar actually makes a significant dent in the Titans' running costs. Despite the occasional fifty thrown in by Damian or Colette so they can swear as much as they like for /several minutes/, it does not. Nevertheless, Donna has THAT LITTLE respect for Caitlin's grasp of the Titans' finances.

    She's terrible, really.

    Donna exchanges that Look with Caitlin, and while Caitlin goes to implement damage control, Donna follows along behind Jinx to make sure no further damage is done. "C'mon," she says to Bart, nodding in the direction Jinx stormed off in. "Donuts. Churros. No need to worry about hitting the same place twice when I'm paying."

    "Donuts are why there are so many goons?" Donna asks Jinx calmly but with a slightly raised eyebrow. "I mean you could be right, we don't have donuts /or/ goons back home. But I don't honestly see the connection myself. "

    "Let me tell you something, Jinx. One of the TItans -- not going to say who -- used to be a villain. Your friend Harley has a guest pass to the Tower. I'm not really interested in what people did in the past. It's what they do in the present and in the future that matters. Yes, I'm disappointed that you ruined my exhibition. Being mad at you felt satisfying for a little while. But where does that get me now? If I picked you up and hurled you across the river into Gotham city, it wouldn't undo what was done. You're at least /trying/ to do something positive now. Something productive. I'm not going to be angry about that. Everyone deserves another chance."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will look about and while he wants to zoom off and get a toy to help Caitlin, he is in his normal clothes, and Donna is motioning him on so he trusts Caitlin to help, besides, she may have cookies in her pockets, Baked goods is one of Caitlin's powers or at least should be. He listens to the two Donna as she explains the whole thing to Jinx. "Look L.. Jinx, while it may take some folks a bit to look past your background, if your trying to fix things I am up for giving you your chance. Heck one of Wally's best friends used to be one of the Rogues, and now ... well eventually... Irie and her brother think of him like an uncle."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx leans against a table with a thin man wearing glasses sipping his chocolate milk shake and a half eaten donut in front of him. He slowly squeaks his chair backwards as Jinx just -takes his space-. She is having a minor panic attack especially when Donna starts telling her about second chances.

It's like she's fallen in to the twilight zone. Caitlin was literally giving a crying child a sticker and Bart - well Bart almost called her Lucky again. Oh yeah, she heard that.

She turns around and shakes her head at Bart and Donna, "You live in a fairy land. You want to know why there are so many people so desperate they'd work for a psychopath like Condiment King in Gotham? There's no jobs and the jobs you can get don't pay you enough to cover your rent and food - so there's no point taking a legit job. So they put themselves on the line and may be die, may be get real hurt by some careless do-gooder who thinks they're all in it to tear down Ma and Pa 2.3 kids with a suburban house."

"Life sucks and you're just tossing money about. You want to do some real good go wipe out the bank debts for low income earners." She motions to the door, "Yeah.. I didn't think so. I had nothing growing up. I sure as shit didn't have super models telling me I deserve a second chance." The donut customer gives up on his donut and backs away.

But Jinx's defences are crumbling and her shoulders are slumping. "I'm literally the unluckiest person on the damn planet if I don't toss it on to some other poor fucker. Nothing in life is fair- I don't.. understand why you don't see it. How you can put up with it every day and not try to fix anything." She taps a finger to her temple and then slumps, sitting down on the table.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"We do that," Caitlin says, with a tone of quiet resolution. She offers the last churro to the speedster and loosely folds her arms across her stomach with an attempt to not tower over the pink-haired young woman.

"We donate a lot to charities. Everyone does," she says, including Donna and Bart in that gesture. "Sometimes it's cash. Sometimes its food drives or cake contests. We've done youth outreach and community safety programs."

"My first apartment was a dingy little room illegally converted into a five-plex. I drove an old Volkswagon bug to get around. I was doing multiple college programs *and* working at a steel mill, on top of the Titan's stuff."

She exhales, then tucks her dress behind her knee and manages to squat down gracefully so her head is more on Jinx's level. "Some of us came from money. Some of us came from nothing. We all try to fix things not just to make things easier for us, but to make the world a better place for everyone else-- including you," she concludes.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna tilts her head. "I live in Themyscira. It may seem like fairy land to most people, but it's not. It's a country where nobody goes hungry and nobody is driven to criminality because they have no other choice. What's more, I even get to be a princess there and live in a palace. And on top of that I can fly. I don't age. I could get hit by a car and walk away without a bruise. So you know what? I'm lucky."

    Donna gives a shrug of her shoulders to Jinx. "I'm very well aware of that. I've often asked myself what kind of craziness meant I got to be this lucky. "

    She nods her head in Caitlin's direction. "When I first met Cait, I was staying at my sister's place in New York. Wonderful, big, comfortable apartment. I just wandered into the country and I could turn to her for anything I needed. I mean big sisters don't get much better than Diana. Lucky, see? Caitlin was just coming into her powers. She needed like six meals a day just to avoid starving, and she could barely pay for it by bending girders at a construction yard. Like she says... we came from different places. But we ended up in the same place, because in the end we believed in the same thing."

