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Latest revision as of 02:58, 18 April 2023

The invasion of little Franklin.
Date of Scene: 17 April 2023
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Day saved, kid Franklin returns home.
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Freddy Freeman, Julie Power, Jon Kent

Franklin Richards has posed:
As Franklin wakes up happy that he was able to meet the group he just couldn't get around that deja vu feeling. All day he just felt something was familler, but as he took the turn walking into a dark alley around Midtown he steps on a poor cat's tail. The shock brings back the memory, as he looks up into the sky with a worried frown was it that time already, and called the people he had just met. To him it started making more sense on why he had trusted them so much before, but for now he didn't think about this.

"Hey this is Franklin... I need your help. I am in Midtown... And well things are about to get... umm... crazy. Come ready for a fight."Hanging up he starts to move more to where he thinks it starts as he assumes they could find him. He knew he would find it eventually as he had before... when it started.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
"Oh man, Imma eat the hell out of this sandwich!" Freddy says to himself as he sits down at the picnic table in the back yard. He has leftovers piled high and deep on two huge slices of deli rye. Then the call for help comes in and his expression drops. "What, no, no, no, this is a prank right?" he says as he stands up from the table. With his face up toward the sky, he closes his eyes and says the word: "SHAZAM!"

Moments later, a blue streak is flying over midtown in search of Franklin as some extremely happy squirrels and a couple of crows close in on the abandoned sandwich.

Julie Power has posed:
When the Phone ofJulie power went off, the screen tells Tattletale. "Franklin Franklin Franklin. You know very well that the definition of Crazy for us is somewhere beyond rainbow-space-horses and negative dimension shenanigans. Just fill me in when I am there." And... Off she is from where she was, trailing a rainbow through half the town. There was *some* benefit to being a known heroine (and having a costume from elsewhere): people did not overly object to someone passing over the roads at a cruise speed that would get you ticketed in a car.

The Blue Streak of Freddy is joined by the rainbow of Lightspeed as it arches in on midtown. "Hey, Did Franklin call you too?"

Jon Kent has posed:

Jon /heard/ Franklin from the other part of the world. Superboy was en route! On his way to Midtown, he flies straight through the skies like a red and blue blur, finding himself flying next to Pantheon and Julie Power! "Were you guys called too?" He asks curiously, looking between the pair of them.

"Any idea what Franklin was talking about?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin stops, and senses it as his power starts to focus, and at the same time he also sees the three flying together, and waves yelling something. Being a bit far off he is waving his hands at Freddy just yelling. As he gets closer enough to hear he would be heard to yell "Don't Fly!" as loud as he can, as from behind one of the buildings a hazy portal opens, and out if it is flying several extremly large Pterodactyls had flew through and had already spotted the two with the large rainbow and thought it would be a nice snack! Franklin was trying to warn him waving his arms yelling, as the ground shakes as one of those portals open on the street

"I hate this part!" the ground shakes as a T-Rex walks out of a large portal in the middle of the street, and roaring so loud it breaks windows. On the back is a little boy that would look very familer, as he was dressed like a cowboy with little pop-guns he rode his pal Rex. The reason Franklin remembered this is because it was him.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Pantheon nods once to Lightspeed as he scans the ground for signs of trouble. "Yeah, and that dude strikes me as the type who *never* calls for backup." Then Superboy arrives. "Hey, SB," Pantheon murmurs, still scanning the ground visually. Pantheon seems relieved at the arrival of the two heavy hitters. His body language and facial expression relax.

Seeing the waving Franklin, Pantheon points. "He's right th..." Then his head snaps in the direction of the portal and the flying dinosaurs. "Oh shit," he murmurs.

Taking a cue from Thunderbolt's approach a few days earlier with the sea monster, Pantheon sets a determined look on his face and rockets at super speed toward the nearest pterodactyl. Easily breaking the sound barrier, some windows shatter out near his flight path. He's going to knock that flying fossil back into the epoch in which it belongs, by the gods!