    "I can't end poverty, Jinx. We're not rich enough to do that. My country doesn't have poverty or exploitation because we're too smart for that. I hope that one day our influence can help to guide the world to a path closer to ours, but the money the Titans 'toss around' isn't going to fix that. But it does enable us to be Titans."

    "Like Cait says, we do charitable stuff. We believe in that. But we have no illusions that we're doing more than making the smallest dent. There are problems we /can/ solve though. A couple of years back, when you attacked the tower because of Doctor Light's 'when the cats are away' plan? You know where those 'cats' were? The Titans had just taken on a space ship the size of a moon, that was trying to conquer the Earth. Cait and I and two other Titans crashed another space ship into it to drive it away. We barely survived, and even then we got stuck inside a pocket universe for several months before we could get home. And it was totally worth it."

    "So yeah, we can't fix poverty. But sometimes, just sometimes, we can save the world and leave the possibility alive that one day poverty /will/ get fixed."

    Donna smiles slightly and gives a shrug, almost apologetic, and turns to Bart. "Spoilers!" she whispers to the speedster, with a wink.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Sorry with Irie it gets a little confusing, plus I did not say which Rogue it was, I mean there are like a dozen of them, so it could be most anyone." He at least does not say Piper's name. "And I know things get better, get worse, better and so on in the future. The time, I am from is decent, but it is run by a bad guy, and when he is taken out it gets better again, but then things are looked at on a more galactic scale."

Jinx has posed:
The guy with the milkshake is staring enough that Jinx picks up his plate and offers it to him, "Guy, just come and get your donut." He shakes his head, "Nuh uh, No way. Not after you gave that big speech about not having stuff and charity and the economy. I'm gunna go help at a food kitchen or something."

She stares blankly at him, "You too donut guy? You too?" She frowns and presses her lips together tightly. "I had such big ideas when I was at the top of my game. HIVE just.. made me think I could do anything I wanted and they'd back me."

She looks to Caitlin, Bart, and Donna. "But it was all lies. I was just being played like everybody else. Manipulated. I felt like a complete idiot. I could have wiped out debt, I could have helped cure resources, housed the homeless, medical care for all - you know? I could have done all that."

She shakes her head, "Valentines day I took Hawkeye to this party and we all paired off to get to know someone. I was paired off with Victor Von Doom." The joke has died inside her at this point. As funny as it was at the time. "He still thinks he's going to rule the world and fix all its problems - but it's impossible."

She peers at Bart for a moment, "Because all these best of intentions need other people to make them real and they will just ruin it. Someone will become greedy, then the person under them, and them, and soon the whole system is corrupt again. So I gave up. I was so angry at HIVE that I quit. I just couldn't let them mess with me like that once I'd realised what was happening."

She takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, "I'm just a sucker like everyone else."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen listens to Jinix, but as she talks and the other man leaves Bart gets this smile on his face like he knows something.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna flashes Bart one of her extra-wide smiles. "No problem," she says. "You and Irie are great about it really. It must be so hard to remember what you can and can't talk about. Just trying to help."

    Jinx gets a small nod. "Yeah. you were being used and manipulated," she agrees. "Because you were dealing with people who were telling you that you were going to benefit, when all they actually cared about was whether /they/ benefitted."

    "As for Doom... I don't know. Maybe he really does care about the world. Maybe he really does want to solve all the problems of the world. But I get the impression that if so, it's still ultimately really just caring about himself. Wanting everyone to look up to him, to praise his good deeds. Would he accept a solution to the world's problems that didn't at the same time grant him ultimate power? Probably not."

    "Maybe I need to take you to see Themyscira for yourself one day, Jinx. People don't have to become greedy, don't have to put themselves ahead of everyone else. We've managed it on Themyscira for over three thousand years, so I know it's possible."

    She nods her head in Bart's direction. "You heard him. Better, worse, better, worse, better. There are no quick fixes. That doesn't mean it can only get worse though. It just takes time. As far as I know, I'm going to have a lot of time. Don't say anything, Bart. But... I intend on spending that time trying to help make things get slowly better. Fighting the people who make it corrupt until there are none of them left. Until there's no imbalance that /encourages/ people to get greedy. They way it is at home."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Yea, inspiring people to help people is one of the ways you can be a hero." His eyes looking over to where the guy is leaving to go help folks. "Um may I ask something, and this is an honest question not future knowledge, not being a smart ass, or anything like that an honest question.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx puts her face in her hands a moment, then eats the guys left over donut. The teenager behind the ordering desk is leaning forward as if this were the best soap opera she's ever seen. "I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I just don't want to get dead. I did some bad shit, I know that. I probably deserve to go back to jail but they'd just kill me if I did."