Julie Power has posed:
Franklin found, Lightspeed first wants to dart to him, but then, the indication to not fly manages to filter through, together with the danger of the flier. Phantheon is going for it fater than she can though, and so she darts left with a little gesture for Jon to cover the other angle - and then draw to assist Freddy somewhat more slowly. Sound barrier or not, at the short distance adding a good smack at racecar speed would still hurt, especially if it was alread head on with another. "Flier first, then we make sure... To call for a transport to the savage lands?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Hey Pantheon." Jon remarks with a smile on his face, before he's looking ahead. A look of surprise crosses his features. "Dinosaurs? What the..." Then he sees a little boy on the back of a T-Rex that looks a lot like...Franklin.

That's....so strange.

He proceeds to nod at Julie, darting to the right after Julie's words, coming down low to try and grab a Pterodactyl before it can pick someone else off the ground! Instead of punching it, Jon tries to quite literally throw it back through the portal from whence it came!

He looks at the T-Rex.

"Easy big guy..."

Franklin Richards has posed:
As the first flying dino was hit as Freddy just dodges the mouth to hit the torso on a downward angle, and it falls luckly landing in the middle of a road on the ground in a pile just throwing up dirt as it makes a divit it hit with so much force. Still Freddy would notice when he hit it that it felt... softer then normal. There wasn't bones it felt more like hitting a constructed copy of someone who doesn't know anatoanatomy of a dinosaur. Though as the knocked down one is stunned on the ground as the impact still seemed to work. The others look at where Pantheon stopped and squack loudly at him as they are now trying to fly at just him instead.

Down on the ground Franklin holds his hands up. "Hey budy don't you reconise me?" calling out the the Dino-riding Franklin. Jon would also realise that hitting it feels were as there was no crunching as it is flung back into the portal to dissapears in a pop like the ballon couldn't hold a dust of sparkle raining down from the spot.

Arriving down where Franklin is the young adult one whispers over to Jon. "Do not tank a shot from those pistols." he warns as he isn't sure what would happen though knew it wouldn't be good. As he is talking the T-Rex charges forward. Not really at anyone just forward as Franklin was getting tired of sitting still. Finally the one Julie hitting one at Racecar speeds does also take care of one, but the one she hit seems to be alright after it catches itself right before it hits the ground. The little Fanklin smiling as he gives a "Wheee! Oh hey look its me! Hi Me!" waving as he was just having fun not really realising what he is doing.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
With a mildly smug look on his face (a 5.3 on the Smugosity Scale), Pantheon points at the pterodactyl. "And stay down!" Still grinning a bit, Pantheon turns to his teammates. "Did you guys see that? I punched out...BLERK!" Just like that, the hovering Pantheon is instantly swallowed by another pterodactyl!

Letting out a triumphant <<whatever sound pterodactyls make>>, the flying creature circles back around to see what other morsels it can find. But suddenly the monster is having trouble keeping a smooth flightpath. Bulges suddenly start appearing randomly around the creature's body. It almost looks like any cartoon where any creature swallows a main character. It's almost as if Pantheon is attempting to punch his way out and the body of the dinosaur is made of...rubber? Some other kind of non-organic substance? If not for the fact that Pantheon was just swallowed by a huge flying dinosaur, it would otherwise be quick comical!

Julie Power has posed:
With Freddy taking care of another flying, and Jon gpong for the T-Rex... Julie hovers a moment before taking a dive too. While the Pantheon was swallowed, she dove down to behind Franklin, and then darting past the shorter Franklin, hands reaching for those blaster pistols and sharign her velocity with them,... or rather: taking them right out of little Franklins hands, if he didn't hold fast onto them or taking the short one on a tour if he did. "Carefull where you point those, Tattletale."

Jon Kent has posed:
Superboy finds that the pterodactyles have no bones. No nothing. Nothing crunching, nothing tensing...nothing. "What the..." He looks around. "They have no substance! Is this not real?" He looks at Franklin. "Franklin, a little more information here?" He asks curiously, before he looks at the T-Rex and nodding softly. "Understood...don't stand in front of his pistols."

His eyes slowly start glowing red, before he reconsiders it and his eyes return to normal. Heat vision here would be a terrible idea. As the T-Rex starts to charge, Superboy leaps into the air to catch the T-Rex, trying to slow it's advance and charge.

He turns his eyes to Freddy. "Pantheon!" He calls out.

Franklin Richards has posed:
As one swallows Freddy it weaves back, and forth the person being inside was not good for it as it was the person inside as it seems to sail wide now falling a bit as the extra weight, and the multitude of punches shifting weight as it wildly flies. Then as it wildly flies just brushing the portal with a wing as it pops as well Freddy getting covered in the same glittery substance as now with nothing holding him if he doesn't start flying he would fall back down to the earth.

As Julie reaches for the gun she might be able to read the inscribition that if the one holds it is him.. He is Franklin! As his current ages hero is Thor, which means a couple of things happen as she grabs the gun to yank it away. First the other Franklin is yelling, "Nooo!" as he doesn't see her till too late. The kid one would frown becoming upset at Julie! "No Touching!" and a large thunderstrike hits just inches away from Julie. The gun weight is unimaginable as the pull to the earth would just increase to Tons though when it hits it disapears into a dust as she had removed at least one of his guns. The ozone smelling the air, as his eyes are starting to glow blue as the young Franklin looks at her. She would hear whispers of other Julie's though different times though each different from her slowly at first it would pick up all over each other until it stops as the T-Rex forcing his attention off of her.

Franklin explains, "They are constructed beings.. They act like real, but are only as real as I make them.. It seems the portal has some reaction." he looks up at Franklin, and up to Julie. "Hold on a little more." as as quickly as it starts everyone would hear a loud "Franklin!" in Sue Richards voice from the sky. With an "Awe... " he looks at the others, and points at his eyes then at Julie as he turns around witht the T-Rex. With a single wave of his kid hand the pieces broken float up, the cars un-dent, and pieces of broken road, etc, fly through the air around them fastening back into its original spot.

Around them the dino's left start to pop one after each other as the portals close.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
There is a moment of confusion as, from Pantheon's perspective, the pterodactyl that swallowed him simply vanishes. He immediately starts to free fall as he attempts to put the pieces together. "What that heck just happened?" he inquires rhetorically. As he plummets, his gaze falls on his teammates below attempting to deal with the remaining monsters. He immediately takes control of his fall and flies toward them at stop speed.

But as quickly as the ruckus started, it seems to be ending in a most reality-bending manner. <<They were all the created constructs of a god-child>> the Wisdom of Solomon tells him in his head as he alights gently on the ground.

"Franklin," Pantheon says, his tone of voice dripping with incredulity. "Did you spike the punch, buddy?"

Jon Kent has posed:
The Dinosaurs start to 'pop' out of existence left and right, Jon's attention shifting to the heavens when he hears the voice of Susan Richards calling her son back to his home time. He looks visually confused. Jon keeps his work going with the T-Rex for al ong moment, before thngs are happening.

"That was....strange."

Though a Freddy suddenly lands on him! Jon tries to buckle his knees so he can help break his fall.

"God child?"

He turns his attention to Franklin. "...you?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
As it all works out today Freddy, Job, and Franklin chat about how constructs are not real only 'solid' illusions. The city fixes itself, and everyone goes home. The world has been 'saved' though this time the problem was resolved without too much violence. No-one was hurt, and the problem is gone with Franklin apologising, explaining how his kid self went to the future, and this was that future so it was going to happen, and would happen again as next time he visited.

With a thanks Franklin assured he would call again soon letting everyone get back to what they were doing.