She sighs and pauses - was that guy really going to go off and do good things because of words she said? Why is Bart giving her a cheesy grin. "Uh. Yeah. Go ahead and ask." The teenager behind the ordering desk half slips and says, "YEAH ASK!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I'd say you're trying to find a new path for yourself Jinx," Donna says. "You don't know what that path is yet, but you figured out the one you were on before wasn't taking you in the right direction. It's a first step. Sometimes going backwards is the only way you can find a way forwards."

    Donna smirks at the over-excited teenaged donut seller, who's clearly getting far too invested in this conversation. If only she'd thought to pull her camera out, she could probably go viral. "You heard her," Donna says to Bart with an encouraging grin. "Ask!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "You say bad stuff happens, and you have to shed it off, but have you ever thought maybe good stuff happens to, and you maybe able to direct it to? I mean good and bad it all is sorta Karma and such right, two sides of the same coin. Sorta like positive and negative energy, and maybe both are inside you, but you have to figure out which one you want to use and how to use them. Maybe at times using both, but following what you want to be or even what ya feel ya should be. If you want to be a hero, or just a normal person, we can tell ya all the things but it is you who have to decide what you want to be and what you want your life to be." As he speaks of the two sides of the coin, Bart is more stoic than most have seen him, like somehow he feel this part of the conversation personally.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx looks at Bart's eyes searchingly. He's from the future. He knows stuff. Is he trying to tell her that she has the power of good and bad luck inside her all along and alls she has to do is want it? that's some fairy tale shit right there. She can feel herself closing off again at the very idea.

Condiment King backs out of the bathroom door butt first as he screws on the cap to a mustard container. He turns and sees Donna Troy and Bart having a close slightly heated discussion with none other than Jinx. He turns around and slides back in to the bathroom before the door can shut.

"Are you just messing with my mind or what?" Jinx asks defensively and slides off the table. "I ain't no mug fastpants. I get nothing but bad luck my whole life and you don't think I haven't wished it wasn't the other way 'round? Nah mate. It's a curse. I'm proper fucked."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna raises an eyebrow at Bart in speculative contemplation. Bart can be very insightful even when he's not channeling future knowledge. On the other hand there's also the future knowledge thing. Donna would of course /never/ ask which it was. Anyone has to be curious, but Donna at least has always been very rigorous about /not/ asking Bart or Irie about future events.

    "Maybe it's not about wishing," she suggest to Jinx. "Maybe it's about doing. He did say Karma, after all. If you've never had anything but bad luck, maybe that's because you've never figured out what you have to do for that good luck."

    "On the other hand," Donna continues as she starts handing over cash to the donuteer to pay for everyone's donuts. "The way I see it, right now you've got a get out of jail free card, you've got a really nice place to live, you've got the Titans protecting you if any of your villainous friends come looking for you, and you've got the chance for once in your life to make an actual positive difference in the world. Which given how often you talk about people suffering in poverty, I'd suggest you care more about that you'd like to admit to your former friends. Maybe your luck finally changed?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs a bit and says "I have always been told about the power of belief. I grew up in a world that was not real, and for a long time (At least to him), I treated the world out here like it was not real. I mean I helped people and all, but it was more like just a game. Took some things happening for me to get a few things through my head. I realized a lot of folks only saw me as a joke, and while some still do, I know the ones who count see me as more. I know what we do has effects, it is not just run into the building bonk all the bad guys and get the high score. And I know change is hard, it took me being shot and stuck in a bed" He does not mention it was less than a day. "Before I realized I needed to know more about the world, and make the change in me, I wanted others to see.

Jinx has posed:
The weird thing is, Jinx has been doubting the whole bad luck thing herself lately. She hitch hikes away from werewolves who want her dead with the only bounty hunter in the world who wouldn't turn her in - and didn't. She kills a shapeshifter in a road house and instead of the cops arresting her the patrons buy her and Harley free drinks. She runs in to the Titans and instead of getting a face full of fist she gets put up in the Titan's tower. She goes to steal from the Hellfire club and instead gets hired by its owner. Ever since she decided to go her own way and avoid using her bad luck on people this weird negative affect has been making itself known. Subtle, too subtle, but a niggling little voice in the back of her head.

"Naaah you two are just fucking with me. I go and be all open and shit about my past and now you're trying to convince me I'm good news for those with the blues." She starts walking to the door and taps a finger to her nose, "You almost had me.." She points a finger with each hand at Bart and Donna and then does finger eyes to Caitlin. "Can't pull a fast one on me."

Denial is easier than confronting a change of self identity on such a massive scale it might just break her.

She pushes out of the doors and turns around to a news van parked there and a news crew. Word of the Titans having a stroll on the boardwalk did finally make it to the tabloids. She comes face to face with the news anchor. A woman in a professional suit and carrying a microphone. But they're both too gobsmacked to say anything - the news anchor worriedly thinking she's just come face to face with a supervillain and Jinx realising she's just come face to face with -publicity-. She turns around and walks back in to the donut shop. "Hey on second thought - why don't ya'll go do your hero posing thing for the cameras and I'll sneak out the back."